• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 717 Views, 6 Comments

Spoons - Fonypan

Groups of humans have invaded Equestria and captured ponies to sell as pets and slaves back on Earth.

  • ...

Chapter 10

A few weeks had gone by since the news report of the dragon attack had happened. Strangely enough, the news had stopped any reports about the fighting after that day. It's almost like they think people will forget if they stop talking about it.

You had also noticed that you were sleeping more. And the pudge around your belly and hips was growing. You can't help but to poke it with a hoof and watch it jiggle. You feel something that wasn't your hoof poke your side.

"You need to exercise."


"It's not my fault your mom cooks so much good food."


"No, but you don't need to eat so much when she does."


"Okay, how can I exercise? Last time I tried to go for a walk, that crazy old lady down the street thought I was a lost house cat."

"Geeze, you've got to be the fattest house cat I've ever met."

You bat her poking fingers away.

"I've got it, I can walk you, we have your leash, and we can go to the park and play on the playground."

"Well, alright, but shouldn't you mom come with us?"

"Why? It's just the park, and today's Saturday, not really much else to do."

"Okay, but if anything bad happens, it's your fault. Deal?"


As you were walking down the street, the end of the leash in Jenny's hand, you couldn't help but notice the stares from other people who were out today. Most of them tried to pretend that they weren't staring, but you caught enough of them suddenly looking away when you look in their direction to no fall for it. But the walking was doing you wonders. It was summer, the sun shining, warming your back, the birds chirping happily.

It was perfect.

That is, as perfect as the situation could permit.

Along with the sunshine there was a pleasant sweet spicy smell in the air. Probably some kind of flower. Humans were like earth ponies, planting flower plants and bushes everywhere they could fit them. The colors and smells they put off helped to calm your mind and just drift away as you walked.

You could see the park getting closer. Paths flow in irregular organic shapes around a duck pond. Large shade trees. Off to the side, out of the way was a large mishmash of brightly painted colored pipes and platforms bolted together in a mad disorganized chaos. Other children playing on the equipment as mothers sit on the nearby benches.

Jenny unclicks the leash and stuffs it in her pocket before running to play.

"So, what should we do first? Tag, slides, or just climb?"

"I think I'd like to just climb."

It was an impressive jungle-gym. Three stories tall, and an absolute maze to climb to the top. Several slides swoop and twist through other parts of the metal monstrosity on their way to the ground level.

As you're following Jenny to the top, you can't help but feel a little vertigo from up here. You can see the whole park, and all the people enjoying this hot summer day.

This is it.

You're standing next to Jenny at the top of the big slide.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat, I slide down this slide all the time,"

Jenny sits in the big plastic tube and scoots forwards. Suddenly she's rocketing down, you lose sight of her after only a second as she rounds the first bend. Okay, you can do this, it it perfectly safe. If foals got hurt on this slide, they probably would have torn it down. Gosh it's hot today. You're sweating up a storm. But because it is hot out. Not because you're nervous.

You step into the tube and sit on your rump. Now all you have to do is scoot forwards, just like this...


The moment gravity gets its hold on you, your rump suddenly takes off. Sliding fast down the sun cooked plastic slide. Wow, you really are putting on some speed. Turns out, furred pony buns are low friction.

And the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching at an alarming rate.

The same could be said for the sand pit just beyond the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sand isn't very soft at high speeds.


Is this what it's like to be a pegasus?

Rapidly approaching sand. Time slows down around you. You have time to count the grains of sand. To take in the surprised face of Jenny standing just a step off to the side of the slide's exit. Time to watch in awe as the sand slowly contours to caress the shapes of your rear hooves, then feel the sand slowly envelop your face as the world suddenly goes dark. To feel your spine slowly bunch up behind your mane as your muzzle breaks your fall. To see the world become light again as blue dotted with white blobs moves into your field of vision. To count the grains of sand that pepper your coat as your rump lays out atop the sand. To see Jenny and a few other children slowly come into view in the blue, looking down at you as you lay on your back.

It all happened in a single second.

Fwip baff biff!

"Are you okay?"

"Ugh... my face..."

The other kids crowding around you all have varying degrees of concern. Jenny helps you up as you rub your sore muzzle.

"Come on, maybe we should go home."

"No... no, we can stay, I'm, fine."

"Well, alright..."

Jenny helps you over to a bench, you hop up and relax in the shade of a tree.

