• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 6,511 Views, 808 Comments

Leap of Faith - A bag of plums

After the defeat of the Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer finds herself at the center of an ancient struggle for power. With the net closing around them, can Sunset and her friends find out the truth before it finds them?

  • ...


A little over two months later…

Sunset Shimmer arrived to school early like she always did, walking up the front steps, stopping only to gaze at the sun in the sky. It was now spring, and all the snow had melted away, leaving the Canterlot High School’s grounds green and lush.

School had been in session for a month and a half now, and Sunset was still getting used to her new outfit. After using her new abilities to head around the city, she figured that wearing jeans was a much better idea than her old skirt. Safer too.

There had also been a few other instances where her skills came in very handy, but they were stories for another time.

Needing to stop by her locker before homeroom, Sunset found her way down the Canterlot High halls, remembering the exact location of her locker by now. She soon found it, along with a surprising sight in the form of her locker neighbor. He usually wasn’t this early to school.

“Morning, Sunset,” a blue haired boy greeted her as she grasped her lock in her hand.

“Oh, good morning, Home Run,” she wished him back. “You’re early.”

Home Run had been a new student over from Fillydelphia State School after winter break, and things had been a bit weird at first, but Sunset had come to trust him and call him a friend.

“Yeah,” Home Run let out a short laugh. “Bike broke, so I got a lift from Lightning Dust.”

Sunset knew exactly what that meant. Lightning Dust wasn’t one of the safest drivers. “Regretting it?”

“Yup,” the boy nodded. “Oh, by the way, you’ll be getting a surprise later in class.”

“Oh? What might that be?”

“I won’t spoil it for you. I guess you’ll find out when we start class. I’m just gonna grab a drink before the bell. I’ll see you later.”

Sunset said goodbye and proceeded on to her homeroom, sitting down and idly thinking of her journal. On a whim, she pulled it out of her bag and began to write.

Dear Princess Twilight,
I’m just writing to say hi. Things have been relatively calm recently. No Templars or Assassins, and certainly no Stalker, has approached me or the girls, so I think it’s safe to say that both groups have disbanded, and our mysterious friend is nowhere in sight. I’m also writing to ask about Velvet. From your previous letters, you seemed to say that she was recovering well. I just want to know when she’ll be able to come back to our world? Pinkie’s already got a welcome back party planned for her, so I hope it’s soon.
Yours faithfully,
Sunset Shimmer

Sunset closed her book and returned her attention to Rainbow Dash, who was busily illustrating a story about how she had single-handedly won a soccer match. It sounded so overly exaggerated that she didn’t know whether to believe it or not. Not too long after, Home Run came back into the room with a bottle of soda in hand. Sunset smiled and gave him a wave as he made his way to his seat.

“Hey, Sunset,” Rainbow nudged her, getting her attention. “Mrs. Harshwhinny is never late. Do you think she’s sick today? Maybe she caught whatever Mr. Pierce had? When is he coming back again?”

“No idea, Rainbow. Maybe we should go visit him if you’re so concerned.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes bugged out for a second. “M-Me? Visit Mr. Pierce? Good one, Sunset.”

“Yeah…” Sunset laughed for a bit. “Though, you’re right. Mrs. Harshwhinny usually gets here earlier to set up her lesson. I wonder if she is indeed sick today.”

At that moment, the classroom door opened, revealing Mrs. Harshwhinny and another girl who was wearing a familiar black leather jacket. Her hair was long now, but there was no mistaking the silver hairclip or the welcoming expression on her face.

And Sunset caught her eye, holding the gaze between the two, holding it as only two soldiers who have fought side by side could manage.

“Welcome back, Velvet.”

The End

Author's Note:

Credits Theme

Achievements Unlocked

A New Beginning: You reached the end of Leap of Faith!

Like a Fiddle: Side story unlocked! Read to get a glimpse into Frigid Night's life.

This Day and Never Again: Prologue unlocked! Read to learn more about Emerald Edge and her journey.

The Missing Link: Bonus chapter unlocked! Read to uncover the truth behind the changelings.

"I'm not dead. Not yet."

