• Published 19th Nov 2011
  • 12,717 Views, 504 Comments

Abandoned Memories - Mika

(2nd Person POV) Your memory is littered with gaps, with just the sole memory of a traumatic event.

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VIII. Evasion

Social communication. Why would ponies crave this? What drives them to require some sort of interaction with one another? Was it a need, like food or water? Or did ponies just do it out of impulse? What went through their minds? What cognitive process persuaded them to have to converse with others? And furthermore, why did this orange pony feel the need to shake your hoof vigorously when greeting you?

"Well it sure is nice t’ see sum' new pony-folk 'round these parts! Name's Applejack. What’s yer name, feller?

You hated to shake hooves with others. It created a false sense of comfort. A feeling of security and trust; something you couldn't feel so easily towards another pony.

I can't believe it. This pony is almost as bad as the cyan pegasus, or 'Dashie.' Whatever her name is. My name. What do I tell her? I can't risk her knowing my name. What if she happens to know who I am? What do I tell her? Damn it.

That's when you realized how simple the solution was. Lie.

Of course! How could I have been so oblivious to this? All I have to do is to make sure not to do what the others do when they lie, in case this pony is an expert on catching lies as well.

Having let your thoughts wander, a few seconds had passed with you blankly staring at the orange pony. When you were brought back from your thoughts, you noticed that the orange pony had changed her expression. She was carrying a rather confused look on her face, like the other ponies had when they had seen you.

Damn. Need to think of something. Why is it that thinking of name is so difficult? Sigmund's name? No, not after I've mentioned it to the pegasi. What about one of the other doctors that were at the hospital? Come on, think.

As you searched the remnants of your mind, you mentally placed yourself back into the hospital from last night. Not having slept, your memories weren't completely erased. You remembered Sigmund calling out to somepony, saying that he was going to stay longer. The name he had called.

That's it.

Regardless of the fact that you now had a fake name to use as your alias, the task of telling the pony would be a difficult one. However, you were hoping that after telling her your name, that she would leave you alone. You knew, though, that the chances of that were relatively low.

"My name... is..." you stuttered.

Pronouncing the name wasn't simple, however you were able to spit it out quickly enough.

"Daw-stu-yef-ski? Is that 'fancy' or somethin'? Well, anywho, would ya care to buy some apples... Daw-stu-yef-ski?" she questioned, as she motioned to the apple-stand next to her.

Oh, for the love of Celestia, is everypony this persistent? I am hungry, though. I haven't eaten since 'Dashie' had crashed into me, destroying the remaining apples I had... No. Anymore social interaction and she might start asking more questions. It was already hard enough to remember the name Sigmund had called. And I was lucky that I could remember it. Anything else from here on is going to require genuine thought. As simple as lying may be to these gullible ponies, I can't risk it.

"N-no. I'm not hungry." you lied through your teeth.

The orange pony's expression changed into a bit of a scowl.

"Well, here. Take these anyway. Consider 'em a welcomin' gift from me. You can put em' in that fancy saddlebag of yers," she replied as she passed you three apples.

You hesitated for a second, but assuming that it is a social normality to accept a gift, you cradled the offering with your injured hoof. When you look up to the orange pony, you could notice that she was about to speak again.

"Oh, I didn't notice yer hoof was hurt. Here, let me help ya."

"No!... I... I can handle it." you quickly retorted.

While still cradling the apples, you slowly managed to unhook the saddlebag, and drop the apples in. You looked like a fool doing so, but you knew it would be less painful to continuing to converse.

"Well... I ‘spose I'll see you later tuh'nite. Take care now, ya' hear?" the orange pony said as she titled her head towards you.

You only nodded, and began to walk away.

I suppose that that wasn't as painful as I anticipated. Lying. It felt so strange when she believed me. What I was feeling was... almost the same as when it's peaceful. Maybe I can communicate. Albeit through lies, but at least I'm fulfilling Sigmund's wish for me to communicate. I have to remember my new alias, though. Dostoyevsky. I'll have to thank him later for allowing me to use his name. I'm going to have to keep up this act. If I'm found out to be a liar, I'll only be pursued and questioned even more...

As hungry as you were, you didn't want to show the orange pony that you were lying. The apples would have to wait. As you walked to only Celestia knew where, you attempted to recall everything you remember hearing.

What was her name? I'm sure she mentioned it. 'Appleseed?' That might be it. At least her name fits her persona. I don't see how Dostoyevsky fits me, but it's better than telling anyone my real name... She mentioned something about later 'tonight.' What was it? I should have been more attentive. She may have warned me about something. Whatever it is, it will just be another obstacle to overcome.

The sun was now a little more than halfway in the sky. As you walked through the town, you noticed many of the buildings were residencies that also served as businesses. It seemed that the ponies here all knew one another, only reassuring the thought that if one pony found out about you and your demented past, all of them would. The town was empty for some strange reason. The other day, it had been nearly full of pony civilians, bustling around. But now... now it was deserted. Just as you had wished for. The solitude was refreshing. Any day in which you interacted with another pony was physically and mentally exhausting, let alone the fact that you had stayed awake ever since the incident with Fluttershy and 'Dashie' only just yesterday.

Three days. Three days since I've left the hospital. The years I've spent in the hospital... I have no recollection other than the final year. All of the years I've spent... lead to nothing. And I've made more progress by myself than any of the 'specialists' had in years.

