• Published 26th Sep 2015
  • 16,135 Views, 470 Comments

My Little Universe - EquestrianKirin

What happens when a group of magical ponies meet a group of magical, talking rocks? Tons of fun and Adventure!

  • ...

The Warp Zone

It had been a while for the Gems and Ponies. Since upon first meeting their new little dog friend, the ponies had been a bit interested in meeting the fella. Steven himself had actually given them a message some time ago, and that day, the group actually met up outside of the Beach house. Instead, they all were in a large, flower meadow in Steven's dimension. It seemed like a good spot for their new pet pup to go around and play in the flowery Eden. Of course, it wasn't the only main reason why the ponies came around, as the Gems got their attention to the odd machine their pet dug up outside the Beach House. As some of the more energetic ponies (Pinkie and Rainbow) played with the Gem dog, the other ponies watched as Fulgurite helped replay the same message from the machine to them, letting them see themselves.

"Can you make anything of it?" Twilight asked, after the message was replayed.

"Been thinking on it for a bit, though I'm not sure when this message was done exactly. Thousands of years ago, I guess," Garnet admitted. Although to her the main time of when was very long ago, the exact date of when was never said, so, she couldn't pinpoint anything. As they were trying to put two and two together, the gem dog suddenly rushed by, with Pinkie happily chasing after him. The run-by nearly knocked the machine over (not to mention Fulgurite). Compared to the ponies, the dog was just slightly taller than they were by a little bit, though that didn't bother who was playing with them. Despite being a pony, Pinkie was playing much like a dog would, to the Gem dog's own fun.

"Be careful, you nearly broke the message," Pearl advised.

"Y'all know who he belongs to yet?" Applejack asked.

"No one said anything yet, so, we're stuck with him for now," Lapis said, as the dog decided to have some more fun with Lapis. The dog sat down on Lapis' skirt and gave her a friendly lick on the face. She didn't mind getting wet honestly, but saliva was an exception as she felt it go on her face. Lapis sighed and got her out from under the dog's paws.

"Come on, Lapis, Blue's not that bad," Steven said nearby, though he sounded a bit funny.


"Yeah, he needed a name," Steven insisted, as the dog went over, and sat down next to him. Still, Steven didn't look at his best. Since they were in a flower field, the pollen was starting to get at Steven, his eyes red and watery with his nostrils flared up from the pollen around him. Steven sneezed and rubbed his nose for the seventh time since showing up. He didn't cover it too well though, noted by Pearl nearby. Obviously, this flower meadow wasn't doing too well for him.

"You ready to go back, Steven?" Pearl asked.

"No, no, I'm fine, really," Steven insisted, though it was clear that he wasn't fine. So, Pearl got up, and looked to Garnet.

"Garnet, I'm gonna bring Steven back. Seemed this place isn't doing so well for him."

"Very well," Garnet agreed. Beaten two to one, Steven got up, as Blue rejoined the playing by the other ponies. However, before they could go, Rainbow suddenly flew over to them.

"Hey, you two heading back too?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Pinkie wanted me to get something from the Beach house," Rainbow said, standing on the warp pad where Pearl and Steven were standing on. Soon, the portal activated with Pearl, leaving the others there. The warp was a lot similar to the portals used by the keys, though having a much lighter blues than the types used before. And, unlike those, they weren't tumbling through time and space to get there, rather standing like an elevator while going through. Rainbow, Pearl, and Steven were going through the warp, though the allergies Steven picked up were still in effect, Steven sneezing again.

"Steven, make sure you sneeze in your antecubital fossa, please," Pearl insisted.

"My what?"

"Your ... this thing," Pearl pointed to the part of her arm where she was talking about. However, before Steven could react, another sneeze began to build up in him.

