• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 6,345 Views, 1,704 Comments

This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 53 - We’ll Be There

Unknown location, Atlantic Ocean

6:28 p.m.

The Raft prison sat in the middle of the ocean. Like a bulbous stone that erected amongst the waves, the Raft remained above the waters. The late afternoon sun poured across the ocean’s surface, hitting the Raft in a soft, orange glow. Its doors remained open, not a sound and not a movement found within the mighty prison. The waves slapped against its sides.

Inside the dark and the light, limp bodies remained scattered throughout the prison’s complex. On the landing pad, other than the Quinjet resting on its surface, the two armed guards were facedown, sprawled out, guns out of their reach and broken. It didn’t get any better from then on. The hallways were filled with broken bodies, all still alive but beyond the point of fighting back. The control room’s doors were forcefully shoved open, flickering lights and shattered computers remaining inside.

As if the outside was bad, within the control room of the Raft, things took a far different turn. One would not be able to move across the floor without stepping on a body or a gun. They remained tangled, lying on top of each other, lying on the control panels, every single one of them knocked out. The lights above flickered on and off. The computers did the same, some with screens that were cracked, completely shattered, or held a simple message that read in big red letters: “INFECTION UPLOADED. DATA SECURED.”

A metal hand reached for one of the control panels, yanking out the USB flash drive that was placed there earlier. The message vanished from each computer screen, the metal hand pocketing the flash drive away and moving on.

Beyond the control room, two figures forcefully pushed the doors aside and stepped within the cellblock. They earned the attention of every inmate, their eyes narrowing within the darkness that filled the cellblock to catch a glimpse of who was stepping inside. Clint Barton and Scott Lang both stood up from where they lied, palms pressed against the glass, watching as one of the figures came near Wanda Maximoff’s cell. She weakly looked back, back pressed against the glass, her weak eyes staring at the towering figure and his metal arm standing behind her.

The second figure strode forward. Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike all watched the man cast in shadows approach Sam Wilson’s cells. And Sam, keeping his face to the opposite wall, slowly turned around, arms crossed, smile growing, finally seeing the man he had been waiting for.

The man stepped out of the shadows, revealing none other than Steve Rogers.

He mirrored Sam’s smile as he reached for the cell’s door, twisting the handle and yanking it forward. To the mares’ and dragon’s surprise, the door opened as if it were never locked. Steve backed away from the swinging door, allowing Sam to stroll out of his cell. The two shared a quick fist bump before moving on to the other cells. Sam opened Pinkie’s and Spike’s while Steve came to Fluttershy’s cell, opening the door for the pony.

He almost wasn’t ready for the Pegasus when she practically tackled him in a hug. Steve remained where he was though, feeling the Pegasus quiver and grip onto him even tighter. He gently patted her backside, whispering words of comfort and assurance to her. Setting the Pegasus down so she could embrace her other friends, Steve stepped to the cell near her, opening the door and staring at its occupant.

The Daredevil stared blankly outside, his head and gaze directed towards Steve’s way. He heard his voice, saw him hold out his hand to him, to which he took. Steve yanked him up off the bench, still gripping his hand, shaking it tightly, and offering a smile and a strong “thank you” for everything he had done. He said that without his help, they would’ve never got as far as they did. He risked his life, his safety, and his identity to help them, even when he didn’t need to. Steve couldn’t have thanked him more.

Matt just smiled and nodded. His smile grew even bigger, a sigh of relief escaping him when Rogers informed him of the virus they had uploaded into the Raft’s computer systems. It meant that everything they had, or tried to have, on Matt was either erased or stolen. Including his facial identity.

It was Matt’s turn to say “thank you”.

Both Steve and Matt turned back to the rest of the group, more specifically, to Bucky Barnes. He stood ripping off Wanda’s restraints, Clint and Scott standing near him. Sam, the ponies, and Spike all waited for Steve, all smiling to him, all waiting for what would come next. Then they looked back, passed Rogers and onto the last occupant still in his cell.

Steve and Matt turned around accordingly. They all stared at Frank Castle.

The Punisher remained where he was, lying on the bench with his eyes watching Steve and his team nearly ready to make their escape. The longer they stared, the longer they stayed, the quicker he didn’t, looking back up to the ceiling of his cell. Steve snorted in response to that, spinning back to meet his team and make their escape. Except he didn’t.

Steve felt a palm rest on his shoulder, his eyes shifting back to meet the Daredevil’s gaze. He listened closely as the Daredevil began to explain. He said he could help him, he could bring him back and let all of this be behind them. Because despite everything that happened, Castle still saved his life back in Hell’s Kitchen. That meant something.

With great trepidation, Steve finally convinced himself and the others to step aside. He nodded to Matt. The Daredevil nodded back, pulling the cell’s door open for Castle. Looking up, Frank watched Matt pull his cell door open, telling him they were all leaving. At first, Castle just chuckled the idea aside how they could even trust him again. Matt said he didn’t. None of them did. They just needed to go home.

He sat up, stared at them all as if they were nuts. They probably were. He probably was. Frank Castle stepped out of his cell, his gaze first and foremost landing on Barnes.

The two’s gazes locked for a brief and powerful second, both men pausing, both men glaring. Frank clenched his fists. Barnes tensed up, doing just the same. Their confrontation, despite the fire growing, did not last long. The flame was doused once Matt stepped in front of Castle, blocking his view of Barnes and finding only the blank but furious stare of the Daredevil. He wasn’t the only one.

The Falcon, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, and Steve Rogers all slowly shifted their stance to stand between Barnes and Castle, all of their glares burning against the Punisher. He glared right on back, his deathly stare holding well against the others’. He could easily charge forward, driving his fist into Murdock and Rogers, and moving on from there. Closer to Barnes to finish his mission.

That’s what he wanted to believe, anyway.

He knew that wouldn’t happen.

They were the Avengers, he was a soldier. They had saved the world from aliens, robots, and whatever the hell else, and he had only dealt with thugs and mobsters. Despite all of his training, all of the hell he had been through that shaped him into the stone-cold killer and fighter that he was, he knew there was only one way out of here on this damn prison in the middle of the ocean.

With them.

So, he kept himself in line, nodded their way, and followed the Avengers out of the prison. They stopped in the control room a moment longer, Daredevil speaking to Rogers and Barnes, to which both nodded and cast a quick glance to Castle. Castle watched as both Rogers and Barnes walked to the control panel, inserted the flash drive once more, and began to type. Castle turned to the large computer screens, watching as images of him suddenly vanished. Gone. Leaving just a message that read, “DATA SECURED.” They took out the flash drive and left, Castle eventually trailing them. Even as he stepped inside the Quinjet with everyone else, he did nothing but glare at Barnes, at the Winter Soldier sitting across from him.

Well, he did one other thing.

“Hey, Barnes,” he said. Bucky turned his way, his gaze shifting away from the closing ramp and onto the Punisher sitting across from him. Castle just smiled his way.

Smiled and growled, “This isn’t over.”

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