• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 33,549 Views, 1,861 Comments

The Games We Play - AbsoluteAnonymous

Somepony is once again masquerading as Mare Do Well, and it's up to Rainbow Dash to figure out who.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Dead End

When Rainbow Dash arrived at Carousel Boutique, she was welcomed in by Rarity, just as she'd expected. Like the night before, Rarity made no effort to question Rainbow Dash about her unkempt appearance or why, exactly, she was out wandering the streets so late, for which Dash was grateful. Instead, the unicorn ushered Rainbow Dash inside, prodding her instead with questions about whether or not Rainbow wanted anything to eat and whether or not she would be comfortable in Rarity's bed, to which the pegasus answered no and yes, respectively.

"Well, if you're all settled in, I'll just be heading back to my workroom," Rarity said lightly. She didn't look quite as frazzled as she had the night before, but she still looked exhausted, as if her night was already shaping up to be a long one. "Please, do let me know if there's anything else I can do, dear."

Ignoring the dear, Rainbow Dash asked, "Why are you so busy? I thought you'd finished your big order thing."

"Oh, yes," Rarity said absently, fiddling with a stray violet curl hanging by her face. "Well, technically I did, but I'm working on a little project on the side, you see. It's a surprise, so no questions!" she added in a playfully warning tone. "I promise that you'll know all about it soon enough, so you'll just have to wait! But for now, if there's nothing else you need...?"

"Yeah, I'm cool."

"Wonderful! Pleasant dreams, then. I'll just be going. Getting your beauty sleep is vital for good health, you know."

Rainbow Dash waited for Rarity to leave, shutting the door behind her, before hopping out of bed and fumbling with the lamp on the bedside table. She had to be careful. Since she wasn't a unicorn, she couldn't just magically turn them on or off, and had to use her hooves. She was worried about jostling it too much and breaking it, which Rarity would certainly hear. After a moment of clumsy groping, Dash managed to flick the lights back on, illuminating her surroundings once more.

Her gaze swept the room.

A large four poster bed – too large for one pony, actually – covered with an elegant crimson quilt and a mountain of fancy pillows. Small tables on either side, bearing identical antique lamps. One corner seemed dedicated to business; it held a work desk, which, at a glance, looked to be as organized and tidy and uninteresting as anything else Rarity owned. Beside it was a large bookshelf, filled with binders and magazines and notebooks – probably research. Rarity's own personal fashion library. Another corner seemed dedicated to pleasure; it held an enormous wardrobe and a vanity table that was decorated with makeup and elegant bottles of perfume – and beside it, a chest of some sort. There was even one of those folding curtains for changing behind and a set of huge, full-length three-way mirrors, probably for admiring when the unicorn wished to admire herself. Next to the window there was a literal drawing board, presumably for when inspiration struck in the middle of the night.

It was a very Rarity room, sort of like how Pinkie Pie had a very Pinkie room. Now that she thought about it, Rainbow Dash had never been in Applejack or Fluttershy's, and she wondered whether everypony had bedrooms that suited their personalities so well. Applejack probably had barrels of apples in hers, as well as trophies from all the rodeos she's won. Fluttershy probably slept in her chicken coop or rabbit hutch or something so that her animals didn't get lonely at night.

Rainbow Dash snickered, but her hoof immediately flew to cover her mouth to muffle the sound; she couldn't let Rarity hear. She needed to be careful not to do anything that would attract the unicorn's attention, and that didn't leave her with much freedom. Rarity was notoriously fastidious, and if she suspected anything at all was out of place, she'd come rushing to fix it in a matter of seconds – regardless of whether or not Dash was supposed to be asleep. Rainbow couldn't afford to make a sound.

We gotta be sneaky, Dashie. Sneaky! she imagined Pinkie Pie hissing, and Rainbow Dash sighed inwardly. When Pinkie had first proposed that they investigate together, she'd thought it was just Pinkie looking for another excuse to hang out, and hadn't expected her to take it seriously at all. Rainbow had been envisioning ridiculous stealth missions like this that the earth pony would have to force her to take part in, but now she was wondering whether Pinkie had been taking it seriously after all, only in her own way, with something slightly more sinister in mind.

She's not stupid, you know. You underestimate her. She did that on purpose. She knows exactly what I'm doing and she's trying to send me a message. She wants me to know that she doesn't like it, so she approached you. Flaunting it.