"Steven, your fossa!" Pearl insisted. Suddenly, before Steven could, he sneezed good and strong, enough to propel him away! Rainbow and Pearl were surprised, as Steven's chest and head suddenly got itself out of the warp stream! Rainbow Dash grabbed him before he could float out, though was hard to move him back. During the moment, Steven could see what the warp area looked like outside. It looked pretty much empty, large lightning clouds circling around the area. Steven himself could only see that, and their warp stream at first ... until he saw another stream go by, something zooming by from within it. It wasn't until afterwards when Rainbow got enough strength to get Steven back in. And just in time: seconds after, they arrived back in Steven's Beach House. Of course, Steven was suddenly curious, and Pearl worried over him.

"Steven, you alright? It's too dangerous to move outside the warp stream!" Pearl said, trying to see if being exposed outside had done any damage to him. After checking, Rainbow went into the beach house, looking around some of their stuff for what Pinkie wanted her to get.

"Guys, I saw something outside the stream!" Steven said.


"Something warping!"

"Steven, that's not possible. Only other Gems are able to use and activate these warps, and the only Gems here are you, me, Garnet, Amethyst, Lapis and Fulgurite. Last I recall, it was just you, me, and Rainbow Dash that came back."

"But I did, honest!"

"Steven, no other creature has used these portals for hundreds of thousands of years besides us. Perhaps your vision got blurry from the pollen, that's all," Pearl said, thinking that calmed him down. Steven wasn't too sure on that just yet, but his eyes were a bit bugged by the pollen anyway. Soon, Rainbow finally found what Pinkie wanted to grab: a Frisbee they brought for meeting Blue.

"Alright, got it, let's go," Rainbow said.

"Wait, Rainbow, don't you believe me?" Steven asked, before Rainbow could leave.

"I dunno, I'm not a Gem. Sorry, sport," Rainbow replied, before leaving him on that with Pearl.


For the rest of the day, and through the night, the thought of what Steven had seen in that other warp stream was starting to get to him. It was to the point when he couldn't even sleep that night, he was so wrapped up in what could or could not be. Of course, this kind of behavior hadn't gone unnoticed by his friends, being told of what he said by Pearl. However, Pearl still felt that Steven saw nothing out of the ordinary and treated it as nothing more than a fluke. Far as they were concern though, it could've easily been a case of mistaken identity, or just the pollen messing up his eyes when he looked. As for Steven, he could've sworn on his own Gemstone that he did see something odd outside the warp stream, and although Pearl made it clear that nothing else could use them, he wasn't so sure. On one hand, Pearl had been around way longer than him, but that could also make Pearl a bit oblivious if anything new could activate these warp pads. The only thing Steven submitted was the idea that someone used their magic key. Only reason being was that he'd recognize the shape of whatever was in the warp stream if that was the case, plus it would've looked different from a regular Warp. However, the warp he saw was of the regular warp, and not the key, so, the jury was still out in his mind.

The next morning, Fulgurite was the first to go into Steven's part of the home from the back. First thing she was greeted to was Steven asleep. However, Steven was more passed out, laying by the front door with a water gun at the ready. Confused, Fulgurite went over to Steven, kneeling down to his level. Next to him, Blue was fast asleep as well. Weren't humans supposed to sleep in a bed?

"Wake up, Steven," Fulgurite said, trying to wake him up. Seconds later, Steven suddenly gave a loud scream, and shot his water gun at her in a panic. His scream was heard by the other Gems, only to find a wet Fulgurite, and a alert Steven nearby with his water gun aimed to shoot.

"What was that for?" Fulgurite groaned, shaking her head to get the water off.

"Sorry. I guess I, I just didn't ..."

"Didn't sleep?" Garnet concluded.


"Steven, I already explained, nothing can use these Warp Pads but us. There's nothing on earth that can use them but us, you understand?" Pearl said. However, Steven wasn't too sure about that, and didn't say anything to her, looking away. "Steven, nod in agreement if you understand," Still nothing ... "Nod in agreement -"

"Steven, Pearl. I'm confident Pearl is right, but it couldn't hurt to check," Garnet stated. Steven felt a bit better from that, and got up, getting Pearl's hands off his shoulders. Guess their schedule had to be delt with later.