Comments ( 46 )

aww its over, gonna miss this fic was awesome be looking out for secual

7847266 There is a sequel, actually!

Here you go!

It's odd seeing the name Home Run in another story when I used it in mine lol. Nice finish to a nice story :)

It's over? Well, it ended on such a happy note that I'm pleased. This takes place in the same universe, I'm guessing? I look forward to reading the sequel. Thanks for writing this story, and I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Whew, that's a lot of achievements! Can't wait to check them out too!

Yaaaaay, congrats on the end!!! I've already checked out two of your stories and they sound interesting enough!! I can't wait for mooore!!!! I'll also be sure to check out Cinder's stories!

Glad to see everything quieted down in the end. Now I wonder just what Sunset has been doing?

JMP #7 · Jan 6th, 2017 · · ·

Wait hold up.

“Morning, Sunset,” a blue haired boy greeted her as she grasped her lock in her hand.
“Oh, good morning, Home Run,” she wished him back. “You’re early.”
Home Run had been a new student over from Fillydelphia State School after winter break, and things had been a bit weird at first, but Sunset had come to trust him and call him a friend.

No Templars or Assassins, and certainly no Stalker, has approached me or the girls, so I think it’s safe to say that both groups have disbanded, and our mysterious friend is nowhere in sight.

Since when does this story connect to A Rift Between Worlds? Jeez. What a year for Sunset. First she gets caught up in the fight between the Assassins and Templars, and then she has to deal with the Earth being invaded while operating sentient powered armor (still can't find a good way to describe the Warframes).

7870923 That's some very deep analysis you've done! :twilightsmile: :pinkiecrazy:

7937608 If we look at the poetry and all the signs left by the author, I think it's a safe bet to assume that Mirror Match is a relative of Chrysalis, possibly her sister. She shows up more later too, so keep an eye out for that.

rather then to make a long winded full of drivel comment hear I can sum up this story in one word.

hey everyone!!! i'm new here and i really enjoyed reading this story...well for the most part anyways. i'm kinda an expert on Assassin's Creed lore (sort of; there's still a lot for me to learn). as well as the morality of the game. (after almost a year of looking online, i have come to the conclusion that no one, not even the makers of the game, understand the phrase "nothing is true. everything is permitted" like i do). as such, i feel kind of alone in the world. BUT!!!! i have a proposition for "a bag of plums" and "cinders of war". i would like to rewrite "leap of faith". or rather create a new story with the same characters, following a similar timeline, but with a new context, sort of. i've already written 6+ chapters of this new story and want to wait until i have permission from "a bag of plums" before posting. i don't want to be a dick, that's why i'm waiting; i'm afraid that it would violate copyright laws or something becuase this rewrite literally takes place in almost the EXACT same universe as the original, and also uses all the same OC's. i have read "a bag of plum"s stories and feel that while they're good, i can make them better. more complex too. "a bag of plums", i am talking directly to you now, if you see this, just respond to this comment because i don't quite understand how the personal messaging thing works yet and i'm fairly afraid of trying new things. i hope you will allow me to post the rewrite. i'll be really happy if you do. i'm almost obsessed with Assassin's Creed and fairly enjoy MLP too, so it will be a dream come true if you would except my proposition. i eagerly await a response.

oh. by the way, if you haven't caught on yet with me sounding a little bit like an asshole just then. i have autism. in particular, i have Aspergers Syndrome. so, if i sounded like an ass back there i apologize, as such was not my intention. i'm just really honest.

Hello. So you claim to have a desire to rewrite Leap of Faith and other stories by Cinders of War and A Bag of Plums? I have a couple of questions about that, but the most important one is, did you read Leap of Faith all the way through? Because there are a lot of hidden clues, nuances, and references to their other stories that it takes maybe a second or third read through to get. I'm not sure about A Bag of Plums or Cinders of War's permission for you to rewrite their work, but if you do so, tread very carefully. These two guys have put a lot of work into their stuff and personally I think it's perfect the way it is. You might be stepping on thin ice here, so be careful. :trixieshiftright:

ya, i completely read the whole story, all of them, multiple times, and don't worry, i already got permission and have already posted, just waiting for approval now. :pinkiehappy:

also, if you know Assassin's Creed like i do, you'll know that this story is FAR from perfect. i mean, no offence to plums, but they completely missed the mark on the meaning of "nothing is true. everything is permitted."
it's not just "the freedom to kill, but also the freedom not to kill" or anything like that. it's FAR more complicated than that. that' my intention of the rewrite: to fully drive home the meaning of the Creed in all it's complicated glory.

