• Published 26th Sep 2015
  • 16,138 Views, 470 Comments

My Little Universe - EquestrianKirin

What happens when a group of magical ponies meet a group of magical, talking rocks? Tons of fun and Adventure!

  • ...

Logical Care

The morning in Ponyville was like what others would be: calm, collective, and sunny as can be. Over by the library, Spike woke up and went on outside, stretching his arms for the day ahead. First order of business: getting the morning mail. With a flick of the mailbox, and quick grab, Spike got a hold of the mail and began to head back into the library for Twilight. Upon stepping back in, the little dragon waved the letters in front of him.

"Mail's here!" Spike called. However, due to eagerness, Twilight yanked them out of his claws with her magic, making him fall over onto his face. The first couple of letters weren't too special, but one in particular had a special mark on it, telling Twilight which letter apart. She quickly pulled it out, and read it over.

"Please be a yes, please be a yes, please be a yes..." Twilight quickly scanned through the letter with her own eyes for a second or so, before a smile quickly grew on the Alicorn's face.

"Yes! She can make it, she can make it!" Twilight beamed, spinning spike around as she flew in circles, out of pure joy. Spike, feeling dizzy, spoke again.

"Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that Princess Cadance said she can come this weekend," Spike assumed, as Twilight placed him down, the dragon trying to get himself together without hurling from Twilight's spin attack. Still, Twilight was very excited herself.

"I'm finally gonna get to spend some quality time with my sister-in-law! This is the best news ever!" Twilight replied, so in static she almost didn't hear the knock on her door. A bit unexpected, but Twilight opened it to find Fluttershy and, surprisingly, Connie.

"Um, so sorry for barging in like this..." Fluttershy said, as if just creaking a door was considered barging into anywhere. "But I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait to tell somepony!" Soon, Fluttershy then brought out another bit of paper she got from her mail, showing it to twilight.

"The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria – the Breezies!" Fluttershy said, very excited herself, although most of her words were hushed. Twilight was happy on hearing the news.

"Wow, Fluttershy, that's fantastic!" Twilight said. She took another look at the note before adding in, "It also said you can bring somepony else with you."

"That would be me. Thought it'll be great to learn about some of Equestria's more elusive creatures," Connie explained with a grin.

"Ooo, I'm so excited, this just might be the best news ever!" Fluttershy exclaimed, out of pure joy. Seemed two special things were already happening today.


Sometime later, everypony arrived at the train station, with the crystal Gems also joining up to see Connie and Fluttershy off on her way. When they were there, they both looked ready to go off on an African safari - explorer outfits on and ready to go, sun hat included. Before they went, some of the others began to give them some extra necessities for their trip. Opening up Fluttershy's bag, Rarity levitated a pair of scarfs for her and Connie.

"Here's some wraps, in case you two get cold," Rarity said, levitating the scarfs in the handbag, and closing it up. Applejack came over next with a basket of apples.

"And I packed you a basket of nice fresh apples in case y'all get hungry," Applejack said, placing it next to Connie.

"Have a great time," Steven said with a smile.

"Oh, we will. And I hope you have fun with Cadance, Twilight," Connie said, as the train whistle went off. After Connie giving Steven a quick goodbye hug, Fluttershy and Connie went on the train, just as the conductor gave the signature "All aboard!". After the two got on, the two looked back form the final train cart, looking back at their friends as the train went off.

"Goodbye! Goodbye, everypony!" Fluttershy said, waving her hoof.

"By everyone, be back soon!" added Connie, waving her hand. They both heard the others giving their goodbyes.

"Have fun, you two!" Pearl said.

"See ya later!" added Amethyst.

"Connie! Fluttershy!" Pinkie began to gallop after the train. "I'll never forget youuuuuuu!" Soon, the train went off out of sight, as Pinkie came to a halt. However, seconds later, a red balloon suddenly came into her view point ...

"Ooh, something floaty! La-la-la-la-la!"

Rather quick ...

Back at the train station, everyone else was still around when Pinkie came back.

"Oh, I'm a bit nervous about Cadance's visit."

"What could you be nervous about, Twilight? Cadance just loves you to pieces!" Applejack pointed out.

"I know, but I really want her visit to go without a hitch!"

"Why wouldn't it?" Steven asked.

"Well, the last three times we've seen each other haven't exactly been worry-free."

