• Published 11th Oct 2016
  • 2,810 Views, 109 Comments

Playing Hero - ArtieStroke

After the Oversaturation event, those with weirder aspects fight crime. For JUSTICE!

  • ...

Super Acquaintances

Author's Note:

Warning- this chapter is... a little anvilicious in its content. But I feel like Principal Celestia is not the kind of person to pull any punches- she doesn't have the centuries of tempering and chess-mastery of the Princess, which I think leads to her being more of a stern but fair figure. She's proactive and nips problems in the bud- and I prefer a leader who is a little more genre-savvy than not.

Featherweight was nervous- and understandably so. He stood outside one of the many classrooms in CHS, the final bell for the day having rung more than half an hour ago and sitting through yet ANOTHER school news meeting. At least Tiara seemed to be putting forward a little more patience- he'd have to remember to thank Apple Bloom for making his boss at least slightly more agreeable.

Sucking in a breath and pushing out those procrastinating thoughts, he twisted the handle open. Inside stood Celestia, his brother Wiz and some girl with hair that reminded him of toothpaste.

"Uh, sorry I'm late- had to take care of business with the school paper."

Celestia nodded with a calming smile, gesturing to one of the seats. She herself was parked rather casually on the desk itself. It was totally bizarre to see such an authoritative figure acting so... Laid back. Featherweight took the seat with haste.

"Now that this is settled, I suppose you're all curious as to the nature of this meeting?"

"It's about our super powers, right?" Minuette spoke up, twirling her hair, "Like, okay- I get that you're all 'use these for the greater good' and stuff, but like- I've already got stuff on my plate here? Plus I'm pretty sure Cinch would make life an absolute b-"

She looked over at the much younger teen that was Featherweight for a moment.

"B-buh, bad- bad time!"

Flashing her pearly whites did nothing to lower the incredulous eyebrow on Celestia's face.

"I'm not asking you to be a super hero or anything," Celestia started, "I just want to offer a guiding hand to make sure you don't end up getting lost in the power that comes with your magics."

"Like Uncle Pen, except with less, uh... Dying." Featherweight piped up, and Celestia nodded.

"In a sense, yes. Now, since it's just the four of us for right now, all I wanted to do was have a casual talk about responsible power usage," she got up, pacing as she spoke, "These gifts were given to you for a reason- I would hate to see them squandered in such ways as petty theft."

Celestia threw a pointed glance at Minuette, who very pointedly looked anywhere else. She then continued.

"While I can't expect you to just become a paragon of excellence overnight, I'd like you all to give a long hard look at what selfish exploitation of your powers can lead to." Celestia pulled down the projector screen, and hit play on a news site video file. An Earth-aspect in a sharp looking suit, named Bobby Pin according to the superimposed news graphic, straightened a few papers.

"Tensions are mounting as the situation in Tauros escalates. Reports of Tirek's magical conquests pour in daily, as the scarce few refugees who have escaped tell their tale. Earlier this week, we interviewed one of the most surprising of these refugees- a member of Tirek's personal guard. We have kept his identity secret as per his wishes- I must warn you, viewers, what he has seen may shock you, but it is a story that needs to be told."

The scene cut to a darkened news room, with only Bob in lighting. Across from him, in typical anonymous fashion, the former guard was backlit to hide his features.

"I must say, it's incredibly brave for you to come forward like this," Bob started, "What exactly drove you to try and escape Tauros?"

The guard's voice was modulated to hide their identity, deep and absurdly bassy, "There's only so much a man can witness before their conscience gets the better of them. Though, the horrors that Tirek has subjected his fellow countrymen to... I wonder if the man is even capable of such simple empathy."

Bob nodded, gently urging him on.

"Tirek's cruelty was never a secret to the rest of the world- while he has made some boastful claims of Tauros' might in the past, I have learned that most of your world takes them... almost as if a joke. I do not see the humor in my fellow aspects having their down shorn from them, or seeing Earth-aspects herded like cattle and monitored at all hours of the day."

"He's... harvested feathers from Pegasus-aspects?"

The guard's nod was almost imperceptible, "Yes- and those are not the only ones. Those unicorns he's deemed 'worthy' enough- he can... he just rips the magic right out of them, to fuel his own power. And that's if they're lucky."

"How is that even remotely lucky?"

"Others, he just tears the spell gems off of- cuts them right out of their foreheads," The guard was physically shuddering now, his shadow shaky, "I saw- I saw him do it. Many times."

