• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 33,552 Views, 1,861 Comments

The Games We Play - AbsoluteAnonymous

Somepony is once again masquerading as Mare Do Well, and it's up to Rainbow Dash to figure out who.

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Language of Flowers

True to her word, Rainbow Dash approached Pinkie Pie the very next day, prepared to accept the pink pony's offer of help. Not because Dash thought Pinkie would actually be any help, but because she knew that it would upset Mare Do Well if she did so – and that was enough of a reason for her.

When Rainbow Dash spoke to her, the subdued, inscrutable Pinkie Pie of the day before was gone; in her stead was the familiar hyperactive pink whirlwind that she'd always known. The smile Pinkie beamed at Dash carried no trace of the cryptic lucidity from earlier. It was a relief. Maybe it was shallow of Rainbow Dash to prefer Pinkie like this, but it was much easier to be around her when she was being her usual, if annoying, self.

Even though they'd had their first ever argument, as small and inconsequential as it had proven to be, Pinkie Pie seemed to hold no kind of grudge. Another small relief. Because of that, even though Dash herself still felt mildly upset by what Pinkie had said to her, she held it in, choosing to ignore any lingering resentments there might have been in favor of getting back to normal. That was what this whole thing was about, really, getting life back to normal – and if Pinkie wanted to help, well, why couldn't she?

But although Rainbow Dash had gone to Pinkie more out of spite than out of a real desire for her assistance, Pinkie Pie managed to surprise her by actually seeming to take the whole mock-investigation thing seriously. Or at least as seriously as could be expected. She was still Pinkie Pie, after all.

Neither of them exactly apologized – Pinkie for bringing up an old hurt, Dash for leaving so abruptly – but since neither of them brought it up again, they left it at that, both pretending not to notice any tension that there might've been between the two of them. It was easier that way, and Pinkie Pie was a genuinely sweet pony, who seemed eager enough to take up the mantle of Detective Pinkie Pie for Rainbow Dash's sake. At least, that's what Dash gathered from the way she insisted on donning a trenchcoat and fedora as they brainstormed.

Pinkie had also insisted on meeting at Sugarcube Corner so that she could continue her baking for the morning, and Rainbow Dash had been too exhausted to protest. She'd pulled way too many all-nighters lately, and tended to have zero energy during the day now. Even on those nights where Dash didn't go looking for Mare Do Well, her sleep was interrupted by fitful dreams that she always promptly forgot upon waking.

Pinkie made for an odd sight – odder than usual, at least – as she stood before the open oven, sliding in a tray of cookies. She was decked out in her very best private investigator gear, complete with a magnifying glass tucked in her pocket, and Rainbow Dash didn't bother to ask where she'd gotten any of it. At the same time, she wore a frilly white apron tied around her waist, and was happily humming and bouncing along with the song in her head.

The contrast between Pinkie's attitude and the different aspects of her appearance simultaneously amused and perplexed Rainbow, but she didn't try and make sense of it. Instead, she focused on how good the cool, smooth wood of the kitchen table felt when she was resting her poor head on top.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie sang, energetically slamming the oven door shut. "Now just twenty itty-bitty minutes of waiting, and then we'll have a yummy batch of Pinkie Pie's special homemade chocolate fudgie cookies!" She yanked off the apron, throwing it off to the side before immediately adopting a serious, all-business attitude and going to join Rainbow Dash, slamming her hooves on the table and making the pegasus jump. "First! Tell Detective Pinkie Pie everything you know!"

"Well –" Dash began with a nervous beat of her wings. She was still hesitant to share too much with Pinkie Pie, but she had offered to help; what reason would Pinkie have to aid Rainbow Dash if she was actually somehow involved?

It's just Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash told herself, and that time, she almost halfway believed it.

"I first saw Mare Do Well when some jerk tried stealing one of my saddlebags and she scared him off for me," Rainbow finally began to explain, albeit it a little uncertainly. "The next day, I talked to you guys about it but you all denied it. Since Twilight had said that she gave her costume to Rarity, I thought that whoever was posing as Mare Do Well again might have stolen it, so I asked Rarity, and she said somepony might have bought it, but wouldn't say who because of confidentiality or whatever."

"Is that all you did?" Pinkie prompted after a beat of expectant silence. She looked wide-eyed and alert, unlike Dash, who hadn't quite found the strength to lift her head yet. Pinkie was practically bouncing with pent-up energy, squirming around on her seat. Aside from the get-up, she didn't look much like a detective.

