• Published 7th Aug 2017
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Shepard's Sunset - BrowncoatBrony11

"Do you know what family is? Family is whatever you decide it is." 20 years after the Reaper war Shepard returns to a place she once called home to find someone that will change her and Garrus' life forever.

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Chapter 8: The Citadel

“Welcome to the Presidium,” Shepard said spinning in place to gesture to as much as she could. “Shopping’s that way,” She pointed to some open stalls with various people milling about. “Boring people are that way,” She pointed this time to a walled off section with a few C-sec officers standing guard. “And all the really fun stuff is down a few levels,” she finished with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “So, what do we want to do first?”

“I wanna see the fun stuff,” Rainbow said running a hand through her hair. “Shopping really isn’t my style.”

“But shopping is fun Rainbow darling,” Rarity said with a casual flick of her wrist. “Especially when done in good company.”

“Knowing you Rarity, you’d probably try and get me into a frou-frou dress or something,” Rainbow shuddered at the thought. “No thank you.”

“Ah agree with Rainbow here,” Applejack said gesturing at Rainbow. “Shopping fur dresses ain’t really mah thing.”

Rarity’s cheeks puffed up as she stared at her two defiant friends, “Well I suppose if you really don’t want to spend time with me.” She spun and nabbed Fluttershy linking her arm with the thoroughly startled girl. “At least Fluttershy still likes me, right,”

Fluttershy’s eyes widen as the group’s attention was suddenly on her. “Oh…my… I…I… do I have to choose,” Fluttershy’s voice dropped off as she spoke the last part barely making itself heard.

“Now look what ya done Rarity, ya gone an’ traumatized the poor girl,” Applejack pointed at Fluttershy who was doing her best impression of a tree.

As Rarity opened her mouth to retort Shepard leaned over to Sunset and spoke in a hushed whisper, “Are they always like this?”

Sunset giggled, “Yeah, pretty much. They never mean anything by it though. I think it’s just fun for them mostly.”

Twilight leaned in as well to add her thought,” It’s the same back in Equestria. They’ll argue and bicker almost nonstop.” Twilight crossed her arms smiling at the girls still locked in their heated debate. “But when you really need them…”

“They pull it together and are almost unstoppable,” Sunset finished a smile matching Twilights on her face for a moment before it slowly faded. “Usually at least.” A frown formed on Twilight’s face as she stared at the now melancholy girl. She opened her mouth to speak when Sunset put up a hand. “I’m fine Twilight really, somethings just take time to heal.”

Twilight’s eyes shined with concern, but she nodded and backed down from the conversation. “I suppose that’s true. Took a while to recover from the Canterlot wedding fiasco.”

“Come on how bad could a wedding be?” Shepard asked. Both Sunset and Twilight rose an eyebrow at the soldier who quickly rethought her statement. “Right, magical land of having an invasion every other week… never mind.”

Sunset and Twilight giggled at Shepard. “Love hungry bugs from tartarus aside,” Twilight said pointedly ignoring the look of interest from Shepard and Garrus. “I would suggest we split up for the morning then meet for lunch.”

“That’s a sound plan,” Liara interjected. “I would be willing to take those interested in shopping.”

“Alright then, listen up,” Shepard now stern voice spread over the group stopping the bickering. “Anyone who wants to shop go with Liara,” Shepard gestured to the asari. “Anyone who wants to do other things you’ll be with Garrus and I. Sound good to every one.”

The girls nodded and quickly split up. Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity banded around Liara while Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack grouped around Shepard and Garrus. As each group went their separate ways Rainbow spoke up, “Sooo what kinda fun things are down below?”

“Oh, there’s the usual, bars, movie theatres, arcades, shooting ranges,” Shepard tick off each item on one hand as she spoke.

“A shooting’ range?” Applejack said perking up at the words.

“Really AJ you’re interested in a shooting range,” Rainbow snickered behind her hand.

“Ah’ll have ya know that Ah’m the best shot in the whole apple family,” Applejack said pride edging into her voice.

“Puhlease AJ, I could shoot better then you with an arm tied behind my back,” Rainbow crossed her arms an arrogant smirk on her face.

Applejack tipped her hat down and turned to face Rainbow with a smirk of her own, “That sounds like a challenge sugarcube.”