Mare Do Well had told Rainbow Dash this rather bluntly at one of their earlier meetings, when the mare had lost her temper about Pinkie Pie helping Rainbow Dash. It was getting easier for the pegasus to believe that might be true. She had sometimes wondered if Pinkie was smarter than she looked – or smarter than she acted, at least. She did seem to have a way of always finding out or getting what she wanted, no matter the circumstances, and it really wasn't that much of a stretch to believe that Pinkie Pie was secretly some kind of puppet master who pulled the strings from behind the scenes.

She wasn't cruel, though. That was unthinkable. If Pinkie was some kind of master manipulator, she'd likely only use her skills to bring about a variety of happy coincidences for those she was close to.

Mare Do Well had accused Rainbow of being afraid of change, but that wasn't true. She didn't like change, sure, but there was a reason for that. The way things were before had been fine. Rainbow Dash had been happy with her friends. They'd had fun adventures every day, she'd had a good life, and then Mare Do Well had disrupted all that. If the mare had never reappeared, things would've stayed the way they'd always been. Awesome.

And Rainbow Dash would've been okay with that. She'd had no reason to want things to be any different. It was hypocritical, anyway – Mare Do Well had told Dash that the reason she'd chosen to wear the mask was because she'd wanted to become somepony who wasn't afraid of change. So how dare she accuse Rainbow Dash of doing the same?

This, right now, was probably the very best chance Rainbow was ever going to get to search Rarity's home for those sales files. If they existed. It was unlikely that Rarity would keep something like that in her room – they would probably be kept under lock and key in her office, or something – but it was still worth a shot. Even if Rainbow Dash didn't find them, Rarity might have something else of interest lying around that could theoretically help her, like a diary. A diary might mention what had happened to the Mare Do Well costume she'd had in stock.

Then, in the morning, Rainbow Dash would talk to Rarity and maybe finally get some insight into whether or not she could be a suspect. It's not like it hadn't crossed Rainbow's mind – Mare Do Well had a way of speaking that reminded Dash of Rarity, full of flowery language and long words. Plus, the mare seemed to have a flair for the dramatic.

None of the actual evidence she'd seen or clues she'd picked up seemed to really incriminate Rarity, though. Mare Do Well had even told Rainbow off before for making assumptions based on her behavior, given that the whole point of this charade was to seize an opportunity to act like somepony else, but seriously. That was all Rainbow Dash had to go on at the moment.

Her idea of Mare Do Well had changed a lot in the past month or so.

Rainbow Dash had no idea how long it had been, actually, but a month seemed about right.

At first, the mare had just been an annoyance – always popping up whenever Rainbow Dash least wanted her, always doing what she wasn't supposed to do and saying things just to wind Dash up. But if that was the real mask Mare Do Well wore, then it was rapidly falling apart, peeling away to reveal whatever she was trying to hide underneath.

Beneath that smug behavior from the beginning, Mare Do Well seemed genuinely insecure; shy, almost sweet, and maybe more than a little vulnerable. The carnation had been proof of that. Whatever else she was, Mare Do Well was trying very, very hard to be likeable in some way – she just didn't seem to really know how to do that.

That alone was enough to make Rainbow Dash almost feel sorry for her. But then she'd revert back to the conceited Mare Do Well of before, and although she could be funny and shrewd, she was also arrogant and cunning in the worst possible way, leading Rainbow to dislike her again.

Mare Do Well had confessed before that she had no idea what she was doing, and that was getting a lot easier for Rainbow to believe with time, what with the way the other mare was constantly flip-flopping between such contrasting aspects of her personality. If the masked mare would just settle on one, it would be a lot easier for Rainbow Dash to decide whether she liked her or not.

As a friend, of course.

The normal Mare Do Well, the awkward, but somewhat goofy, one, was endearing in her own way, Dash had to admit. The superhero Mare Do Well that was trying to be impressive at any cost succeeded in the sense that she was pretty impressive, but she was also insufferable, what with that attitude of hers.

But now was not the time for internal debate. Now was the time to search Rarity's room for any potential evidence.

Rainbow Dash started by opening all the drawers of the bedside tables, since they were closest to where she was standing. Both were empty, and she slammed them shut in annoyance.

Next, Rainbow Dash wandered over to the desk. She wanted to rummage through everything she found – to dig through the drawers and shuffle through the papers – but she had to be exceptionally careful. Rarity was obsessive about order and would notice the instant something was out of place, and Dash didn't want to leave any evidence that she'd been going through the unicorn's things. It went against her very nature, but she had to be slow and wary for once.