"What do you mean all?" Rainbow Dash mumbled, voice muffled from the way her cheek was pressed on the tabletop as she slumped forward.

"Didn't you ask any other questions? Or look for her sales records or anything?"

"Sales records?" Dash repeated, a little disbelieving. She hadn't considered doing either, and here was Pinkie Pie, jumping to those conclusions first thing. "Well..."

As soon as Rainbow had realized that Rarity was refusing to answer, she'd dropped the subject, electing to take the unicorn's word for it that she wasn't involved. Obviously Dash should've pushed it a little further. Pinkie Pie had the right idea; she would have to talk to Rarity again.

"What else?" Pinkie asked, and this time, Rainbow Dash managed to look up. Pinkie's eyes were narrowed and she had a grim set to her mouth, like she was playing the part of a hardboiled detective on some cheesy, low-budget movie and was taking the role very seriously. She leaned forward, and it was all the pegasus could do to keep from snickering in her face. As it was, a chuckle escaped before she could answer.

"I talked to Fluttershy, too. She told me that she thought it would probably be one of us; we were the only ones who knew about Mare Do Well the first time around, and whoever the new Mare Do Well is knows to be careful around me, even though nopony else should know that I ever found out who it really was. And I tried getting Twilight to analyze one of the notes I got, but she couldn't help me."

"Hmm," Pinkie mused, a thoughtful expression crossing her face as she rubbed her chin, pondering. "Anything else?"

"...Not really."

"What about Applejack?"

"What about Applejack?"

"You haven't talked to her yet?"

"Why should I?" Rainbow Dash asked bluntly. "She said she didn't do it. Why would she lie? And besides, if she knew anything, she'd have told me by now. Secrets kill her. Plus, Mare Do Well might be trying to cover up her voice, but if she had some kind of country accent, I think I'd have noticed."

"I dunno, Dashie," Pinkie drawled. "Applejack's pretty good at changing her voice."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash felt her ears prick up. "How would you know?"

"Don't ask how Pinkie knows her secrets!" came the cryptic reply, sending a chill down Rainbow's spine. "But go ahead and ask her to try dropping her accent. It's crazy, she sounds like a totally different pony!"

Rainbow Dash frowned.

She had never once doubted the credibility of Applejack's alibi for the sole reason that Applejack was the Element of Honesty and couldn't lie if her life depended on it. The thought that Applejack could be deceptive in any way, even if it was in something as minor as the way she spoke, was deeply unsettling. Revelations like these were causing Rainbow Dash to consider all of her friends in new lights, something that had been happening a lot lately.

So many things were changing now. Perceptions that she'd held close for so long that they'd almost become a part of her were growing so distorted that they were barely recognizable.

"It's not Applejack," Dash muttered, once again slumping forward to rest her head on the table.

"Well, you should at least talk to her, to make things all even-Stevens for everypony," Pinkie said firmly, as if equality between the ponies being interrogated was all that mattered. "But you should probably talk to Rarity again too, just to see if you can find out anything else. And also to see if we can find her sales files."

"We can't do that!"

"Why not?" Pinkie asked, batting her eyelashes, once again all wide-eyed innocence.

Why not? What do you mean, why not? Dash wanted to shout, grabbing Pinkie's shoulders and shaking her. "Because as much as I love pranks, I draw the line at getting arrested, you doofus. We can't break into Carousel Boutique to steal private papers, that's totally illegal."

"We don't have to break in!" Pinkie said quickly with a dismissive little wave of her hoof, as if the breaking in part of her plan had been the only troublesome aspect. "All we gotta do is go visit for a teeny-tiny bit and distract her. Then while you keep her busy, I'll go look for them!"

Rainbow Dash considered.

She had no doubt whatsoever that Pinkie Pie was fully capable of doing what she said without getting caught, and Dash had told Mare Do Well that she didn't play fair, but it seemed wrong to drag Rarity into this whole mess, especially since it would involve breaking the law. That was going a little too far.

Then again, what was Rainbow Dash if not extreme? Risks made life... fun.

"Okay," Rainbow finally agreed. "So how do we distract her? We'd probably just need to throw a bucket of mud on her stairs and she'd spend a couple of hours going nuts scrubbing them."

"Nope! Distracting her will be easy-peasy. We'll just bring her some cookies, and you two eat them while Pinkie does her stuff!"

