• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,650 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

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Captain Jean-Luc Picard walked the corridors of the USS Enterprise, the latest Starfleet ship to bear the name. He felt some pride, but more than a little nervousness as he thought to the footsteps he would be following in. Jim Kirk, Spock, Demora Sulu, Rachel Garrett… this will be a tall task for me.

He continued walking, turning a corner. He passed by a Vulcan male in science-division blue, and a pegasus mare in operations-mustard. Both stopped and acknowledged him before continuing on their way, Picard nodding to them as he walked past.

The low whistle of the intercom sounded out, followed by a voice. “Captain Picard, there is an incoming transmission from Starfleet Command for you, sir. It is Admiral Garrett.”

Picard stopped in his tracks and tapped the combadge on his left breast. “Thank you, Mister Data.” He took a moment to orient himself. “I’ll be at my quarters in about two minutes. Tell the admiral I’ll take it there.”

“Understood, sir.”

Picard increased his gait, reaching a turbolift and entering. “Deck nine,” he called out, even as the doors closed. Within seconds, the doors slid open once more and he hurried down the corridor. He finally reached the door to his quarters and entered, making his way to a desk in the corner. He sat down and swung a monitor around. “Computer, open channel to Starfleet Command. Authorization: Picard-Delta-Five.”

The computer triple-beeped. “Authorization acknowledged. Opening channel.” The screen changed from the emblem of the Federation to the head and upper body of one Admiral Rachel Garrett. She had a stern visage, with piercing brown eyes, black hair cut in a bob with a hint of silver, and a set mouth. “Captain, good to see you.”

Picard nodded, leaning forward slightly. “And you as well, Admiral. My apologies for keeping you waiting.”

Garrett waved him off. “I know how big your Enterprise is, Captain. No apology necessary.” She glanced down. “The ESS Commander Hurricane will be rendezvousing with you outside the Sol System. Admiral McCoy will be transferring over for a short inspection tour before you head out on your general mission.”

Picard rubbed his chin. “An Equestrian ship?”

Garrett shrugged. “Apparently he wanted to spend some time with ‘an old friend’, as he put it.”

Picard smiled slightly. “Well, he’s certainly earned that right. We’ll roll out the red carpet for him, Admiral. Anything else?”

Garrett hesitated for a moment. “To be honest, I’m not sure. Q is supposed to show up on your Enterprise’s maiden voyage, but a lot has been changed. It could get a bit dicey out there.”

Picard allowed himself a small chuckle. “If the hero of Narendra III thinks things might get ‘dicey’, then that’s definitely cause for concern.”

Garrett tilted her head down and stared at Picard. “Hardly a hero, Captain. I merely took advantage of information to make sure there was sufficient forces there to put an end to the situation before it escalated.”

“And you earned a debt of honor from an entire planet, along with a future statue in the Hall of Heroes on Q’onoS,” Picard replied. “I’d say you more than earned that, Admiral.”

Garrett’s expression softened, if only slightly. “Thank you, Captain. I’ll let you get back to your mission. Safe travels. Starfleet Command out.”

Spike made his way down the halls of the Castle of Friendship, managing to slide through aides, cleaning staff, and other beings there. He smiled as just about everyone there greeted him, calling out his name or waving a hoof, hand, or paw. I remember when I could slip by without anyone ever noticing I was there. I’m so glad those days are over.

No longer a baby dragon barely a foot tall, he was now nearly seven-feet high. And although he was lean, his arms were like steel cables, his legs hydraulic pistons. His wings were tucked against his back, a remarkable feat considering they could stretch to nearly ten feet in width.

He made his way to one room down a corridor and entered. “Twi, Twi, you in here?” he called out, before spotting his old friend at the far end, standing on a balcony. He walked over, brow furrowing with every step. “Twilight, you all right?”

Twilight’s ears folded against her head as Spike approached. She waited for him to stand beside her before speaking. “Sorry, Spike. It’s just…” She waved a wing at the sky, in the direction of the setting sun. “Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration. I just wish… I wish my friends were here to enjoy it with me.”

Spike slowly nodded. “Yeah. this is the first time none of them are here with us. At least not physically.” He shrugged. “Should be a bit different.”

Twilight looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “‘A bit different’? That’s all you can say about it, Spike?”