It took a little bit, but the Gems then began to look around to figure out if anything out of the ordinary was indeed going on. For some extra eyes, the Mane Six joined them in their bit of search upon requested by Steven himself. The Mane Six, and Crystal Gems spent the day looking around in different areas to see if anything indeed used the Warp Pad yesterday. No matter how many areas they looked over, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. They looked through Rose's Garden, the Flower Meadow, the huge storm Geode, and a number of other spots up and down, all over the place, but with no luck. The more areas Steven had everyone look, the less patience some of them had for Steven's paranoid state. The group eventually finished up looking through another area, gathering up by the warp pad.

"Nothing around here," Lapis said.

"We looked all over, there's nothing out here to find," Pearl groaned. Steven didn't look very convinced by that statement, as everyone else. Pearl groaned, hand to Gemstone.

"Steven, I keep telling you, nothing on Earth can use the warp pads besides us!"

"What if it came from space?" Steven retorted, angry in tone. That did sound like a possibility, but Pearl was too angry to really accept that option yet.

"I-...Don't appreciate your tone," Pearl said, trying not to lose it.

Their final stop, to prove Pearl's point more than to look for anything. Where they all ended up was an area full of warp pads of different sizes. The area was large, flat, with six spired pillars around the circular island, the island itself in the middle of the ocean. The warps varied in size, depending on where they end up, which as far as the ponies knew, could be anywhere. The Mane six looked around a bit as Pearl went over to the largest Warp pad, right in the middle. The largest one of all of them, that one had some damage to it, and a small sticker of a crying waffle placed on it too.

"These are the warps that once connected us to other planets. If something tried to come from space, it would be through here. But wait! This warp pad is broken, marked inactive by the very depressed cartoon breakfast sticker you placed here yourself!" Pearl explained, pointing to the sticker in question, which was on a large crack in the Warp Pad. However, Steven didn't agree himself.

"It didn't have to be the main warp!"

"Steven, I've had enough of this! Nothing, I mean nothing used the warp pad, and you know it!" Pearl snapped,

"I know I saw something warping!"

"And I know you didn't!"

The two began to bicker amongst each other for a while more, to the surprise of everyone else. Obviously, this was getting very out of hand, thanks to Steven's own fear. The ponies were thinking over what was going on. They didn't know any more than anypony else, but Twilight knew that it was important to take a friend's thoughts into consideration at least, and Pearl wasn't doing that in the slightest. Finally, Rainbow got in between them, pushing them back with her hooves.

"You two stop it! This is getting nowhere, and acting like spoiled colts isn't helping anypony," Rainbow snapped, mostly to get them to quit fighting.

"What do you know about the Galaxy Warp?" Pearl asked, a bit angry that they went all over the place just because of something she thought was impossible. Twilight finally intervened.

"Pearl, listen! I know you don't believe in Steven, but it's important to take your friend's thoughts into consideration, even if they don't sound too believable. But, if it makes you feel better, perhaps some of us can keep watch here in case something happens," Twilight decided, remembering her own experiences with such situations before. Pearl, pinching the bridge of her nose, gave a long sigh. She still wasn't convinced that something was indeed going through the portals, but the least she can do was stop berating Steven.

"I'm still sure nothing's using the portals."

"Okay, okay, you can have a break. I'll hang out here in case somepony tries anything funny," Rainbow decided, landing by the main warp pad. Fluttershy, suddenly, went over with her too.

"I'll stay with her ... I-If you don't mind, that is," Fluttershy said. The Gems took a second to consider the decision. Eventually, they decided that was the main choice. If somepony were to watch over things, then Steven can at least calm down a little bit knowing something was indeed keeping an eye on things, and this place was the best spot to do just that. If something was using the warp pads, the Galaxy Warp was the perfect spot for them to use it, with so many in one place. Pearl simply nodded in the end of it.

"You two sure you don't want to come back with us?" Rarity asked.

"Eh, no big deal, didn't had much planned anyway," Rainbow replied. Seemed it was going to be the main choice, as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both remained put. Little by little, the others began to go off to leave them to it, Steven staying the longest. In the end, though, Steven can reply on Rainbow Dash to tell him if she really did see something out of place. So, with a goodbye, Steven finally left on his way back to his home, leaving Rainbow and Flutters to it.


