• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,650 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

  • ...

Chapter Seventeen

Kirk walked down the hallways of the Enterprise, nodding occasionally to crewmembers as they passed him by. His travels took him to the recreation deck, the site of Mister Spock's research into the television shows eerily depicting the Enterprise's five-year mission... and beyond.

He entered, nodding to Lieutenant Harb Tanzer at one of the tables. Harb, the head of Recreation, snapped to attention. “Captain.”

Kirk half-smiled. “At ease, Lieutenant.” He looked around. Every table was occupied by a fellow crew member, a three-dimensional image playing out above the table's holo-projector. Each one of them had a PADD and stylus that they scribbled at furiously. “Sorry about the... commotion here, Harb.”

Harb shook his head. “No need, sir, but thank you.” He looked over his right shoulder. “From what Mister Spock's told me, this is pretty important.”

In the center of the room sat Spock, three holo-projectors playing out before him. His eyes darted from back and forth, missing nothing. He kept his focus on his work as Kirk walked over. “Captain, I am pleased to report that we have managed to watch approximately seventy-five point eighty-three percent of the episodes and all of the movies Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer have given us. I should be able to write a report and begin formulating appropriate countermeasures before the deadline.” He looked down and picked up a PADD. “However, there is one discrepancy I have found from the fifth movie.” He handed the PADD to Kirk. On it was the image of an older Vulcan male with a beard. “One of the main characters is my supposed half-brother, Sybok.”

Kirk looked at the PADD. “I didn't know you had a half-brother, Spock. I don't quite see the family resemblance.”

Spock shook his head. “I do not have a half-brother, Captain. Or any other siblings. I am an only child.” He took the PADD back. “Aside from that, though, the movie is accurate. There is a Nimbus III, that the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire have agreed to develop together. The ambassadors sent there, as far as I have been able to determine, do exist.” He arched an eyebrow. “I am not entirely sure why I have a half-brother, here, considering how accurate the movies and television episodes have been so far.”

Kirk shrugged. “Well, can't get it... all right.”

Before Spock could respond, M'ress walked over, PADD in paw. “Commander, I have finished season seven of Deep Space Nine,” she reported, holding the PADD out.

Spock reached out and took it, his eyes barely glancing in her direction. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Please assist Mister Sulu in finishing up Voyager.” He set the PADD down on the table, finally taking his eyes off the images and looking directly at Kirk. “Captain, do you require assistance?”

Kirk chuckled slightly. “I do, Mister Spock. Thank you.” He held his arms out. “That third movie, Search for... Spock. I was wondering if you had a spare copy of it I could watch.”

Spock quirked an eyebrow up. "Per your orders, I have made several copies of the episodes and movies.” he slid a card into a slot into the table. “Computer, copy file 'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock' onto data card.”

The computer spoke. “Acknowledged. Copying...” There was a ding. “Movie copied.”

Spock pulled the card out. He stood up, but hesitated before holding it out. “Captain, may I ask the reason for wishing to view this movie?”

Kirk took the card. He glanced down, jaw working for a moment. “'Know your enemy', Mister Spock. This Kruge, I... need to know what drives him, why he does what he does. Only then can I decide what do do about him.” He almost smiled.

Spock nodded. “Very well, Captain.” he held the card out for Kirk to take. He started to sit back down, but stopped. “Captain, if there is anything you need, please contact me. It would be... illogical for you not to seek help if needed.”

Kirk glanced down at the deck and tapped the card against the palm of his hand. “Thank you, Mister Spock. I will... keep that in mind."

It was a long walk back to Kirk's quarters, but he reached it all too quickly. He walked in and made his way to the desk in the corner. After a few minutes, he slid the card into a slot on the desk. A monitor mounted to the desk lit up. Kirk cleared his throat. “Computer... play recording on data card from beginning.”

The computer beeped. “Acknowledged. Beginning playback.”

The screen lit up. Kirk drummed his fingers on the desk as the movie started. He half-closed his eyes as Spock's death played out before him. “Khan...” They snapped open as a Klingon bird-of-prey decloaked at about the nine-minute mark. He leaned forward. “Hello, Kruge.”

