• Published 6th Feb 2016
  • 11,111 Views, 459 Comments

The Dragon King of Equestria - Ausbrony

In a world filled with monsters and cities hiding behind magical barriers, a powerful entity awakes from a thousand year slumber. And the first thing he does? Give three little fillies unfathomable magical power!

  • ...

Chapter Three

Bahamut scratched his head, wondering where in the heck those three fillies and one filly-minded teenager had gotten to. Twilight wasn’t in her room when he woke up, and they hadn’t been at the breakfast hall.

Seriously, how the hell did Cadence eat like that and still have the figure of a goddess? That wasn’t natural.

The trio of bookworm unicorns weren't in any of their rooms, as that was where he’d usually find them when they weren’t studying.

Their activity of choice?

Reading books.

Bahamut was fairly certain by this point that they’d read every book in Equestria. Or at the very least, every book in the castle. It had only been a few months, yet they were learning fast. He scratched his head again as he wandered down a hallway.

“Just where the bloody hell are they?” he asked aloud. “Come on, I should at least be able to hear Cadenza swearing up a storm by now.”

Cadence brushed a lock of hair from her eyes. This exercise had been wonderful, yet she felt s though her partners were… lacking.

“You know,” she looked at one of the stallions that had tried to mug her in the alley she was in. “You could have at least tried… but you’re unconscious and can’t hear me.” She looked down the decimated street, a half-dozen other stallions all in similar positions and similar states of unconsciousness. She gave a lazy twirl of her spear and set it against her shoulder. “Tch! Useless.”

She turned and headed for the donut shop to meet the others. These idiots had made her late.

“Are you sure Bahamut didn’t want to come?” Twilight asked Moondancer.

“Well, I just couldn’t wake him up,” she replied. “And we couldn’t wait around all day. We’ll bring him a box back to apologise.”

“Well, if you say so,” Twilight said.

“Lighten up Sparkle,” Sunset sipped her coffee and sighed. Ever since Luna introduced the filly to the stuff, life was infinitely better. “We girls need some time to ourselves as well.”

“I guess,” Twilight shrugged. She still felt bad about not inviting him. He was… her friend after all. Almost like a big brother. And then she figured he’d just use one of his stupid nicknames and she started pouting. “Stupid dragon.”

The doors to Joe’s Donuts swung open as Cadence strode in, her large spear slung over her shoulder as she looked around.

“Oi!” Joe called out. “No weapons inside. Leave it at the door miss!”

“Aww, and if I refuse?” Cadence cooed and narrowed her eyes.

“Then you can take that pink butt of yours and wait outside,” Joe replied with a curt nod.

“Cadence!” Sunset called out. “Just leave the damned thing at the door and get over here!”

Cadence shrugged and propped her spear up against the wall before walking over to them. “And you little miss—” she pointed at Sunset. “—shouldn’t swear at your age.”

“Says the pot to the kettle,” Twilight muttered under her breath. Cadenza turned to her, a slight twitch on her muzzle.

“Oh, what was that Twiley~?”

“Uh, I said… we should get milkshakes and let these donuts settle,” she said before getting up a little too quickly and heading for the counter to place her order.

Moondancer giggled as Cadenza shrugged again. “Alright, so somepony tell me that they saved me the pink ones with sprinkles! If anypony ate ‘em, they get to be my next training partner.”

Sunset and Moondancer pushed a plate of the described donuts forward.

“Aw, I have you trained so well~” Cadenza smiled and lifted one up to eat it.

Twilight was returning to the table, before she yelped loudly and pitched forward, spilling the four cups on the floor. Moondancer was the first to rush to her side, almost slipping on the milky puddle as she checked over Twilight.

“What happened? Are you alright?”

The unicorn didn’t respond, but Moondancer could see a large lump already forming on the back of her head, “What in Equestria…?”

A pegasus stallion paced up and down the quiet airship docks. He bit down on his cigar and frowned. Where were those idiots?


He turned as two earth ponies approached. One was tall and the lanky, the other, more heavyset one wearing guard armour and had a burlap sack slung over his shoulder. “We gots it! That little monster that lives in the palace!”

“About feckin’ time,” he muttered. “Do you have any idea how much we can sell that thing for?” A pet owned by the Princesses, he could retire with the amount of bits he’d get for this thing.

“Well, we’s couldn’t nab it while it was in the castle now could we?” the other pony said. “Dat’d be stupid!”

“Whatever, just get it on the ship and we can get outta here,” the pegasus grumbled. “We’ve already invested enough time and money to get it.”

“Yes boss,” they grumbled. The armoured one sighed and looked at his buddy. “See Wedge, I told you he’d be cool.”