There was nothing of any real interest on the desk. Just textbooks about design and the history of fashion. Rainbow Dash flipped through one of them out of curiosity, and to her surprise found that several passages of text were highlighted, and notes were scribbled in the margins. Given how similar Twilight and Rarity were and how Twilight could get about treating books with reverence, Rainbow had expected that any books owned by Rarity would still be in pristine condition. Aside from the defiled textbooks, there were a few sketchpads, but another quick flip through those revealed nothing especially intriguing, except for countless drawings of dresses that all looked exactly the same.

Rainbow Dash tried experimentally opening the drawers of the desk, only to find them locked when she jiggled them. She frowned. Given her luck, the clues she was looking for were almost certainly going to turn out to be in those very drawers.

With another inward sigh, Rainbow gave up, heading to the bookshelf next, but a quick scan of the titles on the spines indicated nothing but even more books on fashion. It was pretty weird to think that there were actually ponies out there who had thought it necessary to make a record of the clothes they wore when ninety percent of the population went around naked all the time. It was even weirder to think that somepony Dash was so close to actually thought it necessary to collect them. And they were definitely read; these books were loved. They were treated well, that was clear, but from the fraying of the spines, it was obvious that they'd been opened quite a bit by their owner.

The drawing board had absolutely nothing on it that Rainbow Dash wanted to look at for any longer than about two seconds. It was the same with the vanity table. Dash threw open the chest only to find a mound of scarves and sashes, and shut the lid again in disgust. The lid slammed down, but she didn't even flinch, gradually forgetting about being careful. After all, Rainbow wasn't finding anything useful.

When she opened the wardrobe, Rainbow Dash groaned. This time audibly, making no effort to restrain herself. Dresses. Nothing but dresses. Oh, wait, no, there was a jacket there, and a bathrobe, too, but for the most part, just dresses and dresses and dresses. She started to look through them, shoving the hangers aside just in case there was something of interest hidden in the back, behind the clothes, but saw nothing.

Was there anywhere else that Rainbow Dash hadn't checked out yet? Did she dare risk venturing outside the room? It sounded like a bad idea, even to Rainbow, but she was starting to get desperate. There was nothing at all that she could use or that told her anything she didn't already know.

She considered.

Rarity would likely still be in her workroom, so if Rainbow Dash just avoided it, she could probably sneak into Rarity's private office. But that would probably be locked, so where would the keys be?

Unless Rarity was in her inspiration room instead. That was a possibility. Rainbow Dash didn't even know what the unicorn was working on, actually. After all, Rarity had just called it a surprise. She wasn't necessarily sewing. Maybe the surprise was that she'd decided to take up tapdancing, and was perfecting her routine for when she gave an impromptu performance at the Canterlot pageant.

That was unlikely, though.

And for some reason, that made Rainbow Dash remember. Mare Do Well was going to give her a surprise.

It was purely a coincidence that Mare Do Well had promised her something like that, only for Rarity to later imply that she was working on something secret as well. If Rarity really was Mare Do Well, she'd done a good job of hiding it so far, and certainly didn't lack for subtlety. She wouldn't have given herself away so easily. Over something so minor. Right?

Her inner foal was starting to get worked up over the possibility of an early Hearth's Warming present, and it was very hard for Rainbow Dash not to feel slightly excited. No matter who they came from, she wasn't one to deny presents; she liked stuff too much. But what would Mare Do Well get her?

Or do for her, Rainbow supposed. It was probably going to be one of those grand gesture presents that were supposedly very meaningful, but were actually kind of disappointing in the long run. But if that was it, then at least Rainbow Dash wouldn't have to feel guilty about being mean about it afterwards. If it turned out to actually be something kind of cool, then Dash would feel obligated to be grateful, which she didn't really want to do.

Rainbow Dash was starting to feel restless. It was that itchy feeling that seemed to come from somewhere inside, from the very core of her being, that meant she needed to fly. It was like the four walls of this otherwise elegant bedroom were starting to close in on her. Her wings were healing, much faster than everypony except Rainbow Dash had expected, and Fluttershy would remove the bandages soon so that Dash could get back into the habit of flying. She could hardly wait, though. Her body ached for the sky.

And then, she heard a scratching sound. Scritch, scritch, scritch.

In a flash Rainbow was back in bed, hooves clumsily fumbling with the lamp to try and shut off the lights.

