• Published 6th Feb 2016
  • 11,111 Views, 459 Comments

The Dragon King of Equestria - Ausbrony

In a world filled with monsters and cities hiding behind magical barriers, a powerful entity awakes from a thousand year slumber. And the first thing he does? Give three little fillies unfathomable magical power!

  • ...

Chapter Seven

Bahamut ran, as fast as he could. If something happened to one of his friends…

Well, whoever hurt them would spend an eternity suffering for it!

He ran up the road to Sweet Apple Acres, his heart pounding as he finally saw the source of the commotion.

A field full of zombie creatures. Monsters and ponies alike with a massive beast at the rear.

And that monster had Rainbow Dash in its clutches!

“FIRAGA!” Bahamut roared and thrust his hands forward, the monster’s face exploding with fire and pain as he released his captive, the dragon running forward, barrelling through the zombie hoard like a tornado in a trailer park.

Rainbow remembered trying to fly away, only to be caught by one of the monsters tentacles. That was it. Fluttershy, her parents… Bahamut… she’d never see them again.

Then her world was fire and heat and she was falling. Then… warm? Something was holding her again, only this felt warm and safe. She dared to open her eyes, to see a familiar black dragon staring back with a panicked expression.

“Oh, sup?” she croaked out.

She nearly died and that was her way of saying hello? Bahamut shook his head and held her close. “Bloody idiot! Scaring me half to death. If you’d died, your mother would kill me!” It was also around then that he realised he was surrounded, both by the horde and the beast itself.

“Well… balls.”

“You will pay for that,” the monster growled. “No-one attacks Scarmiglione like that and gets away with it!”

“Urgh, dude… breath mint,” Rainbow scrunched up her muzzle. “And you realise you’re screwed right? This is freaking Bahamut! The Dragon King?”

“Uh, Rainbow?”

“You’re just a giant turd compared to him!”

“Seriously, Rainbow—”

“But maybe if you start begging and crying, we might let you off easy!” Rainbow taunted.

“I can’t transform without Twilight here!”

“Yeah, he can’t…” Rainbow paused and slowly turned her head towards him. “What?”

“We’re… pretty much screwed,” Bahamut nodded. “In this state, I can’t take all of them…”

“Oh bu—” Rainbow trailed off into a string of profanities that would have made Cadenza proud.

“Death is but the beginning, you shall serve my army for all time,” Scarmiglione gave a deep, disturbing-sounding chuckle. “But I shall eat the filly. They are most delicious~”

“FIRAGA!” His face exploded again as Bahamut growled. “I’m going to burn every one of you bastards.”

“How amusing,” Scar chuckled as he recovered rather quickly. “Your flames cannot harm me.”

“I fucking hate zombies,” Bahamut groaned.

And that was when everything exploded. Bahamut barely had time to cover Dash as a laser tore through the horde, the very earth exploding in its wake as he caught glimpse of Valefor hovering there.

“Bahamut!” Twilight called out. “Hurry, over here!”

He didn’t need to be told twice. The dragon stood up and ran for it, stepping over the regenerating corpses as he made a dash for Twilight and the others.

One zombie leapt at him, before a blast of flames saw it fall to the ground, looking like Celestia’s attempts at cooking. Maybe a little better.

“Boom, headshot!’ Sunset cackled before unleashing a barrage of Fira spells across the battlefield. “Diediediediedie!”

“I think they already are,” Moondancer said and started casting cure magicks on Rainbow the second Bahamut reached them. “That was incredibly reckless. What would have happened if Princess Luna didn’t teleport us here?”

“You’d likely be dealing with a zombied me,” Bahamut sighed. “Thanks for the save girls. Twilight!”

“IFRIT!” Twilight yelled as a red magic circle appeared beneath her before the hell demon erupted from it, Twilight landing gently on his shoulder before he landed. She smiled as he let her down and cracked his neck.

“Or that,” Bahamut shrugged. “That works too.”

“Go Ifrit, defeat them!” Twilight commanded. “Please?”

“In the name of my Mistress, you shall BURN!” Ifrit roared and slammed his massive clawed hands into the ground. An enormous gout of flame erupted from the earth under the zombies, incinerating several of them before the flames coalesced into a bright burning ball in the sky. Ifrit leapt up and spiked it, the flames returning to the ground with a catastrophic explosion than wiped out most of the horde in a single swoop,

“That. Was. AWESOME!” Rainbow cheered, then that cheer died as tendrils snaked forth from the smoke and speared Ifrit, the demon letting out a pained howl as his body was destroyed and his essence returned to Twilight’s gem, the filly letting out her own pained cry. It wasn’t as bad when Bahamut got hurt, but it was still a shock.

“I am the oarsman who will ferry you beyond the veil! The Blighted Despot, Scarmiglione!” the massive wraith roared as he emerged mostly unharmed.