Spike’s eyes shifted from left to right. “Well, yeah?” He turned and looked around, finally walking over to a desk. He picked up a datapad on it and, with a deft flick of a claw, started scrolling through screen of text. “Not everyone can be here all the time, Twilight.” his eyes narrowed as he looked over the text currently on the datapad’s screen. “I mean, you and I both know Fluttershy’s the best one to deal with tribble outbreaks on Klingon farm worlds. And there’s no way Rainbow Dash would give up on being the captain of the Commander Hurricane, especially with such an important mission.”

A small snort escaped Twilight. “I’m not sure how ‘important’ it really is transferring Admiral McCoy to the Enterprise.”

Spike smiled as he glanced back up at Twilight. “Yeah. She probably just loves making those warp drive noises with her mouth.” He looked back down at the datapad. “Although it’s been a while since Applejack toured House Apple’s holdings on Sherman’s Planet. And Rarity’s been making noises about going back to Earth to check on her five boutiques there for ages.”

Twilight finally turned from the setting sun and made her way into the room proper. “And Pinkie Pie’s the best ambassador to Vulcan we can have.” She stopped next to Spike. “You’re right, you’re right. It still won’t make it any easier.”

Spike rubbed his chin. “Well… you could write them a letter.” He snorted, green flame shooting from his nostrils. His eyes crossed slightly as he looked down at them. “I’m still trying to figure out how you extended my range to interstellar distances.”

Twilight finally smiled. “Oh, trade secret.” She floated a quill, inkwell, and scroll off a table and over to her.

Spike held up a hand and grabbed the scroll out of midair. “Twilight, how’s about I write these? For old time’s sake?”

Twilight’s horn lit up. Four more scrolls and quills floated into the air. “Okay, Spike. Give me one second.” She shot a thin beam of magic at the quills. It split apart, enveloping each one with her magic. Another beam broke off, hitting the one in Spike’s claw. “There we go. Now you’ll only have to write once.”

Spike bowed to her. “Why thank you, milady! My tired, aching claws are in your debt.”

A chuckle escaped Twilight. “I’m glad to spare your delicate digits such pain.” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts together. “Dear friends…”

The morning sun rose over the First City of the Klingon Empire, turning the buildings crimson. At one such building, the Klingon Imperial Science Academy, students and teachers alike rose and prepared for the oncoming day.

Je’Len, daughter of Mel’kig, hurried along the hallways, backpack slung over one shoulder and PADDs clutched in her hands. She weaved her way through other students, occasionally just shoulder-blocking her way through a crowd. “I will be late!” she snarled. “Move, you brainless Ferengi! Get to your own classes!”

Finally, Je’Len managed to arrive at one set of double-doors. She walked through them, finding herself in a rather large auditorium. Over a dozen rows of chairs and desks were arranged in a semicircle, surrounding a stage. A podium was at the center of the stage, a large standalone screen behind it. Je’Len made her way down a set of stairs, then slid her way to her assigned seat.

The auditorium quickly filled up with other students. A general hush fell over them as their chronometers ticked to 0900 hours, local time. A door on the back wall opened and an elder Klingon male walked out onto the stage. He wore a brown robe trimmed with silver chainmail, and carried a thick leather-bound book in his right hand. He walked over to the podium and placed the book down on it. Sharp brown eyes darted from left to right. “A full class, excellent!” He thumped his chest. “I am Set’Xie, son of Kang and Mara.”

Set’Xie spread his arms out, seeming to take in the entire class. “This is the next step on your journeys. Your weapons shall be your mind and tricorders. Your armor shall be your ideas and books. Your battlefields shall be laboratories, and test sites. Your battles shall be against the forces of nature itself! And if you succeed, the prize shall be nothing less than the secrets of the universe!”

The teacher paced back and forth, waving his right hand in the air. “You shall not be alone in this. Look to your left, and then look to your right. Your comrades in arms are all around you, for there is strength in unity, in friendship.” He brought his hand in and motioned to himself.” And I shall aid you as well as I can.” A large grin blossomed on Set’Xie’s face. “Now, let us see how well I can do in teaching you all the True Way of the Warrior!”

Discord nibbled a bit on a biscuit. He sat on a chair on the ceiling of his house. “Did you think it would end up like this?” he asked his guest.

