• Published 6th Feb 2016
  • 11,111 Views, 459 Comments

The Dragon King of Equestria - Ausbrony

In a world filled with monsters and cities hiding behind magical barriers, a powerful entity awakes from a thousand year slumber. And the first thing he does? Give three little fillies unfathomable magical power!

  • ...

Chapter Six

“Try it again…” Bahamut sighed and repeated for the, well, he lost count. Sunset frowned as she focused her power and cast Blizzard, trapping the dummy in a block of ice.

“A very nice Blizzard spell,” Bahamut nodded. “Too bad we want Blizzara…”

“AARRGHH!” her horn fired up and the dummy exploded with a Fira spell. Bahamut raised an eyebrow and looked at her. She glared back and blew some of her mane from her eyes. “What!?”

“Not bad,” he nodded and walked over to Moondancer. “And what about you? Figured out that Barrier spell yet?”

“I’m trying,” she grunted, her horn flickering as a sphere of light surrounded her, flickering along with her horn before it faded and she panted. “It’s… hah… harder than healing…”

“It’s a rather basic spell, but it’s fundamentally different to healing magic, so it’ll take some getting used to.” Bahamut rubbed her head with his hand. “Keep at it.”

“Why don’t I get any encouragement like that!?” Sunset shouted.

“Because Moondancer doesn’t try to test her Blizzard spells on me,” Bahamut shouted back. He looked over at Twilight, the filly was deep into a pile of books she’d borrowed from the Archives. The dragon considered offering her a subclass, something to practice aside from her summoning. While the thought of Eclipse still crossed his mind, Auric had yet to respond to him about it.

Maybe a time delay between dimensions? Who knows.

And the fact that Celestia was nice to him now, that still weirded the hell out of him. Luna more or less only spoke to him if she had to, and Cadenza was practising her own skills. She’d mastered Jump and was working on Rei’s Wind, a skill that provided a gradual heal to those it covered.

The question also remained. Why was he giving them these skills in the first place?

He couldn’t remember his original reasoning. Sure, that monster had attacked at the time and it would have been easy to dispose of it and just fly away. Leave the ponies to do whatever the hell they wanted.

‘Oh wow! You really got me the figure? But aren’t they really expensive?’

‘Don’t worry about it, seeing your smile is worth it. Happy Birthday -....-’

That memory again.

The last thing he remembered.

Before everything went to hell.

“Bahamut?” A sudden voice snapped him out of his thoughts, the dragon actually flinching as he looked down to see Twilight staring up at him. “Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Ghosts aren’t real!” Sunset said as she blasted the dummy with Thundara. “They’re just a collection of ectoplasma animated with naturally occurring passive magic.”

“I know that, I’m not stupid!” Twilight shot back. “And for your information, they can be animated with several Dark magicks as well!”

Bahamut chuckled and rubbed the unicorn’s head. “Yeah, I’m fine sis.”

Twilight nodded, then paused. “Wait… sis?”

The dragon froze, why the hell did he just say that? Come on, think think think! Aha!

“Well of course. I’m older and more responsible than you. So it’s only natural I fill the role of big brother, little Starswirl Jr.”

“Well then my, big brother is a butt!” Twilight pouted and went back to her books. Ahh, she was so easy to deflect.

“So… big brother huh?” Cadenza smiled from right behind him. Aaand here was someone who was not so easy to deflect.

“Cram it,” Bahamut sighed as Celestia walked out into the courtyard. Bahamut frowned, there was an odd scent with her. He turned and saw why.

There was a little purple dragon on her back. An Equestrian dragon.

“Hello my students, hello Bahamut,” she smiled softly. “Training hard I see.”

“Well of course they are,’ Bahamut defended them. “So, who’s the salamander?”

“I think Twilight might recognise him,” she smiled as the unicorn trotted over and gasped.

“Princess? Is that…?”

“The dragon you hatched from your entrance exam?” Celestia finished for her. “Yes it is. We’ve had him under observation up until now. The circumstances of his birth were… unusual. So every precaution had to be made.”

