• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 23,420 Views, 803 Comments

The Sky Is Falling - chief maximus

Rainbow has been good at almost everything she's ever attempted, so why is just talking so hard?

  • ...

Breakfast At Twilight's

Before I knew it, it was past eight thirty. Tank had food and water and was already giving me that goofy smile. Somehow, it always put me in a better mood.

I remembered when I first brought him home. His slowness had taken some getting used to, but now that I think about it, I wouldn't have wanted a pet as fast as I am. I don't need the competition.

I patted his head, and he jumped back into his shell. He may have been brave for a turtle—I mean, tortoise—but he was still kind of a scaredy-cat.

"Alright Tank, I'm not gonna be back until late, so no parties while I'm gone, okay?"

That same goofy smile. Tank may not have been much for talking, but he was a solid listener, which is just as good. I glanced at the clock again: eight forty-five.

I needed to get a move on. I grabbed a brush Rarity had given me for some reason (birthday maybe? I can't remember) and tried to run it through my mane and tail. You know, it's never until you actually try to brush your hair that you realize how knotty leaving it unbrushed can make it. I could barely get it through my bangs! I didn't even want to try the rest of my mane, so I just left them. Besides, it wasn't like I was trying to impress anypony. Rarity would be wearing some kind of ridiculous high-fashion getup, but the rest of us would just be ourselves.

"See ya, Tank!" I called over my shoulder as I flew out of one of my windows. The wind through my mane was one of the reasons I never bothered combing it. I fly everywhere, so even if I could comb it, it'd just get messed up again. Anyway, I saw most of the girls waiting in the town square and circled down to meet them. I noticed everypony was here, minus a certain egghead.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Howdy, RD." AJ tipped her hat to me. "Ah don't suppose you've seen Twi anywhere?"

"She'll be here, you know how she is with punc—punctu—the word that means she's on time for everything."

Applejack did that sarcastic nod of hers. No, I don't know how a nod can be sarcastic, but this one was!

Twilight would be here. She wouldn't lie to me.

I didn't want to lie to Rainbow, but I just never really enjoyed staying out late. Sure, we stayed out late the time we fought Nightmare Moon, but that was because the sun wouldn't come up until we defeated her! But maybe it was something else. Perhaps a deep seated anxiety about what other ponies thought of me, even when they had told me repeatedly their true thoughts and feelings? Perhaps I should stop reading psychology textbooks for a while.

"Twilight, it's almost nine," Spike said, watching me pace holes in the floor. "you better get going,"

"I know, but are you sure there isn't anything I can help you—"

"Twilight," he groaned, rubbing his eyes in exasperation. "Remember when we lived in Canterlot?"

I stopped pacing and stared at my hooves. I knew where this was going. I figured I could humor him, even if it only bought me a few more minutes of stalling.


"Remember that time you told me you wished your classmates would invite you out with them for hot chocolate or to see a movie or whatever?"

I loved Spike, but sometimes I hated that sharp memory of his.

"Yes, but that was just that one time!"

"Does that make it any less true?"

"... No."

"And now that you have those friends you wanted for so long, you sit here trying to think up reasons not to go hang out with them! What the hay, Twilight?"

I wish I knew why I got so worked up over stuff like this. I've read every self-help book there is on self-confidence in social settings! Unfortunately, theory and practical application are two separate entities. Still, how much longer was I going to be afraid of situations like this? I couldn't very well hide in the library (as appealing as that sounds) forever! Even in science, every variable can't always be controlled, so that means sometimes you must let come what may, right? And what better way to do that than with a night out with my girls?

"You're right, Spike. My friends want my company, and I'm going to give it to them all night long!"

"Well, that's an interesting word choice, but that's my Twilight! Go out there and have fun!" Spike cheered. He may only love a few things in this world, but seeing me happy was one of them, and I'm eternally grateful I've got him to push me when I need it. I marched proudly out the door and down the road, practically daring the night not to go my way!