After that, another silence fell over the two of them. Rainbow Dash kept her head on the table, her eyelids falling shut against her will again and again as her body threatened to fall asleep on her. Pinkie Pie returned to bustling about the kitchen of the bakery, poking around the many cupboards and rummaging amongst the pots and pans.

At last there came a ding from the oven. With a delighted cry, Pinkie leapt to her hooves and zipped over to it to yank open the door, peering within at the cookies laid out before her.

The smell of Pinkie Pie's famous triple-chocolate fudge cookies soon filled the bakery, and although she hadn't been hungry before, Rainbow Dash found herself smiling and accepting when Pinkie bounced over to offer the tray.

• • •

They stood on the steps of Carousel Boutique, Rainbow Dash trying to convince herself that coming with Pinkie hadn't been a terrible idea, Pinkie jumping from hoof to hoof as she carried the handle for a basket of sweet-smelling cookies in her mouth. Rainbow Dash almost wanted to reach in for another one, they smelled so warm and delicious, but if they were to be diversion cookies, it would probably be best to save them.

When Rarity answered the door, her normally flawless hair was in disarray; a tape measure hung around her neck and a pair of red spectacles balanced on her nose. She was wild-eyed, but managed to twist her mouth into a strained smile when she saw her guests.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie! Hello!" the unicorn cried in her fake-cheerful way, but she kept the door as tightly closed as possible, barely allowing enough room for her to squeeze her own head through in order to speak to them.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash blurted. "You look like you're gonna explode."

"Ha! Ha!" Rarity laughed in a forced tone, squeezing the door shut a little tighter and gritting her teeth when she smiled. "Not explode, I would think, but burst certainly seems more like it. I am very busy right now, so I must ask you to two to leave. I have a massive order due tomorrow, and –"

There was an enormous crash. Rarity flinched. A high, sweet voice came from somewhere inside, asking, "Rarity? I dropped the –"

"Just leave it!" Rarity snapped, whipping around to shout at whoever was in the boutique. "I'll get it later!" Then she turned back to Rainbow and Pinkie with another strained, borderline manic smile. "Ah, as you can see, I have dear Sweetie Belle with me today. It seems mother and father have decided to take another little holiday. My hooves are rather full –"

Another crash, followed by a metallic clatter, as if somepony had knocked over a stack of pots.

"Rarity?" the voice called.

"I told you not to touch that!" Rarity shrieked, and slammed the door shut in Pinkie and Rainbow's faces.

They exchanged a glance, Rainbow looking doubtful and Pinkie shrugging amiably before knocking again. This time when the door swung open and the haggard Rarity answered, she proudly stuck out her head to display the basket of cookies she carried.

"Ta-da! We brought cookies!" Pinkie announced, her words slightly muffled by the handle in her mouth.

Rarity stared at Pinkie. Her gaze flicked over to the basket before straying back to the pink pony. She blinked.

"They smell heavenly..." the unicorn finally murmured, looking unsure. "But... I'm so busy right now. Although... I suppose I could use a break. Come on in, then. Wipe your hooves off first!"

She stepped aside and the door swept open. Pinkie Pie hopped inside, leaving Rainbow Dash to eye her with mingled awe and respect.

The boutique itself was a disaster zone of scattered material and accessories. Mannequins were toppled over from left to right. Opalescence was perched atop a pile of expensive looking fabric that had been shredded to pieces, presumably by her very own claws, looking quite content. Rarity stoically walked through the war zone that her normally orderly shop had become, leading Pinkie and Rainbow into the kitchen, where they found her sister Sweetie Belle balanced on a pile of dishes as she tried to reach for a mixing bowl on the counter.

"Look, Sweetie!" Rarity sang in a loud, false-perky way. "Guests! And they've brought something tasty, so you don't have to make me anything!"

"Aw," Sweetie cried, hanging her head in disappointment as she remained precariously balanced atop the pile of plates and pans. "I was gonna make you a tasty treat all by myself!"

"Oh, I know, Sweetie," the frazzled Rarity gushed. "But now you don't have to! See? Now you can run along and play with your friends. Maybe the three of you can bake something together for some other time over at, at, Apple Bloom's house, while I get back to work?"

Sweetie Belle pouted, but she seemed to brighten at this suggestion from her sister. "Okay!" she sang, and just like that she'd zipped out of the kitchen – but not before stopping to give Rarity a quick nuzzle.

