• Published 26th Sep 2015
  • 16,137 Views, 470 Comments

My Little Universe - EquestrianKirin

What happens when a group of magical ponies meet a group of magical, talking rocks? Tons of fun and Adventure!

  • ...

Just Joking

With a hum in her tune, and a nice walk in her step, Lapis was going along the sunset shoreline of Beach City, heading to the beach house. The sun was just about to disappear behind the waterline. The water Gem, at least at first, had her doubts on staying. But, after her experience with Steven, and the ponies, she felt that she could stick around for a little bit longer. The smell of the ocean was in the air, the sand and occasional wave gently tickled her toes. Lapis Lazuli, seeing that no one was around, gently went off onto the water. One step at a time, on her toes, the water Gem gracefully was walking on water as if it was ice. She just felt calm and content, as she gracefully went over the water similar to someone ice-skating. She gave a calming sigh, feeling the breeze go through her hair. It just felt nice to the Gem. So calm. So sweet.


So annoying. The shout from shore got Lapis off guard, enough for her to fall into the seawater. She turned around, and saw Fulgurite along the shore, waving to her with both hands. Lapis didn't mind Fulgurite too much, but, sometimes her hyperactive behavior can get a bit on her nerves, especially when she was trying to relax. Still, Lapis got out of the water, and back onto shore.

"What is it, Fulgurite?" Lapis asked, getting some of the sea-salt out of her dress. She's a water Gem, but, not saltwater proof.

"Wanted to see what you're up to," Fulgurite said with a big grin. Lapis just sighed before she looked to the Beach House.

"Where's the rest? Off in Equestria?" Lapis asked.

"No, no, they actually went off to Rose's garden. Wanted me to get you and bring you along," Fulgurite explained, pointing back to the Beach House.


"Right. Garnet said some mumbo-jumbo about some odd plant growing there, no big deal but needed some help," Fulgurite said, rushing off back to the Beach House. The sudden dash caught Lapis off guard again, and she ended up rushing after her, water wings helping her fly fast back to the Beach House. Fulgurite ended up right back at the Warp Pad when Lapis caught up with her. Soon as Lapis stepped on the Warp Pad, the two were suddenly off from one place, right to another.

Upon teleporting, the two ended up back at Rose's Garden. They saw Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst and Steven already there. The garden dedicated to Rose herself looked good, and still running like normal. The plants seemed fairly maintained, yet, one in particular looked oddly different from the rest of the plants growing. While many of the shrubs and flowers themselves seemed in the same spot, and in peak condition, there was a large group of plants that were also growing in the area that none of them ever saw before.

"Hi, Lapis, Fulgurite!" Steven said smiling.

"Hi, Steven. What's the problem?" Lapis asked.

"That's it," Garnet answered, pointing to the plants in question. The plants growing around the fountain looked like blue flowers - not a color associated with Rose. It appeared to resemble a sort of flower, the leaves, stem, and center as blue as Lapis Lazuli was. They were bundled together, growing in one spot around the garden. None of them saw these sort of plant before, yet Lapis and Steven felt something nag at the back of their mind. After all, they were in Equestria for quite a while ... they seemed a little familiar, but, they couldn't place a name for it.

"Oh, such misguided plants, they shouldn't be here," Pearl said, already starting to get the plants un-rooted from the ground, one by one as if she was picking off delicate flowers. However, Amethyst wasn't going to waste anytime with this caper.

"Come on, Pearl. If you're going to pull weeds, do it right!" Amethyst said. Suddenly, she manifested her body into what appeared to be a push lawn mower, and began to mow down the plants. A bit unexpected, and a bit rough, but it was faster. Amethyst rushed past pearl, the varying amounts of shredded petals landing on Pearl as she went by.

"Amethyst, they'll just grow back if you charge over them like that! you have to pull each one by the roots," Pearl said, continuing to pull the roots out of the ground. Amethyst just rolled her eyes, as she continued mowing over the amount for a while. Fulgurite decided to use Pearl's idea, and quickly got right to it, pulling out a huge chunk in a matter of seconds. It wasn't accurate, much like Amethyst was, but, it was good. Fulgurite smiled at a job well done.

"There you are, all pulled and ready to go!" Fulgurite said.