“Just admit you freaked out and got all paranoid again,” Bahamut smirked. “So, this is an Equestrian dragon huh? I’ve never seen one before.”

Celestia lifted the hatchling off of her back. He was rather small and pudgy and he was currently suckling on the tip of his own tail. “Yes, while he’s young now, he should grow to something around your size in about a decade. Then, it’ll all be about how much he hoards as to how he’ll grow.”

“Really!?” Twilight was already examining the baby dragon. “Aww, he’s so cute!”

“I’m cute too,” Bahamut frowned and looked away. Tch! What was so great about a weakling like that?

“He really is~” Moondancer and even Sunset cooed over the little drake. Bahamut’s frown deepened and he huffed to himself.

“I’m hungry,” he said rather loudly and walked off. “Class is dismissed for the day!”

“Okay!” the three fillies replied as turned back to the new dragon. Bahamut just growled and walked off.

Cadenza watched him with a small smile. Now that was interesting.

“Stupid baby dragon, I’m a hundred times better,” Bahamut muttered he stomped through the halls. “Ohh, look at me~ I’m a cute little attention-stealing dragon!”

“Green isn’t your colour,” Cadenza said from behind him, causing the dragon to yelp and jump.

“What the hell? Cadence!?”

“That’s Cadenza!” she said sternly and smacked him with a hoof. “Now, want to share whatever the fuck it is you’re whining about?”

“I am not whining!” Bahamut snapped back. “I just fail to see why they’re fawning all over that pile of scales and drool.”

“Oh wow, you are so pathetic,” Cadenza chuckled as she followed him to the kitchen. “You’re seriously getting jealous over a baby dragon?”

“Fuck off,” Bahamut muttered and that earned him another whack.

“Language, only I’m old enough to use it,” Cadenza said sharply. “And no, I don’t care how old you think you are.”

Bahamut could have fired a retort, he instead just growled again and flung the kitchen doors open. “Maybe I’ll go and visit Dash and Shy again, see how they like it.”

“Aw, now there’s the maturity of a thousand year old dragon,” Cadenza teased as she opened the fridge and took one of Celestia’s cupcakes. “You know you’re approaching this all wrong right?”

“What do you mean?” Bahamut asked, raiding another fridge. He’d found out that they had a store of pork and chicken for the Griffon representatives whenever they showed up. He now considered it his own stores of deliciousness.

“I could be like the Big Bitch, be all cryptic and shit,” Cadenza shrugged as she downed her third cupcake. “But screw that. She plans to have those three raise him, to help them learn a little responsibility. I dunno, her methods make sense somewhere I suppose. Dunno where though. But if I were you? I’d see an opportunity to gain a partner in crime…”

“Iiiiiinteresting,” Bahamut tapped his claws together as he put the chicken legs in the oven. “You know Cadenza? I like the way you think.”

“I like the the way I think too,” Cadenza nodded as she finished cleaning out Celestia’s stash before leaving a note that said.

‘Haha. Love Luna’

That’d teach the moon-flanked bitch to eat her cream tarts.

Bahamut then got an idea, a wonderful and possibly dangerous idea. He’d have to wait for the dragon to grow, but it might just work. “I look forward to the future more and more,” Bahamut smirked.

“Oh, and I should tell you,” Cadenza smiled. “Hearts and Hooves Day is coming up soon. I’d better get a card from you Bahamut. And those adorable fillies.”

“Weirdo,” Bahamut muttered and choked when Cadenza put him in a headlock. “Gak! I-I mean… of course, oh lovely Caden...za”

“Better,” Cadenza smiled and dropped him. But when that day would eventually arrive, Bahamut would bear witness to something far scarier…

After his kitchen raid, he decided to track down the fillies and their new pet dragon. Getting jealous like that was stupid. Bahamut was far superior and those fillies were just reacting to something they deemed cute.

Worse came to worse, he could call Auric for some intelligent conversation, though he’d likely just tease him about Luna again…

“ARGH! I do not have a bloody crush on Luna!” he yelled out loud, causing several nearby guards to exchange looks. It was common knowledge that almost everypony in this castle was crazy.