Rainbow’s own smirk grew, “You’re on.”

“Looks like we’re going to the shooting range then,” Sunset said shaking her head at the two girls.

“Have you ever fired a gun before?” Garrus asked Sunset as they entered a small alcove with a row of elevator doors. Shepard activated one of the panels then turned around to face the rest of them.

“I’ve gone shooting with AJ before,” Sunset said

“And you’re a pretty good shot too,” AJ said clapping a hand on Sunset’s shoulders. “Ya could probably be a decent marksman if ya put your mind to it.”

“I could give you a few pointers,” Garrus’ head raised mandibles flared. “I was the best shot on the Normandy.”

Shepard rolled her eyes, “Keep telling yourself that big guy.” The elevator doors opened and the group got on.

“I seem to remember a certain missed bottle,” Garrus said as he hit the inside panel to take them to the right floor.
“That ‘missed bottle’ was twenty years ago,” Shepard crossed her arms. “Sometimes Garrus its best to let things go.” Garrus harrumphed at that as the doors slid shut.

The rest of the trip to the shooting range was uneventful. Shepard and Garrus bickered most of the way as did Applejack and Rainbow. Shepard used her Spectre status to gain entry to a private shooting range, so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

Applejack and Rainbow quickly picked up their guns and started firing downrange with Shepard joining in with them. Garrus grabbed a gun as well as he and Sunset went to the other side of the range.

“You said you’ve shot before, right?” Garrus asked as the weapon unfolded.

“Yeah, I have,”

“Then what’s the most important rule when handling a gun?” Garrus asked looking down at Sunset.

“Don’t point your gun at anything ya don’t want to shoot, even if it’s not loaded,” Sunset said doing a passable imitation of the apple accent.

“Good,” Garrus handed the rifle to Sunset. It was an older blocky design, with vents on the top portion of the barrel shroud and a distinctly human-sized grip. “This is the M-97 Viper, one of Shepard favorites.” Garrus looked at the weapon disdainfully. “I personally prefer something with a little kick, but this will be perfect for some teaching.”

Sunset nodded and approached the counter. Garrus followed, directing Sunset to a stool. “Sit there and pull out the bipod,” He gestured to the end of the rifle. “Whenever you’re ready to go ahead and fire.”

Sunset nodded and took her place on the stool. Once she had the bipod out and stabilized she peeked down the scope. The target was only about a football fields length away, which, with the scope didn’t seem like too great a distance. Sunset closed one of her eyes and stuck her tongue out as she sighted in on the target.

Three loud bangs sounded out causing Sunset’s ears to ring, “Shouldn’t we have ear protection?” She asked rubbing her ears slightly as she stood up.

“If you want some, but most weapons no a days aren’t loud enough to cause damage,” Garrus hit a button on the counter causing the target to appear in front of them. It was a holographic target with a blacked out human silhouette and red markers to show where the shooter had hit.

Sunset’s shots were scattered across the target. The first shot hit the center of the chest with the next one landing an inch or two above and to the right of that. The last shot landed just above the right shoulder, outside the target area.

Garrus examined the target a moment before speaking, “Not terrible, needs some recoil control.”

Sunset rolled her shoulder as she stared at the target a small frown on her face, “How do I do that?”

“Slowing down,” Garrus reset the target and gestured back to the rifle. “Go ahead and take your position I’ll guide you this time.” Sunset nodded and sat back down on the stool settling the rifle against her shoulder.

“Make sure the stock is tight against your shoulder,” Sunset adjusted slightly digging the stock against her jacket causing it to squeak. “Now breathe slowly, and make sure to pause for a moment after you exhale.” Sunset’s breathing slowed down as she sighted the target. “When you’re ready I want you to squeeze the trigger after you exhale during that pause.”

Sunset continued breathing and after a moment she fired another loud bang splitting the air.

“Again,” Garrus said.

Another shot rang out.

“Last time.”

The last shot sounded out and Sunset let the rifle lay on the counter as she rolled her shoulder again, “I didn’t hurt this time.”