"We still have a lot more to go," Garnet pointed out, showing Fulgurite the tons of more plants that grew around the same area. As the Gems were busy, Steven went over and was about to touch one of them, but, Lapis went over and pulled him away.

"Wait a minute, Steven. Don't these plants look familiar to you?" Lapis asked. Steven looked over the plants a little more.

"A little ..." Steven replied. Suddenly the spot they were looking at was lifted up by Garnet as a huge chunk of blue plants. Lapis and Steven still couldn't remember what it was exactly, but, they were unsure as they saw Fulgurite, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet pull out the plants in their own way.

"There's a lot to get, you two," Garnet said.

"You sure you're supposed to be touching those?" Steven asked, still trying to figure out what the plants were. Garnet just got her pile in one.

"They can't keep growing around here, Steven," Garnet replied, continuing to work. The two knew she was correct, but, still something wasn't right about these plants. Yet, if they keep growing, they'll cover the whole garden. Lapis looked around for a bit, until she saw the flowing water from Rose's garden. She looked from there, and back to the odd blue pants. Suddenly she got an idea, and the blue Gem looked to the other Gems. She saw that Fulgurite and Amethyst got plenty of the plants fast (a bit unorganized and inaccurate, but still a lot of pulled out plants.

"Amethyst, Fulgurite, can you move for a second?" Lapis asked. Steven sat down as Lapis began to work out the water from the fountain. The water itself began to form into a large hand, ready to collect. Fulgurite and Amethyst bolted out of the way as Lapis went to work. Steven stared in awe as Lapis got to work. Working the water, it acted much like a vacuum would do, pulling out a number of the blue plants right away, right down to the roots. The other end got to the pile Garnet had made. Pearl and Garnet moved out of the way, as the water sucked up those plants as well. Soon, there was a huge pile of the blue plants, and Lapis didn't need to touch one to do so.

"Amazing, Lapis!" Steven said.

"Efficient," added Garnet. Lapis simply smiled, as Garnet stepped over to the pile of plants. Garnet lifted up the entire pile at once and got a huge bubble around the entire pile. With one small motion, she got the entire pile teleported away. After that was taken care of, the group began heading back to the Warp Pad This mission seemed pretty easy to handle.

"I could've done that," Amethyst said, as the group stood back on the Warp Pad. After their small discussion, the group of Gems and half-Gem teleported back.


Next morning was pretty relaxing, the sun shining down to Steven's face. The little boy yawned, and got up from his bed. As he looked off from his bed though, he saw Amethyst in the kitchen, with some waffles she got together (mostly for herself). The smell of freshly made waffles and syrup hit Steven right away. Over by the couch, Fulgurite was also waking up from sleeping on the couch the whole night.

"Mornin, Steven," Amethyst said.

"Morning, Amethyst," Steven said, sitting down on the edge, above Fulgurite. Fulgurite gave a yawn, bright eyed and busy tailed.

"Morning you two, ready for another fun day?" Fulgurite asked, getting the covers off of her. When she did, Amethyst and Steven looked at a Fulgurite with some surprise. However, Amethyst was the one laughing when she saw it. Fulgurite looked confused, until she followed her eyes down to her feet.

Her feet were spotted with blue dots, and were as large as winter sewer boots! Fulgurite didn't remember changing her feet. Her feet were flattened at the bottom, and her boots were a lot bigger than normal.

"My feet, what happened to my feet?!" Fulgurite gasped. She got up, her feet slapping on the ground. Her feet felt like they were a ton each, making it hard for her to walk around.

"What happened to your feet?" Steven asked. Before it could go any further, suddenly the door to the back opened up, Pearl and Lapis coming in. However, Pearl suddenly tumbled, tripping over the Warp Pad as she went in, making Amethyst laugh even more.

"Pearl, you okay?" Steven asked, rushing over. Pearl got up.

"I don't know. I was fine, but, all of a sudden - whoa whoa whoa AH!" As Pearl got to her feet, Pearl seemed to loose her balance completely, each step poorly executed, as Pearl fell onto the floor in front of Amethyst, the Gem barely containing her laughter as Pearl's sudden lack of grace. Almost as if Pearl was walking on eggshells in bare feet, Pearl tried getting up again from one of the stools in the kitchen, only to knock it over, and tumble again.