“Dammit, Moondancer!” Bahamut turned to the filly. “Cast your healing magic on him!”

“WHY ARE YOU HELPING HIM!?!” Sunset roared as Luna threw up a barrier before Scar’s tendrils could hit them.

“Trust me!” Bahamut said. One more snaked forward as Cadenza pinned it with her spear. “Do it Moondancer!”

“O-Okay!” she squeaked and focused on the massive Fiend. She unleashed her Cura spell and he howled in agony as the green light washed over him.

“Healing artes damages the undead!” Bahamut instructed. “The rest of you focus on the regenerating Remnants. Moon and I will deal with Scarnoodleio!”

“I will pick my teeth with your bonessss!” he hissed as Moon and Bahamut started casting alternating Cura spells on him. Cadenza cackled madly as she leapt into the fray, swinging her spear to and fro as she mowed down the horde. Sunset wore a similar expression as she blasted away with her fire magic.

“They… they’re nuts,” Rainbow said to herself. “Absolutely insane!”

“You get used to it,” Twilight panted as she waited for the pain to fade. Rainbow chuckled before a new sound was heard. A sickening crack that echoed throughout the village.

“Oh no…” Rainbow whispered in hushed horror as the Barrier around the village begun to crack. The others were being pushed back as well, the zombie hoard was getting back up faster than they could kill them And if the Barrier shattered, then the town would be completly overrun.

“LUNA!” Bahamut roared. “Get to the Barrier tower. You know how to fix it right?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“We got this, but we’ll fail if that Barrier fades!” Bahamut yelled, just as the shield shattered like glass. “GO! GET IT BACK!”

“R-Right,” Luna nodded and took wing, flying for the tower inside Town Hall.

“This is bad, this is bad,” Twilight trotted in place. “Bahamut, I’m going to use your power! AHH!” She was struck by a zombie that came up behind them, before Rainbow bucked its head clean off.

“You okay Twi?” she asked and helped the filly up. She nodded and winced as she saw a gash along her side. She needed healing but Moondancer and Bahamut were still engaged with Scarmiglione.

“Ooh, that looks bad,” Rainbow winced. “I’ll go and get a doctor…”

“No… just, gotta get Moondancer free for a moment,” Twilight winced. “Sunset, switch with Moondancer for a moment.”

“Right!” the filly nodded and focused her spells on the Fiend, as Moondancer noticed Twilight and ran over to her, casting healing spells as the wound closed.

“Phew… thanks,” Twilight sighed. She held the Garnet and smiled. “This ends now. Bahamut!!”

His power grew as did his form as the dragon smiled wickedly. Rainbow gasped, he… really was telling the truth.

“Oh, now this is going to be most enjoyable!” He smirked as he slammed the Fiend with Curaga, followed by Full Life. Scarmiglione howled as he tried to back away from the dragon.

“IMPULSE!” Dark spheres of magic slammed the Fiend as Sunset’s relentless barrage continued as well. It wasn’t long before the monster was reduced to nothing but a pile of a few charred bones and ash.

“That… was pretty tough,” Sunset gasped and fell over, feeling drained from using so much magic.

“You all did quite well,” Bahamut smiled and then gasped. He could feel a rise in magic, similar to…

“No, not again!” he roared as a stone table rose from the ash, Psynergy flowing from it.

‘By my power, Justice will be done!’

The table took shape, a massive suite or blue armour with wings. One hand held a long sword, while the other ended in a massive lions head. ‘I am your JUDGEMENT!’

“Oh fuck me,” Bahamut groaned before the suit slammed him with the sword, sending the dragon crashing into the ground.

“W-What is that?” Twilight gasped, wincing from the blow. “Is that something from Mr. Auric’s world as well!?”

“Be great if he was here to tell us,” Bahamut said as he got up. His eyes widened as the armour powered up energy in its lion head and aimed at the group…

A pillar of golden fire erupted from behind Bahamut, and a familiar form stepped out of it. “One day,” he moaned. “I leave you alone for one day. And this is what I come back to.” He raised the staff he carried before focusing his power. “Let’s see if this works out. SEAL!

The Jupiter energies coalesced into the hex that he was so fond of, attempting to stop the attack altogether. It succeeded in freezing Judgement for a moment, the attack cancelled out.

“It’s been over a week since you were here,” Bahamut mumbled as he got up. “So, what are we dealing with? Something of yours I assume?”

“Judgement, formed of four Venus djinn putting their energies together,” Auric said with a nod. “It’s not one I made a tablet for. It’s supposed to be all natural. And even worse, the Eclipse tablet I made is still sitting in the cave I made for it.”

“So someone copied them,” Bahamut frowned. “Whatever, talk later, killing it now!” he roared and flew up, but Judgement was faster, slamming him with his sword again. Bahamut did his best to block, wanting to avoid causing Twilight pain, but as long as he played so defensively, he couldn’t attack.

