• Published 19th Nov 2016
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This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 47 - Vengeance


HYDRA Siberian Facility

9:22 a.m.

He shoved her aside like she meant nothing to him. Like he didn’t even know her. Twilight fell on her back, grunting as she hit the cold, metal floor. Looking up, she could see Stark charge right across her, firing a repulsor that blew apart the large assault rifle in Barnes’ hands. Barnes stumbled back, raising his hand in time to catch Stark’s flying fist.

And for a moment, she couldn’t force herself to do anything about it. Twilight thought back to the mission, bringing in Barnes—no longer for the UN bombing—but for everything else he’s done in the past. Bring him in to face justice. When she saw Stark swing at him, fire repulsor blasts for his head that he managed to dodge, Twilight knew the mission meant nothing to Stark anymore. After seeing that footage, all he wanted was Barnes.

He wouldn’t bring him in.

Sweet Celestia, Twilight knew what he would do.

And for the life of her, she couldn’t force herself to do anything about it.

But Steve had other plans. His chest ached and burned as he rolled to his hands and knees, grunting as he did so. Looking up, he could see Stark going for Bucky, gripping him by the throat and dragging him through the air, tossing him to the cement below and dive-bombing him. Steve growled, picking up his shield and eyeing Stark cautiously. The intercom rang out again, prompting Steve’s attention left.

There was Zemo, smiling as he watched the scuffle unfold from behind the glass. His darkened eyes turned to the Captain’s, his smile weakening but still there. Never leaving him. Even as he said, “Do you see it now? This is what happens when you drag your friends into this twisted, little war of ours.”

Those words stuck with Steve, and had somehow managed to burn worse than the repulsor to his chest, even as Zemo faded into the shadows of the bunker. Even as he vanished and let nature take its course. Even as Steve got up and tossed his shield at Stark.

Having kept Barnes prone for the moment, Stark leaned forward from the strike of the shield to his back. He turned, saw Steve rush him, and shot at him. He blocked each repulsor blast with his shield, watching as Stark leapt forward, thrusters launching him at Steve even quicker. He was ready for him, though, falling to one knee as Stark swung at him. Steve grunted, slicing the edge of his shield for Tony’s leg, causing him to nearly crumble. Using that same momentum, Steve jammed his shield upwards, ramming the edge right between Stark’s glowing eyes.

Sparks flew, metal clashed against metal as the two Avengers exchanged blows. Twilight watched from where she lay, slowly getting back to her hooves. She watched Stark swung for Steve’s head, who would always dodge and deliver an even stronger blow to Stark’s exposed areas. The punches, the hits, they weren’t anything like they had been at the airport. They were holding back then. They knew they were still fighting their friends.

But now…

Twilight heard a groan, twisting her neck over to see Barnes stand. He looked to her, those desperate eyes of his widening. She mirrored his actions, contemplating with what little time she had. She could still see Barnes delivering those killing blows into Tony’s father. She could still hear the pain-filled, desperate gasps of air that his mother tried to take before he choked the life out of her. Despite that, even Twilight knew she couldn’t go through with what Stark wanted. The only way to stop both of them would be to return to their previous mission.


Twilight’s horn ignited a bright blue, her eyes narrowing as she aimed right for his unguarded chest. However, she felt another body slam into her, even stronger than Stark’s arm, and push her across the frozen cement. Sliding on her hooves, Twilight slowed to a stop, looking up to meet the unnerved eyes of Rainbow Dash and her shaking body stare at her a few yards away. Her wings were outstretched, her body lowering in a pouncing-like stance as she stood between Twilight and Barnes.

Despite everything he did.

Tony drove his knee into Steve’s gut, causing him to fall forward with a painful grunt escaping him. Tony didn’t stop, grabbing Rogers by the back of his suit and flinging him across the room. He had enough force in the throw to see Steve crash through a steel bar railing, the Captain and his shield rolling to a stop afterwards. With Steve dealt with for the moment, Stark twisted his furious gaze back to Barnes, only to see as he began to make his escape.

Twilight saw as he tried to run, her wings outstretching. Then there was Rainbow Dash, hovering in front of her vision, still standing in her path. Snorting, Twilight said, “You have to stop, Rainbow.”

“He had no idea what he was doing!” Rainbow tried to explain, Twilight’s horn beginning to glow. “He was controlled, Twilight!”

The words were numb against her ears, her heart and mind already racing each other to see which would dictate her actions. She looked over, saw as Stark flew across the room, shot down, grabbed Barnes by the throat, and slammed him against the metal pillar at the edge of the room. The two struggled, Barnes crushing Stark’s repulsor and knocking his arm away from his face. If she didn’t act quickly, he might actually kill Barnes right then and there.