Q looked up. He was sprawled out on the couch, a smirk on his face. “I’m afraid I knew everything that was going to happen when the timeline changed, my dear Discord. It’s one of the trials of being omniscient. Nothing surprises you.”

Discord groaned. He pushed himself from his chair and backstroked down to the couch, water wings appearing on his limbs. “Oh, don’t give me that, Q! We’re both evolved beings. And you are not omniscient.” He leaned in close. “Or did you let Sisko knock you for a loop?”

Q waved a finger at Discord. “Don’t push it too far. Our friendship can only mitigate so much before I get… irritated.”

Discord backed away to the other side of the couch, paw and claw up. “Sorry, sorry!” He tilted his head. “But the question does stand, Q. Did you think it would end up like this?” he repeated.

Q snapped his fingers. A martini glass appeared in his left hand, and he took a sip before speaking. “Well, I knew some things would change.” He paused, expression turning somber. “As a father, I’m glad neither Jim Kirk nor Kang nor Koloth or Kor outlived their sons.” A groan escaped Q. “Oh, look at me. I’m getting positively sentimental in my old age.”

Discord barked a laugh, changing into a dog for a moment. “Oh, please! It’s the magic of friendship, Q! Don’t fight it.” He paused. “Speaking of which, don’t you have a friendship to go and start? I think Mon Capitan will be waiting for you.”

The martini glass in Q’s hand disappeared. “I’m not sure, Discord. I mean he knows about me. There’s no Farpoint Station test this time around. What’s the point?”

Discord gasped. “The point? What does that matter? The point is to go and see him! I don’t know, mix things up a bit there. Give him a full head of hair or something.”

Q eyed him. “Let’s not go too far. Still, you’re right. They’re expecting me to show up, so I might as well make an appearance.” He rose from the couch and tugged down on the front of his shirt. “Thank you, Discord. A pleasure, as always.” He raised his right hand, but stopped before snapping his fingers. “Although speaking of friends and friendships, don’t you have someone to attend to?”

Discord leaned back slightly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Q snorted. “What a shame. You just made a new friend and you’ve forgotten about him. Ah, well. Hopefully I’ll do better with Jean-Luc than you did with Flash Sentry and that little ‘Savior of the Universe’ game you talked him into after the Queen concert.” With that, he snapped his fingers and vanished in a flash of light.

Discord sat on the couch for a few moments. “Forgotten… new friend…” He slapped his face with a paw and slowly dragged it down his face and snout, cheeks turning a bright plaid. “Oh… whoops. How could I have forgotten that?”

Beep, beep, beep…

Lieutenant Flim sat up straight in his seat. He looked up at the monitor right above his sensor station. His eyes widened as his brain processed the image on the screen. He swallowed and waited a handful of heartbeats before leaning in close to a microphone on his station and speaking into it. “General Shadow, have I mentioned how lovely you look today? And how powerful you are?” He shrunk down slightly. “Also, Flash Sentry is approaching.”

The temperature seemed to drop several degrees as General Tempest Shadow stalked down a flight of stairs from her station. “What do you mean… Flash Sentry approaching?” she snarled out, upper lip curling to reveal some rather sharp teeth.

Flim shrank down in his seat. “Well… he’s flying in on a night-pony rocket cycle.” He chuckled nervously. “And have I mentioned how lovely you look?”

Tempest Shadow spun from him, right foreleg up. “OPEN FIRE! ALL WEAPONS!” She looked back to Flim. “Dispatch War-Blimp Applejacks to bring back his body!”

Outside the palace of Discord the Diabolical, Flash Sentry sent his ‘borrowed’ rocket-cycle into a series of twists and turns, avoiding blasts of powerful magic coming from cannons situated around Discord’s palace. He turned his rocket-cycle around, sparing a moment to glance back as a rather large, armored blimp emerged from one of the palace hangers.

Flash turned back and leaned on the throttle as much as he dared. He allowed himself a moment’s respite and rested on the controls for a moment. “Next time Discord tells me it’ll just be a fun game based off of the human music we were listening to…” He looked around at the technicolored clouds, even as his ears somehow picked up the faint music of Queen. “Next time I’ll ask him if I can bring some friends, you know!” He tossed his head back and let out a wild yell as his mane whipped about behind him, his own adventures ahead.

