• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,475 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

  • ...

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Act II - Ch. 18 Truths

Here it is, the first chapter of Act III! Wow, I’m up to Act III! Should be good.

WARNING! ATTENTION! Changed this from the first chapter of Act III to the last of Act II. Put some thought into it, thought that was better.

Editor comments? If any, see below:
Hey guys, it’s kinda 2 in the morning where I am, but I wanted to get this back soon because these next few days are gonna be completely hectic. So please enjoy, sorry for any errors I missed, and happy Valentine’s day I suppose.
:Editor comments? If any, see above.

Chapter 18 Truths


Ponyville recovered. Awaking in a large ring outside the burned and destroyed remains of the town hall the inhabitants of Ponyville were, it bears saying, remarkably chipper considering they had just been body-jacked by an insane spirit. They were all very confused and there were a number sporting bruises and cuts. Half the town’s pegasi had wings in casts for a few days from falling when the Nightmare let go of their bodies or from being buried under the pegasi who had been flying above them. They were confused, many finding their homes vandalised and few remembered what had happened. All they could manage to come up with was a memory of suddenly hearing whispers before blacking out. A few could just remember strange feelings like their body moving without them doing it but otherwise they remained for the most part blissfully unaware of exactly what had happened.

What they did come to know was that a certain group of mares, their friendly neighbourhood zebra and the strange pegasus who had only weeks ago appeared among them had been instrumental in saving them. They made this very clear with some cheering. Sweetie Belle’s mother spent nearly ten minutes hugging Zecora after learning she had kept her daughter safe, letting her go only after getting Zecora to agree to join her for brunch and a visit to the spa as a tiny way of saying thanks. Zecora staggered away in relief, trying to rub feeling back into her legs. Seeing a very widely smiling Granny Smith and Big Macintosh standing there as Apple Bloom bounced around them repeating how Zecora’s magic writing saved her from the monster, the zebra suddenly wished that Ponyville had gotten a little less used to her when she was pulled into another embrace.

The older Apples had limped into town as fast as they could after waking up and forcing the blockage of furniture holding their doors shut, followed by a group of beaten, bruised guards. By virtue of being the only pony to retain any level of awareness during his infestation by the Nightmare, Big Mac had been more than a little alarmed and a lot more relieved when he came to without something trying to claw his mind apart. Seeing his sisters alive and well had been more of a relief than he could put into words.

Despite the damage done in many houses and the random destruction that seemed to have been done merely out of rage, the overall mood of Ponyville was one of celebration. Something dark had come to town and they had survived, thanks to a few brave heroes.

It had been quite awkward when they saw Trixie and a few connected the dots of her appearance with something bad happening. The guards wasted no time when they saw Zecora and Trixie coming into town just after the soldiers had awoken.

“Trixie Lulamoon.” One of the senior guards stepped towards the magician. “In the name of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna you are hereby placed under arrest for the crime of high treason!”

Trixie had been only able to make it this far thanks to the company of Zecora, constantly looking everywhere as if convinced the Nightmare was just hiding somewhere to take her again. This new threat was met with a reaction the ponies drawn to the event had not been expecting from the boastful and arrogant magician from her last visit.

She stumbled backwards, trembling uncontrollably and curling into a ball.

With a flick of his head the lead guardspony sent his subordinates forward. Their attempt to reach Trixie was thwarted by the zebra. Zecora stood between them and their quarry without any intention of moving in her eyes.

“Think again about what you wish to do to this broken pony, for there is more than you know. She is as much a victim and innocent who cried tears of joy when shadow was laid low.” Zecora shielded Trixie from the guards. Her stare might not be a Stare but it still made both the stallions advancing gulp.

“Sir!” Twilight called, rushing over from where she had been trying to explain to the Mayor what happened to her town hall. “Sir, I meant to tell you earlier but things are different than we thought. Trixie is a victim, just as Zecora said. I think she’s suffered more than most of Ponyville put together.”

The guard had been eager to actually do part of his job but looking at the determined expression of the Princess’s personal student he sighed in resignation. He waved the two guards he had ordered forward back.

“Very well, Miss Sparkle. Technically you don’t have any actual authority but in light of...well, you being the student of the Princess and the Element of Magic I’ll take your word for this.” He conceded, turning away to find something to do. “Wasn’t like we really wanted to finally do our damn jobs anyway.”

His bitter parting words were a reflection of more than just his mood.

The darkest mood was found among the guards who had been taken by the Nightmare. They set to work repair what damage had been done as best they could and checking the town for any surprises that been left as spiteful payback in fear of defeat. It was clear to most that they were merely making work for themselves. An air of defeat and failure hung around the guards and though nopony from Ponyville said a bad word about them, the soldiers were overwhelmed by their uselessness. A crisis had occurred and they had done nothing to prevent. Instead they had simply added to the threat. When the lost Air Raid arrived he joined them in their gloom, his mood darkened by guilt. He had just gotten lost and done nothing of use.

For Trixie the few hours passed in a haze as she remained huddled in a corner. It didn’t take long for any residual resent from Ponyville to dry up. It’s hard to hate somepony who flinches when you look at her and looks ready to burst into tears if they get too close, let alone whenever she saw the whole, unbroken horn of another unicorn.

By mid-afternoon a flock of guards led by a pegasus that looked to the ponies of Ponyville like a giant, armoured version of Fluttershy with a voice like thunder had appeared, drawing the royal chariot in their midst. They landed in the town square and the Princesses stepped to the ground.

Neither looked at their best. Despite much grooming by skilled servants there was nothing that could hide the sheer exhaustion still suffered by Luna and Celestia looked like she had a headache strong enough to kill a dozen bears.

“Greetings my little ponies.” Princess Celestia said to the growing crowd. Her voice was as gentle and motherly as always, showing no signs of the gorilla trying to punch its way out of her skull. “My sister and I wish to speak with the entire town, but first we need to discuss something with the heroes of the hour. If somepony could fetch Twilight Spar-”

She didn’t have time to finish her student’s name before that very pony appeared in front of her. Twilight smiled up at her teacher. “Princess!”

“-kle.” Celestia smiled at her beaming student. “Hello Twilight, your timing is as good as ever I see.”

Twilight chuckled lightly. “Actually, I saw you coming. The girls and I were about to have an, uh, discussion with Paladin about something.” She pointed at a hill on the edge of Ponyville. “Everypony is over there.”

“Then we shall meet you there, Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna announced. In her tired state she was falling back into her antiqued speech patterns. “We are most pleased to see you are unharmed!”

The unicorn nodded gratefully. “So am I. I just need to get Trixie and we’ll be ready. We don’t really want to leave her alone right now.” She said before vanishing in a wink of light.

The Princesses exchanged concerned looks before taking to the air. The letter Twilight had sent after defeating the Nightmare had been concise and to the point but it had covered that Trixie had not been behind the attack. If anything Luna felt guilty about what had happened to the poor unicorn. It was the darkness that she had failed to control that had harmed one of their subjects so deeply and cruelly.