“Whatever,” Wedge replied and sighed. “I just hopes we gets paid for this one Biggs. I really do’s.”

Bahamut noticed two things when he awoke. One, his head hurt like bloody hell.

And two, wherever he was, it was noisy and rattling about. The ground itself seemed to be rumbling with a constant vibration. He groaned and opened his eyes, trying to see around the dimly lit area.

‘The hell…?’ This… this wasn’t the open streets of Canterlot. Where in the hell was he?

His claw moved to his face, only to find some sort of iron muzzle around him. He couldn’t open his mouth at all.

“Aw, the lil’ monster’s awake!” a voice said and he looked around to see two earth ponies playing cards on a table nearby. He also noticed he was inside some sort of cage.

“Good thing we put that muzzle on ‘im,” the fat one laughed. Bahamut recognised him. He was a guard that started at the castle a few weeks ago. Ahh, this was starting to make sense.

“Yeah, Boss’d be pretty mad if ‘is ship burned down,” the skinny pony laughed. The room started getting brighter and he sighed. “Ah, that’s better. Who opened the… wind...oh?” He saw that Bahamut was grinning through his muzzle, as a ball of flame was forming in his hand. “Oh shi—”

“I’m already countin’ that sweet, hard cash,” Boss chuckled as he rested on the wheel of his airship. It suddenly pitched violently and the stallion stumbled, cursing as his jaw smacked the wooden wheel.

“What in blazes was that!?” he yelled and turned his head. His coat paled.

The dragon was free.

And it was burning his ship!

His muzzle had been removed, Bahamut having used Thunder magic to incapacitate the idiot guards and take the key. Now he was free and he was going to burn things! The muzzle had been pointless, as he couldn’t even breathe fire anyway. Did they mistake him for an Equestrian dragon?

It was still degrading and Bahamut believed that setting all of the pegasus’s stuff on fire was a valid response.

Ohh, that painting looked expensive~

“FIRE!” It exploded in flames and Bahamut cackled madly.

“Y-You… you little…!” the pegasus quivered in rage. Forget the reward, Boss was going to make himself a dragonskin belt. He flew at Bahamut, his hoof connecting with the dragon’s face and sending him spiralling across the deck.

“I’m going to eviscerate you!” Boss screamed as he drew his curved cutlass.

“You say that now,” Bahamut said as he got up and rubbed his cheek. “But all I hear is, ‘Please Mr. Bahamut. Test my resilience to a few lightning bolts’.” The drake flexed his claws and smiled. “Why certainly, I’d be glad to~ THUNDER!” He thrust an arm outwards as a lance of lightning arced across the deck, the pegasi’s sword acting as a big old lightning rod.

The winged pony yelped as the shock hit him, mentally thanking himself for a peagsi’s natural resistance to the element.

“Well, that didn’t work,” Bahamut sighed and drew one foot up as he clasped his hands together in a pitching pose. “Bottom of the ninth, all the bases are loaded. Time to strike him out!” the dragon said, and he was pretty certain he’d screwed that reference up. “FIRE!”

Boss ducked as the fireball whizzed past his head… and into the cabin with the steering…

The room exploded as Bahamut smirked. “Aww, you’re running out of airship~” he cooed. “Stand still so I can burn you.”

This… this was not worth it. The pegasus sheathed his sword and took to the sky. “I don’t see any wings on you. Good luck getting back to Canterlot!” he said and flew off. Bahamut raised a hand and clicked his fingers, another bolt of lightning striking the pegasus and he squawked loudly.

The ship pitched again and started a rather steep angle in the downwards direction as one of the engines exploded. Bahamut narrowed his eyes and started casting.

“This… this is going to hurt…”

When Twilight Sparkle woke up, she somehow felt worse than before. It had felt like somepony kicked her in the head, but now her entire body ached. It was like when her bookfort collapsed on top of her, only times a hundred.

“Twilight?” she looked to her left to see Moondancer casting some White healing magic on her. “Are you okay now?”

“Urgh… define ‘okay’,” she moaned and put a hoof to her head. “Where am I?”

“Back in the castle,” Moon explained. “You suddenly fell over in the donut shop, so Cadence rushed you straight back to the castle for help. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her fly so fast before.”

Okay, thank Cadence later.

Then a thought occurred, if she was in this much pain… “Where’s… Bahamut?”

“Nopony knows,” Moondancer said. “We can’t find him, but Princess Celestia is looking now that she’s finished her duties.”

Twilight gasped and looked at the window, it was already nightfall!?

What was happening?”

