• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 11,904 Views, 1,300 Comments

The Last Descendant - Cup of Coffee

After traveling into the Bermuda Triangle following a vision, Magnus ends up in a place filled with fairytale creatures and a secret concerning his lineage.

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Chapter 63

Hefting his backpack over his shoulder, Magnus stepped off the train just as steam from the train's cylinders was released, barely covering his towering form as he stepped onto the platform. The crowd waiting to board instantly caught his attention, just as his form caught theirs.

Their stares caught him by surprise, but by now, he had become acclimatized to it. Staying in smaller towns in Equestria had acted like a strange form of training to him, leading him to quickly ignore their curious stares.

Still, the foals staring in awe and wonderment always made his heart melt a little.

Turning around, Magnus helped Brilliant off the steps and down onto the platform. “Thank you.” She smiled, turning to the right to go pick up the luggage from the luggage car, two ponies had already unloaded them so all she had to do was use her magic to levitate them and they floated after her like balloons on a string.

It seemed to Magnus as if Brilliant surprised him every day with a new trick when it concerned her skill with magic. He had already deduced that the old mare possessed considerable skill and experience, likely much more than he knew. Seeing as her special talent was with old magic and the ability to read and understand ancient scrolls of magic, he wasn’t surprised.

‘Come to think of it, I’ve probably not seen anything yet. Skill comes with age and training, and Brilliant is pretty old. I’ve probably barely scratched the surface of her abilities,’ he thought to himself as he and Brilliant began their trek towards the castle.

However, getting to the castle from the train station would be a challenge. Not to Magnus, no, but Brilliant was used to traveling into town with her wagon. Walking a kilometre and half or so would be a strain on her ancient legs.

“Aren’t there something like a taxi or wagon or something around here?” he asked, turning to Brilliant. “I wouldn’t want you to tire yourself out walking to the castle.”

“The wagon pullers usually wait just around this corner; at least they used to the last time I visited Canterlot,” Brilliant stated as she led the way towards an official-looking building a bit further away.

True to her word, around the corner was a small food stand serving what looked like the pony version of human fast food, though to his eyes it all seemed like vegetarian. Cooked carrots in a hot dog bun, celery sticks in little cups, tiny little cookies, soda, and what looked like round patties of… something, drizzled with condiments between hamburger buns and stacked with salad, cucumber, tomatoes and much more.

Like many fast food places back home, the food stand hosted a number of small carriages, each drawn by a pony wearing a yellow vest and same coloured hats with a black and white checkered line, looking suspiciously like a typical New York cab. The colour theme was even on the carriages themselves!

Shaking his head, Magnus pondered once again—and he had pondered much on the same subject—how closely connected Equus and Earth actually were, considering the worlds could have so much in common. As before, no answer was given, neither from his head nor from any deity-like entity.

Brilliant hailed the first pony in the line and spoke to him on where she wanted to go, and within moments the earth pony had loaded up Brilliant’s luggage as well as Magnus’ backpack. While Magnus helped Brilliant climb on, Magnus gave the wagon a critical look. While it seemed sturdy enough to hold up to four ponies, he wasn’t quite sure it could hold him, and he wasn’t sure of the pony’s ability to haul Magnus too. But as the earth pony didn’t say anything, simply waiting for Magnus to climb on, he assumed the wagon puller knew his stuff.

After Magnus settled in quite comfortably, the earth pony puller wiggled himself into his harness with almost no effort at all and, with a slight yank, began pulling the wagon with absolutely no problem at all.

Settling back, Magnus was still amazed at how strong such a small pony actually was. Taking a closer look at the pony, Magnus noticed his taxi wagon cutie mark and deduced that this pony’s specialty was either building wagons or pulling them. Either way, the stallion knew what he was doing as he effortlessly traversed the streets of Canterlot, keeping his distance to ponies, foals, other wagons, and whatever came in his way.

The sun had begun its descent, the train ride having taken up a majority of the day. Fall had come to Canterlot too, Magnus noticed. What trees he saw had lost almost all their leaves; flowers around nearby houses, in flower pots, and planters had died, and the city seemed a bit more muted, even with all the colourful ponies roaming the streets of the city.

There was also a cold nip in the air, something to be expected high up on a mountain and a fact Magnus was accustomed to. Living so close to the Rocky Mountains his entire life had taught him a few things concerning weather and temperatures near mountains and in high altitude.

That train of thought reminded him of an order of clothes he had ordered the last time he was in Canterlot. From Creative Stitch, he was told of an elderly mare that owned a small store. She made and sold all manner of essential warm winter clothing. While there, he had ordered a pair of mittens, as well as a simple hat and scarf. Although his bag of bits had been quite a bit lighter when leaving, he knew he couldn’t go through winter without them.

