• Published 7th Aug 2017
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Shepard's Sunset - BrowncoatBrony11

"Do you know what family is? Family is whatever you decide it is." 20 years after the Reaper war Shepard returns to a place she once called home to find someone that will change her and Garrus' life forever.

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Chapter Seven: Journey to the Citadel

The spaceport gleamed in the sunlight, towering above the street. Shuttles and aircars came and went in a seemingly random pattern and various people milled about too absorbed in the device to look up. Those that did, though, were greeted with the unusual sit of the Savior of the Galaxy and her husband surrounded by a group of high school girls. They all stared up enraptured by the spectacle above them.

“Wow,” One of the girls said. She was dress in a button-down shirt and a purple skirt which flared up as spun trying to take in all she could. “I know I read about things like this but it’s so much more impressive up close.”

“I know what you mean Twilight,” Sunset said chuckling at the awestruck girl. “When I saw my first aircar I had a similar reaction.”

“It is amazing,” Twilight stopped spinning and was simply gazing up at the spaceport now her brow furrowed in concentration. “I wonder if their technological advancement is just because they don’t have magic?”

“That’s probably part of it,” Sunset replied placing a hand on her chin. “They’ve also had a lot longer to advance then Equestria has.”

“War is also a factor,” Liara said stepping up next to Sunset. “I don’t know how it is in Equestria, Princess Twilight, but a common theme amongst most of the species that gained spaceflight on their own is conflict. It drove them to come up with new ways to do things. Whether that was to transport troops, better medical technology, or just simply a better gun. War and conflict have driven a lot of the advancements in those fields.”

“I suppose, Equestria hasn’t seen a full-blown war in over a thousand years,” Twilight said turning to the asari. She gave Liara a wide smile, “And please, it’s just Twilight. I’m here with friends.”

“Of course, Twilight,” Liara said with a smile of her own. “I am just used to using titles from my upbringing.”

“Yeah, it took forever for you to just call me Shepard even,” Shepard said with a chuckle as she sidled up to the three of them. “It was always Commander this and Commander that.”

“Forgive me for showing my commanding officer the proper respect, Admiral,” Liara said crossing her arms.

“I haven’t been your commander officer for twenty years, Doctor,” Shepard said crossing her arms as well.

They stared each other down for a moment, neither of them willing to give into the other. Finally, the tension was broken when Garrus stepped between them, “Alright ladies, you’re both pretty, no need to fight.

Shepard and Liara shared a smirk before turning to Garrus. “Why don’t you settle it for us then?” They said in unison.

Garrus quickly backtracked holding up his talons in surrender, “No thanks I don’t need any new scars.”

Shepard and Liara both laughed loudly. When they had settled down Shepard sauntered over to Garrus to plant a kiss on his mandible. Good choice big guy,” She said patting his chest.

Garrus coughed into his talon as he turned to the rest of the group who were all giggling slightly. “Anyway, have any of you been to the Citadel before?” He asked.

The girl’s answers varied from a silent shake of their heads to mumbled words. Pinkie, however, bounded forward. “Yep! The Cakes go there to pick up their dextro supplies for the bakery I sometimes go with them and it’s so much fun meeting all the different species I even befriended a krogan on time and-,” Pinkie was cut off by Sunset who had managed to wrap an arm around the girls waist and place a hand over her mouth.

“That’s great Pinkie but I think you’re scaring him,” Sunset said throwing Garrus an apologetic look.

Garrus gave a bemused chuckle at the scene, “It’s alright, I’ve dealt with crazier than a hyperactive girl before.”

“Kasumi,” Shepard said with a smirk.

“Kasumi,” Garrus agreed.

Liara shook her head, “Kasumi isn’t that bad guys.”

“Says the one who befriended her the quickest,” Shepard turned to Liara. “Honestly, you two met than two minutes later you were best friends, what was up with that?”

Liara turned away from Shepard, sticking her nose in the air slightly, “We just got each other Shepard.” She then turned back to Shepard with an evil smirk. “Besides considering how fast you and Garrus clicked you should not be complaining about how quick I make friends,” Shepard grumbled something unintelligible as she turned away from Liara who now sported a victorious smirk.

“Well, now with that awkwardness out of the way,” Garrus chimed in clapping his talons together to gain everyone’s attention. “Since most of you haven’t been to the Citadel before, we’ll probably be stopped at the security checkpoint. I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s just standard procedure for new visitors.”

Twilight raised her hand though lowered it when both Shepard and Sunset gave her incredulous looks. “Really Twilight we’re not in school no need to raise your hand just say what’s on your mind.”

