• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 11,904 Views, 1,300 Comments

The Last Descendant - Cup of Coffee

After traveling into the Bermuda Triangle following a vision, Magnus ends up in a place filled with fairytale creatures and a secret concerning his lineage.

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Chapter 49 - Matador... or not

“Thanks for coming with me, guys. I appreciate the help,” Magnus said to the ponies following him. Twilight, Prince Armor and Princess Cadance had decided to accompany him that morning to the storage area the remains of the small boat he had rented back in Florida was kept. Magnus suspected that their deciding to help him was an excuse so that they could see what things were stowed away. Ponies were a curious lot.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Twilight beamed, skipping along the marble corridors like a kid on his way to the ice cream truck. “Who knows what we’ll find? Cultural artifacts maybe, or books even? Ooh, the suspense! I can hardly wait!”

Some were more curious than others, though.

Magnus chuckled at Twilight’s behaviour and leaned down to the prince and princess walking alongside him. “Has she always been so—”

“Yes,” Prince Armor and Princess Cadance replied at the exact same moment, both chuckling at Twilight skipping down the corridor, listing all the possible things Magnus had stashed away, some more credible than others.

“Ever since she found out that there were other books than fairy tales and colouring books, Twily’s been a bit obsessed about knowledge and learning,” Shining Armor said.

“When I was her foalsitter, the usual fairy tales wouldn’t work on her. I had to read her magical theorems and the 8th edition of Aurora Light’s Guide to Magic Spells, her favourite,” Cadance added.

Magnus straightened up. “Wow… A prodigy from an early age, huh?”

Shining Armor nodded. “Yeah, she loved school, and when she was admitted to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, she just about forgot about her friends. Mom had to pry her books away just to get her out of the house once in a while. Twilight going to Ponyville was probably the best thing that could happen to her.”

Although Magnus tried, he couldn’t imagine Twilight as an asocial bookworm, not after seeing her surrounded by her friends. She looked right at home with Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.

“By the way, where’s Spike? Haven’t seen the little guy in a couple of days now.”

“At home, being spoiled by mom,” Shining Armor answered. “Spike’s the youngest of us, and whenever he visits home, mom gets a bit… mommy, if you know what I mean.”

“Cherished, cuddled, the youngest child? Yeah, I had friends who were the youngest.”

“Heh, yeah, mom gets a bit like that. Dad just finds it funny, the way mom pampers him. And mom never likes it whenever Spike goes with Twilight on one of her adventures.”

Magnus had to agree to that. While he wasn’t particularly familiar with the heroic deeds of the Element Bearers, he’d heard enough to know that Spike had no business being involved with that, what with him being just a child and all. He wasn’t exactly sure how old Twilight and her friends were, but he had some notion that she was younger than him.

“By the way, what was it that happened yesterday with you and Discord? Aunt Celestia said that there was some altercation between you and him,” Cadance suddenly asked.

Magnus’ gait slowed for just a second as he thought back to yesterday. As far as anger went, he saw himself as an individual who rarely lost his temper, but Discord was a master at breaking his inner peace with his utter inane bullshittery.

“Discord,” Magnus sneered, “claimed he was ‘helping’ me when he was just being an asshat. He knew exactly what he was doing, which was pushing me around, trying to force a reaction out of me. He teleported my clothes away, saying he helped me integrate by forcing me to walk around in the nude. So, I lost my temper. Severely. The most logical thing I could think of at the time was draping the shower curtain around me and stealing a guard’s spear so that I could kill him. Doubt I could have done that, but threatening him would have worked too, until he turned the spear into a beach parasol.”

Cadance and Shining giggled at hearing that. “Discord is an unusual kind of person. But how did you end up ruining Celestia’s lunch?” she asked.

“In my defence, I was pursuing Discord, and it was his own fault he chose to hide in the dining room! If he would have just taken his punishment like a man, we could have avoided it altogether,” Magnus objected with a huff, stuffing his hands in his pockets and grumbling under his breath. “And mishaps happen. She caught us in the gardens ten minutes later anyway. I’ve already apologized to Princess Celestia for ruining her lunch, spilling tomato soup on her hair, exposing my naked butt to her, and stealing from the guards. All charges were dropped. And yeah, she gave Discord and I a good talking to.” Magnus shuddered. Yesterday in the garden, suspended in gold-coloured magic, Magnus felt more than a tingle of fear when he saw Celestia approaching him with a mane full of soup, a steely gaze, and ten guards at her heels. And the talk he was subject to? He felt like the day he was ten years old and in the principal's office for accidentally breaking a window with a rock. Surprisingly, he got away pretty much scot-free. “Honestly, I gotta give some credit to Celestia, though, she’s awfully forgiving.” What Magnus did not mention was that he was pretty much prepared to go to the dungeons for a few days, as long as he got his clothes back.

“You weren’t there when she told the story to Aunt Luna last night. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my aunts laugh so hard,” Cadance commented with a chuckle.

