• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,222 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Movable Feast And Revenge

The hunters took the group of ponies back to their now demolished camp. Once there the survivors began combining their severely shorten supplies. They had roughly a half a dozen large plastic containers of water, thirty-seven containers of food, ranging from ziploc bags to aluminum tin, a variety of weapons, most of them borne on the hips or shoulders of the hunter team, the charred and scraggly remnants of several pieces of now-useless electrical equipment, a flare gun and several flares, somebody’s tattered paperback book, a box of chocolate bars, a carton of cigarettes, and Tree Hugger’s lucky saddle bag.

“Our communication equipment’s been destroyed.” Goliath said to Applejack and company. “And if your radio and satellite phone were in those trailers when they went over….”

“They were.” Applejack confirmed.

“Then we’re stuck here fillies and gentlecolts! Stuck here thanks to you lot!” The griffon shouted.

“Hey we came to watch, you fellas came to strip mine the place.” Big Mac argued as Bloody Dagger looked him in the face. “Back off!”

“At least we came prepared.” Blueblood was not happy at all to see this group of ponies in front of him.

“Prepare? Years of work and miles of electrified fences didn’t prepare the other island.” Fluttershy said. The prince stallion gave his cold look to the pegasus, but unlike in Manehatten, Fluttershy wasn’t gonna be intimidated after what she just went through.

“What? You think a couple of cigarette ponies is gonna make a difference?” Rarity asked.

“You’re looters! You came to take an’ you have no right!” Big Mac argued. Blueblood turned his glare to the stallion.

“An extinct animal brought back to life has no rights. It exists because we made it, patented it and now own it.” Bloody Dagger got back in Macintosh’s face.

“Are you lookin’ for a problem?”

“And I found you didn’t I?” Dagger sneered. At the comment Big Mac tackled the other stallion to the ground.

“No stop!” Tree Hugger said as several hunters came forward and separated the two stallions. Applejack and her friends held Mac behind. Goliath finally got a good look at Big Mac.

“I know you….you’re that environmentalist pony.” The griffon said with disdain. “Professional criminals.”

“Nope!” Once more Applejack and her friends had to hold Big Macintosh back.

“Knock it off! Listen to me!” Tree Hugger shouted, getting everypony’s attention. “By moving the baby Rex to our camp we may have changed the adults’ perceived territory.”

“Their what?” Blueblood asked confused. Book Smarts moved away from the satellite he was trying to fix.

That’s why they persisted in destroying the trailers. They now feel they have to protect this entire area.”

“We have to move right now.” Tree Hugger insisted.

“To where darling? Our boat and their airlift are both waiting for orders we can’t send.” Rarity said.

“That’s alright.” Blueblood dug through his saddlebag and pulled out a little book and a waterproof map. “There’s a communications center near the old operations building.” He said shining his horn on the map. “Everything ran on geothermal power so it never needed replenishing. If we can get there then we can send a radio call to the airlift.”

“Do you have the frequency?”

“Right here in this book.”

“We’ll mind those.” Goliath snatched the book from Blueblood along with the map and handed them to Point Blank.

“How far is it?” Fluttershy asked

“A day’s walk, maybe more.” Blueblood answered. “Ah…” He found his flask from earlier on the ground, his liquor still inside. “That’s not the problem however.” He said retrieving his flask.

“What is? What is the problem?” The griffon asked. Blueblood took a drink, then turned to the group.

“Velociraptors.” Applejack’s, Rarity’s and Fluttershy’s head snapped over to the stallion. Fluttershy’s irises began to shrink in fear. The southern mare held Babs close. Rarity looked about to faint. The rest of the group looked at the three with weird looks.

“What’s your problem?” Goliath asked the three.

“….very…very….very bad memories….” The old Fluttershy had returned. In her mind she could hear the screams and the snarls of the beast in questions.

“Our infrared shows their nesting sites are in the islands interior, which is why we planned on staying to the outer rims of the island?”

“I don’t get it, what’s a Velociraptor?” Bloody Dagger asked.

“Carnivore. Pack Hunter.” Book Smarts explained. “About two meters tall, long snouts, binocular vision, strong dexterous forearms, killing claws on both feet.”

“Hit the nail right on the head darling.” Rarity said, trying not to think of the creatures.

“It may get worst. The rex’s may continue to track us if they see us as a threat to them or their infant.” Tree Hugger said.

“No you’re wrong there.” Book said. “They’ll lose us once we leave the area.”

“Don’t bet on it. A tyrannosaur has the largest proportional olfactory cavity of any creature in the fossil record except for one.”

