• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,375 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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Steps and Parts

Vapor Trail and Rainbow Dash walked back to the resting bunker, feeling refreshed from their warm showers. Their manes were slightly wet and the breeze cooled their heated skulls. From afar, Spitfire was speaking to a brown earth pony with a green cap. His cap was not like a hat with a bill, but it sagged over like an unstuffed sack. The brown stallion was hitched to a wooden wagon, the walls of it tall and the inside hollow.

Vapor Trail was curious to who the guest was and why he was talking to the captain, but she wanted to focus on a much more vital situation: giving her Hearts and Hooves gift to Sky Stinger. And with Rainbow Dash at the ready with her loyal ammunition, Vapor Trail was willing to up the ante.

“How are you going to assist in helping me confess my feelings to Sky Stinger?” Vapor Trail asked.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash began, “first, you need to apply some makeup!”

Vapor Trail pursed her lips and her brows creased. “You could have told me this when we were in the locker room,” she argued.

“I know I could have, but it's all apart of the big plan,” said Rainbow Dash, gesturing her hoof in front of her, attempting to show Vapor Trail her invisible list.

“If putting on makeup is step one, shouldn't I turn around and return to my locker?” Vapor Trail asked.

Rainbow Dash gave an uncertain smile, “Sorry, I'm new to the whole romance scene. But I am good at improvising. Consider the makeup part as step one, part two. Currently, we are doing step one, part one.” It would be difficult for Vapor Trail to try and shake Rainbow Dash off, considering how much she wants to help. But the cyan mare was making things so much more complicated; she hasn't even gotten to step two! It may have been better for Vapor Trail to work alone. “So you told me you got… him a box of chocolates that has a note inside?”

“It's a postcard, but yes, that is what I got Sky,” Vapor Trail commented.

“Couldn't you have gotten him something more fit for a stallion?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Like a remote control car or horseshoe game set would be cool, I think.”

“It's not his birthday.” Vapor Trail frowned, “Besides, if I did get him an RC car and Sky ends up rejecting me, I don't want something around to remind him of the day he said ‘no.’” Vapor Trail used her hoof to drive an imaginary steering wheel, “Wow, sure glad I got this RC the day I rejected Vapor Trail. Hey, let's use that horseshoe set she gave me that one Hearts and Hooves just before I proceeded to break her spirit. Got a hammer? Let's nail the spike into the grass just like-”

“Okay, okay, I get it!” Rainbow Dash snorted, unable to take any more negativity. “Do you have to put yourself down so much? No wonder you haven't asked him out yet.”

“I have tried to ask him,” Vapor Trail wined, “but things keep getting in the way!”

They entered the resting bunker, Rainbow Dash taking the lead. She looked around and saw nopony in the room. “Is anypony in there?” Vapor Trail asked sheepishly.

“Coast is clear,” said Rainbow Dash and closed the bunker door. And then locked it.

“Y-you can’t lock the sleeping quarter’s door!” Vapor Trail exclaimed and turned around to unlock it.

Rainbow Dash was faster and blocked Vapor Trail from the door. “But we can't unlock it now! Step one, part one doesn't need anypony interrupting!”

Whatever step one, part one might be, Vapor Trail hadn't had a clue. But she begged the question, “Then what needs to be done first?”

“Step one, part one, get in a better mood!” Rainbow Dash instructed, pressing her muzzle hard on Vapor Trail’s nose. A nervous grin bloomed from the white pegasus’ lips, which didn't impress, nor convince Rainbow Dash. “Come on, you can do better!”

“How is yelling at somepony supposed to make them feel happy?” Vapor Trail squeaked.

The cyan pegasus scratched her chin, her impromptu Hearts and Hooves plan needing quick adjustments. “Do what Daydreamer does best: daydream.”

“About Sky Stinger?”

“Of course, him! Daydream about him to put yourself in a more positive mood.” Rainbow Dash removed her assertive expression and replaced it with a warming and relaxing smile, “You were able face the odds and become a Wonderbolt. I know my apprentice can tell her friend how she feels.” Rainbow Dash pointed at herself, “Trust me, I have dealt with friendship problems for quite some time now. Saying what needs to be said can be hard. But someponies need to be told certain things. Some need to be told that they can't do everything all on their own. Some need to be told not to brainwash an entire village because they think cutie marks creates pain, and causes others to feel lesser than others.”

Vapor Trail was thrown off by Rainbow Dash and she gave the cyan pegasus a confused stare. “The last one I mentioned is a long story, but I did have to tell somepony that. Look, the point is you need to tell Sky Stinger your feelings. You will never know what will happen if you don't try. I've had to be told some things from my friends, even though it made them uncomfortable to say what was needed to be said. Now look at where I am! I am a friendship mender, and wielder of the Element of Loyalty.” Rainbow Dash wrapped an arm around Vapor Trail, “This wouldn't be the first time I have helped you before. And I know my advice has helped you become a better flier. Now, it is time to make you a courageous and loyal friend.”

The words of encouragement was enough to lift Vapor Trail spirits. “I don’t think I need to daydream about Sky Stinger,” she smiled. “You already cheered me up.”

