• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 6,561 Views, 287 Comments

Aftermath - RarityEQM

Diamond stood up for herself to her mother's verbal abuse, but our story only starts there...

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Regardless of the multitude of plans Diamond came up with to get a message to Silver Spoon, it all hinged on one tiny fact: If the little pony next door was home.

And she wasn't.

Silver Spoon's room window was adjacent to Diamond's across the street. They shared secrets and endless whispers from those two rooms, often after mother had gotten into the booze and Diamond was banished from her presence. The very same room that was currently blurring the lines between salvation and prison. A flimsy piece of wood was the only thing separating her from mother's wrath, but it was that very same piece of wood keeping her from getting a message to the Crusaders! If Silver Spoon wasn't home, then she would have to-

She could hear mother thumping around downstairs, up to something. Every step sent an icy shiver racing down Diamond's spine. Was this it? When she'd finally come bursting through the door, drunk and raging and ready to teach Diamond another ''lesson' in respect?!

Thump Thump Thump

By Celestia's sun she was getting closer! She was climbing up the stairs to the third floor where Diamond's room was. No! Not again! PLEASE CELESTIA NOT AGAIN!!

The silence returned with a vengeance, sweeping through the room and choking the life out Diamond's lungs. She strained her ears as much as possible, listening for any indication mother might be approaching her room. Didn't move. Didn't breath. Not a sound...

Thump Thump Thump

Tears trickled quietly from Diamond's cheeks as she huddled against the far wall, whispering quietly to herself and listening to the sound of her mother marching up and down the hallway. Pleasegoawaypleasegoawaypleasegoawaypleasepleaseplease

And then it stopped. More thumping. She had ventured back down stairs, not bothering to interact with her daughter it seemed. That was just fine with Diamond, although it would take a minute for her heart to start again. She paused and perked her ears, following her mother's movements on the floor below her. True, the thumping clip clops of her steps were gone, but replaced with a much, much more terrifying sound.

The horrifying 'klink' of ice kissing the bottom of the glass. A sound that scared her worse than any monster her mind could come up with, and Ponyville had suffered some nightmarish creatures attack. A bitter sweet respite. A precursor to something truly horrible. She was doomed unless she managed to find a miracle in her tiny little room, and the prospects of that were looking less and less promising. She'd never needed to talk to Silver Spoon so badly and she wasn't home. She could hear mother downstairs, grumbling to herself and repeating phrases. She was whipping herself into a frenzy, the way she often did when she was angry like this.

...My daughter... EVER speak to me like that again...Give her something to cry about...all my years...

Diamond pressed her back against the door, listening quietly to her mother's increasingly incoherent rant. Trapped in a room, listening to someone talk themselves into a drunken, screaming fury was horrifying enough, but did mother have to keep pacing around? It was hard to keep track of where she was. Her ears strained and perked to catch every sound and her mind wasn't doing her any favors. She caught the sound of metal scraping against metal. Did mother have a knife?! Was she so mad that she would even consider something like that?! No. Not mad. She was drunk. That was much more terrifying to Diamond. Never had she stared so intensely out her own window at Silver Spoon's house, and never, ever, in her life had she been happier to see Silver Spoon stroll into her room.



Silver Spoon got home later than usual that day. After the big upset at the school, Silver Spoon discovered her big sister was in town, recently back from one of her concerts on tour. They spent the afternoon together, enjoying ice cream and gossip. They chatted about music, and Silver Spoon's studies, how things were going at school, and how sister's concerts went. All and all, a fantastic afternoon! It was good to put the drama behind her. To just be free of Diamond's attitude for just a while. It was relaxing while it lasted, but Silver Spoon knew that the rift between them wouldn't last. They never stayed angry at each other for too long regardless of the number of times Silver Spoon swore to herself that she was 'done' with Diamond. So Silver Spoon was not at all surprised when she heard the rhythmic 'tick, tick, tick' of pebbles being tossed at her window. Diamond wanted her attention. Silver Spoon gave a hot snort. The rift, while it wouldn't last, still certainly there. Not allowed to speak. Who in Equestira did Diamond think she was!? And she claimed she was her best friend? BAH.




That wasn't going to stop until the window was open. Silverspoon gave a sigh, letting her ears flatten atop her head. Really? Diamond couldn't even wait one day without demanding her attention!? It was always 'Silver Spoon do this, Silver Spoon do that.' She wasn't Diamond's personal servant! Whatever Diamond wanted could wait. After all, why gunk up her afternoon with drama? So far it had been perfectly splendid, and she wasn't obliged to answer Diamond's every beck and call. Humph! For a brief moment, Silver Spoon peered out the window at Diamond, who frantically waved her arms. Probably wanted to talk about the Cutie Mark Crusaders or something. It could wait. Big sister was home, and Silver Spoon was enjoying her quality time with her. Silver smirked and waved a hoof before quietly closing the blinds. Problem solved. She chuckled, turning to trot down stairs. Whatever it was could wait till Silver Spoon was ready for drama again- and that would be a long time coming.

