• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 9,388 Views, 39 Comments

Po-Gi-Oh - Mister Phoenix

Sweetie Belle; a young unicorn filly who doesn't really care about the new card game in Equestria. Duel Monsters, unlike her friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom who want her to join in the fun.

  • ...

Darkness Rising

Scootaloo's life points drop to zero, with Silver Spoon smiling in victory. While her friends watched from the side lines.

"Oh, sorry Scoots. But better luck next time" Sliver Spoon said just with the orange pegasus ignore them all.

She totted on home, head hanging down in shame and defeat. With her kicking a small rock while on her journey home.

The young orange pegasus open the door to a small two story house, standing away from most of the others. A red rubber ball hit the side of Scootaloo's head.

"Oh great, he's home" Scootaloo mutter to herself.

While she walked to her room, her eyes drifted to the first place trophy's on the top of the bookshelf.

"Scootaloo honey" a female voice said causing the filly to stop.

"Yeah mom?" Scootaloo said, question her a bit.

A red coated pegaus mare walked into the room with her long purple mane and cutie mark of a first place trophy.

"Have you won anything yet?" She question her

Scootaloo looked to the ground, knowing it best to not lie to her mother.

"No" Scootaloo answer softy in a small whisper.

"Then you should know what happens. No dinner until your a winner. Also don't call me mom" her mother said, looking down at her daughter.

"Yes and I'm not your daughter until I win at something" Scootaloo said before she went to her room.

Scootaloo fell on top of her bed, while she held her eyes shut. Trying her best to hold back her tears.

"I'm...I'm not a loser....I'm just can't be" Scootaloo mutter to herself.

Master Chase watched the filly closely with a small smile on his face.

"Oh she's heart broken. Beaten down by her family wants to be a winner but turns out to be a loser" Master Chase said to himself.

"Amber, Knuckles" he said causing the pair to appear in the room.

"Yes master?" Amber question

"I found my next puppet and pawn to use in this deadly game. I want you two to travel and get this Scootaloo to turn to a Shadow Pony" Master Chase ordered the two.

"She knows about us from the annoying little unicorn" Master Chase added

"You want me to get the filly soul, Master?" Amber question

"No, it would be more fun to see her duel her best friend. Soul or no soul with would you pick? Your own life or the one closest to you?" Master Chase question them

"Is this a joke Master?" Knuckles wondered

"I do not joke around Knuckles. You and Amber are a perfect team now get me that pegasus!" Master Chase ordered the two, causing them to disappear.

"Knight to E3" Master Chase said to himself.

Scootaloo lay on her bed wanting to cry but wouldn't do it. Winners don't cry.

"Oh does the poor filly want to win" a mocking voice said

Scootaloo turn to look at the pegasus and the Earth pony.

"Are you two Amber and Knuckles?" Scootaloo question

"Yes we are and we got a deal for you" Knuckles said causing Scootaloo to throw a pillow at him.

"I don't want to hear it!" Scootaloo cried out, knowing her parents wouldn't care she yelling.

"But you want to be a winner, correct? We can help you do so just need Sweetie Belle soul" Amber said calmly

"No is no. I'm not going to take away my best friend soul. Now get lost!" Scootaloo said with Amber and Knuckles disappearing.

"I don't need them. I am a winner, Sweetie Belle is the only one who had faith in me. I got other friends to support me now but I know Sweetie will stay by my side" Scootaloo said to herself before she let out a huge yawn and went to sleep.

Scootaloo flew though the clear blue sky, busting the puffing white clouds with her hooves.

The filly did a few loop de loops in the sky. Before everything went dark, losing control of her flight the young pegasus flew and flew. Until she hit the cold hard Earth.

The sound of hoove steps made it way over to Scootaloo, who is now rubbing her head in pain.

"Princess Luna is that you?" Scootaloo question

"Oh no, that low life isn't aloud in here. Yet" a male voice said with just a black mane, coat, red eyes and stricking no cutie mark.

"Who are you?!" Scootaloo question as an order

"My mistake I am known as Master Chase"

"Your the creep that wants to take Sweetie Belle's soul!" Scootaloo stated stepping back a bit in horror.

"You make that sound like a bad thing. I just want to save the world but that filly stands in the way of destiny. The Age of Shadows when the prince and the princess falls I shall rise" Master Chase explained.