As soon as she left, the stack of plates tipped over and crashed onto the floor, sending countless pieces of broken crockery scattering everywhere.

Rarity winced.

"Well, ah –" the unicorn began, taking care to step over the shards as she approached her friend, who'd watched the entire spectacle in silence from the doorway. "Now that that's taken care of, I suppose I could take a little break before getting back to work. I do apologize, though. I tend to get a bit stressed when Sweetie is staying over, especially since I have so much to do. But one should always make oneself a priority first, as I always say."

"That's funny! I've never heard you say that before!" Pinkie said curiously, setting the cookies down on a spot on the counter that Rarity had cleared with her magic. "Do you say that a lot?"

"If not, I should start. Now, darlings, what can I do for you?" Rarity asked. She removed the red glasses, which she only tended to wear while pushing a deadline and always removed when seeing company, and carefully began to pat her mane back in place.

Rainbow Dash found herself closely observing Rarity's every move, waiting for her to do something questionable or suspicious, before privately chastising herself for such paranoia.

"We just wanted to bring you some yummy cookies to try, that's all!" Pinkie said in her bubbly way, sticking her head into the basket and coming up with a mouthful of chocolate cookie. "Dashie helped me make them!"

"Really?" Rarity asked, sounding disbelieving.

"Hey, I was the taste tester," Dash joked.

"That sounds more like it," Rarity acknowledged with a small nod and a wry smile. "But I would've imagined that there wouldn't have been any left to share, what with the appetite between the two of you."

"Rarity, you're so silly!" Pinkie giggled, clapping her hooves at Rarity's little joke. Rainbow Dash felt a sharp kick in her side and almost jumped, but Pinkie showed no sign at all of noticing her reaction. "We have plenty left! But..." and here she leaned forward, glancing into the basket, before gasping an enormous, exaggerated gasp. "We don't have any left in the basket! Oh, no, we brought them just to share, and we already ran out? I gotta go and get more! Don't worry, I'll be right back!"

With a huge, obvious wink at Dash, Pinkie was suddenly upright; and then she was off, basket handle in her mouth as she hopped out of the boutique.

Subtle, Rainbow Dash thought, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Rarity, however, didn't seem to notice that anything was up, shaking her head.

"I'll never understand where that one gets all her energy," she sighed. "I'm almost envious. I could certainly use it more than her."

An awkward silence fell over them.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt uncomfortable. She and Rarity, though they got along, weren't especially close within their little circle of friends. She was supposed to keep Rarity distracted while Pinkie did whatever criminal activity she had planned, but she had no idea what to actually do. Her mind was blank.

That was probably why she said what she said next.

"Can you tell me about carnations?" Rainbow Dash blurted.

Rarity blinked, looking a little taken aback.

"Carnations?" the unicorn repeated. "Why, whatever for, darling?"

"It's just..." The pegasus could feel her cheeks burn. "Somepony sent me some, and apparently they mean something big, but I couldn't be bothered to look it up. Twilight said that you or Fluttershy might know."

All at once, Rarity's attitude changed, her face breaking out into an enormous smile.

"Somepony sent you flowers?" Rarity cried, sounding delighted. "Oh, my, that's simply wonderful! Who was it? Was it anypony I know? Or, oh, was it a secret admirer? Imagine, our Rainbow having a secret admirer! How utterly splendid! I'm almost jealous, darling – it's been so long since anypony's sent me flowers," she sniffed, suddenly haughty.

"They're just dumb flowers!" Rainbow Dash protested weakly. "I don't even like them that much! What am I gonna do with flowers? They're stupid."

"They're not stupid! They're a token of the utmost admiration! You were asking what they mean? Let me see, let me see, I know I have something somewhere..."

Rarity rose from her seat to rummage through a nearby mound of junk, finally pulling out a slim red book with an aura of magic. She began to eagerly flip through the pages, chattering excitedly to herself, something about knowing that it was in here somewhere.

"Ah-ha!" Rarity declared in triumph, and thrust the book towards Rainbow so that she could see the page she'd stopped on. "An entire chapter on carnations alone! But of course I must know the specifics. What color? What size? What shape? Were they striped? Oh, I hope not – striped carnations mean refusal. Rather uncouth of a secret admirer, if you ask me."