“Right, the Turkey Vulture. Could smell prey up to ten miles.”

“Right this is all thrilling but I say we should head to the village.” Blueblood said, clearly not interested in the conversation.

“I’m pretty sure we could handle ourselves with these Velociraptors.” Bloody Dagger said.

“I’m pretty sure you can’t.” Fluttershy said seriously.

“We should head down to the lagoon.” Applejack suggested.

“And do what? Sit next to a heavily used water source and hope your boat captain comes back?” Goliath argued.

“He won’t, he’s smarter than that.” Mac said.

“Then we head to the village.” The griffon said retrieving his weapon. “We might find some shelter and we can call for help. The Rex’s just fed so they won’t hunt us for food.”

“Just fed? Ah assume yer talkin’ about Tech Savy? Show a little respect. That pony saved our lives by giving his.” Applejack said offended.

“Then his troubles are over.” Goliath said, not caring in the slightest. “My point is predators don’t hunt when they’re not hungry.”

“No only griffons do.” Big Mac said loudly.

“Oh you’re breaking my heart. Saddle up! Let’s get this movable feast under way!” Goliath shouted to the rest of the members of the group.

The hunter’s armed themselves with the weapons they had left, mounted Bloody Dagger and his partner with the two working shoulder lights, and finally making sure those who weren’t armed with safe in the middle. Goliath hung his gun over his shoulder and led the group through the jungle as the night continued on.

Much to the dismay of Rarity the clouds above opened up once more, pouring rain down on the group of survivors. Wadding through the now filled creek beds, Big Mac trotted over to Goliath’s side.

“Gum?” The farm pony offered. The griffon gave the stallion a look. “Hey, you look like you have a sense of decency, what’cha doing here?”

“Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived.” Goliath explained. “It’s up to the second greatest predator to knock him down a few pegs.”

“With that?” Mac pointed to the griffon’s gun.

“If he doesn’t behave yes.”

“What’s the matter with you? This animal exists on the planet for the first time in tens of millions of years, and the only way you can express yourself is to kill it?”

“You remember that guy, about twenty years ago?” Goliath asked. “I forget his name, but he climbed the tallest mountain in Equestria without any oxygen, came down almost dead. And they asked him, “Why did you go up there to die?” And he said, “I didn’t. I went up there to live.”

“The difference is the mountain didn’t have to die.” Big Mac concluded. As much as the stallion irked him the wrong way, Goliath did have a little shred of respect for him. Somewhere towards the middle of the group Blueblood trudged on in his rain slicker to avoid getting wet. Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy finally caught up, Babs close to her older cousins side.

“Say, we never had a chance to wish you luck with your new business venture. You’re off to a very promising start.” Rarity said in distain to the prince. Blueblood didn’t even bother to look at the three.

“My team is intact, ladies. I’m sorry for the loss of your pony. It’s very easy to criticize someone who generates an idea. Somepony who takes all the risks, who puts everything out on the - -“

“You know, excuse me for interrupting, but when you try to sound like Scorch, it just comes off like a hustle, doesn’t it?” Fluttershy of all ponies interrupted.

“It’s not your fault, they say talent skips a generation. I’m sure your kids’ll be sharp as tacks.” Applejack chuckled.

“Firefly’s reach exceeded his grasp. Mine does not.” Blueblood said, now fuming at the mares comments. Applejack stared long and hard at the prince.

“Look takin’ dinosaurs off this island is the worst idea in the whole long, sad history of bad ideas, and we’re gonna to be there when you learn that.” The prince glared at the ponies, but wisely decided not to make a comment.

The sky finally cleared after several hours. Luna’s moon would descend into the horizon while Celestia’s sun rose higher into the sky. The group staggered on, beginning to feel exhaustion. Goliath found himself in the middle of the group behind Tree Hugger. When the mare pushed past a bush, the griffon noticed a disturbing sight. The crimson blood that now covered the leaves.

“Alright! Five minute break!” The griffon called to the group, much to their relief. The survivors began finding resting spots, Tree Hugger and her friends sitting close together. Goliath moved over and crouched next to the mare. “Are you injured?” He asked seriously, pointing to the blood on the cloth she wore around her neck at all time.

“Huh?” The mare looked down. “No, it’s the infants blood. I guess it doesn’t dry in this humidity.” The griffon nodded before setting his weapon down and moving off to find Blueblood. Big Mac trotted over to Tree Hugger in his place.

“Making friends with Ahab?” The stallion joked, before noticing the griffon’s gun sitting there.

“How much farther do you think we have to walk?” Rarity whined, rubbing her aching hooves.