No one even noticed Rainbow soaring off into the sky.

“It is born of earth energies,” he said. “Those of an opposite alignment will harm it greatly. Lightning and wind. Do any of you know such techniques?”

Sunset’s fur stood on end and she smiled. “Thundara!” she yelled as a bolt of lightning came down, but it had no effect. Seems their magic worked a little differently. Or someone had altered Judgement somehow.

“Dammit!” Bahamut blocked another sword strike. Why was it going solely after him? “Impulse!”

Judgement took one blast as he slashed at the rest, but it was enough to make him stumble slightly.


Everyone looked up as Rainbow dove from up high, aiming at Judgement. The air itself seemed to ripple around her.

“Rainbow!” Bahamut roared. “Get back!”

“NO!” she screamed as the air started to bend. “I’m not gonna let this thing hurt my friends!!” The air crackled…

Then everything was rainbows.

There was a tremendous boom, one that shook the ground as a rainbow exploded in the sky and the little pegasus shot forward at impossible speeds. Before Judgement even had time to react, she slammed into it with such force that he was dropped from the sky, buried in a deep trench as rainbow light trailed after the filly.

As the dust settled, she wobbled from the trench and smiled lopsidedly. “Did… I win?” she murmured before falling over.

Auric warped over to the trench in a cloud of golden fire, looking into it to see if Judgement had been defeated or not.

The armour twitched slightly, before thrusting its lion head forward, the wide jaws aiming for the human.

“Stand down,” he told the armor. “I am the true master of the Golden Sun. I will deflect your attack before you even get it off.”

‘You are incorrect. My master is the true wielder of the Sun of Gold.’

And that was all he got before Bahamut’s Mega Flare vapourised him, reducing him back to tablet form once more.

“Asshole,” the dragon muttered as he sent his power back to Twilight’s Jewel, before the both of them collapsed, leaving three unconscious now.

“Well that wasn’t disconcerting at all,” Auric muttered before walking over to the tablet and lifting it with his magic. He then turned to the remaining conscious mare and fillies. “Is that barrier thing up yet? We need to get these three behind it while they recover.”

As his words finished, the Barrier poured from the Hall, surrounding the town once more in it’s protective glow. Sunset panted heavily. as did Moondancer. Only Cadenza seemed to be able to hold herself upright at the moment.

“Well… that fucking sucked,” she muttered. “It’s too early in the day to deal with this shit…” She picked up Twilight and Rainbow. “Hey handsome, you mind grabbing the lizard?”

Auric also noticed that Bahamu was as tall as him now. He rolled his eyes before picking the dragon up with his power as well, glad it wouldn’t be a long walk to safety. Hopefully Luna would be here to take some of this off his hands soon.

A short while later, the group rested in the inn run by Firefly. The farmland the battle had taken place in was barred off as Zecora went to work purifying the land with various potions. Luna had returned from Town Hall, after triple checking the Barrier was once again at full strength. She was rather surprised to see Auric again.

“Well, hello,” Luna said with a slight smirk. “Nice to see you’ve pervaded our world again.”

“You have a problem,” Auric said before holding the tablet closer to himself. “Whoever is doing this to you is copying my tablets. And binding creatures that don’t have tablets to one. Meaning they could attack you with any summoned creature from my world at any time.”

“Wonderful,” Luna sighed and shook her head. “As if the monsters of our own world aren’t enough of a problem.”

“So, what can we expect from yours then?” Cadenza asked. “Cause I’m so fuckin’ done with this already.”

“Well, you probably won’t get the one good and non-damaging summon being sent here,” Aspect said. “And if two of them show up, I’m just going to go ahead and call you all fucked right there. Judgement was Venus based and Eclipse was mostly Jupiter based. So probably something Mercury and definitely something Mars, if we’re rounding out the elements.” He suddenly snapped his fingers. “Nearly forgot to ask how you pulled this guy out into the open.”

“We defeated a giant zombie,” Cadenza answered. “Scar-something…”

“Not...Scarlimonge?” Auric asked. “And did you beat him only once?”

“Yeah, we kicked his ass then that armoured thing showed up,” Cadenza nodded.

“He said his name was Scarmiglione,” Moondancer said, having recovered somewhat. She was nursing a big glass of milk. “He was pretty scary.”

“That, is what we call a pattern,” Auric grumbled. “Babs was the Fiend of Air. He was the Fiend of Earth. There were two others, that I can recall, from where they came from. Cagnazzo, the fiend of Water. And Rubicante, the Fiend of Fire.”

“How do you know of this?” Luna asked. “You sound… awfully informed.”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he said with a wave of one hand. “The Multiverse is involved, and I can barely look at it without going mad.”

“Wonderful,” Luna sighed again. So this was an issue from beyond the Veil? She would have to tell Celestia about this.