"She's been like this all morning," Lapis said, a bit worried over her. Most of the falls were close to her Gem

"You're killing me!" Amethyst said between laughs, Pearl not enjoying herself at all. These effects seem familiar to Lapis and Steven, becoming a bit more clear from yesterday. This diffidently sounded a little familiar to them both. Then, the doors opened to the back, Garnet coming out to see Pearl struggling to keep her footing, Fulgurite's large feet, and Amethyst falling to the floor in laughter. Garnet walked over, and sat down.

"Uh ... are you okay, Garnet?" Steven asked. Garnet didn't reply, a finger tapping on the counter surface. Garnet looked, and saw her plate of waffles in front of her. With the others around her, Garnet didn't say anything as she got to her fork. Her fingers got around the fork, but the fork didn't move an inch. Instead, Garnet tried a glass of water on the counter. She seemed to be ... oddly struggling with it, the glass not moving an inch, but just vibrating. Stress was on Garnet's face, not able to even lift a glass of water for herself. Amethyst smirked.

"You havin yours Garnet?" Amethyst asked.

"Just take it," Garnet replied.

"Alright, more for me," Amethyst said with a smile, happily taking Garnet's share, as the Gem had her hands to her face. Amethyst easily got the fork, stabbed the waffles, and took one hearty bite, her smile on her face. However, the smile showed her teeth were covered in blue spots too! ... Plus, it looked gross. the smile on Amethyst's face quickly turned to one of pain, as she spat out the waffle, covering her mouth. It felt like she just chomped down full force on an ice cube, yet she couldn't even penetrate the syrup-covered waffles! Obviously this wasn't right, Lapis and Steven looking to each other in worry. So, Fulgurite got slow, Garnet became weak, Pearl ended up a klutz, and Amethyst can't bite into anything to eat.

"Something's wrong here," Lapis wondered quietly, only enough for Steven to hear. Amethyst tried to bite into the waffles multiple times, but it was like biting with gums, it was just squishing it. Her teeth were like sensitive sponges now. Pearl tried to balance in the meantime, her legs knobby-kneed. Garnet didn't do anything other than just sitting there at the kitchen counter. Fulgurite was trying to get herself moving with her huge feet, but only ended up failing. Lapis and Steven went off towards the Warp Pad as the other Gems handled their own issue.

"Steven, these effects. Doesn't it sound familiar at all?"

"A bit. Amethsyt has sponge teeth, Pearl can't stand right, Fulgurite has big feet, and Garnet can't lift a fork. Do you think ...?"

"What're you talking about?" Garnet suddenly said. Steven and Lapis turned back to them, all of them having their own trouble.

"We have one idea on what it can be. Remember those blue plants we gathered?"

"What about them?" Amethyst asked, trying to bite into the waffles a few more times.

"It could be something called 'poison joke'. We've read about it back in Ponyville while we were there," Steven asked, looking over the blue spots on Fulgurite's feet. Coming from Steven, who stayed in Twilight's library for over a week, that could be a good spot to where they found out.

"Well is this stuff permanent? I can't go anywhere fast with these boulder stubs!" Fulgurite asked.

"There is, but it's back in Ponyville," Steven said. While Amethyst was biting, suddenly her teeth cocked up, and jutted forward from her mouth. Pearl, despite the situation, couldn't help but snicker at Amethyst's misfortune. Amethyst quickly got even by simply nudging Pearl on the forehead. Pearl's lack of balance made her tumble backwards onto the couch - first soft spot she landed on that morning.

"Amethyst, Pearl, enough." Garnet ordered. The Gem turned to Lapis and Steven.

"Can you bring the cure back to us?"

"uh ... maybe. We'll tell ya if we can," Steven said. After Steven got dressed up, he got his magic key, and used it on the front door. Before the two got out though, Amethyst rushed over, after pushing her teeth back in place like they should.

"WHOA, hold on, you're not going without me, are you?"

"You sure?" Lapis asked.

"Hello?! I only got my teeth messed up, I can still go around without wrecking anything," Amethyst said. Lapis and Steven looked back at the three by them. Thinking over the situation at hand, they realized Amethyst was right (much to the trio's dismay).