For the next long hours, Rainbow and Fluttershy kept their watch over the warp pads and waited for something to come around. Rainbow Dash kept her watch like a guard pony, pacing back and forth between the many portals, keeping a strong eye on them as she flew little off the ground. Fluttershy kept her watch as well, though didn't pace around as much as Rainbow did. In fact, the main reason Fluttershy was there in the first place, was to aid Rainbow Dash in her job, not much thought on her own needs. Hour in, hour out, the watching continued as the later nightfall began to come around again. Even if they were both getting tired, Rainbow's loyalty and promise kept her there ... Despite her own annoyance that nothing was happening. As for Fluttershy, the yellow Pegasus settled down next to the main warp pad, pretty tired herself. Rainbow promised her that she'll keep going, and allowed her close friend to relax, and sleep. Rainbow kept going around for another hour (at least it felt like that) before the sky-blue Pegasus began to tire herself. Eventually, Rainbow settled down nearby Fluttershy, and also drifted off to sleep...

The two Pegasus were unaware of what was coming their way. At first, it was little more than a small bother, and wasn't enough to wake them up. However, as Rainbow gave a loud yawn, suddenly she was abruptly stopped once something for into her mouth! Rainbow's eyes bolted open, as she got up to her four hooves. An odd, spherical object somehow got its way into her mouth, before she spat it out. The weird object looked like a ball, though it suddenly had stick like legs, not connected to the body as it began to move to the main warp pad.

"Psst, Fluttershy, wake up," Rainbow said, nudging her awake. When Fluttershy did wake up, the two found themselves accompanied by fifteen more orbed walkers! Rainbow readied for any sort of attack, but all of them simply ignored them, going around to the main warp pad. Rainbow and Fluttershy weren't sure what to make of these sudden random arrivals, but, looking to another smaller portal, the pad suddenly activated as more show up, and join in. These must be the odd objects Steven was talking about! But whether they were friend or foe was still put to question, as they saw them go to work on the main warp pad. What occurred was that the Warp Pad was being not damaged, but fixed! About nine to ten of the odd orbs were using a sort of odd goo gun, filling in the cracks as it solidified and mended like super glue, molded into place as if the marks were never there at all. Course, WHY were they doing this, or what was making them do so was again, put to question.

"Steven was right," Rainbow realized, watching the amount of small robots continued their work.

"What're they doing?" Fluttershy asked. But, Rainbow Dash was just as clueless as she was. In no time at all, the orbed robots had fully mended the main warp pad, good as new. It was pretty impressive to say the least of it, though that wasn't the only thing. After mending the main portal, the orbs moved out of the way, giving the warp pad a full view. And then, right in front of them both, it activated! The only question as: who activated it?

Fluttershy moved back in worry, as Rainbow readied for whatever was ready to come at them. Most likely it might be a Gem, since as Pearl said they were the only species to work these things, but, can't hurt to be careful. The warp then revealed someone else standing there. The individual was fairly tall, about the same height as Lapis, her hair then matching Pearl's height. Her yellow-green hair was shaped in a smooth triangle. She had a lime-green tint to her skin, with the Gemstone being a similar color. She wore a duller green suit, and her arms and legs were a bright neon-like green. Her chest and knees had a yellowish diamond mark on them. She didn't appear to had any hands, per say, and more like five floating fingers, similar color to the skin on her face. She had a sort of visor over her eyes as well. She didn't seemed to notice the two Pegasus just yet, instead looking over at a screen in front of her, made up of her four fingers on one of her extensions. The language on the screen wasn't of their language, so, the ponies couldn't make out what it was about.

"Log date: 312. This is Peridot, performing Earth hub maintenance check," she said, working with her screen a little bit. Rainbow and Fluttershy didn't try anything just yet, remaining put as Peridot worked her screen. She took a moment to check the orbs around her, and only then did she see the two Pegasus standing nearby. Fluttershy coward behind Rainbow, as Rainbow stood firm, eyes looking right at her own. Peridot didn't seem too surprised, but was enough to get her to stop what she was doing, and stepping off the Warp Pad towards them.