“Right, um well, how is that going to work with Sunset and me?” Twilight asked rubbing her hands together. “I mean with us being from… out of town so to speak?”

“After we finished talking that night, I took the liberty of creating documents for you,” Liara chimed in. “You are now Twilight Sparkle, a student from one of the human colonies visiting some friend you made on the extranet. I already created documents for Sunset, so it was really no trouble.”

“Oh! Thank you then,” Twilight said a bright smile adorning her face.

“Besides that, if there are any issues, I’ll help smooth things over. Being the Executor of C-sec does have its privileges,” Garrus said.

“Thank you both then,” Twilight said again with a slight nod of her head.

“Alright come on,” Shepard said as she pointed to the spaceport. “Let’s get this part over with so we can get on to the fun stuff.” With that, they all headed into the spaceport. Garrus and Shepard lead the way and five of the girls followed closely behind. Sunset, Twilight, and Liara lagged behind a bit continuing their discussion from earlier in hushed tones.


After a short check through with security, they all managed to gather on the shuttle heading to the Citadel. The girls were all gathered by one the windows watching as the shuttle lifted off and quickly made it through the atmosphere. They all oooh’d and aaah’d as the stars, invisible in the daylight, appeared in a field that stretched on endlessly. The moon hung in the starry field seemingly close enough to touch.

“This is… amazing, awe-inspiring,” Twilight said her face nearly pressed to the glass in her excitement.

“Yeah, it’s pretty great isn’t it,” Sunset said from beside her.

“Great doesn’t even begin to describe it,” Twilight turned to Sunset gesturing at the window. “You do realize this makes us the first of pony kind to reach space without magic?”

Sunset leaned her back onto the window sticking her hands in her pockets, “Yeah, but to the people here this is all old hat.”

“That don’ make it any less amazin’ though,” Applejack interjected tipping her hat back on her head. “I never thought I’d get ta go ta the Citadel.”

“Yeah kinda strange how quickly things change isn’t it?” Sunset said turning back to the window a small frown on her face.

“A little, but Ah think we’re all grateful for the change,” Applejack said.

“I for one, cannot wait to see the Citadel,” Rarity said her eyes bright with excitement. “Just imagine, all those cultures, the fashion. I simply cannot wait to see some of the asari dressmakers.” She placed a hand on her chin, “I always wanted to design something for an asari, they’re all so elegant I just know I could design something truly magnificent for one.”

Liara stepped up beside Rarity, “You know I’ve been needing something different to add to my wardrobe for a while. And I hate going to the asari dressmakers. They are all so…” Liara spun her hand in a circle as she searched for a word.

“Stuffy?” Shepard offered with a smirk. “Uptight? Boring?”

“Old-fashioned,” Liara said a smirk of her own adorning her face. “I don’t suppose you would be willing to make something for me? I would pay you of course.”

Rarity’s eyes had grown bigger during this short exchange and her hands on either side of her face. With a barely suppressed girlish squeal she started talking, “Oh my goodness, Darling I would absolutely love to make a dress for you. I have so many ideas already. Maybe a nice baby blue, or a dark red to contrast.” Rarity started circling Liara who staid still as the purple haired girl prowled around her, like a cat about to pounce on its prey. “Hmmm, yes, I think that could work, I’ll have to get the fabric and take your measurements of course.”

Liara coughed into her hand gaining Rarity’s attention, “I assume you have an omni-tool?”

Rarity nodded and lifted her arm. The orange glow of the omni-tool adding a soft light to Rarity’s features as it lit up. “Of course, I do, They’re pretty much mandatory at the school now.”

“Good, do you have an account for credit’s then as well?” Liara asked. At Rarity’s nod, Liara activated her own omni-tool. After a few moments with the only sound being the sound of Liara’s omni tool beeping at her as she typed away she spoke again, “I’ve sent you my extranet address as well as transferred some credits to your account. Feel free to message me when you are ready to take measurements and I’ll let you know when I’m available.”

Rarity looked down at her omni-tool and tapped a few buttons. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at her screen, “Ha…ba…wha?”

“What wrong Rares?” Applejack asked looking concerned at her friend’s speechlessness.

Rainbow Dash peeked over Rarity’s shoulder. Her eyes widened as she looked at the display, “Holy crap.” Rainbow looked up at Liara her eyes still wide, “You sure you want to give her that much?”

Liara smiled and nodded, “Of course, considered it an investment in an up and coming business.”