also if you didn't read that part, i have aspergers syndrome, so if i sounded like a dick back there, i'm sorry i didn't mean to. :scootangel:

You did an excellent job with this story. The ending was perfect too.

That is true, but I am not talking about just going up to someone in the street and asking. I'm talking about History itself.

The events and deaths and how they died would have been recorded, there would be documents and proof. Heck, one of the games take place in the American Revolution, where everything was well documented over every person that did anything of any importance at all. Including who leaders were of troops, troop movements, where, how, and why they did what they did. And yet, still nothing about Assassins, Assassinations, Templars, Pieces of Eden, or anything else about the secret war.

Also, those other groups did nothing like the Templars and Assassins did. Try something a little more closer. Ask people if they know what ISIS is, or ask them if they know anything about the Illuminati. Heck, ask them if they know who Jack The Ripper is.

Most of the groups you mentioned didn't do too much to stand out in History's eyes. They just existed. But a many century long war between two groups, one group constantly being important leaders in history and the other being a group of assassins that go around mass murdering people? Stuff like that is going to be Documented, and it's impossible to remove all evidences of a war from history. Especially now a days when we reserchers and scientists are so bored that they are digging into anything and everything to look deeper.

It's just impossible to contained. It would be like if America had it's Civil War, but then when it was done, no one Documented it, no one talked about it, the rest of the world doesn't know it happens, and the North and South of America still fight it out in the streets but no one questions it, reports it, documents it, or except that it's a thing. It's impossible, realistically. I even point out in my comment that you can cause great world changing damage in one game, then load up the next and NOTHING CHANGED, as if the last game didn't exist.

Armenian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, the drug wars in South America created by the CIA, the idea that the CIA created Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, the Rothschilds funding both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, the OSS, the JFK files, the appearance of the Swastika not just in Asia and the Old World but also in native American and ancient Mayan cultures, the erasing of Nikola Tesla from the history books, the glorification of Christopher Columbus for centuries, the innumerable "unpersons" creates by Stalin, the Black Sites being currently run by the US DOD, there's plenty of major events and people who vanish from history, only rediscovered by chance.

Oh, I didn't know it was an anime reference :twilightsheepish:
I was right though, Mirror Match did come back. And with a vengeance.

You basically proved my point. It was chance, but it was discovered. Especially the longer and bigger something was, the harder it was to contain and hide.

A war, happening for over 1000+ years in all parts of the world, in all culture, and one side always being famous people or leaders of nations or very high ranking people? A war happening in Modern Day as well I might add? Not even Modern, in the future with future tech? There are Technology now that can open old case files from hundreds of years ago and find who a killer was. Jack the Ripper was a real person, tho he was never found. And a few years ago they were able to find out who he was and what he did with his life.

And yet, not a single person on the planet. Not even ONE person, that is not part of the war, aka is not a Templar or an Assassin, knows about the war going on. There are no records, no mention, no signs. Nothing. Cause remember, the Assassin's Creed world's history, is based on our own. So if our history has no signs of, say, an Assassin and Templar fighting in the American Revolution. Then it happened, like in the game, but was never documented, talked about, or known to the rest of the world.

It's utter nonsense.