"Wait, wait, Steven, we can go, honest!" Pearl said, however that second got Pearl off balance, and she grabbed Garnet for support. Since Garnet turned weaker than a newborn kitty, she fell right to the ground on top of Pearl. Fulgurite ended up tripping herself, her larger feet getting caught under Garnet and Pearl. Lapis, Amethyst, and Steven glanced to each other before coming to the same conclusion.

"Maybe you should stick out for this one," Steven said, trying not to sound harsh. He may be young, but, seeing them toppling head over heels made it not a good idea to bring them. The three just watched as Lapis, Steven, and Amethyst went on through the opened portal. The three were off to Equestria, as the other three were stuck in Beach City.


In Equestria, one area of Ponyville was as busy as ever. Over in the countryside of Ponyville, a large red barn stood tall, with the area surrounded by loads of trees. All the trees looked pretty much the same, and they all sported a good set of apples. Amongst the farming forest around the barn, a number of ponies were busy helping each other out throughout the barn, with wooden buckets getting filled with apples. Going through the working field, a stallion was going through, pulling a wagon being filled with a number of apple basket. He had a pure red coat, his mane small and ginger along with his tail. His cutie mark. With a working harness around his neck, he was happily pulling the wagon as other ponies brought the basket away from the trees, and over to the wagon. Two ponies were doing the moving of the baskets, one of them being Applejack. The other pony was a bit smaller than Applejack, carrying the baskets with her head one at a time. She didn't have a cutie mark on her flank, was yellow with her hair red as the apples. She also had a large bow on her head as well.

Applejack and the others were right in the middle of their harvest, the apples perfect for plucking off the trees. The three were going right off to the red barnhouse with their load of apples, Applejack trotting alongside the stallion.

"Who-hee, a lot growin this year, eh Big mac?" Applejack asked, wiping off some sweat from her forehead.

"Eeyup," replied Big Mac, as he neared the barn house with the load for the day.

"Wait, one more!" A voice called. Applejack, and Big Mac turned, and saw the little filly run over with one more basket full of apples. She tried to catch up, but suddenly she tripped over her a rock, the basket and apples flailing through the air! Applejack quickly got to action, and got the basket with her head. With some accurate, and quick movements, she got every single apple directly into the basket. Applejack got the basket into the wagon.

"Thank ya, Apple Bloom," Applejack said, as the filly got back up to her hooves. Unaware to everypony, a sudden white light emitted from inside the barn for a little bit. Big Mac went ahead, and opened up the barn, but as he walked inside, his face suddenly met up with another creature, eye level with her! His muzzle was right in her face, as the two behind her looked a bit surprised. When Apple Bloom and Applejack looked in, they saw Steven, Lapis, and Amethyst. Seemed the portal didn't go exactly where they wanted it to ...

"... This is awkward ..." Amethyst stated.


Amethyst and Big Mac backed away from each other, as Applejack and Apple Bloom went over to Steven and Lapis. They both saw the opened portal, as it suddenly closed up behind them. If they're going back, it wasn't going to be that way.

"Oh uh, Howdy, partner ... What're y'all doing in my barn?" Applejack asked. The three looked around for a little bit, realizing where they ended up.

"Sorry, we came here to find help, we don't know how to control where the end goes," Lapis said, walking out with Amethyst and Steven. Amethyst wanted to try an apple, picking one out of the wagon.

"Are these those cool Gems you told us 'bout?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Right. These are the Gems, Lapis Lazuli, Steven, and -" Suddenly, the group heard a audible groan, as Amethsyt stood there, mouth clamped shut, and hand covering it. "- Amethyst."

"You alright?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Nah, I'm fine," Amethyst said, smiling like she'd normally do. However, the sight of blue-spotted teeth wasn't a pretty one, making the ponies cringed a little bit.

"You Gems have dentists, dont'cha?" Apple Bloom asked. Amethyst covered her mouth quick, as Steven went over to Applejack.

"You know where Twilight might be? We need some help with some poison joke with Amethyst," Steven asked.

"Poison Joke? How'd she get it, you only find Poison Joke in Everfree Forest," Applejack asked, trotting over to Amethyst, looking at her teeth.

