• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 11,904 Views, 1,300 Comments

The Last Descendant - Cup of Coffee

After traveling into the Bermuda Triangle following a vision, Magnus ends up in a place filled with fairytale creatures and a secret concerning his lineage.

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Chapter 12 - Education (Edited by JBL 01.25.2017)

After Princess Luna left, I was left alone for perhaps ten minutes, though they felt like hours. My eyes were fixated upon the door, silently pleading for a unicorn to come to my room and channel their magic into me, ending the flood of agony that had washed over me when Luna had departed. Luckily, my prayers were answered.

A unicorn mare, one of the nurses, came to my room and explained that Luna had sent her. She would adopt Luna’s role of channelling magic to me while the princess worked on finding another solution. Introducing herself as Calm Sleep, she possessed a light amber coat and a teal mane. When she turned to close the door, I saw that her tail was the same colour as her mane, and her cutie mark was the representation of a hospital bed. Noticing the direction of my gaze, she lightly explained that her special talent was sleep spells, which were especially useful during surgery. As a result, she possessed a large reservoir of magic. It didn’t take long before I felt her magic coursing through me.

As the pain slowly ebbed from my body, I thanked her, my words sincere. She seemed a bit surprised at my gratitude, though she accepted it gracefully. As Calm continued her treatment, she began telling me of an incident that occurred a few weeks ago when some kind of centaur monster had stolen all the magic in Equestria, and how it felt when her magic had been returned to her. Apparently, the centaur had been defeated by none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. They were something called the Elements of Harmony and were national heroes, by the way the Calm described them.

Hearing about this made me consider just about how powerful the diminutive princess was. The centaur, Tirek, sounded like a badass villain, who was so powerful that Celestia and Luna couldn’t handle him. Somehow, Princess Twilight managed to kick his ass and sent him to a place called Tartarus— some kind of underground prison, from the way I understood it.

It allowed me to feel a bit more optimistic, though. If Twilight had succeeded where Celestia and Luna could not, then the chances of me returning home had increased.

I ended up speaking with Calm Sleep a lot as she worked. She was initially rather wary of me and preferred to keep her distance, choosing to sit on a cushion that was a bit away from the bed. I could relate; after all, I was also cautious around them. She revealed that Princess Celestia had informed the entire staff of my presence, how I was a guest and intended no harm. Most of the castle staff had accepted her word on the matter, aside from being rather curious, as would be expected.

As our conversation continued, Calm seemed to gradually lower her guard. I asked her about her job and how long she had been a nurse. It turned out that she had started out in a town called Ponyville several years earlier, where she worked at Ponyville General Hospital. As she waxed on about her colleagues and the town in general, I could hear the wistfulness in her voice. In turn, she displayed a great interest about how hospitals and medical care on Earth worked. I answered as best as I could since I had spent more time in hospitals than the average person did. She asked what type of medical equipment we had, and in turn, I found out the extent of their development in that field. They had x-ray machines, of course, but no MRI or CT scanners. Instead, ponies relied on spells and a variety of magical machinery that could convey a substantial amount of information about a patient based on the magical patterns within the body, such as one’s blood flow, nervous system, and several other things that I knew nothing of. Technology wasn’t needed that much because magic had proven to be a reliable alternative.

It all seemed so easy in this world. Where technology would be an obvious choice on Earth, ponies here had magic to help them. It dawned on me that magic was their technology. Where we had airplanes, they had pegasi and their magic. Where we invented various technological devices, they had unicorns. As for what what earth ponies presented… I didn’t know.

I couldn’t deny it—magic had definitely begun to interest me, more than I could understand. Was it perhaps something about the… unicorn blood in my veins and my heritage, or was it just human curiosity? It was hard to tell. The dream I had about grandfather’s cabin and Star Swirl was still bugging me, though I knew it was only in my mind. Still, he had mentioned many things that were true. I hadn’t paid much attention at school because I had daydreamed about magic and wizards. I had always chosen a magic-based character, as a kid playing with friends and with video games. With that in mind, perhaps it really did have something to do with me being a hybrid. At the moment, I didn’t know.

