• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,475 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

  • ...

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Act II - Ch. 7 Forlorn

Here it is: the first chapter of Act II! Below, any comments from my beta-reader.

{Insert beta comments here!} I guess I might as well add something, why not? Hmm, this is my first time actually writing a note for someone else’s work, it’s a little odd to be honest. I have in fact created an account here like the good little beta-reader I am, not that there’s really anything there yet. If I know Autocharth, and I do, he’ll probably stick in a link to it somewhere once he reads this.

{Auto’s Interjection: Hey! You don’t know that...I mean, yes I was going....but I could have....ngh *throws up arms in surrender*.}

In any case, I’m glad to see that there’s so many people who’ve taken a liking to this story, even those who aren’t fans of or have never played the Diablo series. I’m actually guilty of the latter and know next to nothing of the series, but this story is sorely tempting me to give it a try. Who knows? {End of beta comments!}

Well isn’t that interesting. Here's the link she predicted: Merujea, my beta/pre-reader

Many sub-plots starting here, even if I’m not sure I’m completely happy with this chapter. But it’s the best I feel I can get it.


Chapter 7 Forlorn


“Oh goody! I think he’s waking up!”

As things to have shouted in your ear go that was actually rather helpful. For one thing, Tyrael knew there were at least two people nearby and the identity of one was certain.

A hoof shook him, eliciting a quiet groan before he could stop it.

“Come on, you sleepy-head. Even Dashie doesn’t sleep for a week! Aww, I’d hate it if Dashie napped for a week. How would we go pranking and it would make Scootaloo real sad if she didn’t get to watch her do tricks for a whole week!” the same voice rambled on with no sign of stopping.

Tyrael forced his eyes open, just in time to see a pair of purple hooves dragging Pinkie out of his face.

“Pinkie, calm down. Paladin has been out of it for a while, he’ll need some space.” Twilight sternly told off the party pony, although he detected some excitement in the unicorn’s voice.

He was, judging from the bookshelf just visible at the corner of his eye, in the library. Twilight and Pinkie were just out of reach. With a start Tyrael realised he was on something more comfortable than the cot he had been using. He glanced down and as he suspected was lying in a bed.

“You live.” He tried to say. It came out as a rough croak and suddenly Tyrael was coughing. From the bedside table a glass of water floated up to him which he quickly drained.

“Yepple doodle dandy!” Pinkie confirmed somewhat redundantly. She giggled. “Of course we are! With your super-duper life-force, how could we not be alive? I’ve never felt so alive! It’s like I’m just bursting with aliveness. Ohh, I’ve been having the best week ever! I didn’t even need to sleep for the first couple days. Mr and Mrs Cake were so happy that I could look after the twins when they cried at night and since I just love making ponies happy and they’re like in my top ten favourite ponies to make happy-”

“Please stop.” Tyrael asked, holding back a groan. By the Courts, he had never felt so weak. His shell was sore all over.

To everypony’s surprise Pinkie’s lips kept moving but not a sound escaped her mouth.

Twilight stared at her friend for a moment before shaking her head. “Oookay.” She smiled brightly at Tyrael. “How are you feeling? You’ve been asleep for a whole week. The Princesses said you would be okay, but, well...Are you alright?” she frowned as he tried get out of the bed, letting out another groan as his battered body protested.

Looking at the unicorn, Tyrael opened his mouth to respond when the door behind her swung open and a blonde maned head looked in.

“Twi’, don’t suppose he’s- Paladin!” Applejack turned to look at something out of sight. “He’s awake! Fluttershy, let RD know an’ if that mule-headed filly still don’t wanna come in it’s her loss. She can go get Rarity.” She turned back to look at the recumbent pegasus with a grin and trotted over.

“Miss Applejack.” He acknowledged her with a nod and started trying to get out of bed again.

“That’s just Applejack to you, sugarcube, and ah’ll thank ye ta stop tryin’ ta move.” The farmpony said firmly, pushing him back down.

His features flickered to indignation for a split second at being forced back by a mere pony but thankfully none of the ponies seemed to notice.

Weak.’ A voice whispered in his mind. He shook the thought away and focused on Applejack.

“Ah gotta say, it’s good ta see you awake. Everypony’s been gettin’ a bit worried even if tha Princess said ye just needed a rest.” she was saying.

“Everypony?” Tyrael asked with a frown. His frown was partly from the way his shell was getting tired again.

Pinkie nodded happily. “Oh yeah, when Twilight explained that you saved us by giving us your life-force the Mayor and a whole load of other ponies were around to hear it! Everypony knows you saved the day!”

“And we’re all mighty grateful to ya, make no mistake there sugarcube” added Applejack. “Considerin’ what ya gave up to save us, well...”

Tyrael nodded, distracted by the increasing weight of his eyelids. It was taking far too much effort to just keep them open. “It was...I had...ah.” he moaned slightly, struggling against the sluggishness of mind overtaking him.

He barely noticed when Twilight gently gripped the blanket with her magic and pulled it up. “We can talk later.” She said softly.

As darkness claimed him once again, Tyrael’s eyes glanced at Twilight’s forehead.

