• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 23,420 Views, 803 Comments

The Sky Is Falling - chief maximus

Rainbow has been good at almost everything she's ever attempted, so why is just talking so hard?

  • ...

Good Morning Canterlot

Good Morning Cantertlot

"I... uh... I mean..."

"C'mon, Rainbow. Daring Do and the Rock of Ages?"

Wait, what?

"You mean I finally read a Daring Do book that Rainbow Dash hasn't?" Twilight giggled. "Impossible."

Wow. I should have known Twilight wouldn't be that forward. "Oh, yeah, guess I just forgot. 'Night, Twi."

I rolled over and faced the window. The moon was bright tonight, but I was too tired to care. I had a bigger problem. When I thought Twilight had thought I was into her I just laid there with my mouth open like a mule! Why? Who gives a crap if Twi had a thing for me? Who doesn't? That's what worried me. I didn't realize it at the time, but this was just the beginning of this whole crazy ride.

"'Night, Rainbow," she yawned, turning around to pass out, just like I had. Whatever, at least now I'd have time to think about how amazing this mattress felt. I was looking forward to getting a good night's rest, free from all this mushy junk that kept sneaking into my head no matter how hard I tried to block it out.

Princess Luna had other ideas.

I can't believe I'd read a Daring Do book Rainbow hadn't yet! Although, she was acting a bit flustered... perhaps she thought I—no, there's no way.

...But thinking back on it, she has been acting a bit peculiar around me. She comes around the library a lot, even though I gave her the exact date the next Daring Do book would arrive. Silly Twilight, Rainbow Dash just likes to read! It has nothing to do with you. Right? I mean, what other possible reason would she have for visiting all the... oh. Oh Celestia. I'm just being ridiculous, Rainbow has nothing in common with me! I'd rather spend a day studying organic chemistry than sleeping! Unless, I've been the one unwittingly giving the wrong signals. And then there was that incident in the foyer. I was just getting my revenge, I swear! I was definitely not thinking about how soft Rainbow's coat was or how much I loved to hear her laugh as I ran my hooves up and down her—no! Bad Twilight!

That's when I realized I might be right. I mean, I invited her to Canterlot with just me. Heck, we're sleeping in the same bed! But friends do that all the time! And who else was I supposed to ask to carry me into the sky? Fluttershy? I could imagine how that would turn out.

Then I thought back to the events before we left. She asked me if I had a date to the gala, and seemed pretty happy when I didn't which was odd, but then she never brought it up again. Or at least, she hasn't yet. Rainbow's a pretty mare—prettier than she gets credit—but I'm just, well, me. I suppose by now you've probably figured out I'm a bit more comfortable around mares than stallions. It's not that I'd turn my nose up at the right stallion if he introduced himself and were interested in me, but so far, none of them have.

Maybe I should just get some sleep, I'm sure I'll have a clearer head in the morning.

"Rainbow Dash, come hither."

There's only one pony in Equestria that still talks like that. I opened my eyes and found myself in a meadow, Princess Luna standing in my dream like she owned the place.

"You have done well in taking my place with Twilight Sparkle for this year's aurora magicalis." Cool! At least Princess Luna was happy; I'd never been praised by a royalty before! Well, unless you count all those other times. Still, it doesn't get old, trust me.

"Thanks, princess! Hey, aren't you supposed to be sick?"

She smiled. "Yes, at this time I am in bed with the sniffles, yet microbes shall not limit my power."

"Huh... okay, any reason you're here and not letting me dream my usual dream?" I asked. I really liked my usual dream. She rolled her eyes.

"Yea, I am aware of your affinity for your inclusion into the Wonderbolt stunt flying group, however this time, I have crafted a different dream for you."

Princess Luna makes everypony's dreams? No wonder she's always tired. "I hath constructed for you a world in which your deepest desires are fulfilled, in an effort to bring to light your true feelings."

"True feelings? But I already know I want to be a Wonderbolt." She was way overcomplicating me. Sometimes I'd be dreaming that I was taking a nap! I'm not too hard to figure out.

