• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 6,345 Views, 1,704 Comments

This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 13 - The Accords

Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility, Conference Room B

3:27 p.m.

“Five years ago, I had a heart attack and dropped right in the middle of my backswing. Turned out it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something forty years in the Army had never taught me: Perspective.”

The Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross, could be heard right outside the conference room’s door. Tony Stark opened said door, both for himself and for Twilight Sparkle. The moment they entered, Twilight took notice to her surroundings. The large table rested directly ahead of her, its occupants being Natasha Romanoff, James Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Vision.

Several other chairs were pulled up, making everyone appear somewhat scrunched together. The remainder of Twilight’s friends; Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer resided and surrounded the table with the other Avengers. Standing in front of the table was a well-dressed individual, graying hair and a face that radiated authority. It must have been the Secretary of State, Twilight thought. A security guard was with him, adding to that thought.

Upon their entry, everyone turned their attention to the door, spotting Stark and Twilight. As Tony closed the door behind them, Twilight stopped in her tracks, her gaze turning to the Secretary of State. He smiled to her, yet his eyes told a different tale.

Twilight kept that in mind. He said, “Princess Twilight, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Secretary Ross didn’t offer his hand, just a nod and a shift of attention to the remaining seat directly ahead of him. Twilight tried to smile back, but ended up only nodding and approaching the last seat. She didn’t know why, but the atmosphere and the overall mood of the current setting didn’t bode well with her. None of her friends were smiling, neither were the Avengers. Starlight was practically sweating.

She remained on edge even as she took her seat. Displayed in front of her were a few glass pitchers filled with water, several glass cups waiting to be taken. Hardly anyone had touched them, their attention slowly returning to Secretary Ross after Twilight had taken her seat. Twilight looked around, noticed all of her friends, all except for Tony.

He walked right on behind her, taking a seat at the corner of the room, away from the table. He leaned back, crossed his arms, and waited.

Twilight’s brow furrowed at his actions, a series of questions arising in her mind. They paused for the moment after Secretary Ross’ voice broke over the continued silence.

“The President sends his regards to your safety, Princess,” Ross stated, earning Twilight’s attention back forward. “Let it be known that everyone at Washington is sorry for everything. No one could have predicted what would have happened that day.”

A vivid reminder of choking on tear gas flooded her memories, her eyes practically burning at the thought. Twilight stuffed those memories away, nodding to Secretary Ross. “Thank you,” she said. “I guess all I would really like to know now is what exactly you are doing here, Secretary.”

Noticing her eyes shift over to his security officer to his left, Ross smiled and said, “I was just about to get into that, Princess Twilight. And now that everyone is in attendance,” he looked to Stark, then to Starlight and Wanda, “… we can begin.”

Starlight gently exhaled silently, her body shivering. The woman sitting next to her, Wanda, seemed a tad calmer compared to the unicorn. Though no one could deny the worry in her eyes, rich as anyone else in the room sharing her same concerns.

Ross straightened himself, confident everyone was turned in his direction, listening closely. They had better. He said, “The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, bled for us, protected us, risked your lives. And while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some… who would prefer the word ‘vigilantes’.”

“What word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asked.

“How about ‘dangerous’?” Ross shot back at her, earning a humorous and mysterious smile from the Widow. “What would you call a group of US-based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose, and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”

“Hey, wait a minute,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, practically rising out of her seat. Several Avengers turned her way, Rarity and Applejack shot her a pair of death glares. Ross seemed quite interested, falling silent to let her continue.

Rainbow gladly obliged. “If you’re talking about Lagos, then if it wasn’t for the Avengers, many more people would have died. That Crossbones jerk would have gotten away with Twilight and that chemical virus if we didn’t get in there as a team and stop them.”

Rainbow smacked her hoof into the solid oak table, causing Twilight to gasp. “Say what you want about them, Ross, but the Avengers are heroes. Period.”

Surprisingly enough, Ross didn’t react as much as Twilight or her friends had to Rainbow’s remark. He calmly, collectively replied, saying, “And what about the eleven Wakandans who died because of said ‘hero’ and one of your friends, Miss Dash? Do they get a say in the matter? Do they get to decide if the Avengers are heroes or not?”

