• Published 11th Oct 2016
  • 2,808 Views, 109 Comments

Playing Hero - ArtieStroke

After the Oversaturation event, those with weirder aspects fight crime. For JUSTICE!

  • ...

Secret Wars

"-Also, our patent claim for 'Magitek' has been denied- seems that the term is already too ingrained into pop culture as a thing that it would be tantamount to trying to copyright the word 'technology' or 'reaction', which in hindsight seems like an obvious oversight," Ginger Spice said, as Fancy nodded. He had taken to staying in his house for the few weeks it had been since his escape, so Mrs. Spice dropped by on a daily basis to keep the CEO informed of the going-ons of his company while he recuperated.

"Well, that certainly throws a monkey wrench into things," Fancy muttered, "And it was such a snappy name too- I truly do not wish to brand this branch as 'thaumatic science', it just doesn't have the same ring to it."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out, sir." Mrs. Spice said, flipping to the next note, "The board of directors is getting restless, as well. You know you can't stay cooped up in here forever."

Fancy sighed, "Yes, yes- I just need a little more time to... tinker, I suppose. Things to do."

Mrs. Spice quirked an eyebrow, as she gave her boss another cursory once-over; the man had taken a habit to wearing hats now, which had the effect of hiding his forehead under his bangs. She frowned, but decided it wasn't in her place to say anything.

"Well then, on a final note- you have someone requesting your presence today."


"Can't rightfully say," She said, flipping through a few more documents, "But the papers seem pretty high up here. Probably important, and probably..." she cleared her throat, "Probably related to the incident."

Fancy stopped writing for a moment, looking up at Mrs. Spice. Slowly, he nodded.

"Alright then, I'll see them at their earliest convenience."

Mrs. Spice nodded, standing up and gathering her tablet, "I'll email them, then. That should about wrap things up."

Fancy nodded again, "Right- have a good evening, Mrs. Spice."

Silence permeated the Fancy residence once again as Mrs. Spice left the house. Taking off his hat, Fancy Pants lightly touched where his head gem once was- the indent into his skull still sensitive to the touch. His first model prosthetic thaum reactor did the job of acting as a replacement, but it was clunky- he had started working on a sleeker model the moment he got home. The only problem was finding a material that could channel magic well enough- the only ones really being semi-precious and precious gemstones, which was in itself a bit of a problem. With enough time he could research an artificial element that might do the trick, but...

There was a knock on his door, drawing his attention away from his designs. Did Mrs. Spice forget something?

"One moment," He called, gathering the few scattered papers and stuffing them in a drawer. He straightened his collar, and went for the door. Greeting him was a curiously familiar and striking woman, with dark skin and a... rather peculiar sense of fashion. Ripped clothing surely went out of style in the 90s, did it not?

"Mr. Pants, I presume?" Chrysalis asked, and Fancy stood there for a moment before responding.

"O-oh! Yes, of course- um, who might you be?"

"Did your secretary not tell you of my request to meet?"

Mentally smacking himself, he nodded, "Ah, yes- I must say, when I said 'at their earliest convenience' I was not expecting such an immediate reply."

"I was in the neighborhood," Chrysalis responded, stepping through, "I won't take up too much of your time, I simply wish to express my gratitude."

Fancy nodded, a little perturbed by her forwardness, "I see... em, and what do I deserve such gratitude for? I'm not sure I quite know who you are, still."

Chrysalis laughed, nodding, "Right, how rude of me- I am Chrysalis, matron of the Wholesome."

Fancy's eyebrows shot up as he finally put two and two together and figured out why this woman looked familiar to him.

"Ah. You mean-"

"Yes, that Wholesome."

Fancy cleared his throat, and then gestured to one of the couches in the lounge, "Well then, make yourself comfortable."

Chrysalis' heels clacked as she walked across the hardwood flooring, sitting primly on one of the sofas. Fancy took a seat directly across from her.

"Well, I won't tarry," Chrysalis started, opening her purse and looking through, "I really must thank you, Fancy Pants- without your little stunt escaping Tirek's capture, my children may not have had the chance to enact my plan to see the tyrant fall."

Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow, "My... stunt?"

Chrysalis gave a wry smile, "No need to play coy- I know about your little super-hero suit you made. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

Fancy pulled at the topmost button of his shirt nodding, "Indeed- though I must say I think I must be the one thanking you here. If you and yours hadn't taken Tirek down, I most assuredly would have probably attempted a similar measure. Though not nearly as swiftly as you have, it seems."

"I've had a lot of time to make plans," Chrysalis said, and pulled out what she was looking for- a small, wooden box with a clasp.

"Now, I realize that this gift may come off as... a little macabre," she started, placing the box on the coffee table, "But I assure you, that is not my intention. I just figured I would return this to it's rightful owner. Maybe you could even do some good with it."

Hesitantly, Fancy Pants reached for the box, cradling it in his hands as he opened it. Fluorescent lighting caught the sparkling blue gem inside, and for a moment Fancy was speechless.

"Oh dear," He finally said, as he carefully lifted his spell gem from it's satin lined confines. Chrysalis reached a hand out, lightly placing it on Fancy's shoulder. Gently, Fancy placed it back in the box and set it on the table again. He took in a shallow breath.

"Thank you, for this," He said.

"It was no trouble at all."

Chrysalis stood up, brushing a few wrinkles from her skirt and gathering her purse, "Now, I really must be off- things to do, you know how it is."

Making her way towards the door, she stopped suddenly, before turning around, "Oh- before I forget. One of my younger children is quite a fan of yours, would you mind terribly...?" She pulled out a pen and a picture. Fancy sat for a moment, still in a stunned silence, before an incredulous grins spread across his face. He barked out a single laugh.

"Please, an autograph is the very least I could do for you at this point," He said, standing up and grabbing the pen. Chrysalis nodded.

"Yes, just make it out to a miss Fleur de Lis- bright young woman, I must say. Rather talented with optical technology, could do well in a company like your own later on."

Fancy nodded, "I'll be sure to keep an eye out, should her resume pass through."

Flourishing the pen with a final stroke, he returned the photograph and pen, which Chrysalis promptly stowed away.

"Once again, I cannot stress how thankful I am for this," Fancy said.

"I try my best," Chrysalis said, and Fancy smiled.

"Don't we all?"

Fancy wiped away some of the soot off his brow from a few hours of soldering now. His workshop lights glinted off the minuscule metallic cradle, where his spell gem now laid. Tiny archaic circuits made contact at key points, and the gem pulsed with a shallow blue light.

Laying down on a makeshift gurney, Fancy pressed a button on a remote as a robotic arm picked up and placed the gem in the indent where it once was. Fancy breathed out- that was the easy part.

He grit his teeth as pricks of pain stabbed into his forehead, while the robotic arm connected tiny electrode-laden pins through the cradle and into his skull. In an instant, the dullness seeped out of the world; magic once again coursed through Fancy's veins, and he felt the electric arc of thaums passing through him once more. His grin could give a certain fictional cats a run for their money.

Fancy Pants was back in the game.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Masterweaver for his own little shout out to my work here in his story "Rise of the Wholesome", linked in the story above. Definitely check it out if you haven't already.

Well, heroes seem to be popping up in the world all over now. I think the wait for the next one will be well worth it- I do like a slow burn, literary speaking.