• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,476 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

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Act II - Ch. 13 Returning

First of all (well, not really ‘first’) let me just apologise for not updating for like a month. Agh, I hate that. Still, uni is rather busy this time of year. Don’t worry, three weeks and uni will be over so I’ll probably be updating more often.

Admittedly you should be surprised to get an update so shortly after Mists of Pandaria’s release. I’m deeply embroiled in finding and completing every quest and finding every piece of lore on both Horde and Alliance!

Anyway, you don’t want to listen to me ramble about World of Warcraft. Read on, to the story itself!

Oh, minor note: Let me just say again there's no shipping, as I said before, no matter what it might look like one character is trying to 'subtly' bring about. My version of Barricade has likely changed from KnightMysterio's version in a few ways.

RETROACTIVE CHANGE: Changed enough that she is now inspired by Barricade and renamed to Bulwark. In Act III you'll get to see her fleshed out and differentiated a bit more. The source of inspiration is still KnightMysterio's Barricade.

Editor Comments Insert Go!


Chapter 13 Returning


To say things were hectic would be something of an understatement. Ensconced within what was normally a large reception hall, one of its walls a collection of clear windows, Princess Luna, the Elements of Harmony and Paladin awaited the first step of their reaction.

“Have our...fastest guards...prepare...” Princess Luna had wheezed not long ago. “...immediately...”
She swayed on her hooves but made a good show of keeping her royal facade up even as her bones tried to melt. It had lasted until she reached that room and the guards were out of sight.

“Come on, let me up!” Came the howls of a certain rainbow-maned mare.

Applejack kept her weight firmly holding Rainbow Dash down, the brash pegasus restrained from making another solo attempt at flying to Ponville. “No can do sugarcube.”

Rainbow glared at her friend. “Trixie could be getting ready to blow Ponyville to Cloudsdale any second! Let me go kick her flank-”

“Rainbow, she got past Celestia herself. Going alone won’t do much good.” Twilight pointed out, turning away from a book Luna had thrust in her face the moment they got back to the castle proper. “Just calm down.”

The pegasus stamped her hoof on the ground angrily. “Calm down? Calm down? Don’t you care about Ponyville-”

Applejack’s hoof came down next to her head with far more force than Rainbow’s had. She peeked up at her friend’s face and withdrew under the borrowed hat slightly at the farmpony’s expression.

“Yer still outta sorts from bein’ underground, so Ah’m gonna ferget you said that.” Applejack glared at her. “But don’t you dare imply we don’t care about Ponyville just as much as you do.”

Looking down, Rainbow nodded into the ground. “...sorry. I’m just...”

Applejack’s expression softened and she patted Dash on the shoulder. “Ah know sugarcube, ah know. We just need ta trust Princess Luna and Twi’.”

“I guess. I just hate waiting.” Folding her forelegs, Rainbow Dash rested her chin on them and peered at Twilight. “How will reading a book help us anyway?” She asked crossly.

Barely looking away from her book for a second Twilight said “This book has a spell that will let me sense sky magic. The amount in the Apex Crystal should let me find it easily. It’s condensed but with my senses already tuned to magic I should be able to detect it.”

“’Should’?” Looking from where she was rubbing Fluttershy’s shoulders, Rarity frowned. “Darling, I hate to nitpick but ‘should’ is not the most comforting of words to use in this situation.” Curled up on the ground Fluttershy watched Twilight worriedly.

Twilight held her hooves up defensively. “I know, I know. But Princess Celestia is still unconscious and Princess Luna...well...” They all looked at the exhausted royal.

“I am...fine....” Luna muttered, trying to stand. Since her legs felt like jelly this lasted a few seconds before she sank to the floor. Her head came to a rest on the ground. “...although...I may be....in need...of a...nap...before lowering...the moon...” she tried not to think about having to raise the sun in Celestia’s place.

Good thing they had a spare alicorn, even if she was a little on the small side compared to her aunts.

“You see?” Twilight pointed at the princess. “Princess Luna is hardly in any state to help. As soon as the carriage arrives we’ll go. With the fastest fliers in the Guard we can reach Ponyville faster than the train, since we’ll fly directly there rather than follow the train’s circuitous route. Until then, please, I need to concentrate on this.”

The only ones already silent, Paladin and Fluttershy, were joined by the rest. Even Pinkie was managing to be quiet, although this was largely attributed to that sleep-spell that had been cast on her. As much energy as she could put into being happy, the party pony could put an equal amount into being alarmed when the very, very rare mood took her. Hearing her worry about the Cakes and nervously babbling about not being able to throw parties anymore had gotten to Princess Luna more than she wanted to admit.

Using a little of what magic she had left to put Pinkie to sleep was, it turned out, paying off very well.

Tyrael remained standing guard before the only entrance. His expression had not changed since, although he gave off a sense of alertness and ready to move. In fact, he almost put the guards to shame from the aura of immovability and awareness he exuded, his powerful body a rock and roaming eyes vigilant. Luna apparently agreed with this assessment and had ordered the other guards to join the search parties. Her exact words, minus the wheezing, had been:

“Sir Paladin is a more than adequate defender for myself and the Elements, should we be in danger. Unlikely as that is, his abilities are unlikely to be matched by any save the Captains. Now begone.”

Since then he had not moved from the door. Passing servants fled from his piercing gaze and even guardsponies felt like raw recruits when he looked at them. In future whispered conversations, usually over after-shift drinks, they would discuss how it felt like when Steel Buckler was overseeing parade practice but about a hundred times worse.

The fact Pinkie had been on his back when she ‘fell’ asleep and would not let go had managed to not detract from his image.

“Trixie could be blowing Ponyville sky high any second now.” Rainbow Dash insisted once again to Applejack, unable to stay silent for long.

Twilight sighed and looked up, an irritated expression on her face. “Rainbow, I know you’re worried but just let me finish this. Trust me, if it was going to release you and every other pegasi in Equestria would be able to feel it. Presuming she wants to escape the blast herself, Trixie will need time to rework the crystal’s energy so she has time to get far enough away before it blows. The way it is right now, the instant she tries to use it the power would release, too fast for anypony to even teleport away. That’s assuming that’s why she took it.”

“Now Twi’, why else would she take a honking great thing like that?” Applejack sighed. “An’, ah hate ta point out but she’s already done two things you said were impossible. If she was gonna do whatever she did ta the princess and get past all them magic-thingies on the vault, how’d you know she ain’t able to do what you said real fast?”

Now Twilight was looking far more agitated. “Because, Ponyville would already be gone and a storm big enough to cover the continent would already be over ours heads! Now. Let. Me. Read.” She turned back to her book, glowering at the pages.