"Why are you telling me this? Is it just in villain 101 tell the heroes the evil plan?" Scootaloo question and mostly mocked

"Well you have to be a winner to be a hero. Your family thinks other wise, I can help you. Be the filly their want you to be, like Rainbow Dash. Heck I can give you the one thing no pony else can" Master Chase said, with Scootaloo watching him carefully.

"What's that?" She wondered

"The able to fly! Somepony at your age and unable it a shame. Bring me Sweetie Belle soul and I can make your dreams become reality" Master Chase said with a small and evil smile.

Scootaloo's eyes begin to flicker from her normal purple to an yellow before she shook her head.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" Scootaloo yelled out pushing the stallion back.

"I won't be fooled by you!" Scootaloo cried out to him.

"A shame really. Seeing that if you defeated Sweetie Belle you would have gain the two Equestrian Gods. Truly making you the best." Master Chase said with a sigh

"Oh well. Better luck next time I guess. Fair well Scootaloo just keep in mind my deal. I'll keep in touch" Master Chase said before he disappeared

Scootaloo woke up breathing in, heavily. Gripping the bed sheets with sweat rolling down her head.

"Gosh and Sweetie Belle gotta fight that guy" Scootaloo said to herself before she begin to get ready for a new day.

Scootaloo walked though the town with a smile formed on her face. She looked up to the sky seeing a rainbow trail left by the one and only Rainbow Dash.

I can make your dreams become reality Master Chase voice echo though her head.

Scootaloo closes her eyes and just ran. The young pegaus didn't and just couldn't careless where she went. Just as long it was away from that mad stallion called Master Chase.

It haunted her, the power of flight finally be in her family at long last. Given to her on a sliver tray and she threw it away!

Scootaloo shook her head. Before she stopped and rested under a tree.

"No then that means taking my best friend soul" Scootaloo said to herself.

"But anything I could want I will have" Scootaloo argue back to herself.






"Scootaloo are you talking to.... Yourself?" Sweetie Belle question, standing in front of her friend.

"Sorry I got a lot on my mind" Scootaloo said with Sweetie sitting next to her.

"Well remember I will always be by your side no matter what" Sweetie Belle said

"What if I did something mean, something horrible to you? Should you still trust me?" Scootaloo question causing Sweetie Belle to wrap her in a hug.

"Remember the promise we made together when we first met?" Sweetie question

"Together forever-" Scootaloo started

"I will never leave your side" Sweetie Belle continued

"Because we'll be friends forever" the two said together, finishing the old promise.

Scootaloo broke the hug, De-parting away from Sweetie Belle.

"I don't think I can keep that promise" Scootaloo said

"Why not?" Sweetie Belle question

"Because I don't want to be your friend!" Scootaloo said before she walked away from the heart broken and crying filly.

Scootaloo walked and walked into she just bumb into somepony.

"Well done Scootaloo" the voice of Amber said with Scootaloo up at her.

"Just make me better" Scootaloo said, hiding her tears.

"Oh we will. But you need this duel disk" Amber said giving the young filly a black coloured duel disk with red paint mix in also.

"I also got you a Shadow deck that-" Amber started

"No. I want to destroy Sweetie Belle with my deck" Scootaloo said

"Very well then. Don't disappoint us. We will be watching" Amber said before she disappear into the shadows.

Scootaloo placed the dark duel disk on to her left leg smiling with her eyes blinked turning purple to yellow.

Apple Bloom sat on a outside picnic table with Sliver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Waiting for the other two crusaders Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Do ya two have anythin' to drink?" Apple Bloom question

"We got OJ, Purple Stuff, Soda, Sunny D" Sliver Spoon listed

"Sunny D, all the way" Diamond Tiara said

"Wait. What the heck is Purple Stuff?" Apple Bloom question

Sweetie Belle climbed on the table, sitting down hanging her head in a distress mode.

"What wrong?" Apple Bloom question

"I think something up with Scootaloo. She acted really weird when we was talking the just before" Sweetie Belle explain.

"Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo voice called out

"Scootaloo great! I'm sorry what ever I did to you" Sweetie Belle said

"I want to duel you, right here, right now!" Scootaloo ordered

"Well I always wanted to duel you. I think I'm a bit out of my league here but I'll try my best!" Sweetie Belle said with a smile putting on her duel disk and activating it.

Scootaloo smiled and placed her deck and active her duel disk. A light green circle surround the two duelist. With Sweetie Belle looking around in horror and shock.