"SILVER SPOON!" Diamond hollered, tears in her eyes as she tried to get her friends attention. She was taking a major risk here. Mother was often displeased with noise when she was 'indisposed.' But it was worth it! She had to get a message to Silver Spoon! For a warm flicker of a moment, Silver spoon had turned towards the window, and even waved at Diamond, flooding the filly with relief that lasted right up until Silver Spoon shut the blinds.

No! No no no no no! Diamond threw herself against the glass, watching as Silver Spoon disappeared out of sight. "No! Please! Come back! You don't understand!!" Diamond cried, only to receive a snarl from the other side of her door. Mother had crept upstairs from the sound of her outburst. Quietly, Diamond shank herself as far as she could in the corner of her room. The door rattled, as if mother was having trouble figuring out the lock.

"I am sick and tired of listening to your voice Diamond Tiara! If I hear one more peep from you, so help me, I'll give you something to cry about! You hear me ?! DO YOU HEAR ME YOUNG FILLY?! " screamed the door. Diamond bit her lower lip, frozen in the corner while the door rattled. Diamond held her breath. Not a whimper. Not a noise. Not a sound. She was a statue, not daring to move with mother around. Usually, Diamond would wait till her father got home for respite. She'd wait till he walked in, she'd pounce him, tell him about all of the horrors of her day and let him take it from there. But mom was drinking in the house, and it was afternoon. That only meant one thing: father was on a business trip. She only drank like this when he was out of the house for days on end and she was alone. She probably dismissed all the servants. Just her and Mr. Daniels for the evening. Just the way she liked it.

"Yes mother. Sorry mother," she whispered. A gamble, a guess, a hope and a prayer all rolled into one. If Diamond spoke anymore than that, her mother might consider that a 'peep' and use it as an excuse to barge in. If she didn't say anything, mother might take it as being ignored, and that would only fan the flames. This time, she was lucky. Mother seemed to accept that answer, and turned away from her room again. Diamond let out the air she'd been holding and leaned against the door. In the back of her mind, Diamond knew simply that this only meant that mother was going to get more to drink. If Diamond were lucky, mother would pass out downstairs on her favorite chair and soon. That was the best possible outcome at least the most non violent one. To pass out, mother would need much more which could take up to hours. That public outburst must have ruffled more feathers than Diamond thought. How had things gotten so messed up to the point she was hoping her mother would drink more just so she might pass out and spare Diamond more of her wrath.


Diamond's ears perked instantly, and she glanced towards the window. Silver Spoon was waving to her.

"I...I heard your mom yelling at you again. Don't think I'm not still steamed about not being able to speak, cause I- Wait. Diamond! Y-your face!! Did your mom..." Silver Spoon sputtered, pointing at the blemish on the side of Diamond's face as Diamond nearly threw her frame out the window.

"Silver! Please! I- I don't know what to do. Mother has gone berserk! She wants to run the Cutie Mark Crusaders out of town for what they 'did' to me! You've got to warn them! Go find them! Tell them, T-tell them to watch out for her! There's no telling what she'll do but she's really really good at getting what she wants!" Diamond squealed as quietly as she could. Silver Spoon, to Diamond's ultimate dismay, simply shook her head.

"No way! Your mom can't get rid of the CMC! That's crazy!" Silver hissed. Diamond nodded her head, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Yeah. Remember how I said "Mother has gone berserk?" that would be the berserk part. Just tell them to be careful! We've got to warn them!" Diamond groaned. Silver Spoon frowned.

"Seriously. They are sisters to national heroes who're friends with Princess Celestia! They saved Equestria about a dozen times! What in the realm is your mom going to do to them? We should be trying to stop her if only to protect her," Silver Spoon snorted dryly. Diamond wildly shook her head.

"It doesn't matter! The point is she's going to TRY! She'll make their lives miserable if she can't get rid of them! She's extremely good at that! Gossip magazines, rumors, allegations! She'll turn Ponyville to Tartarus if she has too! I really really need your help on this one, Silver. Please. Please Silver Spoon. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for everything! You're my best friend! You really are, you're the only one who's always been there for me. I know I've screwed up a lot lately, and, and I don't deserve a friend like you, but I...I need...I just...A-.And I'm so scared, and..." Diamond sobbed quietly and soon there were more tears than words. The filly was having a break down while Silver Spoon watched, just out of reach and unable to help.

But it didn't mean she wouldn't try. First things first though. The CMC could wait. Diamond Tiara was her priority and she was going to save her best friend, no matter what that took.