They landed on the hill a few seconds after Twilight appeared with Trixie. The second the alicorns came into sight Trixie let out a small shriek and tried to flee; only Twilight’s magic kept her from falling over as her uncoordinated hooves flailed madly.

“Be calm, my dear, wounded little pony.” Princess Celestia approached the trembling Trixie. “You don’t need to fear me, I promise. What happened was not of your doing and there was no possible way for you to stop it. Nopony blames you.”

Trixie’s shaking subsided slightly. “R-really?”

Celestia nodded, her elegant mane blowing in an unseen wind behind her. “Really. You were caught up in something beyond you and the responsibility is ours. Once we are done here my sister and I will ensure your horn is taken care of.”

Looking down on the mare, Celestia searched for some sign in her eyes of the arrogant magician Twilight had once told her of. Surely even that was better than a shattered, broken soul like this.

“T-thank you.” Trixie sniffed, rubbing at her wet eyes. “Trixie just wants...to sleep...” her head dropped suddenly until Celetsia supported it and the rest of her body as she lowered the unicorn to the ground.

“Uh, why did Trixie just fall asleep?” Rainbow Dash interrupted the moment with a growl. “Isn’t that kinda rude, falling asleep when the Princess is talking to you?”

Princess Celestia shook her head, a sad smile on her face. “Not when the Princess just cast a sleeping spell.” She said with a quiet chuckle. Easing the sleeping Trixie into a more comfortable position she rejoined her sister and looked upon the ponies gathered here.

Paladin was as she remembered save a single obvious difference. His cutie mark stood out against his dark fur. He wasn’t looking at any of the others, merely looking at Trixie with an unreadable expression.

The others looked in high spirits, all heartened by the defeat of the monster that had plagued them three times now. The only surprise was the zebra but neither Princess had trouble placing this unique resident of Ponyville.

“You must be Zecora. It has been some time since I have met a zebra. My student has told me much about you. It is a pleasure to meet you at last.” As ever Princess Celestia was the first to speak, her sister remaining quiet save a murmured agreement.

Zecora bowed. “It is an honour to meet you Lady Sun and Lady Moon. I had never imagined to finally greet you so soon.” She slipped into another language for a moment. “In the name of the Tribes, my praise to the Sun and her returned Sister Moon.

Ignoring the confused expression of the ponies around them Celestia and Luna greeted her in her tongue. “I’ve always loved Zebrican.” Luna said afterwards for the benefit of the others.

“Because the word for ‘beautiful’ used to be the word for ‘moon’.” Celestia pointed out with a small smile.

Luna sniffed haughtily. “Well, perhaps a little. We are allowed some ego as well sister. Wait, what do you mean ‘used to’?”

Twilight coughed politely. “Um, Princesses? I don’t mean to interrupt but Paladin was about to tell us something. He promised and we don’t want him to dodge the chance now.”

Paladin fixed Twilight with a flat stare. “I would not do that.”

“Su~uuuure you wouldn’t.” Rainbow Dash stretched out the word. “And I’m sitting next to Fluttershy!”

Looking at her friend, Fluttershy cocked her head curiously. She couldn’t help but feel the contained anticipation in her friend. “Um Rainbow Dash? You are-” The anticipation changed to joy before she was finished talking.

A flash of dull light and Rainbow Dash was next to Applejack instead. She grinned smugly. “Teleportation. Is. Awesome!”

Applejack rolled her eyes and sighed. “Rainbow Dash, are yer really wastin’ it on pranks?”

“Hey, that wasn’t a prank. It was, like, a joke at best.” Rainbow Dash elbowed the farmer playfully. “Now pranks I pull with it...”

A loud sigh caught their attention and everypony looked at Paladin. At last he displayed emotion, a flash of irritation and indignation. He fixed his piercing stare on Rainbow Dash before he spoke.

“The power you have is not one acquired lightly. I would ask that you respect it enough to not use it for petty self-indulgence.” He growled, clearly more than just annoyed. To Fluttershy he radiated offence and indignation directed at Rainbow Dash. His eyes flicked to Fluttershy for a moment and she knew he was realising she could feel what he was feeling.

Meanwhile the cocky pegasus drew herself up with a snort. “What’s your problem? Not like it’s your magic or anything! Probably the Elements being all...Element-y.” She shrugged at the look she was getting from Rarity and Applejack. “What? I dunno.”

Twilight gasped and stared at Paladin. He knew more about the strange powers they had gained, what if Rainbow Dash’s dismissive idea was true? She looked at her friends but only Fluttershy was looking at her, the feeling of curiosity and surprise from the unicorn getting her attention. The timid pegasus rubbed her forehead. It was easier to just feel emotions being felt ‘openly’ so to speak but around too many ponies it got confusing.

“It is not the Elements of Harmony.” Princess Luna said. “We have no knowledge how they might do this to their Bearers.”

Celestia nodded by didn’t add anything. She wanted to know how Tyrael would resolve this. If he had promised answers she suspected he would provide them.

“I will tell you.” Paladin’s voice was calmer now and he appeared to taken control of his emotions, becoming a calm, emptiness to Fluttershy’s passive senses. “It is not the Elements, although they provided the conduit for the power which brought about these unintended changes. For this, I must finish the tale I told some of you a few weeks ago.”

He gave a brief summary for the benefit of Zecora and the Princesses, who knew what he was but not such a precise story.

“I finished the tale with the prince who sought to contain Terror’s essence within himself.” He began at last. “In the wake of his victory over the forces of evil, the town of Tristram began to recover. Life bloomed within the streets once more and years passed. Even the last of the Horadrim failed to recognise the next threat to emerge.

“It took years but in time the prince was consumed by Terror. The demon took control of his supposed slayer’s body and opened a path to bring forth the minions of Hell. Demons sworn to Terror poured forth and again Tristram burned. From there the prince became the Dark Wanderer, cutting a bloody swathe of destruction across half the world. From the fields of Tristram through an ancient desert and across the seas to the city where Hatred’s soulstone had been left the Dark Wanderer brought death and terror to all lands.

“But in his wake came a band of heroes. From across the lengths of the realm they came. Strong of body or magic, skilled warriors and mighty spell-casters these heroes had been sent to hunt Terror. They went in his wake destroying the minions of evil left to slow them.

“But even as he was pursued the Dark Wanderer moved with evil intentions. He found the ancient tomb where Destruction had been bound and freed him. The celestial warrior, the Archangel Tyrael, attempted to stop them but unable to risk drawing the attention of his fellow angels he could not combat the power of two of the Brothers. Tyrael was defeated. When the heroes arrived he sent them on to chase Terror and Destruction across the ocean.

“There they came to the city where Hatred had been left in the care of the monks who grew to be a vast religion. As I told you before Hatred had corrupted its prison and the minds of the highest among the priests. Freed by his brothers the Three were united again at last. A gate to Hell was opened and Terror shed his mortal guise as the Dark Wanderer to return to their foul world and reclaim the armies of Hell in the name of the Three. Hatred guarded this gate and Destruction left to hunt for an ancient relic that prevented the armies of Hell from fully breaching the mortal realm.

