• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,630 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

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Chapter Three

With a flash of light, Twilight, Kang, and Kirk appeared in front of Twilight's castle. Kang slowly stood up and looked around. “Barely any time at all. Much more efficient than our own transporters, Princess. If we could learn how you do this naturally and be able to emulate it with our own transporters, it would be a great boon for everyone, and bring honor and glory to your family.”

Twilight grinned. “I'd be more than happy to research ways to do that, Captain.”

Kirk walked up to the castle's front wall. He slowly held up a hand to the violet crystal, noting the soft luminescence. “There's... power, here. This castle, Twilight. This... crystalline formation. How was it formed?”

Twilight let out a low nicker. “That, Captain... is a bit of a long story, admittedly. Would it be all right if I told you after the tour? Or maybe during it?”

Kirk slowly nodded. “That would be... fine, Twilight. I look forward to hearing it.”

Twilight led the pair up to the doors. “Well, for the record, this is the Castle of Friendship.” Her horn glowed and the double-doors slowly opened. “It's my residence, along with my assistant Spike and–” Twilight's eyes went wide, and she slammed the doors shut. “Captains, if you could... excuse me?” she said, her right eye twitching.

Kang's right hand drifted down to the disruptor holstered at his belt. “What's going on inside, Princess?”

A nervous chuckled escaped twilight. “Inside? Inside, yes! No, nothing's going on inside, Captain Kang!” Her horn lit up. “Nothing bad... I hope.” She suddenly vanished.

Kang growled. “Jumpier than a Tarcassian razorbeast!”

Kirk's jaw canted to the right. He held out his hands. “Can't disagree with you on that, Kang.” He walked up to the door. “Think someone threw her a party and forgot to tell her?”

Kang barked a laugh. “I wouldn't mind a bit of merriment, Kirk.” He arched an eyebrow at the captain's expression. “Surprised? We Klingons aren't all work or scheming or fighting. Mara and I enjoy going out for an evening of entertainment. We're fond of opera, and the occasional concert.”

A sigh escaped Kirk. “A bit surprised, yes. I'll admit I'm not sure I can envision you two going for a night at the opera.”

Kang half-smiled. “Would it make it easier to know we both make sure to bring our batt'leths with us, in case we are displeased with the performance?”

“That... would make it easier, yes.”

Twilight appeared inside the front hall. “PINKIE!”

Pinkie Pie hopped from around one of the tables and over to Twilight. “Do you like it? Do you think they'll like it? How are they? Do they like Equestria? Sorry about the chandelier. I think we got everything swept up. Fluttershy helped with–”

Twilight stuck a hoof in Pinkie Pie's mouth. “Pinkie, you did a... great job setting all this up. Thank you very much for taking the time and effort.” She looked around. “Thank you, everyone. I really do appreciate your hard work.” She stopped and locked eyes with Pinkie. “Wait, what about what chandelier?”

Applejack cleared her throat. “I think I hear a 'but' in that first part, sugarcube.”

Twilight's cheeks colored slightly. “Right. But... I don't think it would be wise to shout 'surprise' at them or act a bit too... enthusiastic. At least at first.”

Pinkie Pie leaned back, extricating Twilight's hoof. “I understand, Twilight. No shouting, no jumping up and down.” She paused. “Can we sing?”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Maybe later.” She turned and opened the doors with her magic. “Captains?”

“... Come now, Kirk! Mara and I thought the Federation had death camps, and plotted the destruction of the Empire. I'll proudly admit we can be fierce warriors, but there's more to us than combat and killing.”

“True, Kang. Our little... trip on the Enterprise made that quite clear. Old prejudices die hard.” Kirk stopped speaking and turned. “Ah, Twilight. Any problems inside?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, Captain Kirk.” She walked up to the two and escorted them inside. “Everyone, this is Captain James Kirk of the United Federation of Planets, and Captain Kang of the Klingon Empire. Captains, these are my best friends.”

“Howdy, Captains!”

“It's wonderful to meet such handsome-looking officers.”

“H-hello, sirs.”

“Hey, welcome to the coolest planet in the galaxy!”

Pinkie Pie hopped forward, a tray of food balanced on her head. “Welcome to Equestria!” she shouted, bouncing up and down. A muffin flew up in Kirk's direction, while a broiled salmon on a stick tumbled over to Kang. “Enjoy!”

Kirk looked the muffin over. “Thank you, Pinkie.” He took a small bite of the muffin, then another larger one. “Quite nice.”

