• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 6,561 Views, 287 Comments

Aftermath - RarityEQM

Diamond stood up for herself to her mother's verbal abuse, but our story only starts there...

  • ...

Epiloge: Reset

It was a new day. A new start to a life that might be worth living! After the fire, and in the hospital, Spoiled demanded her, and her daughter be placed in the same room. To Diamond Tiara, this was a nightmare in a nightmare. Now trapped in a room, close quarters with mother. Great.

Mother happily (and drunkenly) blamed the fire on the CMC, even if they had absolutely nothing to do with the blaze. Not that it mattered anyway. Crawling through the burnt wreckage turned up evidence of conspiracy. Pictures of the Carousel Boutique and Sweet Apple Acres and illegible, drunken plans for various fires to be stared around the properties.

After that, they wouldn't listen to a word Diamond had to say. All the protests that "She started the fire" fell on deaf ears, the damning evidence was too severe for her to get away with that. Mother expressed profound regret over the events of the day. She promised Diamond things would change. That she'd get better. That she almost hurt her baby, and she'd never let that happen again. She promised she was going to check into rehab, and get herself together to be a 'better mother. '

Which would have delighted Diamond, if it wasn't for the fact this would be the third time mother had made that specific promise to her. Still, it was hope, and that was something that was in short supply these days. Mother would purchase lawyers to defend her. Again. Her own little team of experts that would figure out how to get her off scot-free, or with as little penalties as possible. It was only a matter of time before things returned to 'normal.' Maybe a few months. Maybe a few weeks. But Diamond could enjoy the time that mother would be cowed into good behavior. Diamond could appreciate that, and while Mother was taking care of legal issues, Diamond had been set up to spend her time with Silver Spoon. Like an extended sleep over of sorts, which promised to be a fun little vacation from life, while the house was being repaired.

If that was the best she could do, so be it. Extended time spent with her best friend, a new appreciation for her new friends, and the depths they'd go to for her, and the renewed hope that mom might actually be ready to turn over a new leaf! She was satisfied with that. Sometimes there were no happy endings. Sometimes you could only do the best you could do and hope.

Hope. Heh. It was a poisonous thing that ruled her life. She hoped things would work out, and mother might learn her lesson, but she knew father would somehow get mother off the hook. Even Diamond Tiara knew she would pitch in. She'd never testify against her own mother. She'd do everything in her power to keep Spoiled from being sent to the dungeons. But she hoped things would change, even if mother somehow managed to sneak a bottle of champagne into her hospital room. She hoped mother would get better, even as she listened to her abuse the nurse. "Fluff my pillow. Bring me more pudding. I refuse to sleep in this bed until the sheets are changed. Do it now. Ugh. Do I HAVE to have a unicorn for a nurse?" She hoped she could fix her family, and now she had help from Silver Spoon and The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Even if things weren't great, or even better, things were definitely different. Maybe the burnt belongings, and ruined house might keep Spoiled in line a little longer than normal. Now she had more friends to help her share the weight of the world. Daddy promised he'd remove all the locks from the house, and replace them with deadbolts, which was exciting to hear. She'd never be locked in a room again in her own house, and if that was her 'reward' for everything she'd been through, Diamond was ready to accept it.

Somethings would stay the same, she was sure. Mother would inevitably relapse, like she always did. She'd hit the bottle lightly at first, and then harder and harder, until she was back to hiding booze around the house. She'd lose her temper and they'd have a screaming match, and she still hated Blank Flanks- there was no getting around that. She'd hate them to her dying days as if some great matter of principal.

But Diamond had to focus on the changes. The little things. Even if it was just a brief amount of time before things slipped back to normal, she had a group of friends who would support her through anything. That was it. That was the hope to hang onto! She could count on her friends, and she could most certainly depend on Silver Spoon. She'd stay strong, and help mother through this, and her friends would help her with mother. Together with her new friends she was ready to take on the world, and maybe while they couldn't save the day in the end,
together, they could at least survive it.