Dash was caught with her tongue between her teeth, not knowing quite what to reply with. Secretary Ross, whoever he was, was good. Really good. If she wanted to counter this guy’s arguments she needed to work harder.

Ross continued, tapping the table below him. “Actions speak louder than words, Miss Dash,” he said. “And the actions of the Avengers… and you equines, as well, speak pretty damn loud and pretty damn disheartening.”

After a moment of thought, Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly felt herself being yanked downwards by an unknown force. Looking down, Dash spotted the violet aura around her waist, her eyes tracing over to see Twilight’s horn aglow.

“Mr. Secretary, I apologize for my friend here. Rainbow Dash has been known to be a little… extreme at times,” Twilight explained. Across the table, Rainbow shot the Alicorn a look that could kill, though Twilight didn’t even turn in her direction. “Also, I believe I speak for myself and all my friends when I say we apologize for the travesties that occurred, both in Washington and in Lagos.”

“That’s right,” Starlight added, her voice cracking at the end, completely falling silent once Secretary Ross turned to her.

Twilight released her grip around Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus cursing under her breath. Twilight only narrowed her gaze forward, passed her difficult friend and kept it on the Secretary of State.

Ross caught her eyes. He lowered his head, saying, “Princess Twilight, since you and your friends are visitors—ambassadors—to our world, it would make sense that you do not seem to understand the severity of the situation you’ve all found yourselves in.”

He picked up his head, his gaze far more serious than previously seen. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse, almost weary. “People have died… because of the decisions one of your friends have made. Before either you or Stark had arrived, she informed me just how sorry she was for this, how she had no idea of the civilians present in the building prior, and that she only did so to protect her friends… and her captain.”

“That a girl,” Stark whispered.

Ross began to walk to the left of the table, pausing at the end of it, stopping directly in front of a certain pink unicorn. Starlight tried to maintain eye contact for as long as she could, the man’s gaze breaking right through her wounded one.

“And she’s very lucky she’s not being sent to a federal prison,” Ross stated, the tone of his voice wading on thin ice. Starlight finally broke away, looking down in shame. Ross returned to where he previously stood. “Instead, she will be joining Princess Twilight on a trip to the upcoming UN meeting in Vienna to personally apologize to the King of Wakanda himself. It was in the king’s good heart that he wished to speak with her… that is if it works well for both the princess and her student.”

Twilight caught his gaze, nodding. “Absolutely,” she replied.

Ross turned back to Starlight, seeing her nod quickly in response. Not like she had much of a choice. “Definitely,” Starlight said.

Pleased with that, Secretary Ross continued. “Now then, I can see your glare from a mile away, Miss Dash, and I think I know exactly what you’re thinking.”

Rainbow Dash’s response was a solid snort, forelegs crossing over one another. Ross said, “The Avengers have done well to help you, your friends, and your world against Ultron. You still consider them heroes and there’s not a damn word I can say to change your mind. But let’s not forget the man responsible for the creation of Ultron, the man who seems to be in the center of every conversation, of every problem…”

He looked up, passed Rainbow and onto the man sitting behind her. Many others followed, all of their eyes landing on Tony Stark. He barely met any of their gazes, his crestfallen expression returning to the floor. Twilight’s heart plummeted at that, her eyes softening on the man.

Rainbow however, still held her glare, her forelegs still crossed. She said, “There isn’t a word you can say that’ll change our minds.”

“Rainbow—” Steve began to say.

“The Avengers are heroes,” Fluttershy said, surprising a few with how upfront she was about her statement. Surprisingly, she didn’t back down. She held her solid stare with the Secretary of State for several seconds.

“Yeah!” Pinkie and Spike agreed, the latter receiving a frown from the Alicorn sitting to his right.

Twilight expected harsh backlash for the rude actions of her friends, and she almost said something concerning that. However, Secretary Ross did not seem as offended as Twilight thought. In fact, he nodded, stepping away from the clear screen behind him.

“Alright then,” he said. The screen began to materialize an image, a map of planet Earth laid out flat. Twilight had recognized it from her late-night study sessions on Earth culture. “Not a word,” Ross murmured. “Actions speak louder.”

He faced the screen, watched as it zeroed in on a particular area. He simply said, “New York.”

