• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 6,537 Views, 287 Comments

Aftermath - RarityEQM

Diamond stood up for herself to her mother's verbal abuse, but our story only starts there...

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15 minute hero

Their embrace peppered the room with choked sobs. A fresh batch, the moment Silver Spoon gripped Diamond in her arms. Only for a moment though, the embrace shattered almost as soon as it began.

"Come on." Silver hissed, grasping her best friend by the hoof and marching towards Diamond's door as boldly as possible, throwing it open in front of her, as if to dare Spoiled to go through her to get to Diamond. For all of Silver's bravado, while perhaps comforting to Diamond, also had the dreadful trait of being entirely made up. Not only did Silver Spoon have no contingency plan if they accidentally ran into Spoiled Rich, but she had no plan what-so-ever. She'd long suspected she'd have chickened out before getting this far, but friendship had a way of making ponies crazy. And now that she had Diamond with her, she didn't have a clue what to do. Get out, of course. But how? How was she supposed to just walk right out with Diamond in tow without alerting Mrs. Rich? For Diamond's sake, Silver Spoon boldly marched forward- the way she would have if she had a plan. In reality she was using most of her focus on not wetting herself, and making it down the stairs without tumbling like a slinky.

Reaching the second floor, Silver left Diamond on the staircase, and gently crept onto the landing, perking her ears and opening her senses to the world. Klink. Tink. More ice. The kitchen. Spoiled was back in the kitchen, which meant Silver and Diamond might be able to make it to the front door of the house without summoning Spoiled's wrath. The two fillies glanced at one and other, and then past the balcony, down to the first floor. Down to where the front door stood, tall and imposing; a barrier to freedom an safety.

"Come on." Silver hissed, giving Diamond's hoof another tug, and the two crept as slowly as possible down the stairs, and into the foyer. There it was! The front door! This was it! Silver Spoon's heart raced in her chest as she boldly marched her way to freedom. She had to march. Slowly. Deliberately. Anything else would have turned into a panicked, (And noisy) rush to the door. Keep your composure until you're safe. You can do this Silver Spoon. Almost there. You'll make it to the door, and you'll be saf-

Her calming affirmation was shattered when she felt a hard pull on her hoof. Instead of pulling Diamond to safety, she was now being tugged- around the corner and out of sight as mrs. Rich shuffled into the hallway. Diamond had sensed her before Silver Spoon did, the other filly far to focused on escape.

Standing there, (swaying there) mrs. Rich peered through the foyer quietly, with Diamond and Silver just in the next room to the right; a large family room, dominated by lavish furniture and expensive tastes. A huge, cushy easy chair had been the closest thing Diamond could find for cover, just barely pulling the both of them behind it, as mrs. Rich slowly staggered in. No no no! Not now! Why now?! Why did she have to choose now to pass out in her favorite chair? Mumbling to herself, Spoiled slowly sat down- a half glass of something sinister in her hooves. She didn't seem to see the two tiny fillies, frozen directly behind her, but that was due to Diamond tugging the two of them out of view when Spoiled approached. Now they were situated directly behind Spoiled Rich and squished against the wall.

They didn't breathe. They didn't blink. They just waited in suffocating terror. Diamond did, however, rest a hoof against Silver Spoon, as if to tell her it things would be alright. Did Diamond have some sort of plan? Some sort of fail safe way to escape her mother's clutches? Nervously, her eyes darted to Diamond, who looked as deathly afraid as she did.

"Wait." the tiny pink filly hissed. Wait? Wait for wha-" A noise like a chainsaw burst from the chair, ripping it's way across the room with a explosive roar! It was almost enough to make Silver Spoon jump- if it wasn't for Diamond holding her in place. Just as quickly as it started, it disappeared, leaving the room washed in silence. Sheepishly, Silver Spoon glanced at Diamond for some sense of what was going on, and Diamond, slowly, slowly, poked her head out from behind the chair, motioning for Silver Spoon to remain where she was.

