• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,254 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

  • ...

The Arrival

The team left the warehouse, setting out on their adventure. They had to catch the only boat that would take them to their destination. The boat carrying the expedition crew, their trailer, and two jeeps cuts through the water towards Isla Pegasus. Rarity stands by her friends watching the island float into view, and swallows. Rarity adjusts the collar of her camouflage barding, and glances between her friends.

"Well," she says softly. "...Here we are..." Applejack and Fluttershy stared at the island intently. The southern pony could still hear the screams and roars in her head.

"Bringin' back some bad memories." She admitted, shaking the noises in her head off. Rarity leaned into her softly, before she turns her attention to the pegasus. "Fluttershy, are you alright? You've been awful quite the whole trip..." Fluttershy seemed zoned out. She was only truly afraid of one beast on this island. The voices of her friends drew her attention back.

"I'm....I’m fine." She said. Tech Savvy and Big Mac were going over some last minute test of the vehicles when the captain of the boat came out and started yelling at the ponies in a different language.

"What's he saying?" Tech asked. Big Mac listens patiently, and then translated the words into English.

"He says he ain't tak'n us up the river, he wants to drop us at the shore before anchoring off the coast." He listens a bit more before continuing, "He's heard stories of fishermen who went too close to the island, and never came back... He's got a radio, and a satellite phone... But he won't stay on the islands, the locals call them the... pardon?"

He frowns at the captain as he repeats his last sentence, and then Big Mac sighs. "He says they call the islands the Five Deaths." Fluttershy's expression grew even grimmer. For the first time this trip Tech actually felt nervous.

"Ain't too late to turn back is it?" Applejack asked. Big Mac stands up a bit straighter.

"Apples ain't no quitters. We got a job to do, and a friend to save."

Rarity clears her throat, "Quite right... Though nopony in their right mind wouldn't be a bit apprehensive..."

"I aint quittin.....but I aint bein stupid either." Applejack argued quietly. The boat continued up shore for several miles until it finally landed on the sandy beach. Mac and Tech unloaded the jeeps, pulling the trailers out with them. The three mares stood on board overlooking the island. The only thing protecting them was the safety of the boat, and the three knew they couldn’t stand on it forever.

"Once we get off there's no going back." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Well... Onwards and upwards," Rarity said, trying to sound confident as she hops into the driver seat of a jeep. Applejack and Fluttershy shared a concerned look before trotting carefully off the boat and onto the sand. The moment they were off the boat pulled backwards, leaving them stranded until they decided to call it back....if they would be able to call it back.

"Keep yer eyes open everypony." Applejack said climbing into the jeep with Rarity, their shy pegasus friend following behind.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agrees, starting up his jeep. Tech Savvy starts up the semi pulling the base trailer, and leads the way farther onto the island.

Before long the sand is replaced with open grasslands, and hills covered with trees. The earth pony pulling the trailers pulled out a radio.

"Firefly picked out an ideal spot a few miles in. We'll set up base camp there." He spoke. Applejack fumbled with the radio until Fluttershy showed her how to use it.

"Sounds like a plan."

Rarity raises an eyebrow, "What exactly makes it ideal?"

"No carnivores have been there for months." Tech answered. Rarity shares a look with the girls, and shrugs. Good enough for them! Onwards the vehicles drove. Despite her better judgement, even Fluttershy had to admit the scenery was beautiful to look at. This didnt change the face there where highly dangerous creatures here.

Several miles the group drove until they arrived at the small clearing on the cliff face. Tech looked over the plans Scorch sent them. Sure enough, this was the ideal place for base camp.

"We've made it." The pony announced. Applejack considered the fact that nothing's tried to eat them yet a personal victory. Rarity looks over the cliff to the sea with a hard swallow.

"...Shall we all agree not to bring house guests? Particularly the kind that would force us to... Relocate?"

"Wouldnt dream of it." Applejack said as Fluttershy climbed out of the jeep.

"Should we try Tree's phone again?"

"Dont need to." Tech said. "If we're close enough we should be able to track her." He climbed out of the trailer with a small device.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agrees as he straps a device around his shoulders. When he presses a button situated on his chest a scope flips from his back over his eye, and a camera is secured underneath it. Taking bit in his mouth he turns to the girls, "Say cheese!" The mares didnt crack a smile at the camera.