Kirk sat and watched the entirety of the movie, barely moving, except to look askance when David was killed, and to gasp as the Enterprise self-destructed. He bowed his head as Kruge mourned the death of almost his entire crew. As the credits rolled, he pulled the card from the desk. Kirk cradled it in his hand. “I think I have the most loyal crew in Starfleet,” he finally said, half-smiling.

The smile fell away. Kirk checked the chronometer. Getting time for me to beam down.He glanced at the card in his hand once more before leaving his quarters, ideas already forming in his mind.

Kirk materialized inside the Castle of Friendship's main foyer. He oriented himself, quickly spotting Kang, and Mara already there.

As Kirk walked over, Kang thumped his chest in greeting. “Greetings, Kirk.” He motioned to Mara, who held up a small plastic card. “This contains all the information on Kruge that I could find. He's currently second officer aboard the Kad'nra.

Mara offered the card to Kirk, who slowly took it. “Thank you.” He looked around. “I'm... surprised Twilight isn't here.”

Mara motioned to the back. “She and Spike are preparing some food for us.” She looked down at Kirk's hand. “Do you have any plans?”

Kirk slowly held the data card up and looked it over. “At the moment, I have an... idea, Mara.” He looked to Kang. “Do you have any... plans concerning the albino?”

Kang shook his head. “Between the ongoing mission, research into the television shows Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer gave us, and the general operations of the ship, we have not had much time. I have sent a message to Kor and Koloth, but they haven't responded.” He clenched a fist and looked to Mara. “I do know I will not rest until we have tracked him to whatever hole he is hiding in, and kill him!”

Kirk bowed his head. “You'll need help, correct?” At Kang's nod, he continued. “Well, what about... Kruge?”

Kang leaned forward. “What about him, Kirk? Do you suggest I... recruit him?”

Kirk smiled and waved his right hand about. “Exactly, Kang. He was able to... find out about Genesis, get the details about it. He'd be a valuable asset to you in your hunt for the Albino.”

Mara slowly shook her head. “I cannot believe this, Kirk. He will kill your child!”

Kirk nodded to her. “He... may kill him, Mara, if the sequence of events remain unaltered. However, the odds of that happening are so low, not even Spock is willing to calculate them. It would be a... waste for me to go after him now, Mara.” His eyes shifted to the left and down. “And to be honest, a small part of me... understood his point of view. Especially concerning Genesis.” He shook his head. “We humans can... admire someone, or empathize with them at least, even if we otherwise find them to be abhorrent.”

Mara shook her head. “I will never understand you Earthers.”

Kirk shrugged. “Mara, we don't understand ourselves, sometimes.” He stopped speaking for a moment. “Kruge was acting out of... concern for the Klingon people. Genesis' potential for destruction scares me. How Kruge felt about it...”

Kang slowly nodded. “You bring up good points, Kirk. I will look into it after this mission is over.” He half-smiled. “You have a knack of making the best of bad situations, Kirk.”

The doors near the back opened. Twilight and Spike walked out. “Oh, Captain Kirk!” Twilight called out, smiling. “I'm glad to see you.” She waved a wing at the doors. “Spike and I have food ready for you three.” Her eyes darted back and forth. “I think this would qualify as... dinner?”

Kang barked a laugh. “Food is food, Princess. We shall eat and enjoy your cooking.”

Twilight shook her head and waved a wing at Spike. “Actually, it’s Spike’s cooking. He’s far better in the kitchen than I’ll ever be.”

Spike grinned and puffed his chest out slightly. “Well, I try, Twilight. Thanks.” He looked to Kang. “It might be a little blander than I hoped, though. I tried to talk Twilight into trying out a spell so you could eat gems, but she shot it down.” He sighed. “I think you would've liked rubies, too.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Spike, I really don't think it's a good idea to try experimental spells on foreign dignitaries.”

Mara walked over to the pair. She pulled out her tricorder and flipped the top flap open. “Spike, may I scan you while you eat? I've heard dragons on this planet have robust digestive systems, but you're the only one I've met face-to-face.”

Spike looked up at Mara. He puffed his chest out. “Go right ahead, Mara!” he stretched his arms out and flexed his biceps.