“The heroes came and defeated Hatred, imprisoning him once more within the Soulstone. Next they dared do what no mortal had done before; they invaded Hell. Through great pains and sacrifices the heroes defeated Terror in the very heart of Hell and he was captured in his fractured soul stone.”

“Wait,” Interrupted Twilight. “But I thought his soul stone wasn’t able to contain him anymore?”

Paladin nodded slightly. “You are correct. But it served its purpose for the short time that was needed. For in Hell’s heart lay the Soulforge, a place where the greatest weapons of evil were crafted. Upon this mighty anvil the Soulstones of Hatred and Terror were shattered and their essences forever banished. Two Evils so great not all the might of the Heavens could defeat them and the hands of mortals brought their end.”

Paladin’s eyes closed and he sighed deeply. “It was...inspiring.”

‘That...it sounds like this happened. Like he was there.’ Twilight thought, glancing at her friends and seeing they had the same impression. ‘Who are you? Why are you feeling us this story?

His eyes snapped back open and he continued before any could speak.

“But Destruction yet remained and here comes the answer you have been waiting for. The heroes left Hell, finding that Destruction had gone to a great mountain. Arreat Mountain held the greatest jewel to exist, the Worldstone. All of the mortal realm of Sanctuary was born from the Worldstone and Destruction sought to corrupt it. The defeat of his brothers would mean nothing if he turned the might of a corrupted mortal world against the Heavens.

“The heroes fought as best they could yet they were too late. Destruction was defeated but the Worldstone corrupted. As all hoped seemed lost, Tyrael returned. He sent away the heroes....”

The pegasus fell silent, seeming unable to finish. He took another deep breath to steady himself before forcing his mouth to work.

“I struck the Worldstone, the greatest relic to exist and a piece of Anu, the father of creation and the Perfect being. The explosion of energy sent me hurtling across reality until I fell upon a world I had never known to exist. Nearer true death than any angel had ever been I was granted a reprieve. Your Princesses had sensed my arrival and they aided me. I do not know how but a mortal body took my essence in so I might recover.”

Paladin held up a hoof as they processed this to forestall any comment. He needed to finish this now.

“In time, I would have recovered and left this world. This was no place for an immortal angel and I had no interest in remaining. With the Worldstone gone I would be needed to defend the mortal world of Sanctuary from the ravening forces of Hell. But then...the dark root took you. I failed to strike the root’s Heart and it attempted to drain my shell as it was you six. I could not stand aside and allow you to die. I gave you the power of my Angelic soul and in doing aspects of who you all are became the basis for powers born from my light. So I chose. I chose you over every soul doomed to be lost because I was too sentimental, because I was too weak to harden my heart.”

Paladin opened his eyes and met their eyes. A mix of emotions greeted him in all six pairs. Disbelief, shock, awe, even compassion.

“My name was Tyrael and I am the oldest being you have ever met. I was Justice incarnate, one of five greatest aspects of Anu’s Perfection. My soul was light and sound. Upon my blade the blood of a hundred million demons and countless more has been spilled. I stood at the pinnacle of all Creation as one of the Angiris Council. Of all warriors my only equal was Imperius of Valor. I have damned myself. For this world, I gave my might to spare six souls and forever have I stripped Sanctuary of my protection. My choice, my sin, my damnation. I am mortal now.”

A thousand questions were buzzing in the minds of the six Bearers and Zecora was silent as she too contemplated what she was learning.

‘What is Anu’s Perefection? How are they aspects? Angels, Angiris Council?’ Twilight wanted to ask these and a dozen other questions all at once.

“So...it was you giving us all your power that saved us from the roots?” Twilight’s voice was just plain and thoughtful, like she was chewing over a problem in search of a solution. “And it took everything from you to do that?”


Instead she asked “Do you regret it?”

Paladin – Tyrael? – looked surprised. “Regret saving you? No. I regret the consequences, that I failed the act before that decision became necessary. But in the end...I cannot justify letting you die. I never before believed that choosing to save a one group at the sacrifice of another, smaller number has been a Just decision. I failed to find another solution, to find another way. Countless lives, lost because I was weak.”

He sighed and Fluttershy felt the guilt – powerful, tremendous and filled with self-recrimination.

“I have told you the truth. I shall leave you to thin-” Fluttershy didn’t hear his words but she felt his emotions. Withdrawing, shutting down. His guilt was burning him and he felt ashamed of himself. Admitting it to others was reinforcing in his eyes his failure. He had saved them but how many lives had he failed to protect?

She reached out to her friends without thinking and they gasped in time as they suddenly felt Paladin, Tyrael…they felt their friend’s guilt and shame.

Before he could depart Paladin felt hooves encircle his neck. He looked down in shock at Fluttershy as she hugged him. Opening his mouth to say something Paladin felt another hooves join Fluttershy’s. Before he could so much as grunt a request for Fluttershy to release him the other five mares surrounded him.

He blinked. “Um.” This was new.

“You shouldn’t feel guilty. You did everything you could.”

“Honestly darling, you tried your hardest so there’s no need for you to feel bad.”

“You saved more than just us, you saved Ponyville and who knows how many others? You shouldn’t look on the bad side of everything.”

“Pfft, guilty about saving us? How lame is that?”

“Y’all better buck sugarcube. Yer our friend, don’t matter where ya came from or what ya are. Ya saved our home an’ everypony we loved.”

“You shouldn’t be all down and frowny because you aren’t perfect Pally. Nopony is.”

Paladin’s stiff, tense form slowly weakened under the onslaught of love and care. He still made a valiant effort at justifying his need to go away and sulk.

“The fact I have lied to you all since my arrival does not deter you? Or that I am literally older than your species?” He told them severely.

Twilight lifted her head free for a moment. “Well from what I gathered from your statement that you were ‘Justice Incarnate’, it points towards a philosophical and metaphorical, or perhaps spiritual, nature that separated you from us. So a lot of your life experience before now isn’t exactly applicable. That and you said ‘were’. As a living creature instead of ‘sound and light’ you’re actually younger than us, if you think about it.”

“Biggest foal I’ve ever met.” Rainbow Dash said with a snigger.

“Rainbow Dash, I had to tell him how toilets worked.” Twilight said with considerably less warmth. “I literally had to give him a lesson on how to poop.”

“Eww! Do you have to talk about it?” The pegasus pulled away, looking on the ground worriedly like the group hug might have forced it out of him in a very real sense.

“It’s not exactly something I wanted to advertise for my sake or his!”

Rarity coughed loudly. “Girls, I do believe you’re drawing away from the point somewhat.”

“What’s the point again? ‘Paladin, you’re cool, we’re friends, stop being such a big whiner about screwing up when you didn’t screw up.’ That about it?” Rainbow Dash asked with a roll of her eyes.

“Well, yes I suppose if you want to put it inelegantly-” Rarity began with a note of reproof in her voice before being cut off.