That comment made Magnus think. What would have happened if he ran through the president's office armed with a weapon, accidentally exposing himself before running along as quickly as he came? National outrage, that’s what, and probably a decade or two in jail. But here? A stern talking to, and now he learned that both Celestia and Luna laughed their asses off at it all. Yes, Celestia was likely more forgiving than Mother Theresa herself.

The group eventually came to the hangar area, part naturally formed cavern, part shaped by tools. Along one side of the hangar was a variety of sheds and work stations, and on the other side was a temporary storage area. There were barrels, crates, and many other items one would find on board an airship, although some of the items’ functions eluded the human. In the centre of the hangar, tied down to the stone floor with thick chains and lengths of solid, thick rope, were two large airships, one in details of blue and silver, the other one white and gold. The white one Magnus recognized as the same ship he saw leaving and returning to Canterlot weeks earlier. Although the size of their balloons suggested the ships could barely lift off with the ship-sized hull underneath, he was certain that there was some magic at work in order to make them fly.

Shining Armor led the way over to the storage area, obviously knowing the way since he used to work here. He stopped before a large iron door set into the rock that was chained with a heavy padlock and had two guards, both of whom saluted the moment the royals stopped before them. As expected, the senior princess addressed the guards.

“Sergeant, Mister Powell here, the rightful owner the remains of the ship and items stored in the room behind you, is here to reclaim them. Please, unlock the door.”

“At once, your Highness,” the guard crisply saluted and began removing the chains. Magnus took notice of the way the door was unlocked; one guard had a key, while the other used his magic to do something to it.

After the door was unlocked, Princess Cadance led the way in. Moments after entering, light crystals on the ceiling illuminated the room, displaying several shelves along one side of the room, while in the centre was the remains of the boat itself. Magnus walked up to it and crouched to inspect the pile of completely wrecked and flaking plywood. The sight itself sent a shiver down his spine. He only had faint memories of the tornado of debris flying around him, his last memory of it seeing a part of the bow flying towards him.

“Can’t believe I survived this,” he murmured, picking up a jagged and splintered piece of wood. He was lucky to get away with only two small scars.

“It looks pretty bad,” Twilight said, walking up to him and sitting down. She manipulated a piece of wood with her magic, turning it around to inspect it thoroughly.

Princess Cadance looked over her shoulder, seeing that the guards were still at the door, out of earshot. “Aunt Celestia said the same thing happened to the ship Star Swirl was on. Those poor ponies didn’t survive, but you did,” she said with a low voice. Magnus felt a wing on his shoulder, like a hand patting him. It kind of felt secure, comforting somehow, like a loving touch.

“First time in my life I had such luck,” Magnus replied and began rummaging through the pile. There was nothing of value to be found, however. “By the way, how did you know about Star Swirl? Celestia and Luna tell you?”

The married couple nodded. “Yes, and they also told us how you feel about him. Your secret it safe with us,” Shining Armor replied. Magnus stared at the two before finally giving a slow nod. Although he wasn’t overly thrilled about more ponies knowing about it, the cat was out of the bag now, and besides, Princess Cadance and Prince Armor seemed like trustworthy ponies.

“Doesn’t look like any of this is useable. What do you want to do with it?” Shining Armor asked.

Magnus regarded the pile with disinterest. “Throw it away or burn it. There’s nothing useful here.” Shining gave a nod and waved the sergeant over, and was about to give him an order when a sudden thought popped into Magnus’ mind. “Wait a second. Do you guys have a way to deal with dangerous waste?”

Shining Armor glanced at his wife and Twilight before replying, “Yes we do. Why? Is there something dangerous about this stuff?”

“Maybe.” Magnus picked up a chunk of wood with flaking paint, picking at it with his fingernails until a thumbnail-sized piece of old paint flaked off. “Modern paints are usually harmless to marine life, but older stuff like this? I honestly don’t know. I’d suggest caution.”

“You got that, Sergeant? Send word that the remains of the boat are to be disposed of in a safe and secure manner. Treat it as potentially toxic waste,” Prince Armor commanded the guard, who nodded in reply.

They then moved onto the other stuff on the shelves, a mishmash of items. A broken oar, a fishing net torn to pieces, the jacket he wore when he set out to sea—now cut apart by some bladed tool—, the remains of his shoes—also torn apart, probably when his feet turned to hooves—, a small toolbox for the boats engine, its lid caved into the box by some impact, and the tools missing. Nothing was salvageable. With a heavy sigh, Magnus took his old jacket from the shelf and checked the pockets. There was nothing inside them, and the jacket itself was more or less useless in its current state. Still, perhaps he could have some use for it. With winter soon on its way, perhaps he could use it as a template for making proper winter clothes.

While checking out what was on the shelves, the three ponies were also interested in the alien artifacts. One in particular drew Twilight’s attention.

“What’s this? Some sort of container?” she asked while levitating a red, rusty jerry can.