From somewhere out in the hall, she heard a piercing hiss, and with a sharp intake of breath, Rainbow Dash felt her heart stop.

A hoof knocked against the lamp, sending it wobbling dangerously close to the edge, and her forelegs shot out to steady it, but they just knocked into it, giving it the slightest nudge needed to fall.

"Opalescence!" came Rarity's chiding voice from out in the hall. "Give that back, you naughty girl... and stop scratching that door! Ow, no, don't bite mummy –"

It somehow seemed to happen in two different speeds at once, both in slow motion and too fast for her to stop. All Rainbow Dash could do was watch, helpless, as the lamp tipped over the edge of the table before hitting the ground with a distinctive, high-pitched crack.

The door opened.

"Rainbow Dash, darling! What was that? Are you okay?" Rarity asked, peering into the room. Behind her floated Opalescence, who seemed simultaneously bitter about her entrapment in the magical aura Rarity held her in and satisfied that she was now free to chew on the tape measure she'd apparently run off with.

Rainbow Dash froze, and so did Rarity. Their eyes met. It's not what it looks like, Rainbow wanted to say, except she couldn't honestly say what it must have looked like to the unicorn. She tried to see herself from Rarity's perspective: a pegasus with broken and bandaged wings standing by a considerably rumpled bed, looking over a broken lamp, with shards of glass littering the floor, wardrobe wide open and clearly rifled through. It might've looked like a break-in robbery, except that Rainbow Dash was a friend and had been invited to spend the night.

"Rainbow Dash," Rarity ventured, eyeing the broken lamp. "What in Equestria are you doing?"

"I was sleepwalking," Rainbow Dash said automatically.

Rarity dropped the cat (who immediately scampered off with the tape in her mouth) and entered the room, her gaze slowly shifting from the broken lamp to the open wardrobe.

"Were you going through my things?" she asked suddenly, her sharp tone a direct contrast to the friendly but concerned voice that she'd spoken to Rainbow with before.

"No," Rainbow Dash lied.

"Why is my wardrobe open? And, and... my desk!" Rarity wailed, flying to it. "You went through my personal papers?! Rainbow, how could you?"

"How can you even tell?" Rainbow Dash asked, temporarily forgetting her previous denial. "I put everything back!"

"Everything's been moved! Why were you touching any of this? Why... I only put you in here because I thought I could trust you, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity cried, oblivious to Rainbow's complaint. "If I'd known you would do this, I would've... I would've... oh, everything's all messed up, now! Just look at this! I had everything perfect before!"

"Rarity, I'm really sorry –"

"What were you doing?"

"Looking for clues?" Rainbow Dash offered nervously.

"Clues?" Rarity repeated, looking surprised. "Clues for what?"

"I..." Rainbow Dash looked down at the pool of lamp shards surrounding her on the carpet. Where was she supposed to begin? She'd been panicked before, but now her throat tightened with a new, even more horrible kind of fear. When she'd confessed everything to Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, it had been because she'd felt comfortable telling them – but now she just felt pressured.

But if she didn't give Rarity some sort of reason, then...

"Do you remember how about a month ago, I told you guys about how I saw somepony dressed like Mare Do Well, and then later I came to talk to you and asked you who bought the costume but you wouldn't tell me because of customer confidentiality?" Rainbow Dash asked in a rush.

Rarity blinked, her anger apparently forgotten for a moment, as if that hadn't been what she'd been expecting Rainbow Dash to say at all. "Of course I do," she finally said. "But why..."

"Mare Do Well's still following me. And it's not just me seeing things, it's really somepony dressing like her and looking for me. Like, me specifically. I know because we've actually been talking. And she's the one who sent those flowers."

Rainbow Dash exhaled deeply. It was nice to get it off her chest. With each of her friends that she told, she felt a little lighter, and even though she hadn't thought that she'd been ready to tell Rarity of her secret shame, it felt good all the same.

"Mare Do Well?" Rarity repeated, looking even more confused than before. "I thought... I thought that was over. You hadn't said anything about it for a while, and she hasn't been in the paper since that one time, but... she's the secret admirer?"

"I... I guess. I think so. I mean, I think she likes me, but the thing is, I don't actually know who it is. I thought if I could find your sales files, there'd be a record of who bought the costume from you or something."