Bahamut lay on the grass, the burning wreckage of the airship a few dozen meters away. Combining Float, Protect and Shell had been what’d saved him from most likely being killed in all that, what he would give to have Mighty Guard… or just a pair of bloody wings!

His stomach rumbled and he groaned. He hadn’t eaten all day and his prospects weren’t looking good either. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and looked around. In the distance, he could see the distinct bubble of a Barrier. So, there was a town nearby?

“Problem is that I’m not a pony,” he sighed. “This is probably going to suck.” But hey, he could just set things on fire again if things went south. He got to his feet and looked at the airship. Then he caught sight of something crawling out of it and he smiled.

‘My day is looking better already~’

“There is no doubt, whatever ails dear Twilight, Bahamut is at it’s source,” Luna said as she looked at the sleeping filly. “We must find a way to separate them, if only to protect her…”

“Your Highness!” a guard walked into the room and saluted. “Princess Celestia has some information for you. She waits in the throne room.”

Luna nodded and turned back to Twilight. “Keep her well Moondancer. We shall see about retrieving this troublesome dragon.” Moondancer nodded and went back to healing Twilight again as Luna left the room.

In the throne room, Celestia waited along with Cadenza until Luna finally joined them,

“‘Bout fucking time you got here!” Cadenza snapped at the mare. “Seriously, you could just use that phallic object on your head and teleport?”

“A good plan, let’s test it by teleporting you to the center of the planet,” Luna spat back as the mares butted heads, glaring into each other’s eyes.

“If you two are quite done?” Celestia sighed. “We have some information regarding Bahamut. Namely where he might be.” She pointed to a table with several sheets of paper spread out across them. “One, some of my guards reported one of their own missing. He has now been found tied up in his home, and his hooflocker in the barracks has several empty vials of polymorph potion.”

“So somepony in your guard was replaced?” Luna made a note to give a thorough check on all her guards later.

“Two, an unregistered airship left the docks around noon,” Celestia tapped another sheet. “We still cannot find out to whom it belonged however.”

“And Bahamut is missing,” Luna tapped her chin. “You don’t suppose, he was foalnapped do you? Or, I guess dragonnapped in his case.”

“That’s the idea we’re going with right now,” Celestia nodded. “And if he has… you are aware of the market for rare monster parts yes?”

“If somepony tries to do that, then young Twilight will…” Luna turned slightly green under her coat. To feel yourself being slowly dissected…

“I’m going!” Cadenza said as she turned around. “Just tell me where that bloody airship went. Nopony fucks with my cute little fillies!!”

“Well, that’s the thing,” Celestia said and motioned to the last of the reports. “It sort of… caught fire and crashed. In the middle of the Everfree Forest.”

“You-You’re kidding? Right?” Cadenza’s expression fell and took a more neutral tone. “The Everfree, why the fuck did it have to be the Everfree. That little dragon is pretty much dead already. Provided he survived the crash.”

“Twilight still breathes, so he is alive,” Luna nodded. “But if that is the truth, then time is no longer on our side. We must make haste.”

“There’s a small village near the forest, Ponyville I believe,” Celestia said as she stared at a map. “Cadenza, how long until you can leave?”

The alicorn turned to see that she was no longer in the room. An open window and a curtain flapping in the night air showed where she had gone.

“Luna, see if you can wake Twilight.” Celestia turned and summoned a few guards with a flash of her horn. “We may need the power of those three fillies sooner than we thought.”

Life had been… interesting for Mi Amore Cadenza. Abandoned by her parents after obtaining her Cutie Mark, one her parents could see no use or material gain from, she was tossed out onto the streets of Canterlot and left to die. And she might have too, but she learned, she adapted, and in just a few short weeks, she knew how to lie, steal… survive.

And then that changed. When Princess Sol Celestia took her in. What she saw was a lovely young filly that had been dealt a bad hoof. She led a life in which Celestia could make a difference.

What Cadenza saw, was a mare just trying to show off. Aww, look at the little poor pegasus I took in. Look at how benevolent I am! Aren’t I just a pretty little princess.

‘Well, fuck that,’ Cadenza thought and proceeded to make life a living hell for Celestia and Luna. Let’s see them love a filly that would turn their lives inside out, and their castle~

It took a few months, but Cadenza saw that she'd finally grated Celestia’s last nerve. ‘Here it comes’, Cadence thought at the time. ‘She’ll throw me away and show she’s just as bad as everypony else.’

She tossed her out alright, Celestia sent her to a temple high atop a mountain in the Pegasopolian region. There, a group of monks had lived for centuries, maybe more. They practiced peace, tranquility and living a balanced life. Worldy possessions, base desires. None of those mattered to them. Well, some of the younger ones showed they had a lot to learn in snuffing those out~

And it pissed Cadenza off. What, Celestia thought she could be sent here and become a good little girl? One that would follow orders like a little pet!?