"A lot of them were growing in our world, and we had to get them away. Amethyst touched a lot of them," Lapis explained, as Applejack gently touched Amethyst's tooth with her hoof. Even with a small scrape, Amethyst flinched in pain, as the tooth jiggled like Jell-O.

"Fragile as a Breezie, those choppers. Twilight should be in her library by now," Applejack said, aiming a hoof towards Ponyville. No sooner after she pointed it out, Steven thanked her, and the Gems quickly rushed off to Ponyville. As they left, Apple Bloom looked up to Big Mac.

"A cool bunch, they are. Right, Big Mac?"



Back at the Beachhouse, Pearl, Garnet, and Fulgurite still were a bit stuck in their situation. Since Garnet was so weak, and Pearl can't stand for a few seconds without loosing her balance, the two were on the couch along with Fulgurite. The three can't exactly do anything correctly in their state, so all they could really do is sit and wait for Lapis, Amethyst, and Steven to come back. The three didn't realize how dull it was when there's no one doing anything until now. Fulgurite kept impatiently tapping her foot on the floor, making a fast-paced beat. It didn't help out the situation. Garnet just sat there between them, arms crossed and seemingly staring off into space, as Pearl kept looking around the place. She tried to think of something to do, but, she can't exactly get up otherwise she'll trip over her own feet.

"So ... You knew Rose, Fulgurite?" Pearl asked, trying to start a conversation.

"A little bit. Didn't meet her directly, but, word gets around," Fulgurite said, not stopping her foot beat.

"You were locked up," reminded Garnet.

"Doesn't mean I can't hear the guards blabber on and on and on about what the heck's going on outside," Fulgurite said. Before their conversation could continue, suddenly Garnet got up, and looked outside to the beach. When she did, she saw someone was coming up the steps to the door. What a time for guests. Coming to the door, there was a girl, looking a little older than Steven, but not by much. She had brown skin, brown hair, and some red glasses with no lens. She was wearing a sky-blue t-shirt, pale-gray jean shorts, and peach tennis shoes. She went right to the door, and knocked on it.

"Come in."

Soon, she opened the door, and saw Pearl and Garnet, but also saw Fulgurite.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"That's Fulgurite. She's fairly new. Fulgurite, this is Connie," Pearl said. Connie and Fulgurite shook hands, before Connie looked to Pearl and Garnet again.

"Have you guys seen Steven? I haven't heard from him in a while," Connie asked. Pearl and Garnet looked at each other, before Garnet answered her.

"He's busy."

"Busy? With what?"

"You see, Connie, we uh ... We had found some ... 'strange' plants, at one of the ancient Gem sites, and we uh ..."

"A funky plants messed us up, and Steven went off to another world this morning to get a cure," Fulgurite said, getting to the point.

"W-What?!" Connie gasped. To Connie, this came right out of the blue. Sure, Steven told her a bit, but, not about the other world. The other Gems themselves didn't expect the news so bluntly.

"That was blunt."

"You were going to say it, weren't you?"

"... Point taken."

"Which world did he go? Why aren't you with him?" Connie asked, a bit urgently. She'd be a little better if Garnet and Pearl was with him.

"We can't."

"Why not, you look fine to me," Connie pointed out. To prove the point, Fulgurite made Pearl get up off the couch, and onto her feet. Seconds after Fulgurite let her go, Pearl already began to loose her balance fast (as much as she tried to stay up). Suddenly, Pearl tripped over her own feet, and caught herself on the stool in the kitchen. Connie kept watching as Pearl tried to stay up, but ended up falling towards her. Connie easily caught her, but was a bit surprised to see Pearl, of all Gems, act so clumsy on her feet.

"That plant did this to us, we can't help this way."

"Oh ... Wait, where's Amethyst?"

"She went off with them. Apparently, she's the only one without a clumsy handicap. I'm stuck with iron feet, Pearl can't walk, and Garnet -"

"She got the point, Fulgurite," Garnet quickly interrupted. Garnet didn't want the idea of her being a complete weakling go around to everybody they come across.

"Man, hope Steven comes back soon," Connie said.