This was going to be a fun night with my friends—friends I've always wanted, and finally have! I would make my princess and my parents proud, and I might even have a drink! Who knows where the night would take me?

Unfortunately, it seemed the universe seemed to hear my confident dare, and was more than willing to make me regret those last statements.

"Ha! There she is!" I said, waving to her. She even seemed to be in a good mood! Usually when I have to convince her to hang, she isn't nearly this cheerful.

"Hi girls!" she sang. "Ready for some fun?"

We all nodded, galloping toward the bar and kicking up dust on our way.

Remember how I said Rarity would wear something totally crazy to something like this if she knew some kinda Canterlot big shot would be there? Yeah, she didn't disappoint. This hat was, like, twice her size, and I don't know where she got a feather that big but I bet she sent Spike to fight the giant peacock it belonged to!

Once we got to the bar, I was kinda surprised at how many ponies had shown up. It looked like the whole town was trying to get in! There was even one of those velvet ropes that you have to wait behind. We didn't have to wait, of course; our names were on the list.

"Harmony, Elements of?" I asked the bouncer. He checked his clipboard and stepped aside, like I knew he would.

The crowd really thinned out once we got inside. It wasn't loud enough for us to have to shout at each other, but the music was still pretty decent. They had a live Maelic band, which went with the "pub" theme. It looked like all the tables were taken, until good ol' Fancy Pants showed up.

"Ah, you all made it!" he called from behind a few of his waitresses. He strode over, dressed in his sharpest looking coat. I don't say this very often, but that stallion had style. No wonder Rarity wanted to get in his "fancy pants!" Get it? I crack myself up sometimes. Anyway, turns out he had a table waiting for us!

We all took our seats and a waitress in a plaid skirt and frilly top came to take our order. I had already eaten, so tonight I was going to be on the all-liquid diet. I had to be careful, though. Pegasi aren't known for being able to hold their liquor. We're actually the lightweights when it comes to this kind of thing. Not me, of course, but other pegasi for sure.

"I'll have a cosmarepolitan, extra dry," Rarity ordered. She had a thing for girly drinks.

"Apple juice and bourbon if, ya would," AJ said.

The waitress looked to me. "Uh, just get me a hard cider,"

"Hard ciders are two-for-one tonight, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's cool. Twilight, you want my extra?" No use trying to double hoof. I wasn't trying to party that hard.

"Sure!" she said, a bit more accepting than I thought she'd be. Then again, she did seem more fun than usual tonight, so I just took it as a sign that my amazing persuasive skills had made her realize how awesome I (and by extension, everypony else) am.

"And for you, miss?" the waitress asked Fluttershy. At this point, you're probably wondering why Flutters doesn't drink. It's not because she doesn't like the taste, or anything, it's just that... well, let me explain.

We had all decided to go out to Canterlot one night when everpony had the night off. We had scored an awesome dinner, then we went to some jazz place Rarity wanted to check out that happened to serve drinks.

Free drinks. To mares.

Now, this wasn't Fluttershy's first time with booze, but this was definitely her last. The spot got crowded as the night wore on, and we soon realized we'd lost her! So we searched all over town before looking in the last place we'd thought we'd find her: jail.

The princesses had to come bail her out, and she still won't tell us how she ended up in there. So yeah, we try to keep Fluttershy sober.

"A water, please."

Pinkie ordered a vodka and Redpony, like she needed any more energy. After the waitress left, we started talking.

"Well I for one am certainly glad everypony could make it," Rarity said, staring down Fancy Pants from across the room.

"Why don't you just let him rut you and get it over with?" I replied. It was obvious she wanted a piece; why not just go for it?

"Ugh!" she huffed. "A lady does not simply let a stallion 'rut' her."

Her nose started tilting higher and higher as she went on. Looks like she was in full on snooty mode.

"A lady allows the gentlecolt to make his intentions known, and only then can the courtship begin."