“Fuck. THAT!” Cadenza roared as she dropped through the treeline, landing a few dozen feet away from the airship wreckage. She snorted and shook her head to clear it. That was why she hated flying at night, made her dwell too much.

“Alright Bahamut, where the hell are you?” she muttered as she looked around. Nothing but trashed airship, burning trees and… oohh~ Treasure~

She pocketed the little bits of jewelry she found and hummed happily. Now, back to the matter at hoof…

Speaking of, there were hoof prints, and they were leading away from the airship, towards that town in the distance. But she noticed a distinct lack of dragon tracks. Luna had said he was still alive… so, was he being carried?

“Out of the frying pan, into the fire huh?” She turned to head towards the town, but stopped when the trees shook and something growled.

“And so, like a moth to the flame,” she chuckled. The trees burst and a giant insect-like monster appeared, buzzing and staring at Cadenza hungrily.

“I didn’t fuckin’ mean it literally!!” she yelled and drew her spear. “Alright, here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna die, I’m walking away and I’m finding that pain in the ass dragon. In that order.” She brought her spear to bear, just as the bug snared a log with its tail and flung it at her. She vaulted over it, using the log itself to leap high into the air.

‘Jump!’ She twirled her spear and aimed down, rushing towards the ground and the bug below her at tremendous speeds. The Granaldo moved backwards, only receiving a glancing blow from the spear, but it was enough to tear a large gash open in its tail.

“Aww, did widdle buggy get a booboo?” she taunted. “Come on then, I’ll only hurt a moment more!”

The beast roared and extended its large, scythe-like claws. Cadenza smirked and opened her mouth, taking a large amount of air so her cheeks looked all puffy.

‘Dragon Breath’ She exhaled as a blast of white flames washed over the monster. It buzzed in pain, it’s thin wings forming holes and it crashed to the ground. Cadence wobbled for a second, before grabbing her spear and leaping again, it’s tip finding purchase in the insect's head. Cadenza struck so hard, her spear burst through the other side and became embedded in the ground below.

The monster gave a few dying twitches and lay still. Cadenza sighed and pulled her spear out, twirling it around and flicking the gore from it.

“Haaah, not even a warm up,’ she sighed. “Honestly, you would have thought a beastie your size would know how to play… oh well~” She tucked her spear under her wing and started walking towards town, whistling a small tune as she did.

“You know,” Bahamut said as he rode on the back of one of the stallions he’d pulled from the airship wreckage. “You two morons must have the luck of the gods themselves. Surviving that, then surviving me? I mean, I’m being rather benevolent here I know. Well, speak up.” Bahamut raised a claw as he summoned some flames.

“Yes Master Bahamut SIR!” Biggs and Wedge replied.

“That’s better,” he nodded. “Oh look, we’re here. Now you two shut up and let me do the talking.”

They approached the gates and Bahamut felt the tingle of the Barrier. Hmm, so once he was outside of one, he could still pass through it? Interesting.

“Halt!” Two stallions approached, wearing the garb of a local militia. “Who goes there?!”

“Just an envoy and his Royal Guard escort,” Bahamut said as he hopped off of Biggs. “We were enroute to Canterlot when an airborne monster attacked our airship and we crashed in the forest there.”

“The Everfree…” one of the guards looked at the other. “You survived? Nopony has gone into that place and lived.”

‘Knowing these inbred hicks, they never even tried looking for survivors,’ Bahamut thought to himself. “Well, if you gents could let us in. Some food and water would be appreciated. And a messenger to Canterlot.”

“What do you think?” one asked his friend. “Could be brigands.”

“One’s wearing armour, and they all look like hell,” the other said. “Sides, there’s just three of ‘em.” He turned to Bahamut and nodded. “Alright, but we’ll be keeping an eye on you. Ponyville’s a peaceful place and we’d like to keep it that way.”

“As you wish, dragon’s honour.” Bahamut crossed his heart. He had no intention of setting anything else on fire… yet. The gate opened and they were ushered inside, the heavy wooden doors closing behind them.

The village itself looked rather quiet and peaceful. There was a large building in the center of town, the spire coming from the roof was what the Barrier generator was built into. Some places had the Barrier built into a structure like that, to protect it further.

One town had had their just out in the open, and when a monster got inside and damaged it… well, it didn't take long for more to swarm the town and completely raze it to the ground.

“Alright, if you follow us, we’ll take you three to the inn for rest,” one guard said. He had a cobalt blue coat and a rather striking rainbow coloured mane and tail. His partner was a beast of an earth pony. A copper-red coat and a sun-bleached mane and tail, he probably could have looked Celestia in the eye.