"The fate of Equestria has hung in the balance during most of your visits with her," Rarity cleared up.

"Exactly. Cadance and I haven't really had a chance to just enjoy being friends again. Which is why it is so important that this visit be about the two of us having some real quality time together."

"I'm guessin' you've got a plan that'll keep it that way," Applejack assumed. Twilight nodded, and showed them something on the train station bulletin board: a poster with a unicorn on it, his long beard swirling around the head.

"The timing couldn't be more perfect. For one day only, right here in Ponyville, the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum! Cadance and I can spend the whole day looking at Star Swirl the Bearded artifacts!" Twilight explained.

"Sounds like a perfect drama-free way to spend the day with Cadance," Lapis commented.

"Not counting the drama surrounding which of the bells from his cloak they've chosen to put on display. Spoiler alert: it's this one!" Twilight said, pointing to one of the bells on Star Swirl's hat. However, Amethyst started to cough a little bit.

"Uh, sorry. Something in my throat... like a big ball of 'lame'!" Amethyst said, getting a glare from Pearl.

"I think it sounds delightful," Pearl retorted.

"Yup, definitely sounds like you two will have some real quality time together." Applejack added.

"Exactly. Just quiet time."

As if she jinxed on the idea, the next train soon arrived, the screeching brakes making most of them cover their ears in pain. It was indeed loud brakes, like scratching on a chalk board. Garnet was the only one who didn't really cover her ears, yet she gritted her teeth a little bit. The train looked like it had ice on it, the snowplows up front shining with crystal--like material, along with the rest of the train. The sight of such a train surprised many of the Gems there. When the train fully stopped, suddenly trumpets went off, giving off the arrival of this 'Cadance' in question. The cart doors opened up, with a red carpet and two guard ponies, both Pegasus, one crystalline in skin (surprising the gems even more), as the pony walked on out. She looked a little taller than Twilight was, with pink fur and her smooth mane and tail a color of light yellow, hot pink, and deep purple. The newcomer also had a pair of wings and long horn, making her an Alicorn like Twilight Sparkle. Upon exiting the train, Cadance bowed in front of Twilight.

"Your Highness," Cadance said.

"Your Highness," Twilight replied, repeating the gesture along with the others. However, Cadance giggled afterwards.

"I'm teasing, Twilight. We're sisters-in-law, we don't have to be so formal," Cadance joked, as she nodded to the guards. The two went back inside, the carpet rolling back in the train, and soon the train went right on its way. Cadance looked to the Gems, but not in much surprise as they would expect. Instead, most of her attention went to her sister-in-law.

"Knowing you, you've made some plans."

"Boy, have I! Hang on just one second," Twilight insisted, as she went back to the others. "You guys-"

"Now, now, don't you worry about a thing! We will make sure that nothing – but nothing – interferes with your visit," Rarity promised.

"Go on, have a hootenanny with your kinfolk," added Applejack.

"You really are the best friends a pony could ever have. Coming, Cadance!" Twilight said. Soon enough, Cadance and Twilight were both off to the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum, with the others looking onward. While some of them were a bit interested in this festival (Pearl especially), they didn't want anyone bugging them as they spent their day together.

"Two sisters-in-law bonding. Well, I for one am gonna make sure that nothing spoils their day!" Pinkie promised...

Again, as if she jinxed it, something oddly began to appear on the horizon, spinning in the air like some odd cyclone or some UFO or something. Before anyone could realize what for what, the thing suddenly flew by them, missing them as they ducked, before landing into a tree. None of them had any clue what in Celestia that was, as they looked to the tree.

"What is that?" Fulgurite wondered.

"No, not a "what", but a "who", dear," somepony replied, a few sniffs from the tree. That got rainbow a bit nervous.

"Oh no! That sounds like -" Before Rainbow Dash could finish up her sentence, suddenly a loud sneeze shot out, making all the leaves suddenly burn off the trees in a blue flames. Upon all the leaves removed, it revealed to be a pure blue, sick-looking draconequus.

"Discord!" they all gasped, not expecting him to suddenly show up. The draconequus didn't look too good, yet the ponies seemed a bit annoyed with him showing up.

"What in tarnation are you doin' here? And why the jumpin' June bugs are you blue?" Applejack asked, not as amused.

"More like a shade of cerulean, to be precise," whispered Rarity. Either way, Discord began to slither down the tree as if he didn't had any bones, landing in a coiled pile on the ground. This indeed didn't look like behavior for anypony who was healthy.