"Not those feelings," she sighed. "Come with me." She spread her wings and took off, and I followed her. We flew for a while until we landed on a hilltop overlooking Canterlot. "Do you know why I am princess of the night?"

"Uh... because the daytime was taken?" She cut her eyes at me. I'd have to watch my mouth if I didn't want to get sent to the sun.

"No. It is because I was entrusted with that most sacred of emotions, and the expressions of that emotion are almost universally done at night, with the exception of those ponies in Prance. Fornicating during the daytime when I am not there to wat—I mean guide them," she mumbled. Wait, I feel like I should know what fornicating means...

"Anyway, I am also the goddess of love. Cadence likes to think she is, but this is because Celestia and I grew tired of her moping around the castle all day, claiming she had no way of helping the ponies."

I cleared my throat. Apparently Princess Luna has a case of the rambles.

"Right, back to you. Anyway, it is important for you to realize the feelings you've been trying to bury. Your pride in your reputation keeps you from admitting a very simple truth."

I was totally lost. Feelings? Love? What in the hay was all this about?

"It is about you and Twilight Sparkle, of course."

Princess Luna can apparently read thoughts, too.

"What about her?"

She giggled. "My dear, do you still not see? You two have been prancing around the obvious for quite some time." I could feel my cheeks light up.

"I, well..." I guess there was no point in lying. "Okay, so maybe I have a bit of a crush. So what? Lots of ponies have crushes on their friends!"

"Indeed they do, however lots of ponies are not as stubborn as you are." I was expecting a speech, not a personal attack! "What I mean is, neither you nor Twilight Sparkle have felt what is necessary to complete the pony experience. Every single other Element of Harmony has had or currently has experienced the unfettered joy of love, and being loved," she finished, turning to me. "Save you and Twilight Sparkle."

"Hang on a second, you mean to tell me that Pinkie—"

"A colt in high school by the name of Candy Stripe. Her move to Ponyville broke them apart."

"And Rarity?"

"She met a stallion from Prance in Canterlot while delivering a dress order. They didn't even speak the same language, but love is universal," she sighed dreamily. Blegh.

"So that's why she stayed in Canterlot an extra week..." I said, putting a hoof to my chin. "Okay, but I know for a fact that Applejack—"

"Are you familiar with her neighbor Carrot Top?"

My jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me! Carrot Top and Applejack?!"

"Ah yes, they were simply lovestruck teenagers, driven by hormones and curiosity. I remember their first time like it was yesterday. Unfortunately a family feud drove them apart. A shame, really. I'd never seen her so happy."

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. How did she know all this? "Hey, weren't you on the moon during most of that time?"

"Yes, though I was not here physically, my duties supersede any physical distance." Well, she is a princess. I've heard weirder legends.

"So what, you're just gonna force us together because you feel like it?" I asked, a little harsher than I intended. Even though this was a dream, Luna was still a princess.

"No. As you know, the Elements you and your compatriots wield are quite powerful. As you may not know, however, the Elements have no inherent power within them. They simply amplify the power within all of you."

"Okay..." I wasn't really sure what any of this had to do with me and Twilight, but it wasn't like I could just leave.

"You have all done well to experience the power of friendship, but there is another feeling that can trump even that bond."

I think I could guess where this was headed. "Love?" I deadpanned.

"Now you're getting it." She smiled at me.

"I cannot force the two of you to realize your feelings, nor do I have any control over what happens in the real world between you two. All I can tell you is that in order to become complete as ponies, you must experience this emotion."

I hated being told what to do. It just wasn't my thing, and even coming from a princess, I wasn't too happy about it. On top of that, there was the possibility of total embarrassment. What if Twilight wasn't into me? What if I made a complete flank of myself in front of her and all she ever thinks of when she sees me is that time I tried to put the moves on her and got rejected? I couldn't take Twilight having that kind of leverage over me, I just couldn't!

"Surely you know Twilight better than that?" I gotta stop thinking things.

"Yeah, but it's still..."