“The name’s Rainbow Blaze,” the pegasus said as they walked. “And this here is my buddy, Big Red Apple.”

“Howdy,” the massive stallion nodded.

“And this is Ponyville, one of the best farming towns you’re likely to come across,” Blaze continued. “I still can’t believe you survived a crash in the Everfree though.”

“I’m tougher than I look,” Bahamut nodded and motioned to his ‘guard’ “And these ones are just lucky, ain’t that right boys!”

“Sir yes SIR!” they said in unison. Aww, they were so well trained.

“Yer all lucky,” Red rumbled as they headed towards a building with a sight that read ‘Inn,’ along with a little white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt.

Wow… subtle.

“Kickin’ Clouds Inn,” Rainbow Blaze said proudly. “My cute little wife owns and runs this place you know.”

“Never would have guessed,” Bahamut said dryly as Blaze opened the door for them.

“I’ll go and get the messenger,” Red said and walked off. Huh, not much for words with that one huh? Bahamut ambled inside, Biggs and Wedge soon following. The ground floor looked more like a bar than an inn. Multiple chairs and tables, along with a long bar that housed an assortment of liquors behind it.

Biggs and Wedge licked their lips at that sight. They could really use a drink after a day like today.

From behind the counter, a rather attractive pegasus mare approached. Her coat was a pale pink and her mane and tail a gentle sky blue. Bahamut noticed Biggs and Wedge stand at attention as their eyes were glued to the mare. He snorted and rolled his eyes.

“Hello Miss,” Bahamut said and bowed. “Sorry to intrude upon you so late.”

“Nonsense, and please, call me Firefly,” she smiled at them. “Welcome to our humble inn, what brings you here?”

“They had an accident with an airship,” Blaze said as he moved around them and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Think we could put them up in a room?”

“Not a problem,” Firefly smiled. “And I’ll fix a hot meal for you as well. Does that sound alright?”

“MA’AM YES MA’AM!” Bigg and Wedge saluted, their faces flushed red.

“Ignoring them, that would be nice,” Bahamut said with a smile. “Just no flowers in my food. Stomach can’t handle them.” And they tasted awful.

“Of course,” Firefly nodded and headed back around the bar, towards the kitchen.

“Told ya she was cute huh?” Blaze chuckled as the other stallions nodded. Bahamut just shrugged, he could at least admit she was a pretty mare. And that was when he was tackled by a small blue blur.

After tumbling a few times, he groaned and looked up. “Twilight! I thought I…” Oh yeah, Twilight wouldn’t be here. But there was a filly about her age perched on him.

“Name’s not Twilight,” she said in scratchy voice. “I’m Rainbow Dash! And I’m gonna be the best flyer in all of Equestria someday!”

“Your kid I take it?” Bahamut looked at Blaze, before looking back to the diminutive gender-swapped version of him.

“Sure is,” Rainbow Blaze said and lifted Dash off of Bahamut. “And what have we told you about tackling guests sweetie.”

“That if they’re weak, they need to train more?”

“...The other thing.” Blaze deadpanned.

“Ohh, not to tackle the guests?” Dash guessed and Blaze nodded.

“That’s the one,” Baze smiled and ruffled her mane. “Now, go and help your Mom while I show them the room.”

“Urgh, fiiiiine,” she grumbled and limped across the floor. Bahamut noticed a scar that ran down her back leg.

“Noticed that huh?” Blaze sighed as he led the trio upstairs. “She got attacked by an Everfree monster a few years ago. She survived of course, but her leg hasn’t worked right since.”

“But, can’t youse jus’ use magic to heal it?” Wedge asked.

“Healing magic of that sort is expensive,” Blaze sighed again. “More than this inn makes in a year. We’ve been saving up for a while now, but… we’re nowhere near close.”

“You don’t say,” Bahamut said. Cure… might work. If only he had access to Level Two or Three magic. Curaga would heal her up in seconds.

Whatever, she was just some filly out in the sticks right? Bahamut frowned, that thought alone twisted his gut and made him wince.

“Bloody Twilight’s making me soft,” he muttered and turned around, wandering off. “Be back in a bit.”

“Huh, but that bathroom’s that way…” Blaze said as the three stallions watched him leave.

In the kitchens, Firefly hummed small tune as she stirred a large pot, Rainbow Dash stood on a stepstool and poured some diced vegetables into said pot.

So when Firefly turned and saw Bahamut in the doorway, well, she certainly wasn’t going to admit she screamed in surprise.

Bahamut’s ringing ears said otherwise.