Author's Note:

1. I'd like to thank FoalsHalf, sun tzu, DarkStarling, and Talon and Thorn for their help with editing/pre-reading.

2. I'd like to thank ALL those who have helped with this fanfic. Your assistance has been immeasurable, and appreciated.

3. If you're a little confused about the last section, just go back to chapter eleven for a little refresher.

4. And for a little mood music...

5. Final blog post on my thoughts/other stuff posted here.

Comments ( 92 )

And Pinkie Pie’s the best ambassador to Vulcan we can have.”


Wonderful ending. Thank you for this story.

Twilight’s ears folded against her head as Spike approached. She waited for him to stand beside her before speaking. “Sorry, Spike. It’s just…” She waved a wing at the sky, in the direction of the setting sun. “Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration. I just wish… I wish my friends were here to enjoy it with me.”


“I mean, you and I both know Fluttershy’s the best one to deal with tribble outbreaks on Klingon farm worlds. And there’s no way Rainbow Dash would give up on being the captain of the Commander Hurricane, especially with such an important mission.”

You vicious, cruel bastard, playing with emotions like that.

To all things comes an end. This was a rollercoaster of a story, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Humor, friendship, plenty of magic, and Kirk got to punch something in the face! I'd be curious about a sequel, but honestly, the open ending we get here is just as satisfying. In any case, I await your next project with great enthusiasm. And to all things comes a beginning.

Yeah, I thought Maud had that Ambassadorship locked.

I have but one thing to say. With an image. Easier than typing a thousand words and all that.


Great epilogue! :twilightsmile:

Awesome ending/epilogue for a truly brilliant story. I'm curious any chance of a sequel later on?

I can actually understand Pinkie being ambassador to Vulcan.

Flash! AAAaaaaaah! Bradness of the universe!

Though... no comment on events across the mirror?

That ending.

love it

That ending was awesome :rainbowlaugh:
But it has a severe lack of Sunset and Trixie. And considering how instrumental both were in this fic, that's a grave fault indeed.

Unless you're holding them for a sequel, then it's ok :raritystarry:

He continued walking, turning a corner. He passed by a Vulcan male in science-division blue, and a pegasus mare in operations-mustard. Both stopped and acknowledged him before continuing on their way, Picard nodding to them as he walked past.

You know, just minor shifts in the timeline.

In any case, sorry as I am to see this end, it's been a magnificent ride from start to finish. Thank you for a great and greatly entertaining read. Here's to boldly befriending what no pony has befriended before.

Her love of rocks borders on the illogical at the very least.

I have loved this story, and it’s previous ones.

I can only hope for the chance that. Sequel will be made.

Well, all good things must come to an end. But in an end, there's often a new beginning. Well done.

Why did it have to end?!:fluttershbad::raritycry: Excellent fic. We need a sequel!

Alright, at the end of this, I gotta say I am not a fan of the idea of taking a work of fiction and representing it in a fan fic as BOTH real and fictional at once. It doesn't make sense.

Some examples are in order, I think. A few MLP crossover fanfics crossover MLP with the human world where MLP is a TV show. Now, if this weirdness had a reasonable explanation, I would be fine with it. But only one fanfic that did this attempted to give a reasonable explanation (basically, Discord journeyed to the human world and founded Hasbro for some reason) and I didn't particularly find it convincing.

This fic does it from the opposite angle: the crossovered universe is fictional in the MLP world, which makes just as much sense and is similarly not explained at all.

It's compounded by something else I see sometimes that doesn't make sense: the presence of BOTH Equestria Girls humans and a separate crossover universe. Equestria Girls, while I don't think outright confirms it, is clearly set on Earth. Star Trek also includes Earth in its canon. But EQG's Earth is an alternate version of the Equestrian planet (unless you assume the mirror transports you through space as well as realities, but why would the creator of it have done that?).

A further problem is that neither of these issues, if removed from the fic, really impact the main story: Federation and Klingons compete for a treaty with Equestria, both groups butt heads a few times, Equestria is found to have an abundance of dilithium, everyone leaves happy.*

* - A problem I have with the nature of fics being slowly published over time is I tend to forget whole chunks of the story. I had to read back to remind myself exactly what role the Prime Directive played and I'm lucky I even remembered it played a role at all... at first when I started to write this I thought the author had forgotten, it had been so long since I read it. Anyway, sorry if I over summarized due to forgetting stuff.

