• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,375 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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Sky Stinger’s hoof knocked on Spitfire’s office door, while Vapor Trail talked to the nervous Soarin. “Remember: confidence is key. Look at Spitfire as you both talk.”

“Mmmhmm,” Soarin mumbled. The moment of truth was on the approach. The door to the Wonderbolt Captain’s Wing was like a sealed temple, holding a winged creature of fire, fury, and a voice loud enough to shape mountains. Of course, Soarin knew that the monster he was imagining was only Spitfire. But he couldn't understand why he was picturing Spitfire as a much more intimidating thing than she already was. It was obvious that she did have some spunk. She also had a heart too, and Soarin was praying that he would be able to reach it.

Another round of knocks rang in the hallway, much louder than before. “Is she not inside?” Vapor Trail asked.

“Hmm…” Sky Stinger pawed at his chin as if he wore a beard. He reached for the doorknob and slowly gave it a twist.

“I-I wouldn't do that!” Soarin stuttered. “If she is in there and didn't respond, Spitfire is obviously not in the mood to be disturbed.”

“So,” Sky shrugged and resumed twisting the knob. Soarin watched the handle continue to rotate. He was shocked to see Sky Stinger not care about what he was doing. Even Vapor Trail didn't have the slightest concern for consequence. Their intentions were in the right places and wanted to see Soarin and Spitfire hoof in hoof. However, disturbing the Captain of the Wonderbolts was an easy ticket to being placed on probation.

“Maybe we should-”

Soarin was cut off by Sky Stinger, “Push the door open to reveal the phoenix?” One quick push of the door revealed everything that was expected in Spitfire’s office. Except, Spitfire was not present.

Soarin was the first to walk in. “That's strange…” He walked to the left, still observing the vacant desk.

“What is it?” Vapor a Trail asked from behind.

“Spitfire always locks up her office.” No longer interested in Spitfire’s throne, he looked at the various trinkets, posters, and awards stamped across the room’s walls. “Maybe she forgot?” Soarin turned around to face Vapor Trail.

The mare scrunched her brows. “Hmm… I think the better question is ‘where is she?’ Doesn't she normally close herself off on Hearts and Hooves Day?”

“It varies from year to year,” Soarin answered. “Last year was not as bad, considering how you did your accidental daydreaming today and ticked her off.”

Vapor Trail’s ears retreated in shame. “I know she apologized, but she really did scare me… I thought Spitfire was really going to kick me off the team…”

“That's what happens when you play with fire,” Soarin said. “You gotta be careful around her.”

“Well then…” Sky Stinger sang as he flew over to Spitfire’s chair, then sat in it. “...let’s add some more logs to the pyre then.”

“Hey!” Soarin barked. “Get out of her chair! We came here to see if Spitfire was here so I can… you know… tell her my… affection. But I will not stand for your disregard for respect!”

Vapor Trail took a step forward. “I agree with Soarin. Spitfire has already dealt with me liking you for a while now, and I don't think she would like to see me invading her office as well.”

Sky sat up in the chair and looked at Vapor with curiosity. “Why does Spitfire know about you liking me?”

“I'll explain after we are done with helping Soarin.” Vapor Trail gazed at the ground. “Though, I want to hurry… I don't want to keep Sunbeam locked up in his cage. He looked so sad when I put him in.”

“I'm sure he will be-” Sky Stinger cut himself short when his eyes fell below the desk. “What’s this?” Both Soarin and Vapor Trail looked at one another, while Sky reached under the desk. “It’s a gift for-” The sound of something hitting the table rang out. “Ow…” Soarin made sure his laugh was heard. He even saw Vapor Trail crack a guilty smile. When Sky surfaced, he wore a very uncomfortable expression, while a thin object wrapped in pink and red wrapping paper was in his clutches. The stallion looked at Soarin and managed to smile. “This gift is for you.”

Soarin almost scolded Sky Stinger again by managing things that didn't belong to him. But Soarin’s jaw went slack. “For me…?”

The only mare in the room let out a sweet hum. “Aww, how sweet!”

“Is… it from Spitfire?” Soarin asked.

Sky Stinger’s smug grin didn't bother Soarin, even though the veteran wanted somepony to smack it off; preferably by Spitfire. “The one and only.”

A surge of confidence coursed through Soarin’s blood. “I have a good feeling about telling Spitfire the truth.” His cheeks flushed, but the Wonderbolt didn't care if Vapor Trail or Sky Stinger saw.

Vapor Trail giggled, “I have good feelings as well.” Soarin saw Sky’s smug expression blink away. He looked at Soarin and nodded. A huge pressure weighed down on Soarin as he recalled their talk.

But why are you relying on me, Sky?

I want to see if it is worth being my best friend’s special somepony by seeing Spitfire react to your confession.

That… doesn't seem right. You and Vapor Trail are different ponies compared to Spitfire and I.

I'm aware of that. However, you cannot deny how stressful it must be to tell your best friend you really like her, and how you worry about ruining what is already special to you.

You are right…

But I do commend you for being brave enough for even considering what you want to do. I've never had the courage to tell Vapor Trail how…

Don't worry. I won't say a word to her.

Thanks. Just remember: Spitfire’s response to you telling her your feelings will heavily weigh my answer to Vapor Trail’s own question about her and I being special someponies.

But why…?

I already told you my stupid reason: I don't feel like I deserve Vapor Trail because of how much of a jerk I can be. Anyways, let’s go. I don't want the angelfish to wait any longer.

Are you talking about Sunbeam?


“Now, how are we going to get Spitfire into the office?” Vapor Trail asked. Soarin looked at the cute pegasus, the mare unaware of what he and Sky Stinger discussed while she flew around in the air. He heard her answer, but only pretended to think and not give a response. The pressure was all on Soarin.

