• Published 7th Aug 2017
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Shepard's Sunset - BrowncoatBrony11

"Do you know what family is? Family is whatever you decide it is." 20 years after the Reaper war Shepard returns to a place she once called home to find someone that will change her and Garrus' life forever.

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Chapter Six: Morning Conversations

Shepard’s eyes opened as she sat up breathing heavily, her heart racing. Her eyes darted around her room eventually landing on the turian still sleeping beside her. She forced herself to focus on him, her breathing starting to slow. Eventually, her breathing returned to a normal rate as she calmed down. She looked over to her nightstand. A holo-display showed five thirty in an angry orange.

She slowly got out of bed, being careful not to disturb the slumbering turian in the process. She threw on sweatpants and a tank top before making her way out of her room. As she strolled down the hall, faint music reached her ears coming from one of the rooms.

Sunset’s door was open so Shepard peeked in. Sunset sat on the edge of her bed, guitar in hand, a miniature amplifier sitting next to her. Sunset’s eyes were closed as she played and sang along. Furry ears poked through her hair, which had grown in length, and were twitching slightly in time with the music.

Sunset ended the song, holding the last chords for a few moments before muting the strings with her palms. Shepard clapped softly causing Sunset to jump and look towards the soldier. Shepard chuckled, holding her hands up in a placating gesture as she spoke, “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. That was great by the way.”

“Thanks,” Sunset said as she placed the guitar back into the case. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

Shepard waved her hand at Sunset, “Nah, don’t worry you didn’t. I just happened to hear you as I walked by.” Shepard leaned onto the doorframe crossing her arms, “The ears are a nice touch by the way.”

Sunset reached up to touch the ears causing them to twitch away from the offending hand, “Yeah they appear whenever we get really into a song.”

“Right, I think we saw that in one of the videos we found,” Shepard said.

Sunset winced, “What videos did you see?”

“Couple different ones,” Shepard said with a shrug. “Why don’t you and I go downstairs and make some breakfast while we talk.”

Sunset nodded and stood up as her ears disappeared with a pop, “Sure why not.”

Shepard smiled, moving away from the doorframe and clapped her hands together, “Alrighty, bacon and eggs sound good?”

Sunset smiled back at Shepard, “Sounds great.”

“Let’s go then,” Shepard turned and marched down the hallway with Sunset following close behind.

Once in the kitchen, Shepard pulled a pan down from a cupboard. “Why don’t you grab the bacon from the fridge.” Sunset nodded and walked over to the fridge, opening it as Shepard added, “Make sure to grab from the middle shelf, that’s where the levo stuff is.”

“Right,” Sunset said grabbing a pack of bacon. She closed the fridge and handed the bacon to Shepard, “How does that work with Garrus being dextro?”

“It’s actually pretty simple,” Shepard said opening the pack of bacon and throwing a few pieces into the pan. “Contrary to popular belief eating dextro food isn’t that bad, same for a dextros eating levo. Unless you have an existing allergy eating bread or vegetables is fine. It’s the meat you have to watch out for… and the chaffing.”

“Chaffing? Why would,” Sunset’s cheeks turned red as Shepard laughed at the girls mortified expression. Sunset huffed, “Do you enjoy embarrassing me?”

“I enjoy embarrassing everyone,” Shepard said still chuckling. “It’s a special talent of mine.”

Sunset shook her head, “I’m sure it is.”

“Yep,” Shepard said as she moved the bacon around with a spatula she grabbed. “Now, about those videos.”

“What about them,” Sunset asked leaning against the table in the middle of the kitchen.

“Well, first off,” Shepard said as she moved to the side and leaned on the counter facing Sunset. “I wouldn’t worry about anyone else finding them. Liara got rid of most of them, though there are probably still some out there, just not enough to warrant much attention.”

“That’s good,” Sunset said breathing a sigh of release.