“Guess what, I do! Looks like my job is done!” Letting out an exaggerated sigh Rainbow Dash slumped into the hug, using Applejack’s back as a resting place. “All in a day’s work.”

Applejack snorted but didn’t shake the pegasus off yet. “Didn’t know yer ever did a day’s work before. Ah was thinkin’ somewhere about half a day’s, maybe a quarter.”

“Girls.” It was Fluttershy this time to their surprise. “Please don’t argue while we’re helping Paladin with his issues. Oh, I’m sorry, should we call you Tyrael now?” She asked in a much more hesitant voice, looking at Paladin uncertainly.

He sighed, wishing he couldn’t see the looks of amusement being worn by the Princesses and Zecora as they watched. “Paladin will suffice. I lost the right to go by Tyrael when I lost my divinity. Also, I do not have issues.”

“Sure you do!” Pinkie’s grin was somehow audible. “You’ve got an issue with failure, an issue with bonding with others, an issue with just having emotions and in particular if my Pinkie-sense was telling me what I think it was – and if I’m wrong Twilight definitely needs to stay away from authentic Prance cuisine for a while if she wants to keep her fur– then you’ve got an issue with accepting that you’ve started to developed roma-”

“Wait, what was that about my fur?” Twilight interrupted, drowning Pinkie out for a few moments.

“-shy. Hey, Twilight nopony heard me because you said that and now that issue is gonna be danced around forever!” Pinkie whined, folding her forehooves and pouting at Twilight like an upset child.

The unicorn gave her an apologetic, albeit confused, look. “Sorry. Can’t you just...repeat it?”

Pinkie shook her head, tutting disappointedly. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight, whatever will we do with you? Of course I can’t repeat! That would ruin the way it’s going to go now.”

“Of course.” Twilight’s voice was flat and she looked like she wanted to facehoof. “Pinkie, just go back to hugging Paladin.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Doing what she was told Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Paladin again, snuggling against him and letting out a loud, satisfied “Hmmmm.”

Fluttershy experienced something very good for a second. It was strange, because she had no reason to be feeling what she was feeling. She was feeling jealous of Pinkie Pie. For hugging Paladin and enjoying.

Oh, but that’s just so mean of me. I’m already hugging Paladin anyway-...oh my, I’m hugging Paladin....

Her cheeks began to burn as Fluttershy realised how very close she was to Paladin and how warm he felt against her and goodness her wings were feeling all strange-

“The point,” Fluttershy was distracted from her thoughts by Twilight’s voice, “is that we don’t care about any of that. We’re happy you decided to tell us more about you, and we’re all rather surprised-”

“I’m not!”

“-most of us are rather surprised but you’re still the pony we became friends with.” Twilight gave him a warm, friendly smile. “And I think I speak for everypony when I say we’re not letting go until you accept that.”

They chorused their agreement and Paladin was forced to spend a few seconds actually thinking about what they said. With a sigh he hung his head. “Very well, I shall...concede and cease ‘being a whiner’ as you put it. Now, if you would all let go I would appreciate it.” He couldn’t describe how awkward he was still feeling but strangely, for some reason, he didn’t actually feel so bad now. Like some weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

He didn’t know why and the only reason he could see was that he had just taken comfort from them saying they didn’t care. Like he had been nervous about revealing the truth for fear of being rejected or something foolish like that. Paladin immediately rejected this on the basis that...

He rejected it. He didn’t need to justify doing so, not to himself. He just...he rejected it. It was just a pity Paladin didn’t know just how much lying to yourself was part of being mortal or he’d realise he had that part down pat.

“Thank you.” He said as they finally let go. He looked back at Celestia, who was smiling with unconcealed happiness. “If the questions I had to answer have been answered, I wish to ask some questions of my own.”

The Princess nodded, recognising the seriousness of his inquiries. “And we will do our best to answer, as soon as my sister and I have heard the tale from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.”

Zecora arched an eyebrow. “I mean no disrespect Lady Sun, but is not Saddle Arabia too distant from here? Would not hearing it from somepony here be better, from somepony near?”

Over half the ponies there broke into giggles. Celestia was of course too dignified to do more then let her smile shiver slightly as she suppressed her own, Luna just looked confused and Paladin had no idea what they were talking about.

“I do apologise for them Zecora. It’s a saying I imagine you have not heard. You must have missed it before now, unfortunately. The Princess wants to hear what happened from those involved personally, rather than just through Twilight’s letter.” Rarity explained while Twilight nudged the others back into looking polite.

The zebra nodded in understanding, smiling slightly in good nature at her mistake. She rarely came across this sort of situation but she tried to see the humour in them. “Ah, now I see. Please, Princess, forgive me.”

“It’s perfectly fine.” Princess Celestia assured her calmly. She looked at Paladin and the girls. “If you would be so kind as to begin, I would appreciate it.”

The story was explained in turn, each telling their part as best they could. When Twilight to the part about what Nightmare Moon accused Luna of being she um’d and ah’d, trying to avoid saying or find a way that didn’t seem to her to be offensive.

“It...it claimed to be real Luna.” Twilight said at last with a nervous tone. “It seemed so convinced that it was the original and you were just a...a construct made from emotions it said it ‘cast off’.” she shrugged helplessly. “It was so deluded that it accused you of being fake!”

“A fake?” Luna echoed, her expression confused. “Cast off? No! That it would dare lie....” She seethed.

“I don’t think it knew it was lying.” Paladin’s calm voice interrupted. When they looked at him he shook his head. “After. Let us finish this first.”

Nodding at Paladin’s advice Twilight continued on, telling the princesses of her escape and finding her friends in the library basement. Her voice shook when she talked about Spike, who was still sleeping it all off in Nurse Redheart’s care. Celestia, who had watched Spike grow from a hatchling, gave away her feelings on this with just a slight narrowing of eyes.

“Rainbow Dash teleported –

“Boo yah for the ‘porting pegasus!” Rainbow Dash interrupted.

Sighing at her friend, Twilight continued, “She teleported to the library to meet Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie like they had agreed, although she was a minute and fourteen seconds late. Now, from there I shared my initial plan. I teleported everypony-”

“Except me.” Possibly to make up for Twilight’s overly accurate timing, Rainbow Dash interrupted again.

This time Twilight glared. “Yes, except Rainbow Dash. As I was saying, I used the magical link, which we now know to be the result of Paladin’s soul mingling with ours, to direct my next teleportation on my own. I found Paladin and Fluttershy in the company of Zecora and Trixie. Oh, and Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.” She added.

“We are curious, how did you know the magical link led to them?” Luna asked, tilting her head as she spoke.

That was a question Twilight had been worried about. “Well, you see your highness...” she hm’d and ah’d for a moment before admitting; “I have no idea. I just knew that one the other ends of the link were ponies I knew and trusted. I got Paladin and Fluttershy, so the feeling was spot on. We finished working out our plan. Paladin would draw as many of the Nightmare’s hosts to where its primary host was in the centre of the town. While he distracted it by, well, by taunting it. Pinkie-”

Pinkie interrupted this time. “I used my super spy skills with my super spy suit to sneak around back and get Twilight those lightning rods! She did some unicorn magi-”

A magenta light sprung up around her mouth.