Kang chuckled as he and Kirk walked towards the other three. “Be careful, Spike! I might have to challenge you to a duel.”

Spike took a step back, hands held out. “Whoa, no need for that, Captain! I've only got eyes for one lady.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sure, Spike.” She turned to the door. “If you'll follow me to the dining room?”

Kang waited for Kirk to walk up to his side before continuing on. His expression darkened with each step. “Mara and Kina have informed me of several... 'incidents' concerning the Empire. Some of them are easy to deal with, such as making sure no one tries to attack V'Ger. Other things...” His head drooped. “If things do not change, Praxis will explode in 2293, due to over-mining. It will devastate Q'onoS.” He glanced at Kirk. “What has Spock told you? From what I know of your first officer, he should be close to finishing all six series by now!”

Kirk shook his head as they walked through the doors and started down a corridor. “He has a team helping out with it, Kang. I want as detailed a report as possible, and a few exceptions, I don't want it... piecemeal. It could lead to ill-informed decisions down the line.”

Kang nodded. “A wise decision, Kirk.” They followed the others through a door on the left, into a small dining room. A crystalline table growing out of the floor dominated the room, plates, silverware, bowls, and food laid out on it. Kang walked up to it and tapped it with his hand. “Of course,” he finally said, smiling.

Twilight's horn glowed. The five chairs arrayed around the table slid out. “We don't have to be too formal, right? Dig in, everyone!” She hopped up and floated onto a chair.

Spike, Kirk, Kang, and Mara followed suit. Kirk looked up at Kang from across the table. “Kang, do you feel... comfortable talking about this with Twilight and Spike here?”

Kang looked to the princess, then to her dragon friend. “I trust them, Kirk.”

Twilight waved a foreleg in the air. “I won't repeat anything heard here, Captains. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my–ouch!” she cried out as her hoof touched her opened eye.

Mara stood up. “Princess, are you all right?”

Spike, sitting between Mara and Twilight, held his hand up and waved Mara off. “No need to worry, Mara. Twilight's done that so often I think her eye's gotten a callous over it, or something.”

Twilight's open eye narrowed. “Oh, very funny, Spike.”

Kang stared at her for a moment before turning to face Kirk. “As I said, Praxis will explode. And thanks to the Empire trying to keep up with Starfleet, we will...” He clenched his fist and smacked it into the table, sending out a small spiderweb of cracks from the impact. “We will be unable to do anything about it.”

Twilight's ears folded flat against her skull. “That sounds... horrific, Captain!” She thumped her chest with a hoof. “Well, Equestria will help you out, no matter what!”

Kang sighed. “You might, Princess. The Federation will.” He looked up at Kirk and half-smiled. “You look exactly as I did when I first heard the news, Kirk. Yes, after decades of hostility, the Federation will help the Klingon Empire save itself from its own shortsightedness. It won't be easy... but it does happen.”

Kirk half-smiled. “Well, as one of my heroes once said, 'Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends'?”

Spike barked a laugh. “That might as well be Twilight's motto, Captain!”

Kirk looked to Spike. “Somehow, I'm not... surprised, Spike.”

Twilight's head bobbed down. “I've found it to be much more preferable to the alternative.”

Kang half-smiled. “It would depend on the enemy, Twilight. Still, I cannot deny that it has provided benefits for my crew and I. And it will save the Empire. The question is, though, what do I do with this information? If anything?”

Spike tilted his head to the side. “Wait, what? Okay, I know I'm a young dragon, but isn't a moon exploding and damaging your home planet bad?”

Kang nodded to him. “It is, but there is... much good to come from it, Spike. Without it, I cannot see how the Empire will accept help from the Federation.” He shook his head. “We are a proud people, sometimes too proud for our own good. I do not see a way for the Empire to cease hostilities unless there is no other choice.”

“Such as the one Praxis provides,” Twilight said, ears folding down against her skull.

Kang seemed to shrink in on himself. “Such as the one Praxis provides,” he repeated. He suddenly shot up out of his chair, his face twisting with rage. “And that's not the end of it! The Romulans, our supposed 'allies', will stab us in the back, attacking us at Khitomer and Narendra III. And do you know who will aid us? Do you know who will help us?”