She didn’t have to do much. Steve’s shield came flying over and struck Stark’s left boot, causing the fire underneath to sputter out of control, Stark falling with Barnes in his grasp. The two men tumbled as they came into contact with the floor, Tony already rising as Barnes struggled in that regard. However, he couldn’t pursue Barnes, not with the Captain all over him.

Steve swung low, his shield striking the side of Stark’s face. Tony grunted heavily, flipping to his back as Steve straddled him, shield raised over his head, aiming for the bright spot in the center of Stark’s chest. Twilight eyes shot open in shock, a gasp escaping her as she vanished in a flash of light, so bright that it blinded the Pegasus momentarily. Exactly what Twilight wanted. When she reappeared a few feet from the Captain, she used whatever speed she could gain to slam herself into him, knocking Steve flat on his back with Twilight tumbling and crashing over him.

“Bucky, run!” Steve shouted, desperation ripe in his voice. Bucky didn’t wait another second, stumbling to his feet and rushing to the nearest exit. He entered a new room, what appeared to be a rocket test area. Looking over, Bucky pressed the nearest panel. He watched as the silo door high up above began to open, fresh whiteness spilling inside the dark.

Watching as Barnes escaped, both Twilight and Steve managed to push themselves back up. Tony was already flying forward, landing as his left boot sputtered to a dead halt. “Tony!” Steve yelled, rising to his feet. “Stop! HYDRA had control of his mind!”

But he wouldn’t listen. He kept on walking towards the exit. In panic, Steve flung his shield with Stark’s back turned, only to gape in awe to see it caught mid-air. An aura of violet surrounded his shield, Steve watching as it suddenly turned its face towards him, the star firing back at Steve with even greater speed than he had thrown it. Rogers managed to catch his shield, but he lost his breath as it came into contact with his body, sending the Captain sprawling back.

Twilight’s horn died, her attention shifting back to Stark. She yelled, “Tony, stop! He needs to be brought to justice!”

He answered this time, his palm glowing. “He’s dead!”

Gritting her teeth, Twilight took off with surprising speed, distress beating in her heart worse every time with each new pump of blood. Rainbow was just as fast, hot on her tail, flying into the rather small, but very tall room with her. The two mares shot their heads skyward, flinching at the increased brightness from the outside light behind the silo doors. But in that brightness, they could still see Tony Stark flying near Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier climbing his way to freedom. They saw as Stark slammed his leg into Barnes’ chest, sending the man into the side of the silo wall. He fell and landed on the lower catwalk, staring forward to the Iron Man struggling to keep flight, but still aiming his glowing palm right for him.

Twilight readied herself, but flinched back as a gust of air next to her pushed her aside. The Alicorn watched as Rainbow Dash drove her hoof into Stark’s lower jaw, his palm firing into the wall next to Bucky. Tony yelled out, his boot jet failing him once again. He crashed on the opposite wall and fell on the lower catwalk, his flickering eyes looking to the Pegasus flying between him and the man who murdered his parents. He saw the glare she sent his way, the desperate fire still maintaining its glow and ferocity for just a moment longer.

That is until Twilight intervened.

The Alicorn shot up, driving her hind legs outward and bucking Rainbow right in the chest. The Pegasus flew back with a painful cry leaving her lips, her back impacting the solid metal wall opposite of her. Spinning around, Twilight met the stare of James Barnes once more, but this time she didn’t hesitate to make her move. Her horn ignited into a blue, shimmering light, the paralysis spell nearly ready to fire. And she would have done so had Rainbow not tackled her with her back turned.

The two mares screamed and pushed against one another. Twilight fired off a spell that went nowhere, Rainbow Dash managing to slip behind her with her foreleg wrapped around the princess’ neck. Twilight gagged instinctively, her hooves prying at Rainbow’s grasp, her face, anything she could get a hold of. Her horn began to glow, Rainbow seeing this and quickly shooting upwards. The sudden push drove Rainbow’s foreleg even deeper into Twilight’s throat, causing her horn to die and the Alicorn to gag in response, fighting for air.

Bucky watched as the two fumbled in the air, Rainbow using the strength in her wings to launch both of them straight up. They hit the tilted silo door, flying off into the blistering, whiteness and vanishing. Only their screams remained, and even those began to die down, indicating the distance the two flew away.

With the ponies gone, Bucky turned his attention back to Stark, just in time to see him fly his way. The man flew in with a fist raised, aimed right for Barnes, but he was ready. Bucky grabbed a nearby steel bar and swung it, roaring as it struck the side of Tony’s metal helmet. Sparks danced to the impact, Tony stumbling and falling onto the catwalk where Bucky was standing. He groaned, heard the man behind him swing again, and turned back to catch it.

Barnes was caught as Tony snagged the bar from his hands, using the momentum to spin him around and strangle him. Barnes caught his breath, both palms gripping onto Stark’s metal arm.