And now they owed the maids twenty bits…

Screw this, he needed to get out of the castle for a while. He didn’t have to worry about being kidnapped now that he was taller and stronger. Still, a certain amount of caution should be used.

He passed by a window that overlooked the courtyard, and when he looked outside, he saw two familiar stallions being put through the wringer by Drill Instructor. One of the harshest teachers to come out of Westhoof Academy in decades.

“Eh, they lived through worse,” Bahamut shrugged and continued his trek to the palace gates. He paused by Celestia’s chambers and then poked his head inside. Ahh, there were are! He grabbed a pouch of bits from her dresser and hummed to himself. Now he was fully armed for his adventure.

What could go wrong?

First thing was first. He’d have to hit up the candy store and pick up some supplies. Cadenza would likely skin him alive otherwise.

And an alchemy store… he had plans for Celestia and Luna. Yes, he was going to prank Luna as well. He didn’t have a crush and was going to bloody prove it!

And dear gods, was Canterlot always so… pink?

Seriously, it was like the entire city was decorated by little fillies, or at the very least, was marketed towards them.

Speaking of, he should probably get something for Sunny, Moonie and Twiley. Maybe a card or a book or something. He wondered if the three little eggheads even knew what Hearts and Hooves Day was.

Hell, he barely knew what it was beyond, ‘buy a gift for a mare’. Given the ridiculous amounts of hearts decorating the place, he could determine that you should get something for someone you like.

“Man, what a pain,” the dragon groaned as he passed by a donut shop. Oh hey, this was the one Twilight was talking about. He stepped inside and exited a few minutes later, now holding a bag of iced donuts.

“And they’re all mine,” he hummed. “They didn’t bring me any, so fair’s fair.” And gods, these donuts were delicious~ The once full bag was quickly emptied as he continued his trek, licking icing from his claws.

He noticed ponies were staring at him, and chuckled when some ran away when he flashed them a fang-filled grin. He eventually found a candy store and stepped inside, the bell above the door tinkling softly.

“Welcome to Toola-Roola’s Toffee’s~” a mare called out in a chipper tone. “I’m Toola-Roola, what can I get for you?” She paused when she saw her customer. Well, she’d never had a dragon visit her store before.

Did dragon’s even eat candy?

If so, what kind of candy did they like? Toffee, Boiled sweets, Licorice?

Bahamut stood in front of the mare, he’d asked a few times on what he could get a mare, but Toola seemed to be staring off into space. Bahamut just stood there, waiting for… whatever it was she was doing to finish.

“Candied apples? no…” Toola-Roola looked up and blinked as the dragon stared down at her. She yelped and ducked behind the counter before remembering he was a customer. She popped back up and smiled.

“Welcome to—”

“Yeah, we covered that part,” Bahamut sighed. “Do you… need a minute or something? You look distracted.”

“Huh? Ooh, sorry… I was wondering what kinda of candies dragons ate.”


“Whatever you ponies do I guess,” Bahamut shrugged. “I’m not a typical dragon though. And look, I just need something for a mare—”

“OOoh,” Toola-Roola wiggled her eyebrows. “For your Special Somepony?”

“Oh she’s special alright,” Bahamut said dryly. “Look, I just need something that might appease a pegasus mare.”

“I have just the thing,” Toola smiled and trotted over to a shelf, taking down a jar of candies. “These are Rainbow Candies and they’re only made in Cloudsdale.”

“What’s a Cloudsdale?” Bahamut asked.

“You… don’t know?” Toola did a cute head tilt. “Well, it’s the floating city of the Pegasi. They tend to be kind of secluded though, so not a whole lot of non-pegasi go there. Which is why these candies are so hard to get.”

“Well, I’ll just take your word for it,” Bahamut shrugged and looked at the tag. Holy crap they were expensive! That was nearly half the total bits on him. “So what makes these so special anyway? It can’t be that hard to make coloured candies can it?”