Magnus turned to Twilight, seeing the object she held. “Yeah, we use these to store fuel in. The boat had an engine that ran on this stuff.”

“Fuel,” Twilight parroted while turning the can around. “You mean coal, like a steam engine? How can you fit coal in this?”

“The fuel isn’t coal, but a liquid, oil that’s been refined through some process I’m not familiar with. I can show you how it works, though.” Magnus took the can from Twilight and opened the cap. All the gas was gone, but the can still held plenty of fumes. “Do any of you have a… never mind, I have a light of my own.”

Holding the can with one hand, Magnus made sure to point the lid away from the ponies, and then lit up his horn. At first, he had a bit of a problem with remembering the spell, but after a few moments spent thinking, it all came back to him.

“Watch this, and you better duck,” he said with a grin to the spectating ponies, who took a few steps backwards as he unleashed the spell towards the can. A shower of sparks flew from his horn, straight at the lid. A fireball suddenly erupted from the can as the fumes caught fire and rose to the ceiling before dying out a second later. Fire still lingered from the lid of the can, but Magnus let the fire burn away the fumes until they died out by themselves.

“How about tha—” He turned to the ponies. As expected, the ponies were caught off-guard by the fireball, judging by the surprised looks on their faces, but what he didn’t expect was a red bubble surrounding them, the reason his words died in his throat.

“What in the wide world of Equestria!” Twilight exclaimed while staring at the jerry can. “What was that?!”

“Never mind that, what is this?” Magnus said, astonished, while touching the red bubble surrounding them. To his utter surprise, the bubble was hard and unyielding to the touch, but looked as flimsy as a soap bubble. He even knocked on the bubble and it produced a sound that was neither wood nor metallic. Even pushing the bubble with both hands felt like he was trying to push a boulder weighing several tons.

“This is my special talent: protection,” Shining Armor explained with a proud smile as he tapped a hoof to the shield, producing an echoing sound from within. A moment later the shield quickly vanished without a trace. “It’s part of the reason I joined the guard; so that I could protect ponies, but it has a double meaning, as I’m also good with shield spells.”

Magnus didn’t reply, as he was quite naturally awestruck by the sight of the spell. “Can you do it again?”


“So let me get this straight: You produced a shield spell that covered the entire city.”


“Which requires large amounts of magic.”


“And you kept this spell going for… how long again?”

“Four days without rest. It was a constant drain, even when I slept.”

Magnus whistled. “... God damn! Weren’t you tired?”

Shining nodded while looking straight ahead. “I had horn aches and headaches on the second day; only got worse from there. I’ve never been so drained before in my entire life. I spent two days in bed recovering. But I had a good nurse.”

Cadance, walking alongside her husband, leaned onto him as they walked. “And she never left your side for a second, and provided you with exactly what you needed.”

Shining faced her, and rested his head against hers while smiling. “And more,” he added, giving her a kiss.

Twilight walked next to Magnus, smiling happily at her brother and sister-in-law. Magnus had to wonder just how powerful Prince Shining Armor really was, and if great magical powers ran in their family. Twilight was powerful before, as he had been told, and even more so now that she was an alicorn, but Shining Armor wasn’t exactly weak either, despite not being an alicorn. So, either both had to train very hard, or both were naturally gifted. If only he could meet their parents, he’d be able to draw a solid conclusion.

But that was for another time. Now, they were on the city streets of Canterlot to see the city, something Magnus had been looking forward to for some time. Naturally, their presence quickly became known. Two alicorn princesses, a prince, and a human simply couldn’t walk outside without anyone noticing. A crowd quickly gathered, but had begun to disperse after a while, with some ponies still following them, most notably fillies and colts as well as some adults. The eight guards escorting them while keeping a discreet distance helped a bit. The most persistent of the few were not the normal everyday ponies, as Magnus expected. Instead, it was the well-dressed mares and stallions, the cream of the crop, the nobility that attempted to get closer to the alicorns. And they weren’t simply there for a chat about the weather.

“Pardon me, Princess Cadenza, I would like to ask you about a business proposal which would need your approval—”

“Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight, as the former protege of Princess Celestia, could you perhaps sway her Highness to readdress some of the old tax reforms? My herd and I require a tax break in order to build our second summer home at Rainbow Falls.”

“Princess Cadenza! Are you and your husband perchance looking to expand your herd? My daughter is of age and—”

There was a flash of light blue magic and all sound ceased to be. The sudden silence came as a surprise to Magnus, and he saw that the air around them had a faint blue hue to it. “Was that a spell?” he asked and looked over his shoulder. The mouths of the ponies behind them still moved, but nothing was heard from them. “Some kind of sound cancelling spell, I’m gonna guess.”

Princess Cadance heaved a weary sigh, her smile non-existent. “Yes, it works wonders every time I go for a walk in Canterlot. I don’t mind children and adults wanting to meet me, but sometimes it’s nice to walk in peace and quiet. I’m lucky in that the crystal ponies have few nobles, and the few we have are from a thousand years ago; they come from a time when belonging to the nobility meant more than wealth, influence, and grandeur.”