Author's Note:

Sometimes there are no happy endings. Your mother isn't going to magically turn over a new leaf, despite how much you want her to. She will do whatever she wants, until she makes a conscious effort to change her behavior, and often times, those are weak willed attempts at best.

The best you can do, is marshal it. Manage it. Try to keep it from swallowing you up, and doing the best with what you have. No, you can't 'beat' this, but you can look for ways to survive it.

To all the victims and survivors how domestic abuse: I won't tell you it gets easier, because most of the time it won't. I know that's not very reassuring, but the truth of the matter is, you are in an unfortunate situation, and there's nothing you can do about it, other than try and cope.
But you don't have to do it alone.

The story ends on a positive note in a bleak situation. The fire came out of no where, as fires tend to do. You can't predict a fire or the catastrophes that happen in life. Shocked there was suddenly a fire? So are they. I had to find a way to end the story, and this gives me a climax. If I kept going the way that it started, I fear I'd never finish. The fire was required for hope. Often abuse will only cease after a traumatic event, or some momentous life impacting change. I wanted to give Diamond and the readers hope. She deserves it. And so do you.

Soapbox: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/553759/aftermath-or-the-blog-where-rarity-stands-on-a-soap-box-for-45-minutes

Comments ( 55 )

6558750 Oh! I completely forgot about that! HA. Well done!

I have to say, your wrong about people. Its rare but some of them can change. I've seen it.

Comment posted by deadpansnarker deleted Dec 14th, 2015

Great start. Bad Ending.



Can't please every pony. I've got 69 other stories you might enjoy reading, if this one didn't suit your fancy, darling.

People can change, trust me on that...I can tell you from personal experience, however. They have to want to change, there has to be a desire to change in the heart and mind before it can happen.

Comment posted by RarityEQM deleted Oct 23rd, 2015

You know, I actually hold onto hope as well. And you know, I'm happy with this ending. It feels real to me, you know? She didn't magically get better, she'll probably go back to abusing Diamond Tiara, but things are different. Now she has new friends who can support her.

Those who don't appreciate this story for what it is I feel don't understand the meaning behind it.


Your mother isn't going to magically turn over a new leaf, despite how much you want her to. She will do whatever she wants, until she makes a conscious effort to change her behavior, and often times, those are weak willed attempts at best.

I agree!

Nice... i hope Diamond can at least be happy...She deserves it

i agree with this ending it leave your readers to their own conclusion. and is a fact of truth in saying that it does not always get better.

Wow yeah people are so keen to be behind this crazy bitch because rich people and not the HEROES WHO SAVED THE FUCKING TOWN ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION. This ending is realistic in only one aspect. The fact that DT went back to Spoiled. Everything else about it reeks of bullshit.

Comment posted by deadpansnarker deleted Dec 14th, 2015

"Ugh. Do I HAVE to have a unicorn for a nurse?"

Yes, yes you do. Get over it you racist bitch.

I liked this story quite a lot but I feel like it was rushed. I enjoy the start and ending quite a lot but it all took place in one day and I feel like a story like this should span much longer than a single day. Note that this doesn't mean anything about word count but rather the time in the story.

Just my opinion though.

// Sphex

A sad truth. Sometimes a clean cut works out best. Diamond's loyalty is misplaced and if she is not careful it might destroy her in the end. She doesn't deserve this.

Well written, author. Thank you.

I hate to sound like a broken record of all the rest of us, but if there's one word to sum up this fic, it's "rushed".

I'm going to withhold the rest of my criticism, because this comment section is a breeding ground for flame wars and I've already had two of those today.

6560293 you're
The editor in me made me do it.

The authors note are a nice summation.

I agree with the others that the story was rushed.
And, among other things, I also have to say that the ending left me feeling... empty. It didn't make me feel happy, since, outside of the changes in the fillies' behavior that resulted from the original episode, there wasn't really any character growth. And it didn't make me feel sad, since nothing really tragic happened.
And while this ending might be more realistic than how most would depict it, I'd argue that "being realistic" isn't really necessary, especially in a story that's based on a show about Technicolor horses and has a world full of magic..
I won't give it a downvote, since, aside from being rushed, it was an interesting take on everything.
But since this ending just left me with no emotions whatsoever, I can't give it a like either.

