• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,133 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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Cruelty And Grace

Spark Storm smiled as he bounced out the door. He'd made so many new friends today! He wasn't completely sure what he'd expected when he'd walked into that classroom, but finding a room full of the nicest ponies wasn't it. Well...mostly nice ponies.

Three of the ponies that introduced themselves that day bugged him. Trixie was too loud, Mint was too dumb, and River was too snobby. Even his eyes were better than you,and they'd waste no time in telling you that with just a glance.

Waving goodbye to Ditzy when her parents came to get her, he hopped to the middle classroom to wait for his sister to get out of class. He had just been waiting for two minutes when he felt a twinge of panic, and a need to turn around. Approaching him was Righteous River, with Mint Bank towing the line.

Spark thought fretfully for a moment to find something, anything to look at besides the two ponies. However, his snobby classmate wasn't buying it. "Well hey there, 'sparkler'." River walked with a practiced swagger, pacing slowly back and forth in a slow circle before the Pegasus.

"It's Spark Storm," Spark grumbled with a glare. The Pegasi's glare duly noted and duly ignored, River continued with his vulgar dialogue. "Fun first day?" He ignored Spark as he opened his mouth to say something and pressed on. "One learns so much in class. Like...different races of pony."

It was obvious that River came from a prestegious upbringing. He made no effort whatsoever to display modesty about that fact. "For instant, did you know that most Pegasi have the ability to fly, even at a young age?" This little tidbit actually caught Spark's attention. Cherry Joy hadn't really gone over this with him. He had just assumed that he'd learn to fly one day when he was older.

"Well...so?" Spark held his head high with pride. If there was one thing that he took absolute pride in, it was his wings, and it showed. He ruffled his big, shiny feathers. The fact that he took time out of his day to preen was evident. His feathers were the perfect picture of fussed-over perfection.

"I'll learn someday. And then I'll fly rings around the Wonderbolts and show them - AND you - just what I can do!" This is what River was waiting for. "Well...There might be a teensy little problem there." River stepped closer with a pretend look of sympathy. He lifted a hoof to indicate Spark's wings, "If I may?"

Spark frowned deeper than he was before, but he made no indication for River to stay away. River took the hint and lightly took one of Spark's wings in his hooves. "You see how your wings are bent this way? Did you notice the way derpy's wings were bent the other way? Or Milky's?"

The 'derpy' was not lost on Spark Storm. He pulled his wing roughly away, tucking it against his back. "I'm sure you meant Ditzy. And what about their wings?"

"Ditzy. Was that it? Whatever." River waggled a hoof dismissively. "My point is, Spark, you won't fly." He let his words sink in for a moment before he leaned in to whisper harshly, "Ever."

A soft 'ahem' broke the silence that Spark Storm was sinking into. He looked to see who had cleared their throat, only to be taken aback by the sight before him. Standing there was a brilliantly white Pegasus he'd ever seen. Even Milky Way looked muddy compared to her brilliant white coat. Her two-toned mane made him think of the brightest skies.

River turned to look at the new filly with distaste. "Do you mind?" he inquired over his nose at her. "I'm trying to educate my friend here."

The filly, who looked to be a year older than the three standing there, wore a determined frown. "Educating? Looks more like bullying to me!" She stepped closer, her wings flaring aggressively.

Spark Storm, who was still too shocked at River's revelation, stood stock still as the snotty Earth pony turned to the intruding Pegasus. "Whatever. It's none of your business. Please, run along or I'll have to have Mint here escort you away. Roughly." He accented 'Mint' with a nudge to the ribs. Mint glanced up from staring at the wall to look from River to the new pony. "Ooooh" he cooed, and grinned the same way a cruel child approaches an ant hill. "Shiny."

"Oh, he's welcome to try." She challenged, a gentle smirk gracing her lips. She flapped her wings twice before folding them gracefully against her back. Spark quietly noticed how her wings seemed to move much differently than his did.

Mint grinned as he moved closer to the Pegasus, each step accented with a stomp. "Ahuh huh huh. I sure hope you can dance, girly." His query smirked gently. Her mother told her that she would grow up to be a model, and she certainly had the coloring and graceful movements to be one of the best. But oh, how her mother was wrong.

She danced. She spun around on her hind legs, her wings flaring and flapping to assist in the unusual movement. Taken aback by the sudden graceful movements, Mint was completely unprepared as she grabbed one of his front hooves and pulled him into her spin. Being forced to mimic her movements, she danced him into a top spin. She released him and let centrifugal force do the rest.

The big mint Earth pony spun and spun on a hind hoof until he slammed face first into the wall and promptly fell onto his rump. Too dizzy to even think of retaliating, Mint fell onto his back and laid there, eagerly waiting for the sky to stop spinning.

The Pegasus ended her dance and then dipped into a curtsey so graceful that Celestia herself would be hard-pressed to mimic. She then released a decidedly unlady-like snort at River, who had watched with detached fascination. She trotted past him and gently laid a hoof on Spark Storm's shoulder. He gasped as if pricked, his eyes suddenly on her. He looked so sad.

"Don't listen to them." Her voice rang clear as a bell. "If someone told you you're special, then never stop believing that. Don't let anyone ever tell you any different." Spark Storm's eyes began to fill with tears. He was finally beginning to feel the effects of River's blunt explanation.

"But...my wings. What if I never learn to fly?" He lowered himself to the ground, his trembling body unable to carry his meager weight anymore. Snow white fur, deeply contrasting with midnight blue, she gently scooped Spark up against her tummy to rest his head on her knees. He balled up, despair clutching at his tiny frame.

River watched this with a bemused expression until he felt a shadow looming over him. He turned to see a furious Cheerilee, her eyes boring down on him. He backed away from her cautiously, until she extended a hoof into town, indicating that she desired his departure. He eagerly accepted her silent dismissal. He knew better than to mess with a 4th grader.

Cheerilee turned to watch the two foals. Her eyes had started to fill with tears at Spark Storm's question. How did one answer a question like that? The answer shocked her, and Spark Storm. "So. It doesn't matter. Wings don't make a Pegasus, same as a horn doesn't make a Unicorn. You can be whatever you want to be, and no bully can tell you different. You're the only pony who can tell you who you are."

Spark Storm stopped trembling. He still cried, but it wasn't from despair anymore.