“I see… The complete opposite of the modern nobles?”

Cadance gave a faint smile and leaned onto her husband. “They were even worse before our relationship became public. Cadie was the most sought after mare in all of Equestria, right after Princess Celestia. I think you can guess what I meant,” Shining Armor explained. Magnus immediately imagined a long line of young stallions standing before the castle each and every day, dressed to impress, and with a bouquet of flowers with them. It wasn’t that far-fetched; although not being the exact same species, Magnus could tell by simply looking at Cadance that she was quite attractive.

Magnus nodded and turned to Twilight. “What about you, Twilight? Are they like this to you too?”

She shook her head. “They never get the chance. I spend most of my time in Ponyville, and there I can still be Twilight. I can’t say I miss Canterlot that much.”

Eventually, the crowd at their heels began to thin until the small group could walk in peace and quiet. The nobles had finally understood they would get nowhere. Magnus had also seen a pair of the guards addressing the following ponies, perhaps explaining to them that this was not a wandering courtroom. When the faint blue coloration around them faded, Magnus knew they were in the clear.

“Where should we go first? Anything in particular you would like to see?” Shining Armor asked as they walked onto the main street that ran right through the city, from the train station to the castle gates.

Magnus pondered the query for a while. “Well, I haven’t seen the sights yet, so anywhere is okay with me. I’m probably going to live in Canterlot, so getting familiar with the city is a good start.”

“Then the main street is a good place to start.” Twilight trotted ahead of them and began pointing out a variety of stores. “This is Sharp Scissor’s hair salon, in case you want a haircut someday. Mom and dad always brought me and Shining here when we were younger. And down there is Donut Joe’s place; he’s got the best coffee and donuts in Canterlot.”

Magnus took note of the places mentioned; he always could use a good cup in the morning. As for a haircut? Well, he could use one fairly soon, but letting ponies—and specifically their lack of fingers to use scissors near his head—was enough to make him pause to reconsider.

Twilight naturally became the guide for Magnus, with Shining Armor and Cadance chipping in occasionally, but for the most part, they were okay with Twilight playing tourist guide. Of course, the market was the centre of town, the peddlers there hawking their variety of wares, and there were nearby bakeries to buy pastries of all different types. There were also several cafes in the vicinity with ponies sitting outside to eat, drink, and talk with each other. From the market, streets branched out in all directions, leading to several other districts, such as the residential district of the rich and wealthy, the ordinary residential districts (there were several), the entertainment district containing clubs, bars, theaters, movie theaters, and the famous Restaurant Row, a street containing nothing but restaurants.

After passing the market, Twilight then began leading them through other parts of the city, eagerly reciting the history of specific government and public buildings they passed. Safe to say, Twilight was a walking encyclopaedia, and not only when it came to magic. What struck Magnus the most was the city itself. The houses and their specific architectural style and pastel colours vaguely looked like houses on Earth, but their style was not. Just about every public and government building they passed was made out of white marble and was striking in their flawlessness. Brass-capped roofs, flags, brightly-coloured flowers, trimmed bushes, ornamental trees—everything was made to look perfect. Even the streets were free of litter, not a bottle or wrapping paper in sight and no chewing gum stuck on the benches. Yes, Ponyville was a far cry from Canterlot, but as the capital of Equestria, perhaps the city had to impress all who visited. And as a tourist, Magnus goggled at every building, every statue, every site Twilight pointed out and more. Equestria was certainly a fantasy land, like something out of a fairy tale, with a rich, beautiful, and unique culture that any human civilization would have a hard time recreate. All he could do while walking, with Twilight’s voice like a buzzing in the background, was stare at everything for the first time.


It was a few hours later, when Twilight’s voice started to sound a little hoarse, that Cadance and Shining Armor suggested they find a cafe for some refreshments. Wandering near the marketplace, they found a cozy cafe and sat down at an available table outside under blue skies and shining sun. The guards themselves stayed in groups of two, taking up positions nearby and trying to blend in.

When they were seated, Magnus noticed that the amount of ponies wandering the streets had increased from earlier. Now, there were a lot more fillies and colts outside, as well as those who looked like teenagers. He guessed that school was out for the day, judging by how most of the younger ponies carried saddlebags on their backs. And as there were more ponies outside, Magnus drew more curious glances from the ponies walking by than earlier. Fillies and colts stopped and stared, eyes wide with wonder, while the teenagers walked by in little groups, whispering to each other, giggling and laughing while staring at him. At this point, Magnus had grown used to the staring, knowing well than it would last for a long time to come, so for now, he’d let them have a good look.

“Don’t bother with them; they’re just curious,” Princess Cadance whispered, having also noticed the ponies walking by.

“I try not to. I’ll draw a crowd wherever I go, but someday I might get the chance to walk through Canterlot without making it look like the circus is in town,” Magnus replied.