What followed caught everypony by surprise, Twilight and Rainbow Dash especially. Clear, panicked footage captured what appeared to be a flying serpent chasing a man in a metal suit high above ground. Rarity closed her eyes the second she saw the flying beast, unwelcome memories resurfacing, some she would rather forget.

People ran, screaming in terror. A single being shot right through a building, a familiar roar following. Twilight recognized the roar, she recognized the being crashing into a building and spraying debris over the person capturing the footage. Almost everypony did.

“Doctor Banner…?” Twilight whispered. Natasha looked down to the table, almost not wanting to look back up.

“Washington, D.C.”

She did. Despite her judgement, she watched people run away from the three Helicarriers destroying each other. The colossal beasts, clouded in flame and smoke, crashed into the water, spewing waves onto terrified civilians trying desperately to escape the war zone. Sam looked down, remembering fondly of what had happened.


Twilight and her friends perked up at that, having heard the name “Sokovia” back when they first met the Avengers. As with the previous disasters, people ran. Another shot captured what appeared to be a chunk of earth rising from the ground, large engines beneath it keeping it afloat. Buildings crumbled, machines filled the skies, people died.

Stark looked away.


A shot of the building Starlight would never wipe away from her memory returned, the side spewing fire and smoke moments after the explosion. Medics aided the wounded, a lone girl with soot covering her skin lie motionless.

Like many others before her, Wanda looked away. Starlight did the same, closing her eyes tight.

Steve saw this. “Okay,” he said, lowering his hand from his chin. “That’s enough.”

The mares tried to recover once the footage had ended. Applejack remained as she was, stone gaze, hard expression. Others likes Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie seemed quite shaken, almost disturbed by the images. Spike tried to shake away what he saw, but it just wasn’t so easy. For somepony else, however, it was.

Shaking away her stupor, Rainbow asked, “What’s your point?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity whispered fiercely to her. Ross held out his hand to the unicorn.

“It’s fine, Miss Rarity. Your friend is concerned, and that’s understandable. We all are. But the point of this being that people have died, caught in the crossfire, from the recklessness of the Avengers and those who have operated with them. Did you know that over 300 innocent lives were lost once Novi Grad was blown to hell?”

“Billions more would have been wiped out if it wasn’t,” Sam interjected.

“All of which could have been prevented if Stark and Banner hadn’t created a murderous robot,” Ross replied.

“But so many more innocent lives could have been lost if Wanda and Starlight didn’t contain and release the bomb outside of the crowd,” Twilight said.

“No innocent lives would have been lost if I had checked Rumlow for explosives instead of being focused on what he was saying.” Everyone turned to the Captain, stunned by his statement. He followed up by saying, almost admitting: “It’s my fault.”

Turning to his security officer, Ross nodded and said, “You see why there must be intervention on the acts of the Avengers. For the past four years, the Avengers have operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”

Turning back, Secretary Ross retrieved a pile of documents from his security guard. He walked to the left of the table, sliding the documents to Wanda Maximoff. “The Sokovia Accords,” he said, Wanda lifting them up. “Approved by over 117 countries, it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they’ll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.”

Wanda handed the Accords to James, who began to read the first page. Ross walked completely around the table, passing the Captain.

Steve, his eyes elsewhere, said, “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we’ve done that.”

“Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?” Ross asked. Steve looked up at him, not answering because he couldn’t. “If I misplaced a couple of thirty megaton nukes, you can bet there’d be consequences. Compromise,” he returned to the front of the table. “Reassurance. That’s how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.”

“So, there are contingencies,” James said, hand resting on the Accords.

“As I said before, the UN will meet in Vienna three days from now to ratify the Accords. During that time, Princess Twilight, her student, the Avengers, and whoever else here who wishes to join them will meet and offer their apologies, and aid in the ratifying of these Accords.”

Steve looked back to Stark, seeing him remain unnaturally silent, unnaturally out of the conversation.

“Talk it over,” Secretary Ross finished. He turned to his security officer, nodding to him. They both began to make their exit, stopping only when Natasha decided to speak up again.

“And if we come to a decision you don’t like?” Natasha asked.

Ross stared at her, his eyes beyond the point of serious. “Then you retire.”

Blunt. To the point. No nonsense. Natasha barely smiled.

New Avengers Facility, Living Room

4:00 p.m.

“Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have,” James said to Wilson.