"Identify yourselves," she said firmly, looking at them in an almost disapproved look. To their surprise, she also worked her right arm into a firing gun, ready to shoot! Fluttershy got even more scared, hooves over her head, but Rainbow wasn't as easily intimidated.

"Hey, put that away!" Rainbow demanded, flying up to her. Peridot just sighed, and shot at them! Fluttershy prepared for the pain, but Rainbow got her out of the way before it landed at them, a small explosion resulting from it like a cannon fire. Fluttershy moved away to a safe distance, as Rainbow rushed at Peridot, right in her face.

"You looking to start something?!" Rainbow snapped, mainly for her nearly blasting her and Fluttershy to pieces. Peridot wasn't so easily intimidated, as she turned away, and looked over her screen from her left hand again. Her right hand suddenly made a five-way scanner and went over Rainbow Dash before she did anything. After a little bit, Peridot only got three question marks on her screen.

"Not native to Earth? Identification, if you may," Peridot stated, not ready to shoot that time.

"Why should I tell you after you nearly blasted my friend?" To answer her, her scanner hand turned back into a gun, ready to shoot Rainbow in the face. Angry, Rainbow Dash whacked her fingers off with her hoof.

"Knock it off, will ya?! Maybe if you don't blast me, I will tell you, get it?" Rainbow said, though she wanted to kick her in the gut for threatening to pulverize her. Peridot rolled her eyes, her gun being removed. She didn't arrive to Earth to just blast these two.

"There. Now, if you may?"

"Rainbow Dash. And why are you here?" Rainbow asked, front hooves crossed, as she got to the point.

"Rainbow Dash ... and had these 'Rainbow Dashes' replaced the human race as of yet?" Peridot asked.

"Nevermind that, why are you here?" Rainbow asked again, glaring at her.

"None of your concern," Peridot said, walking away from Rainbow Dash, and continuing to fiddle with her screen. Her ignorance made Rainbow a bit more annoyed.

"Oh, I think it is, you little -"


Both of them stopped when Fluttershy finally got the courage to speak up, flying in between Rainbow Dash, and Peridot, before anything can get violent. Peridot was taken aback by the sudden coward's bravery just pop up out of nowhere.

"Rainbow, please don't," Fluttershy insisted.

"But she nearly blasted you!"

"And probably for good reason," Fluttershy said. Good reason?! What good reason was there to blast anypony?! At least, that's what Rainbow wanted to tell her, but being close friends and all that, it was best to probably not argue with her, especially now. Fluttershy looked to Peridot, with a much calmer appearance than what Rainbow did. The new Gem crossed her arms.

"I'm so sorry, miss Peridot, mam. We are friends to Gems, really, we just didn't expect somepony like you to -"

"I'm not a pony," Peridot corrected.

"Oh, sorry. *ahem* somebody like you to come so suddenly. We don't mean any harm, really, but if you don't mind, we'd like to know why you came to Earth. I-if that's okay, if you don't want to, we understand." Fluttershy didn't want to act like she was forcing Peridot to talk her mind, if she didn't want to say, so be it. Though, Rainbow didn't seem too thrilled on letting her just run off so quickly, after what she just did. From what she could assume, Peridot was going to simply ignore them and go ...

"If you must know, I'm here on a maintenance check of Earth from our last experiences here. It won't take very long, and if it all goes well, I can be done in a few earth days," Peridot replied. That was ... interesting.

"You're not here to hurt anypony?" Rainbow asked, still suspicious over her. Peridot was still a bit bother by the pony thing, but, she shrugged it off as a language barrier of sorts.

"So long as no one interferes with the progress, then negative. I'm here strictly on check - go in, check status, and leave," Peridot replied, taking a second to look away from her screen. While fluttershy was glad Peridot wasn't there to harm anypony, Rainbow Dash still felt that they needed to keep an eye on her. Anyone that will so easily shoot someone after refusing a simple question can't be so easily trusted so fast. But, if Fluttershy was going to go that far so fast, then she might as well let her. She made friends with Discord after all, and Discord's far worse power-wise, not to mention with everything else. If she can make friends with a draconequus, maybe Peridot wouldn't be so bad ... underline, maybe.