"A before and after photo. Here's before we get munched." Applejack said. Fluttershy looked at the device Tech Savvy held. The earth pony was fine tuning the settings, until an arrow pointed into the forest.

"Gotcha." Tech said. Big Mac frowns, and doesn't take the picture as he rolls his eyes.'

"We best get a move on..."

"We'll find Tree Hugger......" Tech pointed to the forest. "There." Fluttershy took the device and began trotting off in the direction. Tech armed himself with the rifle as the other mares followed their friend.

The group trotted for several minutes, inching closer and closer to the signal. Fluttershy paused in a dry creek bed surrounded by foliage.

"Says we're right on top of her." She said confused.

“Oh my..." Rarity slowly raises a hoof to point at a pair of saddlebags on the river bank. Fluttershy galloped over, and began frantically checking the much worn down saddlebags. She found what she was looking for, the turned off satellite phone.

"Tree Hugger!" The mare called out loudly. Applejack tried shushing the mare up until Big Mac began calling the missing mares name out as well. Rarity levitates the bag, looking aghast as she finds a large hole in one of the flaps. She showed Applejack with a horrified expression, fearing the worst. Applejack didnt want to jump to any conclusions for her friends sake.

"Would Tree Hugger step forward!" Tech yelled.

"What? You think there's more than one Tree Hugger here?" Fluttershy asked, before shouting again ."Tree Hugger!" tech was ready to shout once more until Applejack held her hoof up.

"Shh! Quiet!" The mare hissed. "Ya'll hear that?" The group stood there silent for several moments, until something sounded out clear as day. The trees were swaying with loud creaking and cracking sounds. Tech Savvy readied his gun.

"Something big," Rarity whispers tensely.

"How big?" Applejack asked.

"Big enough to worry...." The shy timid Fluttershy had finally returned, getting ready to cower behind Big Mac. The large Stallion jerks as up ahead a small heard of Stegosaurus start pushing through the brush, crossing the brook almost lazily. Tech Savvy's jaw drops, and Big Mac stares in awe.

Rarity smiles a bit, "Herbivores, thank Celest-EEP!" She jumps, grabbing Applejack with her forehooves as one of the hulking dinosaurs snorts loudly behind them before passing on without a care. Even Fluttershy relaxed at the sight of the gentle beast.

"Yikes......wow." Tech said, lowering his weapon in amazement.

"Oooooo....ahhhh.....that's how it always starts." Applejack said. "Then later there's running.....and screaming."

"This is just so... Unreal," Tech said as though Applejack hadn't spoken.

"Well Darling, what did you expect? Giant Iguanas?" Rarity sheepishly releases AJ with a slight flush.

"Eeyup," Big Mac says as he flicks his camera back over his eye. Quite nimbly he hops onto a fallen tree, shutting his right eye so he can peer through the scope. Biting a Bit softly on the camera he snaps off a few pictures. The large stallion was so immersed in his photography, he failed to notice that just right off to the front of him was the very mare they were looking for. Tree Hugger lowered the camera she was using, and turned in Mac's direction, convinced she heard something. Smirking, she decided to have some fun.

"Hey Big Mac!" Tree Hugger said loudly. The large farmer stallion jumps with a start almost toppling backwards, but smiles when he spots the green pony with the red dreadlocks for a mane. Tree started laughing, pulling herself onto Mac's log. "Finally made it." That's when she finally noticed the three mares looking directly at her. Even she couldnt believe what she was seeing. "Never in a million years did I think Scorch would convince you guys to come. Especially you Flutter." Big Mac chuckles as he stills his beating heart.

"Guess you really got the drop on us..."

"Hey Tech." The naturalist called out, hopping down from her spot. "Anypony go a granola bar? I'm starving!"

"I don't recall her being this lively last we met," Rarity comments with a raised eyebrow to Fluttershy.

"I've seen sooooo much here; it's hard not to be excited." Tree said. "Those animals that just walked by, did you see 'em? It was a pair bond, a family group, even, long after that infant was nest bound. Every egg clutch I've seen has empty shells crushed and trampled, the hatchlings definitely say in the birth environment for an extended time, that's conclusive, I can put that controversy to rest for good if I can just get a shot of the nest." Fluttershy held up her friends worn down saddle bag.