“Yeah well, this is still all conjecture,” Sunset spoke up. “We won’t know unless they actually show up.”

“True,” Moondancer nodded. “I just hope that Twilight and the—”

“I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!!!!” A voice hollered out, rattling the tables.

“That was… loud,” Luna rubbed her ears. “What in the world is going on up there?”

Bahamut groaned. He was having a nice dream too. Then some banshee howled in his ear and his world was pain and an incessant ringing in his ears.

“Rainbow. You’re my friend… but if you wake me up early one more time…” he growled as he turned around stared into her rose-coloured eyes.

“I got my cutie mark!!” she said only a little quieter, but still just as excited.

“Good for you,” Bahamut said and rolled back over to sleep. Then Rainbow bounced in his bed and laughed.

Then she was gone. With a flash of magenta light, the prismatic pegasus found herself in Auric’s lap as Twilight grumbled and snuggled closer to Bahamut, her head still pounding.

“What the…?” Rainbow looked around. “What happened?”

“I don’t know,” the human said. “I was just about to say that I learned a new trick when suddenly there was a filly in my lap.”

“Huh… well at least you got an awesome one!” Rainbow beamed and then zoomed over to her mother. “Mom, MOM! I got my Cutie Mark!”

“So I heard,” Firefly giggled and rubbed her mane. “Such a wonderful cutie mark too. Very cool.”

“Well duh,” Rainbow beamed as she looked at the white wing with the lightning bolt coming from it. “It’s the best cutie mark in the world.”

“Better than mine?” Luna asked.

“Sorry Princess, it’s the curse of being this awesome. I hope you aren’t too jealous,” Rainbow nodded seriously.

“I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually,” Luna nodded back.

“All right, so,” Auric said. “I think I can pull off a trick, but I’m going to want to access the other tablet as well. If this works, I’ll be able to stick around and lend a greater hand than I ordinarily might otherwise.”

“Oh, so we’re not getting rid of you then?” Bahamut asked as he walked downstairs, a purple filly sleeping in his arms. “Just when I thought we’d get some peace and quiet.”

“You’ve encountered two fiends already, and both of them have exploded into summons from my world,” Auric said. “It’d be irresponsible of me to leave at this juncture.”

“You just want to stick around because you find this place interesting,” Bahamut translated.

“There is a saying from our old world,” Auric said softly. “All that is needed for the victory of evil is for good men to do nothing. I will not do nothing if I can help.”

“If you say so,” Bahamut shrugged. “I’d settle for some peace and quiet actually.” Then he recalled he still had Hearts and Hooves gifts to collect. Given that the store owners hadn’t bailed in the sight of that damned monster.

“Hopefully you won’t encounter another fiend for some time,” Auric said with a nod. “Cagnazzo is fond of imitating figures of authority, though. So if any of them start acting oddly,” the human said to Luna, “Then I’d suggest you make sure their Barrier really is working right.”

“...Do you have any good news?” Luna deadpanned.

“Rubicante is really fond of honorable duels?” Auric offered.

“We’re leaving for Canterlot in an hour,” Luna said and got up from the table. “Thank you for your hospitality miss Firefly.”

“Of course,” she nodded. “Say hello to that sister of yours dear.”

“I shall,” Luna nodded and took her leave to check on the airship.

“I should go and get my things,” Bahamut said and set Twilight down on the chair. “Sunbutt, Moondancer, take care of her for me alright?”

“Can do,” they nodded as the dragon left as well. He had a flower shop, a bakery and an alchemist to visit.

“I got my cutie mark!!” Rainbow cheered again.

Later that afternoon, the group was about to board the airship and Rainbow was pouting that her friends were leaving so soon.

Until Bahamut got an idea and whispered to Rainbow Blaze and Firefly. The two mulled it over and nodded, as Bahamut scooped up Rainbow under one arm and Fluttershy under the other.

“Huh? What’s going on?” Rainbow asked and Fluttershy just squeaked.

“Sleepover at the castle,” the dragon nodded and Rainbow’s confused frown turned into a blinding grin. “So we’ll go and get a few of your things and head off hm?”

“Awww yeah!” Rainbow pumped a hoof and Fluttershy squeaked again.

“Don’t worry Flutters, Angel Mog can come as well,” Bahamut smiled. “We might even see your Mom there too.” That seemed to cheer the filly right up and she smiled brightly.

A poor skinny colt had been lugging a crate onto the ship, one marked ‘Bahamut’s stuff. Touch and die!’

“So, what will you do handsome?” Cadenza said to Auric, moving up next to him. “Aside from me~”

“I have a thing I have to do,” Auric said simply. “It should help me be more effective.”

“Mm, I do like a productive stallion,” Cadenza smiled. “Don’t keep me waiting too long~” She chuckled as she walked off… after getting a hoofful of his butt.