“Good,” Garrus pulled up the target to get a closer look. While the shots were still a few centimeters away from each other none of the shots had strayed off target this time. “Very good.” Sunset smiled at the praise. “You want to keep going or are you finished for now?” Sunset flashed a confident smirk at Garrus before settling back with the rifle. “Alright then let’s keep going,” Garrus reset the target and gave Sunset a few more pointers. They continued like this for thirty minutes, switching to different weapons throughout, before Shepard walked over and cut them off saying she had an idea for some teambuilding for the kids.

“What is this place?” Rainbow asked staring around at the various screens showing off battles that were going on now.

“The Armax Arsenal Arena,” Garrus said looking around the people crowding the space. “My sister actually runs this place, turned it into more than just entertainment. It now supports private simulations for those wishing to simply improve themselves instead of performing for a crowd.”

“We still do that, and it still draws a lot of people in,” A female turian sauntered up to them a confident smirk on her mandibles.

“Anyone beat my score yet?” Shepard asked

“By the spirits no,” The turian laughed. “No ones come close yet except for when Kaiden and James went at it.”

Shepard laughed giving the turian a quick hug before the turn to face the group, “This Solana Garrus’ sister.”

“Yours as well Allana,” Solana said looking fondly at the human. “You’re the best thing that could happen to my brother. Made him somewhat respectable.”

“Hey, I’m respectable.”

“Tell that to all of your commanders,” Solana smirk grew as Garrus grumbled something under his breath.

“What was that dear?” Shepard asked staring intently and Garrus. “Were you possibly saying something against your dear sweat sister here.” Sheard pouted as she stood not to Solana who was barely containing her mirth at Garrus fearful expression.

Garrus was saved by another voice calling out. “Shepard?” They turned to find an asari dressed in a white and gold floor length dress. “It is you, I wasn’t expecting to see today admiral,” the asari said a small smile adorning her lips.

“Sha’ira! How have you been?” Shepard asked arms spread wide in greeting.

“I have been well Admiral,” Sha’ira said. She looked at the three girls surround Shepard with a raised eyebrow. “And who might your charges be?”

“Ah well we got Applejack,” Shepard pointed at the cowgirl who gave a tip of her hat. “Rainbow Dash.”

“Sup,” Dash said hands in her pockets eyeing the asari.

“And Sunset,” Shepard gestured at Sunset who waved her hand.

Sha’ira’s gaze lingered on Sunset for a moment before she spoke, “It is a pleasure to meet you all, though I am surprised to find the Admiral with you.”

“Yeah, well Garrus and I are helping Sunset here,” Shepard placed her hands on Sunset’s shoulders. “We thought it would be a good idea to show her the Citadel and get to know each other a little better as well as her friends.”

“How very noble of you Admiral,” Sha’ira said her eyes wandering over to Sunset again. “Though it is a little curious.”

Shepard’s brow furrowed, “What do you mean?”

“As you know my job a Consort has led me to meet many soldiers in my time,” Sha’ira smiled lightly. “Even a good number of human’s come through my door, including a Captain Ardent Shimmer.” Sunset gasped hand flying to her mouth as the name was spoken .Shepard and Garrus meanwhile both looked at each other with worried looks. “I’ve heard some many stories about his daughter, even met her more than a few times,” Sha’ira looked over Sunset again. “I believe her name is Sunset Shimmer?”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash stepped in front of Sunset who was still staring at the asari tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Shepard stepped forward as well, “Sha’ira there is an explanation-“

Shepard was cut off by a soft, shaky voice, “He’s… alive?” they all turned to look and Sunset. Her hands had fallen to her sides as she gazed up at Sha’ira eyes full of longing. “He’s alive… here?”

Sha’ira eyes wandered over the girl taking in her appearance fully, “You aren’t the Sunset Shimmer that I know are you?” Sunset shook her head. “Ardent is a good friend of mine. I believe he fought in the Reaper War as the Captain of the Lancaster, and yes he is currently alive.”

“Of course,” Sunset looked down to the ground and clenched her fist. “Of course, he’s alive here.” Applejack placed a hand on Sunset’s shoulder which sunset shrugged off. “I’m fine,” She growled out.
Shepard watched the exchange her eyes filled with worry. “Garrus, why don’t you and Solana take the girls here to one of the simulation rooms, I’ll explain things here to Sha’ira,” Shepard looked at Garrus who nodded back. “Why don’t we go over there,” Shepard pointed to an empty booth style table towards the back as the two turians lead the three girls away.