Comment posted by deadpansnarker deleted Dec 14th, 2015


If inefficacious conclusions are your raison d'etre, I must politely decline.

You know, darling, you needn't like my stories, but you could probably inform me of such without the haughty snark.

Comment posted by deadpansnarker deleted Dec 14th, 2015

Well, you can't fix mean any more than you can fix stupid. Filthy is willfully blind to what he married and the community can't simply storm into the hospital room and lynch Spoiled. Diamond is screwed until she's old enough to live on her own.

I don't know about the complaints, but I think this works. I DO belive there was a lot more that could have been done, but as is, I think this is a great story. A good balence of dark and lift elements with plenty of likeable DT.
Don't suppose I could get you on my own fics? Got a few with DT and SS I have to now... Work with cannon now and could use some help -_-

aw...a sad ending...a bit...but at least her plot to try and frame the CMC for arson failed spectacularly...still..scary to think she's psychotic enough to attempt to murder two of the elements of harmony via arson just cause she hates 'blank flanks'.

Not even phoenix wright could save her butt from prison time or mandatory therapy.

Poor Diamond. Friends can try and console you, distract you for awhile, but they can't help you fix your family life. Some even start to distance themselves when things get too heavily or burdensome on them. People just wanna have fun, be surrounded by happy things, right? Can't blame them I suppose.

But for now, at least Diamond has support, some others to lean on. Thought there wouldn't be an epilogue after the "Complete" tag went up. It sends a very honest and visual message that many tend to turn a blind eye to or try to turn into simple black and white situation with no greys.

OK, this? This ending right here? I approve wholeheartedly. While it isn't sunshine and rainbows, it FEELS REAL! Things don't always work out for the best, and for all one can claim about "life-changing events"...well yeah, people are creatures of habit, human and pony alike. So ultimately, can't say this was much of a surprise, but Diamond's focus on her new found friends, and her strengthened bond with Silver Spoon is a good note to end on. Well done overall, you've given us the emotional roller coaster and I'm glad to have been on the ride!

This was a rather interesting premise, but you rushed, a lot. You can really tell you have a strong opinion about child abuse. I can completely understand that. I'm a CASA volunteer and stories like this, they are the ones that break my heart every single time. But I think that closeness to the subject made you move faster than I think it should have been. Still, a decent fic but not one I would call fantastic or really even good due to poor pacing.

The ending made sense for me and i have to agree with your blog. Just a few errors here and there that need to be edited tho

Wow, what a tale..... I'm astounded.
Was going into a completely other direction than I thought it would and so realistic! I was constantly on the fence while reading this. I don't know anymore when reading a story made me shiver from fear and almost jump in excitement at the same time and with such an intensity and so much thrill!
The moments when her mother screams up to her room and is maniacally banging at her door, the thoughts Diamond Tiara has and the expressions of her fear..... This is Stephen King level of writing.
At the end, I was worried for a sec it was going into a sappy "Oh, Diamond, I'm so, so sorry!" Happy End direction, but then it didn't.
You brought it to a perfect end, began realistic and stayed realistic 'til the very end.
This is high-class level of writing. This is why I come to FIMFiction.net, to read MLP: FiM fanfics that rival, or trump, the stories of big, commercial authors in their published books that you find on shelves in bookstores and public libraries.
I can't favourite this story enough. The only thing I could wish for more now would be to have this story printed in an actual book in my shelf.
Have a favourite and a follow for this! You're a top-level writer.