“You have my utmost sympathies,” Luna said flatly as she watched her ‘niece’ head into the ship’s cabin rooms.

“Please tell me there’s a room that locks on this ship,” Auric sighed.

“Maybe the Captain’s quarters?” Luna shrugged and smiled mischievously. “Though… I have witnessed her dreams as of late. You ah… do you have medical coverage? Like hip replacements?”

“I’m married and perfectly capable of keeping myself stuck to a ceiling,” Auric deadpanned. “I’d like to see her try anything when I’m up there.”

“Tis your funeral,” Luna shrugged.

“I’ll put some sealing spells on her room tonight,” Twilight said as she passed him in the hall.

“Thank you!” the human said as he found a room of his own and walked in, the tablet they’d won following after him.

It took around a half hour for Bahamut to return, reduced to a pack mule for the two fillies as he groaned under the weight of the luggage. Eventually the airship set sail and they made way for Canterlot city.

The view from up high was… breathtaking to say the least. From the deck of the ship, one could see a few cities in the distance, easily identified by the blue bubble shields around them. That aside, it wasn’t so different from Auric’s Equestria. Well, that and the multitude of monsters that inhabited the world.

“So…” Sunset Shimmer stood beside him. “What’s your Equestria like Auron?”

“A lot more peaceful,” Auric said as he stared at the view. “Though thanks to my interference, there is one different sort of species out in it. Something I can’t bring with me. Oh, and I founded my own town. And built my own tower. But really, other than that, not that different.”

“Huh… sounds boring,” Sunset shrugged. “And, you acted like you know the Princesses, does your version have them too? What about me, or the others?”

“I don’t know much about you,” the human said with a shrug. “Though I will say that most of the things I’m seeing here are mirrored in my world.”

“What, how can there not be me? The most powerful unicorn EVER!” Sunset frowned and pouted her bottom lip. “Well, your world’s loss I guess.”

“I didn’t say that there wasn’t a you in my world, just that I don’t know much about it,” Auric clarified. “I don’t keep up to date on all the things that happen.”

“I wonder if I’m ruling some kingdom somewhere?” Sunset cackled and rubbed her hooves. “Empress Sunset Shimmer has a nice ring to it.”

“Yeah right, and Twilight’s an alicorn princess,” Bahamut replied as he walked up behind them and scooped her up, much to Sunset’s verbal protesting as he hugged the filly. “Keep dreaming you little pyro.”

“You suck,” Sunset pouted.

“All in all, I have to say I am enjoying my trips to your world,” Auric said. “I mean, despite the fact that so far I’ve only really showed up during a Fiend attack…”

“Yeah, you have the absolute worst timing,” Bahamut chuckled. “Well, it’s hearts and Hooves Day tomorrow…”

“Gross,” Sunset frowned.

“Tell me about it,” Bahamut agreed. “Why don't you bring that wife of yours and make it a date or something? Hopefully a giant monster won’t interrupt things.”

“I could, but I don’t think if I did that it would dissuade Cadence at all,” Auric said with a shrug. “Besides, I can keep myself safe through the trip between worlds. Others, not so much. I’ll not subject her to that.”

“Well that sucks,” Bahamut replied. “So if I may ask, what took you so long to get back to us about that tablet? I expected a day or two, not two weeks.”

“The difference between worlds,” Auric said with a wave of one hand. “Time doesn’t flow the same through all the realms. What was two weeks to you was two days to me. I learned quite a bit in those two days, and hopefully I should be able to put most of it to use.”

“Here’s hoping,” Bahamut nodded. While he had been training these fillies for this eventuality, he didn’t expect it so soon. “Oh, I have half a mind to throw you off this airship by the way.”

“I’d teleport back onto it,” Auric said with a smirk.

“Why would you throw him off the ship?” Sunset asked and Bahamut’s black scales flushed a slight crimson.

“Forget it,” he muttered and shook his head. He put the filly down and rubbed her head. “Try not to burn this ship down as well.”

“Aww, you got to burn one!” Sunset frowned, sounding genuinely disappointed as she walked off.

“That sounds like a story,” the human mused as he stared out into the distance.

“I got kidnapped a while back, before I met you,” Bahamut shrugged. “The idiots assumed I needed my mouth to use fire. I underestimated how flammable their ship was.” He sighed and stretched, his back giving a satisfying crack. “Turned out alright though. I got minions inside Tia’s guard and I met Rainbow and Flutters. All in all, it was a good day.”

“Yup, this world is definitely interesting,” Auric chuckled. “And hopefully it’ll get more interesting once we arrive at Canterlot.”

“Please don’t wish that,” Bahamut groaned and dragged his claw down his face. But it couldn’t hide the massive smirk he had. “Wait til tomorrow. That will be… fun~”

Oh dear, the grin he had could have chilled lava.

“I fully intend to not come off the ceiling at all for that,” Auric said seriously. “It’ll minimize the chance Cadence will be able to get me.”