“This is one of our sim rooms,” Solana said as she opened the door to a medium-sized room. There were Some chairs scattered around the room and a big viewing screen that covered an entire wall. A door next to the wall led into the actual simulation rooms. “Now we can do a usual sim were you three faces down waves of opponents or you can face each other.”

Applejack and Rainbow both grinned at one another before turning to Solana, “We’ll go against each other,” They said in unison.

Sunset looked up at the pair before simply nodding and looking back down to the ground. The turians shared a nervous look before Garrus stepped forward.
“I’ll get you three kitted out while Solana sets up the sim,” He said corralling the girls to the door as Solana opened up a terminal and started typing, the screen behind her lighting up as power flooded the room.

Sunset turned to Solana just before she entered the gear room, “Are these sims private?”

“Yes, they are, the Shadow Broker wouldn’t be able to break through our security,” Solana said leaving out the fact that she had contracted Liara to design the security for these rooms.

Sunset’s expression hardened, “Good.”

“That’s a lot to take in Shepard,” Sha’ira said. They were walking now away from the both they had been sitting. “If that story had come from anyone else I wouldn’t believe it.”

“I understand,” Shepard bobbed her head. “Quite frankly I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself.”

“Something like this does require some amount of evidence,” They stopped at a door leading into one of the sim rooms. “Though seeing Sunset like that is proof enough for me.”

“What do you mean,” Shepard had stopped just as she was about to open the door and look at Sha’ira brow furrowed.

Sha’ira sighed, “I’ve known miss Shimmer for a while now. She a wonderful girl, full of life and energy.” Sha’ira smiled, “She wants to be a musician like her mother.” The smile turned to a frown, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look at me with so much sadness it was shocking, to say the least.”

“From what I understand Sunset has been through a lot,” Shepard paused taking a moment to collect herself. “From what little she says about herself, I can tell there’s a lot more she’s bottling up.”

“That’s never healthy, especially for one as young as her,” Sha’ira brought a hand to her chin. “It would be good for her to ‘let off some steam’ as you humans say.”

Shepard nodded then opened the door to find Garrus and Solana staring slack-jawed at the screen in front of them. Their head whipped around at the sound of Shepard and Sha’ira entering.

“What?” Shepard asked stretching out the word as she stared at the turians shocked faces.

They didn’t answer. Instead, Garrus gestured to the screen in front of them. It was split into four screens. A large section on top showed the entire field of battle. The camera angles would change as the combatants moved across the field but that feature wasn’t being used right now as the combatants weren’t moving enough.

The battlefield looked like an old roadway. Concrete roadblocks and broken aircars were scattered around. A turret was stationed at one side of the road and was currently in use.

The other three screens showed the combatants individually. Both Rainbow and Applejack were hiding behind a low wall that was constantly being bombarded by weapons fire. Sunset meanwhile had found the turret and was using it to keep the other two pinned.

“The hell happened?” Shepard shouted.

“Things were going well enough,” Solana said turning her head back to the screen. “The blond and the rainbow-haired one were going at each other while Sunset stayed off to the side taking potshots at them.”

“Then I think Rainbow said something,” Garrus interjected. “Because the next second Sunset had them both backed into a corner. They rallied but then Sunset found the turret, it’s been like this ever since, she’s not letting up.” Shepard’s hand smacked her face while Sha’ira watched the one-sided battle intently.

Applejack’s comm burst to life, “Now ya done it Crash.”

“Hey! I was just trying to get her involved,” Rainbow peaked over her cover then ducked back down as bullets tore into it. “How was I supposed to know she go she-demon on us again.”

Silence followed that statement. Even the turret fire had stopped. Rainbow and Applejack shared a nervous look before peaking over the cover together. The turret was abandoned and Sunset was nowhere in sight. “Ah take it back, now ya done it,” Applejack said.

Author's Note:

I'M BACK! That's right I'm back. I spent a lot of time on this chapter trying to get it somewhat believable. That plus moving two times in four months didn't help. But hey doesn't matter cause you guys have a chapter. Enjoy.