Rarity looked up at the asari as well, “I can’t possibly accept-,”

“Yes, you can,” Liara said with a pointed look at Rarity. “I have more than enough money to last several asari lifetimes. I’d rather invest my money into people like you where the only thing I expect in return is to watch them flourish into something amazing than in some company where all I’d get back was more money that I have no use for.”

“Thank you, I’ll be sure to put this to good use,” Rarity said closing her omni-tool and dropping her arm to her side.

Shepard stepped up beside Liara, “That was very humanitarian of you Liara.”

“Please Shepard, you think you’re the only one of us that can be generous,” Liara said with a wave of her hand.

Shepard laughed, “Of course not, just wasn’t expecting you to fund a kid’s dream like this.”

“And what exactly do you think I do at Grissom Academy?” Liara said with a raised eyebrow. “It’s my job to nurture kids dreams, this is just a more direct approach than usual.”

“We’re almost there,” Garrus said interrupting the two women.

The girls all gathered at the window again. There was a metallic structure in the distance its five different arms being barely visible to the naked eye. “It almost looks like another moon from here,” Twilight said.

“That’s no moon,” Pinkie said with a gravely, accented voice. The girls all started giggling and Shepard snorted with a barely suppressed laugh. Garrus, Liara, and Twilight stared at them with bewilderment written on their faces.

“Um… why is that so funny? Twilight asked.

“Some human thing I’m sure,” Garrus said with amusement.

“Wait, did I never show you that flic?” Shepard said pointing at Garrus. “Oh, man Joker is gonna kill me.”

“Oh, we should have a movie night tonight,” Pinkie said bouncing up and down from excitement “We could get popcorn and blankets and get you guys caught up with human movies.”

“Does it really count as ‘catching up’ if the movie is over a hundred years old?” Sunset said.

“Of course, silly,” Pinkie said with a nod of her head. “We gotta get them caught up with the good movies.”

“Guys, come on you’re missing the best part,” Rainbow said from next to the window. The Citadel was closer now. They could make out all the lights emanating from the five arms and could even see the larger ships as the flew about. The Destiny Ascension floated in the middle of the four arms. Even though bigger and better ships had come out since the construction of the massive ship, it was still updated constantly and continued to be the flagship of the Citadel fleet.

The shuttle continued its approach, making its way to the upper district near the Presidium. There was a shudder as the mass effect field of the Citadel enveloped the shuttle enforcing its artificial gravity on the small craft. A female voice called out in the shuttle’s cabin, “Now docking, Presidium, please disembark in an orderly fashion and enjoy your stay on the Citadel.” A thump signaled that they had docked safely.

“Welp that’s our cue,” Shepard said stretching her back before pointing the door that was opening. “Let’s roll out crew.”

Pinkie giggled then said, “Aye, aye Shepard prime, pony bots rollout.” She pointed out the door as well then started walking, making mechanical noises along the way. The girls all giggled except for Twilight who stared at the spectacle.

Garrus came up behind her and patted her shoulder, “Don’t worry Liara and I are just as confused.”

“Good to know I’m not alone in this,” Twilight said placing a hand on her forehead. “Humans are just so confusing sometime.”

Garrus nodded sagely, “I hear you there. Hell, I’m married to one and they still confuse me sometimes.” Garrus gestured out the open door. “We should probably get going, we got a whole day ahead of us.”

Twilight nodded, and they made their way into the docking area. Like the spaceport from before, various people milled about conducting their own business. An asari stood at a help desk talking with a couple of turians and a human and salarian were talking animatedly nearby. A pair of C-sec officers stood by the door leading into the Citadel proper as a group of humans walked through all laughing at some unheard joke.

A loud booming voice called out startling the girls, “Shepard!” A large krogan wearing red armor stomped over to the group giving off a large smile.

“Wrex!” Shepard said holding her arms out wide. They collided with the krogan lifting her off the ground in a large hug his deep laugh reverberating even in the large space.

“What are you doing here Shepard?” Wrex said after setting the soldier down.

“Just giving the newbie the official Shepard tour,” She said gesturing to Sunset and her friends.

“I didn’t know you took up babysitting Shepard,” Wrex grunted out. “If I had I would have dropped off Mordin and the others a long time ago.”

“Nothing like that Wrex,” Shepard said with a dismissive wave. “We just took in Sunset here and we thought it would be good to get out and bond a little with her and her friends.”

Wrex turned to stare at Sunset with one eye. Sunset gave a hesitant smile but stood her ground against the krogan glaring at her. “Hmmph, she don’t seem like much,” Wrex said after a moment.