“The crystal ponies are a bit the same. They are from a thousand years ago, when the griffons were more hostile and clashed frequently with the Empire. The first time a griffon tourist came to the Crystal Empire, the old guards gathered to ‘repel the invaders’. We had to give the entire population a crash course on what’s been happening the last thousand years.” Shining Armor chuckled while browsing the menu.

A waiter dressed in a snappy vest and collar soon came to their table and took their orders. While waiting for food to arrive, conversation continued. However, Magnus became aware of a group of patrons at the other end of the outdoor cafe, all three having their eyes fixed on him. It was a minotaur, a griffon, and a diamond dog. Magnus stared back, and then realized that these three were the ambassadors he saw the day he had left Canterlot.

The griffon was an older male with greying feathers on his head, and a monocle and a sash over his chest. The griffon just stared at Magnus with curiosity, tilting his head slightly to the side. As Magnus stared back, the realization that this was an actual living creature struck him. While he had seen drawings and art of griffons, seeing an actual real one was simply stunning. Realistic impressions did not do them justice at all.

The minotaur was no less impressive, especially the mountain of muscle that adorned his body. His head was like the one of a bull, though as with the griffon, human-like intellect shone through. Not to mention, the visible disgust in them when the bull stared at Magnus with his arms crossed over his chest and snorting steam from his nostrils.

Last came the diamond dog. He had the appearance of a white retriever, and in general, he seemed the least threatening to Magnus. In fact, he just appeared curious, as if he would any moment rise from his seat and walk over to him to smell his hand. Unlike the diamond dogs he met the day he spent with Rarity, this dog looked like the kind of guy he could talk music with while having a beer. The very idea brought a smile to Magnus’ face.

“What are you smiling about?” Shining asked upon seeing Magnus crack a small smile.

“The ambassadors,” Magnus said, nodding towards them. “The dog and the griffon look okay; not sure about the minotaur though. Looks like he has beef with me.”

Twilight, Shining, and Cadance turned to look at the three over at the other end of the cafe, and Cadance said, “Oh, them. I’ve met Gerhard Greymantle a few times. He is a good griffon, having served Griffonia for many years as their ambassador to Equestria. Sir Atlas, the diamond dog, is also a pleasant character. He was raised in the king's palace in Granite Mountains because he is a relative of their king, King Bolivar the Old. I believe he got his position because of his closeness to the king, but he was a good choice nevertheless. He is civilized, unlike the ones that kidnapped Rarity once.”

Magnus simply nodded while listening to Cadance talk, his eyes still on the trio of non-ponies, amusing himself by being the first human to see as much as four intelligent alien species at the same time. It was surreal to him, but also exciting, and he wondered how humanity would react if Earth and Equus somehow became linked by a portal that stayed open permanently. A lot of talking, most likely, but also scientists that would tear their hair out just by trying to figure out how Equus worked, and how its denizens could bend the laws of nature at their whim. Twilight would have a field day with them.

And speaking of Twilight. “Magnus, I was wondering, could you tell me more about the engine you said was on your boat and the fuel it used?” Cadance’s and Shining’s ears turned to him the second the question was posed.

“Sure I can. So, here’s the basics about a ~gasoline~ powered engine,” he began.

After a lengthy explanation concerning the inner workings of gasoline engines, and also how gasoline was created, their food and drink finally arrived. Today, Magnus settled for a simple tomato and egg sandwich, although he yearned for some meat to add on it. Salami, bologna, bacon—anything would work at this point, but sadly, meat simply wasn’t on the menu, a fact Magnus was forced to accept.

After nearly thirty minutes of casual chatting, they were about to move on when nature called. “I need to use the toilet; I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he said as he rose from his seat and headed for the cafe’s interior in his search. Although the cafe was pretty small on the inside, he quickly saw a sign of a mare and stallion silhouette on a white background and an arrow pointing to the side.

Just as he came to the restroom, a stallion left, a clue that he was on the right path. Even cafe restrooms in this world were very much like those back home; tiled floor and walls, three sinks in a row, and four stalls, but lacking urinals. Stallions would probably have problems standing on their hind legs, and hooves would be messy. Taking the first stall, Magnus went on to do his business in utter silence; there was no one else in the restroom.

Finishing up, he went back outside to wash his hands, swearing silently as he had to crouch to reach the sink low on the wall. He just knew that Equestria would someday end up sending him to a chiropractor.

Just as he was drying off his hands on a paper towel, he heard the door behind him open and heavy hooves on the floor. At first he took no notice, but after living around ponies for weeks by this point, he was used to hearing four hooves, but what he now heard was only two hooves. He peered over his shoulder, and there stood none other than the minotaur ambassador, arms crossed and blocking the door, with a none too friendly sneer on his face.