Her friends exchanged worried looks. Not moving, Tyrael’s eyes darted in her direction as well. The room was silent for a minute save Luna’s haggard breathing and Twilight take deep breaths.

Twilight winced, the heat from her earlier frustration fading away. Sheepishly, her cheeks red, she glanced back up at them. “I’m sorry girls, I just really need to focus.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, her own apologetic expression mirrored on Applejack’s face. “No prob, sorry for interrupting. You get back to your reading, we don’t mind.”

“We’ll give yah peace sugarcube, sorry fer the distraction.” added Applejack with a reassuring smile.

Smiling back Twilight dove back into her book, assured that she had not hurt her friends’ feelings.

A few more minutes passed in silence, broken only by the flick of pages and quiet breathing. At last a guard came galloping up to them. Not sure why but feeling he should, the guard saluted Paladin as he entered.

“Your highness!” He saluted. “The chariots have been prepared. Thunder Cracker, Sky Warp, Star Scream, Air Raid, Silver Bolt and Sling Shot are ready to take the Elements to Ponyville.”

Luna managed a frown. “Was not Star....Scream off-duty....pending investigation....into corruption?”

The guard nodded reluctantly. “He was, your highness, but Captain Bulwark believed the urgency of this mission required his temporary release. She, um, assured me he won’t run away.”

“How does...she know this?” Princess Luna asked sceptically. At least as sceptically as she could with her head buried in the carpet.

The guard gulped nervously. “She, um...the Captain told him she would hunt him down, break his wings and, uh, geld him if he so much as looked like thinking about fleeing.” He admitted after a moment.

Rainbow Dash cracked a grin at that. “Heh, go Bulwark! I’d pay to see that smug feather-plucker’s expression after that.”

Getting off her friend, Applejack helped her up while giving her a confused look. “Y’all know this ‘Star Scream’ fella?” she asked curiously.

“Who doesn’t? Guy was good enough to join the Wonderbolts but was into some totally shady stuff. They’re still investigating him for cheating in competitions he probably would have won anyway!” Rainbow shook her head. “But hay, who cares so long as he gets us to Ponyville fast.”

“She’s right, it doesn’t matter.” Twilight levitated the book before her, still open and reading as she walked. “Let’s go. Paladin, are you alright with carrying Pinkie?”

Paladin considered the pony with her hooves around his neck as best he could from the limits of his sight. His neck could bend only so far, but Pinkie was easy to spot. “I am confident she will be no burden.” He confirmed.

“I will come...as soon as I am able.” Luna wheezed. Her eyes were barely open. “A detachment...has gone ahead...be safe...”

She lifted a hoof in a limp wave as they left. Fluttershy looked concern, but let her friends rush her out.

“Are you sure she’ll be okay?” She asked as they left, her eyes reflecting her sorrow at seeing anypony in pain.

“Fluttershy, darling, I know you’re concerned but she is a princess with a palace of servants. She will be fine. Ponyville and that charlatan Trixie are our concern.” Rarity reassured her as calmly as she could, ignoring her own worries.

Their passage through the halls of the palace was swift, a near gallop, and they emerged into the early morning darkness to find a trio of pegasi-hitched chariots, each with a pair of ponies ready to pull. One, his grey fur revealed beneath patchy white guard’s coat dye that had clearly not been redone in a long time, scowled at them but said nothing. Rainbow Dash snickered at the defensive positioning of his rear legs.

Shining Armour and Bulwark were waiting for them as well, heads close as they quietly conferred. Pulling away at the sight of his sister and her friends, Shining gave her a quick nuzzle before directing her to the chariots.

“We have this worked out. Rainbow Dash, are you alright to fly alongside?” he asked without preamble.

“Of course I am!” Rainbow Dash said with a huff, fluffing her wings indignantly.

At same the time Bulwark muttered “Of course she is,” with a roll of her eyes. The two mares looked at each other for a moment, Rainbow Dash frowning at her friend’s mother predicting her behaviour. Bulwark resisted the urge to tease her about it, at least until a less tense time.

Ignoring this, Shining nodded. “Good.” He turned briskly. “Taking weight into account, we’ll have two of you in each. Who is the lightest?”

“That would be Flutters, I think.” Bulwark supplied with an entirely innocent grin at Paladin.

“Very well, in that case Miss Applejack and Miss Pinkie will be in the first, since earth ponies tend to have denser muscles than unicorns or pegasi. Miss Rarity and Twilight will go in the second with the supplies and Sir Paladin in the third with Miss Fluttershy, to compensate for his weight.”

Out of the corner of her eye Bulwark caught Paladin lifting an eyebrow in her direction. Subtlety was not her strong suit, apparently.

“Why’s that? You callin’ Pally fat?” Applejack ran her eyes over the chariots, slightly uneasy about them.

“No, but weight is the issue. He’s nearly twice your size and from the looks of him pure muscle.” Shining pointed out calmly. “Star Scream and Air Raid will pull his, since he can’t fly right now and they’re marginally stronger than the others.”

Choosing to ignore the fact they were talking about him as if he was not there, Paladin turned to Twilight. “You had best awaken Pinkie.”

Twilight had already made her way over to the boxes in one of the chariots. She gave him a distracted nod as she lifted the lid. “Oh my! Lightning rods.”

“Enchanted lightning rods.” Shining corrected her, hurrying over. He closed the box before his sister could pull any out. “Very powerful ones. Normally these are kept for emergencies, in case something goes wrong with a storm over a populated area, but if worst comes to worst they may help you to redirect the crystal’s energy. Or at least that’s the idea.”

“Ah.” Nodding in understanding, Twilight turned to her friends. Not, as Paladin imagined, her friends and Paladin. Her friends, all six of them. Even if one was asleep. “Alright everypony, hop in. Paladin, drop Pinkie in the first carriage please.” She coughed. “I'll time to finish practicing this spell as we travel.”

“That’ll be me an’ Pinkie then.” With some effort Pinkie was pried off Paladin’s back and slung over Applejack’s back. The farmer let out a sigh. “Now that gal can latch on tight, no mistake.”

“Alright, everypony on!” Rainbow Dash called, hovering over the chariots.

They piled on quickly, Twilight only pausing to hit Pinkie with a counter-spell.

Low and quiet, the grey-flecked pegasus guard snorted and muttered “Damn ground-pounders.” The pegasus next to him, his coat dye strong and clean, glared at him.

Not quietly enough, it seemed. “What was that, Star Scream?” Bulwark barked, eyes narrowing dangerously.

He flinched. “N-nothing.” The pegasus muttered, glaring at the snickering Air Raid.

“Good. Remember what I said, or I promise you’ll live up to your name, Scream.” She told him. Her emphasis was very deliberate.

The insubordinate guard gulped and nodded.

