• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 9,382 Views, 39 Comments

Po-Gi-Oh - Mister Phoenix

Sweetie Belle; a young unicorn filly who doesn't really care about the new card game in Equestria. Duel Monsters, unlike her friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom who want her to join in the fun.

  • ...

The Master: Part One

Rain pour down heavily with the booming sound of thunder in the skies. Lightning struck the ground with a loud roar.

A small colt jumped in fear, but stayed under the roof he had reached just when the storm took hold. With a short blue mane and gray coat the thunder and lightning scared the young unicorn into hiding.

He just sat and watched the rain fall and hit the ground, while he held his back legs with his front ones, hugging himself for warmth and safety.

A loud creaking noise could be heard as the young colt stared at the ground beside a door that is now open and emitting a warm glow. A mare looked at him with a kind smile with her green coat and white mane.

"Oh, you dear child. Please, follow me.” the mare said with the colt silently following her into the ground.

Torches hung on the stone wall depicting a strange language. That the young child couldn't read.

He sat down on the uncomfortable bed, but he still smiled.

"What's your name young one?" The mare questioned him.

The colt closed his eyes in shame and turn away from the mare.

"Vow of silence, hurt by ones close to you. Wish to not remember the name that brought you shame, Chase." the mare said causing the colt to look at her.

"Your new name can be Chase, suits you well, don't you think?" She question causing Chase to nod with a genuine smile.

"Fantastic, now for that talking. I'd love to hear your lovely voice. Wait. Sorry but I haven't told you my name as of yet. I am Shady Daze, glad to meet you.” the mare said bowing her head with Chase doing the same.

Shady Daze smiled at Chase with him looking at the walls that just read: "¥₹៛₪ฯ €μ€§₹ ¥¤₪฿§¥£$ ¥¡¿§¥£. ₹៛¥£¤₪, £¥€$៛¤ฯ฿."

"Where there is darkness, there is light. Where there is hope, there is also pain. Yin and Yang, fighting ever for control. Not knowing that they bring harmony to the land in their struggle for dominance." Shady explained.

"Who is this brat!" A loud booming voice demanded.

Chase's red eyes looked at the red Earth pony stallion his eyes flare with rage. His dark as night mane didn't improve his appearance made ugly by the expression his muzzle bore. He was staring at Chase, watching, waiting for a move. Any move.

"Stop it!" Shady yelled before the stallion slapped her across the face.

Chase stood still, frozen in fear looking at the kind mare lying on the ground in pain.

"I guess, you can be the one." the stallion said.

"Call me either Sir or Mister. Nothing else" he said, before walking back into the shadows.

Chase ran up to Shady to try and get her back on her hooves.

"I'm fine, his real name is Ginzo, but just call him Sir." Shady said to the young colt.

She noticed the young unicorn worried look, causing her to mess up his mane.

"Don't be down, if you're down you'll never be high in the sky. Where everypony can see your greatness." Shady said, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Chase let out a smile to her, with Shady showing him where he would be sleeping. A stone bed with a single blanket and pillow.

"I know it not much..." Shady started.

"It’s perfect." Chase whispered causing Shady to smile.

"Well, get some rest you've got a big day tomorrow!" Shady Daze said, with Chase entering the room.

The young colt ran to his bed, just to trip on some piles of stone that lay on the floor. With a stonecutter axe on a small table.

Chase looked at them, the stone pieces wasn't that big around the size of a card of sorts. He had trouble lifting the bricks to his bed but in little time was able to move at least three before getting too tired to move more.

He picked up the small stone cutter, holding it in his right hoof. Getting the right stone brick he wrote "Silfer The Sky Dragon" in the middle "Obelisk The Tormentor" and last "The Winged Dragon of Ra".

Chase let out a tired yawn, before he fell fast asleep with the stones, now sitting on the table. Sitting by the wall, next to Chase's bed as he slept throughout the night.