At first, Magnus paid him no heed as he continued drying his hands, all while he heard the bull breathing behind him. When he was ready to leave, he tried to go around the bull, but he moved to block him. Not deterred, Magnus tried to go to the other side, but the bull still moved to block his path. At this point, Magnus began feeling a bit intimidated, seeing as the minotaur was probably nearly three times as heavy as him and several times stronger, not to mention he was absolutely huge. Still, he doubted that the bull would start a fight, not here, not when there were three royals just outside and god knew how many bystanders.

Looking up at the bull, Magnus asked, “Would you please move out of the way so I can leave?”

The bull didn’t budge, and instead leaned forward, his huge stature casting a shadow over Magnus. “You should leave,” he grumbled in a very deep, bass voice. “Find your way home.”

Nearly caught off-guard by his voice alone, Magnus kept his cool. “Oh, believe me I would if I could. But I can’t. I’m stuck here. I can’t go anywhere.”

“Try harder,” the minotaur responded gruffly, with steam coming from his nostrils. “Problems are drawn to Equestria. You are just another problem. So leave.”

A switch clicked in Magnus’s head. He remembered Twilight talking about this guy, the one who criticized Princess Celestia about Princess Luna’s return, and also criticized Twilight herself, Discord, as well as any other problem that arose in Equestria. Now he was targeting Magnus, thinking he was the next disaster to strike.

Taking the higher road, Magnus said, “There aren’t any other way home for me. They’ve tried, believe me. Princess Twilight did her best, and if she can’t figure it out, then I don’t think anyone can. Perhaps one day, a way can be found, but until then, there’s nowhere I can go.”

“Convince the princesses!” the minotaur grumbled and pushed Magnus backwards with such force that he nearly fell on his ass. “Changelings, the Chaos God, dark magic unicorn tyrants, the Living Nightmare—all these monsters have come, each of them with the power to bring ruin to all. Equestria draws these monsters to it, and now you! I won’t stand idly by while you scheme. I say it again: convince the alicorns to send you back to where you came from!”

Magnus was completely unprepared for the push, and was taken by surprise at the little effort the minotaur had used. It was a reminder at how out of his league he was compared to him. If the bull wanted to, he could easily break his arms, but he doubted it would come to that.

Now, Magnus wasn’t one to simply be pushed around. Although he had been bullied as a child from time to time, his grandfather had taught him to solve problems with words, and surprisingly often it worked. But sometimes words failed, and then a fight would be unavoidable, and it was from these encounters that Magnus had learned a little bit about defending oneself and how to throw a punch or two. Although completely unmatched, Magnus decided to use his mind, starting with the minotaur.

‘Enormous upper body strength, just like Max. He’s strong, but chances are all that muscle slows him down. Short, thin legs would lead to the same result, but that won’t affect me. Avoid arms at all costs, dodge and weave, then bolt for the door. In case he grabs me, go for the eyes.” Then Magnus took in his surroundings. “Not much here I can use to defend myself with. Maybe the wastebasket can work; throw it at him and try to escape. Calling for help will always work. In worst case scenario, break the mirror; one good shard is a good way to keep him at arm's length. Keep him away, then escape.”

“Well?” the minotaur’s voice rumbled as he took a step forward.

Not to be outdone, Magnus also took a step forward and lowered the tone of his voice, making it deeper, while also slowly clenching his fists. “You shouldn’t push me, Happy Meal. Where I’m from, we eat creatures like you for lunch. Ever heard of beef? What about hamburger patties? Does that ring a bell in that thick skull of yours?”

“What did you call me?” the minotaur hissed through clenched teeth, a vein bulging on the bridge of his muzzle.

“Happy. Meal. What, am I speaking too quickly for you? Though you’d be more like a sad meal, like a vegan dinner at Thanksgiving. What, do you think you scare me, is that it? Well, tough shit, pal. There are things far scarier than you around. What do you even know anything about humans?” Magnus paused, though not to give the minotaur a chance to respond. “For example, I can bite you. I’m not venomous, and although a simple bite can’t kill, the infection that will surely follow will be a bitch to deal with. And considering my saliva is practically loaded with bacteria unknown to this world, how would doctors treat a bite from me? Answer: most likely they can’t. By the time the infection runs its course, you’ll either be dead from fever, or the body part I bite will have to be amputated. How do minotaurs deal with having only one arm? What if I bite a leg? Do you know any good carpenters who can make you a peg leg?”

For a change, the minotaur was at a loss for words. But Magnus wasn’t done yet.

“And look at where we are. One restroom at a cafe in the middle of Canterlot. Princess Twilight, Princess Cadance, and Prince Shining Armor know I’m here, and your ambassadorial buddies all know you went in here. Come to think of it, how many ponies saw you walk in here? Have you thought about that? If you decide to beat me to death, how will that affect your career? I’m guessing the princesses won’t be happy at all. And what about your king? I’d say diplomatic immunity might get you out of Equestria, but what about when you return home? Do minotaurs have death penalty for murder? Either way, It’ll be a mess all right, diplomatic relations falling apart and all that, just because you’re afraid of me and decided to beat me either to death, or hospitalize me for who knows how long. Your king might decide that the best way to show some goodwill is to ship you back here in chains so that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can sentence you for the murder or assault on one of their subjects. What do you think your chances are?”

