• Published 19th Nov 2011
  • 12,717 Views, 504 Comments

Abandoned Memories - Mika

(2nd Person POV) Your memory is littered with gaps, with just the sole memory of a traumatic event.

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IX. Interrogation

"So what do you want to play first?! Do you want to play, Pin the Tail on the Pony? Ooh! Or we could bob for apples first! *gasp* Or do you want to open your presents first?!"

The high-pitched whine that was plaguing your mind had finally subsided once more, but was quickly replaced by a hazy vision. The sheer amount of ponies present at this "party" of yours was far too much for you to bare witness too. Never before had you seen so many ponies in one small area. How they had even managed to stay out of your line of sight was beyond you. However, that was the least of your worries. You started to stagger, having trouble to keep your equanimity.

"Are you all right? You're not looking so good! Maybe you just need some cake! Here, I'll get you some!"

Through your fuzzy vision, you could see the pink pony speed off and come back with a slice of cake rather quickly.

"Here, have some cake! Then we can party!"

You couldn't think straight. You just needed to escape this living nightmare of yours. And the pink pony just kept rambling. You lowered yourself, placing your front hooves on the side of your head, trying to omit the noises from the party. You were beginning to lose consciousness. To be honest, you weren't resisting it too hard. It was only until you realized that the contents within your saddlebag would compromise you. This thought alone re-awakened your willpower to keep your hooves firmly on the ground.

"No...," you slowly began. "No... No... No, no, no. No. No! NO!" you finally shouted, while you tore off the party hat the pink pony had previously placed from your head.

The music had suddenly came to a halt, as if on cue with your outburst. Everypony's eyes focused onto you. Still not fully aware of your actions, you took off into a dead-flight towards the sky, your only escape. Although you were a bit drowsy before, your veins were now coursing with adrenaline; your thoughts rapid and incoherent.

Damn them! Damn them all! Especially the pink one! Damn her!

Flying through the air, you could hear that the music hadn't resumed. You could only guess that they had decided to end it, which you were entirely glad for.

By now, everyone knows my face and my name. Or rather my alias. I finally have an excuse to live in seclusion within the forest. Damn those stupid ponies. Why couldn't they just let me be? Why? It must be something in the damn water that makes all these ponies THIS compulsively obsessive with com-

"Hey! Get back here!"

No. If the cyan pegasus has any shred of dignity, she will not be behind me.

Still flying through the air, you quickly thrust your head to the side to see a cyan pegasus following you.

"You're not getting away this time!" Her shouts piercing the quiet ambiance of the night.

I'm going to kill her.

And you just might. Her appearance had only motivated you to flap your wings harder, but you were at a disadvantage. You still had not slept in what seemed to be days, and the cyan pegasus was closing in on you. You wings were now cramping, become stiffer with every flap; threatening to collapse entirely. You cursed yourself for not having practiced flying more. You once more turned to locate her position, and found that she was now much closer than before. Again, you cursed between breathes. As you looked further ahead, you could see clouds blocking Luna's moon.

The clouds! I can hide in the clouds again!

As you flew higher up, your nostrils began to flare and a burning sensation overwhelmed the inside of your chest. You pushed yourself much harder; attempting to hide yourself in one of the clouds like you did last time. You think to yourself that your implicit memory must have kicked in again to aid you, because you knew you were not the one flying. Again, you took a quick glance to see that she seemed to be a bit further away, and when you rotated your head forward, you passed through the veil of the cloud. Quickly, you extended your wings to slow your flight, eventually reducing your speed to a complete stop. You positioned yourself carefully, attempting to completely dispose of any hint of your location. However, the cyan pegasus did not fall for the same trick twice.

"Not this time!" she roared as you were torn from the cloud. She had embraced you, still flying full speed. It happened quickly, as her mid-air tackle brought you from your seclusion behind the veil. When you were free from the cloud's shelter, she released her grasp upon you, allowing you to fall towards the ground. Already suffering an injury from your left hoof, you refused to receive another. You knew you wouldn't be able to orientate yourself quickly enough to keep flying, so you had positioned yourself to land onto the ground. Extending your hooves and quickly flapping your wings, you ran for a bit when you landed; alleviated that you were able to land with such ease. However, that was quickly ended when you were tackled once more.

The cyan pegasus had you immobilized, her back hooves firmly placed onto your rear legs, her fore-hooves pinning down your own. For somepony of her physique, she was quite strong. You weren't, however, about to admit that she was stronger than you.

"Now you're going to tell me the truth about everything! Let's start with your name! And don't tell me it's, Daw-stu-yef-ski! What kind of pony has that for a name?" she began to question, her face only a few inches away from yours. You felt your wings slightly unfurl beneath you; not being able to reach their full length pinned under your weight.

She's... Warm... Damn primal urges...

"Fine. I won't let you go until you tell me your name." she stated.

Still staring into her rosy eyes, you noticed when her expression shifted. It appeared as if she had lost focus of what she had been doing, giving you ample time to release your bottom-right hoof. As you maneuvered your hoof under her, she never acknowledged your struggle. And in one, fluid motion, you kicked her off; freeing yourself from her clutch. You saw her struggle as she flew through the air for a few seconds, but you quickly picked yourself up. You heard her land behind you, as she gave a grunt as she hit the ground.

"Oh no you don't!" you heard from behind you.

You began to flap your wings again, but you felt a hard tug on your tail. You were grounded once more, and the cyan pegasus had sped in front of you, staring you down.

"Who are you!?" she practically screamed.

Again, you said nothing. You were employing the technique that if you had said nothing, she would eventually leave you alone. Although, that had never worked for you before. She kept her eyes concentrated onto you, this time, not letting her eyes wander.

I have to say something. She will not leave me alone until I do.

You had hoped that the more you communicated, the task of doing so would become easier. That was not the case. Unless of course, you were speaking with Sigmund. You slowly forced your mouth open, and started to curve your tongue.

"...And why should I tell you?"

"I'll ask the questions around here!" she exclaimed, as she steadily flapped her wings, lifting herself from the ground. She was hovering, face to face with you, slowly closing in on you, causing you to back up.

"So, let me try this again. What’s your REAL name? Where are you from? And what are you doing here in Ponyville?!" she pestered once more.

You could hear the ringing in your ears return.