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity interrupted firmly. Rainbow Dash had been focusing on a spot somewhere on the ground, but at the sharp tone Rarity spoke with, she lifted her head and found herself staring into the unicorn's eyes. They were brimming with concern, her mouth curved into a worried smile. "I can't believe a friend of mine would be so foalish! If you'd just told me that it had gone that far, of course I would've helped you. Do you really think me so hard-hearted that I'd let a friend of mine suffer because of something as silly as business?"

"No," Rainbow Dash answered, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She gave Rarity an uneasy smile in return. "No, I guess not. I'm, I'm sorry... and does that mean you'll show me the records?"

"I won't show you," Rarity answered primly. "But I'll tell you, provided that you swear not to tell anypony else."

"Right!" Rainbow Dash said quickly. "I swear! Cross my heart, hope to fly –"

"You don't have to do that," Rarity cut in. "Your word is enough. I don't even have to check my ledgers, though. It was Spike. I remember because he wanted me to make it over for his stature, and that was a bit tricky."


"If you'd just come to see me sooner, then I could've told you that earlier and set your mind at ease; because I'm certain the Mare Do Well you've been seeing couldn't possibly be him. For one thing, he's in Canterlot, and for another, I highly doubt you'd confuse a male baby dragon for a full grown mare. You'll have to look somewhere else."


"Rainbow Dash?"


"Are you all right, darling?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SPIKE?!" Rainbow Dash screamed. She threw herself at Rarity, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her.

She felt like her mind had exploded. Not once, not even twice, but at least three times. For the briefest second of pure, unadulterated shock, Dash had thought that she must have somehow misheard the unicorn, but then Rarity had gone on, and of course it wasn't Spike, but Rainbow had been so absolutely sure that whoever her Mare Do Well was, she must have gotten the costume from Rarity. And if she hadn't, then what was Rainbow Dash supposed to do now?

Rarity looked startled, then annoyed, magically pushing Rainbow Dash away. "Please do not treat me so roughly, Rainbow Dash," she said stiffly. "I'm trying to help you. Twilight gave me her old costume in case I wanted to make it over, but shortly after that, Spike stopped by and asked to buy it back. I asked him why, and he said that he thought the costume was, and I quote, really cool."

There was a beat where Rainbow Dash could do nothing but stare at Rarity, eyes huge, chest heaving.

"And if I may say so, it looked adorable on little Spikey-Wikey," Rarity added, smiling as if at a fond memory. "If you wanted to ask him about it, we'll see him in Canterlot soon enough. I'm sure he won't mind that I told you, considering the circumstances, but be a dear and don't mention it to anypony else, will you? I believe he said something about saving it for next year's Nightmare Night and surprising everypony."

Rainbow Dash turned and went back to bed.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?" Rarity asked, sounding amused. but Rainbow Dash ignored her, shoving her head further into her mound of pillows.

There was a moment of silence while Rarity waited for her to answer. The unicorn sighed when she didn't.

"Well, it's certainly rather late," Rarity said softly, half to the pegasus who was now trying to will herself into unconsciousness and half to herself. "I supposed retiring now wouldn't be such a bad idea. We can talk more in the morning, if you'd like. But for now, I think I ought to be turning in myself."

• • •

Spike. Freaking Spike. Spike, who wasn't even here right now and had been gone for the past two weeks. And now Rainbow's biggest lead was gone, just like that. Maybe the reason Pinkie had lied about the files was to spare Rainbow Dash's pride.

Her Mare Do Well obviously couldn't be Spike. Only an idiot would think that. But Rainbow Dash had been convinced that all she needed to do to figure out Mare Do Well's identity was to find out who'd bought the costume from Rarity, and now she had no idea how to go on or where to start over.

Maybe it would be easier if Rainbow didn't even try anymore, since this whole ordeal just kept leading to dead ends. Maybe Rainbow Dash could forfeit their game and give herself a concussion so that she completely forgot about Mare Do Well. Then she'd be able to relax and get on with her life.

Twilight's costume was gone, then, and Pinkie seemed determined to stick to her own dubious alibi. That left Applejack or Fluttershy's costumes. But they'd promised that they weren't using them, so if it was one of the others, then they must have lent them out or had them go missing. Wouldn't they have told Dash, though? They both knew that Rainbow Dash was trying to figure it out and needed as much help as possible; they both knew what she was going through. Or at least, they should have known what she was going through, since it had been so long and Rainbow had barely been able to do so much as think about anything else. Wouldn't they have told her if something like that had happened?

Unless they didn't even know. Maybe they'd put their costumes away and weren't aware that they'd gone missing. That was a definite possibility.