“Apparently she’s getting these enchanted shoes that let her walk on walls,” Bahamut nodded. He also might have suggested those to her. “I wouldn’t worry too much. Worse comes to worse, just teleport her or something. Though I doubt Cadenza would actually force herself on you. She’s not that kind of mare.”

“Hopefully she’s not,” the human agreed. “Gah, now that I know what I need to do, I’m sort of anxious about actually doing it…”

“What do you mean?” Bahamut frowned. “Are you… actually considering Cadenza’s offer?”

“What?” Auric said before shaking his head. “Oh, no. It’s something completely different. Something actually that needs to be done.”

“Well, care to share with the rest of the class?” Bahamut deadpanned. “I may be a god, but I can’t read minds.”

“You’ll see when we get there,” Auric said with a bit of cheek. “I just hope it actually works. It should…”

“Auric…” Bahamut stared at him. “Do you plan on messing with Celestia?”

“It might end up doing that, yes,” Auric said with a smile.

“Excellent~” Bahamut smirked and drummed his claws together.

A few hours later, they were standing outside the castle as Rainbow and Fluttershy stared up at it with wide eyes.

“Whooaaa!” Rainbow said, her eyes scanning upwards. “This place is even bigger up close.”

“Will… we get to meet Princess Celestia?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“More than likely,” Bahamut shrugged. “She’ll prolly want to yell at me for what happened in Ponyville.” He walked up to the massive front gates and they opened, revealing the white alicorn waiting on the other side.

“Called it,” Bahamut nodded and smiled at her. “Sup Tia? You miss me that much?”

“My day has never been more peaceful until you returned,” Celestia replied with a smile. She walked past him and knelt down to Twilight, Sunset and Moondancer. “Are you three alright? I was worried once I heard about what happened.”

“We’re okay,” Twilight nodded as the three nuzzled the princess. “Oh, um, we brought some friends over from Ponyville. Is it… okay if they stay over?”

Oh sweet her, this was absolutely precious. “Of course you can. Is that them over there?”

Fluttershy squeaked and ducked behind Rainbow, the little pegasus not doing much to hide the taller filly.

“Sup?” Rainbow waved a wing at her. “I’m Rainbow Dash, the best flyer in Ponyville and the most awesome pony in Equestria. And this…” She reached around and placed Fluttershy at Celestia's hooves. “Is my PFF Fluttershy. She’s a big fan.”

“Is that so?” Celestia chuckled at the pegasi’s words. “Hello there little one.”

“Eep!” Fluttershy vanished, ducking under Auric’s cape.

“Nice to see some things are the same between worlds,” the human chuckled. “Celestia, with your permission, I would like to take both the tablet we earned earlier and this one to a vacant courtyard. There is apparently something I can do with them that will help.”

“Oh, hello Auric,” she nodded. “I wasn’t expecting you. But, perhaps you could explain further?” she asked as the group was guided inside.

“From what I observed with the tablet we earned today,” Auric said. “Even in its inert state, there is a spell on it. I intend to break that spell.”

“What kind of spell?” Celestia prodded. “And if that’s the case, I think keeping them sealed away would be better.”

“A Binding spell,” Auric said. “They aren’t just formed of the energies that a Djinn would release. I think whoever has done this...has literally bound some Djinn together and forced the amalgamation to serve him.”

“So, you wish to undo this binding and release these Djinn?”

“If only so they aren’t forced into being one being,” Auric said with a nod. “They are more than just mere elemental spirits. They have lives of their own, and no life should be spent like this.”

“I see,” Celestia’s horn glowed and a guard appeared almost out of thin air. He had a chocolate brown coat and had a dark blue mane and tail. Most interesting were his draconian golden eyes and bat-like wings.

“Fetch the tablet from the Sealed Chamber,” she ordered him. “And bring it to the Courtyard post haste.”

He nodded and fell back into the shadows, vanishing from sight.

“Thank you,” Auric said. “I’ll be there, preparing. It’s going to take a lot of work to make this actually work. Both this and the thing I intend to do afterwards.”

“What thing?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow. “You didn’t mention a second objective.”

“There’s a saying from my old world,” Auric said with a mischievous grin. “Beware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. I intend to be anything but subtle, and I’m already angry with whoever did this. If I’m going to be effective in this world, I’ll need to alter the terrain a bit to suit me more.”

“Specify,” Luna said, stepping forward. “What is it you wish to do exactly?”

“Simple,” Auric said. “Awaken the land’s spirits. See if it’s willing to aid me. Because if it is...there will be a lot more Djinn running around. And I will be ready to bring the pain the next time we run into a fiend.”

“That… sounds dangerous,” Luna said warily. “What spirits? And how will this effect Equestria as a whole?”