“Quite the set of lungs you have there,” he said, rubbing the holes where his ears here. “Mind if I borrow your kid there for a second?”

“Me?” Rainbow looked at her Mom, the older mare looking just as confused. “What for?”

Rainbow Blaze had rushed downstairs after hearing the scream, just in time to see Bahamut lead Dash out into the bar area.

“Alright kid,” he picked her up and put her on a table. “Lay down and show me your leg there.”

“Uh?” Dash hated ponies staring at her scar. They always had this look of... pity on their face. She hated that look. Fluttershy was the only one that didn’t do it.

“Come on,” Bahamut said and looked at the leg. She noticed he didn’t have the look either. In fact, he just looked curious.

“Hmm, oh I see now,” he said. “This ligament is damaged, and the injury wasn’t stitched properly, hence why the scar is so prominent.” He raised his claws and Rainbow Dash flinched, memories of the attack coming back.

“Don’t like the claws huh?” He pondered for a second and looked at Firefly. “Do you have any oven mitts?”

The mare slowly nodded and returned to the kitchen, fetching the requested item.

“May I ask what you’re doing to my daughter?” Rainbow Blaze said, his wings flared widely.

“Relax, I’m going to try and help her,” Bahamut said as he took the mitts from Firefly and slipped them over his claws. “There we go, that better kiddo?” Now that she couldn’t see them, he just looked like a goofy lizard with fluffy, colourful hooves. She giggled and nodded her head.

“That’s good,” he said and ruffled her mane. “Now, I want you to look at your Mom and Dad okay. This is an old injury, so healing it might hurt a bit. Okay, it might hurt a lot. But, can you be a big filly for me?”

“Heal?” Firefly asked. “But—”

“I need to concentrate, so please shush and hold your daughter’s hooves, okay? I can’t have her thrashing around while I do this.” Blaze and Firefly each took a hoof as Bahamut took a deep breath. He raised his hands again as a soft green light started to emanate from the mitts, encompassing Rainbow’s leg.

Nothing seemed to happen at first, but the pegasus filly soon started to squirm and whimper as the spell took effect. To set the wound right, the healing would have to come undone first, the wound reopening as her muscles and bone were shifted to what they were supposed to be.

Dash was screaming now, Firefly whispering sweet words to her and stroking her mane as Blaze glared at the dragon, vowing that if this didn’t work, he’d throw him back into the Everfree personally.

It seemed like hours, minutes… who knows. But the glow eventually started to fade as sweat poured from the filly’s brow, an action that Bahamut mimicked as his magic reserves neared depletion.

“A bit more…” he growled to himself. “Come on! I need more!!”

A city away, Twilight Sparkle lay restlessly in her bed, clutching a glowing Garnet. She closed her eyes and held the Jewel to her chest. “Help her Bahamut,’ she whispered and prayed into the Jewel...

Bahamut felt his magic surge and if he hadn’t been concentrating so hard, he’d have smirked at the release of his Level Two magics. Light spilled forth with renewed vigor, and soon faded altogether as the dragon fell back, panting heavily.

“Rainbow, sweetie?” Firefly stroked her daughter’s mane, her face matted with dried tears. “Please honey, speak to us?”

“Uhhnn…” Rainbow opened her eyes and looked at her parents. “That… didn’t hurt.”

“Atta girl,” Blaze gave a choked chuckle and rubbed her ears. He looked at her leg and gasped. “Oh…”

“Huh? What? Is my leg busted!?” Rainbow twisted her head to look and gasped. “No waaaay,” she whispered.

The deep scar that had run the length of her leg was gone. Only a faint whisper of it was left behind, a thin line through her cyan fur was the only reminded that it had ever been there. “It’s gone…”

“Do you, feel alright?” Firefly asked as Rainbow slowly got up.

“Dunno, help me down?” she asked and her dad nodded, slowly lifting her up and placing her on the floor. She wobbled a bit, her legs numb and tingling. But after a few moments, she raised her once-scarred hoof and tapped it on the ground. “It… doesn’t hurt anymore,” she whispered and took a few steps. There was still a limp, but getting used to a fixed leg would take a little time.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore!” she giggled and broke out into a run around the room. Getting used to it? Apparently nopony told Rainbow Dash that.

“I-Incredible,” Blaze laughed, happy tears streaming down his face.

“Rainbow Dash! Stop running before you hurt yourself,” Firefly chased after her.

“Rainbow Dash is invincible!” the fille cheered.

Bahamut groaned and sat up, that… had take a lot out of him. He was gonna sleep well tonight, that’s for sure.