Her horn....


Twilight closed the door as quietly as she could after the three of them had left Paladin to sleep. She looked at her friends with a smile on her lips.

“I think we can relax. I told you we should trust what the Princesses told us.” She told them. Almost without thought she returned to the book she had been reading before Pinkie arrived saying her ear was flicking. Apparently an ear flick and a woonzy tail meant somepony was waking up. A dictionary on obscure words, titled ‘Volume W’, joined her other book.

Fluttershy stepped into the library. She saw the three of them and sighed slightly in disappointment. “He’s asleep again, isn’t he?” she murmured sadly.

Pinkie bounced over and gave the timid pegasus a wide smile; “Yep! But don’t worry, next time your Auntie Pinkie’ll come get you straight away!” she beamed happily, missing the faintly exasperated look on Fluttershy’s face.

Walking past, Applejack herself wore a somewhat similar expression. She looked out the door with an air of annoyance. “Where’s that darned pegasus got to? Ah still need ta have a talk ta her.”

“Oh, weren’t you here to see Paladin?” Fluttershy asked with surprise evident in her voice.

The farmpony shook her head. “’Fraid not sugarcube, just got lucky Ah guess. Was lookin’ fer Rainbow when Pinkie found me, yammering that Paladin was gonna wake up.” She sighed. “Thought Ah was in luck, findin’ her here but she’s run off again.”

Twilight looked up from the book she was reading, catching the faint echo of disapproval in Applejack’s voice.

“Is something wrong?” she inquired curiously. A slight frown made its way onto her face. “She didn’t pull some stupid prank did she?”

“Nah, wasn’t nothing like that.” Applejack snorted.

Pinkie let out a loud, exaggerated sigh of relief. “Wowie, I was worried for a second! Dashie hasn’t wanted to go pranking all week and I’d hate to miss out!”

“Don’t you worry about that Pinkie, unless ya count not bringing me some rain like she promised a ‘prank’” grumbled Applejack.

This got a look of surprise from Fluttershy. “That doesn’t sound like Rainbow Dash at all. I thought she always brought the rain you asked for.”

Applejack nodded at that. “Normally she does, even if she leaves it ta the last minute. But since, y’know, what happened, Ah ain’t see a single feather of hers near the farm.” She suddenly frowned. “Now Ah think about it, really ain’t seen her much over the past week. Nearly caught her once or twice but she’s always harin’ off someplace real quick like.”

“She might just be busy...although...I haven’t seen much of her either. Today was the first time other than when the Princess- the Princess!” Twilight gasped. “I forgot! She asked me to let her know the moment Paladin awoke! Spike!” she galloped away, shouting for her assistant.

“Guess that’s our cue ta head off.” Applejack said with a chuckle at Twilight’s usual reaction to something involving her mentor. “Ah better get lookin’ fer RD. Ah’ll see ya’ll later.”

With a tip of her hat Applejack trotted out the door and towards Carousel Boutique. If her luck held, Rainbow Dash would be on her way back from telling Rarity Paladin had woken up. The farmpony kept her senses on alert, watching for a signature rainbow-trail. She was certain Dash would be on her way back by now.


“The door is open!” Rarity called out when somepony pounded on the door to her store. “Do please come in.”

The knocking stopped and a long moment in which the door decidedly did not open went past.

Not looking up from her delicate work, Rarity resisted the urge to call out again. There was a certain amount of volume that was unbefitting of a lady, not to mention it would upset her work.

A sharp knock startled her and Rarity’s magic winked out of sight for a second. The scissors, needles, fabric and various other tools of her trade went tumbling down and were only saved at the last minute.

A delicate scowl on her face Rarity looked to the source of the knock and found a certain chromatic maned pegasus looking in through the window.

Rarity had always had an eye for detail, and of particular notice to her were the appearances of other ponies. Rainbow Dash had always been scruffy, but looking at her now Rarity was taken aback. ‘Are those...bags under her eyes? Rainbow Dash of all ponies has not been getting enough sleep?’ the fashionista thought. The window slid open at the behest of Rarity’s magic and without the glass in the way she got an even clearer sight of her friend.

Of immediate attention was the mess that was Rainbow’s mane. It was always somewhat uncared for beyond a single shampoo lather, if Rarity was any judge and she most certainly was, but now it was far worse. Though other ponies might not have spotted this it was immediately obvious to her.

“Rainbow Dash my dear! You look simply a fright.” A lady was always tactful but the pegasus would likely not get it if she tried being more subtle.

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash deadpanned. Though the window was open she remained outside. “Here I was coming to tell ya about Paladin, but if you’re just gonna go on about my mane...” she trailed away threatening.

Rarity waved her hooves frantically. “Paladin? Is he awake at last? Please darling, I simply must thank him as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, he woke up according to ‘Shy.” Rainbow’s lips spread in a grin, though it seemed a shadow of her usual cocky expression. “You better hurry, how bad would it be if he’d gone back to sleep before you arrived?” she teased.

“Oh goodness, you have a point! Would you be a dear and get my saddlebags from upstairs?” asked Rarity as she began to look for something. Her eyes wondered over a mirror in time to catch Rainbow’s grin fading.