Pinkie beamed at him and jumped up and down. “Thank you, Captain!”

Kang looked the salmon over. His nose wrinkled as he sniffed at it, finally taking a bite. “Not bad,” he admitted. He looked to Kirk. “I thought you said horses on Earth were herbivores.”

Kirk held up a hand. “Mostly herbivores, Kang. I've seen more than one horse kill a squirrel and eat it back at the farm.” He spread his arms out. “Not that this is my old farm, of course”

Near one of the tables, Applejack arched an eyebrow. “Must've been one hungry horse to have to do that.”

Fluttershy walked over to the captains. “I'm very happy to hear you like the salmon, Captain Kang. I caught and cooked it myself.”

Kang tore off a large strip and swallowed it, quickly finishing it off. As soon as he had stripped it to the bone, Pinkie Pie stood before him, a mug of cider balanced on her head. He slowly picked it up off of her and looked it over. “Not quite warnog or blood wine...” He took a sip, swishing it about in his mouth before swallowing it. “I may grow to like this place, or at least its cuisine.”

Kirk half-smiled. “Well, Kang. It's a start.” He looked down and spotted Pinkie Pie with another mug of cider on her head. His brow furrowed, but he picked it up and tilted it to Kang. “To... friendship, Kang. And to you.”

Kang said nothing, but tilted his own mug imperceptibly towards Kirk before draining it dry.

Twilight slowly wandered from the pair and over to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Hey, have either of you seen Spike? I'm surprised he's not down here. I need to ask him something.”

Applejack waved a foreleg to the back door leading to the kitchen. “Last I saw the little guy, he was still working on the food. Nearly wore the scales off his claws he was going so quick making food and getting the place ready.”

Twilight glanced to the door, face falling slightly. “Oh, the poor guy. I was fretting so much about this, and he wanted to help out as much as he could.” She stomped a hoof to the ground. “I'm getting him out of there, and getting him an extra-large ruby as a present for him.”

Rainbow Dash took another gulp from her mug of cider and let out a slow sigh. “Ah, that's the good stuff.” She looked to Twilight. “What do you need Spike for, anyway?”

Twilight glanced back at Kang and Kirk. “Well... you know about the magic mirror, Sunset and the alternate reality where everyone kind of looks like them?”

Applejack's jaw dropped. “Oh, horse apples! You think they came from there?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Applejack, they're not from another dimension... right?” She leaned over and looked at the two captains. Fluttershy was conversing with Kang, while Rarity was eyeing Kirk. “Are they?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “No, Dash. They're not from another dimension... I think.” Her clipboard and quill floated out of her saddlebag. “I might have to look into that with Sunset.”

Applejack reached over, pushed the clipboard down, and locked eyes with Twilight. “Twilight, I don't think it would be too good of an idea to go back to Canterlot High while we got aliens visiting Equestria. Might be a bit rude. Send a letter, but don't go traipsing over there, you hear?”

Twilight swallowed. “Oh, gosh, you're right. I can just send a letter, no problem.” She reached out and patted Applejack on the shoulder. “Thanks. I'm gonna go see Spike for a moment.” With that, she walked back and through the doors to the kitchen.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged a look. “Think we gotta tie her down?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash wiggled her head back and forth. “She'll be fine. I think.” She drained her mug dry. “I hope.”

Mara stood in the Enterprise's bridge, next to Spock's science station. She inserted a computer tape into a slot on the glossy-black console. “I'm a little surprised our technology is so... compatible.”

Spock, standing next to her, arched an eyebrow. “I have adapted the interface for a wide variety of non-Federation information storage units. Considering the wide variety of systems I have encountered, I felt it a logical course of action.”

The computer station whirred, clicked, and clacked. A vaguely-feminine voice sounded out over the intercom. “Data input successful. Integrating with previous scans.”

Spock pressed a few buttons and turned a dial on his console. He then turned and walked up to the main viewscreen, past Sulu as he sat in the captain's chair. “Mister Sulu, with your permission?”

Sulu leaned forward and gripped the armrests tight. “Mister Spock, go right ahead. I'm itching to see what we've got here.”

Spock spoke. “Computer, display sensor information from the K'naiah's Pride's sensor logs, starting from their entrance into the Equus System.”

The computer triple-beeped. “Acknowledged. Analyzing...” The image on the viewscreen changed from Equus to an overhead view of the system itself. Lines, charts and boxes of text sprang up. The rest of the bridge crew all slowly looked to the viewscreen.