The minotaur remained silent, his arms resting at his sides while a thoughtful look crossed his face.

“And we still haven’t gotten to the best part, fucko. Look at me.” Magnus held his arms wide open, gesturing to his body. “I’ve been in fights, yes, but never for my life, but if you decide to attack me, you can be damn sure I’ll fight as if my life depended on it. I’ll punch, kick, bite, headbutt—hell, I’ll use this spear on my head just to survive, because that is what I want to do; live… peacefully, I might add.” Magnus paused as he looked up at the minotaur. “So please, let’s just go our separate ways, okay? Live, and let live.”

Magnus said no more, waiting for the bull to make his move. Inside, he hoped that he would just step aside. If not, he’d be in a world of hurt. His adrenaline had begun to pump long ago, his heart beating like crazy. He felt as if something was about to happen and clenched his fists, readying himself for anything.

The minotaur remained silent for a few more seconds. Then, the thoughtful look on his face vanished in the blink of an eye, and he set his furious eyes on Magnus. “If you will not leave willingly, then I shall force you! Prison is a small price to pay in order to keep the world safe,” he shouted, an ugly scowl on his face. In less than a second, the bull pulled back his right arm, ready to strike, and in that very same second, Magnus raised his arms to block the punch while at the same time backpedalling. When the fist came at him, Magnus realized he was still within range and that he would get hit. Time slowed down as the huge clenched fist approached him. His arms raised to block, Magnus could do nothing but wait for the impact.

It never came. In the flurry of activity, Magnus vaguely saw a white shape appearing before him. Instead of a bone-breaking crunch, there was a slap, like a slab of meat hitting a cutting board. A large white paw, splayed wide open, held the angry minotaur’s fist, having stopped it mid-strike. It was the diamond dog ambassador who now stood between man and bull, back towards Magnus, his hind paws digging into the tiles.

“Atlas! What is the meaning of this?” the minotaur shouted angrily as he tried to pull back his hand from the diamond dog’s paw, struggling to no avail.

“Stopping an assault, Diligent,” the dog replied sternly and nodded towards the bull’s right side. “If your strike landed, you would be in a lot more trouble.”

The bull turned his head to his right, and Magnus sidestepped to see who was there, slowly lowering his arms. He was instantly relieved, but the minotaur ambassador’s livid look grew pale. Behind him stood Princess Twilight, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, the griffon ambassador, and beyond the doorway, in the cafe, stood the eight guards. The entire crowd frowned at the minotaur.

Finally, the diamond dog released Diligent’s fist, and the bull hastily pulled it back, still looking at the guards and the royals, understanding that he was, or was to be, royally screwed. The look in his eyes said it all: he was done for.

“Ambassador Diligent Ambition,” Princess Cadance spoke, her eyes on the minotaur, steel in her voice. “I kindly request that you attend a meeting in Canterlot Castle with myself, my husband, my sister-in-law, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna this afternoon at exactly six before sundown. Guards, please escort the ambassador back to the Minoan embassy.”

With a defeated look on his face, the minotaur complied, turned around, and walked willingly towards the guards. When he reached the door, he turned halfway around so that he could look Magnus in the eyes. “This! Is not over!” he spat, grinding his teeth.

At the time, the best thing Magnus could do was display a shit-eating grin and wave the minotaur goodbye as he was escorted away. As soon as the bull was out of sight, he let out the breath he had been holding for the last thirty seconds, the adrenaline high he was on slowly dissipating. “Oh! Oh shit, I thought he was going to break me in half!”

Twilight was the first to rush over to him, followed by her brother and Princess Cadance. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Magnus shook his head while taking several deep breaths. “I’m okay, just scared, and glad that it’s over. But how did you know I was in trouble?”

“Ambassador Graymantle warned us,” Twilight said, looking to the griffon, who stepped forward while adjusting his monocle.

“Ah, yes, yes I did,” the griffon began, sounding a bit reserved and with a touch of upper class. “Ambassador Diligent has been quite vocal ever since your revelation. He seems to believe that you are the next catastrophe to befall the world. Even today when we met, all he would speak of was you and whatever ‘evil plans’ you were plotting. So, of course when you arrived in the lovely company of Princess Twilight, Princess Cadance, and Prince-Consort Shining Armor, he said and I quote, “Now he has bewitched the royalty of Equestria. Weaklings who dare not dispose of a clear and present threat. If the elder alicorns will not take action, then I shall.” Then he followed you here.”

Magnus nodded while the griffon told the story. “And what about you?” He turned to the diamond dog.

The dog took off his small John Lennon-like glasses and began cleaning them with a small white handkerchief he took from his vest pocket. When he spoke, it lacked the gruffness the diamond dogs near Ponyville had. His voice was more like that of a guy who had been smoking and drinking whisky for many years. “While Gerhard went to warn the prince and princesses, I followed Diligent and waited outside the door. I was hoping you two could solve it without us intervening, but Diligent, he’s extremely stubborn, even by minotaur standards. The moment your speech ended, I had already opened the door to rush in, and the royals and guards were behind me.”