Yes, the "change the future to save everyone!" thing is a side plot I guess, and can be said to contribute to the story that way. But honestly I like how that turns out as much as I like how it started. The whole point of life is that it has its ups and downs. Trials and hardships are some of the most important events in our lives which define us and shape our character. The Epilogue especially makes it clear all of that has been removed (and somehow we still get an Enterprise D with, assumedly, the same exact crew. Did they pick the crew based on merits or based on the show they watched?).

Oh hey, some people in the Federation conspired to keep the war going with the Klingons in Star Trek VI, right? Would knowing the future help prevent this, or alert potential conspirators to do things differently?

We know Kirk's son survived in this universe. How did that shape and mold Kirk's character? Would that impact the events of future movies? Would he be available to assist Picard in Generations? Of course, would Picard even need that assistance given the Federation knows what's going to happen? Would the bad guy have even been exposed to the events that made him a bad guy?

If the author really wants to go the "we know the future" route, I would encourage him to explore the darker aspects of trying to change the future. In addition to some of the stuff above, for example, maybe Section 31 has used the information to sabotage "enemies of the Federation" or even FUTURE enemies who aren't even enemies yet. Maybe the Federation becomes greedy and uses the information to conquer rather that remain pacifistic. There are all sorts of opportunities here to turn this into an interesting sequel.

One other problem I have with this story that is more minor is that the Federation should not be on this planet in the first place. It's a clear violation of the Prime Directive to be even just revealing their existence to the Equestrians. The story attempts to address this by claiming a probe crashed, but that's no excuse to try and limit further "contamination". I believe we see examples of captains at least TRYING to do this sort of thing in TNG/Voyager (I am afraid I am not as familiar with TOS). Now, if the KLINGONS had initiated first contact, that might be enough for the Federation to rescind the Prime Directive for Equestria as the Klingons have already done whatever damage was going to be done (and probably more than the Federation would do) by the society learning about another species. Not an insurmountable story problem to resolve I think.

There is also a little inconsistency I see with the Federation pursuing a treaty with Equestria: I think they would be hesitant to sign a treaty with a country that does not represent the whole planet. It's called out in a TNG episode specifically that the Federation, as a policy, waits for a world to be united before considering admittance to the Federation. Now, this is a treaty, not admittance, but I think they would still at least be hesitant to avoid provoking any uprising of internal issues between countries (Griffons: "You signed a treaty with a space armada, you're going to have them destroy us! We'll destroy you first!" sort of thing). But I'm not sure how this could be resolved in the story. Maybe just ignoring it was the right call.

Also everything with Q served no point to the story, as I recall, especially the scene with Sisko. I encourage the author to reflect on whether a portion of the story serves the story or is just fan service, and to cut things that don't contribute to the story, even if you like them. It's better for the story.

To be clear I did enjoy portions of this story... I would not be bothering to say so much about it if I didn't, and I wouldn't have even bothered reading until the end... but I'm afraid from the moment I saw the mirror universe introduced, and that Star Trek was fiction in that universe, it left a sour taste in my mouth I am sad to say.

(Side note: An idea I just had was that the mirror could have led to the Trek mirror universe instead of the EQG one... with the Terran Empire, possibly at war with a mirror Equestria where Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon rule. Or something. Story potential there, though not as a part of this storyline I think.)


It's compounded by something else I see sometimes that doesn't make sense: the presence of BOTH Equestria Girls humans and a separate crossover universe. Equestria Girls, while I don't think outright confirms it, is clearly set on Earth.

An earth with rainbow-coloured humans with strange exotic names for people and horse pun names for its places? An earth-like planet it may be, the actual earth itself EQG-verse is not. At best I'd say it's a human-shaped mirror universe of Equestria. Like how Star Trek has an evil mirror universe and many other kinds of universes, something which is conveniently also in the MLP comics.