"They have books on stuff like this?" Rainbow Dash asked, disbelieving, reaching forward to grab the book again, but Rarity yanked it out of her reach so that she could continue to flip through it herself.

"Well?" Rarity prompted, glancing over at the flustered pegasus. "Tell me all about them! I must know! Please?"

"They're not from a secret admirer or anything, they're just stupid flowers somepony sent for a stupid reason!" Rainbow Dash retorted heatedly. "I don't even know if they meant anything by them. Maybe they just thought carnations were pretty."

"Even so, it means they wanted to give you something pretty..."

"And that's dumb!"

"It's better than roses, at least," Rarity added, with a trace of disapproval. "Roses are so overdone. Rather gauche now, if you ask me. Of course, roses are standard during a typical courtship, but although they're fairly lovely and admittedly rather elegant, everypony sends them. There's nothing special about them. Carnations, though, mean all sorts of things." The book rose to her eye level so that she could skim the page. "Fascination, devotion... and then of course there are individual meanings for each color."

Although Rainbow Dash was honestly trying to listen, it felt like she could only catch the occasional stray word as Rarity babbled away. She was far too excited over Rainbow Dash's supposed admirer.

Token. Admiration. Courtship. For a second, Rainbow shuddered at Rarity's non-ironic usage of such an embarrassingly archaic term.

Fascination. Devotion.

"What about red?" she asked, interrupting Rarity's little spiel on the fascinating language of flowers. "Like, dark red."

"Red?" Rarity repeated, glancing back down at the book. "My heart aches for you, alas for my poor heart, admiration, friendship... those are all rather lovely, aren't they?"

Rarity sighed, setting herself back down on her seat at the table. She dropped the book in order to bring her hooves to her chest, placing them over her heart. "So romantic," she sighed dreamily, batting her eyelashes. "I can't believe that somepony would send you a bouquet, though!"

My heart aches for you.

There was something so sad, almost poetic, about the phrasing of those words. If Mare Do Well had sent her roses – boring, overdone, gauche – Dash might have been able to laugh them off as insipid and cheesy, and as a sign of trying way too hard. But the carnations; if that was really what Mare Do Well had intended by giving them to her, then suddenly they seemed almost tragic, and all at once she couldn't help but feel guilty for having thrown them out.

No. No guilt. No tragedy. Rainbow Dash wouldn't let herself derive any shame or flattery from the gesture. She was here for one purpose and one purpose only – to find out what Rarity was hiding.

Just then, Pinkie Pie sprung in.

"Dashie!" she cried. "There's an emergency and I need you right away! Sorry, Rarity, we gotta run, but we'll bring you a cake next time to apologize!"

Rainbow Dash at once bolted upright.

"Sorry, Rare!" she shouted. "Ponyville's number one hero needs to fly!"

Rarity was too busy sighing and fantasizing over her book on flowers to pay any attention as they left.

• • •

"Find anything?" Rainbow Dash hissed eagerly.

"No," Pinkie admitted, looking sad.

"Then what did you do the whole time?!"

"Well, first I looked for a while and then I found a tape measure in a drawer and I was all, I can think of a million things to do with this, yessir! So I –"

"No. Never mind." Rainbow Dash sighed and closed her eyes. "I should've figured something like that was gonna happen. It's okay."

"Oh, but don't worry!" Pinkie cried, eyes once again gleaming with seriousness, though she was out of her trench coat and fedora for now. "Detective Pinkie Pie is still on the case! I'll find a way to help you, don't you worry! But first I gotta go bake Rarity an apology cake. Bye!"

She spoke and moved so fast, like a whirlwind. Rainbow Dash might've been the fastest pegasus to have ever come out of Cloudsdale, but Pinkie Pie was certainly the fastest earth pony to have ever come out of a rock farm.

Rainbow Dash had been tired enough from the beginning, but being with Pinkie Pie for longer than ten minutes only seemed to make it worse.

The plus side was that now they couldn't get arrested, or sued, or whatever would've happened if Rarity had found out what they'd been planning. The downside was that now Dash was back to square one. Pinkie Pie hadn't helped at all, and Rainbow Dash hadn't been able to get any new information from Rarity, all thoughts of attempting to interrogate her having fled when she'd found herself asking about the carnations.

My heart aches for you.

Just remembering those words, those words that carried such a sad weight, made her feel a funny little twinge in her stomach. It wasn't fear and it wasn't anger, but it was far from the satisfaction she'd seen in Rarity earlier.