And don't care about the haters. Many people nowadays, it seems, are going more and more into a direction where they only want to read sappy, delusional stories with forced happy ends and rainbows and sunshine to distract them from the harsh reality of life.
But that doesn't mean you can't write good, realistic stories like this one. There will always be an audience for such stories, even if it should be smaller than the glorified dreamers one day, and you definitely will always have a reader of such stories with me.
And the more people there are that desire sappy, unrealistic stories, the more important it is that there are authors like you who occasionally remind them on how to properly deal with harsh realities like that.


"Different opinion" is more often than not (if not always) just the cop-out argument of people who don't understand the value and/or meaning of something and who run out of arguments (or never had good arguments to begin with) when trying to tell other people why they shouldn't understand it either.
Luckily, this story wasn't written for you. Or anyone in particular, except for the ones who understand it and end up liking it due to that.
Instead of arguing, you should go and search for another story that you like more and then write huge praises for it, honey. :raritywink:

Comment posted by deadpansnarker deleted Dec 14th, 2015

Agreeing with you both on this. Well written story that lets us emotionally invest in DT's situation. Sometimes, there is no evident resolution. Yet, here, there's a realistic ending with a potential to go either way.
On the one hand, it's true most situations never get better--they just keep repeating, or even get worse.
On the other, here, Spoiled now has a record--regardless of whether she gets off this time or not--and the next time, whatever CPS that might exist would have a case to step in.

But let's not forget, Equestria ISN'T the real world. Yes, it's fanfic introducing real world situations into a fantasy, but the important difference is that their country ISN'T the US. It ISN'T England. It ISN'T France, or Germany, or Japan, or Russia. None of OUR laws would necessarily apply there. It's a Diarchic form of government (or perhaps a Quadarchy, now with four princesses), one where the rulers have a HELL of a lot more power over their laws. If a situation is brought to the attentions of one of the ruling figures--"noble pony" or not, Spoiled would get her shit checked faster than she could dump it.

After all, even a couple hundred years ago in England, if a "noble" could arguably be charged with treason, heads usually rolled before it was learned the crime wasn't so bad after all....doing something like plotting to burn down Rarity's home or the Apple farm, in a real world situation, would probably not make it to trial as the suspect would be mysteriously dead before hand.

Of course, she wouldn't get the death penalty, even for a real case of treason, since that's not the princesses' style. But long term imprisonment beneath a castle, spending some time as a lawn ornament, banishment to another dimension/celestial body/or booted outside the borders of the nation are options that have been shown to be canon on the show.

Oooooh, quite lovely~
haha, though... slower deaths, are more suitable, for trash such as her :twilightsmile: haha.

No happy endings? Are you kidding me? So you are saying that i didnt get a happy ending? I was taken out of my abusive home where i had to rummage in the TRASH for leftovers to have something of dinner, and was constantly beat with the metal part of a belt constantly, and even nearly got SUFFOCATED TO DEATH by a pillow my mom put over my face one day. I was put in foster care and, while i hated it there, got adopted by my aunt and am now as happy as i could ever hope to be with food, clothes, and a sense of safety. You are telling me thats not a damn happy ending?!

I know full well there are those out there without a happy ending YET, however i am offended that you said happy endings dont exist.

6738414 If you are content with your results, dear, who am I to tell you your ending was not a 'happy' one? By all means, revel in your new found existence! If you are happier for it, and your life is better and you want to call your ending a happy one? Then it is a happy one! Some random stranger on the internet, such as myself, has no right to take that away from you. I won't even try. You deserve to be happy, and I'm tickled pink you escaped that dreadful situation.

6738754 Just wanted you to know that happy endings do exist, maybe not for all right now, but it is NEVER out of reach. The story was great until you said happy endings dont exist.

6740845 Very well darling. I stand corrected.

For the most part, I have to say that I enjoyed the story. I only had two main problems: First of all, it felt pretty rushed. Trying to realistically handle a child abuse plot (or most plots, really) is difficult to pull off in such a short time without it feeling that way. On the other hand, while it did feel a bit rushed in terms of plot, I think you did an excellent job portraying Diamond's emotions, actions, and reactions to the events - particularly the fear in knowing that an abusive parent is beginning to drink and in the way she later tried to defend her mother despite her abuse.