And that was when Rainbow tackled him for the second time, the giggling filly hugging him tightly. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” she cheered.

“Yeah, well… whatever,” Bahamut blushed slightly and tried pushing her off. “Anyone got a crowbar? I think she’s stuck.”

“I don’t…I don’t think we could ever thank you enough,” Firefly wiped her eyes. “Truly, thank you so very much.”

“Forget it,” Bahamut said and flicked Rainbow’s nose, making her sneeze and release him. “It was a good way to test my limits. Means to an end is all.”

“You helped my daughter, and we never even asked,” Blaze said. “Please, name your reward, anything at all. We don’t have much money, but you’re welcome to every bit we—”

“I don’t want your money,” Bahamut said as he felt his new power fade. Somehow, he knew that Twilight had helped him there. “But we have none of our own. So if you don’t mind us using some beds and food…”

“Everything for your stay is covered,” Blaze agreed with a firm nod. “We’d never dare charge you for what you’ve done for us, Noble Dragon.”

Okay, so that might have fed his ego just a bit. The dragon smiled and puffed out his chest, before Firefly and Rainbow Blaze hugged him as well.

“Gah! What is it with you ponies and hugging?’ he yelled, getting embraced despite the protest. “Come on, this is making me look uncool.”

“Totally,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Hugging is for sissies and—” She was cut off as Firefly nuzzled her again. “Mooooom!”

Bahamut sniffed the air. “Hey… dinner?”

Firefly ‘eeped’ and flew into the kitchen, the sound of her trying to save dinner could be heard.

“Yo, Biggs,” Wedge nudged his buddy. “Was youse expectin’ dat?”

“Nope,” Biggs replied. “I was expecting him to cut her leg off or sumthin’.”

“Your faith in your new boss is outstanding,” Bahamut had apparently heard them and they flinched. “While I don’t mind smacking dunderheads like you two around, little ponies are another story.”

He watched Rainbow run around like a mad pony, giggling and laughing. “Oh wait!” she stopped and beamed. “I gotta go tell Flutters!!”

“It’s dark out,” Blaze said and shook his head. “You can see her tomorrow.”

“Aww, but—”

“Rainbow Darling Dash!” Blaze said sternly and Bahamut could literally see the repulsion to that name come off of her. “You will stay here tonight and I’ll take you to Fluttershy’s in the morning.”

“Urrgghh! Fiiiiiiiiine!” she grumbled and then her eyes widened. “Oh, can the dragon come with me as well? Flutter’s’ll love him.”

“This dragon is an important envoy to the Castle,” Blaze started, before realising that he didn’t even know the name of his daughter’s healer.

“My name is Bahamut,” he said as he climbed back up to the table. “And you’re dad’s right kid. I just healed you, so settle down in case all my hard work comes undone.”

Rainbow dropped to the ground like lead and sat there, though her wings and tail twitched up a storm.

“Doesn’t like being still huh?” Bahamut raised an eyebrow.

“You have no idea,” Blaze sighed as Firefly emerged from the kitchen. A hearty vegetable stew with some hotdogs made of tofu and a round of ciders for everyone.

Well, Dash got a mug of warm milk.

Bahamut had to admit, the dogs almost tasted like real meat, it was delicious.

“Beautiful, cooks like a pro and puts up with me?” Blaze chuckled and chugged back his cider. “She the perfect wife or what?”

“Cheers to that!” Biggs and Wedge nodded, chugging back their own ciders.

Bahamut.. had never had a cider before. He stared at the mug and then shrugged, gulping it down. Mmm, appley~

Moondancer sighed softly as she finished attending to the last of Twilight’s injuries. “There we go, feel better Twilight?” she asked.

Twilight turned, her face flushed red and she giggled. “You’re… shhoo nicchhe, MoonieMoonmoon~”

“Uh… Twilight?” Moondancer blinked. Had she messed up the spells? “Are you, feeling okay?”

“And sshhoo pretty~” Twilight giggled and tumbled sideways, hugging Moondancer.


Bahamut shrugged, he wasn’t really feeling anything at all. Maybe dragons were immune to alcohol. If so… sweet!

He was about to take another bite of his food when the inn’s door flew open, letting in the chill of the night air.

“What in blazes?” Rainbow Blaze turned to see a slightly dishevelled pegasus mare. She was midnight blue armour and had a long spear that was coated in dried blood. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around the room and saw the dragon sitting there, eating his soup.

“Where. The fuck! Have you been!?” she roared, stepping closer to him. Blaze jumped up and put himself between them.

“Look Miss, we don’t want any trouble here…”

“Oh fuck off! I have been wandering around a fucking monster-infested forest all fucking night, looking for that scaley little prick over there!!”