As time passed, Calm Sleep and I continued our verbal exchange. I answered what I did for a living and about Earth in general, and in return, she spoke of the city that was outside the castle walls: Canterlot, capital of Equestria and the seat of the Crowns of Equestria. Crowns as in plural. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight ruled as equals, Calm explained. It was strange to think of a monarchy like that, but if it worked, it worked. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Later on, she cleaned my wounds and replaced the old bandages with fresh new ones. My arm and head were in splendid shape, the wounds healing nicely and didn’t pain. Two or three more days in here and I could lose the bandage. Some of my reservations concerning their medical practices vanished when I saw how Calm worked: meticulous, gentle, and with the efficiency of a professional. The lack of hands was no problem; she worked with her magic and hooves combined. Calm also removed the IV in my arm, seeing that I was awake and could drink for myself.

I did get some food later on, the servings much like the meal I had before I drank the potion. The potion had really done a number on me, as I wolfed down the food like I hadn’t eaten in days. That in turn brought up another situation.

I had to use the restroom.

Calm’s magic had rendered me able to move my arms and legs with some difficulty, but not strong enough that I could walk. I made it clear to the nurse that I didn’t want to use a bedpan, seeing as they would be too small for me. Luckily, she found bedpans meant for larger beings, specifically minotaurs. They had a few of them in Canterlot working in their nation’s embassy. I silently swore that I would do everything in my power to use the restroom next time. The ponies might have magic, but the bedpan was still cold steel, and no less demeaning than when I had had to use them back on Earth. The clean up afterwards was even worse.

Luna held true to her word concerning reading material. A maid on the night shift entered the room later on, juggling several books expertly on her back. I skimmed through the titles, still amazed that I could read their strange letters. The books certainly belonged in the educational category.

The History of Equestria; Ponykind: An Illustrated Guide; Flora and Fauna of Equestria; The Tourist’s Guide to Equestria. Yep, it certainly seemed like Luna wanted me to learn a few things. I didn’t expect anything along this line of learning, but that was what I got for asking for something educational. Nevertheless, they would certainly help me fight off boredom. One of the books was about magic. ‘The Young Unicorns Guide to Magic: Your First Spell’ was the title, which seemed like a book for kids, what with the bright pastel colours and the glittery stars decorating the covers. Deciding to save it for later, I began reading the tourist guide first since I fell in that category, in a way. The fact that the book wasn’t too thick also helped me decide. It was similar to a typical tourist brochure: highlighting cities, tourist spots, historical sites, and also contained a map of Equestria.

What got me were the names of the cities: Manehattan, Vanhoover, Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, and so on. Their similarity to places on Earth was downright freaky. Instead of trying to justify the reason behind the resemblance, I gave up so that I could save it for a more appropriate headache later.

I skimmed through the book in maybe two hours or so and then began reading about ponykind. I felt bad about doing so while Calm Sleep was channelling her magic, and apologized to her for it. Calm waved off my concern with the explanation that she had brought her own book, saying that the night shift was often slow and that the nurses would often find themselves with some free time. The book she was reading was some type of romantic novel by the look of it. I read the title and saw the cover of the book—a stallion holding a mare in his forelegs and kissing her. The name of the book? Gone With the Tornado.

The similarities…

I was currently going through the book that detailed the differences between the ponies’ subspecies and their abilities. There was the cloud-walking and weather manipulation that pegasi could perform, the immense strength, stamina, and natural connection to the land that earth ponies possessed, and of course the magical abilities of unicorns. Zebras were also mentioned. Being an ancient offshoot of earth ponies, zebras had the strength and stamina of earth ponies. Their connection to the earth was a bit different, but the book never went into detail. There was also something written about ‘bat ponies’. Formally known as nocturnals, a distant cousin of pegasi, they could also control the weather and walk on clouds, but were mostly active in the night. They were described as having bat-like wings, slitted eyes, tufts of fur on the tip of their ears, and their manes and coats usually consisted of subdued colours. Another pony race mentioned was the crystal ponies, described as having shimmering manes and coats. Nothing was written about their racial abilities, only that they had no wings or horns.

