• Published 19th Nov 2011
  • 12,717 Views, 504 Comments

Abandoned Memories - Mika

(2nd Person POV) Your memory is littered with gaps, with just the sole memory of a traumatic event.

  • ...

III. Social Interaction

Why? Why you? Could the universe really be so cruel? You had barely escaped social interaction, by quite literally seconds. You had finally gain the confidence to fly again, which allowed you to escape everypony. Escaping had ALMOST brought a smile to your face. And you knew why. You just wanted to be left alone. And now, you were plummeting down to what you considered to be your own version of Hell, with the devil, right by your side. And by devil, you meant the pegasus that had crashed into you, causing you to lose your balance.

Again, just as when you had flown a few seconds ago, time seemed to slow down. The ground was still far away. The only good that would come out of this is that the pegasus-pony that had done this would send you near the outskirts of the town. With time still passing slowly, you turn to look at the pegasus. The wind had made it difficult for you to open your eyes clearly, but you managed to see the pegasus. She was trying to re-orientate herself, as she had lost her balance too after crashing into you. She had a light-blue coat and a rainbow-streaked mane. Her eyes were a brilliant rosy color.

You despised her already.

You noticed that she had finally re-orientated herself and was becoming smaller. And that's when it hit you. Or rather, that's when you hit the ground. You had fallen chest-first, knocking out any air you had in your lungs. That wasn't the worst of it, since your top-left hoof had taken the rest of the impact, causing it to buckle under you. The pain had been immense, considering you never built any sort of pain-tolerance at the hospital, other than emotional. Once you stopped rolling, landing on your side, you tried to breathe in. Nothing. You tried to stand up, starting with your left hoof. That was, on your part, a foolish decision. You immediately fell back down, realizing that your left hoof may be sprained, if not broken. Again, you tried to breathe in, this time taking a minute amount of air. At this point, you decided to lay on the ground until you recover, still panting. All you had on your mind was the pain. You attempted to breathe again. You manage to take in more air. Closing your eyes, you waited until the pain had mostly subsided.


That is, until the sound of somepony made your eyes dart open. You had only hoped that whoever it was, it was anypony but the blue one.

"What the hay is wrong with you? Didn't you see me trying out some new tricks?"

Had she really just said that? You didn't know much about social interaction, but one form of interaction you did know about was aggression. You had been aggressive towards the nurses at the hospital a few times, and you had no problem expressing your anger.

"Are you even listening?"

This had angered you, to a much further extent than the nurses had ever reached. Not only had she been at fault for crashing into you, she blamed you for it. Had the fall been any worse, or had you been in a different position when falling, you could have died. You contemplated whether or not death would have been a blessing for a second, but you disregard that. That wasn't it, however. Out of all this, nothing could compare to the fact that you had no choice but to interact with her.

"Are you deaf or something?"

You proceeded to get up, now being able to control your breathing. It still hurt to breathe, but at least it didn't sound like you were choking. You stay off your left-hoof, now realizing that it was broken, or sprained. You turned to her, limping as you do. You focus your eyes on her, examining her facial expression.

"She seems annoyed. And what for? Maybe if I stay quiet, she'll go away." you thought to yourself.

And so you did. All you did was stare at her, with a scowl on your face.


You kept the same expression, not moving a single muscle.

"Oh. Are you like, one of Celestia's guards?"

You said nothing. In this state of absentmindedness, you forgot about your injured left-hoof, and let it fall to the ground. Immediately, you retract it and curse under your breath, knowing that she would become concerned.

"Ouch. That doesn't look too good."

You take a look at your own hoof, and see that it's becoming swollen.

"Here, let me take a look." she beckons as she trots closer.

As if it were a reflex, which, for all you know, it may be, you start walking backwards.

"What? Come on! You could really be hurt." she demands as she speeds up.

Hurt. You scoffed at the idea that you could be hurt. You knew that she could never have the slightest idea what you've gone through. You kept backing up, or rather, limping backwards.

"Would you stop? I'm trying to help you! Even though you totally ruined my performance!"

Could she really be that ignorant? That was it. You could take the fact that the contents inside your saddlebag may have been damaged, you could take the injuries, you could even take the insults. But her constant pestering had pushed you too far. The anger within you had built up too much for you to contain. You had to say something to her. That would be the only she would leave you alone. You didn't know what you were going to say, but you knew whatever it was, it wasn't going to be nice.

"Help? You want to help? You could have helped me by not crashing into me! You could have helped by leaving me alone. You could help by not bothering me any more! You could help by getting out of my sight!" you roared.

And everything went quiet. Besides saying, "Thank you" to Sigmund, this was the longest conversation you've ever spoken to anyone other than yourself. You did not release the full extent of your anger, luckily. Had you done so, you would most likely still be yelling at her. After realizing that she was still here, you turned to see her expression. You figured that she would be either scared or ready to cry. That's how all the nurses reacted when you did release your anger at the hospital. You never felt remorseful for them and you were sure that you wouldn't feel remorseful for her. But you were surprised to see that she was neither sad nor about to cry. She had become angry as well.

"What is your problem? I just wanted to see if you'd be alright!" she retorted.

By now, you've cooled off. You weren't angry anymore. You just wanted her to go away, so you chose your words carefully now.

"Go away."

Well, somewhat carefully.

"Fine. I don't know what's wrong with you, but you've got some serious problems, other than your hoof." she said before she flew off.

And you sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank Celestia." you said between breaths.

There was something about the cyan-colored pegasus that bothered you. Maybe it was the fact that she was the only one who you've had a conversation with, albeit incredibly short.

"No, that's not it." you reassured yourself.

You decided to examine your surroundings, while still keeping in mind your hoof. The town was relatively close, but you were certain that you wouldn't see anypony else. But then again, you were certain that the skies would provide you with peace, and here you are now.