As far as Diamond was concerned, that was the sweetest sound in the world. Her siren song of safety as it were. Mother's snoring was an beacon to anypony around (usually Diamond) that the nightmare was over for now. She pulled herself away from the chair, slowly easing out into the main room. Yes, mother was asleep. Slumped over forward and motionless. She stole a glance at Silver Spoon and beckoned her forward- but Silver Spoon wildly shook her head. She was far too frightened in this close proximity to Spoiled, and Diamond couldn't blame her. Still they weren't going to make any progress if they spent the rest of the evening hiding. Come on, come on...She beckoned to Silver again, and this time, the filly darted out from behind the couch and next to Diamond's side.

Time to get out of there. She gave Diamond's hoof a tug, but Diamond didn't move. She was standing there, frozen in fear, staring up at her mother. Who stared back. Silver Spoon's heart stopped in her chest when she realized Spoiled was awake, and glaring at them.

"Diamond Tiara!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF YOUR ROOM?!" the mare shrieked, raising up on wobbly hooves. Oh, this spoiled little brat was going to get what she deserved. Sneaking out of her room with her little friend? Oh, no, today this child was going to learn compliance, fear, and respect. If this is what it came to, so be it! No daughter of hers was going to get away with sneaking around her house! HOW DARE SHE!! Diamond quickly pulled Silver Spoon behind her, clutching her friend for whatever strength she had to offer, and flashed her mother a glimmering smile.

"Huh? Oh, we were just about to head out. Did you want us to pick you something up for dinner?" She asked sweetly. Spoiled paused in thought, about to raise up and reign down her Celestia-given rights to discipline her child. Something...for dinner? What in Equestria was she talking about?

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Cutiemark, do your thing!! "You said you were making dinner. You wanted me out of the house for a while...remember? You said. "Go to your little friend's house. I was getting on your nerves." You don't remember?! It happened like, five minutes ago!" Diamond squawked in protest, stealing a peek at Silver Spoon, who wildly, and over enthusiastically nodded her head.

"But...but how did you get out of your room?" Spoiled snarled. Diamond gave a well practiced eye roll and gave a snort.

"You let me out. Said I was making to much noise and you didn't feel like dealing with me. You had the only key, mom. How else would I get out? W-Why else would Silver Spoon be here?" Diamond challenged stealing a peek at Silver Spoon, who wildly, and over enthusiastically nodded her head. Spoiled peered at the girls quietly. She didn't remember any of that, but it sounded like something she'd say. She didn't want the little mistake in the house while she nursed the bottle.

"Have...fun...?" Spoiled mumbled awkwardly, and Diamond gave a sheepish nod. Smiling as widely as she could, her and Silver Spoon slowly edged to the front door, all while keeping full eye contact with Spoiled. So close....so close...almost there...

"Wait a minute! Bring, pick up me some carrots?" slurred the drunken horse. Silver Spoon nodded her head quickly and Diamond flashed another smile.

"Sure, mom, anything else?" Diamond asked, but mother had already returned to her chair, eyes closed and slumped over.

* * * * * * * * * *

The grass never felt so good, and the air had never been sweeter. Diamond Tiara Rich had never appreciated the outside more than she did today, scampering out of the house and towards Silver Spoon's place. That excitement, however, died out as Silver approached the house and her mother stepped outside to greet her. She did not look pleased.

"SILVER SPOON! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! WHAT PART OF FIFTEEN MINUTES DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? WHAT IN EQUESTRIA WERE YO-" She paused as her eyes fell over Diamond. Mostly the blemish over her right cheek, and the wide, tearful eyes. Silver Spoon stared up at her mother quietly, pleadingly, whilst her mother glared down at both of them.

"...hurry up, get in the house. Diamond, you're staying for dinner. Silver Spoon set up an extra place. " She snapped turning sharply on her hoofs and stepped back inside the house, leaving the two fillies in shock. No way did that just happen...

"H-hey..." Diamond squeaked quietly, pulling Silver Spoon out of her trance. Silver Spoon looked over, and Diamond lifted an arm.

"Bump..." She said softly, and Silver Spoon broke in to a celebratory smile.


"Sugar Lump"