“The elemental spirits, the Djinn,” Auric said. “I don’t know how exactly it’ll effect Equestria, as every spirit is its own being, but those that can see them...well, it’ll help a bit. You’ll get a better idea once I release the binding on the tablets.”

“I’m still unsettled by the fact you wish to unleash unknown spirits into the world without considering how they’ll affect it,” Celestia said with a terse tone. “Though perhaps it would be best if these tablets are broken down anyway.” This was so far out of even her expertise it wasn’t funny.

“We can at least try something,” Bahamut said as they headed for the courtyard. “Worst that could happen is that we have to deal with Judgement and Eclipse at the same time.”

“...Joy,” Luna muttered.

“Eh, we beat ‘em once already,” Sunset shrugged. “We got this.”

“Yeah, I’ll totally Sonic Rainboom ‘em!” Rainbow laughed. Celestia giggled and shook her head.

“I appreciate the enthusiasm young Miss Dash. But a Sonic Rainboom is nothing more than a myth…”

“No, she did do one already,” Bahamut replied, enjoying the sight of absolute shock creeping across Celestia’s face when the trio of fillies backed him up as well. “It was pretty awesome.”

“It was awesomely awesome!” Rainbow corrected.

“Best thing I’ve seen in a while,” Auric agreed. “Completely knocked Judgement out.”

“So what we’re saying is, if a monster shows up, throw a filly at subsonic speeds at it,” Bahamut nodded and looked at Twilight. “Better get a crash helmet Starswirl.”

“What?” Twilight meeped and ducked behind Celestia, a rather impressive imitation of Fluttershy.

“Leave the tough stuff to the pros,” Rainbow nodded and puffed out her chest as they emerged into the courtyard. The thestral stallion was already waiting with Eclipse’s tablet.

“Thank you,” Auric said as he put the one in his magical grip, Judgement’s, down on the ground. “Just leave it nearby.” The stallion looked at Celestia and she nodded, before he placed the tablet down and stepped back, the hooks of his wings already resting on the sheathes of his wing blades… just in case.

“I really hope you know what you’re doing Auric,” Bahamut said.

“You and me both,” the human said, before his staff flowed into his right hand. “Okay, everybody stand back. This is gonna get intense.”

“Wonderful,” Celestia and Luna echoed, reinforcing a barrier around the ponies as they stood back.

Auric closed his eyes, and a magical circle sprang into being on the ground, encompassing both him and the tablets. He stood there for a time, while the feeling of...pressure, for lack of a better word, started to build. And as it did, chains started to become visible on the tablets.

‘Well now isn’t that interesting,’ Bahamut mused.

“You have been bound,” Auric said, in a voice that somehow reverberated. “Shackled to a form not your own. Forced into servitude. As the true wielder of the might of the Golden Sun, I release you from your bindings.” His staff flowed from what it was into a sword, and the human brought it down on both tablets, shattering the chains.

There was a moment where nothing happened, and then both tablets started to...dissolve, into glowing light. The Judgement one was brown-colored, while the Eclipse one became both blue and violet lights.

“Pretty,” Twilight whispered before her horn started to glow and Auric felt something resonate from the filly as the lights flashed in response. Four motes became brighter in the Judgement tablet, while Eclipse had two blue and three violet motes grow stronger.

‘We… are… not meant to be…’

“You are here now,” Auric said softly this time. “I cannot take you back with me through the Void Eternal, you would not survive the trip. You must make this world your home.”

“Are those Djinn?” Bahamut asked and the lights flashed.

‘Djinn...we are… not…We are... Homunculus. Born of… Psynergy… and Void Eternal.’

“Well that’s interesting,” Auric mused. “Are you recovered from what happened to you?”

‘Bound to… Masters. We are not… without a bond… we will die… Born of nothing… Return to nothing…’

“Fortunately, there is one here who can help you in that regard,” Auric said, indicating the young Twilight.

‘She possess… power… but yet… it is not enough…’

“What do you mean?” Bahamut asked. Twilight was one of the strongest fillies he knew of.

‘Bound to her form… unable to… live…’ The lights flashed, as if they were trying to find the words. ‘We would exist… yet not exist…’

“She doesn’t have Psynergy,” Auric interpreted. “You need someone with both.”

‘No… not…’ they paused again and flashed, as Twilight’s horn glowed again and gasped.

“They’re, saying that they can… but I can’t call upon them,” Twilight said, holding a hoof to her head. “I’m, not strong enough to manifest them.” Okay, having a group of voices in your head was really weird.

“I have faith that she’ll be able to call on you all one day, and it would keep you alive,” Auric pointed out. “As well, any other I free could join you.”

“The decision is your Twi,” Bahamut said. “I really don’t know how this will affect you though. This isn’t magic of this world.”

“I’ll do it,” Twilight said without hesitation. “Someone made them do bad things. It wasn’t their fault. If I can help them, I will.”