“No, even I could do that,” Toola-Roola said as she took some of his bits. “You’re my first dragon customer, so you get a discount. And yeah, that’s because these are candied rainbows.”

“Candied… rainbows?” Bahamut blinked slowly. Well, sure. Why not. He took the package and thanked the mare for her time. As he turned, he nearly stepped on a little filly walking in.

“Bonnie, watch out!” Toola said and scooped her up. “Sorry, I think I need to get her some glasses.”

“It’s fine,” Bahamut shrugged and ruffled the kid’s hair before walking out. Okay, so candy… check!

Now to find a bakery.

In a city this size, one would think that finding a bakery would be easy yes?

Well, it was. But finding one that wasn’t utterly sold out or expensive to the point of stupid? That was a little harder.

Then he found out why. It was no secret that Celestia and Luna loved their cake. So, what did the masses that vied for their attentions purchase on Hearts and Hooves?

“This, might be a little more difficult than I thought,” the dragon sighed. No wonder there was that massive line up at the throne room. Dammit!

“Well now what the hell do I do?” he muttered. He could always prank one of the cakes she already had…

“Eh, I’ll come back to it. Maybe find an alchemist first,” he said to himself. Okay, he really needed to stop talking to himself. Made him look like a crazy dragon.

Then he had an idea, a wonderful and slightly dangerous idea.

He couldn’t get a cake in Canterlot.

So he'd go somewhere else. Ponyville seemed like a good idea. He recalled that Rainbow's mom made some pretty nice food. He'd just swing by the castle to drop these candies off and steal… borrow some more funds for the trip.

Should be easy.

Getting in and out of the castle was easier than he thought. Just walk in, pilfer Luna’s room this time…

Okay, so apparently she slept with about a thousand stuffed animals. Picturing the mare curled up amongst them was almost cute.

Aha! Money secured. Really, these two needed to invest in a piggybank or something.

He slipped back outside and was in his way. The airship docks were close by, and it wasn't until he got there that he begun to feel somewhat uncomfortable.

“Come on, get it together!” he hissed at himself. “So you crashed the last airship. So you got kidnapped. It's not a big deal…”

So why wouldn’t his legs move?

He growled, both in frustration and annoyance at his sudden bout of cowardice.

So when a hoof touched his hip, he yelped and jumped back, his claws and fangs bared as a Fira spell started to charge. Well, until he realise he was about to roast Twilight Sparkle and sighed, lowering his defenses.

“What are you doing here Starswirl?” Bahamut sighed. He looked up and saw she wasn’t alone. Sunset, Moondancer, Cadenza and Luna were with her as well.

“Okay, so why are all of you here?”

“We have a tracking spell on our bits that you pilfered,” Luna stated. “And then we were curious as to what you were up to.”

“And imagine our surprise when we find you spacing out here,” Cadenza said. “Seriously, what’s the matter, scared of the big bad airships?”

Bahamut frowned and turned away, the pegasi’s eyes widening ever so slightly. “...oh.”

“Yeah, let’s all laugh, go on!” Bahamut almost yelled. “It’s why you came right? Laugh at the absolute joke of a dragon!!”

“I’d only laugh if you did something silly,” Twilight said, hugging his waist. “It’s okay to be scared sometimes right?”

“I’m not scared,” Bahamut frowned, though his hand drifted to pat her mane. “Just going to Ponyville for a bit. No big deal right…”

“Ah, then we shall accompany you!” Luna stated proudly. “It has been a long time since I left Canterlot for any reason. I can raise the moon from anywhere.”

“And we’ll tag along too,” Sunset said. “We’ve been working hard and could use a vacation. You can buy us presents.”

“Wow, tell us how you really feel,” Bahamut deadpanned, though he couldn’t help but smile somewhat. “Alright, fine. I guess I could foalsit you lot for a day.”

“Yay!” Twilight and Moondancer clapped their hooves together. “We get to go on a trip!”

“I feel like I’m going to regret this,” Bahamut walked up to the ticket counter, followed by Cadenza and Luna.