"You're telling us," Garnet sighed, Pearl trying to stand once more, but falling back on the couch. Wherever Steven was, he better hurry back with the cure before something -


Nevermind. The group, as best they could, got outside onto the main deck. Pearl nearly fell of the deck, falling on the rim, and Fulgurite stomping out as slow as her feet could do. After they all got outside, they noticed something going along the rock wall nearby the beach house. It looked like some weird sort of four-legged spider thing crawling around above the beach house. It was colored grey, with a gem located on its abdomen. The spider Gem roared again, the roar more reptilian than most, as it landed on their roof! Garnet activated her fighting gloves, but the sudden weight suddenly yanked her weak arms down and making her stuck to the ground. At the same time, Pearl tried to summon her weapon, but after she got out the spear, she ended up accidentally dropping it due to her new butter fingers. The spider Gem jumped down, and whacked all of them in one hit, Connie narrowly avoiding it. Connie rushed off as the spider leaped after the Gems.

"Connie, run!" Pearl yelled. Connie saw the three struggling a bit, Fulgurite trying to fight well. However, not only were her feet slowing her down, but her attacks were slow too!

"You kidding me?!" Fulgurite snapped, as the spider leaped at her. Course, Fulgurite couldn't get out of the way fast enough, and was knocked off into Garnet. Connie ran off as fast as she could, but, was worried over the fate of the Gems.

"If only I knew where Steven ended up," Connie said to herself in worry, hearing the roars of the spider Gem. She didn't have a clue where Steven went (exactly), and she needed him back to help the Gems ...

Then she heard laughing from nearby. However, the laughing matched her own almost exactly. Connie stopped, a good distance away from the spider, when she noticed something bouncing on the ground, heading right towards her. Almost as if it was some sort of bouncy ball, it turned out to be, yet, another magic key! Where'd it come from was anyone's guess, but, the key kept hopping until it jabbed into the sand, unlocking something, and landing down in Connie's hands. The unlocked bit was, once again, a door, the exact same result as when Steven used it the first time with Lapis. Connie hardly had time to comprehend what occurred, as the spider turned to her! Connie saw the spider coming at her, gripping the key tightly.

"Please, please take me to Steven," Connie whispered, closing her eyes, and did the only thing she could. In a yelp, she jumped into the opened portal, as the spider pounced at her, Connie being missed. The door quickly slammed shut fast, the portal closing off.


Back in Ponyville, Lapis, Steven, and Amethyst went right through Ponyville, and straight to Twilight's library. As much as they wanted to check things out, they needed to get that cure right away for the three. Lapis and Steven knew exactly where they were going, Amethyst just following behind them since she didn't know where to go entirely (she only visited one time compared to the other's near two week stay). Steven went right over, and knocked on the door right away. Soon, the door was opened, showing the alicorn standing there.

"Oh, hi Steven," Twilight said, a little more used to Steven visiting. At least she knew how he was getting to Equestria, along with the others with him.

"Hi, Twilight. Listen, we need some help," Lapis explained, as they went inside the library. Twilight was in the middle of some reorganization of her many books, with Spike trying to help a bit too, with a stack of books in his claws.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked, starting to work out some books on her shelf in the right order.

"We found some funky plants back home, and look what they did to me," Amethyst groaned, opening her mouth to show her blue-spotted teeth. Unlike the others that saw it, Twilight saw the blue spots as a reminder - she was well aware of what happened to Amethyst. Twilight went over to Amethyst.

"Poison Joke. Ok, I think I have it somewhere," Twilight said, starting to look through the books on her shelves. She got through about twenty books, but none of them were it. Spike settled the pile down, and immediate saw the book she was trying to look for. It was a green book, some ferns in front of it.

"Here you go," spike said. Twilight got it over to her with her magic, and quickly skimmed through the pages until she found the exact plant within it: Poison Joke.

"Here we are. If you get the others back here, I'm sure I can have this ready by the time you do," Twilight said, reading over the Poison Joke cure within the book. As Steven went over to the door, ready to use the key to go, suddenly a light began to emit from the other side of it. However, none of them were noticing the light, but a slight scream was heard, getting louder and louder. Suddenly, the second Steven opened the door, something shot out, and tumbled over Steven, crash landing right into the stack of books Spike settled down. Spike just avoided becoming covered in books, but Steven and whoever ended up with him were covered in books. Steven poked his head out, and the second person got her head out, a book on her head, and a bit dizzy in her eyes.

