• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 6,511 Views, 808 Comments

Leap of Faith - A bag of plums

After the defeat of the Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer finds herself at the center of an ancient struggle for power. With the net closing around them, can Sunset and her friends find out the truth before it finds them?

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Dinner at Rarity's

The train finally entered the Crystal Empire station, leaving the falling snow behind as it passed into the Crystal Heart’s protection. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike prepared to leave as the shining crystal station appeared through the windows as the train came to a slow halt.

“Here we are!” Spike said as he hopped out. “The Crystal Empire. So, uh, it might be a little late to ask, but… where are we starting?”

“Sunset Shimmer did mention a tower in her message,” Twilight rubbed a hoof to her chin. “I don’t suppose there are too many of those here.”

“Maybe we could ask the princess about it?” Spike suggested as the two of them looked towards the palace. “She might know something about that tower.”

“Maybe we should, Spike. I guess that means our first stop is the castle.”

“So much for low-key.”

Spurred on by the thought of meeting her sister-in-law and possibly, brother, again, Twilight trotted off down the main street, occasionally stopping for when a crystal pony wanted to talk to Spike. No matter how many times Spike visited the Empire, the denizens of the Crystal Empire never seemed to tire of Spike or his stories.

These ponies were so happy that you wouldn’t think a dark king had tried to take over in the past. Twilight shuddered at the thought of Sombra returning. They’d only just barely chased him off the last time, plus, she had believed they destroyed him. It seems there was more to this than meets the eye.

Finally arriving at the palace doors, Twilight used her magic to open them, stepping into the crystalline marvel that was the Crystal Empire palace’s main lobby. A few squads of guards littered the area, all out of Twilight’s way, standing at the ready, except for one, a tan colored stallion who she collided into. Again.

“Oh, careful there, princess,” Flash Sentry helped her up with a hoof. “And I apologize for taking your time. They’re already waiting for you.”

“Oohhhh… Thanks,” Twilight rubbed at her muzzle. “And… They’re already waiting? Who?”

The pegasus guard smiled and stepped to the side, pointing a hoof to the throne room doors. “Why the princess, of course, and a couple of guards. At least, I think they’re guards.”

You think they’re guards?” Spike piped up. “What’s that supposed to mean? Either they’re guards or they’re not.”

“Well…” Flash tapped the side of his crystal helmet. “They kinda look different from the regular ones. I guess you’ll know what I mean when you see them.”

Twilight nodded. “Thanks. I suppose I’ll go see them now.”

“Take care, Princess Twilight.”

Flash nodded at them and continued on his rounds. Twilight glanced at Spike and shrugged. “C’mon, Spike. Let’s go see these ‘guards’.”

Without any further ado, the Princess of Friendship pushed the doors to the royal hall open, where she immediately spotted Princess Cadance and Shining Armor seated at the far end.

“Twilight!” Cadance exclaimed, prancing up to meet Twilight halfway. “Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake,” she began.

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Twilight finished happily.

“It’s good to see you again, Twily,” Shining Armor added, pulling his younger sister in for a hug. “And not forgetting you, Spike!” The unicorn nudged the baby dragon’s head.

“I heard you were expecting us?” Twilight questioned the leaders of the Crystal Empire. “How did you know we were coming?”

“Yeah,” Spike added on. “We planned to surprise you and everything.”

Shining Armor turned and beckoned with a hoof. “These two told us. Come on out, guys.”

A grey coated pegasus with an eyepatch over his left eye and wearing a set of gleaming Solar guard armor emerged from behind a pillar, while a familiar batpony dropped from the ceiling, landing close by. As Flash Sentry had said, they did indeed look different from the regular guards, because of their different helmets. Eclipse guard helmets, to be precise.

Bonjour, Princess Twilight,” Eclair bowed deeply.

“You have visitors, Twily,” Shining Armor explained. “Agent Eclair and Agent Cinders.”

“Yes, I’ve met Agent Eclair before,” the lavender alicorn nodded her head in understanding and greeting. “As for Agent Cinders, it’s nice to meet you.”

The stallion nodded and said nothing.

“Oh, you must excuse Cinders, Twily. He doesn’t speak much.”

“Oh, umm… No problem. It’s fine,” Twilight put on her best smile. “So, what are you two doing here? You’re awfully far from Canterlot.”