Probably because the Templars STILL rule the world (in Assassin's Creed), edit history, and kill off potential threats, while the Assassins are on the run in the modern era. If Stalin during his time could effectively make people cease to exist and the US school system can raise generations without any knowledge of Christopher Columbus's crimes or Tesla's discoveries, surely the ruling Templars can take care of the "proper narrative". And it's never said that NOBODY knows about the events; Abstergo clearly wants to glorify Templars and run a character assassination on the Assassins of the past, and you also have various conspiracy theorists and random employees in the modern day who get sucked into the conflict simply based on their knowledge, which drives them to action, which results in their death and/or removal from the picture. There's even an entire cult that's not part of EITHER faction, and of course history professors would probably know bits and pieces, such as the Knights Templar, the Hasasshini, the missing notes of Flemel, the missing notes of Da Vinci, the Crystal Skulls of South America, the Voynich manuscript, etc. It's just that the general public, manipulated by their school system, cowed by the police, dulled by videogames, and drugged out of their minds by chemtrails and fluorinated water and processed food and preservatives and prescription drugs, can't be bothered to look up or care about any of this, just like in real life.

I have to say, this story is a gem. It's so good that I made an account just to comment on it. So here's to you, A bag of plums, and I hope the rest of your stories are just as good as this one.

~Red Rackham

All right. I haven't commented on this yet, so, no time like the present.
I remember when I first found this. After I just became a brony, I was browsing theories for EQG. That's when I just so happened to stumble apon this Da Vinci-Worthy piece of work. At first I was......skeptical, the other stuff I was like "ugh, another stupid author trying a crossover. Well, why not? I'm bored." That's when I started reading and bopping between FIM and fanfiction.net while reading it. I gotta say, I was, beyond impressed. The charectors, the plot, the, whole gorram thing! It was....beyond amazing! And the ending raps up nicely whilst leaving room for growth. I know I'm late, better late than never.

I applaud you, Plums and Cinders, I applaud you! May you both live a long, happy, full and healthy life! Thank you for this amazing story! And all the stories after it!

Okay, I'm done. Bye!

Thank you for taking the time to comment here, even if it's late! We're pleased that you derived some pleasure from reading the story. Stay tuned for more on our other additions to the mythos~

Oh, you replied! Ahem, um, yeah. Thank you for writing it, and I'm already keeping my eyes peeled.And my origin story arc will have surprises of its own. Slightly different timeline and all that junk.

Finally reached the end of this!

Now for my thoughts...

This was the first Assassins Creed X MLP crossover I came across and I enjoyed it. I like the original characters and the fitting change of fitting the Creed to EQG. Which was probably why I stop reading at first after the majority of Assassins got killed by Sombra in his attack when that chapter came out. I'm glad I finally continue this to the end though. And I could understand your intentions of killing the assassins off. By the end, all artefacts are destroyed. The Assassins and then the Templars majority get killed in the conflict and with the majority of the artefacts and the originators of the conflict eliminated. Both sides are disbanded it seems. The void leaving for the changelings to strike.

The changelings being here also add an unexpected twist and air of mystery to this story. Fitting of Assassin's Creed. Nothing is True and Everything is permitted.

You also provide interesting ways emotions and circumstances lead to people making bad decisions like in Assassin's Creed. This really ups the drama here. And in the end. As always Friendship prevails. Also fitting of MLP.

Though I have to say the pony side of this story at times felt redundant to me other than confirming or adding on to what readers will learn or know of the first Assassin and Sombra.

Overall, an enjoyable read and i can't wait to read the rest.

We at the Bloodlines Continuity are pleased that you enjoyed this story! We tried to create something that both Assassin's Creed fans and MLP fans would enjoy, and it seems we've succeeded at least on some level. We hope you'll continue to read the rest of our work, since it opens up new views and little easter eggs about Leap of Faith. Thanks for taking the time to comment and we hope to see you again on our other stories! :twilightsmile:

We recommend The Lost Connection immediately after Leap of Faith.

I loved that story. And your OC are so cool. I cried when High Noon, Dewdrop and Frigid Night died. They were my favourite

We're glad you enjoyed this! Do consider taking a look at the other entries in the Bloodlines Continuity, as they add on to this story as well~ :twilightblush:

I'm reading 'A Long Way to Fall' now. I am at the chapter 26

And so I reach the end.

I've got to say, this is a really good fic. I've got a couple issues with it, but they're relatively minor, I really enjoyed the original characters, and despite never playing an Assassin's Creed game, I didn't really get confused. Good work, I'll be sure to check out the other stories in the continuity.