"Were you attacked?"

"No, it’s always looked like that." Tree Hugger said, before she 'borrowed' Mac's camera. Big Mac pouts at the theft, and Rarity stepped up.

"Tree Hugger, forgive me, but what in the name of Celestia's mercy possessed you to come here alone?!"

“I figured out how the animals survived without lysine." Tree Hugger said, ignoring the unicorn's question. The mare turned and began trotting up the dry creek bed. The others looked at each other before following here.

"Tree Hugger," Fluttershy called. "When Scorch asked you to come here, why didnt you tell anypony?"

"You wouldve tried to stop me."

"She's got you there sugarcube." Applejack muttered.

"And she would have been justified in doing so," Rarity says indignantly. "Honestly Tree Hugger after that Gala with Discord I thought you would be a bit more careful around dangerous creatures... And why did none of us think to ask him to come with us...?"

"He'd get a kick out of this." Fluttershy admitted, but changed the subject. "You said you know how the animals are surviving. How?"

"If you look at the diets of the herbivore species that are thriving, they eat mostly agama beans, soy, anything lysine-rich." Tree Hugger explained. 'And the carnivores, well, they eat the herbivores and...." The mare stopped in her tracks, looking at the family of Stegosaurus ahead. "Wait here." The mare carefully began trotting forward, but Fluttershy wasn’t gonna let her go alone.

"Fluttershy no!" Applejack hissed as the pegasus ran after her friend. Rarity looks ready to fling herself after Fluttershy to drag her back in her teeth if need be, but Big Mac grabs her with a definite, "Nope." The pegasus caught up with her friend as Tree Hugger paused. The two mares carefully began trotting forward, until they across what Tree was looking for. This was the Stegosaurus nest, and nestled down inside it was a Stegosaur infant.

"Those two are way to close." Applejack muttered

"Please don't touch, please don't touch, please don't touch," Rarity begs quietly. The two mares looked at the little dinosaur in wonder as it munched on leaves in the bush in front of it. Then it looked at the two ponies curiously. Slowly, Tree Hugger stuck her hoof out, carefully touching the baby on the snout. The baby let out a small roar, thankfully the older stegosaurs didnt react.

Rarity shakes her head softly, "Too close, too close, get them out of there..." The baby kept staring at the mares until Fluttershy slowly extended her hoof as well, touching the baby on the snout as well. The little stegosaur moaned quietly, liking the touch of the mare.

Rarity blinks slowly at them, and slowly smiles, "...Hey Applejack... Remember the Triceratops?"

"Yeah....." Applejack said. "But that dino was sick...." Tree Hugger slowly lifted the camera to snap a picture, but to the mares misfortune, the camera began making loud noises, frightening the baby into making noises and alerting the parents. "These dinos arent!" Rarity looks back quick at Tech Savvy.

"Quick, the rifle!!!" Tree Hugger and Fluttershy looked up as the elder Stegosaurs began charging towards the baby. The two mares ran deeper up the creek bed.

"They're protecting their baby!" Tech said, aiming his gun.

"We're protecting our friends!" Rarity shouts, "Get out of there!" She looks ready to run, but hesitates as she wonders just what she could do against lizards that outweigh her by several tons. The largest Stegosaur of the group swung its spiked tail at the two mares, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger barely ducking under the attack. The tail swiped down, the spikes imbedding themselves in the dirt between the two mares.

"The log!" Fluttershy told her friend. The two mares scrambled into a hollow log as the Alpha Male Stegosaurus charged at them. The beast drove its spike tail into the log, barely missing the mares face. Rarity faints on the spot while Big Mac bunches his muscles to rush in there. The Alpha Stegosaurus seems content with this show of force, and leaves with the rest of his herd. As soon as they're gone Big Mac rushes to the log to check on the mares. Fluttershy pulled herself out, clearly shook up by the experience, but to the amazement of the others Tree Hugger was laughing, as if she found the whole thing hysterical.

"Isn't it great!?" She asked.

"Yeah......a dream come true." Applejack said sourly.