A fitting end to the story ... looks like things are by and large working out for the best. Looks like some ding-dong Romulans still tried to push their luck at Narendra, though ... and the Enterprise C's task force righteously creamed them. Imagine that had some interesting effects down the road. Glad to see the Mane Six are still kicking ... then again, it is strongly implied in the show that Ponies have longer lifespans than Humans.

Spike being mature and 7 foot tall is closer in appearence to Fireball from The Maretian?

Also, freinds not being there in person, nasty twist with all the there in spirit stories going round even though they have reliable relay communications?

As for the Queen of the game at the end. Whats King Vultan as a Griffin? A Liger, Gold Eagle cross? Im not sure he is the largest bird around, who would be K'leem?

Might be greatly saddened at a favourite story ending, but crying with laughter at the ending, because I have the tracks playing on my playlist at the time.:pinkiehappy:

The book ends, but the stories continue.

Thank you, for everything. :twilightsmile:

He saved everyone of us! He saved every one of us!

You know that you now have to write a Flash Gordon/MLP crossover right?

9106830 With Brian Blessed voicing Commander Hurricane, Ruler of the Pegasi.

"Sentry's alive?"
"Impetuous Foal! Ah well, who wants to live forever? DIVE!"

EQG is mirrorverse where ponies are humans and humans are ponies :]


Fair enough, I suppose I meant it is clearly modelled after Earth. It doesn't really fit into the idea of crossing over MLP with some other human universe, since it is itself a crossover of its own sort.

But one thing I forgot to mention is that, in this story, the author makes Star Trek fiction exist in the EQG universe. Which is something I think only makes sense if the EQG universe is supposed to be interpreted as similar to our own, as Earth similar to our own, at least in ways apart from magic, weird skin tones, and weird naming conventions... which leads back to what I was saying.

But my main point remains having Star Trek both fiction AND reality in the same story as my main dislike about the story.

Just curious...what happened in the EQG side of things at this point?

Maybe I'm making this up, but I thought Fireball was white, not purple, and had red eyes.

Griffons strike me as better analogues to Hawkmen, I could see Vultan as a big Eagle/Lion Griffon with a bushy beard and massive mace.
So Flash is the Tom Paris of his ship I take, humm is the Tempest on the holodeck his captain playing villain or a simulation that would get Flash beat up?
Also Pinkie ambassador to Vulcan... Maud seems like she'd fit in better.


Trixie and Sunset and SciTwi went back to waiting for Discovery Season 2 and wondering if it would be any good. They were also excited about Patrick Stewart returning to a new TV series.

All I can picture is:

Come on every Vulcan,
Smile, smile, smile...

Then chaos and screaming. :facehoof: :rainbowlaugh:

What can I say? This was a well written fic, full of humor and (mostly) good references. There were some points that annoyed me, but over all, I found it enjoyable! It's so hard to find a good TOS fic, but this is one of the best!
I give it four smiles out of five.


Probably died of old age. There's aprox 100 years between Kirk's time and Picard's time.


Nah, she find Vulcans too emotional. :twilightsmile:

But, really Pinkie, ambassador to Vulcan deserve a fanfic on its own.

Thank you so much for writing this.

9106921 Now you say it, that is so blindingly obvious, I feel like an idiot for not seeing it myself. Of course the Hawkmen would be griffons! Duh!

That's the thing though: EQG-verse is only a proxy-earth at best. It has plenty of things that aren't consistent with its mirror universe, such as Celestia and Luna being living, breathing, but otherwise normal principals at a high school, despite being thousand year old alicorns on the Equestrian side. Given that 'earth' is replaced by the 'human Equestria' in the EQG-verse, the actual earth being just fiction in that universe makes a warped sort of sense.


And Pinkie Pie’s the best ambassador to Vulcan we can have.”

Yeah, that was kind of unexpected--Pinkie should definitely have gone to Romulus and Maud to Vulcan.

Heh! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:


It's a clear violation of the Prime Directive to be even just revealing their existence to the Equestrians.

Technically speaking, the violation of the Prime Directive exists only in that it is the Federation and Klingon Empire that are the "primitive societies" being contaminated by the Equestrians.
Look back at the first chapter, where Equestria is clearly on par with the Organians. Remember, in the Unaltered Trek episode, it was Kirk and Kang who were like two fighting cats jumping in to start pissing and shitting on each other in the middle of the Organian's D&D game board! :rainbowwild:

I'm happy you didn't say her friends were missing because they died...