“Uh, I’m...I’m fine here.” The pegasus replied uneasily.

Rarity fought back a pout. “Really now, it really would help me if you could just ‘dash’ up there. I would hate to miss Paladin when he was awake and you are oh so quick.” Though she continued to search, Rarity kept one eye on the mirror and her friend’s reflected expression.

“I’m sure you have enough time. It’ll be fine.” Rainbow Dash reassured her with an obviously forced grin.

Something is going on here. She can be lazy but normally Rainbow Dash would be at least willing to do that. I even phrased it to compliment her speed! Either she doesn’t want to help or she doesn’t want to come in. I hope I did not do something to offend her.

Rarity fought an internal struggle for a moment before giving in. Much as she wanted to thank Paladin making sure nothing was wrong with her friend came first. Giving up searching, she looked directly at Rainbow Dash.

Another oddity. Instead of leaning on the windowsill like she would except of Rainbow, the pegasus was hovering foot away from the window. Rarity frowned, intensely curious about what was going on now.

“Rainbow, dear, would you come here for just one moment?” she asked, keeping her voice light.

“Uhhh....no?” Rainbow Dash offered weakly. She flushed when she realised that the fashionista wasn’t going to let her get away with that. “I mean, no I need to, uh...get back to Twilight’s! Yeah, that’s it! I’ll fly back and let them know you’re coming!” she grinned, the expression once again clearly forced.

The fashion-pony wasn’t going to let her get away yet. “Rainbow! Hold on quickly, if you would be so kind. Why are you avoiding coming inside?” Cut right to the core of the issue, that was a language Dash would understand.

“I’m not...pfft, why would I do that?” the pegasus tried to laugh it off to little effect. Rarity had now levelled a very serious stare at her. Not quite a glare, but close. “Why would I be afraid of coming inside your stupid store?” She tried, clearly attempting to rile Rarity up.

The unicorn raised one perfectly groomed eyebrow. “Dear, I never said you were afraid of coming inside.”

Rainbow Dash flinched and gulped. She looked in every direction but towards Rarity. “Wow, would you look at the time I gotta go see ya!” With that she shot off, a rainbow trail in her wake.

That was certainly food for thought.’ Rarity closed the window, her mind working feverishly. ‘I really did think she just did not want to come in but she said afraid...no, no, that is simply ridiculous! Rainbow Dash has charged recklessly at dragons and monsters. Why would she of all ponies be afraid of coming into my store?

She wouldn’t be, clearly, yet just as clearly she had avoided entering Carousel Boutique. Was there something wrong with the building? Rarity could imagine her cocky friend deciding it might be ‘uncool’ to be seen entering a place of fashion, but it still seemed odd.

You could not look into mirrors for the first few days without feeling awkward.’ Rarity reminded herself fiercely. It was true. Though she could not explain it, for the first few days after the whole ‘Black Root Incident’ as some ponies called it she had been unable to stand looking in any reflective surface. Of course, considering how many were scattered through Carousel Boutique she had gotten over it rather quickly.

Sighing, Rarity decided to talk to the others at Twilight’s to find out if they had noticed any odd behaviour from Rainbow Dash.

“At the very least I must convince her to come to the spa. Her mane...” Rarity shuddered to herself as she spoke her thoughts aloud.

It took her a few minutes to gather the last of what she would need. Rarity’s magic had barely settled on the door before it opened on its own to reveal Applejack.

“Howdy there sugarcube.” The farmpony nodded at Rarity as she walked in. “Don’t suppose Rainbow Dash told ya that Paladin woke up?”

Rarity nodded eagerly. “Indeed she did! I was just on my way to visit.”

Applejack shook her head. “Sorry ta tell ya, but he’s already sleepin’ again.”

“Oh, how unfortunate.” Rarity sighed and her magic lifted her saddlebags off her back. “And I was so looking forward to getting his measurements.”

“Ah, measurements?” asked Applejack, lifting an eyebrow curiously.

Sighing dramatically Rarity nodded. “Oh yes. As thanks for his most valiant actions I am going to make him the most wondrous suit my talent could produce! It is hardly a fitting reward for saving Sweetie Belle and us, but I hope it might convey my gratitude.”

A thoughtful look came to Applejack’s face. “Ah been thinkin’ about findin’ some way to thank him as well. Seems least ah can do after what he gave up for us.”

“Oh indeed. Tell me, has Twilight found anything that might help the dear colt?” Rarity inquired, frowning as she remembered their shock when they found Paladin. “I do hope he took it well.”

“Not that she’s told me. Didn’t get a chance ta tell ‘im, not that ah’m all that eager to ta tell ya the truth.” admitted Applejack regretfully.

Rarity smiled at that. “Darling, whenever do you not? Now, might I ask why you have come to me? Rainbow Dash led me to believe she had been sent to let me know already.”

A look of irritation came over Applejack’s face. “Good ta know she can at least do that.” She snorted angrily.

Now it was Rarity’s turn to lift an eyebrow in an expression of curiosity. “Darling, is something wrong?” she asked. Inside, she was thinking ‘Ah HA!