Then there were the alicorns. According to the book, there were only four of them. Princess Celestia, Ruler of the Day and Lady of the Sun; Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night and Lady of the Moon; Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the ruler of the Crystal Empire and the Princess of Love, whatever that meant. I wondered what her talent could really be, considering she was the Princess of Love. Maybe a marriage counsellor? Then there was Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.

I could understand the need for princesses to control the sun and moon, that much was certain. If not for them, there would be chaos. However, princesses for love and friendship? It was the stupidest thing I had heard. Why? Because those were two things people could figure out for themselves. To me, it sounded like babysitting an entire nation.

Anyway, back to the alicorns. The book never went into detail about what they were capable of. It only explained that they had all of the abilities of the three main pony races and that they were extremely powerful.

What I had just read was the only the introduction to the book. Each pony race had chapters dedicated to them, and I was halfway through the first chapter when there was a knock on my door.

The door opened and Celestia walked in, her smile as radiant as the heavenly body she controlled. “Good morning, Magnus.”

“Morning?” I inclined my head as well as a bedridden man could, then looked over to the window, spotting the first rays of sunlight outside. “Oh. Good morning, Princess. I didn’t realize it was so early. I’ve been preoccupied.” I held up the book so she could see the cover.

“It’s quite alright.” Celestia noticed Calm Sleep on the floor. She had previously been reading, but had thrown the book aside and bowed deeply to the princess. “Good morning, Calm Sleep. Please rise.” The nurse rose from the floor, yet seemed to stand in awe before Celestia. When in the presence of a pony princess who was thousands of years old and was basically a deity, I suppose it was warranted.

“It’s good to see you have found something to occupy your time with.” Celestia looked over the small pile of books on the nightstand, skimming through the titles. “I spoke with Luna this morning, and she told me of your reaction to magic in your current state of health.”

I knew instantly what she was referring to. After all, it was the same reason Calm Sleep had remained in the room for hours now. “Yeah, I didn’t notice earlier. It feels good, you know?”

“Indeed.” Celestia turned to the nurse. “You can head home now, Calm Sleep. I thank you for the aid you have rendered to Magnus during these long hours.”

Calm ducked her head as Celestia spoke, and when the princess was finished, she looked up at her. “Your Highness, it is my duty to help, no matter who they are. No thanks are necessary,” Calm stated, sounding proud of her work. As far as I was concerned, she had reason to be. Calm had turned what could have been a painful night into a pleasant experience.

“Still, I am grateful. You will discover that when you receive your next salary.” Celestia shot her a knowing smile.

“Princess, I… I mean, thank you so much,” the stuttering unicorn uttered and bowed again.

“No need for that, Calm Sleep. Please, go home and rest now.”

She bowed again and headed for the door.

“Bye Calm! And thank you again,” I called out before she reached the door. “I can’t even think of what to do to repay you for your help.”

Opening the door, Calm stopped for a second, a slight smile on her face. “It was my pleasure. Goodbye, Magnus. Just focus on getting better and you’ll be up and about again in no time.” With that, Calm Sleep stepped outside and closed the door.

“She’s nice.” I looked away from the door and set my eyes on the princess. “I have no idea how many hours she’s been here, but Calm definitely made a difference for me.”

“So I hear.” Celestia walked to stand next to the bed, looking down at me. It was then that I felt Calm’s magic fade, allow the stream of agony to wash forth again. My muscles and joints began to ache, almost on cue. My clothes instantly became damp with sweat, as though I had been thrown into a sauna. The worst was how my nausea suddenly reared up. I managed to hold it back, but grabbed a bedpan just in case.