“As I was saying.” Twilight continued without addressing the fact her horn was glowing. “I altered the spells on the lightning rod using what I learned from the book you gave me Princess Luna, since it was all about sky magic. One I gave to Rainbow Dash and the other to Rarity. I also got Trixie to explain a spell to Rarity, based on her firework spells so she could pin-point a weak point in the Apex Crystal’s underside. Applejack and Fluttershy accompanied Rarity because if too many of us were free the Nightmare would be more cautious. With them it would have one of each pony type and that may have been enough for it to begin making a new body so it would naturally want to gather its strength to keep them trapped. Paladin purposefully enraged it, taunting the Nightmare about not being able to control the crystal.” She glanced at Paladin as she said that part.

He took over. “It was not assured but I had hoped such mocking would drive it to try proving itself. I’m not sure if the Nightmare realised, but it had something of an obsession with proving itself. Question its power and it would try to prove you wrong. Regardless of the odds, it was clearly a success.”

“It hit Paladin with lightning from the crystal.” Twilight continued. “Since he lacked any natural pegasi magic he was like something of an empty vessel and his body soaked up some of it. This diffused some of the sky magic enough that the lightning rod Rarity slipped him was able to get a ‘taste’ of it and the spells in it latched on the arcane frequency of the crystal.”

“I still don’t get that. Frequencies? I thought magic was...magic. Y’know, big glow and then stuff happens.” Rainbow Dash scratched her head.

Twilight sighed. “It causes things to occur but there are reasons behind why. Anything magical has an arcane frequency. Each and every unicorn has a different frequency associated with their magic, as does every other source of magic in existence. If I enchanted an object the spell on it would match my frequency unless it remained for a long, long time without a constant connection and- why I am explaining this to you for the third time?!” She snapped with a glare at her friend.

Rainbow Dash smirked as she answered. “Because it’s funny when you rant” She teased.

Scowling at the pegasus who just kept on grinning Twilight went back to telling the tale to the Princesses. “As I was saying before somepony interrupted; with the grounded lightning rod fixed on the arcane frequency, Paladin escalated the taunting hoping it would try to posses him. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t entirely certain about this part.” Twilight admitted nervously.

Paladin snorted. “I assured you multiple times my mental fortitude would be far superior to whatever force the Nightmare could bring against me. I find your lack of faith disturbing.”

“Well I didn’t know you were a powerful spiritual entity representing a virtuous ideal, did I?” She shot back before moving on. “So yes, it turned out he was able to pull this part of the plan off. The Nightmare was arrogant and prideful, as its need to demonstrate its power showed. It couldn’t stand the idea of being bested by anypony so it put everything into its attack. That meant drawing all its power together including what it was using to protect the crystal. With that gone Rarity used the spell to make the weakness, Rainbow Dash jammed the rod in and then teleported me over.”

Celestia nodded approvingly. “Using her teleportation to spare yourself the use of any more magic in case something went wrong. All part of a plan that you devised together. Outstanding.”

Twilight beamed at her mentor’s praise. “It didn’t end there. The Nightmare had to choose between trying to seize the power of the crystal and retaining its body. Retaking the bodies of all the ponies would take too long, for all it knew we had the Elements ready to go by then. It went for the crystal so I activated the spells I’d hidden in the rods which would let them change from channelling elemental energy to spiritual. With that I intended to trap the Nightmare....not that Paladin apparently intended to follow that part of the plan.”

He failed to react to Twilight’s scathing tone. If anything he seemed entirely at ease despite her obvious annoyance.

“It would have escaped true punishment. I did not feel it deserved that mercy.” Paladin looked thoughtful. “In the end I delivered it the mercy it had gone too long without.”

“You destroyed it.” Celestia summarised.

He looked at directly at her, eyes set. “I killed the Nightmare. It was insane. When the end was undeniable, its madness was made manifest and I used the raw energies to end its existence while it was trapped with my soulscape. It deserved punishment for what it had done but I cannot help but feel it too was a victim.”

“A victim?!” Luna all but growled. “Of who? How? The destruction it- I- the destruction that would have occurred had it gone free would have been vast!”

“There was a spark of what it once was that I saw through the madness. A last gasp of why it did what it did and how it came to be.” Paladin stated coolly. He had clearly taken control of the discussion and knew what he wished to pursue. “Hearing now what it said to Twilight I feel something like understanding at the edge of my awareness. The Nightmare’s soul was torn, as though it was once part of a greater whole.”

“Now hang on just a sec’.” Applejack protested, seeing where this was going.

Twilight gasped. “You don’t believe what it told me, do you? Princess Luna is-”

“-is Princess Luna.” He cut her off without looking. Paladin’s eyes drilled into Luna’s. “I suspect it was merely incorrect about who was the severed fragment. It spoke of darkness overtaking it, an evil that consumed it. It spoke of being abandoned, sacrificed so ‘she’ could escape.”

Recoiling from the pegasus’ words Luna shook her head in denial. “A-are thou saying we did it?”

“I told the tale of the Skeleton King some time ago. It almost reminds me of that.” Paladin said. “A theory is all this is, but you fell into madness without warning. Your sister is far too intelligent to have missed the signs if there were any to spot. Something had to cause it. If you know, tell me. All I ask, all I wish now, is to know the creature I delivered justice to deserved it! I want to know there nothing left to save, that I did not fail a victim!”

Luna stared at him with wide eyes, speechless for a moment. “I-I...W-we do not recall our fall. Only darkness not of the night that came from all directions.”

A great white wing was laid over Luna’s back. “I do not think my sister needs to try remembering that awful time.” She said sharply. Any pleasure from hearing Twilight’s plan had faded in light of her sister’s distress.

Paladin’s eyes narrowed and he began to stand. He was determined to have answers, his stance shouted for all to see.

“No.” A dark hoof pulled Celestia aside. Luna shook her head at her sister. “No. We- I must. Tyrael, Paladin, deserves that much. There is little I recall but...” Taking a deep breath, Luna sat down and lowered her head. Her voice took on a distant, faraway note that only grew as she spoke. “Evil. Darkness. I remember...struggling. Something was seeking to...to take something. Something of mine, something completely and utterly mine. It came to me at night as I raised the moon and told me I was being betrayed. It tried to use my pain at the rejection ponykind gave me to take whatever it was it wanted.”

Closing her eyes against the vague, incomplete memories Luna pressed her head against the ground. Her horn dug into the dirt but she didn’t care at that moment about royal dignity. She felt her sister holding her and a moment later the approach of the other ponies. Only Paladin remained distant, his expression empty of judgement or emotion.

“I...we remember nothing else.” She took a deep, shuddering breath and raised her head so she could look at her questioner. “Does that answer you?”

Slowly he nodded. Paladin’s expression said only that he was deep in thought. “It will suffice. I am sorry to have caused you distress. I must contemplate what you have told me.”

