• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 23,414 Views, 803 Comments

The Sky Is Falling - chief maximus

Rainbow has been good at almost everything she's ever attempted, so why is just talking so hard?

  • ...

Aurora Magicalis

Aurora Magicalis

Ugh, I had no time for any mushy junk. Twilight had to study, and I had to carry her into the sky in a few hours. At first I figured a little warm up couldn't hurt, but then I realized how comfortable Twi's couch truly was (for something not made of clouds).

As I stretched out on her couch, I noticed the mannequin Rarity had given her (and the rest of us, no matter how many times I tried to tell her I didn't want it) for keeping her dresses in 'shape' or whatever was empty. Usually Twilight gets her fancy clothes done way earlier than the rest of us.

"You got a dress for the gala yet?"

She paused her manic bouncing from book to book and looked up. "Oh!" she cried, like she hadn't even thought about it until now. "No, I'll have to get in touch with Rarity after we're done with this."

"Yeah, me either," I answered, glancing back down at Daring Do's progress. That's when I decided to test the clouds, so to speak. "So, you taking anypony this year?"

I swear she almost choked back a laugh. Was the thought of somepony being into her like that really that impossible?

"No, it's just me." She smiled, as though being that much of a shut-in was a good thing. "Spike's been my little gentlecolt for almost every Gala since I moved here."

Well, it didn't look good. It seemed like she was happier not having to worry with a date. But she'd never had a date as potentially awesome as me before, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. After all, how could I sleep at night knowing I didn't even offer Twi the chance to be seen with a future Wonderbolt captain at the social event of the year?

I glanced over at Spike in time to see a quick eye roll. I had a feeling he liked dressing up, but a lot of the Gala was just boring talking, slow, fancy dancing where everypony is all stiff and rigid, and acting like everypony there is better than everypony who isn't. If it weren't for the Wonderbolts, I'd have probably scalped my tickets at the castle gates! Maybe I could relieve Spike of his escort duties this time so he could pine over Rarity or whatever it is he does when I'm not around.

"So, you've never thought about actually bringing somepony else?"

She wrinkled her nose a bit this time before grinning. "Somepony else?" she laughed. "Like who?"

"I dunno." I shrugged "You've never had anypony catch your eye in town?"

"Of course!" she replied quickly, "I just... never have time for introductions,"

Spike leaned over to me and whispered, "Or the guts."

I had always taken Twilight to be the shy type in social situations. Not Fluttershy shy, but she wasn't exactly Pinkie either. I had almost forgotten about that darn brain of hers before she decided to get all 'Sherlock' on me.

She glanced up from her book and looked me over. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, uh..." I had to think quickly, and I knew a 'no reason' wouldn't get her off my back. "'Cause I'm not taking anypony either."

A few more scribbles on her parchment and she set the page aside to dry. "Good to know we won't be the only ones stag at the gala, huh?"

"Actually, a few of our friends have dates." Though she was buried in her books, I noticed her ears prick up.

"Really?" she asked, her curiosity a weird mix of both interested and disinterested.

"Yeah, Fluttershy is taking Soarin. Like, the Soarin," I sighed, marking my page and shutting Daring Do across my lap.

"Wow, a celebrity? Way to go Fluttershy!"

"Yeah, and Rarity is taking Big Mac." At the mention of the old workhorse, I noticed her cheeks flush a bit. Mac had that effect on mares.

"Huh, well, he's better than Prince Blueblood, right?" I nodded. I still laugh about that first gala night. I can't believe Rarity actually found a pony more high-maintenence than she was.

"Yeah, I guess."

It would be another few hours before we had to head to Canterlot, and Twilight would probably be buried in her books until then, so I decided to catch up on some sleeping.

While I was asleep, I had an... interesting dream. Twilight and I were in the middle of a field somewhere with a bunch of other pegasi and unicorns. For some reason, I was nervous. No, not nervous. More like 'terrified.' I couldn't tell you why, but I had this overwhelming fear take over—like I was having a nightmare, even though nothing scary had happened. Twilight looked to me, a gentle smile on her face as she asked me if I was ready.

I looked to the sky, and found the source of my fear. A thunderstorm was gathering—covering half the sky. Lightning arced across the sky and the thunder roared across the plains as I turned back to her.

"Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked. Even I knew I hardly ever used that phrase before. "That storm looks pretty bad..."

"Don't be silly, Rainbow, the sky is clear!" she replied. You know how sometimes in a dream you act like you would as if it were really happening? Well, I did the opposite.

"If you say so, Twi."

It was obvious it wasn't clear but, because of dream logic, I went with it. The next words out of Twilight's mouth should have been a red flag that I was dreaming.