The second problem - one that seems to pop up relatively often in the various abuse/adoption/whatever plot it is that tries to cause problems for the main characters through the legal system - is that some aspects of reality just don't translate well into certain fictional works. If you're trying to keep to theme of the setting, then the "good guys" are going to come out on top. If you're trying to make it darker and/or more realistic, then no amount of lawyers or money would stop the hammer from coming down hard on Spoiled after she was found plotting to harm a group of people who have not only saved the world multiple times, but who also happen to be close personal friends/allies with all four of the reigning monarchs of the nation. The phrase "Your Honor, I object!" doesn't hold much weight when the counterargument is "I'm the ruler of this country AND the one who happens to decides whether or not the sun rises every day. Now shut up or I'mma put you in the moon for trying to defend someone who tried to hurt one of the people that saved my kingdom." That said, it was also Diamond's view on things, which makes it a little less cringe-worthy since a young child likely wouldn't take that into consideration during an emotional moment, especially if they're used to their parent/parents getting away with things via lawyers/wealth.

That said, overall it was an enjoyable story. Honestly, my biggest issue wasn't even with the story, but with the AN at the end. The "There are no happy endings" bit, to be specific. I've been working in mental health for a few years now, and yes, I've seen plenty of people keep going back to their bad situations. However, I've also known people who DID manage to turn their circumstances around. It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it can happen. Sure, just because you try to get out of a bad situation doesn't mean you will, but by that same token, just because it feels like you can't get out of a bad situation doesn't mean you won't. But the surest way to prevent someone from ever escaping a bad situation is to convince them that it's impossible to do it.

As a lover of Diamond Tiara, I really enjoyed this story. I was wondering if you'd be willing to write a sequel, as I'm interested in where Diamond Tiara's character and her mother go from here. You could call it "Aftermath 2: The Recovery" or something like that.

Horrific depiction of child abuse doesn't quite cut it.
These here are extremely realistic depictions of child abuse and in their own way much worse. I have few issues with the writing or the characterization, so I will cut to the point:
I felt like I was getting flashbacks when reading this. Heck, I can still remember the rhythm whenever my mother had one of these fits... first hour shouting, then a break where she would whip herself into a frenzy, then another hour and then a few more comebacks to make sure you can't sleep the next night. Perfectly depicted here. The twisted kind of devotion that would make you put your hand into a woodchipper if it only kept your family safe and the helplessness of everyone involved. All greatly explored.
This brings me to a bit of a dilemma, I really didn't enjoy this story as much as I found it extremely good. So, I'm just gonna call it great because... well... this is a fanfiction site and I was not expecting to get such a punch in the gut here. Great story but... OW

Well...this was interesting

The depiction of child abuse that isn't horrific is the funny one!

Had way to many flashbacks with this shit. And to be quite honest it makes me angry,because I was like that once.

Now all I hope is for my dad to die before 60 years old. I don't care how. I want him dead. He deserves it.

7732685 :ajsleepy: I'm sorry, darling

7732929 its ok. It isn't your fault. I usually get like that when it comes to this type of stuff.

Good fic,by the way.

honestly, I think the closest thing to a happy ending here would have been for Spoiled to get locked up. That's all I can think.

This sums up everything better than I could.

My husband is a recovering alcoholic and while he was never physically abusive to his daughters, he was abusive emotionally. Even though he hugged them and said I love you, he was distant and did not interact with them unless he had to. If he had to, then he was cranky and resentful. He made up excuses for not taking his youngest to the park or Gymnastics. He made up excuses to not attend the play his oldest was helping with. And he was distant with me as well, not wanting to hug or get amorous until he was staggering drunk or high.
AA has changed my husband around and changed me too.
As for the ending of your story, well, all I can say is that stories of alcoholism and child abuse have their own endings. Sometimes, there is a happy ending. Sometimes there is not. That is life. You write what you know. At least there is hope.

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