Twilight stared up at him, eyes slightly wide. “The... Federation?”

Kang looked to Kirk, still sitting. “Perhaps your people are more honorable than I thought. And perhaps... we are not so honorable as I believed us to be.”

Kirk arched an eyebrow. He held up his right hand. “Kang, if you don't... wish talk about anything, there's no pressing need to. I'll be receiving my... own report about upcoming events from Mister Spock.”

Kang shook his head. “You have not held any secrets from me. It would be... dishonorable to hold anything back from you, Kirk.” He rapped the knuckles of his right hand against the table. “Political expediency will have replaced honor in the High Council. The House of Duras... are traitors to the Empire, collaborators with the Romulans. And their actions will cost us dearly.”

Mara spoke up, her expression dark. “They will plunge us into civil war, and nearly destroy the Empire. “ She leaned forward. “Do you know what the worst part is?” She abruptly slammed a fist into the table, causing both Twilight and Spike to jump in their seats. “The High Council will attempt to... cover up their crimes, and frame someone else!”

Kang snarled. “Their actions will bring shame and dishonor upon us all!” He shook his head. “And yes, as Mara said, it will lead to civil war. At the very least their actions will be brought to light. But that it will go that far at all?” His expression fell, his eyes turning hollow for a moment. “To fall that far. And I do not know if there is anything I can do to stop it.”

Spike scratched the side of his head. “But, you know all that's gonna happen, right? Isn't there anything you can do? At all?”

Kang glanced at the young dragon. “There's too much unknown, Spike. The television series are Federation-centered, which makes sense upon reflection. There are large gaps, and worse, the rot is deeply ingrained.” He shook his head. “I once met an old man, a magistrate named Kolos. He warned me that honor was becoming meaningless in the Empire. I should have heeded his words then.”

Kirk finally stood up. He walked around the table, right up to Kang. “So what will you... do, Kang? Nothing?” he crossed his arms and canted his jaw. “That... doesn't sound like the Kang I know.”

Kang met Kirk's eyes. He crossed his own arms and leaned back slightly. “There might be nothing that I can do, Kirk! The House of Duras is very powerful.” He ran his thumbnail over his forehead. “And the House of Kang is... not.”

Kirk kept his gaze steady, his eyes locked onto Kang's. “I did not think Kang, Son of K'naiah, would back down from a fight to restore... honor to the Empire he fights for.” He arched an eyebrow. “Are you... scared?”

The temperature in the room seemed to drop by several dozen degrees. Kang growled low in his throat. “You would do well not to travel in that direction, Kirk. My respect for you only goes so far in holding me back!”

Kirk leaned forward. “If you're willing to... kill me for an imagined slight, why aren't you willing to... fight for the Empire? Or at least to try?”

Twilight's horn flared. She disappeared, reappearing between the two. She spread her wings out, forcing the two back. “Hey, hey!” Her head whipped back and forth. “I do not need you two bickering like this, or tossing thinly-veiled threats back and forth like a couple of foals!” She fully turned to face Kirk. “Captain Kirk, I know you have Kang's best interests at heart, but goading him like that is probably not going to have the intended effect.”

Kang smirked, but it fell away as Twilight turned to him. “And Captain Kang, Kirk may have gone about it the wrong way, but like I said, he does have your best interest at heart.” She tilted her head in Kirk's direction. “Even if he's probably not aware of the entire situation.”

Kirk let out a small sigh. “That is... true, Princess.” He spread his arms out. “You may not believe it, Kang, but I don't want the Klingon Empire to fall.”

Kang stared at him. “I... believe you, Kirk.” He looked to the table and turned to it. “I shall try to explain things to you, as best I can. And maybe you can see the true difficulties that lie ahead for my people.”

Twilight and Spike watched as Kirk, Kang, and Mara were beamed away to their ships. “Okay, that went... interestingly,” Twilight said. She rubbed her forehead with a wing. “It was quite educational, too. I didn't know some Klingons had ridges, for instance.”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, so two questions, then.”

Twilight glanced to him. “Oh?”

Spike paused, then held out his hand and started ticking off claws. “Well, maybe more than two. Anyway. First off, what's your plan to get these two working together?”