"C'mon Rainbow, don't be a chicken!"

I glared at her. Even in my dreams nopony calls me a chicken!

"Get on," I growled. She climbed on my back, and the rest of the unicorns mounted up as well.

I took off, ripping into the sky as fast as I could. I turned to Twilight and asked where we were going. She leaned over and pointed a hoof directly into the thunderstorm. "Twilight have you lost it?" I shouted back. There was no way she was serious.

"What's the problem?" she asked. I was almost in shock that she would say something so crazy.

"Are you serious?!" I shouted over the winds. "There's a huge thunderstorm over there!"

Twilight squinted into the horizon. "Are you sure? I don't see anything."

This is the part where I should have known I was dreaming, but once again, dream logic.

I looked back to the growing storm, then back to Twilight. "You're telling me you don't see that?" I pointed to it with a hoof.

"I don't see it, but that's where the Princess wants the aurora!"

I did a double take. How in Equestria could she not see a thunderstorm?

Before I knew it, the storm had over taken us. The rest of the ponies disappeared, leaving Twilight and myself fighting for our lives in the wind, rain and lightning.

I felt her hooves cling tighter around my neck as she hunkered down against the windshear. We were both soaked after a few seconds, and the winds only seemed to get worse.

"Hurry up and cast the spell!" I yelled.

"I can't see!" she cried back.

"Ya think?!" I snapped. "We're in the middle of a bucking thunderstorm!"

"Hang on, I have to be standing to cast it!" Twilight shouted over the winds.

"You what?!" I could hardly believe my ears. "Twi, that's nuts! You'll get blown off and I'll never be able to find you in this soup!"

"It's okay Rainbow, I know what I'm doing!" she assured me.

It didn't work.

"No you don't!" I screamed back, clinging to her hooves as she tried to stand on my back.

"Rainbow, let go!" she insisted.

"No! I'm not letting you kill yourself!"

I tried as hard as I could to hold her legs, but she ripped them away from me and I felt her stand.

Then, I felt her fall.

"Rainbow!" she cried, as her voice got farther and farther away.

It was the most terrifying feeling I'd ever had—in a dream or otherwise. I swung my head around and frantically looked for her in the clouds, but it was no use.

"Twilight, where are you?" I shouted, trying to fly downwards and catch her before she hit the ground. It was no use. The clouds were too thick, and as the seconds ticked by, I began to realize there was no way she was still falling. I gritted my teeth, and slowly began to descend beneath the clouds until I was being rained on. About a hundred feet up, I spotted a purple thing lying still on the ground. I couldn't go near it, but just knowing that I let her die was enough to tear my heart out.

"Why did you stand up?!" I shouted angrily, tears flowing down both cheeks and mixing with rainwater.

I nearly flopped onto the floor as I woke up startled on Twilight's couch. Spike had given me the rest of the sofa, and Twilight was just finishing up her notes.

"You must have been having an interesting dream!" she commented, glancing up from her notes and giving me a smile.

"Yeah, you could say that." My heart was still racing like I'd actually watched one of my best friends die. Just seeing her alive and unharmed was enough to start calming me down, but I've never had a dream feel that real.

"You were muttering something about not wanting me to stand up," she giggled.

"It was... weird." I sighed, finally getting my heart rate under control. "Ready to go?"

"Almost. The guards should be here soon."

I sat up on the couch, set my book on her coffee table and rubbed my eyes. I stood up, stretching my wings and legs. Normally I'd just fly to Canterlot—no self respecting pegasus should take a cab anywhere.

The sun was starting to set, and I knew we'd be performing the task I just dreamed us messing up. I didn't normally believe in prophetic dreams or any of that noise, but...

No! That's ridiculous. Twilight and I will be fine, I thought. There's no way the Canterlot weather team would schedule a thunderstorm if this thing is planned for tonight.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax. Twilight's been studying for hours; I was sure it would go off without a hitch.

After a few minutes, a knock at the door let us know it was time to head out. As we were leaving, I couldn't help but notice I hadn't heard or seen Spike since I passed out.

"Where's Spike?"

"Rarity came and got him while you were asleep," she replied, loading her saddle bags into the chariot. Two of Luna's guards pulled it while one of Celestia's guards drove. I climbed aboard and we were lifted into the air. It was nice to be in the sky without actually having to work, but it wouldn't replace flying.

It was only a half hour flight from Ponyville, but it felt a lot longer. When we got to the castle, the grounds had all been decorated with the flags of the different countries. We were led to the main doors, and let in without much fuss. The throne room had been decorated like the grounds had been. Where the throne usually sat, there was a long table with a few other ones perpendicular to it. I figured there must have been a banquet they were setting up for.