Making sure his sister was ready, Shining Armour nuzzled her neck. “Be safe, Twily.” He told her quietly. “We’ll be down the second we know Canterlot is clear. I wish I could come, but with what happened to the Princesses...” he trailed off unhappily, glaring at the lights of the city.

He felt her hoof on his shoulder and Shining looked back to her. Twilight smiled. “I’ll be fine, Shiny, I promise. We’ll have everything cleared up by the time you arrive, I promise.” Her expression darkened. “Doing that to Princess Celestia...she’s not going to get away with it.”

Shining chuckled lightly as he stepped away. “There’s my determined little sister. It doesn’t matter what tricks she has up her sleeve, not with Celestia’s prized pupil. Not with my sister.” He added, pride in his voice.

Bulwark gave her daughter a quick hug and nuzzle as Fluttershy went to board the chariot. “There are already two squads in Ponyville. Keep them nearby, just in case.” Fluttershy nodded obediently at her mother’s words. “And keep Paladin in sight. I know you’re one of the Bearers, but if he can buck a Timber Wolf half as hard as you said I think you should leave any of the rough stuff to him.”

“Okay, I will. Take care, mama.” Fluttershy stepped out of the embrace, giving her mother a soft smile.

The pegasi began to flap their wings, chariots departing one at a time.

Shining watched them go, his eyes losing focus. Just as they vanished into the distance, a hoof tapped him on the shoulder.

“They’ll be fine.” Bulwark, looking in the same direction, said. “They beat Nightmare Moon and Discord, they can deal with some uppity unicorn who has a few sneaky tricks and a fancy trinket.”

“A fancy trinket that could turn Ponyville and the surrounding country side into a wasteland, damage the weather across the continent and do harm to countless innocent creatures as far as Horstralia.” He pointed out wearily but nodding in agreement nonetheless. “I’m certain they can do this. But it doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.”

“Don’t worry, that Paladin colt looks like he could break somepony’s neck just by looking at them hard enough.” Added the massive pegasus with a small grin.

A smile, almost a smirk, appeared on Shining Armour’s face. It was small but noticeable nonetheless. “Believe me, Captain, you have no idea.”

They turned back to the palace, each ready to set about their duties anew. Bulwark stared at the younger captain suspiciously. “You sound very sure of that.” She did not bother hiding it from her voice.

“I was there when the Princesses brought him. Trust me, he is a very...unique being. His wings and lack of a cutie mark are the least interesting things about him.” He smiled slightly at the curiosity in her eyes. “But that’s above your clearance.” Shining added a tad smugly.

Bulwark sighed, chuckling after a moment. “Interesting. Well, I had best be about my duties. By your leave, captain.” She saluted and took off without waiting for more than the beginnings of a nod.

Racing past along the white stone walls, a thought drifted across her mind. ‘Being?’ Shaking off the silly idea, Bulwark set about doing her job. The skies of Canterlot would be safer than even when Captain Shining’s shield was in place. She would make sure of that personally.


The pegasi lived up to their captain’s boast, tearing through the skies with speed that would be impressive even in pegasi not pulling chariots. While she could match their speed easily Rainbow Dash had to admit she was impressed. She led the way, occasionally dropping back to check on her friends. She stifled a grin at Applejack’s shouted demands that she return her hat now that they had left Canterlot. The wind rushing past had, of course, been too loud for her to hear Applejack was saying. Really, it had.

With her friend’s hat held on by a cord around her neck she had once seen Applejack pull out on a windy day, Rainbow Dash exulted in the freedom the skies. Below them forests and plains separated the short distance to Ponyville.

While she prided herself on her skills as an acrobat of the air Rainbow could never stand being second best in anything. Oh, things like baking or sewing or stuff that that she did not care about, nothing there to bother her. Since first taking her job on Ponyville’s weather team she had refused to let anypony else be better than her.

Now her finely tuned senses were beginning to stir. The air pressure was all wrong, for one thing, and the winds she was feeling did not feel right either. The wind ran through her feathers and across her coat, a subtle underscore to its flow disturbing her.

With a flap she circled up, over and back down, coming down next to the first chariot.

“I’m flying ahead – not to Ponyville.” She added hastily as one of the guards began to reply. “There’s something up with the weather, we might have to detour.”

“Time is of the essence, Miss Dash.”

She snorted, eyes narrowing aggressively. “I know that! But you guys won’t be able to pull the chariots through a storm without at least one of my friends falling out. Kinda defeats the point if we get to Ponyville and half the Elements have been turned into pony pancakes!”

Without another word Rainbow Dash shot away. Cutting through the air like an arrow it took her little time to lose sight of her companions. It took only slightly longer to find the source of the increasingly abnormal weather.

“What...the...buck...” she snapped her jaw shut before something flew in. A hoof reached up to keep Applejack’s hat secure. She really did not want to lose that hat. Her gaze ran up a wall of dark grey, a slow shift occurring every moment in the wall that stretched across the sky.

At fifty feet from the forming storm blockade the wind began to tug at Rainbow Dash with potent strength.

There is no way they’ll be able to fly through this with chariots. I probably could get through this on my own, but even an experienced weather-pony would have trouble. Damn it!

Her teeth grinding, Rainbow Dash turned and shot through the sky parallel to the storm-wall, keeping her speed up as much as she dared in this weather. Staying parrallel kept her moving in a slight curve, like she was following a massive circle. Her eyes remained fastened on the bank of ominous clouds, sharp gaze seeking a break in the weather.

She glared at the storm venomously, hating it every moment it kept her from Ponyville. It was rare that she felt so much emotion towards a weather pattern but Rainbow was fairly certain it deserved every bit of it. Her tongue ran across her lips, tasting the sharp tang of electricity in the air. Less than a proper lightning storm, but every second it became more and more tangible. She felt like she was sitting next to a volcano that was making suspicious bubbling sounds. And Pinkie was about to throw old, highly flammable party supplies for a volcano party in.

While she was no longer moving at her top speed as a simple concession to the ferocity of the weather another change soon swept over her. Rainbow Dash could feel it, like crossing an invisible line, the moment she entered the sky above the Everfree Forest. The familiar disturbance she felt was there but now for some reason it felt...comforting.

It took her only a few more minutes to work out why. ‘The storm!’ Her mouth dropped open and she came to a stop, staring at the grey clouds. Where the storm-wall began to reach over the Everfree the clouds broke, becoming scattered. Even as she watched the rotating storm-clouds entering the forest’s airspace began to break part. Immediately above the storm it remained, a great arch, and from the looks of it the storm was forming again on the other side of the Everfree, yet the sky just above the forest was clear.

Twilight Sparkle she was not, but Rainbow Dash could do a little mental arithmetic. “Talk about a written invitation!” she said to herself, grinning. With a flap of her powerful wings Rainbow about faced and began to draw a rainbow across the dark sky.