“Nice to see you too candyflanks,” Bahamut gave a nonchalant wave. “Sit down and have a drink with me.”

“You’re goddamn right I’m gonna have a fucking drink after all that!” she yelled, tossing her spear as it embedded itself in the floor a few inches from Wedge. He yelped and scooted back as Cadenza pulled up a chair and took the closest mug of ale, chugging it back like it was water.

“Pwah!! That’s more like it!” she sighed and then looked to her left and spied a young Rainbow Dash staring up at her. “Huh? Ooohhh, cra- uh, heya kiddo?”

“She’s. So. AWESOME!!” Rainbow Dash said to her dad. “Also, what does ‘fuck’ mean?”

“Ookay, time for little fillies to go to bed,” he said hastily and shot Cadenza a dirty look as he carried a protesting Rainbow Dash upstairs.

“Eloquent as always,” Bahamut shook his head and finished his soup. “Still, wasn’t expecting you Cady. You actually came looking for me?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Cadenza said in a more reserved tone. “Twilight’s been going through hell since you left. Or did you forget about that little ‘Soul-Bond’ you two have?”

“Nope,” Bahamut said. He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “You can thank those two there for roughing me up.”

“Is. That. So?” Cadenza stood up and pulled her spear out of the floor. “I’ve killed so many monsters tonight. What’s two more~”

“Please don’t kill them, I still have a use for them,” Bahamut said.

“Fine,” Cadenza sighed and the two stallion breathed a sigh of relief. The smile on the mare’s face turned dark. “It’s amazing what you can live through after all~” For monks that practiced peace and all that bullshit. They also knew how to break ponies in the most delightful ways…

Biggs and Wedge held each other, praying to every deity they knew that she’d be merciful.

Bahamut wasn’t listening.

That night, the screams that came from the inn would earn them a reputation for being haunted…

The next day, Bahamut buried himself under the blankets, the pounding in his head felt like wardrums beating his demise. He hadn’t even gotten drunk last night, so why in the gods did her have a hangover?

One made infinitely worse as his curtains were flung open, and Celestia’s infernal sun threatened to burn out his brain.

“Come one, come on!” Rainbow Dash bounced on his bed. “We’re gonna go see my pff now. get your scaley butt outta… bed…?” Rainbow pulled back the sheets as she came face-to-face with Bahamut.

And his bloodshot glare that threatened life and limb.

“I’ll… just put this back,” she said and placed the blanket slowly over him, before walking stiffly from the room.

‘It’s too early for this shit…’ he heard Cadenza groan from the other bed. Wait, Cadence was in the room as well? When did that happen?

“Mmm~” she rolled over and he heard her walking towards his bed. “Up and at ‘em lover dragon~” she purred and pulled back the sheets.


She gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked from the room, a rather tempting sway in her hips.

“I need water,” he groaned and stumbled out of bed. Gods, he couldn’t even walk straight now. he almost fell down the damned stairs on his way to the bar.

Firefly was already up and wiping some glasses. “Oh, good morning Bahamut,” she smiled and winked at him. “I take it you had fun as well last night~?”


“I must admit, you were so bold~” she giggled and blushed.


Cadenza soon arrived as well, and stared at the broken dragon. He just stood there like a statue, his scales had paled significantly. Cadenza laughed at the sight and bumped hooves with Firefly.

“Hah! Told you it’d work,” she grinned.

“Mm, but I do feel a little bad, especially since he helped my little Dashie,” Firefly said.

“Ah, don’t worry. He’s usually an insufferable asshole, so it all balances out in the end.” Cadenza chuckled and looked at Bahamut. “And that’ll teach you to drink so much,” she laughed.

“I’m gonna set your ass on fire,” he muttered as he reached for the sink to pour some water. “Goddamn mares…”

“Aww, widdle Bahamut is all embarrassed,” Cadenza laughed again. “Maybe when you grow up a little more, we’ll put some truth to my teasing~”

Firefly blushed more and Bahamut was done. He was so done.

“Walk,” he muttered and downed his water before walking out of the door. Sunlight and loud noises be damned, he take them over the perverted pegasus any day.

Upstairs, two stallions lay in bed, more bandages wrapped around them than a mummified pony.

“I feel as though we have made some poor life choices,” Biggs said to his partner.

“Mrffpphh,” the bandaged up Wedge agreed.

“I think we need to prioritise our career choices,” Biggs said again.

“Mrfflle!” Wedge mumbled.

“But…” Biggs paused. “That pegasus mare was pretty hot right?”

“...Mmph,” Wedger nodded his head. Cadenza’s hooves felt so nice, even when they were breaking his legs.