• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 718 Views, 6 Comments

Spoons - Fonypan

Groups of humans have invaded Equestria and captured ponies to sell as pets and slaves back on Earth.

  • ...

Chapter 6

The change is subjects was jarring, to say the least.

But you could see she didn't want to talk about James' job anymore.

"S-sure. That sounds great."

You take note of the collar.

"What's that for?"

Jan frowns at the collar in her hand and kneels down to you.

"I don't like it one bit, but there are laws that ponies must have a collar and leash with out with their owners."

"Oh... okay."

She slips the collar around your neck and stands up.

"But I don't think you need a leash to get in the car, right?"

Getting into the carriage, or "car", was a little tricky. The seats weren't made for ponies. The handles on the doors can't be opened without fingers. The seatbelt was to tall for you, the shoulder strap running diagonally right across your muzzle. But once you were situated, and Jan pushed the strap behind your head, it wasn't so bad. It was also nice being outside the house for change. And the windows on the side were neat. Some kind of magic made them grow and shrink up and down to fill the side, or let the breeze in at the twirl of a handle.

When we reached a big road Jan called the freeway, you've never seen so many cars in your life!

There had to be fifty cars on this road at once!

Eventually, we pulled off of the big road and were now on smaller roads, all crisscrossing between giant glass buildings. Many of the buildings had brightly painted signs at the base, just above the doors, advertising their goods. A few signs were disturbing, on signs with a big golden M they had pictures of sandwiches with big slabs of meat in the middle. Eventually the car stopped against the sidewalk outside a store with different styles of beds and couches seen through the large glass windows.

"We're here."

After getting out of the car, Jan clipped the leash on and walked you up to the front of the store. Inside the store was beds and couches and chairs, and couches that turned into beds. After a few minutes of walking around, and looking at the furniture, a woman walked up to Jan.

"Hello, can I help you find anything?"

You and Jan eyed her strained smile.

Jan's attitude was surprisingly cheery.

"Actually, yes, could you help me find a good bed for my pony, here?"

"Ahh... sure. of course."

"We have a selection of smaller and cheaper beds for children who are just getting out of diapers."

She stops at a small lineup of small beds, the posts and frame are made of metal slats that squeak and rattle with the faintest touch. Jan helps you up onto the mattress. You sit and lay down, rolling side to side a bit. Loud crinkly plastic that is sure to make you sweaty and uncomfortable.

"I don't like this one... do you have anything softer and less crinkly?"

The woman almost snorts indignantly that you had the gall to speak up to her.

"Well, we do, but I doubt that your owner would want to spend too much on you."

Jan leveled a glare at the woman for that.

"Well, that is for me to decide, isn't it?"

Hopping down, you follow Jan following her over to a line of small beds, but clearly for older children. One bed catches your eye. A deep stained wooden frame with fancy carved posts, and a large poofy mattress. After hopping up and rolling around, you're amazed to find this bed feels even softer than the couch back home.

"I like this one."

"Yes, well, this one is terribly expensive, especially for a pet."

"What did you just-"

Before you could finish your thought, Jan had already stepped forward.

"Looks like I'm purchasing this bed."

The woman sputtered at that.

"Eh, uh. Well, okay, I'll write up the recite."

After Jan had given the lady a hand full of paper, (not a single gold bit, humans are weird) a man with a large box on a cart stepped forward, and loaded the box into the back of the car. More fumbling with the car's seats and belts, and we were off. You were confused at first as to what Jan had in mind. But after coming up to a shop with a sign shaped like a giant pair of glasses, it became more apparent that a new bed wasn't the only shopping to be had.

Walking up to this building was a different experience.

Primarily being instead of a grumpy woman, they were immediately greeted by a man with a warm grin.

"Hello, how can I help you two today?"

You look up at Jan questioningly.

"Well, my pony friend here needs a new pair of glasses."

"Oh, well, I'm sure I can help."

With a kind smile, he helped you up into a comfy chair.

You pull off your glasses and look at them. The frames were crooked and scratched from being roughly handled by the foalnappers. The left lens had a smart crack running diagonally through it. The tape on the bridge was starting to lose its hold, you were planning to replace the tape soon anyway.

You look up and the fuzzy shape of the man.

"Can... can you fix these? They... they mean a lot to me."


The man carefully takes the glasses in his hands and looks them over.

"I may not know much about ponies, but I do know glasses. And these glasses have been through a lot."

"I can't imagine half the things these glasses have seen. And you don't strike me as a very old pony, do you?"

"I- um... no sir."

"I'll see what I can do. No promises though, these glasses have been through hell and back." He said giving you a sorrowful look. "Almost hard to believe it was my fellow man who would be heartless enough to put anyone through this."

"But for now, I'm going to need time to fix these glasses, so I'll have to give you a loaner pair, okay?"

You nod, not sure what else to do. You can't tell what he's doing, but he has picked up some kind of tool and is holding it on your old glasses. After some "hmms" and "uh huh"s he walks into the back room. You look up at Jan confused. You can only make out that she shrugged.

The man comes back and holds something out in front of you.

"Try these on."

You carefully grab the offered glasses and put them on. You haven't seen this clearly in months.

"Wow! How did you-?"

You notice he's holding your glasses in one hand, and a mirror in the other. The blush is much more damning when you can see it as much as feel it. He's given you some kind of granny glasses. Like the ones you've seen Rarity wear. The rims are gaudy, a bright green base with a floral print of flowers spiraled all over.

"Well, how are they?"

You blink at that.

Looking up at him, much clearer now, you see he's an old tall man with wild looking eyes and white hair sticking up like he was struck by lightning.

"I've gotten so used to everything being blurry..."

Looking at your old glasses explains it, both lenses are badly scratched. The lenses only kinda pointing the same direction.

"Don't worry about these, you couldn't have found better hands to work on them."

He eyes them more closely.

"But I must say, these were very finely crafted."

The man pulls out a pad and paper.

"Now then, what's your name?"

"Silver Spoon."

He scribbles something on the paper.

"There. This is just so I know who these glasses belong to."

Putting away the paper, he holds out his hand.

"My name's Emmett."

After you shake limbs with him, Jan follows him over to the register to pay. Trying not to over hear, but hard not to, you hear them have a hushed discussion.

"Are you sure?" Jan sounded genuinely surprised.

"Indeed, I insist. And I won't accept your refusal."

"Well, alright. Thank you."

"No, thank you."

Once Jan had ushered you out to the car, you can't help your curiosity.

"So... what was that about?"

"What was what?"

"What did Mr, Emmett say?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just that your glasses should be fixed in a week or two."

"Oh, that's not so bad." You look around, getting a feel for a world in focus. "And these glasses are nice. I'm surprised how well I can see now."

"Is there anything you would like to see before we head home?"

"No thank you, I'm just glad that we could get my glasses fixed."

"Well, if you're sure, I guess we can head back to the house."