"Oh, I've changed, surely you remember? I was reformed by lovely little-" Discord suddenly looked ready to sneeze again F-F-Fluttershy-" Then, another sneeze shot out from his mouth, shooting him back comically. While no one noticed, his sneeze caused a nearby house to suddenly start to float away...

"What are you, sick or something?" Fulgurite asked.

"Well, of course I'm sick. The blue skin? These sneezes? Could somebody find me a fainting couch?" Discord asked. Oddly, many of the ponies looked to Rarity.


Pinkie was already on it, moving over a ton of luggage from the Train Station so Discord could lay down.

"How charming, thank you. I can't stop sneezing and wheezing. In short... I need help!" Discord whined, giving the others puppy eyes. They weren't buying it.

"Wait, maybe I can help!" Steven said, going over to Discord. Steven readied himself, licking his hand, and placing it on Discord. However, Discord instead looked like he was getting electrocuted by the sudden touch, making Steven step back. Rainbow rolled her eyes on that reaction.

"If you're so 'sick', why have you come here instead of, y'know, staying home in bed and getting over your weird illness?" Rainbow pointed out. Discord sneezed, and got out a hankie for his nose before answering.

"Because this condition has left me helpless, simply helpless! Why, I can barely lift a spoon," discord said, a small spoon popping up in his paw, only to drop it by mistake, and a ice pack on his head.

"That so?" Asked Garnet.

"I came to find the one pony who truly understands me and could nurse me back to health." Discord lifted up Pinkie for a second. "Where is that dear, sweet Fluttershy?" Suddenly, he lifted the leafless tree with no effort, still with no luck. "I need attention! I need some care! I need-" Garnet took the liberty of putting her hand over Discord's mouth, to get him quiet for a minute or two. So much for 'barely lift a spoon'.

"She just left," Garnet stated, letting go of Discord's goat lips.

"Oh, of course, her trip to see the Breezies. Ah, yes, I had forgotten that was today."

"How do you know about her trip?" Applejack asked.

"Well, she told me about it in her last letter." Discord replied, showing the group his letter from Fluttershy in question.

"You and Fluttershy write each other letters?" Pinkie asked in wonder.

"Well, of course we do! We're friends! It's just such a shame that today of all days is when I really need her. Oh, well, I know what to do," Discord said, suddenly in a hospital gown, with one of those liquid bags next to him. Suddenly, Rainbow was pushing Discord back to the train station, ripping off the stuff.

"Good thinking. Head on home, (puts a fedora on his head) put your feet up. (suddenly gives him some luggage) I'm sure eventually you'll have the strength to make yourself soup or something." Rainbow began to fly back to the others, only for blue Discord to pop up back over there.

"Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no! I mean, while she's gone, you ponies can take care of me!" Discord revealed. Then, he popped up next to Pearl and Lapis.

"Isn't that what friends are for, taking care of each other?" Discord chuckled a little bit, his arms getting everyone into a group hug.

"Let the healing begin!"

"Not it!" Fulgurite suddenly said, getting herself free and running off out of sight as fast as she could.

"Well, that's some way to treat a suffering friend," discord scoffed, another sneeze passing him. Suddenly, Pinkie hugged him.

"Don't you worry, Discord! I'll give you cuddles, and read you stories, and tell you all about me! I was born on a Tuesday-" Before Pinkie could continue, Discord disconnected for a split second before placing the pink mare up in a tree like a hanger.

"Oh, you're so sweet to offer, but Pearl and Lapis already volunteered to be my own personal nursemaids," Discord chuckled.

"We did?!" the Gems gasped.

"I so hope you don't mind, Pinkie Pie."

"As a matter of fact, I most certainly -" Suddenly, Discord brought back the red balloon, her attention putting to the balloon instead. "HEY! Who keeps throwing away these perfectly good balloons?" Pinkie wondered, hopping away to follow the balloon. A bit of a quick one, but, two were out already.

"That joker's up to something, and whatever it is, we're gonna keep it as far away from Twilight and Princess Cadance as possible," Applejack whispered to the others, them glancing back to find him on a hospital bed, with a ECG next to him. A bit over-the-top, but, it was the point alright.

"Hold on, he's cool. What'd he do?" Amethyst asked, arms crossed.