“D-do you think you know what nasty thing made did that to the Princess?” Fluttershy asked. She wasn’t sure exactly what emotion he was radiating now, some mixture of frustration and concern.

Luna’s eyes reflected their own sudden hope.

“Sir Tyrael, if you know-” She began.

He raised a hoof to cut her hoof. Thankfully she fell silent, remembering that despite his current form what he was – or had been. To the others it would seem strange that a Princess would fall silent at his gesture had they not just learned his true nature.

“I do not know what happened.” Paladin said simply. He delivered that news reluctantly knowing it would crush the Princess’s hope. “Something stirs in the back of my mind. There is more, I know it but it is outside my grasp.” His brow furrowed in frustration. “I can feel some understand, a comprehension that lurks beyond me.”

Rainbow Dash was quick as ever to voice her thoughts. “You sure you haven’t just got a headache? What?” She asked the second question of Twilight whose expression could be encompassed by the word ‘ballistic’.

The tension broke like sudden rainfall. Paladin snorted and did not roll his eyes. He had far too much dignity for that. “I think you’ll find the difference between us is that simple conceptual thinking does not require me to seek out medical aid.” He said somewhat icily.

She stared at him for a few seconds without saying anything.

“Please tell me the term ‘conceptual thinking’ isn’t stumping you Rainbow Dash.” Twilight could have facehoofed. She knew Rainbow Dash wasn’t stupid but sometimes the pegasus had very different ideas about what was common and practical knowledge. Not that Twilight always perfect in that regard herself.

She got an indignant grumble from her friend. “Of course it isn’t. I’m just trying to work out if Paladin made a joke. Did absorbing sky magic give you a sense of humour all of a sudden Pally? ”

Just like that the subject went from Luna’s fall into madness to Rainbow Dash asserting Paladin didn’t have a sense of humour. The Princesses watched as the cocky pegasus began a one-sided argument with Paladin, who returned her gusto with his own, which was roughly that of a large, moss covered boulder. It goes without saying this meant very little, although Rainbow Dash gave no indication that this was about to stop her. Quite the opposite.

“He’s using contractions,” Luna murmured quietly. She had not missed it since their arrival that something about their strange extra-planar guest had changed. Listening to how ponies of the day talked had become something of a habit and it had drawn her attention immediately.

“I noticed,” Celestia whispered back. They didn’t need to say out loud for both to realise something important had changed. It was a small thing, a minor difference in how he talked but it said a lot more than any single word could. Perhaps Tyrael really had become Paladin.

They watched Rainbow Dash drag first Applejack and then Rarity into the argument, which turned to other matters. Without warning the entire meeting and discussion had turned into something far less....dignified.


Everypony looked up at Princess Celestia. She smiled gently at them.

“There is something more we need to discuss.” She began, looking each one of them in the eyes. “To begin, let me say this; I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry I’ve failed you again.”

The girls stared at her for a moment in quiet confusion while Paladin looked on in interest.

Striking while the iron was hot Celestia pushed on. If she gave them time to reply she knew Twilight would immediately start declaring she had nothing to apologise for.

“Twice now evil has struck at Equestria’s heart. Canterlot has hosted it twice, first at the wedding and now again last night. Both times I failed you. I failed everypony and every creature who would have suffered the consequences had you not acted in my place.” She looked away, unable to bring herself to keep looking at them. The Princess could feel the guilt welling up inside her and the barriers she had erected in her mind weakened. She feared Fluttershy’s new awareness would pick up on it. A thousand years of guilt over failing a sister added to the stinging bitterness of failing an entire nation so often would not be kind to her. “All of Equestria venerates me and yet the last two times I have been truly needed I have been outwitted or overpowered.”

Twilight was in good form today, she noticed, jumping to her defence almost immediately. “Princess, that’s not fair at all! You have nothing to feel guilty about, there was no way you could have known the Nightmare would use Trixie to trick you into opening your mind.” Thanks to what they had found out about the nature of the attack she had already deduced how it occurred, with Trixie’s confused assistance.

“Yeah, you’re like totally ‘watching vigilantly over all the land’ all the time. Well, ninety-nine percent of the time.” Pinkie provided cheerfully. “That’s way better than I could ever do, I’d always be so distracted.”

Celestia sighed and shook her head. “I failed when it mattered most and that is what is important. I...need to apologise to you all. You did what I failed to do when it was my responsibility. For that I owe you more than I can ever repay.”

“Princess, Ah don’t mean no disrespect.” Applejack said, taking off her hat respectfully. “But that’s a load a’ hooey.”

“Applejack!” Twilight gasped.

The farmer went on like Twilight hadn’t said anything. She faced down the alicorn with the same set expression she used when somepony was trying to lie to her. “Y’all have done the best ya can for a thousand years an’ outta all that time its twice somethin’ has goen right up the creek without ya bein’ there to paddle us out.”

“However quaint a saying she may have used, your highness, I simply must agree with Applejack.” Rarity stepped forward with great dignity and pose. Just because one was telling royalty they were completely and utterly wrong about something did not mean one had to do it like a mannerless ruffian. There are such things as standards, after all. “If anypony were to bear you ill will after countless centuries of watching over us they would be the most uncouth, oafish bores to ever hear your name.”

The Princess blinked slightly in surprise as the Elements all gave their own variety of agreement with the sentiment.

Most surprising was when her sister spoke up. “They are quite correct, sister. In truth the blame falls to me.”

Twilight’s gaze went from Celestia to Luna. “Um, excuse me Princess but...how did you get that from all of this?”

“I did not.” Princess Luna informed her curtly. “The incident with the Changeling Queen and the Nightmare’s psychic attack are both my fault. Every time over the last thousand years where my sister has seemingly left the fate of Equestria in the hooves of ponies has been my fault. For ten centuries she has born the weight of the entire cycle upon her. The Moon is mine and it always has been. The price of power and will it cost Celestia has left her nearly as reduced as I was upon my redemption.”

Celestia frowned at her younger sibling, clearly not pleased. “I was more than up to the burden, I have assured you many, many times.”

Princesses do not snort, so as far as Luna was concerned the sound did not come from her. “And each times your words betray you. The Sun is not a ‘burden’ to you anymore than the Moon is to me. We do it naturally and without expending much energy. But keeping the lunar cycle active has taxed you. A thousand years ago only a Changeling Queen of the highest order with centuries of age could have tested your ability!”

“I should not have attempted to engage it in mental combat. If I had been more willing to use more energy in my attack it would never have had the chance to strike at my mind.” Celestia countered.

“Yes, you should have used power that is only returning after a thousand years with nearly no practice and risked incinerating the Captain, the Bearers and half the wedding guests. Would you have been so unfamiliar with your own power if it had not spent a millennia being used solely to do what I should have been doing?”

“I didn’t notice that Cadence had been replaced-”

“Because your mind was still recovering from the strain of using as foreign an essence as the Moon and the Queen’s magic was affecting you-”

“That is no excuse and you know it! I’m old enough that I should have recognised-”

“Recognised magic not seen in Equestria since before my fall? I’ve read the history books sister, the changelings have been dormant for a long time.”