Rainbow desperately wanted her mind to shut down for a few hours. For once, she wanted to sleep. The dreams that would come, as unbidden as they may have been, would be a welcome respite.

• • •

Rainbow Dash didn't talk to Rarity the next morning. The unicorn wasn't awake when she got up, so she left without saying goodbye. Dash didn't want to hear whatever Rarity had to tell her. She felt more like brooding. She wasn't in the mood for sitting down and thinking logical, rational thoughts. Instead, she wanted to kick things. Unfortunately, Rainbow couldn't, because she needed her legs for walking and couldn't spare any of them for breaking the things she so wanted to break in order to vent her overwhelming frustration.

Time passes surprisingly quickly when you're angry beyond belief for reasons you don't fully understand. There was no mail that day – no flowers – and nopony dared to approach Rainbow Dash when they saw the way her eyes flashed and her face twisted into a vicious scowl whenever they came too close. Normally, she'd get over a mood like this by flying as hard and fast and long as she could until her anger evaporated, leaving her with nothing but a feeling of calm as pure and blue as the sky. But today, she couldn't even do that.

Everypony avoided her and Rainbow Dash avoided everypony in return. Instead, she hid in her bush, which she'd decided to adopt as her second home while she was grounded. At one point Pinkie passed by on a stroll and hopped over, sniffing and nudging the bush like a puppy while Rainbow glared at her from the leaves in bitter silence.

"Dashie, what are you doing?" Pinkie Pie finally asked, breaking the silence.



"Because Mare Do Well isn't Spike."

Pinkie giggled. "Well, duh. I could've told you that, you silly filly."

"I don't know what to do now," Rainbow Dash admitted helplessly, fidgeting and causing the leaves of her second home to rustle. "So I'm going to hide in a bush until it's night and I can go talk to her."

It was only after she said it that Rainbow Dash found herself questioning the wisdom of talking about Mare Do Well so easily with Pinkie, but the pink pony didn't seem bothered. The trouble was, Rainbow Dash had no idea if that was because she truly didn't mind, or if this was one of those situations where Pinkie was just being very, very good at hiding her real feelings.

"You can talk to me," Pinkie said softly. And then, in a brighter tone, "Or you can talk to Twilight! Spike lives with her, you know."

"Yeah, I know."

Pinkie Pie cocked her head, examining Rainbow Dash very carefully before springing away. Rainbow Dash spent the rest of the day sulking in her new house.

• • •

That night, Rainbow Dash reached the cul-de-sac only to find Mare Do Well standing on the dumpster again. This time, the mare's back was to the pegasus as she carefully walked along the edge of the bin. The cape she wore draped over her shoulders partially hid her legs, but Rainbow Dash knew that they shook because of the unsteady way with which the mare walked.

"Boo!" she shouted.

She expected Mare Do Well to screech in surprise, or even just fall off, but instead the mare froze before turning to face Dash. When their eyes met – or rather, when Rainbow Dash's magenta eyes met the blank eyes of the hood – the mare gave a little bow before leaping off and approaching Rainbow Dash.

"Are you all right?" Mare Do Well asked unexpectedly.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Rainbow Dash snapped. "Totally hunky-dory. Never been better."

Mare Do Well simply stared. For some reason, that felt worse than if she'd made some sort of witty comeback that left Rainbow Dash feeling like nothing.

Why had Dash bothered coming? She didn't like Mare Do Well, and she didn't want to be here. It wasn't even personal this time; she just didn't want to talk to anypony. After all, Rainbow Dash had been in a bad mood all day – one of those moods where it would've been better if she'd just stayed in bed and not ventured out of her house. Only she couldn't even get to her house.

"Did, did I do something?" Mare Do Well asked, sounding nervous. "I've been trying really hard. Please, if there's something I've done wrong, just –"

"It's not about you," Rainbow Dash interrupted. And it wasn't, for once. Well, in a roundabout way, it could have been seen as such, but the reason for her mood was more because Dash was frustrated with life in general than with Mare Do Well. The one advantage Rainbow had thought she'd had in their little game had turned out to be useless, and even if it was a minor thing in the long run, she was still boiling over it.

But it wasn't like that was Mare Do Well's fault, really.

"It's not?"


"Oh." Mare Do Well paused. "Then... what's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's stupid. I didn't even feel like coming tonight, but I did anyway, because I don't totally ditch ponies expecting me the way some ponies might."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "You don't even... I just... argh!"