Passing through the streets of Canterlot in their cart, Magnus and Brilliant drew curious looks, as expected. Magnus noted that some of the looks directed their way went towards Brilliant instead of him. Some ponies, mostly middle-aged and elderly, though not as old as Brilliant, greeted her as they passed by with smiles, a friendly hello, and even a ‘long time no see’.

“Old friends.” Brilliant smiled and waved to an elderly stallion, then leaning over to Magnus. “Some of these ponies were my students when I was a teacher at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and some I have known for longer.”

Magnus nodded, having been told by Brilliant that she once lived in Canterlot and was a teacher here. “How long did you teach?”

“Oh, many years,” she said, letting her answer draw out a bit. “Twenty years? Or was it twenty five? The years pass by so quickly.”

“That they do. What subjects did you teach?” He doubted that a mare as knowledgeable as her only taught a single subject.

“Magical history and advanced spellcasting for the first four years. Later, I also taught Pony Latin, Incantation, and Magic Concentration to help young unicorns focus better.” She turned to Magnus then and spoke in a warning manner. “Never interrupt a unicorn that is trying to cast a spell and concentrating hard. If you do and they turn their heads to you and accidentally release their spell, you better dodge or hope that the spell is harmless.”

While his knowledge concerning magic was quite literally in its infancy, Magnus could imagine a few scenarios. After all, he had almost lit Applejack on fire a few weeks back.

“I get the distinct feeling that you have first-hand experience with that. I have to ask, were you the one with the spell or the one interrupting?” he asked with a grin.

Brilliant pursed her lips tightly, though it did little to hide her smile or stop her withers from shaking as she tried to keep from laughing. “Neither; I was the one supervising. Let’s just say that there is one mare in Canterlot who knows what it’s like to be a cat,” Brilliant explained mirthfully.

While Magnus did his best to withhold his laughter, he was equally surprised to hear that transformation spells were a thing. That made him wonder—what would the process feel like, to become something else. Was it only a physical change, or was it mental too? And what limits existed to such a spell? Could one be turned into something that should not exist or was there a specific set of rules that had to be followed?

Those were questions for another time, as they finally came to the castle gates.

The cab-pony stopped without question before the gates and a guard approached him. It only took the guard a single look at the passengers to let them pass.

“I wonder who they recognized; you or me?” asked Magnus, taking their easy passing with a bit of humour.

“Oh, probably me. Celestia usually plans these things ahead, you see.” Brilliant chuckled as their cart entered the castle courtyard and parked a short walk from the gates where two ponies in butler outfits waited for them.

Magnus stepped off first and then helped Brilliant down the two short steps onto the paved stone ground. “Thank you,” she said, her old joints creaking as she gently stepped onto solid ground. “I’ve known her for a while, so I know Celestia has a habit of preparing. Whether it is a small gathering or the Grand Galloping Gala, she plans ahead. No doubt, one of the butlers already has the bits ready to pay for the ride.”

Magnus looked to the side and found a moustached butler handing—or hoofing—the cab-pony a few shiny bits as payment while the other took care of their luggage, the young earth pony stallion easily and gently hefting them onto his back.

“Baroness Brilliant Star, Mister Powell, welcome. I am Proper Etiquette, senior butler of Canterlot Castle,” the mustachioed unicorn approached Brilliant with a courteous incline of his head and a very polite demeanour. “Her Highness Princess Celestia informed us that you would pay her a visit one of these days, and that you would return, Mister Powell,” he said as he looked at Magnus. “Please, allow me to show you to your rooms. Your luggage will be carried there shortly.”

Magnus and Brilliant followed the butler through the wide open gates into the castle and arrived in the great entry hall. The huge double doors to the throne room were closed, with four guards guarding it: two in front of it and two by its sides. Two rows of benches had been placed at either side of the hall against the walls; seated on them were a large group of ponies and non-equines. Evident by their demeanour and dress, the assembled seemed to come from each level of society, from the working class to the highest echelons of nobility. The latter was clearly evident in their fine clothes and jewellery, and by the way they seemed to keep to themselves, nearly all of them seated closest to the doors to the throne room.

“Is there something special happening in court today?” Magnus asked, bending down to ask Proper.

“Not at all, this is a daily event, namely audience hours. For exactly one hour and thirty minutes each day, Princess Celestia holds court exclusively to grant an audience to her subjects, to hear what troubles them, solve disputes, and provide advice and help to any that asks,” Proper explained calmly, glancing at a nearby table where refreshments was sat out for the patiently waiting crowd.