“Six tickets to Ponyville,” Bahamut said as the clerk looked at the pegasus and alicorn, the latter having put on a unicorn disguise.

“Will that be the family ticket?” she asked and looked at the fillies. “You two have such lovely children~”

“I...WHAT!?” Cadenza spluttered and glared at Luna. “With her!?”

“Yup, first family vacation in a long time,” Bahamut managed to say with a completely straight face. It took a lot of effort though. “I’m their butler.”

“Very well, so a single pass and a family pass to Ponyville? That will be 50 bits.”

Bahamut handed over the tickets as Luna and Cadenza continued to glare at each other. He smirked and bowed politely. “Come now, Lady Cadenza. Lady Moon. We have an airship to catch.” he winked at Sunset, the little filly catching on fast.

“Let’s go Mommy!” she called out and waved.

“So adorable~” the clerk cooed as the two mares just blushed and glared and spluttered.

“This day is turning out great,” Bahamut smirked as he led the fillies towards the ship.

Bahamut frowned as Cadenza skipped along beside him. “Well, at least that airship didn’t burn down,” she smirked. “First time for everything right?”

“One. Time.” Bahamut snarled. “You blow up one airship and no-one lets you forget it!”

“Wanna go back and blow it up?” Sunset asked, a small hint of hope in her voice.

“No blowing up the airships,” Luna scolded the filly.

“Aww, Bahamut got to,” Sunset frowned. “So not fair.”

“Thems the breaks kiddo,” Cadenza hummed and then turned her attention back to Bahamut. “So, should we celebrate your first airship that didn’t end in fireworks?”

“Fuck you Cadenza!” Bahamut retorted.

“Maybe when you’re older,” the mare smiled back, only half serious. That gave Bahamut pause for about a half-second before he decided he shouldn’t dwell on it. He just continued to walk down the trail that led from the airship field to Ponyville.

The trail passed by a large apple farm. Seriously, the thing was freaking huge. And… oh, there was that beast of a stallion that he met the last time he was here. What was his name again…?

Well the stallion seemed to recognise him and trotted closer. “Well howdy there,” he looked at Cadence and Luna and smiled politely. “Ladies.”

The two just stood there, blushing slightly and their mouths open. Holy crap! This stallion was… Gorgeous

“Hello Mister!” Twilight waved at him and smiled. “I’m Twilight Sparkle!”

“Well, howdy there Miss Twilight, the stallion tipped his hat. “I’m Big Red Apple, but y’all can just call me Red.”

“I know what you can do, and it’ll be in a place that rhymes with ‘Red’.” Cadenza panted slightly. She wondered if he was ‘Big’ in more than just name?

“Right, ignoring them,” Bahamut sighed. “We figured we’d come by for a visit. Still peaceful around here?”

“It’s been pretty quiet,” Red nodded. “The wife has gotten ansty, I reckon she likes a little excitement every now and then.”

At the mention of wife, Luna sighed and gave up. Cadenza merely saw a small hurdle. What, she could watch... or wait her turn~

“With what we’ve dealt with lately, quiet is good,” Bahamut nodded. “So, are the Rainbow’s still around?”

“Eeyup, little Dash raises all sorts of Tartarus now,” he chuckled. “Along with Fluttershy and my little AJ. The three are doing all sorts of crazy things to try and get their cutie marks. Well, to try and get Dashie’s anyway.”

“Sounds fun,” Bahamut replied. Honestly, what sort of trouble could three little fillies cause?

“I’m sure you’ll find out,” Red said and tipped his hat again. “Ladies.”

“Sexy~” Cadenza purred and licked her lips. But the stallion either didn’t notice or ignored him completely as he walked off towards a large homestead.

“Was he talking about that friend of yours?” Twilight asked Bahamut as they resumed their trek towards Ponyville.

“Rainbow Dash,” Bahamut nodded. “Yeah, she’s pretty wild. Seems she’s only getting worse too.”

“Seriously, two hot stallions in this town and they’re both married!” Cadenza pouted. “This so isn’t fair.”