"Connie?" Amethyst and Steven gasped.

"Steven! Amethyst!" Connie gasped. Twilight soon got the books in the air, Connie and Steven both out of the pile, as she neatly got them all on the shelf where they should be. Connie was amazed, seeing a real winged unicorn standing there. That, and she didn't recognize Lapis Lazuli either.

"You okay, Connie?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I am. You are for real, aren't you?" Connie said, astonished as she got up and looked over Twilight Sparkle. She'd only heard of creatures like this from story books for toddlers, yet, here she was in the flesh and bone.

"Yeah, I am," Twilight said, a tiny bit uncomfortable with the question.

"How the heck did you get here?" Amethyst asked.

"Oh, well I - wait what am I doing? We have to go back, the others are in trouble!" Connie said, pulling Steven to the portal back to Beach City.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a monster attacking them, they need you back pronto!" Connie answered, heading to the door to get back.

"Monster?! Why didn't you say so. Thanks Twilight, but, we have to go. We'll be back soon," Steven said, heading through the portal with Connie. Lapis and Amethyst also went through, as Twilight tried to hurry up with the cure before things could get worse. When the Gems did go through, the portal on the other end suddenly opened up. However, since the Gems were running on one end, they shot right upward on the other end, Connie, Steven, and Amethyst landing in the sand. Lapis was flying once she got out. They all saw that the spider was still going at it, Garnet, Pearl, and Fulgurite still trying to fight. It seemed though that the three were getting their butts handed to them.

"Steven! You're back!" Fulgurite yelled. The spider Gem turned back to see them, giving a horrid roar before running after them.

"Oh boy," Amethyst said, pulling out her whip to fight. The spider charged at Amethyst first, whacking her hard towards the sea. Steven rushed over to Amethyst, and quickly protected her with his own Gem weapon: a pink rose shield, just as the spider nearly smashed them into the ground. The weight of the spider was actually pushing Steven into the sand, up to his knees after a few seconds of powerful pushing. Amethyst quickly got her whip into action again, and whipped the spider Gem in the face, making it screech and step back. Amethyst pulled Steven out of the sand, and rushed aside as the spider was stunned. Pearl, Garnet, and Fulgurite wanted to help, but their poison jokes were simply holding them back too much for them to truly help the other three. As for Lapis and Connie, they were still on the sidelines watching. The spider felt the water gaze its leg, quickly bolting away like mad. As it did, it whacked Amethyst aside (be it accidental or intentional depending). Before Steven could react, the spider swung around, and whacked Steven good and hard. The boy ended up whacked high in the air until he landed nearby Connie and Lapis.

"Steven!" The Gems gasped. Steven barely got up, as the spider Gem leaped over to them, roaring at them. That did it. As the spider began to move at them again. Suddenly, the ocean next to the spider quickly came alive, in a huge arm much like earlier, and it slammed down hard on top of it! Everyone looked over to the only Gem who could do that: Lapis Lazuli, as she angrily stared down the spider as it struggled. The water arm lifted the spider high up in the air, throwing it upward. The spider flailed around before Lapis got the water hand into a fist, and slammed the ultimate fist down on top of the spider Gem! The spider Gem suddenly exploded into a large poof cloud, the main gem all that remained. The gem was a lot smaller, and big enough to be carried by hand easily. Lapis calmed down after a bit, realizing what she just did.

"Steven, you okay?" Lapis asked, rushing over to him.

"I think so," Steven replied.

"Thank goodness you're ok, Steven," Pearl said, balancing on her spear so she wouldn't fall over again.

"A cure?" Garnet asked.

"Cure? ... Oh, right! Twilight's working on it," Steven said.

"... when?"

"I don't know."

"Seriously, we can't operate like this," Fulgurite groaned, pointing to her enlarged feet.

"Let's just be patient. Be happy that there's no more problems," Lapis said, trying to calm their nerves. Still they didn't like being this way.

"Well, I hope she finishes up soon. That thing nearly shattered us before you showed up, even Garnet had trouble," Fulgurite said. Garnet still didn't like being called weak, so, she tried to punch her to be quiet...She barely made a dent in her, and her hand even hurt...