The sun shone high in the sky, warming up the cold air for a nice warm day in the summer. All the while, the small colt; Chase is still hard at work on those bricks.

When he wasn't helping Shady Daze who he now calls mother at times, or even working under the watchful eye of Sir Ginzo. Chase was hard at work on the bricks, creating a new game of sorts, until one faithful day.

"Chase darling" Shady called out, causing Chase to run out his room and stand tall for his new found mother.

"We have been invited to the grand castle, so as your father told me to tell you don't touch, look or even talk to anypony." Shady said, with Chase giving her a salute.

Shady gave Chase a small hug, with a warm smile before she kissed him on the forehead.

"Go and pack anything you want to bring. Meet us by the stairs in a few minutes." Shady said to the silent colt.

"Love you.” she said.

"Love you too.” Chase said, causing Shady to smile and leave.

Chase ran to get only one small brick to put in his bag. Before running to catch up with his new found mother and father.

It was a long and tiring walk but the small family made it to the castle in the Everfree Forest. Chase knew his underground home was a castle but nothing like this.
This castle is a site to see with banners of the King and Queen and the newborn Princess and her older sister.

"Stay here" Ginzo ordered Chase, causing the colt to nodded.

Chase sat in boredom in the grand and large scale room, the whole place was great and beautiful.

"Hiya!” a high pitch voice said, sounding like a filly.

Chase fell back in surprise see this filly in front of him, with her white coat and beautiful Celestial mane flowing in the wind somehow. Chase didn't want to know, but the real draw was her small wings and horn.

"Oh, what do you have there!" The filly said looking at the brick.

"It just a game, I'm creating" Chase answered, wondering why he wants to share so much this is one filly?

"Ooh, what's it called?" She asked

"I haven't really thought of a name. I just like calling it Po-Gi-Oh." Chase answered

"I'm Chase."

"Oh! I never told you my name, daddy says I'm a bit of a silly head. The name's Celestia." Celestia said, giving Chase a welcoming hug causing him to get a bright red blush.

"Oh, you're blushing that is so cute!" Celestia said, after the hug ended, causing Chase to look away.

"There no reason you need to be shy. We can be friends! Maybe even best friends, mommy and daddy won't allow me to make any." Celestia said, lowering her head in a state of sadness.

Chase gave the filly a small and warm hug, causing Celestia eyes to widen in surprise.

"Thank you." she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Chase broke the hug to grab the small brick giving it to Celestia.

"Keep it. To remember me by." Chase said, with Celestia looking at it with the word "Marshmallon" written on it.

"Thank you, this will forever be my favorite card. Because it was given to me by a dear friend"

"Celestia what do you think you are doing!?" A loud booming voice question.

Both Celestia and Chase stopped in surprise, with Chase trying to get a better look at the stallion. But he was standing in the darkness, making Chase unable to tell any details about this stallion.

"Daddy! He's just a friend!" Celestia said with Ginzo grabbing Chase by the ear.

"Ow!" Chase yelled out in pain with Ginzo dragging the young colt away and Shady bidding them a goodbye before leaving also.

Ginzo threw Chase on the ground, causing the colt to cry in pain.

"You were meant to not talk, look or touch anything" Ginzo said, in a voice that made Chase more terrified of him.

"Please Ginzo, he didn't do anything wrong!" Shady said, trying to calm her husband down.

"I know! But he's too careless, that's why I said to throw him back to the gutters where he belongs!" Ginzo said, which caused Chase to blink.

The young unicorn, didn't know why but it seems like they were just kept him around for something else.

"Why?" Chase managed to asked

"What, Chase?" Shady asked

"Why did you lie to me. Did you ever love me!" Chase said, in a sort of shout that made Shady step back in shock.

"Please Chase. I didn't lie to you. I could never lie to you. I love you like if your my own child but this is something important that I cannot tell you" Shady said, knee down to his level.

"She's right" Ginzo said, before Chase ran crying to his room.

"CHASE!!" Shady Daze yelled out, before she fell to the ground in pain.

"Shady, you need to be more careful. I don't want to lose you" Ginzo said, helping his wife to lay on a bed.

"But what about Chase?" She asked, her voice weak and barely hearable.

"Shh. You need your sleep. Chase will be fine, he just needs some alone time" Ginzo said to Shady combing her mane.

"Thank you, I love you Ginzo" Shady said to him.

"I love you too Shady" Ginzo said to her giving her a small kiss on the lips. Before he let her sleep.

Ginzo sighed, his eyes lowered to the ground. It was already to hard to believe but he just have to live with the truth and hopefully move on.

"Sweet dreams, I hope you're happy where you now are.” Ginzo said, before leaving the room leaving Shady to rest in peace.

Morning soon came, with Chase rubbing his eye before giving a huge yawn. The young unicorn step down to see his mother asleep.

"Hey mom. I'm sorry about yesterday" Chase said, which Shady didn't reply to.

Chase started to shake the mare to try and wake up, with tears falling from his eyes.

"Please, mom wake up. Why ain't you waking up!" Chase yelled, with Ginzo entering the room.

"She's not going to wake, not now, not ever." Ginzo said, causing Chase to begin crying more then he was before.

"No! No, no, no, please. I'm sorry, please wake up mommy. I'm sorry, please just wake up" Chase said, all while he shake her lifeless body, tears running out of the young colt eyes.

Ginzo step closer to Chase and pull him away from Shady Daze’s body. The young colt fell to ground, crying more than ever. The only one who ever cared for him was gone, forever. Never to come back to greet him with a warm hug and a kiss on the forehead.

It was all gone, forever. Never to come back Ginzo just looked at Chase broken down, unable to see the truth and move on. But he was just a child, he didn't know any better.

Seven Years Later...

The small colt of Chase is now a grown adult, a middle size unicorn with his cutie mark of assembled Po-Gi-Oh cards. Having created the game that is hitting Equestria like a storm.

Chase was worried about his little card game not doing too well, besides the first three cards he made. He title them The Equestrian Gods, only one of each god was made and Chase knew no pony could hold the power.

His father Ginzo passed away just a month ago, the old stallion tried to be a father but Ginzo was never the same after Shady Daze moved on.

Chase looked at Celestia that has been standing behind him for a quite awhile.

"Celestia, look I don't know how much time I have left!" Chase said to her running around and looking.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Celestia asked him

"Take this card and say that you defeated me in a duel. Making you the Queen of Games." Chase said, giving Celestia, The Winged Dragon of Ra.

"I won't do that! I couldn't beat you in a duel. Stop this at once!" Celestia ordered

"Look Celestia. They got me, The Shadows, I don't how long I'll be me. You need to find a filly pure of heart. That makes the prince fall, a small unicorn- ow!" Chase yelled out, falling to the ground in pain.

"Chase!" Celestia cried out.

"Go!" Chase said while his coat and tail turn as black as the shadows.

"I can't take my mother’s passing anymore. The Shadows found that weakness. Now go, leave and don't come back!" Chase yelled causing Celestia to teleport out of the ruins.

"Ahhhh!" Chase yelled while the Shadows took control.

He open his eye and to look around the place. Breathing it in.

"Oh, I may not be able to leave but that weak name of Chase is too simple. I shall forever be known as Master Chase." Master Chase said, sitting on a throne laughing.

Author's Note:

What, I couldn't write a duel that lasted three parts that why there only two. The next part is nothing but a duel. So yeah, flashback time did everyone like it? I had only one chapter to give characters and meaning to these characters and I think I did alright job.

Anyway see you all in The Master Part Two coming out soon-est, also I lied for everyone waiting for Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle: The Thousand Year Door that is still going to take awhile the chapter is almost done but the party members are hard to write. But the story should be out before The Master Part Two. That or The Deadly Three.