With a long, shuddering sigh, Rainbow sank down onto her haunches in the snow, screwing her eyes shut as she cradled her head in her hooves. Now, more than ever, she felt like screaming and crying and throwing a full-blown tantrum – because Dash had actually dared to let herself think for even a moment that she was getting closer to the solutions she needed, only to have any potential answers yanked out of reach by an unforeseen twist.

The game was silly and immature, yet Rainbow Dash still felt compelled to play.

She wanted to win, but had no idea what she was supposed to do now.

Why do I care so much? Rainbow wanted to ask herself – but the intelligent, reasonable Rainbow Dash who might have actually known the answer apparently wasn't in today. Instead there was only the abrasive Dash, who seemed to be especially skilled at making everypony mad at her.

Rainbow Dash sat very, very still, curling as tightly as she could into herself, wishing she could just disappear.

She was terrified because if she couldn't figure out who Mare Do Well was soon, she was going to lose, and she knew it. Because even though Rainbow Dash was being loud and hateful, Mare Do Well wasn't leaving the way anypony else with a brain would've left.

Instead, she was coming closer, and...

She'd better not do it not now if she does I'll kill her.

A pair of gentle forelegs wrapped around her neck, and Rainbow was so startled that she couldn't think to protest or struggle.

By the time she realized what was happening, Rainbow Dash was already thoroughly wrapped in the embrace – warm and soft and strong and all of those wonderful things, all at once, and even then, she didn't fight it. Instead, she felt herself deflate, anger forgotten as she melted against Mare Do Well.

They were both on their knees on the street in the snow, Mare Do Well holding Dash as tenderly as she'd ever been held, and Rainbow Dash, who felt very frail all of a sudden, actually leaning into the hug. Willingly. Her eyes stung with the tears that she'd been holding in for so long, and she still didn't know why she wanted to cry so badly.

"I hate you," Rainbow Dash whispered, her voice muffled from the way her face was buried in Mare Do Well's neck.

"Then why did you come back?"

"I don't know," and she didn't know. She really didn't. "I don't know."

Rainbow wanted to win, but why? The game was ridiculous.

Because she didn't want to lose, maybe?

But the way they'd set up the rules, the only way she'd lose was if Mare Do Well won instead. Why was Rainbow Dash being so frantic about winning as fast as possible? There was no time limit. If Rainbow just refused to play and went on with her life, then she wouldn't have to worry about it at all.

At that point, some unknown supernatural force spontaneously seized control of Rainbow Dash's limbs, forcing her to raise her forelegs and wrap them around Mare Do Well's neck.

She heard the mare's breath hitch, maybe from surprise that Dash had reacted in a way that didn't involve violence.

"What's wrong?" Mare Do Well asked gently. She didn't let go. She was still there, still kneeling in that cold snow and offering the comfort that Rainbow Dash had sought for so long, and she wasn't leaving.

"You're not Spike," Rainbow Dash choked, voice thick with tears that she was still desperately trying to hold in.

Mare Do Well didn't answer for a moment. And then Rainbow Dash felt her shoulders begin to tremble.

"Don't laugh at me!" Rainbow snapped, but she didn't pull away. Her voice was fierce, yet she stayed put, forelegs still pulling Mare Do Well close to her.

"I'm sorry," Mare Do Well said in a voice that was dangerously close to a giggle. "I'm not... I just... what?"

"You're not Spike," Rainbow Dash repeated. This time, she could feel her mouth beginning to twitch into that unwilling smile that Mare Do Well was so good at dragging out of her. "I found out before that Rarity had sold one of the Mare Do Well costumes, and I thought that you were the one who'd bought it. I kept thinking that if I found out who it was – like, in her sales records or something – then I'd know who you were. Easy peasy. But then I found out that Spike bought it, and I'm pretty sure you're not Spike."

Mare Do Well was still shaking with silent, repressed laughter.

"No. No, you're right about that," she agreed, a single giggle escaping. "I'm not Spike. You can cross him off your list; I'll give you that one. Is that why you were upset?"

"I dunno," Rainbow Dash muttered, and she sighed deeply. But she was slowly beginning to realize what she'd done, and all at once, the full understanding hit her like a slap in the face.

She abruptly let go, roughly shoving Mare Do Well away as she scooted backwards, out of Mare Do Well's reach, her eyes widening in horror.

"I-I-I can't believe..." Rainbow stammered. "I just... why... n-no, you can't... you..."