Sam, his arms crossed, fired back by saying, “So let’s say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”

While his team continued to argue and bicker concerning the Accords, Steve Rogers took the time to actually open up the document and read it, fully fleshing out its ideas and understanding what it means. Each page meant something worse, each sentence made his heart fall farther. Nothing in it meant anything good for the Avengers as a team.

Tony Stark, on the other hand, sat across from him and looked absolutely disinterested, both with the arguments constantly firing back and forth and the whole issue with the Accords. His hand rested across his face, his back so far down the chair it might as well be on the floor.

The mares joined them, remaining relatively quiet and shooting their eyes back and forth from each Avenger, from each one that spoke and offered their own opinion. Steve didn’t expect them to say much. The Accords didn’t really have to deal with the ponies in any way. Just them.

“117 countries want to sign this,” Rhodes said, Sam shaking his head and looking away. “117, Sam, and you’re just like, ‘No, that’s cool. We got it.’”

“How long are you going to play both sides?” Sam shot back.

“I have an equation,” Vision finally spoke up, remaining silent for the majority of the meeting and the discussion afterwards.

Sam rolled his eyes. “Oh, this will clear it up.” He stepped forward with James, both of them facing Vision, waiting for what he had to say. Steve lowered the Accords, turning his weary gaze to the android in the fine suit.

“In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate,” Vision explained.

“Are you saying it’s our fault?” Steve asked.

“I’m saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict… breeds catastrophe. Oversight…” he eyed the group, watched indifference flush through their eyes. “Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”

“Boom,” James said, Sam turning to him.

In the short silence that followed, Natasha turned to the only man who hadn’t spoken his mind the entire twenty minutes they had been in the living room. “Tony, you’re being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal.”

Groaning, Tony lowered his palm from his face. Steve looked back to the Accords in his hands, saying, “It’s because he’s already made up his mind.”

“Boy, you know me so well,” Stark replied, rising out of his chair. He rubbed the back of his head. “Actually, I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache. That’s what’s going on, Cap. It’s just pain.”

Walking over to the kitchen, he began to make himself some coffee. “It’s discomfort. Whose putting coffee grounds in the disposal?”

Everyone turned their eyes back to the little pink Earth pony, almost everyone being correct. Pinkie Pie blushed and giggled innocently. “Sorry…” she said. “It tasted awful.”

“Poor thing doesn’t know how to make coffee. Been on this godforsaken planet a damn month and still…” Stark muttered, turning around and facing the crowd. They waited for what he would say, the eyes of the mares holding still.

Stark sighed, then reached into his pocket and placed his phone in the fruit bowl. Curious, though a tad confused, the mares watched his actions. Spike, who had been completely disconnected from the current conversation, stood up on the couch he rested on, spinning about to see what Tony was up to.

He pressed on his phone, a hologram shooting upwards and displaying a still image of a young African American man. Turning to the image as if he hadn’t noticed it, Stark said, “Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. I met his mother at MIT a couple weeks back; she’s a great woman. Loves her kid. He’s got a computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor-level gig at Intel planned for the fall.”

He never looked up at them, at any of them. They sat in silence, listened as Tony droned on. But in their hearts, they knew what was coming. None of them could deny it. The ponies and Spike unfortunately were completely uninformed and sat patiently, listening as Stark continued.

“But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where.”

He smacked his hand on the sink, causing Fluttershy to flinch in surprise.

Sokovia,” Stark stated, hissing at the word, almost as if he was disgusted, ashamed to mention it. Upon that revelation, everyone’s head seem to fall. Everyone’s spirits seem to crumble just a little more. That name alone spoke multitudes for the mares. So many stories, so much terror just by that name.

Tony continued. “He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.”

Swallowing a few pills, taking a swig of water, Tony stepped away from the sink. He said, “There’s no decision-making process here.” He stepped in front of the hologram, his arms crossing over his chest. “We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, if we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.”

“Tony,” Steve finally replied, turning towards Stark, “someone dies on your watch, you don’t give up.”

“Who said we’re giving up?” Tony asked.

“We are if we’re not taking responsibility for our actions,” Rogers said. “This document just shifts the blame.”

James shook his head, butting in to the conversation. “I’m sorry, Steve. That… That is dangerously arrogant. This is the United Nations we’re talking about. It’s not the World Security Council, it’s not S.H.I.E.L.D., it’s not HYDRA.”