“I am glad my awesome words have changed your mood. However, you need to do step one, part one properly.” Rainbow Dash stamped her hoof down, “Follow my instructions to the tee and I will guarantee success.”

The urge to be successful at her confession increased several times over. Vapor Trail did as instructed and closed her eyes, putting her nickname to work. The scene she put herself in was on a hillside. Sky Stinger was dressed in a typical black tuxedo with a red tie. As for herself, Vapor Trail was in a simple sundress, the outfit in a beautiful dark turquoise. Her perfume was a sweet vanilla, infectious to any stallion who would catch a whiff of it. In her hooves was the box of chocolates she had purchased several days before. Rainbow Dash hovered from above, moving clouds in front of the sun to make it beam a streak of light down onto them. Vapor Trail wondered if her imagination was starting to get out of control, but figured she had the excuse to do so because it was Hearts and Hooves after all.

“Now,” Rainbow Dash started, “are you in a better mood by daydreaming about Sky Stinger?”

“Can I suggest how to make today’s Hearts and Hooves proposal so much more magical?” Vapor Trail asked, her daydream fully bewitching her. Having a sunbeam shine down on Sky Stinger would make him feel like a star, no doubt. And it would also grab his attention and help him understand Vapor Trail when she confesses her feelings.

“Unless it conflicts with any of my steps,” Rainbow Dash started, “you may leave suggestions. But not right now.” The sunbeam idea was perfect and Vapor Trail wanted to let it out. However, things needed to be discussed before other ideas come into play. “Step one, part one point five: go get your gift and give it to me.”

“Step one, part one point five?” Vapor Trail repeated. “Can't you just-”

“Step one, part one point five: Go. Get. Your. Gift. Who cares about what number it is?” Rainbow Dash folded her arms, “Do you want my help or not?” The idea of simply giving Sky Stinger her gift didn't satisfy Vapor Trail’s fantasy, and an extra hoof would give the confession an extra hoof. But with how strange Rainbow Dash worked her numbering system, Vapor Trail wondered if her teammate really knew what she was doing.

Vapor Trail answered Rainbow Dash with movement and the white pegasus walked over to her own bed. Under it was her box of chocolates shaped like a heart, hidden from the normal eye. There was another Hearts and Hooves gift beside the box, designated to Spitfire. Vapor Trail took Fleetfoot’s advice by getting their captain a thank you card for Hearts and Hooves. And hopefully, Spitfire accepts the friendly notion and doesn't resist the card instead.

Vapor Trail snagged her gift and made her way over to Rainbow Dash. “Step one, part one point five finished.” It took Vapor Trail a moment to realize she said the entire phrase Rainbow Dash was saying but didn't care about it. The next part was about to be done.

“Good!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and took the heart. She opened the top and saw the Hearts and Hooves card all prepared for the climactic reveal. The mare grabbed a chocolate in the shape of the ball and gave it a sniff.

“Hey, that's not for you!” Vapor Trail barked.

“Kidding, kidding,” Rainbow Dash laughed, amused by her teammate’s aggressive stare. “This was the optional step one, part one point seventy-five, where I inspect the gift.” Before Vapor Trail could complain about anything else, Rainbow Dash put the candy back into its place and said, “Now it's time for step one… dramatic pause…” Vapor Trail let out an irritated sigh, a sign of her wanting to move along with the day. She wondered if there was a step one, part one point eighty-nine and a half; and that didn't make any logical sense!

“...part two,” Rainbow Dash concluded her dramatic pause. At once, Vapor Trail was at attention, ready to get the better steps and parts in motion. “Now, you said you wanted to make your proposal more ‘magical,’ correct?” The love-struck pony nodded with eager anticipation. If the part twos of step one involved getting pretty and making the setting for Sky Stinger perfect, Vapor Trail would do all the parts if needed. “What do you have in mind, Daydreamer?”

Vapor a Trail sat down and clapped her hooves together, “Okay, I want to confess my feelings to Sky Stinger in front of a tree.”

“That's it?” Rainbow Dash rose a brow. “I'm pretty sure you have daydreamed about more interesting ways to tell Sky Stinger your feelings.”

“There's more,” Vapor Trail smiled. “I want to have you move clouds over the tree and make a sunbeam glow onto it.”

The cyan mare scratched her chin and grinned, “Not bad, Daydreamer.”

Vapor Trail giggled, “I try.”

“I would have suggested having Princess Cadence cast a love spell on Sky Stinger, so he would easily fall for you. But hey, I can dig sunlight.”

Vapor Trail’s eyes widened, “You know Princess Miamore Cadenza! Maybe you could get her and help out with my Hearts and Hooves!”

The excitement startled Rainbow Dash and she was not sure how to approach the sparkly-eyed pegasus. “I could see if she is available, but your confession may be delayed for a while.”

Vapor Trail had no intention to delay her confession, even if the alicorn of love may come to her aid. “Then I will stick to my original idea,” she said.

“Cool,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Now, go to the locker room and get yourself all prettied up, while I find a tree for you and Sky Stinger.”

“Where will I meet you when I am done?” Vapor Trail asked.

“Look for a tree with sunlight beaming on it,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, right.”