• Published 11th Oct 2016
  • 2,810 Views, 109 Comments

Playing Hero - ArtieStroke

After the Oversaturation event, those with weirder aspects fight crime. For JUSTICE!

  • ...

Mares of Steel

Wiz flipped the lid to the mailbox back, thumbing through the stack. Phone bill, internet bill, cable bill- boy, was he glad he still had his parents paying this stuff still. He shuddered at the prospect of adulthood, and paying for his own internet that would come with it.

Needing money to live kinda stinks when you think about it too hard.

He nudged the door shut behind him as he continued to thumb through the stack. Spam, spam, spam, spam, magazine, spam-

Oh hello.

He paused, a familiar icon adorning this last envelope- a trio of very, very familiar crowns. He tossed the rest of the stack onto the kitchen table, carefully slipping open the envelope.


Featherweight screamed, toppling off of the top bunk as Wiz slammed open the door. Quickly, the young lad found himself dragged to his feet in the crushing embrace of his earth-aspected bro. The room spun around him, and he desperately tapped out.

"Air! AIR!"

Wiz finally let go, but the glee in his face never left, "I got in! The Fancy Industries seminar! DUDE!"

Featherweight coughed and wheezed, waving his hand, "T-that's great, man..."

Wiz practically skipped to his desk, spinning around into his chair as he booted up his computer, "This is gonna be great! Oh man- just think of all the ways I could use what I learn to improve your suit! This is some NEXT LEVEL stuff, man!"

"Calm down, buddy," Featherweight said, crossing over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder as he typed- for the younger brother, he sure was a lot more level-headed.

"Sorry, sorry," Wiz took a breath, "I just- even beyond the superhero thing, this is like... a dream come true."

"And I'm happy you got in," Featherweight grinned.

Wiz bounced in place- an ACTUAL laboratory! Not a high school one- a REAL lab. Looking around, he saw a lot of other eager faces in the group- though a couple of smug ones, too. Wiz assumed private school kids- maybe even Crystal Preppers. Blegh- honestly, the thought that the Friendship Games were coming up soon put his stomach in knots. His parents encouraged him to interview for a spot there around middle school- that Abacus Cinch lady gave him the heeby-jeebies.

It was just your basic academic/athletic decathlon, though- what's the worst that could happen?

His thoughts focused back on the present, as a gentlemanly voice rung out.

"This is where the magic happens, ladies and gentlemen," Fancy said, from behind the group. Wiz jumped a little as they collectively turned around, the big man sporting a bit of a cheesey grin, "Pun absolutely intended- sorry if I'm a little late! Personal project just needed a couple extra tweaks, I'm sure you all know what it's like to lose track of time like that."

A chuckle emanated from the group, Fancy making his way through and shaking a few hands. Wiz was, unfortunately, stuck behind a couple of larger fellows and didn't get the chance.

"I'm Fancy Pants, but I'm sure you all know that- come along! I've a few things to show you."

Wiz was in awe as Fancy led the group on tour through the lab- of course, most of what was on display was carefully vetted and already public knowledge. The primary focus seemed to be on thaumatic conversion- Wiz could only DREAM of the gear he could pack into a utility belt with that kind of power fueling it.

"Sir? If I may ask a question," A young, pale girl in a crystal prep uniform spoke up. Fancy motioned her onward.

"Of course- I wouldn't dream of this being simply a one-way experience. Your name, dear?"

"Oh- Fleur de Lis," She curtsied, "I'm... ah, huge fan."

A look of recognition crossed Fancy's face, "Ah- of course! I remember your submission quite well- you lived up to the expectations a mutual acquaintance had assured of your prowess with photo-optic technology. The theory you've worked on for the basis of hard-light is simply astonishing, you should be proud!"

A heavy blush crossed Fleur's face, "Well- I do hope I can shed more light on the subject when I've got a working prototype," She started, "However- I do have to wonder. These breakthroughs you've made recently involving thaumatic generation- I've studied and experimented a little on that myself, trying to solve power issues for my working model. No singular gemstone I've been able to procure has had quite the same resonation frequency as a unicorn-aspect's head gem."

"And I suppose you're wondering how I've gotten around that?" Fancy finished, as Fleur nodded, "Sorry to say, that's currently secret proprietary knowledge."

Fleur deflated a little bit.

"Chin up- I'm sure you've got just as good a shot at winning the grant this week-long seminar culminates in."

The group started forward, before Fancy stopped, checking what appeared to be an alert on his watch. He frowned.

"Ah, bugger all- sorry, everyone, it seems my attention is needed elsewhere. I'm sure one of our lead researchers can easily take my place here-" He said, making his way back to the exit. A wave of disappointment washed over the crowd, and Wiz felt his butt vibrate- or, more accurately his phone.

Wiz- Sunny+Me got a sitch@downtown bank near u. B careful. -Featherweight

Wiz frowned. That was... convenient.

Too convenient.

Taking a quick scope around, Wiz slipped away from the group and back towards the exit. He was pretty sure he saw Fancy take the same route back outside- yup, there's that same swishing tailcoat. Nonchalantly, Wiz made his way down the hallway, tailing the fleeing debonair with nary a single watching eye.