She failed to notice the complete lack of roars or sounds from the Everfree, the monster-filled forest unusually silent.

Rainbow rocketed back the way she came, finding the chariots only a minute from hitting the edge of the storm’s more turbulent weather-effects.

She began to keep pace with Twilight’s chariot, close enough to talk over the rushing of the wind. Dash was close enough to hear Rarity moaning about her mane.

“Ugh, this weather is completely running my coif.” The frantic mare whined as she tried to crouch out of the path of the wind. Her hooves were, largely without effect, trying to shield her mane-do. Rainbow fought a snicker at the futile effort.

“The storm is too dangerous to take the chariots through!” She shouted, turning her mind to more important business.

“What? Can’t you just break it up like you do all the time?” suggested Twilight desperately.

“Uh.” Rainbow Dash looked from Twilight to the storm and back again. “That’s a little big...even for me. We need to head to the Everfree Forest.”

Twilight stared at her, mouth dropping open. “W-what? The Everfree Forest? Why?”

“The storm.” Rainbow pointed at the looming cloud-bank. “It’s too dangerous to take chariots through and it’s not natural, someone is making it. Like the biggest pegasus-made storm ever!”

Understanding lit up Twilight’s eyes after only a moment. “Oh! If it’s like pegasus weather it won’t work over the Everfree. Rainbow Dash, that’s brilliant!”

Rainbow Dash grinned at the praise, soaking it up like a sponge in the bathtub. “I know, all in a day’s work for the Dash. Still, feel free to, y’know, keep it coming.”

Rolling her eyes, Twilight poked her friend’s side. “Alright, enough basking for you. Tell the others.”

The chariots began to alter their path, although Star Scream spent a few minutes complaining about taking a route over the legendarily dangerous Everfree Forest for the sake of non-pegasi.

“Hardly our fault the ground-ponders were stupid enough to be born without wings.” He sneered about two seconds before Air Raid punched him in the face.

“Keep that up and I’ll make sure the Captain hears about it.” Air Raid threatened, narrowing his eyes at his ‘comrade’. “You’re in hot enough water as it is, don’t make it hotter by insulting the Princess’s protégé and her friends. Or, y’know, the Captain’s daughter.”

They exchanged heated glares for a few moments before the grey pegasus looked away, scowling mightily. He shivered slightly at the thought of Captain Bulwark and her...’disciplinary action’.

For her part Twilight was staring at the grey cloud bank that seemed to reach forever upwards. ‘The crystal must be causing this. Some of the documents on it suggest its very presence was enough to dangerously affect the weather. Without the containment spells the Princess had on it the weather is being affected. But it seems far too smoothly erected to be unintentional...

Struggling with the thought, Twilight turned back to the last page on the spell. It was painfully complex, much more so than most vision spells. She had to keep it up constantly and everything in the book said it was a draining spell. The cost of altering both what her eyes were able to see and how her brain would process the information so she could actually understand what she would be looking at was high.

Twilight bitterly recalled the days of her fillyhood when magic was all about wanting things really hard and letting the magic take care of the rest. Unicorns who used magic based on their special talent never had to deal with actually understanding the how or the why of their magic, it just happened. But no, she had to seek to understand every aspect of it and all the complications that came with it.

Her concentration was broken for a second as the chariots hit the Everfree’s airspace with a shudder, shaking their occupants and her book. Reflex bade Twilight to protect her book while at the same time Applejack reached for her hat. She hoofed the empty air for a moment or two and experienced a second of paralysing fear that she had lost in the flight before memory reasserted itself.

“Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute!” she hollered, stomping angrily. “That Celestia-darned show-off of a mare didn’t give me mah hat back!”

“Hey! Calm down back there.” Sling Shot shouted. He was not able to turn to look back safely in this weather, but if he had he would have a glare directed at Applejack. “This ain’t a ferry ride, we’re over the Everfree Forest.”

Speaking of which, Fluttershy was peering down at the Everfree. Her eyes darted from point to point. What seemed a mess of treetops and plant-life to another was like a book to her and where nature was concerned Fluttershy was practically Twilight Sparkle in a library.

“Something is wrong.” She whispered so quietly her voice was nearly inaudible. Her companion’s ears twitched slightly and Fluttershy repeated herself with a very slight increase in volume.

Tyrael turned his head to her, abandoning his observation of the storm-wall. “I assume you mean something besides the obvious.” He noted dryly.

She failed to notice, her gaze not lifting from the forest. “The Everfree is never quiet. Not this quiet. Especially not at night, when lots of monster and animals like to hunt.” A frown marred her gentle features.

Surprised as he was by her concern for monsters who regularly struck fear into her, Tyrael nodded. Since she was still looking away, he added “You would certainly know best. Perhaps the storm is merely driving them to flee or take cover.”

Fluttershy considered his suggestion without changing her expression. “I don’t know...I...I...” she gulped, visibly marshaling her courage after a few seconds. She looked him in the eye, her own eyes belying her fear. “I think we should...go have a look.”

Her whispered words were nearly lost before they reached Tyrael’s ears, stolen away by the rushing wind. He felt surprise again but did not let it reach his expression beyond a frown of contemplation.

To Fluttershy’s eyes Paladin frowned at her idea and she fought the urge to hunker down on the floor of the chariot. He was really good at frowning.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke once more. “I-I know its very dangerous, and there are a lot of monster, but, um, I know they’re monsters but...” Fluttershy trailed off and tried to take up less room as though if she compacted herself enough he might forget she was there.

A smile, tiny and little more than a suggestion of an expression, appeared on his face.

“Truly, I should not be surprised.” He mused aloud. Paladin reached down, pulling Fluttershy back up. “You fear the beasts within the Everfree yet still feel worry for them. Remarkable.”

Taken aback by the note of admiration in his voice, Fluttershy managed a weak smile. “T-Thank you. So, um, can we please have a look? If you don’t mind.”

Paladin nodded, turning to wave a hoof at Rainbow Dash until he had her attention. They were approaching the break in the storm-wall and the wind was beginning to pick up. A sharp tap got the attention of the pegasi pulling them.

“What’s up Pally?” Rainbow Dash asked. She kept as close to the side of the chariot as she dared in the increasingly fierce weather, just enough to be heard in the wind.

“We’re going down to the Everfree!” Shouting as loud as he could, Paladin caught the sudden alarm Star Scream’s expression. For some reason it pleased him to strike fear into such an unpleasant pony’s heart.

“What?!” Rainbow Dash, Star Scream and Air Raid all screamed at the same time.

“You can’t be serious.” Her tone incredulous, Rainbow shot him a deadly glare. “We need to deal with Trixie!”