Rainbow Dash didn't really know what it was, actually. Only that it wasn't wholly unpleasant, and she found herself repeating those words to herself again and again throughout the day. Always a soft little whisper in the corner of her mind, barely audible, but a repetition nonetheless.

• • •

"Maybe we need to go over the rules sometime, then. Tomorrow, same time, same place?" Mare Do Well had said in that chatty way of hers the night before.

And the truth was, Rainbow Dash had no reason not to go. She wasn't going to sleep that night – she already knew that. She was too restless to manage it. Besides, a part of her was curious about whether Mare Do Well herself would bother showing up. After all, she'd obviously been upset last time, and they hadn't exactly left on what many would call good terms.

They'd never left each other on good terms, actually, but usually, Mare Do Well had been the one disappearing into the night. Last night had been the first time that their little dance had been altered in any way.

Midnight in the cul-de-sac, the streets lit only by the glow cast by Luna's moon. The now-familiar dumpster and the feeling of waiting. Before, Rainbow Dash would seek out Mare Do Well primed to fight, convinced every time that they were finally going to have their confrontation, but now she was finding herself waiting to meet the mare just for the sake of talking. Dash knew now that they were never going to have any kind of epic battle where they duked it out to determine just who Ponyville's true hero was, but what they were going to do, she couldn't say.

Go over the rules, I guess, Rainbow thought sleepily, stifling a yawn. Stupid rules. Stupid game. Stupid Mare Do Well. This is all stupid.

She felt so tired. She had never been this tired before. When had she last genuinely slept, without the constant waking and dreaming?

The air was cool, just like it had been the night before, but where it had felt fantastic to fly against last night, it now felt bitterly unpleasant, especially since Dash wasn't flying. Especially since it was all she could do just to resist the urge to shiver, and a sturdy weather pegasus was supposed to be strong enough to handle a little chill.

Especially since Rainbow Dash was leaning against a wall of brick, tucked into the expanse between the building on one side and the dumpster where Mare Do Well had hung from before, and her eyelids were so heavy and her body so sore that she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to stay awake, waiting to see if anypony was ever going to show up.

• • •

Something was on top of Rainbow Dash, and for a moment she wasn't quite alert enough to tell what it was – but then the initial grogginess that she always felt upon waking started to fade, and her mind began to clear.

The first thing that registered was whatever it was, it was very warm. The next thing was that she must have moved around a lot in her sleep, as it was now tangled around her legs rather uncomfortably. It felt soft and thick beneath her hooves.

Rainbow's eyes flew open with a start, and she glanced down at the fabric that she had wrapped around her. It was a cape, the exact same color of the sky at midnight.

Somepony had covered her with it as a makeshift blanket.

Rainbow Dash sat up with a moan. Her back ached, and just doing this much was a struggle. Rubbing her eyes, she squinted, to let them adjust to the bright light of the dawn, but... it wasn't bright. She blinked, gazing around her surroundings in a daze, and only then did she see where she was. She was still in the alley, and gradually, it dawned on her that she must have fallen asleep.

I must not have slept very long, Dash thought, stifling another yawn. It's still night out.

With a sigh, she shook off the cape; she didn't have the energy to put up a fuss about what it might mean. She just wanted to go find a comfy cloud to snuggle in. The hard ground was in no way a suitable replacement for a bed.

As Rainbow Dash crouched and flexed her wings, preparing to take off, she heard a hoofstep behind her. She turned to look and saw Mare Do Well, having seemingly slipped out of the shadows of the alley itself, quietly stepping forward to retrieve her cape from the street. She looked surprisingly small without it.

What Rainbow Dash should have done was just fly off. Instead, she found herself pausing and folding back her wings.

"Weren't we going to discuss the whole rules and cheating thing?"

"You looked cold. And tired, obviously, since you'd fallen asleep in the street. I didn't want to bother you," Mare Do Well explained, sounding complacent. Her voice carried no hint of the instability or anger from before. Instead, she sounded completely back to normal – calm and reserved, strangely formal diction, yet conceited attitude.

"I would've been fine," Dash found herself boasting, purely out of habit. "Pegasi are built to be sturdy, especially pegasi on the weather team. I can handle pretty much anything. A little cold doesn't bother me."