Applejack shook her head, mane flying about at the force. “Nothin’ ta concern you sugarcube. That darn filly ain’t been bringin’ any rain. Every time Ah see her she promises ta do it and flies off before Ah can get another word out!” she huffed, glancing back outside in hopes of seeing the source of her ire.

“Hmmm” Rarity hummed thoughtfully. ‘Now, that certainly is something.’ She roused from her contemplations, seeing Applejack shooting her a suspicious look.

“Ah know that kinda ‘hmm’ from you Rarity.” Applejack accused. “Ye think something there’s somethin’ goin’ on.”

“Perhaps, darling, perhaps.” said Rarity grandly. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “When you saw her, did she look a little...unkempt to you?”

Applejack gave her a flat stare and eventually said “Rare, this is RD we’re talkin’ about here. ‘Unkempt’ describes her perfectly.”

Resisting the need to roll her eyes Rarity stared back. “I mean more unkempt?”

“Ah...suppose so. A little. Ya know Ah ain’t one ta ask about manes,” pointed out Applejack, scrunching her face up as she tried to remember. “Why ya askin’?

Reprimanding Applejack that she would give herself wrinkles would not help the conversation, Rarity reminded herself. “Well, when she came to tell me I noticed some most peculiar behaviour and, to my shock, bags under her eyes! Not only were they hideous things that completely stain dear Rainbow’s face but-”

“Bags? As in the thing ya get from not gettin’ enough sleep?” Applejack interrupted, disbelief in her voice. “Ya can’t be serious. This is Rainbow Dash we’re talkin’ about. That mare sleeps half the day away up in them clouds.”

Rarity nodded. “Oh indeed, I thought exactly the same thing when I first saw them. Not only that, but when I asked for her assistance gathering my things so I could visit Paladin she completely refused. Would not take a step into the store.” As she spoke she began to unpack her bags.

“Uh, I dunno how ta tell ya this Rare but RD ain’t exactly the sort to help if she don’t think it’s worth the effort. Not ta talk her down, but if she don’t think it’s important she’s got a habit of writin’ it off as bein’ a waste of time.” Following her friend as she laid out her tools where they belonged, Applejack found her thoughts drifting back over her scant conversations with Rainbow Dash in the past week.

“Ah, but you see my dear Applejack I heard a most troubling admission from the lips of Rainbow herself!” Rarity gave her friend a significant look. “I merely asked why she was avoiding coming inside but Rainbow Dash got rather disturbed and said she was not afraid of coming inside. A classic Freudian slip if ever I heard one!”

“Afraid? You sure she just didn’t hear ya wrong?”

“Of course not, darling! My enunciation is perfect” Asserted the unicorn confidently. “I suspect something troubles our dear Rainbow Dash, and as not only fellows Elements but as her friends I feel we must do our best to help!” Rarity declared, striking a pose with one hoof over her heart.

“Uh-huh.” For her part, Applejack just looked sceptically at the fashion pony. “Well, she seems ta be avoidin’ comin’ ta the farm and flies off every time Ah see her. Ah’m guessin’ if there is something wrong she ain’t gonna want to talk about it properly. Got any ideas?”

The smile Rarity gave her was more than a little sinister. “Oh, but you only have to ask!”


Twilight closed her book, fighting back a yawn. Her magic returned the book to its place and she began to tidy up the last of the night’s research. Spike was shoving away, Peewee napping on his scaly head. Smiling softly, Twilight gently lifted him and set off for bed herself.

On the way she glanced into Paladin’s room. The bed they had brought to rest him on dominated most of the room, being the only one that could fit a pony of his size. He was still there, though he twitched in his sleep occasionally.

That’s a good sign.’ Twilight reminded herself. She shuddered slightly, remembering his limp, cut up shape when they had found him in the Everfree Forest. He had barely moved a muscle the whole trip back and remained dead to the world until today.

Let’s not use that particular wording again.’ she thought after a moment’s contemplation.

Trotting upstairs, Twilight began her usual mental check list of things accomplished during the day. ‘No new information about what happened to Paladin. Even giving up so much of his life-force shouldn’t have had that effect.’ Settling Spike into his bed and making sure he wasn’t going to roll over Peewee while he slept, her thoughts were carried down another tangent.

I still can’t find anything to explain why Paladin had so much life-force either. The amount of energy he gave us should have burnt his soul out completely.’ That was an idea that could give nightmares. It was possible for magic users to ‘burn out’ their magic, utilising so much that they had none left at all and even if they did their bodies couldn’t handle the strain of it. Twilight herself had the highest recorded limit in a unicorn without serious augmentation by support spells. Technically, a few theorists claimed, anypony with the right knowledge and circumstances could use their soul as fuel to power magic even if they were not a unicorn.

The price, however, was steep. Use too much and a soul could no longer support its own existence. Starswirl the Bearded had compared it to taking the supports in a house out to use as raw material for something else. Eventually you took too much and it fell inwards. If that happened the soul would simply...stop. It would be no more. No longer exist in any form.