Applejack and I looked at each other, trying to hide our laughter.

"Right, like the time in high school you told us about?" I laughed. Oh, did she turn red after that one!

"I told you that in confidence! I'll thank you not to speak of it!"

"Relax, Rarity, your secret is safe with me." I sighed as the waitress brought our drinks.

"Besides, what would a... what's the word, prude like you know about stallions, Rainbow?" She grinned. She had a few secrets of mine, too.

"I know plenty! I did a lot more than flying at flight school, you know!"

"Right, Gilda was such a charming griffon," she said.

"Girls, enough!" Twilight snapped, using her magic to close both our mouths.

"We came out here to have fun, not to argue, right?"

It's a good thing we're all generally happy drinkers. After a few rounds, everypony was laughing again. I even convinced Twilight to dance with me! Even though she was about as coordinated as a pony being electrocuted, I'd like to think she still had fun.

We may have our differences, but I love those girls and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Well, if the Wonderbolts maybe offered me a ... nah, my friends were better than any blue uniform could hope to be. What good was being famous if you didn't have friends to share it with? Then again...

Anyway, I had a good buzz going, so I made my next drink a water. Before any of us knew it, it was last call. You know the old saying: time flies when you’re having rum! I’m pretty sure that’s how it goes ... anyway, we stayed out 'til two thirty! Even Twilight was still ready to party! I was honestly surprised she was even awake, but I guess staying up late studying Celestia knows what can put you on a weird sleeping schedule.

"Well, looks like Ah better be headin' on back to the farm." AJ yawned. "Ah still got chores and such in the mornin'."

I had nothing to do but sleep, and my cloud bed was calling my name. I was more or less sober by the time we all filed out of the place.

"Anypony seen Pinkie?" I asked.

Rarity rubbed her eyes. "The last I saw of her, she was playing with the band."

Pinkie could play almost any instrument, so nopony was really surprised.

"Well, I'm sure she'll turn up," I replied, catching a yawn myself.

We said our goodbyes before I realized Twilight was trying and failing to do some kind of magic outside the bar.

"Twilight, what are you doing?"

"I'm tryna teleport back t'the libary!" she slurred. I had been giving her my extra drinks, which meant she had kept pace with me. Not a good idea for somepony who barely drinks.

I laughed. After all, how often would I get a chance to see this?

"How about I just fly you home?" I offered.

"What, you don think I can teleport? I've been doin' magic since before you were born!"

"Twilight, I'm a year older than you."

"Pfffttt... so? You think yer so good with yer wings, and yer... well-toned flanks?" She covered her mouth with a hoof. I thought she was about to hurl, but it was out of embarrassment, not nausea.

It was hard to keep from laughing. By Celestia, she's even more adorkable than usual when she's hammered. I knew she'd probably have a terrible headache tomorrow, and who knows where she could end up if she tried to teleport drunk.

"I know you're good at magic, but let me take you home, okay?" I asked, sitting down in front of her. She mumbled something about not being good, but great at magic as she climbed on my back, careful to avoid my wings.

"Are you holding on?"


I took off slowly, only going as high as the trees. It wasn't a long flight to Twilight's place, and I bet Spike would probably already be asleep.

"Oh, wow..." I heard her moan from behind me.


"It's so beautiful up here ... you know how lucky you are to fly? I wish I could fly."

I smiled. I bet she did. In fact, I bet most earthbound ponies did, but I liked giving my friends rides. There was just something enjoyable about bringing my friends into my world.

It was about that time I heard her burp, like, three times in a row, rapid fire. I knew what was coming, and hurried my descent.

"Twilight, please don't—"

She did. She lost her lunch, and then some. Most of it missed me, but some still ended up in my mane. Gah, was it gross. And the smell! I don't even want to think about whose house it probably landed on.

I made a pit stop by the river and washed myself while Twilight apologized from on shore.

"I'm so sorry Rainbow... I tried to... not puke on you."