Mara walked up to Spock's side. She pointed to a pair of lines, one that reached from Equus to the star, the other from Equus to the planet's moon. “Princess Sparkle said that Celestia is the one who controls the sun. The Pride's sensors have detected gravimetric distortions coming from the planet, along with some other energy waves. We've been able to trace it to the star, and another to the moon as well.” She bared her teeth in a grin. “Celestia and Luna, apt names. Twilight Sparkle, Blueblood...” She leaned back. “Does that mean he's anemic?”

Sulu spoke up. “Actually, Lieutenant, 'blue blood' used to refer to upper classes and nobility on Earth. It wasn't exactly used in the most flattering of manner.” His brow furrowed. “Wait, one of them has the actual name 'Blue Blood'?”

Mara barked a laugh. “Yes. He did not make the best impression on anyone there, and Princess Sparkle seemed to have had to deal with him before.” She looked to Spock. “I think this is something we should investigate, among other things.”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “It would be an interesting query, Mara. Our sample size has been a bit limited, so far. I will assign Commander Uhura to investigate further.”

At the communication station, Lieutenant M'ress spoke up. “Well, you'll be able to get a larger sample size at the dinner tonight,” the Caitian said, her whiskers twitching.

Mara turned and glanced at M'ress. “I had almost forgotten about that.” She looked to the viewscreen and scowled. “I do not have time for such frivolities. There are so many questions. How does Celestia control the sun, precisely? The gravimetric distortions we've detected shouldn't be enough to move this star! Is she utilizing subspace? Does it have to do with that unknown energy? How is she doing it, and how did she gain control of the sun in the first place, if it was her, and not some other being?”

M'ress leaned back in her chair and drummed her claws against the console, producing tiny dents. “She and her sister could be part of a race of advanced energy beings in the guise of mortals. The Organians appeared as Iron-Age peasants when we first encountered them, and look at what they did when roused. The could have also evolved this way from the ponies themselves.”

Spock turned to her. “Princess Sparkle did mention that she 'received her wings' approximately a year and a half ago. Your observations definitely merit further investigation, Lieutenant.”

M'ress' ears perked up. “Thank you, sir.”

Mara shook her head. “I'm... not sure if it would be wise to ask during dinner. It may sound cowardly, but I do not wish to risk their ire and be facing down a solar flare, or their moon being used as a battering ram against our ships.”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “As a wise man once said, only a fool fights in a burning house. And one should not confuse caution with cowardice.”

Mara snorted and crossed her arms. “I hate to admit it, but you're right, Spock. Only a fool fights the storm. We could ask Princess Sparkle, but I'm not sure what she'd know of it. She expressed shock at the idea of a heliocentric star system. It's possible she's never done much research into the system.”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “I find that highly unlikely, Mara. At the very least, we will not know what she knows, until we ask.”

A bark of laughter escaped Mara. “You're right.” She looked herself over, her expression darkening. “Neither Kang nor I are diplomats. He is a warrior, while I am more at home in a lab. We still don't know why we were chosen for this assignment.”

Sulu rubbed his chin in thought. “Maybe the politicians remember last year, when we managed to cooperate and fight off that thing that was manipulating us into fighting each other. As Mister Spock would say, we're the 'logical' choice for a diplomatic mission.”

Mara looked to him. “As good an explanation as any.” She looked back to Spock. “I must return to the Pride and prepare for the dinner, as well as checking on our own sensors.” She thumped her chest. “Qap'la, Spock!”

Spock held his right hand up, fingers splayed in the traditional Vulcan Salute. “Live long and prosper, Mara.” He turned to Sulu as Mara walked to the aft turbolift. “Commander, it would be most prudent for us to prepare for the dinner as well. The senior staff of both vessels should be in attendance.”

Sulu slid out of the command chair and tugged down on his shirt. “Probably wouldn't be a good idea to be outdone by the Klingons in diplomacy.” He turned and made his way to the aft turbolift, Spock following. “I think that's one achievement the Enterprise doesn't want to be first in.”

Spock shook his head. “Indeed not, Commander. I do not believe we would ever escape that stigma.” The turbolift doors slid open, allowing the pair to enter. “Lieutenant M'ress, you have the conn,” he said, mere moments before the lift doors closed.

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to Talon and Thorn and sun tzu for pre-reading.

2. if anyone objects to Fluttershy and the salmon, kindly go back to Dragonshy and that shot of her feeding dead fish to ferrets and live worms to birds.

3. Pardon the brevity. I wished to update before the holiday season hit.