"I win you lose your soul, you win I lose mine" Scootaloo said

"No! I won't duel you not like this!" Sweetie Belle cried out

"So you give up?" Scootaloo question

"No! My friend is in there somewhere and if I have to duel you. Then so be it" Sweetie Belle said

"Let's duel" their said together

"I really don't want to duel you, Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle said with a cry

"I don't care! Just start the duel so you can finally leave me alone. Taking your soul is just a bonus!" Scootaloo said causing Sweetie to close her eyes. Fighting away the tears.

"Fine, I place one monster in face down defense mode and set one card. Your move" Sweetie Belle said making Scootaloo draw.

"Well I think I'll follow your lead by placing a monster in face down defense mode and set two cards. Let see your luck" Scootaloo stated with a smile.

"I have skills, I set one card" Sweetie Belle said, pausing to look at her hoof.

Change of Hearts I might need later and I want to save my Summoned Skull. But Burden of the Mighty may help Sweetie Belle thought to herself.

"Hurry up I know your not as smart as others but it doesn't take a thousand years to make a move!" Scootaloo called out.

"I end"

"Good finally my move. I summon my Great White to the field in attack mode and end" Scootaloo said causing a middle size shark join the fight.

"I draw"

"I active my trap card. Pyro Clock of Destiny this skips your turn and goes to mine!" Scootaloo explain

"Fine do your turn" Sweetie Belle said

"I will sacrifice my two useless monsters to summon my Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Scootaloo cried out.

"Wait a Blue Eyes but there only four in Equestria and Scootaloo has one of them!?" Diamond Tiara said, shock and surprised.

"Sweetie can take it down. She beat a Equestrian God and Twilight. She can win but ah don' think Sweetie wants to win" Apple Bloom said noting her friend face.

"What a Blue Eyes White Dragon? Is it like Red Eyes if so why summon something with two thousand and four hundred attack?" Sweetie Belle question causing Scootaloo to laugh.

"Oh your cute" Scootaloo said making Sweetie blush. A white scale large dragon with a pair of blue eyes, sharp teeth and claw. The points showed next to the legendary dragon with attack power of three thousand and defense of two thousand and five hundred.

"This is Blue Eyes. My strongest monster and the first time I was able to summon him" Scootaloo said with a smile.

"I will destroy you little filly" The Blue Eyes White Dragon roared at Sweetie. Making the young unicorn to shallow.

"Destroy her weak monster" Scootaloo ordered

"I'm sorry" Sweetie whispered watch her Mystical Elf get destroyed.

"My move I set one card and active two magic card first my Rain Of Mercy letting us both get one thousand life points."

Sweetie Belle: 4000 - 5000

Scootaloo: 4000 - 5000

"Next I active my Burden of the Mighty to lower your Blue Eyes attack power then I end" Sweetie said

Scootaloo watched her Blue Eyes attack drop from 3000, to 2200

"Well that was a thing. Blue Eyes attack her now!" Scootaloo ordered

Sweetie Belle: 5000 - 2800

"Your move" Scootaloo said

Sweetie Belle draw seeing her Black Luster Ritual. "I'm not fighting you Scootaloo. Your my friend my best friend the first pony I ever trusted. But now your not my friend. I. I don't even know who you are now." Sweetie Belle said with tears falling to the ground.

"I don't care about you! I summon my Stabber In The Abyssal now he and Blue Eyes attack her again!"

Sweetie Belle: 2800 - 400

Sweetie gave a light smile seeing her trusted Black Luster Soldier armed and ready for battle.

"I be honest I can get rid of that Blue Eyes White Dragon right now. But I'm not" Sweetie Belle said

"Why?" Scootaloo question

"Because your my friend I don't want you to lose. I know how much winning means to you so I'm not taking this victory away from you. You have earned it. Attack me and take my soul" Sweetie Belle said causing Scootaloo's eyes to go back to purple.

"I, I, I forfeit" Scootaloo said forcing her hoof on her deck giving Sweetie Belle the win.

Sweetie Belle quickly ran up to Scootaloo, she pick up the pegasus filly holding her in her hooves.

Scootaloo placed a card in Sweetie Belle hoove and smiled

"Take down that creep Master Chase for me" Scootaloo said before she fell into a coma.

Sweetie Belle looked at the card, seeing the powerful Blue Eyes White Dragon.

"Don't worry Scootaloo. I will" Sweetie Belle said before their took the orange pegasus to the hospital.

Author's Note:

Only because the song is awesome

But I was watching the old Yu-Gi-Oh show and there is a piece of dialogue that the lovely 4kids gave that I want to use, now I'm not going to tell you which one that is because that would be dangerous.