“Honestly?” Bahamut said and turned around. “Can’t you keep it in your—” The rest of his words were cut off as he ate dirt. A small cyan missile smashed into him at insane speeds.

“Baha’s back!!” Rainbow Dash cheered from her landing pad, aka; Bahamut’s back. “Sweet! How ya been?”

“Dash…” Bahamut’s muffled voice came from the dirt. “Do you like your legs attached?” Rainbow yelped and jumped off as the dragon picked himself up and dusted his scales off. “Okay, so since when could you fly?”

“Since a few days ago,” she nodded proudly and puffed her chest out. “Come on. You can tell me how awesome I am.”

“Oh yes, so amazingly awesome Rainbow Crash,” he smirked and pointed at the trench she made him dig with his face.

“So my landings could use just a little work,” Rainbow shrugged, then noticed the three other fillies. “So, who’s the bookworm brigade?”

Hehe, Bahamut would have to remember that one. “The three founding members of the Egghead Empire. Twilight Sparkle. Moondancer and Sunset Shimmer.”

“If it wouldn’t hurt Twilight, I would so set you on fire,” Sunset growled at the nicknames.

“I’m thinking I could take one for the team,” Twilight said, rolling her neck until it cracked. Rainbow’s tackle had stung a bit.

“See what I have to deal with?” Moondancer sighed. “Hello, I’m Moondancer.”

“Rainbow Dash!” the pegasus filly proudly stated. “Bahamut here totally saved me a while back. Healed up my leg so I could walk again-Hey!?”

Moondancer had moved around her and was staring at the faint scar that his healing had left behind. “Bahamut? You did this?”

“Yeah,” the dragon nodded. Moondancer smiled and her horn glowed, the scar fading slightly.

“There, that’s about all I can do,” she smiled.

“Oh, cool!” Rainbow smiled. “Though, now I just look tough and awesome. Well, awesomer than I already was.”

“Awesomer is not a word,” Twilight’s eye twitched.

“It totally is, you just aren’t awesome enough to know it,” Rainbow nodded and yelped when Cadenza picked her up and snuggled her. “Aw dang it, you’re here too?”

“If it means seeing my little Dashie and Flutters, I shall traverse Tartarus itself,” Cadenza cooed and nuzzled her.

“Greeaaat,” Rainbow sighed. “You know, Flutters should be waiting by the big tree near the center of town…” She found herself dropped as the pegasus mare skipped off to find her adorable little filly.

“Wow, sacrificing Fluttershy like that. Harsh.” Bahamut snorted as he helped Rainbow up.

“Yeah well… I’m not the hugging type okay,” she suddenly had the sinking feeling she shouldn’t have said that. The second Bahamut set her down, three more fillies attacked, hugging the stuffing out of the protesting Rainbow.

Bahamut used the cute and sappy moment to bail on them. Luna blinked as she watched him escape. She went to follow him, but realised she would wind up leaving the fillies alone.

Damn you Bahamut!!

Wow, Ponyville was a lot smaller than he thought. And the bakery was easy enough to find. It was a massive building shaped like a gingerbread house.

Turns out that it was not edible. Well, he was certain that those teeth marks would come out. Like all the rest. Eventually.

He pushed the door open and stepped inside, only to be greeted by a rather chipper young mare with a pink mane and tail.

“Hello there! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! I’m Sweet Cup, can I help you with anything?”

“Um, yes,” Bahamut nodded. “I’m looking for a cake actually. Maybe two? For some… friends for Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Ahh~” Cup smiled and nodded. “A special day indeed. I think we have something you’d like.”

A gruff-looking stallion ambled out from the back room. “Cup? What are you… ah!” He saw Bahamut and nodded. It was a small town and word had gotten around about young Dash. “Well there, if it ain’t Mr. Hero. What can we do for ya?”

“He wants a cake for his Special Somepony~” Cup smiled and giggled.

“Well, don’t give him some off the shelf stuff, have Carrot Cake whip up something fresh,” the stallion said. “Unless Velvet’s here…”

“No, I think she went home,” Cup replied. “Something about not feeling well.”