The look she got back was hard as steel. “I agree, but whatever power she had gained allowed her to defeat your Princess. Sneak attack or not, that is considerable. Fluttershy believes something is wrong with the Everfree and I am inclined to believe her. I am also inclined to believe this is no coincidence.”

Waving her hooves around to make sure he understand exactly how crazy she thought that was, Rainbow Dash got close enough to actually hear if Fluttershy had anything to say.

“What isn’t wrong with the Everfree? We know we have Trixie and the crystal to deal with, what if we need you guys?” She was quick to point out.

“We must locate the crystal and Trixie. If she is smart she will be hidden while she attempts to unlock the wards. We have time.” Paladin spoke confidently. In truth, Tyrael was not certain. It was a mistake to split up your forces, especially when the risk was so high. Yet something urged him to listen to Fluttershy, some nameless force in his mind telling him this was the right thing to do.

The just thing to do.

“We must.” Seeing Dash’s unconvinced expression, Tyrael was about to speak again when a delicate yellow hoof cut him off with a tap on the shoulder.

Fluttershy looked into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. There was fear and worry in her expression and Fluttershy fidgeted nervously. But beneath that was an iron certainty.

“Rainbow Dash, we really need to do this.” Her voice was surprisingly soft despite the volume she needed to be heard. “I know it seems a silly thing to do right now, but this is important. Please.”

It took only a few seconds for Rainbow to cave into the look she was getting from Fluttershy.

“Fine.” Rainbow conceded, looking away. “You two do that, but don’t take long. I suppose we’d better know now if Trixie has, I dunno, an army of Everfree monsters or something. Whatever.” She sighed. Twilight was supposed to be the one reining in bad ideas, not her.

Fluttershy smiled up at her and her tone was reassuring. “Thank you. We’ll be fine, Paladin will be there...oh, and the guards.” She added shyly, glancing at the two pegasi up front.

“You’re insane.” Star Scream snarled.

“Ignore him!” shouted Air Raid. He was grinning in a slightly worrying fashion. “I’ve always wanted to fight one of these Everfree monsters. Teach them a thing or two about messing with the guard!”

“We will catch up with you soon.” Paladin told Rainbow Dash. His voice conveyed his sincerity, and he had more than earned the trust he was asking from in her eyes.

“I’ll tell the others. But you better not let anything happen to Fluttershy.” She growled, glancing at her friend. “Don’t take too long, we still gotta find Trixie before she sets off the crystal.”

Without waiting for a reply she was off, coming to Twilight’s chariots before either pegasus could blink.

“If we’re gonna go down, now’s the time.” Air Raid reminded them, keeping a steady watch on the storm-wall. It loomed ahead of them, a clear arch surrounded by deadly storm-clouds.

“Go down.” Paladin commanded him simply. He looked to Fluttershy, who nodded and smiled shakily.

“We need to go down there.” She whispered to herself. She could not say precisely why, but she really did need to go down. There was something important in the Everfree Forest and she had to find it.

The chariots turned into a downward spiral, descending into the dark jungle of uncontrolled life.



Rainbow Dash massaged her ears. Twilight could really shout when she felt like it.

“They think something is wrong with the Everfree Forest.” Rainbow repeated, rolling her eyes. She held up a hoof as Twilight prepared another shout. “I know, seriously, I know. But Fluttershy was really certain she had to go down. Fluttershy! She actually wants to go into the Everfree Forest, willingly.”

Rarity, still lying low, lifted her head to reassure the other unicorn. “Twilight, Rainbow Dash does have a point. Surely sweet little Fluttershy of all ponies would only have a very good reason to go into that dreadful place. The poor dear is terrified of the ghastly forest, but if she wants to go we should let her.”

Her displeasure obvious Twilight nodded, conceding the argument. She sighed and said “You’re right, both of you. If Fluttershy actually feels the need to go, well, not much we can do to stop her. At least she has Paladin and the guards. Dash, can you go tell Applejack and Pinkie please?”

One mock-salute later the pegasus took off, although now without a groan. Playing the messenger was so beneath a flier of her abilities.

They passed into the breach in the storm-wall shy one chariot. Twilight turned to watch, her expression worried. “I hope we aren’t making a mistake.” She murmured.

Rarity patted her shoulder. “Everything will work out. We just have to trust Fluttershy’s instincts. She won’t let us down. We just need to keep our minds focused on finding Trixie.”

Twilight nodded and together they turned to look towards their destination once more. On every side grey clouds loomed, a tunnel stretching before them. Occasionally the storm-wall flashed with lightning and rumbled with thunder.

It was, to say the least, incredibly ominous.

“Maybe it was a good thing Fluttershy decided not to come through yet.” Twilight muttered.

Rarity gave a shaky nod. “Oh yes, poor thing would hate th-” Another blast of thunder brought an undignified squeak from the fashionista. “Oh dear!”

The wind was fierce and with every second grew worse but the guards refused to let it stop them. Their wings moved with ever greater strength, fighting the weather for every metre.

“Hold onto your hats back there!” shouted Silver Bolt. “It’s going to get harder before it gets easier.”

“Ah’d be holdin’ onta mah hat, if Ah actually HAD mah hat!” Applejack hollered, shaking a hoof at Rainbow Dash. The pegasus gave her a wave back with a grin that was a little too cheerful.

Sky Warp screamed back, “Then hold onto the damn chariot and stop with the shouting before I push you off myself!”

“Didn’t you learn your lesson the last time you pushed somepony down the stairs?” Silver Bolt managed a sigh despite the harsh wind.

“Hey, that was funny!”

“Not for the poor mare whose leg you nearly broke!”

“Fellas!” An orange hoof smacked the harness joint. “Can ya please keep yer attention on flying?”

Both pegasi, one sour and the other embarrassed, turned their focus back on keeping the chariot moving and steady.

Thunder boomed all around them, leaving the flightless passengers to cower and the soaring ponies to fight the weather.

Or they would be cowering, if one was not absorbed in a book, another was too stubborn to give into the storm and the third was...well, she was Pinkie Pie.

“Wooo!” she cheered, throwing her hooves into the air. Pinkie hung her head over the side of the chariot with her tongue flailing in the air like an overeager dog on a train.

Rarity was cowering of course, so that was one out of four reacting appropriately.

“Landsake Pinkie, get in here!”

The party pony squealed as Applejack pulled her back in. “Awww, Applejack.” She whined with a playful pout.

Applejack just sighed, pressing a hoof against her face. Why did she get stuck riding with Pinkie? Her ears twitched. Rainbow Dash could not possibly be laughing loud enough to be heard over the wind so why was Applejack so certain that was exactly what her friend was doing?

The roiling clouds continued their endless swirl, a deadly threat hanging too close for comfort.