“No, but it’s run by people with agendas, and agendas change,” Steve said.

“That’s good,” Tony fired back. He stepped out of the kitchen, approached the group and continued on. “That’s why I’m here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.”

Steve leaned forward in his seat. Placing the Accords on the table in front of him, he said, “Tony, you chose to do that. If we sign this, we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don’t think we should go? What if there’s somewhere we need to go and they don’t let us?”

Stark rolled his eyes at that, turning aside.

“We may not be perfect,” Steve said, his eyes turning to every member of his team, “but the safest hands are still our own.”

“If we don’t do this now… it’s gonna be done to us later,” Stark told him plain and true. “That’s the fact. That won’t be pretty.”

“You’re saying they’ll come for me,” Wanda said. She didn’t sound scared by any means, but rather concerned. Whether that by for herself or the ones foolish enough to try and subdue her.

“We would protect you.”

She slowly shot her eyes over to Vision, his own meeting hers.

Spike exhaled and rubbed his eyes. He slid back into the couch cushions, crossing his arms across his scaly chest. “These Accords are sounding more and more like enslavement,” Spike muttered under his breath.

Ignoring Spike’s comment, Twilight finally got the nerve to speak up on the issue laid before her. Turning to Wanda, she asked, “Why would they come for you?” Wanda simply stared at her, almost unsure as Twilight. “T-Tony, I’m not sure it’s my place to say it, but oversight this… this strong could be damaging to the Avengers.”

“Twilight, I mean no disrespect, none of us do, but this isn’t really any of your business,” James said, Twilight turning his way. “The Accords do not abide to Equestria or any of its citizens. This is an Avengers problem.”

Starlight interrupted him, saying, “But it was formed after Lagos, and that was just as much of Wanda’s fault as it was mine, so it’s our problem, too.”

“A problem that’s going to be solved after the UN meeting in Vienna,” Stark replied, stepping forward. His hands slipped deep into his pockets, his eyes on the two mares. “Once you guys leave it’s just us, no ponies required.”

Twilight had a comeback for that. She answered with: “Secretary Ross said that the Accords were going to be ratified in Vienna, and that we would aid the Avengers in doing so. Since we were involved with the Lagos incident, we should have a say in this ratification.”

“To do what, Twilight?” Rainbow asked, nearly everyone shifting their attention to the Pegasus resting against the couch. She eyed Twilight with a curious look, almost wary, and said, “So you could get Equestria apart of the United Nations, so you could put some sanctions on a few ponies who like to step out of line a few times back home? Maybe keep me in check? You really seem to do that a lot.”

“What are you talking about, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. Instead of answering, Rainbow snorted in response, looking away. Frowning, Twilight said, “Our input to these Accords are just as important as any of the Avengers’.”

“… You know what? I agree,” Tony added, standing over Twilight where she sat. “It’s always better to get a little bit more support on these Accords.”

Taken aback, Twilight shook her head, saying, “Wait, Tony, no. I’m saying that these Accords—”

“They’ll do the job, Twilight,” Stark interrupted. “If we pass the Accords, events like Sokovia and Lagos would probably never happen again because we’ll have government insight on everything. We’ll have tactics, we’ll have a plan, we’ll evacuate civilians, we’ll ensure the safety of everyone involved and get the job done. Imagine what would have happened if Lagos had gone south, even further down south.”

“But we got her back, Tony. We saved her, as a team,” Steve tried to interject.

“Look what else happens when we work as a team, huh?” Stark replied, Steve’s gaze falling. “Ross made it crystal clear. New York, Washington, Sokovia, Lagos, and it’ll just keep getting worse from here on out.” He faced Twilight fully, saying, “Twi, these Accords are the safest route possible.”

Biting her lip, Twilight seemed uncertain. On one hoof, it made a lot of sense. The Avengers would be working close with the government, being told where to go, when to go, and how to do it. If threats are too little, they don’t need to be sent and prevent destruction. If threats are too much for simple military units to handle, the government can send the Avengers and provide support to civilians, ensuring that the job gets done the right way. The safest way.

On the other hoof, the Avengers lose their right to act on their own. Like Steve had said, they could be sent somewhere they don’t need to go, or can’t go somewhere they need to. In an essence, Spike’s little input about the Accords could hold some weight. Maybe the Accords were just another form of slavery.