As your mind started to wander, the relaxing idea of solitariness had left, and the depressing thoughts of no chance of recovery, of never realizing your past, of living a meaningless life had started to overpower you. You were barely able to hold back the sobbing and sniffling, but it still angered you that you couldn't hide your pain as well as you could your other emotions. Luckily for you, the ponies weren't around. And that too, had changed from soothing, to eerie. The town, when desolate, had a strange unnatural sense. It felt as if the energy the town once had was being gathered somewhere else. You continued to walk, not knowing exactly where you were going. The demoralizing thoughts had subsided, and as you looked further into the horizon, you could see what looked like the outskirts of the town. But instead, it was what seemed to be a park.

How far does this town extend? I feel like I've only seen a small part of it... And yet, I've been able to encounter the exact opposite of ponies I wanted to see.

As you reached the entrance of the park, you couldn't help but notice that the energy was different that the town's. The air felt slightly warmer and the ambiance was different. It was a feeling you couldn't shake. You hesitated before entering.

Strange. This park is deserted as well. It's not natural. Not like the forest. It was quiet in there; peaceful. Here, there's an omen. Is this what 'Appleseed', or whatever her name is, was warning me about? Maybe I should heed her advice. But what if she was lying to me? And for what purpose would she have for doing that? Then again, why wouldn't she? Most of the ponies, I've met so far aren't exactly the most trustworthy. Hell, one of them even chased me.

Still standing near the entrance of the park, you started to question why you hadn't gone in. What was stopping you? The feeling that something dangerous was going to happen? You weren't about to let a superstition dictate you. You started to wander within the park. The sun, now about ready to sink behind the mountains, was still giving off a small amount of light; enough for you to examine your environment. There were no signs of anypony around... Well, except for what seemed to be ribbons tied around the trees.

That is... Peculiar. It's most likely this town's idea of decorating. Either that or the trees are growing the ribbons from their own will. Although I've never heard of such a tree. But maybe that's something else that the nurses and tutors at the hospital hid from me.

You continued down the dirt trail, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. However, this task was made difficult, now that the sun had been been lowered by Celestia. The darkness had only made you much more vigilant. You weren't flying because by now you were now becoming drowsy from the fatigue you've been carrying with you all day. You stopped for a second, deciding now would be an ample time to eat at least one of the apples that were offered to you. You took refuge on the side of the trail, layed yourself onto the soft grass, and proceed to open your saddlebag which was now a bit less spacious. You pulled out one of the apples, unharmed, and inspect it.

There's always the chance that she may had done something to these apples...

After assuming that the apple has not been tampered with, you sank your teeth into it. The taste was different from the apples given to you by the receptionist at the hospital. They were much more sweeter and crisp. Its taste was incredibly alluring, and you weren't reluctant to bite into it again. With haste, you finished the apple, leaving nothing but the core. You were about to reach for another apple, but decided to pace yourself.

I can't eat them all now. I need to save them for when my hunger returns.

You threw the apple-core aside, snapped your saddle-bag closed, and picked yourself up from the grass. You continued onto the trail, admiring the scenery.

I will admit, even though there's something odd about this park, the environment is pleasant. I wouldn't mind having to spend time here. The serenity is unmatched by anything I've seen... Then again, the only environments I've seen are the hospital, the forest, and this town.

As you looked further ahead, you could hear the sounds of a stream along with a small bridge to accompany it. Now crossing the bridge, you could see through something casting a shadow by the moonlight. You halted your trot, concentrating your vision onto the object. You couldn't create an image, but from the shadow, it seemed to be a sign of some sort. Slowly, you crept closer to it, trying to form an image.

Something is definitely going to happen. Maybe the orange pony was right. This whole park has been giving off an unnatural feeling. But is this what she could have meant? And I still can't make out the object. Whatever it is, it's level of significance couldn't have been worth my ti-


Time slowed down. Instantaneously, and simultaneously, a flash of vibrant, colorful lights flooded the area, along with the entire town's population of pony civilians, who seemed to appear from the blue. The sounds of the *pops* of confetti and horns rattled your eardrums. You could now clearly see what the sign had said. "Welcome to Ponyville!" You tried to comprehend everything you were seeing, but it was all too much. The only thing you knew what was happening was that you were nearly having a heart attack. After what seemed like hours later, (when in reality it was a second) you could see the pink pony you had met earlier, donning an impressively large smile on her face. Her expression was unlike yours. You were stupefied. That quickly changed when she had practically slapped on a party hat onto your head. The confusion was quickly replaced with fury.

"Doyoulikeitdoyahuhhuh? I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you? I surprised you, didn't I? Did-I-did-I-did-I?"

You didn't hear a word she had said. The only thing you could hear was a high-pitched whine. You clenched your teeth, and flared your nostrils. When your hearing had returned, you could hear the pink pony still rambling.

"And then I realized that I had no idea what your name was! So I started asking around and Applejack had told me your name was Daw-stu-yef-ski! So, welcome, Daw-stu-yef-ski! Remember when I had met you earlier, I was all, "GASP". And I know everypony in Ponyville so when I didn't recognize you, I knew you weren't from around here! And then I started to think about that if you're new, then you must have no friends! That made me sad, so I had to throw you this welcoming party! I did the same for Twilight when she first came into Ponyville, and then she had a lot of friends! And now you have lots and lots of friends!"

The high-pitched whine returned.