"It's okay, Twilight, it washed out," I said, climbing onto the river bank with my still-hammered friend. "But you owe me, and I won't let you forget this."

"I'm sorry..." she cooed, rubbing the grass beside her with a hoof. "Come sit."

Like I said, I didn't have anything to do the next day, and I could definitely use a few more minutes of entertainment. I sat down next to her as she dipped her hind legs in the river. I could see a shiver run up her back as she motioned for me to do the same.

Having just come out of it, it was pretty refreshing. Not too cold, but not very warm either. We sat in silence for a while before I noticed Twi slowly lean backwards, falling flat on her back on the riverbank, giggling like a school-filly.

"Lean back with me, Rainbow!"

It sounded more like a demand than a request, but I was okay with it. After all, drunk Twilight is pretty funny. I leaned back with her, both of us facing the night sky. You know, I never usually look up, since I'm usually the highest thing in the sky, but away from the lights of town, the stars were amazing!

"Wow..." I gasped softly. I guess that was Twilight's plan all along.

"Pretty, right?" she whispered, pointing a hoof at the big swath of stars in the middle of the sky. It was like a whole band of them cutting across the sky like a... like, uhm... Gah! I'm bad with metaphors. It was bunch of stars, okay?

"What's that called?" I asked, adjusting her hoof to the star band.

"That's the center of our galaxy." She exhaled. "You'd know that if ya read anything besides Daring Do," she teased, poking my side.

"Oh, sorry I don't read textbooks over and over like a normal pony," I wrapped a foreleg around her shoulder and remembered a little secret I'd discovered about little miss bookworm: she was extremely ticklish around her ribs. I'm talkin' like, just a brush against them would send her into a laughing fit. Besides, it wasn't like she'd remember it, right?

"Rainbow, no! S-stop! P-please!" she giggled.

"What's that, Twi? I can't hear you! You'll have to talk a bit clearer than that!" I said as my hooves ran along her side quickly.

Luckily for us, the river was a good distance from town, or she'd have woke up half of Ponyville. Eventually, my hooves got tired and I let her breathe. Afterwards, she kept my hoof around her and even pulled me closer! I didn't know it if was the booze talking or what, but I wasn't about to push her away. Right when I was about to suggest we head home, she hit me with one of those deep questions I should have known she'd start asking if I hung around long enough.

"Hey, Rainbow?" she mumbled, rubbing her cheek against my shoulder. So she gets more affectionate when she's been drinking. Pinkie's the same way. Nothing unusual about that, right?

"What, Twi?"

“I’m sorry I vomited on you.”

“I know, stop worrying about it.”

Why not just tell the sun to stop shining?

"What are you gonna do if you become a Wonderbolt?"

As often as I daydream about it, I've never actually thought about what becoming a famous stunt flier would mean for my friends. I needed to take some time with this one.

"Uhm... well, I'd probably have to practice a lot more, travel around Equestria with the team, but I'd live here in the off-season. Not to mention having to fight off the photographers and the groupies—"

"The Wonderbolts have groupies?" she asked, lifting her head off my shoulder to look at me. If I didn't know any better, I would have swore those purple eyes shone with concern instead of moonlight.

"Uh, I mean I guess they would, but I don't know for sure," I backpedaled. She set her head back down against my shoulder. It was starting to go numb, but I didn't dare move it.

"What about you, Twi? What crazy science dream of yours do you want to happen?"

She nuzzled my side this time, and was even bold enough to throw her other foreleg across my chest. It's a good thing it was dark, because my face was as red as AJ's apples.

"When I was a filly, I would pretend to be a book princess."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I mean, come on. A book princess? Only Twilight.

"Don't laugh!" she snapped, rolling her back towards me. I rubbed a hoof across her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't mean to laugh, it's just a book princess is so... you, you know?"

She tilted her head over her shoulder and glared back at me.

"I said I was sorry!" I exhaled, "I promise I won't laugh again."