“Hnng... dammit…”

“That bad, I take it?” Celestia asked, concern on her face.

“It feels… like it looks…” I said quietly while trying to lie flat on the bed.

“Worry not, dear Magnus. Luna told me of the discovery you two made during the night, and we found something that can help you.” From someplace behind her, Celestia levitated a necklace of some sort that she hung around my neck.

I felt nothing at first, just the cold metal of the chain, before the pain gradually began to melt away and magic began to course through my body once again. Within moments, it was as though there was someone channelling their magic into me. Every few seconds, a pulse emanated from the chain into my body, akin to when Luna and Calm had done it, though it was different enough to be noticeable.

“...Woooow…” I grinned as I felt the pain began to fade away. “This is… spectacular…”

I looked to the necklace and held it up with my hand. It was a thick gold chain, though I doubted that it was actually made of the precious metal. However, the chain itself was not what caught my attention. In the middle of the necklace was a receptacle that contained a large spherical orb the size of a baby's fist. It was of a teal hue but seemed to be made out of cloudy glass. Inside the orb were faint streaks of midnight blue and gold swirling around like ink in a glass of water, though the two colours never seemed to mix, instead dancing around each other

“What is this?” I asked, staring at the orb.

“This is a mana opal, a gem famous for its ability to store magic. The sensation you are feeling are the magic of my sister and myself being released into you.”

“You can store magic inside gems? This it like a… magical battery?”

“Yes. Almost all gems can have magic stored into them, although their capabilities can differ. Mana opals are extremely rare, but can store more magic than almost any other gem. Fire rubies can store the most, though they are difficult to find.” Celestia leaned down to look at the orb in my hand. “Luna and I were able to store quite a bit of magic into this opal. For a full day, it will release its magic into you before it requires recharging.”

“Huh, how about that.” I placed the opal underneath my shirt onto my bare chest, feeling the pulse thumping. It was like a second heart beating to hold the pain at bay. “But how did you find an opal this size? They must cost a fortune, right?”

“Most gems can easily be found by digging into the ground. This opal came from a gem mine near Vanhoover,” Celestia explained casually.

“Easily? Gems are so common that you can simply pick up a handful of dirt and find a random diamond in them?” I asked in disbelief. How in the hell did the economy work here?

“Diamonds are common, but rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and several other gems can be a bit harder to find.” She looked at me curiously as I stared at her. “I take it they are not common on Earth?”

“A diamond this size?” I held up the opal. “It might be the largest diamond in recorded history on Earth. If I found enough gems digging in the earth here in one day, I could retire and live out the rest of my days in opulence back home.”

Leaving the necklace be, I leaned back onto the headboard. “If I ever get home, that is.” I turned back to the princess, who averted her eyes. She almost looked sad for a moment. When she saw me looking at her, however, Celestia’s smile returned as if nothing was wrong.

Before I could begin to ponder that interesting reaction, someone knocked on the door and it opened. In walked Doctor Mgangah. “Good morning, Mister Powell,” he greeted me warmly as he trotted into the room. “Your Highness, Daybringer.” He turned towards the princess and bowed until his head almost touched the floor. “Good morning, most Revered One.”

“That’s over the top, right?”

“Good morning, Doctor Mgangah,” Celestia replied with a polite nod to the zebra.

His obeisance complete, he turned to me. “And how are you feeling today?” He took his usual seat and brought out his notepad.

“I’m well rested, to say the least. That potion knocked me out like a light.”

“Yes, although you slept far longer than intended. I deeply apologize for that.” He exhaled and jotted down something. “Most patients, when given the potion, will only sleep for two to four hours. I believe you now know that you slept for much longer than that. When you were unconscious for over six hours, I requested a magical scan of your internal organs to see how the potion affected you.”