“The princesses sent us here to aid you on your quest,” Eclair said, saluting crisply. “They told us to assist you in any way possible, Princess Twilight.”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sent you?” Twilight was amazed that the two princesses cared so much about her work. Maybe this was bigger than she had first thought.

“Indeed they did,” Eclair confirmed. “So, Princess Twilight, would you mind briefing us so we can get to work? I’m sure the amount of work must be quite a burden if Princesses Luna and Celestia saw it fit to send us to aid you.”

“So what is all this work you’ve come to do, Twilight?” Cadance asked curiously. “To have agents from both the Lunar and Solar divisions… This must be pretty important.”

“Actually,” Spike said cheerily. “We were hoping you could help us out, Princess Cadance. We’re looking for a tower that used to be the workshop of Star Swirl the Bearded. You wouldn’t happen to know where this tower is, would you?”

“A tower…” Cadance placed a hoof on her chin, tapping it in place as she thought. “I’m not so well-versed in the Crystal Empire’s history, but there are quite a few towers in the castle. I think the library might help you there.”

Cinders tapped Eclair on the shoulder and began an array of interesting gestures that Twilight couldn’t completely follow. The batpony seemed to understand what he was saying and nodded her head.

Eclair noticed Twilight tilting her head to the side and smiled. “Agent Cinders is saying we can double our search efforts, princess. We shall take to the skies and search every tower for this place.”

“Do you know what it looks like?” Spike questioned.

“We will find out, dragon,” Eclair answered him.

Bowing to the royalty, both Eclipse guards spread their wings and swooped out one of the windows, disappearing out of sight.

“That was… fast,” Twilight continued to look out the window. “They might just find it before we arrive at the library.”

“Come on, right this way,” Cadance beckoned, already at the main doors. “I’ll take you there.”

“I’ll get some of the guards and help out in the search,” Shining volunteered. “I’ll see you later, Twily.”

Shining Armor cantered away, leaving Cadance with Twilight.

Cadance beckoned to her sister-in-law. “Come on, Twilight. The day’s not getting any younger.”

Sunset Shimmer and Morning Blade trudged through the last few feet of snow and up to Rarity’s front door. Shivering as the wind went down the back of her shirt, Sunset raised a hand and knocked on the door.

Moments later, Sweetie Belle’s face appeared in the crack between the door, breaking into a smile as she beheld Sunset, then morphing into a face of confusion when she looked behind Sunset and saw Morning Blade.

“Oh, uh, hi, Sunset,” Sweetie Belle said, inviting them in. “Who’s your friend?”

“Oh,” Sunset turned around and pointed at the Assassin. “This is Morning Blade. She’s… uh… An old friend! Yeah. She kinda dropped by unexpectedly, so… I figured I could bring her with me. You’re okay with that, right?”

Morning Blade waved a hand in greeting and pulled at her white braid nervously.

“Oh, okay. What happened to your eye?” Sweetie looked up at Morning curiously.

Morning quickly pulled at her fringe to further hide the eyepatch, blushing slightly. “Oh, well, this… Hey, is that chicken I smell?”

At that moment, Rarity came down the stairs and saw them, a smile breaking out on her face as she did so.

“Oh, Sunset! You made it. I trust you had a… safe journey?”

“Yeah, Morning says we weren’t followed,” Sunset shrugged as they entered Rarity’s home, dusting snow off their shoulders. “How about you? Anything weird?”

“Fortunately, everything has been just fine. Sweetie Belle here even helped me close up shop, isn’t that right, Sweetie?” Sweetie Belle nodded happily as Rarity gave her a pat on the back.

“I still don’t know what’s going on about all this sneaky action,” Sweetie Belle called them towards the dining room. “Rarity said to watch out for ‘strange people’, so that’s what I’ve been doing. Hey, maybe it could be something I’m good at! You think so?”

“I’d rather you try something a little less dangerous, darling,” Rarity chided before returning her attention to Sunset and Morning. “I believe dinner is almost ready, so shall I show you where you can wash up for the meal? Right this way…”

Rarity led the girls into her dining room, which was much cleaner than Sunset had ever remembered it to be. Maybe it was because she was coming over, but it might’ve also been because the fashionista’s parents were home.