Tucking her sheets up, Twilight dismissed her concerns. Paladin had survived. He had lost something precious but with both Twilight and the Princesses on the case she was certain they would find a solution.

She let that comforting thought go as she drifted to sleep, her dreams washing over her mind like a gentle tide of light.


”Onwards, brothers!” Twilight roared. “Strike them down before their forces complete the rift!”

Before her a white sea of mist spread above in every direction and massive stalagmites seemed to jut from its depths. Her leg, no, it was an arm and it was covered in shining metal, was held before her. At its end a...a claw? It was like Spike’s claws, but it had five digits with more joints and rounded tips. Whatever it was, it pointed a single digit downwards.

She felt her body – was it her body? It didn’t feel right – move, leaping forward. She experienced a moment of terror, first as she felt herself plummeting and again when she realised what lay before her.

If Twilight could have gasp, she would have.

Hell reared up, a gaping wound in the mists that apparently went below. Like some tremendous blade had cut through the mist to reveal an infernal landscape, an ant’s nest of crawling demons.

To her distress, Twilight’s strange body shot right for the ‘rift’. Blazing light formed in its..hand! That was the word, from a discussion with one of the locals just after Twilight moved to Ponyville. Lyra, if she recalled correctly.

In her hand a blade formed; a massive sword of ornate but clearly deadly make. She swung it and left a trail of white-blue flame in the air as she descended. Though she didn’t know how she knew, Twilight knew she had wings.

This made no sense since she was unicorn, but then again nothing was making sense anyway.

To each side of her beings of metal with wings of light flew. Many held spears, some swords but all were armed and all looked ready to face battle. Their wings were wide and together they formed a wall, blocking the sight of anything in the rift to the ranks behind.

Columns of black smoke rose from the rift, ugly and foul against the pure white clouds that bracketed the rest of the world. As Twilight and her army – army? - approached the smoke columns broke.

Shrieking things, their eyes burning with hate so fierce Twilight could feel it even at this distance, the fliers poured from the smoke columns and shot through the air towards the oncoming attack.

Suddenly Twilight stopped moving. She felt her wings flaring wide. “Now! Break!” she commanded in the voice that was not hers.

The wall of armoured figures broke to reveal a mass of their fellows, each armed with a bow and each bow made with a string of pure light.

The twang of a thousand bows firing filled the air. They shot past Twilight in every direction but she did not turn, did not try to evade. The arrows of light rained into the screaming flocks. The stricken demons – how did she know they were demons? – fell, their bodies torn apart and the skies were hers once more.

She levelled her blade. “Now, my brothers! We must hold them at the rift until the Council arrives!” her voice, or the voice that wasn’t hers, felt like it should be familiar. Like she had heard it at some point.

But as important as it was, the thought was lost as she dived into the rift, blade bisecting a rearing monster, her blade carving through its chest-


Twilight awoke with a gasp. She panted, blinking in the morning light. Her mind scrambled to hold onto the memories of her dream, but they began to slip away like water through...long...things, on the end of a thing...

“Argh.” She muttered, growling under her breath. It had been on the tip of her tongue! For some reason, Twilight’s memory drew up an image of Lyra and she dimly recalled a conversation when they first met.

Dismissing her lingering musing about her dream, Twilight decided she might as well get up. ‘Judging from the sounds Spike is making in the kitchen, I doubt I’ll get much sleep anyway.’ She thought.

Spike was indeed in the kitchen, attempting to gather a meal for himself and Paladin. Her still half-asleep brain failed to acknowledge that Paladin should be in bed himself for about a minute.

Turning to watch, Spike grinned and began the mental countdown. She had just taken her place at the table when her eyes widened and she tried to jump up. The little dragon resisted a snicker as Twilight gave out a cry and tumbled to the floor.

Paladin watched impassively. If anything, his expression was even blander than the few days he had been awake.

“P-Paladin!” cried Twilight, getting back onto her hooves and shooting Spike a glare. “What are you doing up? You only woke up yesterday.”

“I have slept long enough.” His voice was emotionless. “I wish to speak with the Princesses.”

Spike huffed. “First thing he said to me! ‘I want to speak with the Princesses’ and he didn’t even say good morning.”

“Uh, okay. I’ll send a letter after breakfast. Are you sure you don’t want to go back to bed?” Twilight asked, concern in her voice. There was something wrong with him. His expression and his eyes were...empty.

“I am fine. I must speak with them.” Though there was still little emotion is his words, Paladin’s tone became firm.

She hesitated for a moment, building up her courage. Clearly he had noticed, and he was reacting...badly.

“Um, Paladin? I’m sure we can find a way to get it back.” She said reassuringly.

“What?” his gaze had drifted away but now it snapped back to her, confusion and alarm in his eyes.

Twilight put all her confidence, whether she felt it or not, into her words. “I promise I’ll find a way to get your cutie mark back. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey-ahh!” she let out a shriek as she rammed her hoof into her still open eye.

He stared at for a moment before sighing and walking out of the room, leaving Spike to his giggling and Twilight on the floor once again.


It was with some delight that Celestia found a scroll from her favourite unicorn forming in front of her.