“I figured you would like that,” Shepard turned back to the stove. “And secondly, I stayed up late talking, or I guess writing, to Princess Twilight last night. She told me what happened during the fall formal.” Shepard turned halfway around to glance at Sunset, “And really, a teenage army to try and take over a whole country.”

Sunset winced at the words and rubbed the back of her neck as she spoke, “Yeah that wasn’t my best move.”

Shepard snorted, “Yeah you’re right about that. I mean, come on, I’m pretty sure there was an Alliance station not too far from the school, you could have at least had trained soldiers.”

Sunset opened her mouth before closing it, her brow furrowing. “Are… are you encouraging me to take over a country?” She finally asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, of course not,” Shepard said with a shrug. “Just critiquing your plan is all.”

“That’s not the usual reaction to people finding out about my past,” Sunset said crossing her arms.

Shepard flipped the bacon over as she spoke, “What’s the usual reaction then?”

“Horror, disgust, anger, disappointment,” Sunset said looking down at her feet. “Take your pick.”

Shepard turned again to look at Sunset, “If I had that reaction to everyone I knew with a sordid past, I’d have a permanent scowl on my face,” Shepard chuckled, “Just look at Jack.” Sunset looked up to meet Shepard’s green eyes, “Besides, I prefer to judge people based on who they are now, not who they were.”

Sunset face gained a small smile, “Thanks.”

Shepard nodded then turned back to the stove. “You wanna grab a plate for the bacon, they should be in that cupboard there,” She said pointing to one of the overhead doors with the spatula. Sunset grabbed a plate and handed it to Shepard who dumped the bacon onto it before putting more into the pan. “Anyways, while I heard Princess Twilight’s side of the story I’d like to hear yours.”

“There’s really not much to tell,” Sunset said once again leaning against the table. “I went back to Equestria, stole a magical artifact and tried to take over the world.”

“Somehow, I think there’s more to it than that,” Shepard said. “That transformation didn’t look pleasant for one.”

Sunset grimaced, “It… wasn’t. Dark magic isn’t very gentle.”

“So, that was dark magic then?” Shepard asked as she flipped the bacon. “I can see why your teacher didn’t want you getting involved with it.”

“Yeah, it was,” Sunset sighed. “And it wasn’t expected.” She moved away from the table to start pacing as she spoke, “I just wanted to prove that I could handle the power I thought Princess Celestia was denying me.” She stopped and hung her head scuffing the floor with a shoe, “Instead I just proved her right.”

“You didn’t want to take over Equestria?” Shepard asked.

Sunset shook her head, “Like I said, all I wanted to do was prove myself. Prove that I was just as good or better than Twilight. But when I put on that crown everything got out of control.”

“You… weren’t in control?” Shepard asked turning to look at Sunset.

“I was and I wasn’t,” Shepard raised an eyebrow as Sunset continued. “It was me, all my deepest and darkest desires and emotions were released, but I didn’t feel in control. Everything that happened after I put on that crown was because of my emotions.” Sunset looked down, “It was like trying to sail in a storm. The only thing I could do was hold it together while the storm raged on.”

“I understand that,” Shepard said crossing her arms. “Feeling that loss of control is something I’m familiar with.”

“The worst part… I almost killed Twilight and the girls,” Sunset closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. “If Twilight hadn’t been able to activate her Element of Harmony I would have.”

Shepard reached over and gently pulled Sunset’s face up to look at Shepard’s, “It’s in the past now. Whatever happened then, you’re friends with all of them now.”

Sunset’s face morphed into a scowl as she tore away from Shepard, “But that doesn’t change the fact that it happened.”

Shepard sighed as her hand dropped, “No, no it doesn’t.” Shepard leaned against the table beside Sunset staying silent for a moment before speaking, “I don’t think I’ve told you about Anderson yet.”

“No, you haven’t,” Sunset said crossing her arms.

“He was the guy I mentioned, who pulled me out of my situation,” Shepard said running a hand through her hair. “I was about your age and had joined a gang, the Tenth Street Reds. During my time with them, I ended up stealing a military vehicle. I didn’t know the thing still had a tracker on it, so I was surprised when Anderson showed up at the warehouse one day.” Shepard chuckled, “And then promptly arrested me.”