It was interesting for the mortal ponies to watch to pair of large alicorns bickering like, very simply, siblings. They seemed to have forgotten entirely about the others there as they argued, both determined to be bear the blame. It certainly ruined some of the royal mystique.

Fluttershy frowned to herself and without even attempting broadcast to her friends they felt an emotion; disapproval. In the end it didn’t matter why. Both Princesses were trying their best to look after their little ponies and now their guilt was driving a wedge between them.

Luna sighed and looked away. “There’s no reasoning with you when you’re like this, so mopey.”

The white alicorn gaped at that. “Me? Mopey? You’re one to ta-”

“Excuse me.”

Fluttershy said both words quietly. By all rights they should have been drowned out by the Princesses. Both looked down to find a number of eyes looking at them and finally they remembered where they were. Celestia winced as she realised what she had just done in front of her subjects, even the Elements of Harmony. That would hardly be helping them trust in her judgement-

“Stop it, please.” Fluttershy’s voice interrupted her self-recriminating thought. The normally gentle pegasus was backed up by her friends as she looked at the Princesses with a faint air of disapproval. “Nopony here blames either of you and you shouldn’t either. So please, stop arguing. If not for your own sakes then for everypony who trusts you, who want to see you enjoying the harmony you desire for us.”

The sisters exchanged surprised looks at the pegasus’s words.

“Yeah, ‘Shy is totally right.” Rainbow Dash added loudly. “You shouldn’t be arguing about blaming yourselves anyway. All that stuff is over so move on. Get back in the game and do your Princess-y ruler thing.”

Pinkie was suddenly between the princesses, slinging a hoof over each. Rarity nearly fainted at the breach of etiquette. “There’s been stuff, there’ll be more stuff, but nopony is helped if you’re angry at yourself for something. You did your best and that’s all we can ask you for so relax and share a laugh together! Kick back about yesterday and party on to tomorrow!”

Approaching her mentor Twilight smiled up at her, putting one of her hooves over Celestia’s own. “I’ve always looked up to you and I still do. You’ve done amazing things for us and everypony else so please, don’t punish yourself for when things went beyond your control. Nopony is perfect, not even you.” It took a lot for her to actually admit, out loud, that the Princess wasn’t perfect but Twilight knew she needed to get her point across.

“I....” Celestia’s throat seemed to close on the words before she got them out. Taking a breath, she composed herself. “You’re right. I should have known better but thanks to you I’ve been reminded. The past is the past, and while we should learn from it I shouldn’t let it control me. Nor should you, little sister.”

Pinkie seemed to vanish as Celestia hugged her sister again. Luna returned it fondly.

“Indeed. Although it will take time, I will try my best.” Luna murmured.

As the Princesses shared another hug, the ponies around them cheered.

As events unfolded, Paladin began to retreat from the group. Time was needed after this meeting for everything to be absorbed. Come tomorrow he would find out what the girls truly thought. If he was....if he was still their friend.

A hoof caught him before he could get far. Zecora looked at him with a critical air and tugged one of his wings.

“Turn back now, this gathering is nearly done. I think what is left may brings some fun.” She whispered, making it apparent she wanted him to wait until the end.

Grunting Paladin turned and went back to the ground, standing just to the side as the cheers dimmed down. They hadn’t noticed his abrupt attempt at departure.

“Now that we have that out of the way, there is one final issue that must be addressed.” Princess Celestia said. She was smiling now. Her mood had been considerably improved.

“There is?” Twilight just wished she had schedule or check-list for this, it would make things much easier to coordinate.

Smiling at her student the Princess nodded. “Indeed there is. I know after your first time you were all turned a bit off it but the next Grand Galloping Gala is coming up and I want all of you to come. All you meaning both of you over there. I don’t believe a zebra has ever attended the Gala before and I’m sure the nobility will be...stirred by your appearance, Zecora.”

The zebra looked surprised at suddenly being addressed. “Humble Zecora would not refute such an invitation, but I doubt your nobles will find it a cause for elation.”

Celestia shrugged. “Oh I’m sure they’ll get over it as soon as somepony uses the wrong fork or something equally silly like that. They do take themelves rather seriously.”

“Uh, Princess?” Twilight waved a little to her attention. She looked up at her nervously. “I’m, uh, not sure that would be a great idea after the last time.”

Pinkie bounced over, her grin stretching wide. “Oooh, but Twilight this time we can do it right! I’ll find the right tune and those fancy pants will be dancing their flanks off! Oh yeah! Move it!” Pinkie began to do a few strange dances moves, already imagining what would happen.

“If we avoid another debacle it would be a lovely way to show off. Speaking of fancy pants, why I do believe in some recent correspondence Fancy Pants mentioned that he intends to go.” Rarity said thoughtfully. She could imagine it now, new dresses for her friends and even Zecora! At last she would get to make their zebra friend a dress worthy of the name and a fine one at that. Her eyes were practically alight with desire as her imagination began to weave inspiration.

Fluttershy retreated a few steps, past Applejack and Rainbow Dash who were discussing if it would be fun when not trying to sell stuff or impress heroes. She remembered what happened and how she had utterly ruined it for everyp-

“Ooph.” Her breath burst from her lips as she ran into something. Looking back she smiled nervously at Paladin, who looked unimpressed with hit in the face by Fluttersh’s tail and the side by her flank. “Oh, um, excuse me-”

“You ‘two’ you said.” Paladin asked Celestia, stepping out of Fluttershy’s way uncomfortably. His face felt like it was beginning to warm up where her tail had brushed his cheek. It was odd and he didn’t like it. He was also hungry and after even a month he still didn’t like that.

The Princess nodded, smiling mischievously. “Oh yes Sir Tyr- my apologies, Sir Paladin. I need to reward you all and I can’t do that just anywhere.”

“I require no reward. I did my duty.”

“Except it’s not your duty anymore.” She retorted calmly. “You’ve already insisted you are not Tyrael anymore meaning any responsibility that was his is no longer yours. Therefore everything you have done so far was done out of the goodness of your heart and that, my little pony, deserves a reward.”

Ignoring the giggles at his expense Paladin sighed. “Very well.” He conceded reluctantly. He absently lifted a hoof as Rarity materialised with a measuring cord she didn’t have a minute ago. “I shall attend this gathering.”

“Wonderful.” Celestia got to her hooves, followed shortly by her sister. “This has been a lovely discussion and I have been extremely impressed. As much as I want to talk more the town seems to be getting anxious and I would hate for us to delay them any longer.”

Paladin didn’t stay for whatever happened next. He didn’t quite sneak away, but he had made no move to inform anypony of his departure. This time Zecora made no attempt to stop him and he left them to them to return to the town with the Princesses. Going to one of the nearby hills, he was content to return to his solemn deliberations. Despite their reactions he believed in time the weight of what he said would sink in and they would need to think about it all.