Glancing to her sister as she unrolled it, Celestia smiled. “I had a feeling our visitor would awaken again quickly.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Hath-


Has he awoken then? It would be most disappointing if you had cleared your schedule for the day and he did not awake.” The dark alicorn commented.

“Oh yes, and it seems he wishes to speak with us.” Celestia gave her sister a significant look. “I doubt he will welcome the news.”

“He will not.” agreed Luna. “But we will have to tell him. He likely realises it as well. So much lost...sister, do you truly think there is hope for his recovery?” she asked hesitantly after a moment of thought.

Celestia sighed. “I do not know. We still do not understand much of his nature; that his soul was pure enough to match the Elements alone is amazing. I doubt he would have intended to drain himself so thoroughly, the Elements presents in the girls may very well have inadvertently taken more from him then he wished to give. Like calls to like and his power was flowing into them.”

Something flashed in the Solar alicorn’s mind, a memory of light and darkness. It was there for but a moment before disappearing.

“Sister? ‘Tia, is something wrong?” blinking, Celestia focused on her sibling’s suddenly close face.

“My word” Was all she said for a moment. “I...oh, I just got lost in daydreams, Luna.” Celestia explained it away, though inwardly she frowned. ‘It felt like...something I should know but don’t.

Luna lifted an eyebrow, her expression unconvinced. “Very well.” Her tone made it clear she was letting it pass for now. “Shall we depart for Ponyville?”

“The sooner this is done, the sooner we can search for a solution.” Celestia stood, following her sister out to balcony. A few seconds whispering to a servant sent word of their departure, so nopony would panic. She had learned the hard way to make sure her ponies knew when she meant to be absent.

With that done, the Royal Pony Sisters took to the skies, soaring straight to Ponyville.


It took little time for them to arrive, unburdened by escorts or chariots. Celestia worked magic as they approached, their forms shimmering for a moment in the light before seemingly vanishing. She really had no wish to cause a commotion, necessitating some stealth.

The reaction from Twilight, finding Celestia and Luna outside her door, gave the white alicorn some guilty amusement. A pony passing by gave Twilight an odd look as she spoke to the empty air and Celestia reminded herself to let her student know next time she was the only one seeing through the invisibility spell.

They strode in quickly and Celestia let the magic fade.

Tyrael awaited them.

“We must talk.”

Twiligth’s jaw dropped and she spluttered, incoherent with shock for a few seconds. She rallied, Celestia thought, magnificently. Considering the amount of times she had watched courtiers have to do the same, she knew it very well.

“P-Paladin! This is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! You can’t just...just speak to them like that.” Twilight snapped, giving both alicorns a nervous smile before turning back to reprimanding her guest.

Before she could go on, Celestia coughed lightly. “It is perfectly alright. You know I am not one for constant formality. Now, I regret but I must ask you to leave us for a short time, Twilight. I am sure you have errands to run.”

“Um, okay.” Trying to mask her confusion, Twilight grabbed her saddlebags. “There were a few things I needed to take care of...”

“Twilight Sparkle, there may be one more.” Luna glanced at her sister out of the corner of her eye. “You may wish to clear up any misunderstanding as only you could see us when we arrived. I fear you may have looked...” she struggled for the correct word for a moment before finishing “...odd speaking to nopony.”

The unicorn facehoofed and nodded, “I had better go find some way to cut off the rumours before they grow too large. I swear, Ponyville’s one big flaw is its rumour mills.”

A minute later Twilight was gone, and silence had the floor between the three divine beings.

Celestia and Luna exchanged looks, some silent communication between them.

“How much have I lost?” Tyrael’s solemn voice broke the silence. “I can no longer tell myself.”

“Nearly everything” admitted Celestia. “Your mind remains as it was, but even what you had when you arrived is drained. There is, perhaps, some little left but...”

“It may not be enough.” He said for her. For a moment the wall behind his eyes that hid his emotions disappeared and regret shown through them. Just as quickly it was gone, locked away once more.

“Sir Tyrael, we must know what you experienced. That the roots linked you we know, and that you used your own soul’s power to save the girls. Surely you need not have given so much power to them.” Luna asked with some reluctance.

“In my foolishness, I gave too much.” Tyrael informed her. “When the root caught my body it attempted to use it to drain my life-force. It did not understand what I was and thus it had no defence. No mortal mind could have done what I did. I stood within the nexus of its own energy, ready to strike it down until I saw them being drained. I could not..” he blinked slowly, a ghost of emotion on his face.

“You could not simply allow them to die.”

He nodded. “Yes. And that was my failing.”

“What?” Luna barked in surprise. “Failing? You saved their lives!”

Unexpectedly, anger came to Tyrael’s equine features. “Yes, I saved them but at what cost? Six lives compared to an entire world!” he growled.

“Entire world? What do you mean?” asked Celestia calmly.

“Exactly what I said, Princess. I was weak, and could not see beyond what lay directly before me. By my actions the world of men is doomed.” Tyrael snarled, taking deep angry breaths. Even as he said the words, he seemed to deflate.

Neither sister said anything, just watching him silently.