Glad to see you like this story~
If you want to see more of this universe, don't hesitate to check out the sequel or the prequel, since it expands on a lot of the characters in this story. :twilightsmile:

And so I reach the end once again.

Just, wow. I remember loving this one, but I've been scared for months to reread it. I finally forced myself to, and I could not stop. It's one of those fics where I break my rule of not reading during the day, and I genuinely could not stop reading. I read like 150k+ words in like 2 hours, I was so engrossed in the world and it's characters. It's not perfect, but it's fun and interesting.

I still know nothing about Assassin's Creed but that doesn't hinder anything and that's the way it should be.

Fantastic work once again, I can't wait to reread some of the sequels and get off my ass and read the other fics that I didn't the first time around. I love the interconnected universe here, it was so cool the first time, and I still get giddy about it the second time around. All the references to Mr Pierce (or whatever his name is) makes me grin because I actually know who he is because of later stories. The Home Run references I didn't care for the first time, but since I know him and his story, it makes the ending a lot better.

Shame there's an M-Rated fic in the universe, since I don't read them, but it's whatever.

I feel like I have more to say, but I can't put it into words. Great stuff, I can't wait to start the sequels later tonight.

The M rated story actually has tags at the top of each chapter telling you if there's Mature content in there or not, but if you want to skip it, I guess that's fine as well. I'm glad to hear you like this universe enough to post comments on it. We'll see you again in the other stories, I hope? :twilightsmile:

For the story behind Emerald Edge, Age of Kings has that covered. It's still in progress, but we're getting there~ :twilightblush:

Make sure you read the prequel, A Long Way to Fall. It explains a lot of the things in Leap of Faith and does a good job characterizing the Assassin characters.

100% my intention, just want to get through the rereads of the stories in this universe before starting the stuff I never got to.

8/10 Great story. You tied the two series together wonderfully.

We're glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for dropping your comments, and if you have time, you could check out the sequel or prequel to this story. Cheers! :twilightsmile:

“Oh, good morning, Home Run,” she wished him back. “You’re early.”


I'll get to you soon, just have to read the other side stories for this one first :)

“Welcome back, Velvet.”

This line also makes me really happy.

Okay. God damn what a fanfiction. The first half is certainly much stronger, but the second half is no slouch either. I think it leaned a little bit too much into the action and not enough into the characters and the effects the plot had on them. I would've love to see more time with Sunset exploring her new abilities, along with getting to know the Assassins and Templars better. That's not to say you didn't do a fantastic job with the original characters, they were amazing and honestly in some ways stole the show. All of them felt really believable and like there was an actual history between them. The only part I felt was a bit rough was the way the Assassins and Templars motivations were explained, but it's such a nonissue.

I loved almost every single line in this fanfiction. It's astounding how good it is, especially for someone who has seen nothing from any of the AC games. Hell, it kind of makes me want to check it out. I cannot stress enough how good it is, it's one of those fics where I have to force myself to put it down or I'll read it all in one afternoon. Highly enjoyed, highly recommend.

We're glad you enjoyed the story, and we're also excited to hear you're planning to read the other entries in the continuity. You're right, the original characters do have history with each other, and that can be found in A Long Way to Fall. If you liked the original characters and want to see how they got to where they are in Leap of Faith, consider checking A Long Way to Fall out. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment so much!

Drew some fanart of Velvet while I'm on break from reading fanfics. Not a whole lot on the reference department so it was a bit of a pain, and unfortunately human anatomy has been lost to me in favor of ponies, so forgive how rough and rushed it looks.


Hey, nice to hear from you again! Always appreciative of some fanart, nice job! If you want some references to the characters, here's a link to the artist's DA page. Feel free to look around!


Hey, that’s quite a good sketch, haha, glad that Bloodlines has left enough of an impression to warrant some fanart. We are honoured to have it. And yes, should you need any specific references, ask away. I’ll be happy to help.

Just finished my re-read of leap of faith. I'm glad I re-discovered this series. Now onto a long way 5o fall! ^^

Huh. That was a thing. Seems like there are a lot if loose strings to tie up. I'm guessing they are addressed in all the side stories.

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