"You didn't go through what we did with him. That living puzzle's got something in that goat head," Rainbow hushed. Another glance, showed Discord all blue, on a death bed ...

"We get the point already!" Pearl said, annoyed with Discord act.

"You're right. We promised we wouldn't let anything ruin their visit... although I do so wish that "anything" had turned out to be something else!" Rarity whispered back. Suddenly, Discord popped up by the group.

"Did I hear you two talking about Princess Cadance's visit with Princess Twilight?" Discord asked.

"... Maybe?" Applejack said.

"Fluttershy had mentioned that those two were getting together today. Mm-hm. How wonderful for them both. It is so rare that those two get to see one another. I don't know about you, but I sometimes wonder how close they could actually be. All those years apart before being reunited?"

The others seemed a little unsure about this.

" And if they're not, this rare opportunity to focus on their friendship will certainly bring them closer. Unless..."

"Don't even think about it! They mustn't be disturbed!" Pearl cleared up. Discord picked her up by her cheeks, the expression making Amethyst giggle to herself.

"Disturb them? I wouldn't dream of it. Not when I have such dear friends of my own who have already offered to take care of me. And at such peril! This flu of mine is highly-" Discord suddenly let out another sneeze at them, getting on everyone but Rainbow, Pearl, and Garnet. It resulted in Lapis, Steven, Rarity, Amethyst and Applejack turning blue in skin color. "-contagious." The second after, those 'infected' sneezed, and were out of the picture. All that were left were Garnet, Rainbow Dash, and Lapis.

"Oh no, I got you all sick. Whomever shall I turn to now in my time of need?" Discord wondered aloud, turning to the only three left. They already knew what was coming in the end of it.


Further away, at the area in question, Twilight and Cadance were both having their own fun at the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum. Other ponies, dressed up like Twilight's outfit of the pony in question, also browsed the various objects. Only one who wasn't dressed up was Cadance herself.

"A whole day to celebrate Star Swirl the Bearded. What could be better?" Twilight commented with joy.

"Absolutely nothing," Cadance replied. A gasp escaped her as the two saw a old candle on display nearby in a glass box.

"Is that the candlestick he used to light the way when he was exploring the caverns of Maretania?"

"It sure is!"

"Oh, I can't believe I'm getting to see it in real life!" Cadance replied. However, their time together ended up messed with, when the candle suddenly spun in place, and revealed a much smaller, blue discord sitting in there! Twilight and Cadance gasped, as the draconequus got himself out of the glass box, still sickly in appearance.

"Discord! What are you doing here?!" Twilight demanded, not happy to see him. Out of all the ponies she could've bumped into, it had to be Discord.

"Oh, dear, dear Princesses, I'm sorry to say that I'm sick. *HACKS* Blue flu."

"Blue flu?" Cadance asked.

"Ah, I fear I've already given it to poor Lapis, Steven, Applejack and Rarity," Discord said, another sneeze escaping him. However, Cadance thought ahead, and a shield formed around them both.

"Magic health bubble."

"Good thinking."

"Indeed. How would Twilight nurse me back to health if she were sick too? You will be letting me stay at your place until I'm all better, won't you?" Discord asked, looking hopeful, as his face pushed on the bubble. Twilight looked simply angry with it, not to mentioned shocked.

"Stay? With me?! Uh, now is not really the best time, though I'm sure you already knew that..." Twilight said, catching herself after her exclamation.

"But taking in the sick and the desperate - isn't that what Fluttershy would do? Isn't 'helping' something that friends do for friends? Unless, of course, you're really saying that you're not my friend," discord accused, looking a bit grumpy in the face. Twilight didn't want to be taken off as cold-hearted by that point.

"No, that is not what I'm saying," Twilight said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, how elated I am to hear that. Shall the three of us head back to your place? I don't want to get anypony else sick, and the Gems already agreed to lend a helping hand in my time of need."

Twilight just sighed, yet she knew that he was lying about that one.

"Guess we don't have much choice." With that, Twilight and Cadance started to head off from the place. However, Discord ended up laying on the ground.

"Carry me?" Discord asked.

"It isn't far, I think you can manage," Cadence said, continuing their walk. All Discord did was crawl like an inchworm to go off.

"Oh, poo."