“I failed. I...betrayed my purpose.” He muttered, looking down.

Celestia had been around ponies for far longer than any other living creature and could recognise shame when she saw it.

“Your purpose?” Luna asked quietly. There was concern in her voice. “By your words, is that not justice?”

“Justice,” He nodded slowly. “I failed to live up to that ideal.”

“You saved lives!” cried Luna, stamping a hoof angrily. “How could you have failed?”

Tyrael snorted. “Were you not listening? I had two paths open to me. Had I simply struck down the root and allowed them to die I would have the power to return. I could be preventing the inevitable march of Hell. I chose to save six lives when my responsibility lay in saving millions.”

Both sisters watched the stranger clad in the form of a pony. He had spent only hours in their company but such a creature made an impression. He had displayed confidence even when weakened, a will to continue despite what had befallen him.

Now, Tyrael seemed empty. The rigid control over his body, a struggle to master such a strange form that seemed determined to do things its own way was gone.

“You judge yourself too harshly. There exists no being that can forever avoid mistakes.” Celestia pointed out, coming to his side. “I thought I would have it known I do not think you made a mistake.”

“I am sure you do not.” Tyrael agreed.

“So you are just giving up?” an incredulous Luna demanded.

His head shot up and Tyrael was clearly none too pleased to hear her words. “What might I do? There lies but one force in this realm close to my nature and though I felt it for only moments I could feel it. It is too different from me, too...soft.”

“The Elements of Harmony.” Celestia remarked, looking at him curiously. “Did Twilight explain them to you?”

Tyrael shook his head. “No. When I ventured into the nightmares the thing within the Heart crafted to weaken them, I beheld their souls. I saw the moments of glory which burned like an endlessly coloured sun in my vision. Perfect harmony such that a thousand angels could be born from it, channelled through six aspects.”

The exact meaning of how it might birth more of his kind was left for later as the sisters fell deeper into the conversation.

“Yet you call if soft.” Luna observed.

He snorted. “It is soft. There is time when mercy must be put aside so Justice might be delivered. This force I felt, it cannot do such a thing. It is of perfect harmony, but harmony of life. It will destroy nothing. Scatter and weaken, strip of its power, it will do all those things to a threat; but kill? It will not, it cannot, bring ultimate justice.” As he spoke, Tyrael’s voice became firmer and he fixed them with a suddenly steady gaze.

“You speak as though this is wrong.” Celestia murmured. “Were it not such a force, my sister would not be here today.” She brushed Luna’s flank with her own, a silent reassurance.

“It is weak. I felt the fear from within the Heart. It knew the Elements, it had felt its touch before. I have not had long to ponder what I felt in the last moments before it released me but I believe I know.” His nostrils were flaring in an unconscious gesture. Celestia chose not to point this out to him, doubting it would improve his mood. “I saw its taint in their memories.”

“Nightmare Moon,” Luna broke in, quiet and solemn.

Tyrael nodded. “The creature dwelling within the Heart was the remnants of the thing you call Nightmare Moon. Much of what it was is gone, ‘purified’ into harmless energy and returned to you. But the mind behind, the force that directed it remained.”

“The Elements of Harmony defeated Nightmare Moon within our ancient palace, deep in the Everfree.” said Celestia. “I...feared that some of it had escaped but my magic could find nothing.”

“The Nightmare was devious.” Luna added with a sigh. “I wish I could say this is some trait from me, but I fear not. To bury itself deep within a living thing and hide its presence as it did is something I doubt I could conceive.”

“Another new facet; you speak of it as a separate entity. An outside force,” Tyrael noted.

Luna hesitated, her expression becoming uncertain. “I am...not sure. I would wish it were so, but I will not attempt to explain away what happened as not my fault. Whether Nightmare Moon was something which crept into my heart in my weakness or not, by the end of my imprisonment it had gained enough power to be separate. I fear that I am merely its...weakness. That Nightmare Moon abandoned anything that would hold it back and I am that.”

“Luna, do not say that.” Celestia swept a wing over Luna’s side, holding her close. “Whatever made Nightmare Moon, however it came to be, none of that matters anymore. What matters is that it is done and gone. The issue here and now is Tyrael.” She focused her attention back on the pegasus.

“Indeed. The Elements are weak. They should have simply erased the Nightmare entirely.”

“My sister may have died!” argued Celestia fiercely.

“That is beside the point. It is the only force that could possibly reignite my power, and without a medium that can connect it to me its strength can never co-exist with mine.” Tyrael sighed and looked away from them. “You can no more mix water with solid stone then you can my power and the Elements.”

They were silent for a few minutes, digesting their conversation individually.

“And so you give up hope.” at last, Celestia spoke again.

Tyrael sighed once more. “I do not wish to. If there was another way, I would seek it.”

“I fear not. Believe me when I say that my sister and I have scoured the reaches of Equestria and there is no force like the Elements. None that would be kin to you, at least.” The news washed over Tyrael without a reaction.

“I see.”

Luna trotted over, leaning down next to Tyrael. “What will you do?”

