• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 718 Views, 6 Comments

Spoons - Fonypan

Groups of humans have invaded Equestria and captured ponies to sell as pets and slaves back on Earth.

  • ...

Chapter 5


Sighing you push the blanket aside and get up.

When you enter the bathroom, you're confronted with a problem. After flicking the light on, you eye the toilet. Looking around, you find and stool. It's not wide enough for all four hooves, but it'll have to do. Scooting the stool into place, you hop up and do your thing.


So much better than being stuck in that kennel. Though, that did teach the shop owner to keep a bucket below your kennel.

Getting back on the couch and wrapping the blanket around you again, you finally fall asleep.

First day living with humans, and they aren't the same as the ones who foal-napped you.

And the nightmares have gone away too.

The next few days were uneventful. Jan took Jenny to school in the morning, then picking her up after noon. Jan had asked you what kinds of food you like, and what kind of foods were bad for you. Dinner was different and seemingly better every time. You also notice that you were given rather large portions. Jan said it was to help get meat on your bones.


Almost forgot that they ate meat.


Luckily Jan managed to talk you down from that panic attack.

James' jokes didn't help any.

"What? I just said we didn't plan on eater her anytime soon!"

James had to sleep on the floor next to your couch that night. You tried to let him have the couch, but Jan wasn't having it. Jan commanded with that tone that only a mother could. Saying that you were to enjoy the couch and James would be perfectly happy on the floor.

"Right, honey?" She eyed him harshly.

"Yes dear..." His pout was almost tear jerking.


After a few minutes of silent breathing in the dark living room, you roll over on the couch and peek your head over at the man lying on the floor. You never really got a good look at him before. Always trying to not stare. His arms were thick, stretching out his olive green t-shirt. They kinda remind you of that big pegasus who was always shouting.

His square jaw and wrinkly face reminds you of a mix between a dragon and a minotaur.

You never did notice that scar before. There was a lighter color jagged line, running across one cheek, up to the bridge of his nose.

You almost jump out of your skin when you notice his eyes staring at you.

"You need something?"

"Oh, um... no... Goodnight."


You roll onto your other side, scooting up against the back of the couch. Breathing slower, you can't help but think about that scar. Trying to think of something else, you start counting sheep.

Sheep turn into the ticks of the wall clock.

Sleep claimed you eventually.

A fitful dreamless sleep.


Mmm... warm.

First thing you notice this morning, is being warm. Also that the couch is a lot warmer than last night, and that it is moving.

And growling.

Lifting your face out of your drool puddle, you notice a face at the end of the couch, looking up.

And it's roaring.

Oh, not roaring, snoring. Kinda the same really… The couch cushion moves up and down in time with the snoring. The arms wrapped around your back are nice. The scratching on your ears feels good too. Laying your head back down in your drool pillow, you start to nod off again.

You hear Jan giggling and a clicking noise.

You ignore it for more sleep.

In the morning, everyone went their daily activities. Though James kept stealing weird looks at you and blushing from his spot in the chair at the far end of the room. Other than that, everything felt normal. Jan had just gotten home from dropping Jenny at school, when there was a strange beeping sound. It was coming from a strange rectangular stone James pulled out of his pocket.

"This is Jimmy."

After a series of 'uh-huh's, James put the thing back in his pocket and stood up. Jan made her way to stand besides him immediately.

"What was that about."

After kissing his wife, he looked at her worriedly.

"Sorry honey, but I just got called in. I'm being shipped out tomorrow."

Jan nods solemnly.

"You be careful out there, promise me."

"I promise."

After a kiss James went to their bedroom and came back out a few moments later in a strange outfit and a large bag. The jacket and pants had strange green, brown, and tan squares all over, seemingly without any pattern. He had a strange looking hat, made of a red cloth, looking squashed down and slightly off to the side with some badge on the front. The large bag was the same olive green as his shirt, slung over his shoulder. Jan and James kiss again. With a yearning look, she stood in the doorway as James went to his carriage.

With a loud roar, his carriage came to life. From the window, you could see a badge shaped like a running horse on the front of the carriage gleam in the sunlight as he pulled out of the driveway and sped off down the road.

You look on, the scene confusing and saddening all the same.

"Janny? Where's he going?"

Jan turned and knelt to give you a tight hug. She tried to hide the sniffling.

"He's on his way to work."

"Oh... what does he do?"

Pulling back from the hug with a tear filled smile.

"His job is helping ponies get away from bad humans."

Wiping her eyes, she stands up and walks to her bedroom. She comes back with her purse on her shoulder and a collar in her hand.

"Are you ready to go pick you out a new bed?"