“Again…” the stallion sighed and shook his head. “Alright, I think I might take off myself. Make sure you and Carrot behave yourselves.”

“Yes Mr Shortcake,” Cup nodded as the stallion bid the two goodbye.

“So…” Bahamut watched him go. “What’s up there?”

“Well,” Cup sighed as she moved behind the counter to find the catalogue of cakes they could make. “His wife, Velvet Cake, is really sick. Apparently it’s something she’s had since she was born, but it’s been getting worse recently. Sometimes she can’t even leave the house.” She gasped and looked at Bahamut. “You fixed Rainbow Dash. Maybe you could help Mrs. Velvet too?”

“Sounds like it’s a genetic thing, but Moondancer and I could take a look I suppose.” He wasn’t going to make promises. While Magic was powerful, it wasn’t all powerful.

Some things… just couldn’t be fixed.

“Well, here’s what we can make for you,” she said, pushing the catalogue forward. Bahamut looked over it and eventually pointed at one.

“Think you could do this one? With the Princesses cutie marks on top?” Bahamut asked, earning himself a confused expression from the mare.

“Well we could, but why the Princesses?” she asked.

“Cause that’s who this is for,” Bahamut said. “So yes, Celestia and Luna will be tasting this cake. But, no pressure right?”

Cup blinked slowly before turning towards the kitchen. “CARROT! We’re baking all goddamn night!!”

Bahamut whistled to himself and turned on his heels. That was a lot of fun~

Now to see if this hick town had an alchemist…

As it turns out, the town did have an alchemist. She had a shop right in the middle of the market and everything.

It was a nice wooden building set inside a tree. A small sign that had said something in a language that Bahamut could read hung over the door. Bahamut just loved the fact that it was a literal treehouse.

He knocked on the door and it swung open, revealing a darkened room that smelled of incense and tea. “Uh, hello?” he asked as he took a step inside and shuddered. There were some seriously powerful wards here. It was like the building itself had it’s own Barrier.

“A monster that graces my door… no, wait. You are something… more.” The mature, yet feminine tone echoed around him as a mare stepped out of the shadows. It was a zebra, Bahamut wondering how he even knew that, given that he’d never seen one before.

“You seem confused Dovahkin, you’re quieter than the drop of a pin.”

Okay, that rhyming was both neat and a little annoying.

“My name is Bahamut,” he finally said. That crushing pressure seemed to alleviate as the mare got closer. “You are…?”

“I am known to most as Zecora, master of Everfree’s fauna and flora.”

Once she stepped into the light… well, Bahamut had to admit she was kind of pretty. But that was a pretty impressive scar she bore over her left eye. “Well then Zecora. I take it you're the towns alchemist?”

“I thought at least that much was known. So, why have you come to see this old crone?”

“Old, you look pretty enough to me,” Bahamut said. “And, I’ve come for a potion actually. For… a small surprise for a friend.”

“I have many a range of poisons and brews… all will bring death to an enemy of you.”

“Whoawhoahoa,” Bahamut raised his claws. “I don’t wanna kill her. I just want to play a prank is all.”

“Ah, for my assumptions I am sorry, most come seeking for toxins to deal with their quarry.” Zecora blushed slightly with embarrassment. “So tell me what you like to do, I am sure I could make an adequate brew.”

Well now that was the question wasn’t it? He could have her visiting the ‘throne room’ every few minutes. That was a classic, but maybe a little predictable. He needed something… more.

He snapped his fingers and grinned madly. “A sudden thought that could make her holler. Think you have something that would change her colour?”

“Ah, I could arrange that quite so, I take it that you’d like it to go?”

“Wait, a better idea,” Bahamut chuckled darkly. “She has a sister, one that once earned my ire. Let’s include her in on this. Maybe something like…” he leaned in and whispered into the zebra’s ear.

Zecora chuckled and nodded. “Come back to see me in an hour. I will have your potion of power.”

“Most excellent,” Bahamut drummed his claws together. “You know Miss Zecora, I think this is the start of a most wonderful friendship.”