“I...I do not know.” He admitted. Tyrael chuckled sadly, “How strange. I do not know what I will do. That is something that has never happened to me. Always, I have known what I must do, for an Archangel is never without purpose.” As he spoke, something seemed to spark in his eyes and he fell silent.

The alicorns watched him curiously. “Tyrael?” Luna prompted him.

“I know what I must do. I must give up on what I have lost. If there is to be any justice from my mistake, a new Archangel must be born.” He spoke calmly, without inflection.

“What do you mean?”

He smiled coldly. “When an Archangel falls, another will be born from the Crystal Arch when a moment of perfect harmony occurs. If another is to be born, I must no longer attempt to claim I am what I once was. To be Archangel is to be the spirit of an aspect of Anu. I have failed, and I relinquish my claim on the Seat of Justice. Let Tyrael be no more.”

“Then who are you?” Celestia gazed at him intently. Deep inside her, ancient secrets unlocked and flooded into her mind. “You have been Archangel since the dawn of creation. Who is left if you are Tyrael no longer?

“I am he no longer. I am Paladin.” He said, with a trace of bitterness, and turned away. “Please, Princesses, I ask that you let me sleep. I am...weary.”

Luna lifted a hoof, protests already lining up.

A white hoof nudged her, and Celestia shook her head. Confused but trusting, Luna said nothing.

“Very well...Paladin. Rest well. We hope to speak with you again.”

He said nothing in reply, simply nodding and trotting back to his room.


“Sister! Why did you have us leave?” Luna blurted the moment they were in the air.

Celestia made a tutting sound at her sibling’s obvious anger. “Please, Luna, control yourself. You must understand; Tyrael is an ancient being, older then us by far and he has never lost certainty. He has made a choice he now regrets and now believes he willing chose to put what he wanted above the ‘justice’ he sought.”

“But...he saved their lives! He must realise that if he just let them die-”

“He might already be on his way to his home, ready to guard it once again.” Celestia cut her off. “There is no point denying that. He must see that his sacrifice is worth it, and all hope is not lost.”

Luna’s expression betrayed her scepticism. “Truly? Do you know of a way he might return to what he once was?”

“Not at all.” Celestia replied cheerfully.

Her sister said nothing for a few seconds, her facial features frozen.

Before Luna could explode, she added “But I have a plan.”

Luna set out a heavy sigh of relief. “Oh thank you, I was worried for a moment. What is your plan, sister?”

“I’m going to let him have his way, for now. In time I have faith that he will see that there is no mistake that cannot be forgiven.” She beamed without any sign of worry. “If not, well, I have little doubt that even ‘reduced’ he will do great things. The fire that burns in him that urges him to seek justice is not extinguished. Just...it needs to be fed a bit. And I can think of no better place for it to find ample fuel than Ponyville.”


Ardleon stared through the field of Pandemonium. He could feel the tear in its fabric, a tunnel across reality.

The ancient resting place of the Eye of Anu, the Worldstone, lay in ruin. Mount Arreat’s now flaming heart was exposed to the elements and the mortals charged with its protection were embroiled in chaos.

Invisible to mortal eyes, the fabric of reality that separated Sanctuary from Pandemonium was threadbare and loose. It was easy to feel the colossal blow it had taken. The destruction wrought upon Sanctuary was nothing compared to the damage on Pandemonium.

Upon his victorious return with Tyrael, Ardleon would make sure to warn the Angiris Council. He could easily imagine one of the remaining Evils using it as an invasion point now that the Eye no longer protected Sanctuary.

But his way lay open. A trail had been left, hidden, but Ardleon had spent a hundred mortal millennia at Tyrael’s side and could feel the remnants left by his passage. Where it led, into the depths of the Pandemonium that only Malthael might know, he could not guess.

“I am coming for you, Tyrael. Regardless of where you have been lost, I will find you.” He declared to the empty void. Already the way was closing, healing and once it was sealed the time it would take to navigate the chaos of ethereal tides could take far longer.

“And if I find you held prisoner, I will free you. Whatever the cost” He snarled, his cold ice-blue wings flaring dangerously.

Ardleon began his journey.


And here’s chapter 7, the first chapter of Act II finished. Not entirely sure I’m completely happy with it, but it begins several plot-lines for this Act and beyond.

On that note, if something going on or said by anypony, say for random example Celestia, doesn’t seem to make sense just remember there’s heaps of time left. If I have it in here, just assume I have a good reason. It will make sense, eventually. That’s the point about this whole story thing: you don’t get the answers straight away!

Anyway I’m again opening it to my beta-reader for any comments.

Strangely, one of the referrals in the stats for this story is like a message saying “argh.do.you.have.an.email.address/you.said.your.prereader.doesn't.have.a.FIMFiction.net.account.but.does.it.occur.to.you.that.other.people.without.an.account.might.want.to.contact.you.as.well.noooooo......”
Really, I don’t see the issue is, it takes like a minute to make an account. Listen, whoever made this just make an account. So easy.

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this and my pre-reader finally has an account (hint hint, god I’m subtle) or put some comments in on what she thinks. Dunno why, just think I’d like it.

Comment and whatnot.

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