Twilight's horn flashed. A scroll, quill, and inkwell flashed into existence, the three objects floating in front of her muzzle. “Well, first off, learn Klingonese. The Trixie from Canterlot High is apparently fluent in it! Then, read everything I can get my hooves on concerning their government, their culture, and anything else I can think of. I have to fill in the gaps between the episodes.” She gasped, then scribbled on the scroll. “I'd better watch the episodes, too!”

Spike slowly nodded. “Okay, next?”

Twilight's eyes looked down. “Next, construct a detailed, multi-branched plan using said information that will should aid Kang in whatever changes he may wish to make.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Ah, Twilight? Do you really think you'll be able to do all of that before Kang leaves?” He held up a hand and place it over Twilight's muzzle. “And tend to all your duties, obligations, and a normal sleep schedule that I, Cadance, and possibly others will make sure you keep?”

Twilight wiggled her head back and forth. “Well... I can send the plan to him over subspace, maybe? Or invite him back at a later date? I've got to do something, Spike.”

Spike nodded and patted her on the shoulder. “I know, Twilight. You wouldn't be you if you didn't. Just make sure it's the right thing to do.

Twilight nodded. “You're right, Spike. I can't rush this. There's too much at stake to go half-flanked with any plans I can make.”

Spike smiled and sighed in relief. “Well, thank Celestia for that. Now the next question?” At Twilight's nod, he continued. “Who are you, and what have you done with the real Twilight Sparkle?”

Silence descended upon the room. Twilight's eyes narrowed. She lowered her head and stepped forward, her face an inch or two from Spike's. “I'm sorry, could you... explain that last question?” she asked through gritted teeth.

Spike returned her own narrowed glare. He crossed his arms as he spoke. “You just learned last night that Cadance and Shining Armor are going to have a baby. Not once did you lose control while talking to Captains Kirk or Kang, or Mara. You didn't even mention it to them!”

Twilight swallowed. She glanced away from Spike, her cheeks coloring slightly. “Okay... good point.” She shrugged. “Believe me, Spike. I would've loved nothing more than to hop up and down in a circle while telling them all about my new niece or nephew. But if I did that...”

“Neither one of them would've taken you seriously again?” Spike finished.

Twilight's head ducked low, her cheeks turning even redder. “Exactly. It was one thing to do that in the engine room of the Enterprise, another thing to do that here in a meeting between the two captains.” The corners of her mouth turned up slightly. “And I think I got enough of it out last night.”

Spike's eyes widened. He stared off into space, mouth open slightly as memories assailed him.

Twilight bounced up and down, circling Shining Armor and Cadance. Spike floated behind her, Twilight's magic wrapped around him. He tossed and turned with each bounce. “Yes yes yes yes yesyes yes!” Twilight chanted, grinning wildly. She stopped in front of Cadance and Shining Armor. “I'm gonna be the greatest aunt in Equestria! No, the galaxy!” She started hopping around again, Spike trailing behind.

Spike blinked and shook his head. “Yeah, you sure did,” he mumbled under his breath. He cleared his throat before continuing. “So, will you promise me that if I say for you to slow down or take a break, you will?”

Twilight nodded, straightening up. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she chanted, making the motions of the Pinkie Promise and remembering to close her eye this time. She paused for a few moments before speaking once more. “So... would it be all right for me to start working now?”

Spike rubbed his chin. “Well... okay, Twilight. We can start, but you will break for dinner later on.”

Twilight grinned. She turned, but stopped and glanced over her shoulder at Spike. “Wait, 'we'? Didn't you have plans or something?”

Spike shrugged. “Eh, I can reschedule. The Number-One Princess needs her Number-One Assistant!”

Twilight grinned. Her horn glowed as she gently lifted Spike up and onto her back. “She does indeed, Spike. Thanks.” She reared back and kicked her legs in the air. “To the library!” Her horn flared once more as she and Spike teleported out of the kitchen, vanishing in a flash of light.

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to Talon and Thorn, sun tzu, and RainbowDoubleDash for the help with proofreading and editing.

2. Why no, I don't like Star Trek V. Chalk it up to a bad dream brought on by too much bourbon and move on! :p