The chariot touched down, sliding slightly in the mud before coming to a stop.

“Here we are, the Everfree Forest!” Air Raid announced cheerfully.

“You’re an idiot.” Shaking the mud off his hooves, Star Scream looked around at the dark jungle around them nervously. “Why the hell do they call this is a ‘forest’? It’s a blasted jungle if it’s a potted plant! Grah!” He kicked a small plant over, presumably to comfort a personality complex of some sort.

Fluttershy hovered in the air, looking every direction. She was frowning, expression intense.

His own expression unfaltering Tyrael sought out any threat. He watched the shadows and his ears moved in search of telltale sounds.

“There’s....nothing.” he whispered. It was as if something had silenced the Everfree. Not even the heavy winds seemed to penetrate the surface of the forest, leaving nothing to rustle leaves or disturb branches.

“I know. It’s..um, I don’t know what could do this.” Fluttershy landed next to him. She gulped nervously. “There are no animals anywhere nearby. I’m really worried about them. Not everything in the Everfree is a monster, there are lots of innocent little animals. I hope they’re okay.”

Star Scream snorted dismissively. Turning his head just enough to get a look at him, Tyrael hardened his expression for a moment. The grey pegasus gulped and took a step back.

Paladin looked into the forest around them again. “It must be connected. There is something we must do here.”

Not a second after Fluttershy nodded in agreement the less rude of their guards caught their attention. “Hey, check this out.” Air Raid inspected something in the mud, glancing up quickly. “Hoof prints.”

“Who the hell would be out here?” Sniffing haughtily, Star Scream waved a hoof at Air Raid. “Only an utter fool would come into the Everfree Forest.”

“Guess you feel right at home.” Air Raid shot back with a nasty grin.

Colour appeared under Star Scream’s fur as his cheeks reddened with anger. “Why you little-”

“Um, could you please not fight? If you don’t mind, I mean, um, sorry but I just want to...” Both looked at her and Fluttershy seemed to shrink.

His hoof came down heavy and his large wings unfurled slightly. Paladin’s expression, however, did not change. “Soldiers.” His tone was not harsh, exactly. This was most likely a concession to Fluttershy. His eyes said what his voice did not. He could be harsh, if they really wanted.

The fact he had a miniature version of their Captain next to him, meek looking or no, rather helped.

Star Scream sniffed again and looked away. He chose not to dwell on the fact he also took a few steps away from the bigger pegasus.

“Uh, yeah, sorry.” Shrugging apologetically Air Raid pointed at the hoof prints he had found. “I think somepony passed through here recently. Not really sure, only know a little bit about tracking from a weekend course.”

“We have no other courses of actions before us. Do the hoof prints lead beyond the clearing?” Paladin asked as he approached. Not much of a tracker himself he could still spot the hoof print. “Fluttershy, who could be here?”

She shrugged and crept forward, looking down nervously. “Um, I’m not really sure. The only other pony I’ve ever seen in the Everfree Forest was Zecora and she’s still staying in town. I think she’s starting to enjoy being around other ponies more.”

Behind their backs Star Scream made an expression of either disgusted annoyance or annoyed disgust.

“We shall follow the prints.” Tyrael commanded. “Air Raid, take to the skies. Remain under the tree-line if the weather above proves difficult but keep us in sight at all times and keep alert. Star Scream, you take the front.”

“What?” shrieked the soon-to-be former guard. His eyes were wide with alarm. “Why do you want me to lead the way?”

“You were part of a highly trained aerobatics team, however shortly. I have little doubt a great part of that is being aware of your surroundings for team manoeuvres.” There was steel in Paladin’s voice and the smaller pegasus could tell what he wanted to add; ‘I want you where I can keep an eye on you.

“Who put you in charge?” snarled Star Scream with a sneer. “I’ve been a guard for years, if anypony should be giving orders it should be me!”

Paladin and every muscle in his body tensed, his wings opening and his stance widening. His voice was not loud but it was hard as rock. “Your Princess and your commanding officer. You are welcome to dispute their decision, of course.”

His teeth ground together painfully. “Fine.” Star Scream spat, stomping past.

Fluttershy looked at him with concern in her eyes. A single sidewards glare had her retreating behind her hair and Paladin looking at him very hard.

For a moment Star Scream felt like that stare was going to snap his neck.

“Get moving.”

Air Raid flared his wings and took off, a grin only partly concealed by his helm.

They trudged through the Everfree in silence. Tyrael was not uneasy. He had lived since the dawn of creation. He did not get uneasy. Mortals got uneasy.

You are mortal now.’ He reminded himself sternly.

He was just... concerned. He knew that dividing their forces much less dividing the Elements was a bad idea. He knew that but still he was drawn to come down here. Relying on a unknown feeling disturbed the former-Archangel more than he was willing to admit to himself. It was not like the certainty that had been a part of his being once, when he would know without a doubt that he had to act, had to do something.

An Archangel was not a being of mere power, but of idea and thought. His physical form of song and light was only a fraction of his being. Tyrael had once straddled the boundary between thought and physical, a creature quite literally on another level.

Brushing aside a thick branch he watched it snap under the pressure. He could imagine the same happening all too easily to his body. Bones were overrated.

The silence of the dank jungle was broken only by their hoof-falls and Star Scream’s muttered complaints. Vines hung in their faces and Paladin felt branches scraping his wings and flank. Even with Fluttershy between them he could still hear Star Scream.

Paladin really did not like him.

Fluttershy stopped in front of him, lifting her head with a curious look on her face. A gap appeared between her and Star Scream as he continued on oblivious. She stared at the bark of a thin tree, brows furrowed.

"T-this little piece of bark...I- I think a, um, a..."

Forcing plant-life aside Paladin stood to her side, concern buried beneath his expressionless mask. “Fluttershy, is something wr-”

An unpleasantly familiar howl quickly joined by a high-pitched, ear-hurting shriek.

“Timber Wolf!” Something flashed in his eyes for a moment, too fast for Fluttershy to catch as she looked to him in fear.

Star Scream had managed to vanish through the foliage in the short time Fluttershy had been stalled, foliage he now simply smashed through. Even as the cowardly guard galloped towards them Paladin launched himself forward. He charged through the bushes and burst into what seemed a cave formed of trees. Its domed ceiling bristled with leafless branches that erupted from gaps in the otherwise tightly bound surface, their tips sharpened points stabbing vainly towards the centre of the small clearing as though seeking the blood of an enemy.

The unnatural nature of the abrupt clearing became a secondary concerned to the beast in its centre. A Timber Wolf loomed over a pile of light blue, sap-like drool dripping from its mouth. It looked up, glaring at the intruder with impossible rage and hunger. Their eyes met and Tyrael hardened his stare. For a moment he hoped it would be cowed by the lack of submission and leave them in peace.