“Hey that’s my friend you’re talking about,” Rainbow said taking a defensive stance next to Sunset.

There was a tense silence as Wrex stared down at the rainbow-haired girl before him. Suddenly a deep chuckle emanated from the krogan’s throat, “I guess you must have something then if you inspire that kind of loyalty in your friends.” Wrex moved in front of the two girls towering over them, he patted Rainbow on the back nearly toppling the girl over, “And good job standing up to me, most humans don’t even have the guts to stand near me. Keep that spirit it’ll serve you and your krant well.”

“Uh thanks,” Rainbow said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

“What’s your name runt,” Wrex grunted as he gestured his head towards Rainbow.

“Rainbow Dash,” She said proudly puffing up her chest and giving the krogan a confident smirk.

“Hmph, suits you I suppose,” Wrex turned to the rest of the girls. “And what about the rest of you. You got names or is stunned silence the only thing you know how to do?”

Pinkie leaped forward bouncing in place in front of the krogan as she spoke, “Oh, Oh, my names Pinkie Pie do you like parties, cake, oh do you know a krogan named Grunt I met him here a while ago and we really hit it off.” Pinkie’s tirade was silenced when Wrex placed his enormous hand on top of her head calming her down immediately.

“You talk too much,” Wrex said as he released the hyper girl. “And when did you meet my best soldier.”

“Oh, it was a few months ago,” Pinkie said scratching her head in thought. “We ended up getting arrested by C-sec something about weapons on the Citadel, apparently they didn’t like my party cannon.”

Wrex laughed loudly as Garrus groaned, “I remember that day, that was a lot of paperwork.”

“Sorry,” Pinkie said with an uneasy smile. “I didn’t mean to cause trouble, I was just trying to show Grunt what an earth party was like.”

“Hehe, I would have paid to see that,” Wrex nodded his massive head at Pinkie whose smile brightened considerably.

Applejack stepped up next, “Howdy Ah’m Applejack.” She extended her arm which Wrex grasped firmly in a krogan handshake. “And ta save some time, the girl with the purple hair is Rarity, Fluttershy is the one hiding behind her hair, and Twilight is the one looking like she wants to dissect ya.”

“What! No, I don’t,” Twilight gestured frantically with her hands, eyes wide. “I’ve just never seen a krogan before, I was fascinated nothing else, honest.”

Another deep chuckled came from the krogan, “As long as you don’t actually dissect me I think we’ll be ok.”

“Right no, of course not,” Twilight said with a nervous laugh. “I wouldn’t dream of doing that to anypo- one no matter what I could discover.”

“Then you have more morals than most salarians,” Wrex said crossing his arms.

“Uh thanks, though I’m sure there are plenty of salarian with a conscience,” Twilight said same nervous smile.

“There was only one that I know of, and he’s dead,” Wrex said.

“Oh, I’m sorry for your loss,” Twilight said with genuine concern.

“He died a good death,” Wrex said with a nod. “He died fighting for our future, he will always be remembered for his sacrifice.”

“Considering you named your first child after him I think you definitely accomplished that,” Shepard said. “Anyway, as fun as it is watching you scare a bunch of high schoolers, we’ve got a long day ahead of us.” She tilted her sunglasses down, so she could look over them at Wrex. “Unless you want to join us?”

“No thanks Shepard, you seem to have your hands full as it is,” Wrex turned back to Shepard giving her a large grin. “Besides I’ve got things I need to get back to.”

“Alrighty then, see ya later Wrex,” Shepard said with a grin of her own.

“See you later Shepard,” Wrex said turning to leave.

“So, what are Liara and I chopped varren meat?” Garrus said his arms wide.

“Heh you might look better as chopped varren, Vakarian, tastier too,” Wrex gave Garrus a wide smile showing off his teeth. “Liara I’ll see you later too.”

Liara tilted her head at the krogan, “Of course Wrex it was good seeing you again.”

Wrex nodded to the asari and walked off leaving the group to themselves. “Well with that bit of excitement over I say we get on with the day,” Shepard said. They all nodded and walked together through the door.

Author's Note:

Alrighty, I know not much happened in this chapter. I got this far and had over three thousand words and I had a good stopping point so instead of adding another page break I decided to split stuff up. The next chapter will include some shopping and an interesting conversation with an asari. there is some more I have planned that might be in another chapter then I'll start up with the Friendship Games storyline. Hope you all enjoy this and feel free to comment. I enjoy reading them all and they inspire me to keep writing.