Maybe an event like Lagos could never happen again.

“Well… maybe you’re right,” Twilight admitted, nodding absentmindedly. Steve and Sam looked away from her, Sam scoffing. Starlight nodded alongside her teacher. Applejack and Rarity appeared indifferent, but leaned a little towards Twilight on the idea. Rainbow Dash looked away, a frown on her face, a mutter under her scoff. Pinkie and Fluttershy were quiet, uncertain. Spike was with them.

“Working closely with the government could prove to be a positive outcome for almost any mission,” Twilight added. Tony smiled a little at that.

“Alright, maybe Tony’s right.”

He turned his attention further left, and was almost surprised to see who had said that. Despite the extra attention, despite Steve’s broken gaze turning to her, Natasha continued, saying, “If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer. If we take it off…”

Sam interrupted her. He asked, “Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?”

“I’m just… reading the terrain,” she replied. She turned to Steve, her mouth falling open, almost nothing coming out. “… We have made some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back.”

“Focus up. I’m sorry. Did I just mishear you, or did you agree with me?” Tony asked.

Finally coming around, Natasha shook her head. “Oh, I want to take it back now,” she said, almost pleaded.

Stark shook his finger in front of her. “No, you can’t retract it. Thank you, though. Unprecedented.” Backing away, Stark clapped his hands together. He said, “Okay. Case closed. I win.”

It was almost as if he couldn’t care less for what Stark rambled on about next or he just didn’t have the strength to do so. Steve felt a soft buzzing in his pants pocket. Pulling out his phone, he read the text mentally, every last bit of strength within him completely gone. And it showed. He let it slip. So much that it was noticed by a few unnoticed glances.

“I have to go,” Steve muttered, getting up and leaving without a second thought.

The five that seemed almost completely distant from the conversation, from the result and what it meant, noticed Steve’s words, noticed the pain hidden between the words: “I have to go”. Those ponies were Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. They watched him leave, watched as he exited through the door that led to the stairwell.

Knowing they had little to no more input on the conversation that remained, the five got up from where they sat and followed the Captain’s trail. That left Twilight and Starlight to continue speaking with Stark on the upcoming UN meeting.

Spike sat on the couch next to Starlight, sinking deeper within the cushions, trying hard to block out everything he heard.

New Avengers Facility, Stairwell

4:11 p.m.

The door gently creaked open, the five mares slowly creeping inside. The stairwell was considerably colder than the living room, and as the door shut behind them, considerably quieter. Not noticing the Captain, Rainbow quickly shot up the stairs, seeing nothing.

“Rainbow!” she heard Applejack’s voice whisper. “Down here!”

Rejoining the group, Rainbow followed behind Pinkie and Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy leading them down the stairs, closely and quietly. Rainbow found herself bumping into Pinkie’s backside the moment all four in front of her had stopped. Moving ahead, peeking downwards alongside Fluttershy and Applejack, making way for Rarity and Pinkie, Rainbow saw him.

Steve Rogers. His head held low, hand to his eyes, leaning against the supporting rail. Looking completely and utterly destroyed.

Sharing an unsure glance with Applejack, the two mares seemed to share the same thought. What do they do now? Do they ask what’s wrong, do they leave him be, or do they wait and see what happens?

The Captain wiped his eyes, cautiously breathed in and exhaled gently.


He looked up. Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie all turned their heads to the mare standing between them, the only one who had made the decision to speak up.

Keeping her gaze locked with the Captain’s Fluttershy asked, “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” It was an urge of hers, something deep down telling her that her friend was in pain, and it wasn’t just because of how he suddenly left the room, or felt so distant for the moment.

It was something else.

And she saw that through the tears burning in his eyes, which surprised Rainbow and Applejack.

He nodded, then looked away. Breathing in, Steve turned back to the ponies waiting for a response, the ones waiting for him. He looked back to his phone still in his hand, almost forgotten, and looked back to the single text message, the two sentences.

She’s gone. In her sleep.

And he said, “There’s someone I’d like you all to meet.”

Author's Note:

Well, second semester's about to start up soon. Expect less updates, maybe a new chapter a week. Sorry about that. :ajsleepy:

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