Magnus considered Proper’s explanation for a moment, trying to think back to history lessons and what he had once read about monarchies around the world, and not even once could he remember reading about something similar happening on Earth in monarchies. As far as he knew, he doubted that something like this happened daily to Prime Ministers and Presidents back home either. If this was a thing happening in the US for example, the current number of the president would be much higher, and the entire Secret Service would be in a constant neurotic fit.

Proper led them through numerous hallways and up one set of stairs towards the VIP section of the castle. Magnus quickly recognized his surroundings.

“Will I get the same room as before?” he asked Proper.

“Of course, your belongings are still there and have not been moved.” The stallion stopped in front of the door opposite Magnus' room before addressing Brilliant. “Baroness Star, your room is just across the hall. Due to your difficulty walking, Her Highness saw fit to assign a wheelchair to ease your way around the castle.”

He opened up the door to Brilliant’s room and it looked like a mirrored copy of Magnus’ room, except for a pony-sized wheelchair in the centre of the room.

“Oh, that was nice of her.” Brilliant walked up to the chair and got comfortable. Then, with a small application of magic, she pushed the chair along with her own magic. “Oh yes, this is perfect. Faust knows all these hallways can be hard on the hooves after a while. Thank you, Proper.”

The butler smiled and bowed his head lightly. “My pleasure, Baroness. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“No, I think I will rest for a while now and unpack,” she replied.

A nap sounded perfect, Magnus thought to himself. Although he had gotten his sleep schedule turned around to nearly normal, he still wasn’t back to perfectly normal just yet.

“Very well, milady. If there is anything you require, the castle staff is always available to help,” Proper replied before closing the door.

“Think I’ll rest before dinner too; I’m not quite back to daytime just yet,” said Magnus as he turned around and opened up the door to his own room.

“Of course,” Proper said with a nod. “ While you were visiting Hollow Shades, you received mail. You will find it on the writing desk in your room.”

“Mail?” Magnus scratched his chin, wondering who sent him mail. Could it be some late mail from back in the days before his reveal? He had received more than a few letters back then, a few hundreds at least. Although he had read them all, only a few stood out enough for him to remember them.

Magnus thanked Proper and went to his room, finding his backpack was already sitting next to his bed in the bedroom. The sheets had been changed and the rooms had been cleaned. All the photos he had got from Ponyville were just where he'd left them, evident that the maids had kept the room in order.

Returning to the main room, he went over to the writing desk where two letters had been left. Both were addressed to him. “Magnus Powell, Canterlot Castle, Canterlot. Easiest address in the world,” He chuckled and opened the first one. The letters were in cursive and easy to make out, but Magnus was sure it wasn’t from Twilight; he had seen her ‘hornwriting’ and this didn’t seem to be written by magic or Spike’s claws.

Hi, the coolest pony in Equestria here! Rainbow Dash, in case you forgot.

‘Ah, it’s mouthwriting,’ Magnus thought to himself.

So, what’ve you been up to? We said we could send each other letters, right? Yeah, I’m not much of a writer, but I figured I could send you one this soon. It’s only been, what, a week or two since you left?

I haven’t been doing much, other than practicing my flying and testing out a few new rad moves. Remember I told you that I’m a reservist with the Wonderbolts? I don’t wanna be a reservist forever, so I have to practice a lot so I can become a Wonderbolt full time! Being a Wonderbolt is all about skill and style, and you can never have enough of both, except if you’re me. Then all you need is just a little more style!

Anyway, Twilight told us you’re going to Hollow Shades, and that you’re related to somepony there. Why didn’t you tell us?

“Because you didn’t need to know,” Magnus said out loud. The girls in Ponyville didn’t need to know everything about him and what he did.

Kinda bummed out that you kept a secret like that from us, but we’re all happy that you have somepony here, even if it’s somepony you’ve never met before. Pretty sure they’re an okay pony, even if they’re a bat pony. We had bat ponies at Flight School when I was a filly, but they always trained at night so we only saw them a few times. Honestly, they looked cool as thunder with the eyes, the fangs and the wings. I heard that bat ponies aren’t fast fliers because of the wings, so I’m not THAT envious of them. Give me speed any day!

Anyway, I have to go now. We’re gonna see Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle off at the train station. Applejack is heading to Appleoosa to compete in the rodeo and the fillies are coming with her to cheer her on. Apparently, her cousin Braeburn hurt himself and Applejack’s agreed to take his place. Applejacks good, she’s gonna wipe the floor with them rodeo wannabees.

Write to you soon,

Rainbow Dash

Magnus smiled as he folded the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope. Rainbow had kept her promise to write, and she didn’t fill it with talk about the weather and idle talk. Small news, titbits of current events, and what else they were doing in Ponyville. It also felt a bit weird to receive a letter that wasn’t a bill, used to text messages and email as he was.