“Why, good evening, Sunset Shimmer,” Hondo Flanks smiled, twisting the end of one side of his moustache. Then he turned his eyes to Morning Blade. “I don’t believe we’ve met. Hondo Flanks, and this is my wife, Cookie Crumbles.”

“Nice to meet you,” Morning said warmly, bowing to Rarity’s parents. “I hope you don’t mind me being here.”

“Oh my, how polite,” Rarity’s mother clapped her hands together. “Please, sit. The food’s all ready and we have more than enough for you too!”

“Thank you very much, ma’am,” the Assassin smiled and bowed again, sitting only when Sunset and her friends found their seats after a quick washing of hands at the kitchen sink.

The dining table held an interesting and fragrant array of food, consisting of corn, peas, carrots, potatoes, but what caught Sunset’s eye was the whole chicken, seated in the center, the delicious smell wafting up her nose.

Back in Equestria, she would never have thought she’d ever consume meat in her life, but times have changed and most of the humans here ate meat, so Sunset figured she’d do the same. Besides, it tasted great.

“Think of this as an early Christmas dinner, kids,” Cookie said before everyone picked up their cutlery. “Eat as much as you want.”

“Yay!” Sweetie Belle was the first to dig in, pulling out bits and pieces of everything and tossing them on her plate. “You’re the best, mom!”

As soon as the younger girl was done, Morning Blade took the cutlery and dished out a little of everything for Rarity, the fashionista’s parents, Sunset, then for herself.

“My, you didn’t need to do that,” Hondo Flanks chuckled and tied a napkin around his neck. “But thank you, dear.”

“Sorry, it’s how I was… brought up,” Morning Blade smiled and pulled at her braid again. Sunset noticed the Assassin only did that when she was either nervous, embarrassed, or hiding something.

“Well, your parents brought you up very well, young lady,” Rarity’s father said as he chewed on his dinner.

“Oh, did you know?” Sunset asked aloud for everyone at the table. “Morning Blade’s from CHS as well. A few years ahead of us.”

“No, really?” Rarity widened her eyes as Morning nodded her head. “Small world, isn’t it? So I take it you know most of our teachers?”

Morning Blade looked to Sunset before speaking, like to see if it was alright to tell them. “I know Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. They were such nice heads. As for teachers, there was Mrs. Harshwhinny, Mr. Bray, Mr. Plugs, Mr. Coach and Mr. Cranky Doodle, I mean, if they’re still there.”

“Hmm, Mr. Coach left just this semester. I don’t recall any Mr. Plugs,” Rarity shrugged after giving it some thought. “What did he teach?”

Morning swallowed her food before speaking. “Computer class.”

“Oh,” Sunset joined in the conversation. “Yeah, we’ve had a new teacher, Mr. Pierce.”

“You don’t know how lucky you are, not having him as your teacher,” Rarity flipped her hair back. “Far be it from me to speak ill of someone behind their back, but his classes are so boring that I’d rather not do up my hair than listen to him speak.”

“What, a teacher can’t be that bad, can he?” Hondo laughed, spilling some chewed peas on his napkin.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Rarity muttered.

“Sounds… sounds like an interesting man,” Morning Blade grabbed for her braid again, stroking down its length a few times. “Glad I didn’t… have to see him.”

Sunset glanced at Morning and frowned slightly. There was something else going on here, but she decided to drop it for now. If she started talking about Assassins and Templars, it would only draw more trouble to Rarity’s family, and that was what she was trying to avoid.

So instead, she asked, “So, uh, Sweetie Belle. Have you and the other Crusaders done anything interesting lately?”

“Oh yeah!” the purple-white haired girl beamed brightly. “We tried farming the other day, you know, maybe we could be apple farmers like Apple Bloom or something.” She looked to Rarity a little nervously. “Umm… I don’t think we were cut out for it…”

“Came back and tracked mud all over the house, if that’s what you mean,” Rarity chided. “Next time you go and do something so physical, so make sure you wash up before coming home.”

“Ah, I remember the days when we were young,” Cookie Crumbles wiped her mouth and hands before continuing. “You know, Hondo and I wanted to be dish washers at one point. Little did we know that it wasn’t a job that paid too well. Well, Sweetie, maybe you’ll be like your sister.”

“Oh no, she’s far too untidy to work in my shop,” Rarity quickly added with a wave of her hands. “Maybe something outdoorsy will work for you, little sister.”