I felt my blood run cold at the way he stated that last sentence. What if I had been poisoned? Was there something in the potion that damaged my kidneys? I should never have agreed to being a guinea pig for them.

“What we discovered is that the potion did not affect you negatively in any way. One of the herbs used in the potion is meant to relax the patient, but in your case, it was too effective and knocked you out completely.”

“In other words, it’s a sleeping potion?” I asked, breathing slightly easier. The doctor nodded. “Phew, that’s a relief.”

“After I found out, I created a new potion, but with a much lower content of said plant.”

Reaching into his pocket, Mgangah took out two vials filled with fluid, as he had done yesterday, and began mixing them. I guess he knew that I had eaten only a few hours ago. Deciding to change the subject before I passed out, I was determined to go through with the questions I wanted to ask Princess Celestia.

“Princess, any news about the portals?”

“Nothing yet, Magnus. They will reach the area sometime later today. We can only wait until we hear something.”

Well, it was not quite what I wanted to hear, but I guess I couldn’t blame them. After all, it had only been twenty-four hours. “Okay.” Still, I couldn’t keep the disappointment out of my voice. “Guess I was a bit hasty.”

“That is understandable. I am also concerned about the portals.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. “Why?” Her smile disappeared, a melancholy expression sweeping across her face.

“These portals work both ways. Star Swirl went to Earth, and you came here. I fear that other inhabitants of our worlds have travelled through them, losing their way and their lives.” She seemed almost stricken at the thought.

I hadn’t considered that. I had mostly been concerned about my own situation when there was a chance that other people from Earth, or ponies and whatever other creatures that existed here, had disappeared into them. That might explain why humans came up with the idea about unicorns and pegasi. Perhaps Star Swirl hadn’t been the only pony to visit Earth.

There was nothing I could say at this point. I was probably not the only one that had been in this situation. I wonder how other beings had handled this. I knew what happened to Star Swirl, but what about others? Had they found a way home? There was no way I would ever know.

“And there it is.” I turned to the doctor. He held a vial in his hooves filled with the same potion I drank yesterday.

Stepping forward, he held it out to me. I took the vial and drank it in one gulp. “Hmm, the taste of rhubarb isn’t as strong this time.” I handed it back to the doctor and coughed a little as the sour taste of rhubarb hit my tongue. I used to eat it all the time when I was a kid. My grandfather grew a few of them in the backyard. He would cut a few stems, remove the skin, and give them to me along with a cup of sugar. Just dip the stem into the sugar and then bite off a piece. It was like sour candy.

“What are you thinking about now?” Celestia asked me, snapping me back into reality. “You suddenly began smiling.”

“Oh, nothing. Just thinking back to when I was a kid.” I folded my hands and let them rest on my lap. “When I was a kid, I used to eat rhubarb with sugar. I used to share with my friends when they came to visit, which was almost every day. My ex-girlfriend, Lisa, didn’t like them when she was young. I guess they’re an acquired taste.”

Celestia sat down next to the bed. “Please, tell me more.”

“Hmm? About what?”

“About your friends and your marefriend. What kind of po—people are they?”

I suppose it was natural that the princess would be curious about Earth and humanity. I had been just as inquisitive about Equestria since I arrived. To be frank, I was surprised that she hadn’t asked sooner.

“First of all, my ex is not a mare. Female humans are referred to as girls or women, although girl usually refers to younger females. Males are referred to as men.” I sat up in bed and folded my hands over my chest. “Her name is Lisa Williams and she’s a year younger than me. She lived across the street from me, and we used to play together when we were younger. We just grew up together, I guess.”

“Was she the one with you on one of the photos?”

I’d almost forgotten that the photos were in my wallet. I hoped that they hadn’t been destroyed by water.

“That’s her.” I nodded and remembered the day that photo was taken: our second anniversary. We had gone out for dinner, then to the movies. After the movie, we had driven back home to my place and had a few drinks. From there, things progressed naturally. Lisa always had the softest touch.