"Did you want to talk about the rules?" Mare Do Well offered, politely ignoring Rainbow Dash's comment. "I mostly wanted to make it clear that we shouldn't be allowed to seek guidance from third parties, but I was also thinking we should have it officially stated that we aren't allowed to interfere in one another's plans."

Rainbow Dash struggled to find an argument that she could make in protest, for the sole purpose of being difficult, but found herself drawing a blank. "Fine," she grudgingly agreed.

"And of course amendments may be made later."


"Do you want to go up on the roof with me?"

That got her attention. "What?" Rainbow Dash asked, snapping her head up to see Mare Do Well gesturing upwards, indicating the roof of the shop they stood by. The shop that Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep against.

"I wanted to show you something."

"Show me what?" Dash snapped. "I'm not going up there with you!"

"You're not supposed to interfere with my plans," Mare Do Well said innocently. "My plan for the night involves showing you something that can only be seen from up high."

"I have wings."

"I d... that's fine. You can fly there. That's not the important thing. The important thing is what's on top."

"What's on top?" Rainbow Dash asked carefully, eying her warily. "It'd better not be anything really dorky like a candlelit dinner or something, because that would just be really pathetic."

"Yes, it would be," Mare Do Well agreed with a little nod, her mask as carefully blank as ever. "That's not what it is, though. Although I thought that was what you believed a proper pursuit would entail. I believe your exact words were flowers and moonlight."

"I didn't mean it!"

"Would you have accepted if I'd initially made my proposal in the form of a dinner invitation?"

"No," Rainbow Dash answered immediately.

"Well, then, I guess I've had to resort to more unorthodox means," Mare Do Well replied contentedly. Again, she pointed a hoof to the roof of the building they stood beside. "Come on."

With a nimble leap she sprung onto the dumpster, then from there to a balcony overlooking the alley, before turning back to see if Rainbow Dash was following. She wasn't. Instead she'd been watching Mare Do Well's agile jumps with something like mingled jealousy and awe before finding herself taking off, following the mare to the roof.

The roof itself was empty, save for some stray pieces of litter and a puddle leftover from the last rainfall, now frozen over due to the chill in the air. Mare Do Well stood at the edge, overlooking the city as she waited for Rainbow Dash. When Rainbow Dash touched down, the mare turned to face her, and beckoned with a hoof.

And again, for a reason she couldn't quite explain, the pegasus found herself silently obeying, going over to join her on the edge.

"Look," Mare Do Well said softly, gesturing with an outstretched hoof towards the horizon. The sun was just beginning to rise.

I must have slept longer than I'd thought.

How long had she been there? Just waiting for me to wake up?

I don't care, Dash suddenly told herself, just to be obstinate. And then, yet again, she heard the echo of Rarity's words.

My heart aches for you.

She could feel a blush spreading across her cheeks, similar to the way the rose colored sunrise was spreading across the sky.

"It's just a sunrise," Rainbow Dash found herself saying. "So what?"

"Have you ever gotten up early enough to watch one from this high before?"

"Well –" No, she hadn't. "It wouldn't be that hard."

"But you haven't. It's worth it, though, isn't it? Doesn't Ponyville look beautiful like this?"

Her cheeks were burning even hotter.


"So... this is romantic, isn't it?"

"It's corny."

"There's a reason those romantic traditions become clichés," Mare Do Well said, sounding amused. "It's because they work. Don't you feel overwhelmed by passion now?"


"Oh well. I'll just have to think of something else, then."

They were standing side by side on the roof, overlooking the village as it was painted by the colors of the rising sun, and even though Rainbow Dash could've flown away any time she wanted, she stayed put.

She felt something warm and soft press against her side, and her breath hitched.

When she looked down, she saw that Mare Do Well had moved even closer, resting against her slightly.

It was such a simple gesture, to lean on somepony, but it was one of such innocent affection that Rainbow Dash honestly didn't know what to do in that moment.

The Mare Do Well who had nuzzled her and who had been jealous and who leaned on her now all seemed to be incredibly different from the idea of the smug and hateful Mare Do Well that Rainbow had created in her head, and although Rainbow Dash should've been pulling away, or at least flinching, or rejecting her somehow, she found that she couldn't. Instead they stayed like that, two ponies side by side in the cool morning air as the village gradually shifted, rising to meet the day.

"This doesn't count," Rainbow Dash finally managed to say. "It's not working."

She could almost hear Mare Do Well smile as she replied, again sounding amused, "Then I guess I'll just try again."