He expected Rainbow Dash not to return to the town, her irrational fear still leaving her unable to remain inside for long without a friend’s company. Fluttershy he had thought would set off for her home, to begin repairing the damage. At first that was what he thought she did, a little shape of yellow tipped with pink trotting away towards her home on the outskirts of town. He paid it no more attention than that save a single thought to her safety. He frowned at that, dismissing it. There was no reason to worry about her, it was just her walk home.

Snorting derisively at the strange ways of thinking mortality imposed Paladin closed his eyes and sat back in deep thought. He had a lot to think about. He opened his eyes to look back at his cutie mark. He understood it now. Whatever magic had given him this form it had found a meaning and a ‘special talent’ to correspond to. Even if he wasn’t Tyrael anymore there was no reason to abandon his morals. He would seek to bring justice to the wicked as a righteous punishment and to the innocent as a protecting shield.

Looking down on the town, its streets filled with ponies, he wondered at whether this place needed it. Since the night he gave up Tyrael’s light to save six souls he had read many books from the library and a map had passed his sight a few times. There was places of danger where the wicked lived, stories he found of monsters hiding in darkness. Perhaps he could turn the lie that had covered for him a chance to be true. First he would need to adjust to his body more, Paladin decided. He needed to train it and to learn to wield it as a weapon. Right now he was still unfocused, lacking the experience he had been gifted with in his angelic form. He had managed for now but for how much longer? What weapons could he use now?

His thoughts turned to these questions as he gazed at Ponyville, feeling something strange. The sight of the town filled him with an odd feeling he wasn’t sure of and that frustrated him. It was almost like a want or need, something telling him that this place was important. Aside from the Elements of Harmony there was little of interest here, so why did he feel reluctance when he looked at Ponyville as he thought of leaving?

A whisper in a voice far more delicate than his provided the answer.

“You don’t want to leave Ponyville because it’s become your home.” Fluttershy said from behind him.

For a moment he thought his fleshy little heart had exploded or tried to crawl out his throat. His wings twitched and he nearly jumped. Spinning he glared at Fluttershy where she stood a few feet behind him.

“Do not” he growled, “sneak up on me.”

She recoiled and Paladin realised exactly who he had just snapped at. His frustration from being confused by his feelings had gotten out of control for a moment combined with the shock of being surprised. The timid mare squeaked and gulped, her eyes wide.

Paladin’s voice softened. “Forgive me. You surprised me. I should not have snapped.”

With a deep breath to steady her suddenly jittery nerves Fluttershy shook her head. “N-no, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have been so quiet; I just didn’t want to disturb you.”

“It is not okay.” He said firmly. “There is no reason for me to direct anger at you for respecting that.”

She blinked slightly, looking a bit embarrassed. “Oh, um, okay.”

They both stood there in awkward silence that went on for nearly a minute. At last Paladin broke it with a suppressed groan.

“You wanted to see me, I assume?”

Fluttershy’s flushed, remembering her reason for coming to see him. “Yes, I did. I saw you up here on my way home and thought you, uh, might like some company. When I got closer I could feel your frustration and just wanted to help. I hope I didn’t interrupt.” She whispered the last part, looking down slightly. She had made what were for her leaps and bounds about being less shy but all that seemed to evaporate for some reason.

“I see.” He did, somewhat. “You know what I was feeling? I am...uncertain of it. It is not something I believe I have felt before.

She was reminded of the truth he revealed to them. It was starting to sink in as he spoke about being unfamiliar with an emotion how very different he must have been before. So old and powerful, enough to warrant the respect of the Princesses! Yet he could not even explain to himself why he felt at home when he looked at Ponyville.

“I can’t read your mind but...you’re feeling what I felt when I moved away from home, to my own house. My cottage here actually. Like you don’t want to leave home. When I think about moving away from Ponyville I feel the same thing.” She trotted closer and looked down at Ponyville, Paladin turning to look with her. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “Are you thinking of leaving?”

She asked the question with a quiet air of sadness. Everything in the look she was giving him said she wanted any answer but ‘yes’.

For her sake he decided to give her such an answer. “I am unsure.” Paladin admitted. “This world and my ‘special talent’ are all I have now. There seems little to occur here. What have happened are abnormalities. Can I not do more good out in the world, seeking injustices? There lurks evil in the corners of the land I feel I could do something about. Should I not do that? Why...why do I feel like I do not want to leave? It makes no sense.” He snarled the last part, grinding a hoof into the ground.

Fluttershy stared at him. He was being honest and that hurt her slightly. “I-is that really all you have?” She asked quietly. He looked at her strangely but she forced herself to keep going on. “What about us? We’re your friends.”

That earned a flinch from the dark pegasus. “Yes, you're correct. I spoke in haste. It is merely strange. I have had brothers in arms, comrades and those I protect. I have had enemies and yet I;m not sure I have ever had friends until now. It is...strange. I find myself hoping I still do tomorrow.”

“We meant it, you know,” Fluttershy murmured softly. “Everything you us told is...strange. I’m almost frightened. I...I never imagined you could have spent so long always fighting. It must have been horrible for you. But...” She stepped closer to him but looked away. “You’re here now. I’m not asking you to give up following your talent but maybe you should find a little peace first, because you deserve it. Just...think about it and please don’t forget how i-important you are to us now. To me.” She whispered the last part, turning and trotting away quickly.

The whispered words had just brushed the edge of his hearing and Paladin looked back as Fluttershy left. He stared at her departing form and realised something that warmed him strangely, and something else quite annoying. She was still his friend, despite learning the truth. And...his body wanted to mate with hers.

Paladin frowned.

Damn it.


Above that glittering orb of light and life, a cold presence had reached the end of the trail.

Ardleon stared at the ripple in reality that Tyrael had left as he burst into this new world. Its presence filled him with concern. Another mortal realm was unimaginable and yet here it was. He reached out to inspect its energies, recoiling at the last moment. From the chaos of Pandemonium he made out the ordered workings that surrounded it. Too close and whatever being had made them would know his presence. Simply tearing through them would do neither him nor Tyrael any good. For all he knew the wards would cripple him. No, a slower method was his only hope of getting safely through. Whatever mortals might exist here would have no warning of his coming.

Tyrael had been lost because of his willingness to trust mortals. Ardleon would not make the same mistake. The only reason Tyrael would not have returned yet would be if something was stopping him. Whatever, whoever, it was they would find Ardleon to lack the Archangel’s mercy.

“I’ve found you at last, Tyrael.” He whispered to the empty reality, wings flaring as his form began to fade. It would take time for his essence to make its way through the wards without being detected. He would manifest and fall upon them with nothing to warn them or protect any who barred his way to his wounded kin. “Nothing will stop me. You will return.”


There it is, Paladin just realised his body wants to do some dirty business! That’s all he’s realised and to him it’s just a stupid and distracting biological flaw.

The poor, naive foal.

Seriously though, if there are any problems (aside from just not liking that its happening) or advice for how it goes feel free to say, my first time writing anything more than just friendship-ness.

Any ending editor comments? Find out beloooooooooowwwww......

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