Celestia chose that moment to stop the video, looking over the gathered trio. Featherweight seemed like he was physically about to hurl, while his brother held him close to comfort him. Minuette touched the blue crystal on her head for a moment, shuddering as a look of pure horror crossed her face.

"This is what happens to a person who abuses power," Celestia said, "Power corrupts- and I've seen it do so many, many times."

Wiz looked up, frowning, "What do you mean you've seen it? You're... our principal?"

Celestia shook her head, "I wasn't always an educator- or, well... not in the same way, at least. But that's a different story," she walked over to her students, kneeling down and placing a comforting hand on the shoulders of Featherweight and Minuette, "I know, this is scary- and it's not what you were expecting when you were given these gifts, but please- know that I'm not doing this to try and 'scare you straight' or anything like that- that's more Luna's style."

She took in a sharp breath, "A harsh truth is still a truth, regardless- doing the right thing on a... "Heroic" scale is not fun and games," she looked Featherweight in the eye, "It's a responsibility- I know that you know that. But you young kids seem to think yourselves invincible, and that kind of attitude can get you and others hurt, or worse."

Celestia then looked at Minuette, "And the inverse... it's a slippery slope. You try and justify the small things, but those small things add up into much bigger things, and eventually you don't even recognize the person you've become."

Getting back up, she walked towards the door, "I'm going to leave for a few minutes- I've already said my piece on responsibility, and that's about all I can do. Your choice in what to do with that lesson is your own."

The door clicked shut, and the three kids sat in silence for a while. Only the ticking of the clock broke the silence, like a judgmental beat to the tune of their own indecision.

"... I can't just stand aside," Featherweight finally spoke up. Wiz rubbed his shoulder, comfortingly.

"What?" Minuette stared at him, absolutely dumbfounded, "Did we watch the same interview, here? Because, like- that was messed up! Having your... I can't even imagine that happening! It's horrible!"

"And that's exactly why I can't do nothing," he said, standing up from the desk, "I mean- yeah, maybe I'm just a kid here, and there's definitely no way I could ever take on someone like Tirek right now- but there are probably a hundred other people like him that aren't making the news. Someone's gotta take responsibility- someone's gotta make a start. And maybe it inspires another person to do the right thing, and they inspire another and another, and soon enough you've got people everywhere standing up against the jerks and the bullies."

Minuette gave the kid a long, hard look- he had the determination in his words, that was for sure. Once again, she rubbed a finger against her gem.

"I've... been pretty irresponsible with my own life, so far," She admitted, "I mean- before the magic and everything, even at Crystal Prep I just... kinda wanted to go more with the flow rather than act like every other stick in the mud, you know? Be exciting and cool. After Sunset Shimmer did her thing, and I got stuck with some weird magic because destiny said so, I just... it felt like life was giving me a big ol' finger like "Nah, Minnie- you've got to be serious and help restore time and blah blah blah" which is just-!"

She huffed and put her face in her hands, "It's not fair... I wanted my own choices and stuff."

"I don't see how that has to change," Wiz said, earning a questioning glance.

"I mean- she said it herself, Celestia's not gonna force anyone to fight- me and Feathers here are in it to the end, but you honestly sound like you've got a lot on your plate," He shrugged, "Maybe you just... need to take the time to figure out stuff for yourself? Come to terms with your... uh, I don't think you actually mentioned what kind of magic you got stuck with?"

Minuette rolled her eyes, "It's... stupid time stuff. And not even like time travel- I can just pause it for a few moments while I zip around and, well... do whatever, really."

"Oh wow- so like that one Mercury scene from "Y-Men: Here Tomorrow, Gone Today"?" Featherweight said, a huge grin on his face. Minuette frowned.

"Uh... I dunno? I guess?" she shrugged, "I'm more of a fan of "The Journal" or "Oil" far as movies go."


Minuette got out of her seat, brushing down her skirt, "Anyways, I think I'm gonna... head out. Do some thinking. This has been pretty heavy, you know?"

Wiz nodded, "Yeah, no kidding."

Giving a small grin, she headed towards the door, stopping for a moment, "You know... for a couple of CHS kids, you guys have some solid noggins on your shoulders. And... thanks for the advice."

And like that, the brothers were the only ones left. Featherweight gave Wiz a grin.

"You're real softie, "Care Root"."

"Ugh, come on- only mom gets to use my real name like that. Let's go find the Principal- let her know that we're still on the team."

"Yeah- we totally need a name for it, though. Like the Revengers! Or the Hero Pals!"

"Ehhh... we'll work on it."