Twilight and I were whisked away from the throne room and taken to our room. It was a nice high room in one of the towers. Remember when I said I bet the rooms in the castle were swank? I was right on the money! This room was ridiculously fancy. I'm talkin' crystal everything, furniture gilded with gold that looked like it belonged in somepony's grandmother's house, and a freaking fountain. Seriously. In the middle of the room!

"Whoa..." I gasped. I could see Twi's mouth hanging open in my periph. Apparently she'd never seen this part of Canterlot castle either.

"Should you require any additional services, there are guards posted beyond your door," the unicorn butler that had led us up here said before quietly letting himself out. We must have just stared at the room for a few minutes before one of us decided to move.

"This is incredible!" Twilight said in awe.

"Yeah, I feel like we're wasting a fortune just being here," I agreed, trotting past the fountain and checking out the bed situation.

"Uh, hey Twi?" I called to her. The ceiling was so high my voice echoed around the room.

"Yeah?" I could hear her hooves on the marble floor behind me as she walked up. "Oh."

There was only one bed. A gigantic bed, but still just one. "That couch back there looked like it might be comfy, I'll just crash there—"

"Nonsense, Rainbow!" Twilight insisted, waving a hoof. "This bed is big enough for six ponies. I'm sure we'll be okay if we sleep in it together."

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I turned away from her. "Yeah, I guess we could..."

I glanced back after I'd gotten myself under control.

"I mean, you don't have to—" she began before I jumped in.

"No!" I said quickly. "I mean, yes! I mean... we can share the bed." I smiled, finally untying my tongue.

"Great!" she chimed, trotting over to it and testing it out. "Oh, wow! I bet this is what sleeping on a cloud is like," she said after she'd hopped up and leaned back into the mattress.

"Pfft, no way," I said, following her lead. "I'll be the judge of th—Dude..." It was better than clouds. It's like somepony filled this mattress with the foals' dreams and angel feathers! I almost couldn't wait for the aurora to be over so I could come back and sleep on this thing!

I climbed up onto the bed with Twilight and laid next to her. There was a very real chance I could have fallen asleep right then and there.

Before I was so lucky, a knock echoed through our room. Twi and I lifted our heads and looked out of the bedroom.

"Come in!" Twilight called. The same butler from before appeared, holding two fancy dresses in his magic.

"Princess Celestia has requested your presence at the banquet in one hour," he explained, setting the dresses over the back of the couch. "It is a formal event, and formal attire is required. Her Majesty has selected these dresses herself, and hopes they are to your liking." He bowed his head and bid us goodbye.

Now, I'm not usually one for wearing fancy frilly clothes, but if the princess wanted us to, I didn't really see another option. I was starving, and I needed dinner.

"Twi, can you help me get this thing on?" I asked, taking a look at my dress. It wasn't anything crazy, but it did match my mane, and I think it went well with my eyes. Not that I care about that stuff.

I don't. Seriously!

Anyway, we popped those dresses on and got a guard escort to the throne room. This time the room was filled with all kinds of creatures from all over the world: griffons, zebra, donkeys, cattle, and a few things I'd never even seen before. We were seated at the royal table, and even the appetizer salad they gave us was one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth.

As a few stragglers filed in, Princess Celestia was announced, and she made her way to the fancy chair next to us. I noticed Princess Luna wasn't around, but it was nighttime, so who knows what she was up to. It took the princess a good twenty minutes to reach the table after having to greet all the dignitaries personally.

Once she sat down, she turned to the two of us.

"I'm glad the two of you were able to attend." She smiled. "I had a feeling I would be seeing you tonight, Rainbow Dash."

I returned her smile. "Thanks, the dress you picked out is great," I answered as Twilight nodded.

"Thank you for inviting us, princess," Twilight said, taking a bite of her salad.

"I thank you for coming. Unfortunately, I would have liked to invite all of the Elements to enjoy the festivities, but I'm afraid the castle is full." She frowned. "Also, I'm sure I don't have to tell you how important the opening ceremony is to set the tone for the rest of the meeting."

I noticed Twilight gulp. The princess could shatter her nerves in an instant if she wanted to. I bet she didn't even realize she was doing it most of the time.

"Yes, Rainbow and I are ready," she squeaked back.

"I have faith in you, Twilight. Also, we will be proceeding with the aurora immediately following the dinner; the weather team is working feverishly to hold a storm back that will be settling in overnight."

I could hardly believe my ears. "A-a storm?" I stammered.

"Yes, natural storms do occur from time to time, but I've been assured they will give you both enough time to perform the aurora with the rest of the ponies."

It was my turn to gulp. What was I saying earlier about prophetic dreams?