Also, I have no idea what happened in that ending!

this story may have been a bit long , in time that is but dang was it a super fun ride i love it.

How? I remember seeing the episode Kirk is aboard Picard's Enterprise :rainbowhuh:

Also, they could've become ponies. Hell, I doubt they'd stay for long in EQG universe if they could otherwise participate in equestria's journey into space. Trixie specially would be devastated if she was forced to know she'd have to live without the stars while knowing she cloud have them.
At least that's how she was written in this story, I feel.

On the contrary: Maud is a better fit for Romulus simply because of her self-control. Vulcans may not be big on open displays of emotion but they believe in IDIC - Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. The Romulans (Assuming they did not simply severe contact with the rest of the galaxy for decades as they did in the original timeline) are not big on tolerance. OTOH, the presence of Mister Naraht suggests that at least some of the events in the Rihannsu series of novels may have occurred in some fashion or other. If so, then the Romulans have had direct experience with an angry Horta and who better than Maud to have a Horta on her staff?

As for Pinkie and the Vulcans, her job is to understand Vulcans but reflect and represent Equestrian views and culture. Besides, One myth Pinkie would quickly dispel to others is that Vulcans display no emotion. Even those who achieve Kolinahr clearly show signs of both pride and disappointment. Vulcans layer their emotions better than most but only Sarek after Amanda's death ever tried to truly crush his emotions. (Many Vulcans accused him of being emotionally contaminated' so, like Spock, he tried to "Out Vulcan" the Vulcans. In Spock's case, he had a good Country doctor to stop that nonsense. Sarek did not and despite Vulcan denials, this probably contributed to Sarek's death from Bendii Syndrome. (What Vulcan would admit that the supposed highest goal of their society was actually very unhealthy?)

In this new timeline, Pinkie will be giving Vulcan Society the medicine it sorely needs... whether they like it or not!

Thanks for writing this! I loved a lot of this. Just in this chapter, the Klingons fighting the forces of nature for the secrets of the universe...I’m a total sucker for that sort of thing.

You’d better find a way to make sure we notice it...

I'm not particularly into star trek, but I was sure that they took place in different eras. Wikipedia gives dates for Kirk's captaincy of the Enterprise starting at year 2265. It then says Picard begins his during the year 2363.

Yes, it is done! What a trek it was.

Of course a nagging part of me does worry about the implications of distorting the timeline and changing so many events. I mean you ended the grim Klingon-Tribbles war peacefully, do you understand the consequences that will shape the whole galaxy now! Also poor Picard, he is victim of the ultimate spoilers.

As for the last part? :pinkiehappy:

Huh, apparently it was in the seventh movie and it involved time travel. Still sad we didn't get to see any more of the duo, though :pinkiesad2:

Comment posted by Admiral Q Ponyform deleted Aug 13th, 2018

Pinkie Ambassador to VULCAN! Me at 1:25

And Pinkie Pie’s the best ambassador to Vulcan we can have.

And then my mind broke

Seriously, I want to see that story now.

Thanks for the wild ride RK! It's been super :pinkiehappy:

Garrett tilted her head down and stared at Picard. “Hardly a hero, Captain. I merely took advantage of information to make sure there was sufficient forces there to put an end to the situation before it escalated.”

“And you earned a debt of honor from an entire planet, along with a future statue in the Hall of Heroes on Q’onoS,” Picard replied. “I’d say you more than earned that, Admiral.”


Twilight finally turned from the setting sun and made her way into the room proper. “And Pinkie Pie’s the best ambassador to Vulcan we can have.” She stopped next to Spike. “You’re right, you’re right. It still won’t make it any easier.”

Those poor vulcans.

The teacher paced back and forth, waving his right hand in the air. “You shall not be alone in this. Look to your left, and then look to your right. Your comrades in arms are all around you, for there is strength in unity, in friendship.” He brought his hand in and motioned to himself.” And I shall aid you as well as I can.” A large grin blossomed on Set’Xie’s face. “Now, let us see how well I can do in teaching you all the True Way of the Warrior!”

I like it.

That was a really great story, I'm glad I found it way back when.

Flasssshhh ahhhhaaaaa..... God bless Queen

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