"Now, if you don't mind, I need to finish my work," Peridot said, beginning to walk to another Warp Pad. However, Rainbow Dash flew in her way again before she could go away, moving her screen away so she can look at her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You think we're just going to leave you after that stunt you pulled?"

"Yes," Peridot said bluntly. Rainbow, hoof to forehead, gave an annoyed groan. Seemed wherever Peridot came from didn't had much for consideration towards others.

"Look, I know you say your not going to hurt anything, but, I can't have you go off so soon."

"So, that means your authorized to come with me then?" Peridot asked, eyebrow raised, and arms crossed. A little bit of a jump, but that didn't sound like a bad idea. At least one of them can go with her, make sure she wasn't lying, and tell the others once they were finished. After glancing at one another, Rainbow went over to Fluttershy, moving them both away so they can talk in private. Peridot wanted to just go, but she needed to check on the status of the other Warp Pads around the Galaxy Warp, with the smaller orb things nearby and trying to maintain them as she went.

"Hey, Fluttershy. I'm going to go with her," Rainbow Dash whispered.

"W-what? Why?" Fluttershy stuttered.

"Did you hear her? We don't know what she's really doing - best for somepony to keep a sharp eye on her while she's doing whatever. You can go back to the others."

"B-But what do I say?"

"Just tell them I'll be gone for a while, still checking on things for Steven or something like that. I'll be back the second I'm done, I promise you that," Rainbow promised. Fluttershy wasn't sure if this was such a good idea, what Peridot will do to her, nor what the others will think when she'll tell them. Still, when it came to the situation, somepony on watch can work well, and compared to the two of them, Rainbow had the better eye, and better focus than she did. With a gulp, and a nod, Fluttershy could only agree to Rainbow Dash's decision. As for Rainbow herself, her choice she knew might give her on the edge of things for the Gems back home, yet, if something bad does happen, she knew Fluttershy wouldn't be strong enough to get herself out, or to stop whatever would happen.

"... Okay... Please, be careful ..." Fluttershy finally said, through quiet breath. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy gave each other a hug, before they went off on their separate ways. Since, as Pearl said already, nothing can activate the Warp Pads aside from Gems, Fluttershy resorted to her magic key. Rainbow looked back to her one more time before Fluttershy went through the portal made by the yellow Pegasus, leaving only her and Peridot. When Rainbow found her, Peridot was still working on checking the currently inactive Warp Pads. While Rainbow and Flutters discussed the decision, Peridot had checked about three of the many, all of them inactive and not working, no matter what she did.

"Must be a problem with connection with some of these. Got to handle that sometime," Peridot told herself, before Rainbow flew over to her.

"Okay, Peridot, I'm sticking with ya for your maintenance trip. We going to go yet?" Rainbow asked. Peridot got off the other Warp Pad and began heading to one in particular: the one that they used to arrive in the first place. Rainbow could assume that Warp Pad strictly connected to Earth, and the Warp Pads to Earth only. So long as Peridot didn't mess up on her, Rainbow should be heading to where they're supposed to.

"Now then, all Flask robonoids accounted for, Homeworld Warp in working order, no extra surprises upon arrival. Proceeding to current destination," Peridot concluded. With that, with Rainbow by her side, the two teleported away from the main hub. Where exactly they were going to go was completely unknown, but, so long as Rainbow Dash had her magic key with her, she shouldn't have too much problem with getting herself out, or even get some reinforcements if needed.

The risks were starting to grow...

Author's Note:

Well, everypony, you've all waited for her. You all wanted to see her. And now, Peridot's finally here! Sorry for the wait XD. Oh, and if you didn't read the previous chapter, than, I suggest you do so to know what the message is :twilightblush: Trust me, it's gonna get interesting with Peridot for this story :raritywink: just you wait and see ^^