It was not to be. Without his angelic power to penetrate its mind and its own unrelenting fury left it with nothing to frighten.

It howled again and the blue thing beneath shuddered. He caught only a glimpse of the curled up figure but he had little trouble placing that particular shade of light blue before the lumber lupine leapt towards him.

To her credit Fluttershy had followed in his wake despite the fearsome howl. Taking little heed of her comfort Paladin jerked his flank to the side and knocked her away and, ignoring her squeak of shock, ducked under the leap of the Timber Wolf a moment later. It soared over him, hitting the ground behind him on its feet.

A growl rumbling its wooden throat the monster turned to settle its glare on Paladin. Tyrael felt his wings spread, increasing his apparent size. He had to kept it on him rather than Fluttershy. It snarled and began to creep forward. Despite its insane rage the beast still possessed some sense. Unlike the Timber Wolves he had previously vanquished this one seemed healthy and whole, its body unmarred by corrupted roots.

It tensed and so did he.

Leaves fell, knocked aside as Air Raid blitzed through the tree-cover above the Timber Wolf. The guard hit the back of its skull with a crack and the monster collapsed into a pile of unmoving wood.

Air Raid grinned cockily. “Too easy.”

Relaxing slightly Tyrael said nothing. He turned to check on Fluttershy only to have her blow past him. The usually meek pegasus landed in front of the downed timber wolf and said, her tone scolding, “How could you do that?” Her stare, partly accusing and partly disappointed, drilled into Air Raid.

“Um, I, it was going to...” he trailed off when he realised she had stopped paying attention to him.

Running her hooves across its skull for a short time Fluttershy eventually stepped back with a relieved smile on her face. “It’s okay.” She told them happily. “He’ll be fine.”

“Uh...” Air Raid glanced in Paladin’s direction. He was a tad off-balance. Why did she care about the monster? It was trying to eat them!

“We have other concerns.” Paladin pointed a hoof towards the clearing the wolf had come from. “I believe there is a pony in need of our aid. One who can answer a few questions.” He led the way to the clearing, kicking aside the last bushes blocking their path.

Just as there had been before, a pony lay curled up in the centre of the domed clearing. Casting his sight about to make sure it was safe Tyrael could not help but note that the pointed branches reaching from above seemed a little bit longer than before.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy moved over to the huddled, shivering pony. Dirt and mud streaked the shaking pony’s fur and her pale mane was mixed with twigs and leaves. “Oh dear, oh my. Are you alright?”

Tyrael watched, his expression concrete. He ignored Air Raid’s comment that he would go get Star Scream and focused on the mare curled up before them.

A hoof weakly pushed at Fluttershy as if to ward her off but was brushed away.

“It’s okay. I just want to help you.” She tried with a soothing tone, like the one she used when comforting wounded animals.

A sob, the huddled pony’s first sound, filled clearing and a broken, shaking voice whimper, “Why would anypony want to help me?” Lifting her head, Trixie sniffed. Her cheeks were tear-stained and her eyes red from crying.

What drew gasps from Fluttershy and the interest of Tyrael was her horn. From its tip a crack reaching almost to the base it was nearly cleft in two. The area around its shattered point was blackened as though it had been charred in a fire.

“Anypony with a conscience.” It had taken her a few seconds to marshal a reply but Fluttershy’s voice became stern. Reaching down she brushed debris out of Trixie’s mane. “I’m going to help you.”

“She must answer to me first.”

Looking up in surprise Fluttershy was taken aback by the harsh expression on Paladin’s face.

Continuing before she could speak he add, “Once I know that which we require you may render care.”

“H-Her horn is broken a-and she’s exhausted.” She gulped before speaking but said it nonetheless. Fluttershy was impressed with herself for managing to say anything in the face of the look in Paladin’s eyes.

“Which can be looked to after I have asked my questions.”

“I need to make sure she’s not hurt. Nopony deserves to be in pain.” insisted Fluttershy. She had moved without consciously deciding to, standing between Paladin and a mare she had every reason not to care for. She was the Element of Kindness for a reason.

He was starting to get frustated. “You know what she did to the Princess, she cannot be trusted.”

“Does she look like she’s going to hurt me?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes no longer soft. She would not be budged. “I don’t...I don’t think Trixie is responsible for that. Look at her.”

Paladin hated to do this but if he had to push Fluttershy out of the way to find out what they needed Tyrael would do it. He took a step closer, intent clear. Innocents were counting on them. “Regardless she must be made to answer before any other concern. Mercy is only for those who deserve it.”

“You don’t get to decide that!”

He stopped. Paladin’s eyes widened and he very nearly took a step back. Fluttershy was Staring at him. It fully deserved the capital letter. He could feel into piercing him, breaking through his mask of bland, solid stone. A spark in her eyes, white-blue power, filled his vision. He could feel something reaching into his mind, a wave of comforting sensation. Something touched his ancient mind, light and brief. It was a bare flutter of presence against the enormity of his entire span of experience but he felt it.

A sob broke the moment. Paladin jerked back with alarm across his face, his once emotionless expression completely gone. Fluttershy blinked and shook her head in confusion before turning to kneel next to Trixie.

“How did...” Paladin panted out. ‘Impossible! How did she get into my mind like that? Nothing, not even the Prime Evils could penetrate my defences yet she managed it without intending to.’ Tyrael’s mind ran in circles trying to decipher what had just happened. A memory of another’s nightmare floated to the surface.

“...an eternal bond connecting you...”

“No...” the word escaped him. “No.” ‘I didn’t mean a bond to me! I am left unguarded, the remnants of my power allowing her to access my mind.

Taking control of his facilities he approached Fluttershy and Trixie. He would have to deal with this later, so long as Fluttershy did not press the issue. There was no telling what she had felt from the contact.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye. The look in it told him she was going to deal with this and nothing he could say would change that.

“Trixie,” Fluttershy murmured, helping the despondent mare to her hooves, “Are you hurt?”

Trixie shook her head without lifting her gaze from the dirt.

“Alright then. Trixie, I’m not mad at you. I just want to help. Please tell me what’s wrong.”” Fluttershy gently wrapped her forelegs around Trixie’s shoulder and lifted her chin up so their eyes met.

“What’s wrong?”The magician’s voice dripped with regret and self-loathing. “I...I just spent a month with some thing in my head. It was...it was training me, like some sort of pet. It wouldn’t let me sleep without filling my dreams full of...of...I can’t even think about it.”

At that point she broke down into tears. Fluttershy held the crying mare in her hooves, stroking her mane and making soothing sounds.

To Tyrael’s eyes a wisp of light began to grow around Fluttershy. He said nothing, letting her do her work.