This day was going well. He’d secured both the cake and the prank. All that was left was to get some cards for his fillies, and he might as well get one for Dash and Fluttershy as well. He was here so he could knock off two birds with one stone.

Then a thought occurred. He’d traveled all the way here for an alchemist.

He had one on bloody call the whole time!

“Shoulda called Auric, though, he didn’t look like the potion-brewing type.” Bahamut sighed and looked around. Now, where could he get a card, maybe some flowers from?

He knew Twilight liked roses… had no idea what Sunny and Moondancer liked though. Maybe he could just ask about what was usually purchased for the day?

He found a flower shop only a few doors down. Ponyville might have been small, but it seemed to have everything he needed.

“I'm so retiring here,” the dragon sighed wistfully. “Well, whenever that is.” He imagined training those three would keep him occupied for quite a while.

He approached the stand, only to be greeted by a mare with fiery red hair and a piercing gaze.

“Well now,” she said and looked him over. “I’ve never had a dragon customer before.”

“I’ve been getting that a lot lately,” Bahamut replied with a polite nod. “Though I’m a little out of my element here. I’m hoping that you could help.”

“Of course,” the mare nodded as Bahamut spied a little filly hiding behind her leg. She had a creamy coloured coat and a two-tone red mane and tail.

“Ah, Roseluck,” the mare exclaimed, almost tripping over her. “Look out, Mommy’s trying to work.”

The filly took one look at the dragon and bolted for the nearby house.

“She’s cute,” Bahamut chuckled as the mare put together five assorted bouquets.

“She is,” the flower mare nodded. “A bit timid though. Just like her sisters really. They’ll make a mountain out of any anthill.”

“Sounds like Celestia,” Bahamut muttered to himself. “Well, foals know how to make your life interesting, that’s for sure.”

“That they do,” she smiled back. “You talk like you have some yourself.”

“Three actually,” Bahamut said. ‘And two mares who act like foals’.

“Well, as one parent to another, I wish you well.” She placed the bouquets aside for Bahamut to pick up before he left.

“You as well,” Bahamut nodded, before some movement out of the corner of his peripheral vision caught his attention. Some Town Guard were running towards Sweet Apple Acres, and they were all armed.

“Looks like trouble,” the mare sighed. “That’s the place closest to the Everfree, so we get a lot of monster attacks there.”

Bahamut nodded and started following them. Because if he knew his students and the lunar Princess… Then they’d probably be headed there as well.

Rainbow Dash watched the Guard running for the Acres and she frowned. Stupid monsters, why couldn’t they just leave the town alone?

Well then, she could fly now! So she’d just go and teach them a lesson! Fluttershy was busy with Angel and Applejack was regaling Cadenza with every apple fact she knew.

The poor pegasus looked bored out of her mind.

While they were all distracted, Rainbow slipped out of the room. Time to go and be awesome!

It hadn’t taken the filly long to reach the farm. And what she saw was enough to give her pause. There were… oh gross, what the heck were those things?

They looked like ponies… sort of. Their skin hung from their bones like tattered rags and some even had their rotted organs visible under their decayed flesh. Behind the mob was something even bigger. It was crazy tall, with glowing red eyes and wisps of green hair coming from its bony face. It arms ended in long fingers with yellowed claw-like nails and large tentacles protruded from its back and wrapped around its chest.

Worst of all… the Town Guard looked terrified. The very ground itself seemed to rot away as the horde pressed forward, and one of the guards that had attacked had paid the ultimate price, and now joined the ranks of the undead.

“Wha… what is that!?” Rainbow gasped, while a pony would not have been able to hear her… the Fiend did, its crimson gaze turning skyward and it smiled… The little ones always tasted so sweet~

Bahamut continued his trek to the farm, wondering what manner of creatures might have shown up when he paused as the stench of death pervaded his senses. It was so overpowering it made him retch.

Then a scream filled his ears, one that turned his blood to ice. He knew that scream.


The dragon ran. He ran as fast as he could and prayed to whatever deity was listening that he wasn’t too late.