• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,251 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Something Has Survived

The sun shines brightly over Equestria as if Celestia herself is smiling over the ponies under her rule. An average ordinary day, even for a set of islands in the tropical regions well off the coast. One of which is home to a failure that cost the lives of a few ponies in the name of entertainment of all things.

Roughly two years has passed since the fateful events of Jurassic Park, the details of what happened there are still hazy to the public because few have spoken of what they saw there, bound into silence by confidentiality contracts. But this story is not on the island of Isla Zebra, no... Our story begins, or rather continues on the neighboring island of Isla Pegasus, and here the day is far from average.

A bright white yacht is anchored off the coast of Isla Pegasus, most of its pony crew, and owners lounging on the beach. Apart from the rather dashing sailor ponies are a select few that stand out while even lounging about. Two of which are adult white unicorns who are in fact the owners of the yacht, and the sponsors for this little tropical escape. One of them is male, and though he has traded in his tuxedo for a pair of khaki shorts with a white collared shirt it is easy to recognize him as Fancy Pants. A rather charismatic and well liked individual of Canterlot nobility it's not often he can get away from the throngs of society to simply enjoy himself. The other white unicorn is his mare-friend Fleur de Liese, and equally well known model in Canterlot. With her flowing pink mane, and slim figure many speculate she looks like a younger Celestia without wings. She lounges on her back beside Fancy Pants, wearing a pair of mirrored sunglasses as she soaks in the sunlight.

A short distance away the sailors under their employ are preparing lunch, and just beyond them three more distinguishable ponies are my the surf. One is a unicorn whose fur is a very light purple, and her hair has a few shades of purple variants as well. Her name is Amethyst Star, and she smiles as she watches the two fillies nearby. Both the fillies are Earth Ponies well known to their age group; Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon.

Diamond's father Filthy Rich hadn't been able to make it for the trip which had left her rather cross the whole vacation. Silver Spoon, ever the eager Yes Pony for the bully, had done her best to cheer her up, but has halfway given up by this point, trying to enjoy herself while hoping Diamond Tiara might take a break from her sulking long enough to join in. So far no such luck...

"Sweetie," Amethyst says as Diamond Tiara starts trotting a bit too far down the beach for her comfort. "Not too far now, Lunch is almost ready."

"I'm not hungry," Diamond says in a pompous tone as she keeps walking. Hearing her best friend's voice getting farther away Silver Spoon picks up the plastic red bucket she had been using to gather sea shells, and trots to catch up with her. With the bucket swinging in her teeth she puts her nose in the air in imitation of her best friend.

"Oh but we're having sushi," Amethyst teases. "Your favorite..."

"I hate sushi," Diamond Tiara lies as she picks up the pace, Silver spoon in tow.

"Okay, just stay close," Amethyst says with an uncertain tone in her voice, but heads bck to the other adults.

"Oh you worry far too much my dear," Fancy Pants says as he sets down his champagne glass, using his magic to retrieve a newspaper. "Relax, let he play. It's not exactly a Getaway if she cannot get away every now and then."

Amethyst Star sighs, "You're right Fancy... I just... I worry about her... What if she runs into snakes?"

"Highly unlikely," Fancy Pants says as he flips open the paper with his magic. "Sea Snakes prefer coral reefs, and swampy areas. The most wildlife she might find on the beach is a few crabs, a clam or two. Perhaps she might be lucky enough to find a sea turtle, or spot some dolphins playing out in the surf. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Amethyst smiles slightly, "Yes... I suppose you're right." Taking a seat on Fancy's opposite side from Fleur, she pours herself a glass of champagne. Fleur lowers her sunglasses so she can read over Fancy's shoulder, he had just found the gossip columns.

Further down the beach just out of sight Silver Spoon continues her search for shells. She even manages to coax Diamond Tiara to help her, and in no time the bucket is almost full, they even managed to catch a crab a little smaller than their hoof. Diamond is actually starting to feel a little better now, a light spring in her step.

A bush rustles nearby with a chirping noise neither of them can place to any animal they've seen. Seconds later out hops a small green creature on two legs, its whip like tail straight you behind it as it tilts its elongated head at them from at top its slightly snakelike neck. It chirps at them with a slight squeak on the end as it scampers up to them curiously. Silver Spoon leads in to it with a confused frown, "What's this thing? Some kind of bird?"

"Don't be silly Spoon," Diamond says with a roll of her eyes. "It doesn't have feathers, or wings."

"Penguins don't have wings either," Silver Spoon points out. "Plus its feet kinda look like a chicken's." Diamond Tiara tilts her head at that, but she can see the resemblance. The little creature looks between the ponies again before making that chirping noise again. "Maybe it's hungry," Silver says.

Diamond Tiara smiles as her eyes fell to the bucket. "I wonder if it eats meat like a Griffin," she says, and tilts the bucket just enough to shoo out the crab they caught. The creature, a Compy though neither of the ponies know it, immediately focuses on the crustacean, and with a very high pitched hooting noise pounces on it. Pinning down the right pincer with a foot it grabs the left in its jaws before jerking its head around with a growling noise, ripping the crab's arm clean off.

As the Compy enjoys its meal the fillies watch on in fascination. Looking over her shoulder Silver Spoon calls, "Miss Star you gotta see this! Miss Star you gotta see this!" Feeling a tap on her shoulder draws her attention back to the scene in front of them. Dozens more Compys are swarming out of the foliage, and before the fillies have time to realize it they're surrounded by the excitedly chirping dinosaurs.

"I think we only had the one crab," Diamond says with apprehension in her voice, something is wrong here.

Silver Spoon squeals, pressing herself against Diamond Tiara as one of them jumps at them with a menacing hiss. Diamond tries to think fast, emptying their bucket at the creatures in an attempt to scare them off. Not even half of them stop to pick through the shells though as the pint-sized pack hunters swarm in.


Amethyst Star jerks at the scream of Diamond Tiara. Everypony turns their ears towards the shrieking of the two frightened fillies. Almost like a pack of their own everypony drops what they are doing to gallop to the aid of the two little ponies. When they arrive to see what's happening the stallions charge in without hesitation while the mares stand stunned at the scene before them. Fleur de Liese takes a step back with one hoof over her mouth in shock...

And Amethyst Star screams in horror as only a mother could.