"Scary?" she completed. "Many things in this world are, my little pony. Fear is natural. It is what has assured ponydom's survival from the beginning of time. There are times when fear can save your life. However, there are also times where fear must be stowed, and in its place, you must bring courage."

I nodded, though it didn't do much to make me feel any less nervous about what she'd just asked me to do.

"You are still wary, I know. However, the dream I have prepared for you will no doubt help set your mind at ease. For you will be most comfortable with Twilight Sparkle afterwards, I can assure you." A file cabinet sprang out of the ground beside the princess. She opened it and rifled through the folders until she found the one she needed.

"Ah, this one will do nicely." With a flash of her horn, we were back in our room at the castle, except it was kinda... different than I remember. Mainly because candles were lit everywhere and that smell I remembered from Twilight's mane filled the room, along with another more... ladylike smell. That's when I noticed Twilight splayed across the bed on her stomach, her head turned towards me, practically begging me with her eyes to come to the bed.

"Rainbow, I've been waiting for that massage you promised me..." she said... uhm... sexfully? I know there's probably a better word for that, but I wasn't really worried about words at that point. I was about ready to pounce, but I stopped myself and turned back to the princess.

"Princess Luna, this is probably one of the few times you'd let me pick my dreams for the night, right?"

She nodded. "Indeed, it is a rare privilege."

I motioned for her to lean over so I could tell her something.

"Really? Well, it is your dream, I suppose I could indulge you this once." She clapped her hooves together twice as Spitfire and Big Macintosh both magically appeared on the bed next to Twilight in a puff of blue smoke.

Best. Dream. Ever.

I awoke the next day somehow feeling quite refreshed. I was, of course, the first one to get up, though I would hardly call my sleep restful. Fitful is more like it. Rainbow was grunting and moaning in her sleep all night! I don't know how she didn't wake herself!

Springing out of bed, I led myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my mane. We were due out of the room by noon, and it was already eleven. I must have been more tired than I suspected! I glanced toward Rainbow as I brushed, noticing her wings sticking straight out from her sides. In my studies of pegasus anatomy, I'd learned that the state of the wings often correspond to the REM sleep stages. This is known as wing tumescence, and is completely normal, if not a bit embarrassing for most pegasi.

My apologies, sometimes I get a bit carried away in my explanations. Anyway, I noticed her beginning to stir as I finished brushing. I turned on the shower and hopped in, hoping I wouldn't use all the hot water so Rainbow would have some too.

Much to the surprise of no one, I got out of the shower to find her still in bed.

"We need to get moving if we're going to check out by noon," I said, wrapping a towel around my mane and tail.

She rolled over and focused her bleary eyes on me. I also noticed a bit of a blush as I felt one come over myself. I must admit, it did lend credence to my earlier theory. Also, it felt nice to know somepony—especially somepony I already knew pretty well—thought that highly of me!

I had given some thought about the events of last night. Perhaps it would be a fun little experiment to go to the gala with Rainbow! After all, I don't really get to spend a lot of time with her. She's usually at Applejack's or asleep, or pranking ponies with Pinkie. This could be a good opportunity to get to know her even better. Maybe even strengthen the Elements in case something decides to attack the castle during the gala!

I know that sounds like paranoia, but nopony expected an attack on Shining and Princess Cadence's wedding, and look how that turned out!

"Rainbow, I was thinking about last night..."

She grew even more red. Making her blush was actually kind of fun! "Yeah?"

"Well, I think it'd be fun to be your 'date' (I used air quotes there, if you couldn't tell) to the gala."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up. A half second later, she'd managed to temper her excitement with her usual cool attitude.

"I mean, yeah, that's cool."

I smiled. She could try to hide it all she wanted, but I could tell she was excited not to be going alone. "Glad you think so. The shower is all yours. I'll wait for you to get done before I head downstairs for breakfast."

"Thanks, Twi! You're the best!" She flew right past me and into the bathroom as I began to dry my mane. Maybe there would be something to be gained from this little social experiment!

Author's Note:

Once again, Razed disregards his own health and well-being to edit horse words for me. I shall feast on french bread pizza in your honor, dear friend.