Another turn, down a short corridor to an emergency exit as Fancy stepped through, key in the lock to avoid the siren. Wiz waited for him to step out, before quickly darting to the door and keeping it ajar with his foot. Peering through the crack, he watched as Fancy rushed towards his limo-

And then the limo opened up in a way that a car definitely should not.

"FOOLISH Sunny Days! You could NEVER hope to overcome the swarming might... of the army... OF THE MECHANIZER!"

"Someone's been reading way too many comic books," Spider-Hawk quipped, two static blasts of paralyzing electricity tazing a pair of encroaching (and incredibly junky-looking) robots.

"And we're one to talk?" Sunny said, plowing a fist straight through one robot and swinging it into a whole group of them, bowling them down like pins.

"Less quips, more focusing on taking out these robots before any civilians get injured." Sunny said.

"But that's my whole brand-"

"Safety first! Quips later!"

Sunny blazed through another crowd of robots, gathered like living shields around their larger master trying to beat his way into the bank's vault. Her fists crashed towards his armor- bouncing off as ripples of blue energy went through what Sunny, of course, assumed was a force field.

God dang newfangled technology.



"-No, I said they were-"


"Would you STOP punching them, I said they were-"


"STOP IT!" The Mechanizer cried out, a small spark arcing from the cumbersome backpack-looking thing he wore on top of his armor. Sunny grinned- of course this thing had to have a weakness- the power for those shields couldn't withstand her blows forever.

Rearing back, she let forth a machine-gun barrage of punches, rippling the surface of the shield like a sea in the storm, before the Mechanizer reared back one of his own fists, shooting it forward in a telescoping punch catching Sunny off-guard enough to get her to back off.

She shook off the blow- looking back towards Spider-Hawk, it seemed he was starting to get overwhelmed as he took on the brunt of these robotic foes- dang it, she should be watching the kid's back-

"Nice toys you've got here."

A high-pitched whine of magical energy rung out, before a neat hole was blasted in the roof- and yet another mechanical man dropped in.

"I don't suppose you would acquiesce to a surrender? I would hate to ruin another mechanically minded individual's work."

"Surrender?" The Mechanizer turned around the LCD screen implemented on the face of his mask displaying an simplified amused expression (The kids called those 'emojis', right? Sunny was pretty sure of that, she's confiscated enough phones to know the jargon.)

"HA! You're still far outnumbered, even with three of you!"

Iron Suit jolted a little- noticing he was crashing in on two other heroes' turf, "Oh- I hadn't realized. Pardon the interruption here-"

"No, by all means- we appreciate the help."

"HELP WOULD BE GOOD!" Spider-Hawk cried as he dodged over a punching claw.

"Jolly good!" Iron Suit tapped a sigil on one of his forearms, sliding it downward as a low hum thrummed from him. Suddenly sparking, the robotic army of the Mechanizer shuddered and shut down, while his one shields vibrated- but barely held strong.

"W-WHAT? But how-"

"Electromagnetic interference, chap," Sunny could practically feel the smug grin from underneath the metal helmet, "I'd say that evens the odds a little, eh?"

"Ohh, no no no NO!" The Mechanizer took a couple shaky steps backwards, as the three heroes advanced upon him. He pried open a hatch on his chest, slamming a large blue button.

"You may have won this round, but I'll be BACK!" He shouted, arcs of energy cascading from his shield back onto himself- and in a blinding flash of light and smoke- he disappeared.

"Huh- emergency teleport. Quite dangerous escape plan, if you ask me." Iron Suit said, dusting himself off a little before turning towards the other two, "Again, my deepest apologies if I stole any thunder, there-"

"None at all-"

"Ehh, only a little."

Sunny gave Spider-Hawk an admonishing look, to which he only returned a shrug, "What? We probably could've caught him if he kept gloating and feeling like he had the upper hand."

"A fair point, chap," Iron Suit said, "Now, if you'll excuse me- things to do, and whatnot. I'm sure you understand- pleasure to meet you in the flesh, Miss Sunny Days. Bit of a fan."

Sunny's eyes widened a little, before she smiled, "And I hope to become more acquainted with your own work, sir....?"

"Oh, how rude of me- call me the Iron Suit. Now- tata!"

With another magical hum, he shot up into the air, flying right through the hole he made earlier. Sunny frowned- next time, she'll have a little talk with the man about how collateral damage means more than just 'civilian lives'. Holes in roofs cost money to fix.

"Holy SHI-SHOOT! I said shoot!" Spider-Hawk said, flipping through his phone as he headed towards the exit, "UH- Sunny Days! We gotta skeedadle! Also! Important things from our eye in the sky!"

Sunny raised an eyebrow as she followed Spider-Hawk outside. Grabbing him by the waist and hooking a right, she sped down a few alleys, away from the scene. Spidey wobbled a little as she set him down from the sudden acceleration.

"Woah- ugh, okay, okay... ugh... just a sec."

Featherweight tore the mask from his face, sucking in a deep breath- yeah that was not very fun. Celestia put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?"

Featherweight waved her off, "Just a little motion-sick, I'm good."

One more breathe- and calm. Easy in, easy out.

"Alright, just- take a look at this."

Featherweight tossed Celestia his phone, as she scrolled through the photo feed Wiz sent him. Her eyes widened.

"Well. Honestly I shouldn't be surprised by this revelation."

"Yeah- I think we're gonna need something better than just masks to hide our identities."