With the murderer in his grasp, Stark bore his dead glare into the back of his head. Just loud enough, he whispered in a painful, broken tone, “Do you even remember them?”

Bucky gasped for air. “I don’t want to.”

Tony’s face contorted into somewhat of a furious sneer. He was seconds away from flexing his arms with just enough strength to snap bones when he felt the ground under his feet give out. As he fell, not even his thrusters helping with the man’s weight added to him, he looked down to see the Captain’s shield return to him, Steve leaping off the catwalk and tackling him out of the air. Stark dropped Barnes, he and Steve tumbling through the air and falling to the cemented ground below.

Bucky landed on the lowest catwalk with a painful grunt. He heard something land next to him, something metal. The fear of it being Stark had vanished when he stared at the red, white, and blue shield lying just feet in front of him.

9:26 a.m.

Twilight punched at Rainbow. Rainbow did her best to hold her still, her foreleg tightening dangerously harder and harder against her throat. That, and the fact that the relentless snowstorm began to pick up around them, made the ordeal so much harder for the Pegasus to control. Hitting the steel silo door earlier at full speed had almost made her let go, but Rainbow held tight, flying through the winds and snow, doing her best not to strangle the life out of Twilight.

All the while keeping her still and away from Bucky.

Despite her best efforts, deep down, Rainbow she wouldn’t be able to do that for long. Twilight flapped her wings against Rainbow’s, causing a disruption in her flight pattern. That, as well as the frozen winds and beating snow practically tearing through her coat eventually pushed Rainbow over the limits of her strength and control. She took a turn downwards, to the painful whiteness down below, to the sudden black rising out of the fog.

The two mares impacted the stone and separated, yelping in pain at the impact they both felt. Once they hit the snow, they slid and rolled down the large hill where the stone rested. Their worlds and their vision were filled with nothing but white, the snow covering their bodies as they rolled down and down the hill, closer and closer to the end.

And then they did. They both crashed to the bottom of the snowy hill with piles of the frozen tundra trailing behind them. Twilight arose with a mouthful of snow. She spat both it and a helping of blood into the ground next to her. Rainbow steadied herself as she rose, as well. She groaned, bringing a hoof to her forehead, cringing at the stinging sensation she felt, and drew away. She saw the blood on her hoof, both the old and the new.

She planted both hooves into the snow, turning accordingly to meet the weary, broken, and bloody face of Twilight Sparkle feet ahead of her. Large bruises painted her cheeks, blood trailing in small rivers from her mouth and her nose. But she met Rainbow’s stare. She saw the mare and how torn she appeared. Her rainbow mane was left in shambles, droplets of crimson meeting the dull yellow, orange, and red. A growing bruise began to appear under her left eye, the cuts across her face beginning to open up once again.

The two just stayed that way. Staring at each other, the snow falling slowly around them, their own blood dripping in the snow surrounding their hooves.

Catching her breath, Twilight stared into the rose-rimmed eyes of Rainbow Dash, trying to see her friend. She could see nothing through the fury and the passion, nor could Rainbow through the fog that blinded Twilight. For a while, all they heard was their own breathing. They could have even heard the snowflakes crashing into the ground.

Instead, they heard metal and bodies.

Both ponies turned in the direction of the sound, seeing a lone structure embedded in the hill they had rolled down not too long ago. Pillars of cement held the structure up, blocked their sight, but even then, they could still see Steve roll down to the cemented floor beneath him. They watched until they saw Tony claw his way over the steep cement hill that sat in front of Rogers, Stark rising to tower over the Captain.

Then they turned back towards one another, both mares breathing heavily, blood leaking over their lips.

“I really can’t convince you,” Twilight said, panting through bloody lips. Rainbow lifted her head only slightly, her attention held for the time being. The Alicorn shook her head weakly, muttering, “There’s nothing I can do other than bring him down.”

Then, she saw Rainbow shake hers. “Yes, there is, Twilight,” she replied, almost as weak as she.

With the two mares several yards away and confronting each other, Steve panted for air, feeling only the coolness enter his lungs. He saw the light of the outside frost blind him, his eyes having grown used to the darkness they had searched in. His eyes quickly adjusted, catching a new light to his right. He turned, seeing Tony standing high above him on the cement hill. His hands were clenched into fists, his flickering eyes on him, every bit of his emotional distress centered entirely… on him.

On Steve.

Breathing steadily, readying himself for whatever hell came next, Steve asked, “You think this is gonna change what happened? It’s not.” Stark didn’t make a single movement. “Tony…” Steve panted, “no amount of rage… or death… is gonna bring them back.”

Then he moved. He shook his head. “I don’t care anymore. He killed my mom.”

Then he moved again, blasting forward and driving his fist right into Steve’s temple.

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