• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,375 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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At the head of the V formation, Vapor Trail squinted her eyes as she rose into the air. Her wings flapped at a fast rate, the air pressing hard against the pegasus’ body. She could feel the muscles burn with every bat of her wings. But Vapor Trail still climbed, waiting for Spitfire’s signal.

“NOW!” the captain cried through her megaphone. Seizing her flapping, Vapor Trail used the momentum she had and did a backwards flip. At the peak of her spin, she was upside-down. She could see her other teammates synchronizing with her; Sky Stinger gave her a wave as their sights met. Beneath her uniform, the mare held a hidden blush. But Sky Stinger only proved to be a distraction for Vapor Trail.

With her focus elsewhere, the white mare had lost all momentum in her flip and she fell backwards. Vapor Trail let out a small shriek before recovering herself. She looked back to see her group finish their loop and speed toward the ground.

“STOP, STOP! BREAK FORMATION!” In an instant, the Wonderbolts still in decent broke off and landed back down on the runway. Slowly, Vapor Trail flew down to the others, awaiting a scolding from her captain. “What the heck were you doing up there? Ya daydreaming?!” Spitfire shouted without her voice amplifier. “You had that perfectly, and once again, you messed up another routine!”

“Sorry…” Vapor Trail muttered, her ears folding back. “I had my mind elsewhere…” Hidden behind her goggles, the mare’s eyes fell on Sky Stinger.

“I have noticed.” Placing her goggles over her eyes, Spitfire looked to the others. “You all follow my lead.” Looking back at Vapor Trail, the captain spoke bluntly. “And you, Daydreamer, keep your eyes on me! Nothing else. Understand?” Vapor Trail nodded, unable to speak another word. “Let’s go, Wonderbolts!” Taking off in a quick dash, the others started to take off as well. Just before two other members went into the air, Sky Stinger walked over to his friend, removing his goggles.

“Sorry about distracting you that time…” he apologized, unhappy with Vapor Trail’s circumstance.

“It’s alright.” The mare responded with a smile that obviously said otherwise. “It is just nice to see you… see you-”

“I know it is great to see me fly.” Sky Stinger lifted his head up at his own compliment. “But it is almost as good as to see you fly as well. Maybe even a little better than me, since you are the one leading the V formation.” Her face flushed with color, and she was thankful for her uniform. “Just watch Spitfire and I will stop giving you a wave when we practice.” Quickly, Sky took off into the sky in a blue streak, the mare's tail and mane fluttering from the air of his momentum.


“Sounds to me you already have a nickname,” Sky Stinger grinned, pointing the tip of his carrot at his friend.

“I don’t blame Spitfire or the others for calling me Daydreamer,” Vapor Trail said with a small giggle. “I practically had my heads in the clouds. Heck, I even look like one.” She fluffed the front of her hair with a hoof as she tried to think of her mane as a cloud.

The sun was high in the sky and it was lunchtime for the Wonderbolts. Neither Sky Stinger, nor Vapor Trail wore their uniforms as they ate their food high on a cloud, above the Wonderbolt’s academy. Vapor Trail had a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich, while Sky had several carrots and a hay sandwich. “Again, sorry about distracting you earlier,” Sky Stinger said, his eyes in a sad crease.

Vapor Trail could tell her friend felt bad for her circumstance, but knew it was her fault. She was going to ask him to be her special somepony today, after all. “It’s fine.” Her voice cracked as the pony’s heart began to race. “Well, the reason why I was so distracted by you is because…”

“Becafse wphat?” Sky mumbled with his mouth slightly full of food.

Vapor Trail’s white face burned hot with blush, unable to hide her current mood. With ears folded back, she said aloud, “Because I want to tell you that I really, really like you and I want to always be around you!”

After swallowing his chewed food, Sky scooted close to his friend and wrapped an arm around her. “Oh, I know that,” he said with a bright smile.

“You do?” Vapor Trail muttered, her cheek pressed against the stallion’s neck.

“Now what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t feel the same way?” Sky was acting in a way Vapor Trail was not expecting. Normally when somepony tells another they really really like them, the receiver is usually stunned in some way. However, he was behaving as if he heard this from her before. “I too really really like you as well, and am glad you always stood by my side.” Vapor looked at her friend’s face to see any type of blush, or hear any nervousness in his voice. But there were no traces of either. “You were practically the wind to my wings,” he winked.

“Isn't that the truth.”

The rest of the lunchtime was in silence. Vapor Trail wondered if Sky knew she had just confessed her emotions to him as she ate her sandwich. Perhaps she needed to ask Sky if they were official special someponies.

Taking in a deep breath, the mare asked, “So are w-”

Daydreamer, please report to my office immediately!” Spitfire’s voice boomed over the intercom.

“Looks like cap wants needs a word with you,” Sky spoke before taking a huge chunk out of his hay sandwich. Vapor Trail shivered, believing she was in trouble, but a hoof patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I am sure she will just compliment you on your work.”

Vapor Trail get out a small giggle. “I appreciate the boost of encouragement, but I think the opposite. I messed up a lot today during practice.” Taking a stand, the mare looked to her friend, still wanting to ask him if they are special someponies. “Sky, are-”

“Oh and when you do get complimented for your great flying…” The stallion looked up to the sky with a grin. “...you mind asking Spitfire if she is interested in anypony.”

If Vapor Trail’s heart could fall out of her chest and shatter, now would have been able. “O-oh, alright,” she squeaked, her voice cracking with sadness. “I will… See you later...” Before he could get a good look at her face, the pegasus took off in a quick flash. She was afraid of her tears being visible.

Author's Note:

I normally don't post a chapter one day after I upload another. But I feel like being nice. :twilightsmile: