• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 9,385 Views, 39 Comments

Po-Gi-Oh - Mister Phoenix

Sweetie Belle; a young unicorn filly who doesn't really care about the new card game in Equestria. Duel Monsters, unlike her friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom who want her to join in the fun.

  • ...

The End

The Castle of Shadows fell to the ground in now a pile for giant stones left to stay. All while the ponies from afar watched it fall with Celestia waking up and teleported over there.

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom cried out

"I fear she didn't make it out" Celestia said to them, landing on the ground.

"Is there any hopes that-?" Twilight asked, looking at her former teacher.

"No, at her age she wouldn't be able to even teleport out" Celestia explain.

"Oh, Rarity is gonna..." Twilight said, just before getting cut off.

The bright colours lit the sky a blue, yellow and red with those three colours forming an circle and spreading across the land of Equestria.

The ponies watching; Blueblood, Apple Bloom, Twilight, Celestia and a now waking Amber and Knuckles. Watched most of the stones start lifting into the night sky.

The form of all three Equestrian Gods appeared placing two objects on the ground before disappearing in a flash of light.

The ponies blinked on wonder seeing both Sweetie Belle and some other unicorn alright.

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom cried out, hugging her tired friend.

"I feel like I woke up too early on Monday" Sweetie Belle stated

"Here let me help you, Chase" Celestia said, giving him a friendly hoof.

"Really? After everything I did to you. I took your soul!" Chase said, looking at the princess of the sun in shock.

"You wasn't Chase. You are now" Celestia said causing him to smile and grab her hoof.

"What are we going to do about the castle?" Blueblood asked

"Ehh, it be gone after the cut" Sweetie said with a shrug.

"What c-"

The sun shined high in the sky the next morning with The Castle Of Shadows left in ruins and all piece's gone forever.

A pair of pegasi stood with a golden chariot waiting for their princess to bored.

"Well this where Chase, Blueblood and I take our leave" Celestia said to them.

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, a now awake Scootaloo, with Twilight and the rest of her friends.

"Sweetie Belle, I thank you once again getting rid of my evil side" Chase said bowing in front of her.

"You have defeated me, so you shall be know forth as The Queen of Games"

"Oh, does that even count?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Oh cares!" Scootaloo cried out. "You're the Queen of Games!"

"Oh yeah" Sweetie Belle said digging through her deck. Getting out the three Equestrian Gods.

"These belong to you" Sweetie Belle said holding the three Gods with her magic.

Chase let out a small laugh.

"Keep them, you earn those cards. I'm sure that they don't mind you" Chase said, making Sweetie smile looking at her cards with them giving a wink at her.

The group fell silent not knowing how to end the conversation. Until a bright light appear in the sky.

A draconquus appear in the sky in a flash, floating on the sky.

"Remember reality is an illusion the universe hologram to buy gold, bye!" Discord said before he teleport away.

"Well we better get to Canterlot to see if Discord hasn't done anything" Celestia said, bidding them all a goodbye with her Chase and Blueblood on their way home.

"Well, all well that ends well" Scootaloo said, just noting Apple Bloom glare.

"Scoots ya had ya soul taken away!" Apple Bloom said, causing Scootaloo to shrug.

"Eh. I got better" Scootaloo said causing Sweetie to sigh.

"I'm tired, later girls I'm going home" Sweetie Belle said, walking away from her two friends.

Sweetie Belle slept with a smile on her face. With her deck sitting on her bedside table, waiting for it next duel.

The End

Author's Note:

A few things: for starters that dumb but I love it so much 4kids line of dialogue:

"No!" Sweetie cried out, standing up.

"What how are you fighting the power of the Shadows?!" Master Chase question

"You said that if I gaze in my heart I see only darkness. But you are wrong!" Sweetie Belle explain to him.

"Then you're gazing in the wrong place!" Master Chase yelled at him.

That had me laughing for some weird reason. I don't know why, so this story has come to an end sorry this was a long one too, one of my longest rounding out to 13 chapters. I hope you all enjoy this story and with it being put on hiatus how many times?

I kid, mostly but the chapter story I'm working on at the moment is Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle: The Thousand Year Door. But I have no plan sequels to this story and I find it hard to believe there will be any, it just I don't know what to do after all this. I was thinking something with The Millennium Items but one I have to re-write most of the powers and two the show did a better job and I'll just be coping the show at points.

So yeah I hope you all enjoy this little Yu-Gi-Oh crossover I know I did, one of my first stories got a reboot and a really good one at that. I'll be honest, I did not think that this story would do as well as it did. No feature list but that doesn't matter, all what matters to me is that you enjoy my story and that's really all I can ask you.

Once again thank you all for reading this story, I'm glad so many enjoy it and I hope to see you all in another one of my story. Until then have a wonderful day or lovely night and take care. Thank you for reading. :twilightsmile:

Mister Phoenix out.

Comments ( 9 )

it's a sad thing when something good comes to an end, but it has to happen.

"Ehh, it be gone after the cut" Sweetie said with a shrug.
"What c-"

What was this about

6988240 A small joke about how in cartoons everything is fix after they cut away :moustache:

6988248 But thank you for your help and feed back :twilightsmile:

7078587 Well your right. The problem what I had writing this is well one I didn't really know what Honest did when writing this and I have to make something up just so Sweetie Belle could win against Slifer and his effect, I was just remembering what the show did and the gods cards don't show the effect. Plus this duel was really hard to write and make up since I have to look up Twilight's cards on google since I play out every duel there is on this story. But that fine if you don't like it. Not everyone will, but thanks for trying to read it.

I'm gonna have to read this later.

"Remember reality is an illusion the universe hologram to buy gold, bye!" Discord said before he teleport away.

discy being Bill chipper nice.

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