“Well, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo think I’m good at singing, but I’m not so sure myself…”

Sunset relaxed and continued to eat her dinner as the conversation devolved into small talk about schoolwork and what Rarity’s family would be doing over the school holidays. Nice, safe topics, none of which would draw the attention of any nefarious groups that might be listening in.

As they finished up dinner, Rarity motioned for Sunset and Morning to come close.

“I trust that you didn’t come here just for a free meal, Sunset. Have you learned something that you want to tell me?”

“Kind of…” Sunset said nervously, thinking back to her dream.

“I see,” Rarity said. “Well, once you’ve put your dishes away, come up to my room. We can talk there in peace.”

Morning did most of the clearing up, placing all the now empty dishes in the sink. She would’ve probably started washing them too if Rarity’s mom didn’t shoo her away.

“It’s fine, dear. Go spend some time with your friends. I’ll do the washing.”

“Oh, um, as you say, ma’am. Thank you. Oh, and thank you for the food as well.” Morning bowed slightly and left, following after Sunset and Rarity.

“Gee, Morning,” Sunset said as they proceeded up the staircase. “I didn’t know you were so well-mannered. No offense, of course, but I didn’t think… your people were like that.”

“What, you didn’t think Assassins could be polite? We’re not just killing machines. Most of us are- or were human beings like the rest of you.”

“What do you mean ‘most of us’?” Sunset questioned as Rarity closed her door behind them. Morning found a comfortable spot by the wall, while the two younger girls sat on Rarity’s bed. “You’re talking about Frigid Night, aren’t you? That soulless man. You think he’d at least have a heart for the people you all protect.”

“Don’t be too quick to judge him,” Morning sighed. “He’s been through a lot. He still is going through a lot, having been elevated to be acting Mentor.”

“Okay, okay,” Sunset conceded. “But I wish he would just tell us what’s wrong rather than just shutting us all out. It’s not healthy, what he’s doing. He makes it impossible for others to empathize with him.”

Morning Blade sighed again. “It’s not that simple,” she said with a shrug. “As far as I know, he doesn’t want to be empathized with.”

“Yeah, I figured...” Sunset slouched down.

There was a short silence in the room before Rarity brought up another question. “So, Sunset, you had something you wanted to tell me?”

“Yeah…” Sunset breathed in before starting. “I think I had a dream of some sort. I saw her, Rarity. Emerald Edge, the First Assassin.”

“The First Assassin?” Rarity drew back slightly. “You mean how it all began? Are you sure?”

“I think so. I read it in the book, Rarity. The Mentor’s book. Just last night, I dreamt of it. It was so real, how everything was happening in front of me, the crystal ponies, Sombra, all that death… It felt so real that I thought it had to be.”

“From Sunset’s account,” Morning Blade said. “It seems she might be right. Besides, she remembers too many details for it to be just an ordinary dream.”

“Well, if it’s not a dream, what else could it be?” Rarity folded her arms and concentrated. “Could you really have been there?”

“I’m not sure myself, but…” Sunset thought of something, back when Mentor Steel Shine was still around, something that might’ve caused her to see Emerald Edge. “Rarity, Morning, do you think it could’ve been some kind of… side effect from when I touched Mentor Steel Shine’s sword? She said something, about the sword accepting me. Could that have been it?”

“I… don’t understand much of the Mentor’s powers,” Morning admitted, once again, as Sunset had anticipated, pulling at her long braid. It must be a nervous tic, Sunset thought. “She never really spoke to any of us about what she could do, but maybe you’re right, Sunset. That sword was definitely beyond our normal understanding.”

“Morning Blade could be right, dear, but what of these, um, visions?” Rarity mused. “If they are indeed visions, what did they want you to see? Why show you all this?”

“I… I don’t know...” Sunset couldn’t think of anything logical.

“Maybe it’s to show you the history,” Morning Blade shrugged as the girls looked at her. “You know, how the Assassins began. Or maybe it’s to help you understand why you should fight? I’m just tossing ideas around.”

“Hmm,” Rarity mused. “While I can’t be sure of the purpose of these visions, one thing is clear to me. Whatever is causing you to have them must have a reason for showing them to you. If there are more, I would take careful note of what happens in them, just in case it’s important.”