Picking up the next envelope and opening it, Magnus began reading.

Hey! Rainbow Dash again! You’re in the newspaper! Guess the manticore’s outta the bag now, huh?

Also, not cool you beating up ponies like that.

Yeah, we heard. Twilight sent several letters to Princess Celestia the day the newspapers printed the story, asking if you were okay. Twilight read us the letter the princess sent back later the same day, saying you attacked ponies after some of them fell on you and hurt you.

Accidents happen, alright, but I think you overreacted. The girls and Spike think the same. I don't know yet what kinda punishment Princess Celestia is gonna give you, but if I’m gonna be honest, I think you kinda deserve it. At least, this way you can make up for it somehow. Just try to be cool in the future, okay? Just chillax a little, use your head before you use those hooves and hands you have. You want to fit in, right?

Magnus grumbled, but had to admit that Rainbow was right. He overreacted; he had admitted that a long time ago. Whatever his reputation was before in pony society, it had certainly taken a hit since Hollow Shades. Question was, had his chances of finding a job taken a nosedive?

I have to ask, how did it go in Hollow Shades? I’ve never been there and I don’t think the others have been there before, but we’re all curious how it went. Also, I heard that Hollow Shades is a weird town where all the ponies are awake at night. That must’ve been rough on you.

I guess things went okay though, since you stayed for so long and Twilight’s castle map table thingy didn’t warn us. Rarity is also over clouds; she’s been gushing on and on about you and that old unicorn you’ve been visiting, saying you’re some kind of a noble somehow and whatever. I don’t know; while she talked, I kinda zoned out.

Magnus chuckled to himself. He had noticed while in Ponyville that Rarity was a bit dramatic at times, and her thinking Magnus was a noble and from another world did sound like some dramatic theatre play with poor reviews.

Also, what table map thingy did Rainbow mean?

Anyway, you’re probably back in Canterlot when you read this. I’m sure we’ll catch up soon. Write back whenever you can. Don’t leave me and the girls hanging, okay?

Rainbow Dash

Folding the letter and stuffing it back into the envelope, Magnus yawned and stretched his arms. He should write back to Rainbow; he had promised they should write to each other after all. However, that could wait until later or tomorrow even. Right now a nap sounded like just the thing. An hour or so should do the trick.

Wandering to his bedroom, Magnus plopped down on the bed. Everything had been left just as it was when he left for Hollow Shades. Staring at the pictures of his friends back on Earth, as well as the picture of his grandfather and his parents, Magnus laid down and sighed.

“Pretty sure you guys would’ve liked to visit this place,” he said before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well hi there!

1 year and 22 days since last update. It was about time, yeah? Well, you all know by now that I have real-life things going on, and that The Last Descendant has taken a backseat to this. Still doesn't mean that I've given up on this story, only that chapters take a bit longer to come out. I certainly don't mean for the next chapter to come out in 2025 though!

As usual JBL is the editor and I can't thank him enough for his wonderful work so far.


Comments ( 12 )

HE'S ALIVEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also taught Pony Latin

Does this mean there is Griffon Latin, Minotaur Latin, Diamond Dog Latin? Because if not any or all of those, I just have more questions.

It liiiiiiiiiiiivvvveeeeeesssss!!!

I never thought of that.... Well damn, now I have to find ancient dead languages for the other races.

Diamond Dogs I might expect some ancient Lunarian to signify wolves and the moon dialect as you might consider them to be more wolf like in the past?
I've seen Griffon in many a story treated as as ties to the Scottish or Irish so you could probably sneak in some ancient Gaelic for them. With Minotaurs, I wonder if something with Greek ties might fit?

I haven't given the DD much thought yet, but I have some plans for the Griffons. I've planned for their culture to be somewhat mixed, as their kingdom were once several smaller kingdoms, and have a diverse culture. Two of these I think for now will be medieval Scandinavian and Polish, but this might be subject to change. As for their language, Gaelic might be a good idea, one I have to read up on.

For the minotaurs, seeing as their mythology is based on actual Minoan civilization mythology, Greek influenced culture have to be a major part of them.

I feel I have made a grave mistake. After binging this story over the past couple of days, I am appalled that I waited so long to read it. Easily one of the most captivating stories on this site.

Thank you very much for your compliments :yay:. I try my very best to keep my story up to a certain standards, even though I am my own worst critique. Looking back, the worst thing I've done is that many chapters and events could've been a lot shorter, hell, I've even received messages from people complaining about them. This is the reason that many recent chapters are a lot shorter. Still, short chapters I think should still be good.

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