“You walked further on the other island sugarcube.” Applejack said. “Ah’m finding the similarities to the other island striking.”


“Rex Attack, now were walking our dogs off.” Applejack rubbed her hoof as well.

Bloody Dagger put his pack off to the side before turning to his partner.

“I’m gonna relieve some business. Wait for me here alright?” The pony didn’t even wait for an answer before trotting off with his rifle. His partner sat back up with his headphones over his ears, music blaring out of a CD player. Dagger trotted along until he found a good spot for his business. Before he could start a rustle in the bush next to him forced him to draw his weapon in alarm. He slowly poked the barrel of his weapon into the bush as a head popped out hissing, spooking the pony onto his flank.

Getting a good look at the creature, Bloody chuckled. The creature was the same little lizard from earlier, a Compy he believed it was called.

“You know it’s rude to sneak up on a pony.” Bloody said before pulling out from his rifle the cattle prod from earlier. Then he began to jab at the bushes the little dinosaur scurried off. Against better judgement, the pony chased after it, rifle and prod in tow. He couldn’t see where the creature scampered off to, so he attempted to return to the others. Attempted being the key word, because chasing after the Compy caused him to lose the trail.

“Hey! Anypony here me? I got turned around in here!” Bloody called out. Back at the group his partner with his headset still on failed to hear the call for help. “Goliath! Can you hear me?” The pony called out. “Where is everypony?” Bloody trotted forward a few more steps. “Come on where are you gu-ahhhh!” Tripping over a tree root, the pony tumbled over a hill, rolling all the way to the bottom. In the fall he lost both his rifle and his cattle prod. Bouncing and rolling down, he slammed to a stop in a creek bed.

Rubbing his throbbing head, Bloody Dagger began coughing out dust from his lungs. He didn’t hear the soft chirpings and hissing until the bushes shook. He whirled to his right, seeing something charging him. When he turned to his left, something was charging from the direction was well. He finally turned to look behind him when the swarm of Compys finally over took him. Bloody screamed out for help as the little critters bit, scratched and chew on any open piece of flesh they could get ahold of.

“Goliath!” The pony called out as he began thrashing about, throwing the little beast off him. One Compy bit down on the pony’s upper lip, causing it to bleed as Bloody ripped the dinosaur away, climbing back to his hooves and throwing the rest off him. The Compys scattered into the bushes as the pony spat the blood from his mouth out, making sure nothing else was seriously injured. Looking in the direction the creek went, he began trotting that way went he heard the chirps and hisses once more.

He turned and found the swarm of Compys simply staring at him. Screaming, he charged at the group, forcing them to flee. For good measure Bloody began tossing rocks at the little dinosaurs, scattering them off deep into the bushes. Spitting out more blood, the pony trotted off.

Goliath returned to his weapon after his conversation with Blueblood. He failed to notice the look Big Macintosh was giving it.

“Ok! Break over! Let’s move out!” The griffon shouted. One by one the hunters resaddled their packs and took hold of their weapons. Rarity groaned as she stood back up. Applejack helped Babs up.

“Alright there?”

“Carry me?” Babs asked, clearly tired. Her older cousin chuckled before bending down and letting the filly climb onto her back. Bloody’s partner was sitting off to the side, complete ignorant of the fact the group was moving until somepony tossed a rock at him. Nopony in the group noticed the pack that was left off to the side.

Bloody Dagger was growing tired now as he rushed through the creek. He was still calling out for help in hopes someone from the group would have heard him. If only he knew he was running in the exact opposite direction.

“Go away!” The pony yelled behind him. Picking up more rocks, he tossed them at the hissing and chirping, but nothing was changing this time. Before he could react Bloody Dagger tripped over once more, falling face first into the creek. Had the circumstances been different, the water would have been refreshing, but he didn’t know the danger he was in. Trying to climb back up onto his hooves, he felt something jump onto his back.

He looked over his shoulder was a Compy bit down on his nose. The swarm jumped on him once more, having grown in numbers. Bloody screamed out as he tried to free himself from the creatures attack. They were now clawing and biting on everything: his legs, hooves, neck, back, chest and face. Rolling over, he was able to free himself as the creatures went running off, but not too far off. Now shaking in fear, Bloody noticed the looks the Compys were giving him: they looked at him like they were waiting…..

Now clearly afraid of the creatures, Bloody pulled himself along the creek and over a down long in an attempt for safety…..safety he wouldn’t find as to his horror the swarm grew and jump over the log with him.

“Nonononono!!!” Bloody’s screams of agony and terror rang out as the Compys swarmed him. Silence fell over the jungle as the creek next to the log begun to run red…..