Just like the usually expected character that is Sky Stinger, the stallion had another smug grin in his arsenal. “Why don't we call her via intercom?” Before Vapor Trail or Soarin argue against him, Sky spoke into the speaker that stuck out of the desk, “Hey, Spitfire, your mother is a racehorse.”

Soarin froze in place, but his mood quickly ignited. “Why the hay did you go and say that?!”

Sky Stinger ducked under the desk, then dashed away from it and over to Vapor Trail. He picked up the mare, clutching her close like he was trying to keep the mare’s soul from leaving her body. “I did it to call her to your office,” Sky said. “Pretend you came in here to stand up for the cap; otherwise, she may think you were snooping around her office.” With one tilt of his head, Sky Stinger was looking down at Vapor Trail. “Stay close and stay quiet.”

“Anything for you,” Vapor giggled, squirming around in his arms to get comfortable.

In a blur of turquoise, Sky Stinger darted over to the closet door that was at the desk’s right. “We’ll be in here, watching.”

“Umm, Sky-” The white mare didn’t have time to get her sentence out as her friend slammed the door shut.

Soarin was all alone in the open space of Spitfire’s office. Of course, he knew she was on her way, most likely on fire, but his heart started to thump in quick concession. He then remembered he had to act like he came in to seek out Sky Stinger and pretend to come kick his flank in for insulting the captain.

The door swung open, slamming into the wall. Soarin spun around and saw fury in Spitfire’s eyes. She looked at her friend, and with one blink, quickly changed her mood. “What are you doing here?”

“I… came here because I heard Sky Stinger over the intercom. I wanted to confront him and give him a piece of my mind.” Soarin tried to make himself look angry, but the nervousness he was already feeling made him appear confused.

“Well, I appreciate you wanting to help, Soarin,” Spitfire winked. She looked around the room to try and find where Sky might be. “Did you see him come in here or leave?”

If Soarin were to tell Spitfire where not only Sky Stinger but also Vapor Trail hid, she would get suspicious of him as well. So he chose to play the role he was assigned. “I did not.”

Without delving in too deep on her search, Spitfire shrugged and walked over to her desk. “When you see him, tell Sky Clinger disciplinary actions will be enforced. If we had important guests here at the academy today and we had somepony hear that idiot over the intercom, that would make me look bad, considering I was the one who recruited him.”

Soarin felt bad for Sky Stinger despite his typical cocky attitude. Soarin knew Sky was trying to help with Spitfire. Whatever the captain had in store must not be a good. “I understand, Spitfire.” He looked over his shoulder, not sure how to approach the mare. “So-”

“Yo, Soarin,” Spitfire said, “Close the door, will ya? There’s something I want to show you.”

The stallion flinched, knowing his gift was about to be presented. But it surprised him that she wanted their time together to be left undisturbed. “Sure thing, boss.” After closing the door, Soarin turned around to see Spitfire holding what Sky Stinger discovered before her arrival. His face flushed as his first thoughts went to the question, Why did she get me something for Hearts and Hooves Day?

“Don’t get the wrong idea, Soarin,” Spitfire smirked. “This isn’t a gift of love or whatever.” The stallion frowned, upset the gift wasn’t motivated by what he was hoping for. “But this is a gift for my closest friend.” Soarin was graced with the rare sighting of Spitfire blushing. She slowly approached with her hooves dragging on the floor. Even if his present was not in the name of love, Soarin could easily tell Spitfire was genuine about how her gift giving.

“I don’t know what to say,” Soarin said, his ears falling back with embarrassment.

“You’re supposed to say that after you open the gift.” Spitfire almost shoved the present into Soarin’s chest. “Open it,” she smiled. “And make it quick. This whole ordeal is making me embarrassed.” It amused Soarin to see the captain of the Wonderbolts so out of character, a simple characteristic he found cute when she did show different emotion that wasn’t anger. He took advantage of the atmosphere and slowly began to tear away the wrapping paper. “Just tear the darn thing up and see what I got you! I didn’t gift wrap your resignation papers in it, so don’t be so afraid of it.”

Soarin laughed at Spitfire’s flustered mood. “You didn’t see me act like this when I gave you your megaphone.”

The captain rolled her eyes. “That’s because you are more kind than I am. Besides, you forget it’s the dreadful holiday, Hearts and Hooves. You could give a sandwich to somepony and they may think you are trying to hit on them.”

“Haha!” Soarin gave a long tear of his gift as he laughed aloud. When he regained composure, the Wonderbolt saw what his gift was. “This is…”

“It is,” Spitfire nodded. “And it is one of a kind.”

Happiness fluttered in his heart as he looked at a golden vinyl encased in a clear square case. At the very center in a small circle was labeled, Dressed in Emerald. “It’s from my favorite smooth-jazz band, The Rainclouds!”

Another out of character expression appeared on Spitfire’s face. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day,” she beamed.

Soarin placed the gift gently on the wall before giving the yellow mare a close embrace. “Thank you, Spitfire. How can I ever compensate you for this priceless gift?”

“By being my friend.” Spitfire gave a little squeeze in her grip.

Soarin felt his heart jump into his throat. The moment was right for a confession. But he wanted to snatch up Spitfire’s attention by setting the mood. His body started to lock up, going on the defensive, advising against what he was about to do. However, his heart was in control. As gently as he could, Soarin placed his lips on Spitfire’s forehead. The mare gasped. Soarin couldn’t help but keep himself from shivering.

Spitfire looked up at Soarin, her cheeks filled with a heavy amount of blush. “Wh-what the heck was that for?”

Author's Note:

The end is near...