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Mare Do Well said softly, voice enticing.

"No!" Rainbow Dash shouted, rising upright. "No, I... don't do that! Ever again!"

"You clung to me."

"I didn't mean to! Y-you tricked me!"


Mare Do Well wasn't taking Rainbow Dash seriously at all. She sounded amused, like she was playing along with a petulant young filly that was being difficult for the sake of being difficult when she, of course, knew better.

"Never mind," Rainbow Dash said quickly, ignoring the way her cheeks were burning. There was a heat in the very pit of her stomach that would've caused her wings to extend on any other day. Luckily, they were still bound and wouldn't give her away, but her wings were healing, and soon they would be strong and untied, and then she wouldn't have anything to hide behind. "Forget it. Forget that ever happened. That didn't happen."

"Is that just what you do when you're afraid that you might like somepony more than you want to?" Mare Do Well asked, sounding a little sad. She stood up, brushing the snow off the knees of her costume. "You just ignore it and pretend it never happened?"

"No!" Rainbow Dash snapped without thinking. But that was what she did, wasn't it? She'd done it before. Over and over. She ran away and ignored things; that was how she kept them from hurting her. She was speedy, not tough. The best Dash could hope for when things went wrong was to run away and pray that she escaped unscathed.

"I won't push it," Mare Do Well said softly. "I won't talk about this after tonight. But I just want to remind you that you held me back."

"That doesn't count!" Rainbow cried desperately. Her voice was filled with such fear, even though she didn't understand what was happening that scared her so much. "It doesn't! This doesn't mean you won!"

"Of course not," Mare Do Well replied graciously. "I only win if you're willing to acknowledge it. Until then, I'll keep trying."

It. Such a small word, with such a huge, terrifying meaning. Rainbow's heart was thudding like a drum, hard and fast and frightening in how uncontrollable it was.

"I, I'm only here because you said you would have a surprise for me," Rainbow said finally, voice shaking, but she ignored it. It didn't mean anything. It didn't. "So what is it?"

"Do you want it right now?"

"Yeah, I like presents. Getting stuff is pretty cool. So...?"

Rainbow Dash was slowly regaining her composure. Her voice was steady now, her heartbeat slowing to a more reasonable pace. She just needed to stand straight and look Mare Do Well in the eye, sort of, and show her who was boss. She just needed to stay strong.

"You'll have to come with me," Mare Do Well said. The husky tone she used to disguise her voice couldn't disguise the undeniable excitement it held.

"Go with you?" Rainbow Dash repeated. "Where? Is this one of those grand gesture gifts that are all symbolic and stuff?"

"What? No," Mare Do Well answered, sounding disgusted. "Of course not. Those are terrible. It's just not here. It's somewhere else. I can take you right now, though, if you want."

"Where is it?"

"It's outside of Ponyville. Right on the outskirts, though, so it's not too far."

Rainbow Dash considered. The thought process was a reasonably calm one, compared to how Dash had been acting before. She was cool. She was smooth and collected, and no longer wanted to cry or scream. She was relaxed.

Mare Do Well, on the other hand, suddenly looked antsy, sort of hopping from hoof to hoof as if she could barely stand still. It was unusual to see her, usually so stoic, acting so restless, but maybe this was another attempt on the mare's part to be normal.

"You have to promise the same thing as before," Rainbow Dash said after a moment. "No creeping. And there'd better not be anything that'll bust my wings up this time. Okay?"

Rainbow could've sworn she saw the mare flinch, but she made no protest. "Right," Mare Do Well nodded. "I swear. I won't touch you, and to my knowledge, there isn't anything out there that will harm you in any way. Not under my watch, at least."

Mare Do Well paused.

"Are you going to make me Pinkie Swear?" she asked, a little hesitantly.

Against her will, Rainbow Dash found herself relenting. She'd been about to insist on that very thing, but Mare Do Well looked so excited about whatever the surprise was supposed to be that Rainbow couldn't bring herself to do it.

Wow, she was getting soft.

"Okay, fine," Rainbow Dash said, albeit a little grudgingly. "But only because I really like getting stuff. So it'd better be good. Got it?"

"Yes. Yes!" Mare Do Well agreed. "I'm sure you'll like it. Just follow me."

Without even waiting to see if Rainbow Dash would obey or not, the mare began to run, her cape fluttering behind her, and Rainbow Dash, for whatever reason, unquestioningly followed.