Sometime later, the draconequus was back in Twilight's house, off right into bed with him. He made himself comfy in her bed, as the others looked him over. As he said, Garnet, Rainbow and Pearl were there too. Pearl fluffed the pillow, as Twilight levitated the blanket over him. They weren't as up for this as Cadance and Twilight were...

"Need anything else?" Pearl asked in a sigh.

"Just knowing that I have such good friends like you to take care of me has made me feel better already. I'll be fine here on my own." Discord said, looking through one of Twilight's books. They turned to go, but, before they could ...

"Oh, just before you go, just a little small request," discord said. Twilight and Pearl groaned, yet, Garnet was there to set them straight.

"It'll be fine, just go with it," Garnet said, as she turned to Discord. The others weren't too sure on that, but, what can they do?..

"What do you need, Discord?"

... So it begins ...

A little glass of water please (pulls a hankie from Garnet's ear) A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze (gets a tea cup with bees flying out) Some tea with honey from the bees (gets rid of it) Whenever you can brew it.

"I'll get your tea," Cadence said.

And while I get a little rest (the bed opened to show a bed, which opened to show a bed, which showed a smaller discord) A teeny tiny, small request (opens a bottle to show a huge fish pop out) Some codfish oil for my chest (the fish sings with Discord's voice) Poured from a crystal cruet.

"A crystal cruet?" Pearl asked. Discord began to sing a little quicker.

My goodness, I'm a nincompoop (multi-color flowers marks pop up on him) Because I fear I've got the croup (Garnet, Pearl and Cadance began putting a pumpkin in a cauldron) I need a vat of pumpkin soup (Discord grabbed the pot, and out poured a ton of flowers on then) And scarves made out of zinnias. Did I say zinnias? (the flowers turn to silk) I meant silk (Discord pulled them away, making everyone spin around) Or something shiny of that ilk (Discord suddenly swimming in a pond of milk, a cow chilling in the background) And then I'll need some nice warm milk (pops up in some other place, with a pastry) And pastries from Abyssinia. (Discord's face showed on his stomach) And since my stomach's feeling crummy Why not give my aching tummy Something soothing, something yummy (tons of noodles poured down on all of them)Piled up with noodles? (they all show up in a diner, Twilight as a waitress as others were dressed as waitresses) Add a slice of homemade rye With stacks of Swiss way up high, Served with sides of sweet mince pie More basil; I need oodles!

"Anything else?" Pearl groaned. Suddenly she and Discord were in a black room, spot light on them as they did a dance together.

I'll be grateful for your charity Until the bitter end Because I've heard that tenderness Is what you lend an ailing friend

"Tenderness, isn't that right, Pearl?" discord asked.

"Right, but-" they all pop up back in Twilight's room.

"So, who's ready for my big reprise?!"

"NO!" Rainbow yelled.

(Discord in a land full of crackers) I'd like that glass of water please (they all show up wearing black robes, like wizards would, in a mideval setting) Some magic spell to cure disease (shows Discord sneezing a house away) A firm "gesundhoof" when I sneeze (takes Twilight's horn, which turns into a bouquet) A fresh bouquet of roses (Discord in some hillside, a tuba-playing pony in the back) Some lozenges will soon appease My wheezing when I start to sneeze (pops up back, switching around Pearl and Rainbow's hair) A wig to keep me from the breeze (Discord shoves his feet to the screen, his feet covered in sheets) And blankets for my toes-es! (suddenly he pops up with Garnet, Rainbow, and Pearl in an airport, Discord holding a pair of tweezers) Take tweezers out of my valise (ends up back in Twilight's room, Rainbow and Twilight massaging his knees) And then massage my knobby knees (Cadence and Garnet grate cheese over a huge bowl of peas) A bowl of peas, some extra cheese (Tiny Discord cuddling a fluffy dog) A cuddle with a Pekingese (Discord in a theater with a singing harp) A singing harp who's named Louise (a goat skiing down a hill) A goat on skis, (Discord on the trapeze) a new trapeze (shows him riding a chimp, working on a flea circus, and hugging a twilight doll) And more and more and more and more of theeeeeeesssse!

"And just because I oughta."

Make sure I'm drinking in the right (Discord drinking from a water tower) Amount of fluids day and night (Discord looking to the night sky) I wish I may, (Discord rubbing a magic lamp) I wish I might (Uses a measuring tweezers to pick up Garnet by her cube head) Have just one little thing (Discord flicks a coin into a well) Oh, would you please finally bring Me (Suddenly, Discord held a glass of water above them, looking like a title of Star Wars) that tiny glass Of (the rooms fills up with water, and drained out) water?!!

discord laid back down in the bed, couching a little bit into his talon before looking back at the bewildered crowd. Garnet just stood there, her teeth gritted together. As for Pearl ...