“I take it you were close?”

I nodded. “Like peas in a pod. We grew up on the same street, played together, even went to school together. We were very different people, polar opposites with different interests. It’s weird that we started going out together. It just happened one day, me and her. None of our friends saw it coming either.”

I smiled as more memories resurfaced: Lisa and I together at a cafe, going swimming, taking walks, dinners we had at my place and hers, and the fun we had together. She was so beautiful, completely out of my league, but somehow we had fallen in love. It had been one of the happiest times of my life.

“Lisa’s parents were wealthy, and she was a bit of a snob when she was younger. Luckily, she grew out of that. Lisa wanted to work with animals and actually went to a wildlife reservation in Africa to work with wounded animals.”

“This Africa you speak of, what is it?” Celestia stared at me with rapt attention. I think I knew enough to make a parallel to this world.

“Doctor Mgangah, your homeland, is it a dry and warm savannah?” The doctor stood next to the bed, writing in his notepad as usual. When he noticed that I was talking to him, he moved his pencil to the corner of his mouth.

“Most areas are, yes. Tall grass, scattered trees, although some places are considered jungles. Predators stalk the land while herbivores move in packs, and most villages are located near sources of water.”

“There you have it. I think Africa and Zebrica are pretty much the same, but Africa is a continent, not a nation. There are many individual countries within Africa itself, and I think the good doctor might have relatives there.”

Mgangah dropped his notepad and pencil and gawked at me. “What? How?”

“Not exactly relatives, but a species of animal that resembles ponies. They are called zebras as well and have the same stripes as you do. Zebras are also much taller than you are. I think they might even be taller than you are, Princess,” I replied and nodded to Celestia. This brought a smile to her face, for reasons unknown. Perhaps she was just interested in hearing about my world. I know I had taken an interest in reading about them.

“Anyway, about Lisa and me. Eh, we just started going steady. It just happened one day. We had our fun like all couples do, but it didn’t last more than two years. We found out that we were just too different for each other.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” The way her ears drooped slightly and her upper eyelids lowered showed me that she was actually genuinely sympathetic. I had to admit that I found the display rather cute.

“Don’t be,” I said with a small wave of my hand. “It’s not like we had a big fight or anything. We just sat down, had a long talk, and decided together. We’re still friends to this day.” Celestia brightened considerably when I said that.

Stifling a yawn, drowsiness began to hook its claws into me. It seemed the potion was already taking effect. It was quicker this time, but it didn't knock me out in a matter of seconds. Celestia noticed as well and stood up.

“If you are feeling tired, we can continue our conversation another time,” she suggested and turned to leave. I shook my head. “Oh, very well then.”

It wasn’t hard to decide on whom to talk of next. “I have a friend called Adam Collins. He’s the same age as me and grew up next door. We have a lot in common. We’ve always been there for each other, ever since we played together in a sandbox as toddlers. We went to preschool together, school, high school, and so on. My grandfather used to refer to us as ‘The Troublesome Pair’.”

“Oh dear.” Celestia laughed lightly. “Would I be correct assuming that you two were quite the troublemakers?”

“Not were, Princess. Still are,” I responded with a smirk. “We started early with pranks: the burning paper bag trick, firecrackers in mailboxes, booby-trapped doors with air horns, hosing down cars during winter. The list just goes on.”

“Burning paper bag? I must confess that I fail to see the amusement in such a prank,” Celestia confessed, arching an eyebrow.

“Okay, let me ask you this: What would you do if you found a burning paper bag on your doorstep?” I directed the question to both the doctor and princess.

“Extinguish it with magic,” Celestia answered.

“Stomp out the flames,” Mgangah suggested.

“Right.” I began to smile. It seemed as though they hadn’t invented this prank around here. “Most people would stomp the paper bag to kill the flames. What would happen if someone sha—I mean, left excrement in the bag?”