Sunset looked up, eyes wide, “He arrested you?”

Shepard nodded, “Yep, he did. Even took me all the way to the station. But before he took me in he told me something I’ll never forget.” Shepard stood up and squared her shoulders and pointed the spatula at nothing, “You have a choice now, you can continue down this path and let your past rule you. Or you can make a change and actually do something with your life beyond petty thievery and a quick death for nothing.” Shepard leaned back on the table, “Then he gave me a choice. I could let the system deal with me or I could join the JROTC program while under his supervision. At the time I hated him, but I still took the offer. Figured it kept me out of jail and when the time came I could just leave him behind and go back to my old life.”

“What does this have to do with me?” Sunset asked.

“I’m getting there,” Shepard said waving a hand at the girl. “Anyways, eventually things changed. He wasn’t around a lot but when he was he always made time for me. He would check up on me making sure I was doing alright. He was like a father to me. Because of him I eventually joined the military he was still there, encouraging me to do better. When I gained the N7 ranking he was so proud of me.” Shepard paused taking a shaky breath, “And I killed him.”

Sunset hand went to her mouth as she gasped, “What?”

“We were both on the Citadel trying to activate the Crucible when we ran into a man named Jack Harper, though you might know him as the Illusive Man,” Shepard said as Sunset’s eyes widened. “Harper was drunk on the power he thought he stole from the Reapers, the power of control. And to prove it he made me shoot Anderson.” Shepard paused again and looked down at the ground, “I still remember, my hand moving to point to Anderson and then pulling the trigger, all while I could do nothing but watch, trapped I my own body.”

“How… how did you get past that?” Sunset asked.

Shepard snorted, “This is going to sound really cheesy, but… friendship.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “It’s true, I had my friends to lean on especially Garrus. He wouldn’t leave my side till I got out of the hospital.” Shepard smiled fondly, “They were my rock for a while, the people I clung to so I would know I still had someone.”

Sunset looked away, “I haven’t told anyone about this yet. Not even Twilight. I don’t know if I can.”

Shepard once again gently turned Sunset’s face to meet hers, “I’m not going to push you, but I think it’ll do you some good to tell someone besides me.” Shepard let her hand drop to her side, “Though if you don’t feel up to that yet Garrus or myself will be more than willing to talk about anything.”

Sunset stared at Shepard for a second before rushing to hug the soldier. Shepard stood shock for a moment before putting her own arms around Sunset. “Thank you,” Sunset said.

“You’re welcome Sunset,” Shepard said tightening the hug.

“Um, Shepard,” Sunset said as she attempted to get out of Shepard’s hold.

“Oh sorry, too tight?” Shepard asked as she released Sunset.

Sunset shook her head, “No, but I think the bacon’s burning.”

“What?!” Shepard looked over at the stove to see smoke rising from the pan. “Oh shit!” She rushed over and dumped the bacon onto the plate. She picked up a piece which was blackened on both ends. “Well… I like mine a little extra crispy anyways,” She said taking a bite. “Why don’t you get the eggs out” Shepard turned back to the stove. “Remember-“

“Middle shelf,” Sunset said as she pulled the eggs from the fridge. “I know.”

Shepard smirked as she took the eggs, “See you’re already learning.”

Not from you Commander bacon burner,” Sunset said returning Shepard’s smirk with one of her own.

Shepard pointed the spatula at Sunset, “I’ll have you know people come from all over the galaxy just to try my cooking.”

“Right,” Sunset rolled her eyes, “Just like they come to see you dance.”

Shepard glared at Sunset and tightened the grip on the spatula, “Who told you?”

“No one, I saw a few videos,” Sunset said her smirk growing.

“Damn,” Shepard said letting the spatula flop down. “I thought I got rid of most of those.”