"O-o-oh, Gimminee?! Yahuhuhahahehehetseyahutsui, Ahu-Aaaw.."

The thud heard on the floor was clear that Pearl saw more than her mind could take, a passed out Pearl on the floor. All Garnet did was shutter in discomfort, as Cadence finally gave him his glass of water ... only for him to drop it in the ground.

"Oopsie," Discord said with a grin.

"Alright, I had enough of this!" Rainbow snapped, flying off with Twilight, as Garnet helped out Pearl.

"How did you even catch this flu?" Cadance asked. Discord then started to wash Twilight's window.

"Inadequate hoof and claw washing?"

Not the best excuse, but, no one bothered to call him out on it. Soon, Twilight was trying to look through the books for something to work.

"There must be some way to just cure you! There has to be a spell or remedy in one of my books!" Twilight said.

"There is one way..."

Everyone looked to Discord with anger.

"And you didn't think to mention it earlier?" Rainbow scoffed. Discord didn't take the anger to mind.

"Slipped my mind. On a hill at the very edge of Equestria, there grows an exquisite magic flower. Pick the flower as it drops its petals at sunset. Then you can make a magical soothing elixir to cure the blue flu." Discord explained, the flashback playing out as the words say until he snapped his talons, ending up back in the room.

"I suppose you have a good reason you didn't bother to get this flower as soon as you realized you were sick?" Garnet said, Pearl starting to come back around.

"Well, I couldn't travel that far in my condition. By the time I got there, I'd be too weak to even attempt to retrieve the flower."

"So where exactly are we headed?" Twilight asked. Discord popped up in a explorer's outfit, holding a map of Equestria.

"Well, you'll want to head north, turn left, th- Oh... You know, it'd be much easier if I took you there myself," discord said, turning the map into a hat, and placing it on Twilight's head.

"I thought you were in no condition to travel," Cadance pointed out.

"I'm not. We'll need to make some arrangements."


O, that draconequus: Discord's idea of arrangements had everypony/everybody in a different scenario. After morphing her body, Garnet, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Cadance were pulling a huge, pure gold chariot. The only one that wasn't pulling was Pearl, sitting next to Discord like she was his queen or something. They knew it was going to add up to something, but, not this.

"How're you holding up?" Twilight asked Cadance.

"To be honest, I'm a little out of practice when it comes to flying," replied Cadance.

"Well, then lucky for you. We're here," discord announced, the chariot descending over at the edge of Equestria. The area was dry, lining along a huge canyon, a few rock formations scattered along the way. They landed the chariot along the Equestrian side of the canyon, Garnet turning back to normal.

"It's just at the top of that hill," Discord said, pointing a claw to a tall hill. They couldn't see what was at the top of it, so, all they could do was start to climb up it. It was a deep bummer, but, what other choice was there? It took a bit, but everypony/everybody (besides Discord) got to the top of the tall hill. When they did, they saw the flower ... a huge, gigantic, tree-sized flower! Well, flower's a flower, as everyone tried their best to get the gigantic flower loose. They kept pulling and pulling, the unicorns with their magic, and everyone else with their strength, but eventually they all finally pulled the plant right out of the ground. At first, it was good to get that thing free ...


Suddenly, out of that same hole, something quickly shot itself out. The creature was huge, a giant worm-like beast with three jaws, and a number of root-like tongues! It quickly attacked the fliers, all of them getting out of the way fast. Garnet and Pearl got their weapons ready, as the giant worm leaped out of the ground, and grabbed Cadance!

"Get your coils off my sister-in-law!" Twilight yelled, shooting at it from the air. It managed to release it at one point, but grabbed Twilight! Rainbow took action, and kicked the things right in the eyes, releasing her as it landed by the hole. Garnet and Pearl kept the creature in place, punching and shooting at it as Cadance and Twilight got to work. As Pearl, Rainbow, and Garnet forced it back underground, Cadance and Twilight closed off the hole with some huge rocks.

Crisis obverted.

When all was said and done, they all helped in carrying the flower back down the hill.