Celestia and Mgangah both fell silent and both had the same facial expression; utter confusion. I could almost hear a familiar tune playing.

Any moment now…

“Oh… OH! Ew! EW!” Celestia exclaimed, scrunching her mouth and nose in disgust before covering her mouth with one hoof.

Doctor Mgangah, in contrast, roared with laughter, his head held low and a foreleg over his stomach. Moments later, he fell to the floor, gasping for air. Celestia began to laugh as well, although not to the extent as the zebra. It was more like a giggle. She held a wing over her eyes, almost as though she felt it was embarrassing to laugh over such a childish prank. With how her wing couldn’t cover her entire face, I could see how she grinned and occasionally scrunched up her muzzle to avoid laughing too loudly.

"Yeah, they don’t have this prank here."

After a short while, the laughter began to subside. Mgangah stood up, chuckling and wiping a tear away from his eye. “Heh, that was a good one.”

“Such a prank is not my style,” Celestia said as she folded her wing back against her body. “It’s just…” She shuddered.

“Yeah, not all people, and ponies it would seem, like those types of pranks. We got caught and were grounded several times, but Adam always managed to come up with something new.”

I yawned again, but this time exhaustion began to set in. My muscles relaxed and even my eyelids felt heavier. Celestia stood up, tall and regal as always. “It seemed as though you are ready for a nap now, Magnus. I think it would be best to leave you to your slumber.” She turned and left for the door, Doctor Mgangah following right behind her. I nodded, pulling the cover up to my neck. The pulse of magic released by the opal was gently rocking me to sleep.

I had just closed my eyes when I heard Celestia call out to me. Cracking an eye open, I saw her standing in the open doorway. “Before I go, I advise you NOT to tell my sister of your pranks, lest you want the rest of your treatment to take place in the dungeon.” Her tone was playful and so was her smile. “Sleep well.” She closed the door, and I was left alone.

I closed my eyes and smiled. It seemed like Luna liked a good prank now and then, and it certainly sounded as though Celestia had been on the receiving end a few times.

"They are two magical pony princesses with vast magical powers, powerful enough to move the sun and moon by will! They are both thousands of years old and the rulers of this kingdom. They’ve probably seen more than anyone else alive! They are literally goddesses!"

“... and they prank each other…” I mumbled as sleep enveloped me.


Hey there. This story's been re-edited by JBL. My second editor was JoyJay and this chapter was the first chapter he worked on. I decided to leave his editors note here as he truly deserves it for a job well done.

Editor’s Note: Hey there! I just wanted to say thank you to Coffee for letting me edit this wonderful story. This is my first time around when it comes to editing a fanfiction, so hopefully I did not miss anything. Hope you’re enjoying the story so far.

Goodbye, and thanks for the fish - JoyJay

Author's Note:

A new chapter, the first one after my summer vacation. I'm back in business! :pinkiehappy:

Say hello to JoyJay, my second editor. I decided on getting another editor so I won't place a big load on Lordofchaos14. They do have lives outside of fimfiction and can't edit all the time (although I wish they could,:pinkiecrazy: cause they both do an admirable job).

Not much to say about this chapter, really. Magnus gets to see a different side of Celestia, one he didn't expect. We do know from the show that Celestia and Luna pranks each other, at least they did when they lived in the old castle in the Everfree Forest. That place must have been hell for the guards and maids. One minute a guard is walking down a hallway, the next second he is standing dangerously close to the edge of the wall or thrown out of the castle and into the courtyard. That calls for hazard pay.

Another thing I wanted to mention: Slow pacing. So far this story progresses very slowly, that is because I'm trying to build characters and the world, and how Magnus describes what he sees and feels also builds him as a character. He is not generic, I'm trying to build a person here and it's difficult. People are different and I'm trying to create a character that has to deal with strange stuff every second. It takes time but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. The story will pick up speed later on as Magnus becomes familiar with stuff, but certain events will be more detailed.

It's worth the wait.

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