“Wait, you mean there’s going to be more?” Sunset sat back further in shock. “I don’t want to see anymore! It was terrible! All that death and mutilation… I don’t want to see it again!”

“We-ell,” Rarity drew out the word. “In all the books I’ve read, and I have read a lot of them, the dreams won’t just stop at one. I would guess that there will be more, whether you like them or not.”

“Oh man…” Sunset sighed. “Looks like I have no choice then. I better gear myself up before I sleep. Well, enough of me. Rarity, how’s everything been? No offense, but… are you still grounded?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Grounded?” Morning Blade swallowed when both girls’ eyes turned to her. “I don’t mean to intrude, but on what reason? If you don’t want to, you don’t have to explain. It’s not my place to ask.”

“It’s alright,” Rarity said. “I simply stayed out too long with you Assassins and Sunset. Now, if you don’t mind yourself, I’d like to ask you a question. Why are you so uptight, Morning? You don’t have to ask permission for everything. Just do as you please, dear. We don’t mind.”

Morning Blade shrugged and shoved her hands in her coat pockets. “It’s how I was brought up. I guess my parents didn’t want me to be rude and all that. That, and in the Assassin Brotherhood, Frigid was a very strict teacher. I learned to ask about doing things from him.”

“Frigid Night was your teacher?” Sunset gasped. “But you’re nothing like him.”

“Yes,” Rarity added. “I find it hard to believe that an… ahem, unusual man like him could have trained someone as charming as you.”

“To be fair, he didn’t do all that much training,” Morning Blade shrugged again. “I already knew how to run and climb when I joined the Brotherhood, and he never did teach me much about how to fight. I’m still not much of a fighter, which is why I use the weapons that I do.”

“Were you on the school’s baseball team, by any chance?” Sunset smiled, wanting to know more about Morning’s time at CHS. “They run pretty fast. You know, most of our baseball team members go by the name, Winds of Destruction, because of their speed.”

“That’s cool. There weren’t any Winds of Destruction when I was still in school. And to answer your question, no, I wasn’t on the team. I couldn’t play baseball for nuts, unfortunately. I was actually on the track team.”

“Oh, that makes more sense,” Rarity nodded, kicking her legs back and forth under her bed. “But how did you learn to climb? I’m sure the track team doesn’t offer such training.”

“Well… I kinda learnt climbing and all that from expeditions and hiking. I’d go on those most summer breaks.”

Both Sunset and Rarity widened their eyes and leaned forward. “You go on expeditions?”

“Like, to the jungle and stuff to look for treasure?” Rarity asked, interested in what Morning had to say.

“Something like that,” the Assassin confirmed. “I guess I’m what you call a history maniac. I love studying about history. If I didn’t become an Assassin that day, I think I’d be in college right now, studying history.”

“You’ve got a lot of interesting things about you, Morning, dear,” Rarity said as she arranged her hair. “It’s a wonder why you became an Assassin. There’s just so much more to life for you than all this.”

“I know,” Morning leaned her head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling. “But… I knew this was more important. What’s the point of studying if the Templars are going to take over the world? I had to do this. I had to join the Assassins.”

Sunset understood Morning’s reasoning, but she could never see how someone could simply leave their normal lives to join a group of killers to protect the world. They were fighting for what’s right, but they were doing it their own way, going around the law.

“Well, Sunset…” Morning stretched her arms back and stood up. “It’s about time we go. Frigid wants us back by eleven.”

“What is he, your father?” Rarity made a face. “If you must leave though, then you should, Sunset. You don’t want that cranky Assassin to hound you for staying out late.”

“Keila would agree with you, Rarity,” Morning Blade chuckled and held the door open. “After you, Sunset.”

Sunset got up and gave Rarity a hug before heading for the door. “Thanks for dinner, Rarity. Let your parents know that it was delicious. Remember, make sure to let me know if anything strange happens.”

“Same to you, Sunset,” Rarity followed them out and down the steps. “Don’t get yourself hurt. Morning, you’ll keep her safe, yes?”

The Assassin nodded and pulled her hood over her head. “Yes. I’ll do everything I can to keep Sunset safe. Thanks for having me, even though you don’t know me too well.”

“Hey,” Sunset patted the Assassin’s shoulder. “It’s a start.”

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