When the tears subsided Fluttershy again brought Trixie’s eyes up to hers. “I’m sorry to ask but I really need to know why you’re out here.”

Trixie looked ready to shy away but something in Fluttershy’s gaze kept her still. “I...I’m not sure. I can’t think, its all blurry.” She sniffed. “Please, just leave me here rot. Nopony will care.”

“Now that just isn’t true.” Fluttershy scolded her gently. “I care.”

Blinking away gathering tears, Trixie stared back. “R-really?...No, you’re just saying that. You probably hate me for what I- it did to the Princess.” She accused with a cry.

“I care. I really do. Please Trixie, believe me.”

Paladin’s breath hitched as the wisp of light formed into an ethereal cloth of pure-white. The unseen cloth wounded around the pair of mares, connecting them.

Trixie could not move. She could feel it. She could feel emotions, not thoughts but raw emotions overwhelming her. It almost reminded her of the Nightmare’s grasp but was infinitely more kind. Fluttershy did care. This mare she had met only twice, while locked in a jail cell no less, yet Fluttershy was willing to open her heart to her and help her.

“I’ll...I’ll try to remember.” Trixie murmured. The glow in Fluttershy’s eyes faded and the pegasus gave her a kind smile.

“Thank you.”

It’s not just me.’ Tyrael sighed with relief, seeing the connection forming. ‘My Angelic essence has granted her some form of empathy.’ He knew that she still should not have been able to get into his mind like that but an advantage of his new existence was being able to lie to himself. When your very essence determined everything you were it was hard to have self-delusions.

Paladin strode forward slowly so as not to scare Trixie. She looked at him nervously, glancing at Fluttershy. The pegasus stroked her mane reassuring and nodded.

“He just wants to ask some questions, that’s all.”

Taking a deep breath, Trixie nodded and tried to regain her footing enough to answer. “I...Trixie will try to help.” She was still shaking slightly but with Fluttershy’s support she began to dredge her memory. “Everything since...since the Princess came to my cell is a blur.”

As much as he wanted to ask know what had been happening the whole time Trixie was ‘possessed’, learning more about immediate events took precedence. Tyrael was still disturbed by her claim that something had been controlling her. If it was true, where was this entity now?

“The Apex Storm Crystal,” He asked, “where is it?”

Her face scrunched into thought. “Um, I think...the sky. I’m still not sure about everything, I- Trixie thinks it was...somewhere high.” She moaned, rubbing her forehead.

“Is your horn hurting?” Fluttershy reached up and ran her hoof along the base with as light a touch as she could manage.

“My horn....” What little colour fled Trixie’s face. “My horn! Oh no! It...it used me to do something.”

“What?” Paladin came closer, his voice urgent. “What did it do? We need to warn the others if it is doing something before they arrive.”

Trixie gulped. “Others?”

“The rest of the Elements.” Supplied Fluttershy helpfully. “And the guards.”

Looking like she was on the verge of fainting Trixie grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders. “No! You can’t let them go there.”

Prying Fluttershy out of Trixie’s grip Paladin looked the ragged magician in the eye. “Why?”

Air Raid arrived in the clearing a moment later, alone, just in time to hear Trixie’s tearful answer.

“It’s a trap!”


The howling of wind and rattling of the chariot suddenly fell silent. Twilight dared peak her head over the top of the barrier to see what had happened. What she saw took her breath away.

Behind the pair of chariots a wall of storm clouds rose, dark and deadly in a menacing wall. Save for the breach above the Everfree Forest it spread in either circle in a vast circle around Ponyville. Inevitably Twilight’s gaze was drawn to see how far up the wall went. Her head kept going until she was looking straight up.

“Oh my.”

Rarity stared up as well and in their chariot Applejack and Pinkie were doing the same. Looking back to check on her friends Rainbow Dash found herself copying them out of curiosity.

Her jaw dropped open and a bug flew in. She did not even notice.

The clouds had formed a vast ceiling above them. From every point of the wall the clouds spread out to cover the entirety of Ponyville like the greatest cloud-building ever made.

“That’s....there is no way that’s possible.” Rainbow Dash breathed out as her eyes tried to pop out of her skull.

The guards were similarly gobsmacked, although the necessity of keeping the chariots in the air meant they could only be slightly surprised compared to the mares. They simply forced their wings to propel them faster towards their destination.

Within minutes the chariots came to a stop, pulling up before the town hall. Rainbow Dash was already off, shouting out a vague comment about checking the skies. The streets were emptier than usual, something Twilight attributed to the bizarre weather. She winced at the memories of how the populace of Ponyville typically reacted to any sort of disaster. Running and screaming are never helpful. Unless the problem was a lack of running and screaming but she was fairly certain those did not happen no matter how much Pinkie thought they did.

Trotting from the chariots, box of lightning rods floating next to her, Twilight heard the creak of a door. She looked up and smiled in relief at the sight of the Mayor coming out.

“Mayor!” Twilight called out, relief colouring her voice. With the Mayor they could organise search parties and hopefully find the crystal far quicker.

The Mayor smiled back. There was something a little off about the Mayor’s expression but Twilight just labelled it stress. Having the town she was responsible for walled off by a storm and completely isolated was bound to be extremely taxing on her nerves.

“Welcome back Twilight Sparkle.” The Mayor greeted her calmly.

“Thank you, but we need to get everypony organised right away! Something terrible is going to happen.” Placing the box on the ground Twilight began to empty it with an urgent expression. “But don’t worry, I have a plan!” Turning away she called out to her friends, sending galloping in different directions.

The Mayor nodded in apparent agreement. “Really, something....terrible?” Unseen, a shadow passed over Mayor Mare’s eyes for a brief second and her teeth were bared in something approaching a smirk. “Tell me your plan, Twilight Sparkle. I think it’s best if you share it with me right away. We wouldn’t want anything to go wrong.”


And there we go! All done. I wonder if anyone suspected the ‘bond’ part with Fluttershy would hint to part of the Angelic power she has developed. The empathic part, obviously. And yes, ‘part’ does implies it’s only from a single aspect of a greater whole. The rest? That is....

A secret! Why does everyone seem to assume they get one power or ability? Tut tut, assumptions make, well, an assumption makes you a person who makes assumptions like everyone else in the world.

Like I said, no shipping. I just needed a reason for Tyrael and Fluttershy to be the ones down there without the rest of the mane cast. Bulwark being a busy-body seemed good enough for that. Although there's no intentional shipping, if it feels like it makes Tyrael more mortal feel free to imagine it.

Also, yes, Transformers. I really couldn’t resist. I just rather felt like throwing them in for the hell of it. It amused me, especially having ‘Star Scream’ running off screaming like a bitch. Obviously I used Arielbots and Seekers both, 3 from each.

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