The lights flashed and then zipped towards Twilight’s body, passing through the alicorn barrier like it wasn’t even there. Twilight gasped and put a hoof to her chest before she tipped sideways and passed out.

“Aw fu—” Bahamut swore before his world became black as well.

The Auric had a spear aimed at his face as Cadenza glared at him. “You asshole! If you’ve hurt her I swear I’ll fucking—”

“I honestly don’t know what I just did,” Auric said with his hand raised. “It shouldn’t hurt her.”

“If she doesn’t wake up! I’m putting this spear in every hole you have, then I’ll fucking make some new ones!!”

“She’s still breathing,” Moondancer announced as she lifted her ear from Twilight’s chest. “But her magic power spiked tremendously. She likely just passed out from the shock.”

“...You got lucky,” Cadenza muttered and pulled her weapon back.

“What, no euphemism?” Bahamut asked, his eyes still closed. “That’s a first.”

“You’re awake?” Luna asked him, sounding rather concerned.

“I’m used to sudden spikes in power,” Bahamut said, still laying there. “Just caught me by surprise is all. Twilight should wake up soon enough.”

“Oh good,” Auric sighed. “Hopefully this won’t have turned out to be a massive mistake.”

“Oh, I am giving you a brutal right hook when I can move again,” Bahamut sighed, then he paused and frowned. “That’s… weird.” He wasn’t quite sure what to make on what he was feeling from Twilight. “Mm, I’ll look into it later. Now, can someone carry Twilight to her bed, and me to the dining hall. I’m hungry.”

Celestia lifted Twilight with her magic and trotted off towards the fillies room. Luna just left, she had a few important things to do.

“...That was cold,” Bahamut said.

“Oh be a stallion and quit whining,” Cadenza said and trotted off. A nice scented bath was calling to her.

“Sorry, you’re a bit heavy to carry,” Moondancer said. Bahamut gasped and clutched his chest.

“Gah! Shot down, even by the adorable Moondancer. Your words wound me.”

“I… don’t know if I can heal that,” Moondancer replied.

“Meanwhile, tomorrow I’ll set about starting up the whole awakening the land thing,” Auric said. “It’ll be an interesting ceremony, that’s for sure.”

“I have a thought about that actually,” Bahamut grunted as he sat up. He waved the other ponies off, the fillies heading for the dining hall as they left the dragon alone with the human. “You want to see if you can release them, so your Psynergy is more potent yeah?”

“It’d let me use summons at the very least,” Auric said. “Make a lot of my attacks more potent as well.”

“Well, I’m just guessing here,’ Bahamut said. “But whoever is duplicating these summons of yours must be able to use Psynergy as well. Wouldn’t that make him or her more powerful as well?”

“True,” Auric mused. “But we just removed a good few bits of power for them.”

“Plus my arrival is what seemed to make monsters appear in this land in the first place. What if this releases monsters from whatever you’re from as well? This could throw the entire planet into chaos.”

“Monsters never showed up from Weyward in my Equestria,” the human said.

“Wait… seriously?” Bahamut frowned. “Well didn’t I get the short end of the bloody stick.” He sighed again and got to his feet. “Well, we can worry about it later. At least leave it for a day or two, maybe even get those girls to help you research it. They’re pretty damned smart for kids.”

“Fair enough,” Auric chuckled. The next few days would be interesting…

“So…” Bahamut was walking the halls before a mare approached, Fluttershy attached to her back. “Apparently I have you to thank for this little gift.”

“Oh, hey Spitfire,” Bahamut smiled. “Yep, I wasn’t about to leave her behind when I was bringing Dashie.”

“I see, well some consultation would have been appreciated,” Spitfire said, a little surprised when Celestia suddenly gave her the night off, only to find her daughter in Canterlot. “And her father will freak out over an empty house tomorrow.” She smiled mischievously. “I wish I could see the look on his face~”

“I am not even touching that,” Bahamut shrugged and rubbed Fluttershy’s mane. “You being good for your mother kiddo?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy smiled. “But I can’t find Angel.”

“I’m sure he’s around here somewhere,” Bahamut nodded. “If I find him, I’ll tell him your looking.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy smiled as he bid the parent and child good night. He continued his walk, wondering what everyone else was up to.

Oh that’s right, he still had his ‘gift’ to set up. Heheh! He couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come~

In Celestia’s chamber, two alicorns, a well-dressed human and a moogle sat around a card table.

“How?” Celestia groaned as she eyed the pile of loot the moogle had beside him and threw her cards down. “How does he keep winning?!”

“I stopped questioning it two hands ago,” Auric said.

“Is he some sort of deamon?” Luna questioned as she handed over her tiara. “What is this?”

Angel smiled and took a puff of the cigar in his mouth.


Author's Note:

And thus we come to the end of my pre written chapters. It'll probably be a while until the next update. Sorry about that.