"What am I going to do now? I've had enough social interaction to last me a lifetime. And there's no way in Hell that I'm going to back into the town. And the skies? Not with any chance of running into that blue pegasus." you told yourself.

Behind you, a trail that led into the forest, and in front of you, a road that led to the town. Without any hesitation, you turned towards the forest, or limped. But all you had on your mind was the cyan pegasus.

"What is it about her that keeps bothering me? Do i really feel guilty for yelling at her? If that's it, why her and not any of the nurses at the hospital? It has to be something else." you said out loud.

You checked behind you and your surroundings to make sure that nopony was near. After verifying that nopony was around, you continued to contemplate that pegasus.

"Maybe it was because she wanted to help me. But so did the medical staff. Only because it was their job to help me. Other than Sigmund. Sigmund wanted to help me, and not because it was his job to do so. Is that why I feel differently to that cyan pegasus? I never asked for her help, but she wanted to. Although she probably felt responsible for hurting me. No, that's not true. She had said something. What was it? Damn amnesia! What did she say? Something along the lines of, 'ruining her performance.' So she can't feel responsible. Was it really genuine concern for me that she had? No, it can't be. The only person who actually wants to help me is Sigmund, but can I really be helped? It's only been a day since I've left. And I already feel lost. What am I to do for the next 29 days? Why am I even bothering to worry about what I'm going to do? I'm sure by tomorrow, my amnesia would have already caused me to forget that this ever happened."

You continued down the trail, but at such a slow pace. You had hoped that your hoof would have healed to a certain degree by now, but that wasn't the case. In fact, it seemed to have gotten worse from the walk.

"Damn it, this hurts." you cursed, clenching your teeth.

Again, you take a look around your surroundings, and notice that nightfall had crept up on you once more. The forest was behind you, having cleared it. This time, it wasn't pitch-black. The moon had provided some light to observe the environment. You noticed a cottage into the distance, but you were too fatigued to worry about that. Deciding that you've done enough for one day, you go off to the side of the road, near one of the trees, as you usually did, and laid down. You did carelessly, as you accidentally bumped your left hoof near one of the tree roots. The pain was just as excruciating, if not more, then when you had first injured it, causing you to collapse on the ground.

"Grah! That's... Definitely sprained..." you uttered.

Now, being on the ground, you take this time to look through the contents of your saddlebag. As you open it, the smell of apples permeates through the air. You grab the apples, which are wet, leading you to conclude that they'd become bruised and damaged in the crash.

"That damn pegasus! As if it weren't bad enough to be injured and socially scarred, she also destroyed my food supply for the next day!"

In a fit of rage, you throw the apples away, being bruised and crushed. Looking back into the saddlebag, you panic as you realize that your file case might have gotten stained by the apples. You pull it out, only to be relieved that it's not damaged, other than a few stains.

"She should consider herself lucky that this wasn't damaged, otherwise I would have made it my personal goal to find her."

Just like you've done every time before, you decide whether or not to look through the contents of your case file. This would be the fourth time you'd read your case file. And again, just like every other time, when you open the case file, you stare at your photo. You begin reading through your report, taking every in every piece of information. About an hour passes before you finish reading every bit, from Sigmund's analysis, to the police report, to the photo-documentation. And once more, it had no effect on you. None whatsoever. As you place the case file back in your saddlebag, you're reminded of your anti-depressants.

"Has it been 24 hours since I've taken them? Or is it supposed to be every 12 hours? Is it TWO every interval? Or is it more?"

You take a look at the anti-depressants container's label, and it reads, two every 24 hours. You sigh, realizing that you cannot remember a simple task as taking the medication.

"When I had escaped earlier, was it the anti-depressants that brought me joy? Or was it escaping the ponies that brought me joy?" you asked yourself.

Either way, you didn't hesitate to take your medicine. Like a routine, you pulled out two pills and swallowed them. As one routine ended, another started, specifically, your nightmares.

"Why do I bother trying to stay awake? I'm going to eventually fall asleep, only to have them reappear."

They still appeared in your memories. But, because of these last few hours, they haven't been on your mind. What with having your first conversation in the outside world be an argument, and the pain from your hoof, you found it hard to concentrate on anything else. That, and the fact that you've done nothing but travel today didn't make it easy to stay awake. With every inch that the distance between your eyes shorten, you feared the inevitable night terrors. Unfortunately, you could no longer resist it, and you slept.


"You sure you're ready for this?"

"I could ask you the same thing!"

"Hello fillies and gentlecolts! And welcome to Cloudsdale Junior Flight School's 10th annual Relay Race! Please allow me to introduce our contestants today! On team one, we have -"

"Hey, so you remember the plan, right?"

"Hay yeah, I do! We've practiced for, like months!"

"Remember, it's first place or nothing!"

"So, without further ado, let's get started!"

"Alright, this is it!"

"Months of training all comes down to this!"

"Racers, get ready!"

"Okay, come on! Open your wings!"

"Yeah, I got it!"

"In five, four, three, two, one... GO!"


You open your eyes to be greeted by the sun, and thoughts are already rushing through your head.

"What the Hell was that?! I've never had that dream before!" you say to yourself.

You attempt to get up, but thanks to your amnesia, you start with your left hoof, again, causing you to collapse.

"Gah! Damn it!"

Another thing you notice is that you're not panting or in a cold sweat either. This was strange for you. Every night, you've had that same memory, the one that tortured you, and now, it changes so suddenly? It wasn't that it had changed for you, that angered you, it was the fact that there was no reason for it to change. No explanation. You don't get up just yet. You lay there, trying to figure out why you didn't have the nightmare.

"Oh my! Are you all right?"

But that would have to wait.