“I see…” Getting the bull talking was the right move. If he hadn’t, the minotaur might have done something sooner. “But how did you block Diligent’s punch. How did you move so fast?” At the time it happened, adrenaline was rushing through his veins, and with a beating close at hand, he was so focused on the minotaur that he had barely seen the dog move into position.

At this question, the diamond dog grinned. “Former Kingsguard. Paw-to-paw combat is mandatory. I was an instructor.”

Magnus stared at the dog, then began to chuckle. “Well, I owe you, Ambassador Atlas, and you too, Ambassador Graymantle, for saving my hide. I don’t know what I can do to repay you, but for now I hope you’ll accept my gratitude.”

“Dear me, it was nothing, just a few simple words,” the griffon said, almost sounding bothered by Magnus’ grateful words.

The diamond dog slapped Magnus’ shoulder in a friendly manner while smiling. “Don’t worry about it. Buy me a whisky on the gems sometime and we’ll call it even.”

“Whiskey on… right, I’ll do that. But what now?” He turned to the trio of ponies. “What’ll happen to Diligent? Will his diplomatic immunity protect him from attempted assault?”

“No,” Cadance answered simply.

“Even ambassadors are subject to the laws of Equestria, as is anypony else. Assault, even attempted assault, is a crime that their immunity can’t save them from. Ambassador Diligent Ambition will most likely be expelled from Equestria for this,” Shining Armor elaborated.

“As for you two,” Cadance turned to regard the diamond dog and the griffon. “Will you be willing to give a written testimony regarding what happened here and your roles in it?”

“Sure,” Atlas quickly replied with an eager nod.

Gerhard coughed and straightened his sash. “I… am sure that Minoa can find somegriffon else better suited to the role of ambassador. It requires a bit of finesse and etiquette, not to mention charisma to fill such a role, and Diligent Ambition possess none of these qualities. Yes, I am willing to both write and sign my testimony.”

“Good. Magnus, are you willing to testify directly to us? I understand if you would rather not meet Diligent again.”

“Sure, the sooner we get back to the castle, the better.”

After returning outside, Ambassador Atlas and Ambassador Graymantle wrote their accounts and signed them at the table, now sitting alongside Twilight, Cadance, Shining, and Magnus, sharing their table. And as soon as the testimonies were written, life returned to normal to them, except for one.

Magnus was shaken, even though he hid it well. Somehow, Twilight picked up on his uneasiness, and from time to time asked him if he was okay and if he wanted to go back to the castle. He responded each time by saying he was okay, but he could see it on her face that she didn’t quite believe him; neither did her brother and sister-in-law. In truth, he was coming to terms with the fact that Ambassador Diligent was so steadfast in his belief that Magnus was dangerous that he was ready to beat him, perhaps even to death. Understanding this was a serious wake-up call to him.

But another revelation came to him, one that made him smile.

He was afraid of dying.

Weeks ago, while grieving over his lost life on Earth, he considered ending his life.

Now, he wanted to live a long life, maybe travel a bit, see what Equus had to offer him, find a job he could be happy with, a nice home, and perhaps learn more about magic. He wanted to live.

And the thought made him happy.

Author's Note:

Hey! Another chapter? So soon? Yeah, I was surprised too. JBL is surely a wizard dabbling in the editing arts!

Looks like things are picking up speed nowadays. we're done in Ponyville and we're branching out into the world, and soon we'll be in Hollow Shades to see its wonders and meet its inhabitans (Eeeeeeeeeeeee).

I had to add the part about checking out the boat, and even though Twilight took a bit off, I found it charming and very much in character for her to geek out over things from another world. And a walk around Canterlot was also a nice little reprieve from the castle and all that happens there. I don't expect the princesses going out on the streets that much, and as we've seen, Celestia and Luna always travel around in chariots. Dunno if that's true to Cadance though, but I think she's a bit more 'preferring to walk there' kinda mare.

Enter Gerhard Greymantle, Atlas, and Diligent Ambition. One of them had to be the bad guy, and what better than a quarter ton of muscle and attitude. I knew early on that I wanted Gerhard to be an upper class kinda guy, and his appearance, the sash and monocle kinda came naturally. Atlas I wanted to be a sympathetic character as opposed to the diamond dogs we've seen so far. I've known quite a few musicians that look and act like him over the years(Yes, my city is very interesting since it has a huge musical environment). And the Tom Waits link was JBL's idea. It's pretty much as close as you can get, although I imagined his voice a little bit softer. Also, this chapter also gave Cadance the chance to show her AUTORITAH! not over the top though...

As always, a huge thank you to my readers, and a thank you to all who gave my story a place in your library. You make me wanna write :twilightsmile:

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