"I'm gonna go play some more, call for me if you need anything."

"Uh huh."

You gingerly touch a hoof to your muzzle as Jenny runs off. You absentmindedly rub your hoof across the scar on your belly. The fur had finally grown back in. Letting out a sigh, you lean back on the bench and stretch your hooves out. Feels good to feel the muscles stretching and tensing. Looking up, you can see the kids climbing all over the playground. Looking around, you can see several mothers watching over the playground like a hawk. Some of those hawk like glares are aimed at you. You pretend to not have noticed. That trick works every time. You tug at your collar to relieve an itch.

One of the stern looking mothers stands up and starts walking your direction. You look towards the playground, looking out for Jenny. You can't make her out among the others.

A woman with tired looking eyes, too much makeup, and far too much perfume has stepped up to the bench to glare down at you.

"S-sorry, can I help you?"

"Where's your leash?"

"My leash? Jenny has it, why?"

"Does this Jenny know it's illegal for a dangerous- " she sniffs the air "and filthy animal to be out without a leash?"

"Filthy? I took a bath this morning!"

You try to not notice the attention your shout bought you.

"Oh, I'm sure you've taken a bath, such as filthy animals do..."

"Just leave me alone."

You cross your arms, snort, and turn your nose up at her with your eyes closed in disgust. This is it, all your years of training in the tutelage of Diamond Tiara in the ways of the bitch.

"And if anyone here is a filthy animal, it certainly isn't me. I mean really, have you even looked in a mirror when you apply that... makeup? And I'm sure all that perfume you're wearing isn't to cover up the smell of your disgusting oldness. Seriously, no one as old as you should be allowed to wear that much makeup, or else some poor drunkard might mistake you for an attractive woman."

"I... you..."

"And here I was, thinking I could enjoy a day outside without one of you deranged humans attacking me for a change. But no, I get verbally insulted by the creature from the Everfree Forest!"

"Why you little-!"

"Is there a problem here?"

Your eyes snap open at the sound of a second voice. A tall man in a blue uniform with a gold badge on his chest is standing to the side, looking at the two of you. You look at him, he looks between you and the woman. The woman has a sickeningly smug look on her face.

Uh oh...

"Why yes officer, this animal has been running around without a leash and thinks she can just sit here without a master nearby to keep her in line."

"I see... Looks like I'll have to write you up."

The man in blue pulls out a notepad.

You could actually puke, she was so smug as she glared down at you. After writing a note the cop sends the sociopathic woman on her merry way. The cop turns to you and kneels down. "Now then, where's your owner?"

"She playing."

"And what's her name?"


"Can you go find Jenny for me and bring her back here?"

You make your way into the metal mayhem of poles, platforms, and bars.


"Yeah, Spoons, what's up?"

"A policeman wants to talk to you."

"You didn't get stabbed again, did you?"

"No, a lady yelled at me..."

You and Jenny are walking back to the cop when you notice Jenny and the cop trade expressions of recognition. Apparently they know each other.

"Come on now, I'll walk you home."

Wait, what?

"That's it? We're not in trouble?"

"Well, you're not in trouble, but Jenny might be."

Oh no.

Jenny might get in trouble for leaving you with no leash? How can this be right?

"But officer-!"


"-Lieutenant, Jenny shouldn't get in trouble, she isn't the one who yelled at me for minding my own business."

"That may be so, but she is the one who left you alone, even if it was only for a few seconds. Now come with me, I'l walk you girls home."

The walk felt like many more miles than in actually was. Trotting slowly towards home while worried thoughts buzz around your mine like a swarm of hungry parasprites. The three of you reach the house, the policeman steps up and knocks on the door. A moment later the door opens to reveal Jan.

"Dan? What are- Jenny? Silver?"

She crouches down to your level and starts lifting and rubbing each leg, checking for wounds. "You didn't get hurt did you?"

"No, I'm fine, I promise!"

"Both Jenny and Silver are fine, they just had a run in with Ms. Dinklesworth."

"Ah, her... what is she trying to get on Silver?"

"Leash law."

"Oh dear..."

So we've been grounded. You and Jenny are stuck in your own rooms for a week. Jan said she's not mad at us, but we're still in trouble for some reason. The mean lady, "Ms. Dinklesworth", apparently, came by to yell at Jan because I should have been given the ticket, not her. Something about disturbing the peace.