"Are you okay?" Twilight panted. Everyone was okay at the end of it.

"Then let's get Discord back to Ponyville, make that elixir, and finally get a chance to spend some -" before Twilight could finish, everyone looked ahead and saw discord off of the chariot ... not blue ... and dancing?

"To the ends of Equestria! To face such great danger! And she did it for me! She did it all for me, for me, for me!" discord laughed while dancing around, sliding at the end in an Elvis-like fashion ... However, he lifted up the glasses to see everyone looking at him, very angry with him.

"You ... were ... FAKING?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, right in Discord's face. However, despite their anger, Discord kept calm.

"I was! But I had a very good reason," discord said, putting Twilight down.

"We're listening," Twilight said.

"and it better be good," added Garnet, her weapon at the ready.

"Well, I was in my thinking tree (suddenly ends up in some large tree) that's where I do most of my really deep thinking (the tree disappears) I was there, and I said to myself, I said, "Discord, your friend Twilight says that she's your pal, but she never writes and she never pops in for a visit.""

"I don't even know where you li-" Twilight's lips were shut by Discord as he continued.

""Now that she's a princess (the crown pops up on his head), maybe she's decided that she's too good for you.""

"I have never considered myself t-"

"But how was I supposed to know for sure that I'm truly still friends with one of the most important ponies around?"

"I'm not more-"

"By seeing if you would go to the ends of Equestria for me, of course. Which you did, literally. Congratulations, Twilight, you passed my friendship test!" Discord than gave Twilight a heart necklace, with himself and Twilight on it. Still, Twilight was very upset, though Garnet began to think over the true reason behind it, removing her gloves.

"Why the angry eyes? You love passing tests. It's not because my little exam put a damper on your visit with Princess Cadance, is it? Made it so that there was no time for you two to focus on your friendship?" Discord said. But then ...

"You didn't put a damper on our visit at all," Cadance suddenly replied, catching almost everyone off guard.

"He didn't?" everyone asked.

and at the same time:

"I didn't?" Discord asked.

"Spending the day at the Star Swirl the Bearded exhibit would've been more relaxing, but to be honest, relaxation is the last thing I need."

"It is?" Asked Twilight, landing by her sister-in-law.

"Don't get me wrong. Life in the Crystal Empire is wonderful, but it's become a little... predictable. I enjoy a little excitement now and then. Getting to face all these challenges today was just what I needed. And facing them with you just made me realize even more how lucky I am to have somepony like you as a friend. We may not see each other very often, but I know you'll always be there when I need you. Just like she was there for you, Discord," Cadance explained. However, Discord actually looked a bit annoyed with the result.

"Yes, she's a real sweetheart. We're all so lucky to have her in our lives," discord griped. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. Everyone got back as, all of a sudden, the giant worm shot out of the ground! Discord hung onto Garnet with worry.

"What in the world?!"

The giant worm then gave a loud, snot-filled sneeze right at them. While the stuff missed the others, Discord was covered in it. The worm dragged itself back underground, green goop trailing back as it sickly got itself back underground. Just second after, the effects quickly kicked in: Discord's body turned light green, with darker green spots showing up all over him.

This time: it wasn't an act.


"I don't want to go saying you got what you deserved..." Lapis said.

"Well, I have no trouble saying it. You got what you deserved!" Rainbow added. They were at Fluttershy's place at that point, Discord in a decontamination bubble he conjured up so he wouldn't end up getting anypony else sick. Steven, Rarity, Applejack, Steven, and Amethyst had got cured of their fake disease, and Fulgurite had come back when everything was over. Fluttershy and Connie had returned from their trip as well.

"Now, now, he's learned his lesson. Isn't that right, my little patient?" Fluttershy asked, sticking her hoof through a sealed off opening to rub Discord. When karma gets somepony, it sure can hit hard.

"I'm so glad that you're back from your trip, Fluttershy. Just your presence here is making me feel so much better. I was just wondering, could I trouble you for just one more thing?"

"No!" Pearl, Rainbow, Twilight, and Garnet said.

"What? I was simply going to ask for a teeny, tiny glass of water."

Author's Note:

You know what's weird? This is from the eleventh episode (three's a crowd), and it's the eleventh chapter of this story...

Pure accident, I swear XD

I'm sure you agree with me, but, Discord's a ton of fun to write with, especially to mess with someone's head XD I sure had fun with this, references galore!!