Sunset giggled, “Nope”

Shepard shrugged as she turned back to the stove, “Oh well, at least people are enjoying it.” She grabbed four eggs before handing the carton back to Sunset. She started breaking the eggs as she spoke, “So, now that the first video is out of the way, what about the sirens that Princess Twilight told me about?”

“There’s not much, whatever Twilight told you was probably accurate,” Sunset said closing the fridge.

“The way she put it, you were integral in defeating the sirens,” Shepard said.

“I wouldn’t say integral,” Sunset said once again leaning against the table. “I played a big part yes but-“

“But nothing,” Shepard interrupted shaking the spatula at Sunset. “You stop the girls fighting and gave them the extra power they needed to take the sirens down.” Shepard turned back to the eggs flipping them. “If I had been there, I would have done my damnedest to get you all medals.”

“Really, we were just doing what we had to,” Sunset said.

“I know,” Shepard said flipping the eggs again. “Still you did save the world, that’s nothing to sneeze at.”

Sunset nodded, “You’re right, we just didn’t want to make a big deal over it.”

“Understandable,” Shepard said with a shrug. “I know plenty of people who don’t like that kind of attention.” Shepard turned with the frying pan in hand, grabbed a cloth from the drawer before placing the pan on the table. “Grab some more plates from the cupboard. I’m going to make some toast you want some?” Sunset nodded. Shepard grabbed four pieces of bread and stuck them in the toaster. “Anyways, that kind of attention at your age could be a bad thing.”

Sunset nodded again placing the plates and bacon on the table, “That’s one of the reasons we wanted to keep everything quiet.”

Shepard slid over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of ketchup. She turned to meet Sunset’s raised eyebrow. “What,” She said with a shrug. “I like ketchup, makes everything taste better.”

Sunset shook her head, “At least it’s not hot sauce on cupcakes.”

“Hot sauce on cupcakes?” Shepard’s own eyebrow raised. “Let me guess, Pinkie Pie?”

“Yep,” Sunset said

The toast popped up with a ding and Shepard grabbed them, “Was she always like that?”

“She’s been like that for as long as I’ve known her,” Sunset said taking a seat as Shepard doled out the food. “She’s really very sweet, however. I’m pretty sure she’s memorized the entire school’s birthdays ‘cause she always gives people cupcakes on them.”

“Wow that’s nice of her,” Shepard said as she sat down herself. She placed her eggs on the toast along with the bacon. Ketchup followed along with the other piece of toast. She then took a big bite chewing as she thought. “By the way when is your birthday?” She asked after swallowing.

“Oh, during the summer late July early August I think,” Sunset said before taking a bite of her bacon.

“You think?” Shepard said.

“Equestria has different months then here,” Sunset said.

“Fair enough, August tenth sound good?” Shepard asked taking another bite.

“August tenth?”

“That’s the date we put on your birth certificate,” Shepard said shrugging.

“My… What?” Sunset said brow furrowing.

“What? Did you think we weren’t going to do anything about you not being in the system,” Shepard said taking another bite. “Liara cooked up some document for you and we put August tenth, twenty-one ninety as your birthdate. Congratulations you are officially sixteen years old.”

“Um, thanks,” Sunset took a bite of her eggs. “Though now Pinkie’s going to want to throw a party here.”

“I’d be glad to host it,” Shepard said with a smile. “Speaking of parties, I invited Princess Twilight along with us on Saturday. Is that ok”

“That sounds great,“ Sunset said with a smile of her own. “It’ll be good to see her again.”

“Good,” Shepard Omni-tool went off. She lifted her arm up and an orange glow appeared as she looked at the display. “Garrus should have been up by now. It’s almost time for him to go to work.” Shepard stood before turning to Sunset, an evil grin adorning her face, “Say, how loud does that amp of yours go?”

“Why would you,“ Sunset stopped her eyes widening. An evil grin of her own stretched across her face to match Shepards. “Loud enough,” Sunset said sharing a dark chuckle with Shepard. �