After a second or two, she rolled back over, though she kept her forelegs folded across her chest.

"Anyway, I was a book princess, and all the ponies loved me and wanted to be my friend because I was so smart."

"Yeah? Then what?"

"I wanted to solve everypony's problems with my intelligence, and then the ponies would want me to be their regular princess, and love me and be my friends forever," she said before yawning. I got the feeling that liquor brought out both filly Twilight and drunk Twilight. Honestly, I felt kinda bad for her. I never had trouble making friends—I was actually one of the cool kids at flight camp. I hadn't ever thought about how tough it must have been for Twilight, cooped up in that castle all day while other foals got to go home to their parents and have a normal foalhood.

"That's a pretty good dream, Twi." She unfolded her forelegs and slung one across me again.

"Yeah, I thought so too. But it was just a silly dream," she sighed.

"Hang on a sec, it's not silly!" I replied, turning face to face with the flushed cheeks and wide purple eyes I'd found comfort in the past half hour. "You've helped Ponyville more times than I can remember with your smarts, and you've got plenty of ponies who would love to call you their friend, and five that do!"

She smiled weakly. "Really?"

"Yes, really!" I said, brushing her mane out of her eyes.

"Thanks, Rainbow," she said with another yawn. Her breath was terrible. Seriously, the entire little moment we'd just had was beaten to death with a stick by that awful breath of hers. I thought it was about time to head back.

"Can we go home now?" she slurred, looking at me with half-lidded eyes.

"Yeah, let's go, it's not a long walk anyway," I said, making sure she could actually walk before removing my wing from across her back.

She laughed, "You were right, Rainbow... I had so much fun tonight!"

I had to admit, I had never seen this side of Twilight before. She usually had one drink, two max. But this time she went all out, and I kinda liked it.

"Told ya you would. When are you gonna start listening to me?"

"When you and Rarity stop arguing!" she laughed. I did too.

"So hey, what did you do in flight school?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You said you knew about stallions 'cause of flight school. Did you let one... rut you?"

No way sober Twilight would have asked that question. Still, I was sure she wouldn't remember any of this, so there's no harm in telling her, right?

"No, I didn't let any stallions 'rut me'. Gilda and I—well—we fooled around sometimes, but it wasn't anything serious."

Twilight gasped, "You, and a griffon? Rarity always told me she thought inter-species relations were too kinky for a 'proper lady'," she said, imitating her over-dramatic gestures.

"Rarity? She's not as 'proper' as you might think."

"Really?" she gasped, sounding pretty interested. Even though I knew she'd never remember this conversation, this wasn't the place to go telling Rarity's secrets. Now matter how... kinky they were.

"Forget I said anything."

Under the pale moonlight, we finally came up on her treehouse in the distance.

"So, you think Spike'll be awake?" I asked as we got to the door.

"Ha, no way, he's usually out by nine," she said, pushing it open and flopping down onto the floor.

"Uh, wouldn't you rather sleep in your bed?"

"No, here is fine," she whispered, almost asleep right there in front of her door. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her underneath her forelegs. I was careful to avoid banging her hind legs on every step, but she probably wouldn't have felt it anyway. Once I got her to bed, I pulled the blanket over her and was about to leave when she stopped me.

"Where you goin'?"

"Home, Twilight."

"No, it's too late. Come lay with me for a second."

I swear, if it wasn't for that tone of hers, I'd have already been gone. Something about the want in her voice just... made me cave.

"Alright, but only for a second, okay?"

I could see her smile in the moonlight, like a foal who'd just convinced her mom to give her a cookie before bed (guess I’m not that bad with metaphors!). She slid over, and I crawled in beside her. Believe me, I had every intention of leaving after I thought she'd fallen asleep. But sometimes, a bed is a bed, and hers wasn't that bad—for something not made of clouds.

Before long, I was out cold, and so was she. The bed was kinda small for two ponies, but she didn't mind.

To be honest... neither did I.